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FRANK CALDWELL WINS LAST ‘BUSHEL OF WORDS’ CONTEST Potatoes? “That’s correct ’ “If that’s the word, then I can Show you 120 good English words that can be formed from the ratne characters,’* in effect said Frank Caldwell in his solution of The Herald's concluding 'Bushel of Words’’ contest. Caldwell produced the words and as a result is S3 richer. Second honors went up-Valley for . a short jaunt to the home of Miss Rachel J. Doan at San Benito. Sne wa;»l words behind Caldwell with a total of 103 Miss Doan will re ceive two tickets to the Capitol the ater for her efforts. Mrs. E. G. Lar son, 1523 W. Elizabeth. Brownsville, won third honors with a total of 102 words. She will receive two tick ets to the Dittmann theater. Mary Lena Hunter of El Jardin, was Just i one word behind Mrs. Larson. Two tickets to the Texas theater arc hers. Fifth, sixth and seventh went to Wilma Naomi Triplett <98>, Browns ville; Mrs. J. E. Penick <97». Wes laco; and Jose Adame <94», Browns ville. Each will receive two chil dren's tickets to the Capitol ttfe ater. Honorable mention is given the following; Pauline Marler, Maxine Marler. Victoria A. del Ante. Mrs T. T. Clegg. Jr., all of Brownsville; Mrs. A. L. Douglas, Mission: Mrs. Brooks Terry. Mercedes; Mrs. M. B Higgins. San Eenito; Ruth Purl. McAllen: Lillia French, Pharr, and Mrs. Burton Hughes, Edcouch. This concludes the ‘ Bushel of Words’’ contest which has been running each week for several months. | Cameron Courts | Suits filed in the district courts: 8788. Frank Rabb. vs. J B Brown, debt. 8789. W. T. Lisbon et al vs. Roy C. Sethman. debt and foreclosure. 28TH DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. W. Cunningham. Judge No orders. 103RD DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. M. Kent, Judge No orders. COUNTY COURT Hon. Oscar Dancy. Judeg Suits filed: 1761. in re estate C. S Throck morton, deceased. 1762, in re guardianship of Paul Young, a minor. COUNTY COURT ATLAW Hon. John Klribcr. Judge No orders. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS For Camero:. County. Texas (Furnished by Valley Abstract Co.) E B. Thompson to John C. My rick. lot 4. block 32. O. T. Harlingen, $3320. Toman V Garza to Marv Moddie Baize lots 3 and 4. block 83. O. T. Harlingen. $10. The Al Parker Securities Co. to J. V. Stixrud, block 10. containing 10.36 acres Olmito Gardent tract 1. $10,360. Jas. Dick Farm Mortgage Co. to Clyde H. Smith, lots 4. 5. 6. block 309. El Jardin re-subdivision share 30 Esp. Santo grant, $3375. C. H. Jenks to N. Craig east 1-2 block 305. containing 20 acres San Benito Irrigation Co. subdivision. *10. C H Jenks to N Craig west 1-2 block 3$5. San Benito Irrigation Co subdivision. 20 acres. $1760. E. C. Couch et al to D. Ward, lots I end 2 blork 25, town of Primera, $3<Jt vwnrron County Realty Co. to O. A. Vinke lot 59. block 3. Avon dale addition. Harlingen. $10 . Delta Irrigation Farms Co. to Wm. H. Meyer by sheriff to J. P. Ellis 17.34 acres out of block 252, ' San Benito Land and Water Co.. 1681.62. J. T. Foster et ux to W. ’y. Car Special HAT BOX SALE I Friday and Saturday Only Every round ha. box in our store will be sacrificed. Any color leather that you may de sire. This is your op portunity to match your case* with a genuine leather hat .box at a tremend Ous saving. ---1 penter lot 13. block 4. Benoist addi tion. Harlingen, $10. Peter H Norregaard et ux to H C. Harding, ract cast 10 acres lot 19. block 7. Citrus Gardens sub division share 27, Esp. Santo grant, $3214. H. C. Harding, trustee, to Cuatrs Dev. Co. north 5.12 acres lot 9, block 3. Citrus Gardens subdivision 4. share 43 of share 19, Esp. Santo grant, $10. ■ W. W. Stocking et ux to Antonio Barreda 28 acres out of La Fcria grant, $4000. The National Land an dlnves: ment Co. to W. E. Thomas and E. H. Downs lot 7. block 4. Landrum addition 1. San Benito. $1989 72. B. W. Murphy to C. L. Casey, lots 56 and 73, San Benito Land and Water Co., Concepcion de Car ricitos grant. $10. A. H. Fernandez, trustee, to H W. Hidalgo County Jacob C. Bartel to Herman Ack man lot 6. section 240, Tex. Mex., $10,000. R. E. Brooks to A E. Olson and Bro.. east 1-2 lot 15 and all lot 80, portion 69 and 70. $9696. Mestenas Water Co. to J. C. En getman. Jr., north 1-2 of north 1-2 lot 5. section 76. Mo. Tex. $800. Fred Adkins, trustee, to H. J. Clark, lot 26. block 11, Cortez town site. $200. H. J. Clark to Western Telephone Co. lot 26 block 11, Cortez townsite. $1. Clyde Hoggard et al by sheriff tto W. R. Montgomery, lot 12. block 64 McAllen townsite lots 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14; 15 16; 26; 27; 28; 29 and 30 Eureka Acres subdi vision and north 20 acres lot 10 section 254,'Tex. Mex.. $3000. Southland Life Insurance Co. to C. O Sheldon lot 15, block 42. Don na. $2500. A. J. Ross to Mozeile M. Ro«s west 1-2 of north 1-2 lot 2. section 274. Tex. Mex.. $10. Mont O. Calvert et ux to Frank M. Mallincer et ux. 6 78 acres out of east part lot 6 inn northeast section Hidalgo Canal Co., subdivi sion. $1500 J. A. Platt, trustees to West Se curities Co., west 104 feet lot 13, block 3. Donna. $5000. Bert Rawlings et ux to Miguel Castro lot 14. block 5. La Paloma addition to McAllen. $250. John H. Sharv to b.van E. Hem bree 5 acres out of lot 36. dash 2 West addition to Sharyland. $3250. Paul Apple et al by constable to American Life Insurance Co. lot I. block 7. Mo. Tex.. $1200. T. W. King ct al by Constable to American Life Insprance Co. east 20.66 acres north 40.66 acres lot 11, section 27. Mo. Tex.. $600. J. E. Colltim ct al by constable to American Life Insurance Co., east 20 acres south 40 acres lot 8, block 3. Ilarding Gill subdivision, $600. G. Pengilly et al by constable *o American Life Insurance Co., lot 6, block 6. Mo. Tex.. $1200. G. Pengilly ct ai by constable to American Life Insurance Co. lot 8. block 7„ Mo. Tex.. $1200. Frank Oberle et al by constable to American Life Insurance Co. lot 12. block 4. Harding Gill subdivi sion. $1200. G. Pengilly et als by constable to American Life Insurance Co. lot 7. block 7. Mo. Tex. $1200. B C. Bailey et al by constable to American Life Insurance Co. lots ! 7 and 10-A. block 7, Harding Gill subdivision. $1500. W. A. Joplin et al by constable to American Life Insurance Co. lots 13. 14. 15 and part lot 10 south of 1 railroad in block 7. part lot 18. block 8. south of railroad and lots 2. 3. 4, 5 block 9 Harding Gill sub division f 12,000. John Brand et als by constable to American Life Insurance Co. lot! 12. block 12, Mo. Tex., $1200. R. E. Dominey et al by constable to American Life Insurance Co. let 14. block 11. Mo. Tex.. $1200. T. H. Pevehouse et al by consta ble to American Life I isurance Co. west 20 acres of south 40 acres lot 8. block 3. Harding Gil subdivision. $600 Letester Brook et rl by constable to American Life Insurance Co., lot 4. block 7. Harding Gill subdivision $1200. Wm. Kciser et al by constable to American Life Insurance Co., lot 10. block 4. Harding Gill subdivision. $1200. German Fox ct al bv constable to I Kills Flies and i American Life Insurance Co., lot 4. block 6„ Mo. Tex.. $1200. F. H. Schlicht et al by constable to American Life Insurance Co., | north 19.31 acres lot 7. block 4, Harding Gill subdivision. $600. C. T. Collier et al by constable ! to American Life Insurance Co., lot 15, block 6. Harding Gill tract sub division, $1800. W. E. Humphreys by constable to American Life Insurance Co. vert 1-2 of west 1-2 lot 2, block 7, Mo. Tex, $300. W. J. Odom et al bv constable to American Life In usance Co. let 16. block 42. Mo. Tex . $1200. Ben Schinopski'' by constable to American Life Insurance Co., cast 1-2 of west 1-2 lc? 14 bloc’.: 20. Mo. Tex. $300. Chas. T. Hutson et al by consta ble to American Life Insurance Co, east 1-2 lot 14, block 26, Mo. Tex., $600. D. F. Stevenson ct al by consta : ble to American Life Insurance Co. lots 10 and 15, block 31. Mo. Tex., $2400. G. Pengilly ct al by constable to American Life Insurance Co., lot 3 block 6. Mo. Tex.. $1200. G. Pengiliy ct al by constable *o American Life Insurance Co.. !>t 2. b’oek 7. Mo. Tex.. $1200. W. H. Catlc.t et al by constable to American Life Insurance Co., lot 8-A and 2. block 7. Hording Gill subdivision. $1200. J. E. Smith to Jodie Smith, lot 1C block 23. Weslaco. S2S5. J. E. Smith to Jodie Smith. 1193 acres farm tract lying south of Ca nal West tract subdivision. $500. Joseph D. Harshbarccr to Will vm Warnke. lot 3. block 237, Tex. Mcx. subdivision, $8000. Retail Credit Men To Meet In Austin AUSTIN. Sept 12 — P—Nearly 100 secretaries of Texas Retail Credit bureaus are expected here for the organization's state con vention October 21-23. A feature of the sessions will be a school of instruction where study and instruction will be taken up and quizzes on conducting credit bureaus will lie given Officers of the organization are: C. C. Dinklc of Ore ■nvil'e. pr u dent; G. O. Wendt of Tomnle. vice president: Ethel B. Finks of San Benito, secretary treasurer; and di rectors. C. C Lewis of Waco. W. C. Oenaro of Mineral Wells, Adolph Grasse of San Antonio. Horace Barnhart of Austin, T. U. ENTRANCE EXAMS BEGIN SEPTEMBER 14 AUSTIN. Sept. 12.—P Entrar. examinations at the University of Texas will begin Sept. 14. Registrar E. J. Mathews has announced. New students must have their credits in the office of the reo. trar on Sept. 10, Mr. Mathews said. Old students will lx* required to present a complete record of work cookie*, when they register In cue a mu dent has lost his booklet h * : h ask the registrars office to make him a duplicate. A student v.ho is tinabP' to rr -• ter on the regular rr*r •; ration d. v Sept. 20 and 21. Cither because h has no record of work booklet <• for some other reason, will Un forced to wait until Sept. 25 . register. CONFISCATED CAR . TO BE AUCTIONED A light sedan will he rv.v off at the federal building S' .t . It was ronfisea'erl tv* custom < of ficers after bemg seiz'd whil" con veying liquor. The auction will b held at 10 a. m. RUDY GOES TO STAR IN TALKIES K V. :;e. center, of the heart-throb croontngs. departs from dear old Breadway with his father, mother and brother for Hollywood, and I soon his voice will be heard from the screen while hearts of the fair flutter. Mining Giant Salt Dome Is Undertaken GRAND SALINE. Texas. Sept. 12. ! I- A 1.400.000,000.0000 pound 1 fait dom*' soon will begin adding to Texas’ mining income. A 700-foot siiaft. 16 feet in diam eter. is being sunk into the salt 1 h geologists have estimat ed two or three thousand feet < i and about a mile and a half ;n r’ > meter The shaft, Itr solid red; salt, already has passed the | 160-foot depth and when it reaches 700 fo" three horizontal passage- 1 wavs are to be made. The mine will have a rapacity of | about 100,000 tom a year. By min ing r.t that rate, operators estimate i lie salt supply will last for 7.000 years. % ENGINEER DONATES BOOKS TO LIBRARY W. O Washington, county engi neer. has donated a number of hoc!. - fr< .n his library to the Brownsville public library. The books are technical works on engineering. Renew' Your Health By Purification An z phjvician will tell you that “Perfect Purification of the Sys tem i.; Nature’s Foundation of Perfect Health.” Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality? purify your entire system by tak ing a thorough course of Calotahs. —» 11 or twice a week for several weeks—and see how Nature re ward: you with health. C; lotahs are the greatest of all ■y (c m purifiers. Get a familj package with full directions. On y 05 cto. at drugstore, (Adv) BAND WILL PLAY AT WASHINGTON PARK A band concert will be given at Washington park at 8:30 p. m. Thursday by the Brownsville Mex ican band, A. E. Munday, city man ager. announces. The concert is frf'e. and an interesting program is : t ng arranged. Previous concerts ai the park have proved popular, being an added attraction to the crowds who visit the park to watch the fountain. il-- -= FRUIT FLY (Continued from Page Two.) made under the auspices of the department of agriculture, will be defrayed by Armour, who has co operated before in malting avail able the vessel he has equipped for biological or other scientific and technical survey work. Prom the survey it is expected information will be gained as to! | the behavior of the insect under ; the climatic and other controlling!. factors of the Mediterranean area I and the measures used there to forestall crop losses. Professor Quayle will be the agent for the department, univer sity authorities having extended his approaching sabbatical leave to start the work immediately. He was drafted recently by the secretary of agriculture to be one of a special committee to make a study of the fruit fly situation in Florida. He has made personal studies of the fly in different parts of the world, including an extend ed survey in the Mediterranean re gion many years ago. , Indigestion Ended At Small Cost Stomach Antiseptic Acta Promptly; Guaranteed Indigestion is nearly always due | to fermentation in the stomach and I bowels. To stop it an antiseptic is required. GORDON'S—the stom ach and bowel antiseptic—stop* fermentation promptly, dissolves | the acids and poisons—soothes and 1 heals the inflamed and irritated I stomach lining—makes the stom j ach like new. One dose will relieve indigestion, | dyspepsia, gas, sour stomach, | bloating, heartburn. Costs less ! than three cents a dose. Get a ! bottle today. If not benefited drug gist will refund your money.—Adv. __ -t 1 L, ■■ — ■ -- . . 1 —■ —« ■ *0 t . The way to the skin is through the blood. Strong, healthy Mood nourishes the body and fights against infection and disease. \ OU may be ^ lovely—clear skin—is within happy, tOO. the reach of all. To those who have lost it, hope is offered. You, EVERY evening thousands ton, may have a beautiful skin, enjoy themselves at dinner- n -e-petal in texture, pretty as a parties, dances, theatre#, games, picture and without a single clubs. Many thousands more are pimple. denied the joy of such merriment Many thousands have regained and happiness. their strength and charm by tak Maybe this denial is due to a b.S.S. It is Natures own skin trouble. First impressions blood to™c f°r ra,si"P !hc body’s cannot be good without a clear P°w" ot resistance to disease, im skin—first impressions are quickly proving the appetite, building made and arc not soon forgotten. bnn flesh, and clearing the skin. Old friends may excuse pimples 1 akc S.S.S. at naeal-time. ^ ou and secretly sympathize, but new " ill be delighted with its blood acquaintances may not he so char- building and tonic effect, itable. Skin blemishes are not in- Ml Drug V""P Nrither can • Stores sell they be covered up. They embarrass. the large Hold people back. It is more eco Steal away joy and comical, happiness. Bi SJSS is trade * from fresh vege table drugs aid has a successful record of over TOO years back of it. ecwruit »a 5-8.8. Ca • ■ 1 "»m:r fafflcmmilou I _ Ample stocks. ments. Men’s and Young Men’s New Pall Suits Best custom-like making; tailored with special care to last long and look well. Soft construction. The fabrics are very rich; mix tures, checks, stripes, silk decorated weaves. New models for young men. Styles of individuality for men. These suits fit; they’re ready; don’t have to be made to fit. Suits for men and young men, at — *161 _ *201 ' __ , <<r, v “Cheney” Cravats in attractive new silks. (Mens Emerson Every wanted pattern and color to I,,v please men and young men. Each | Snappy styles, as well as conservative "Interwoven’’ socks in solid and fancy I models, in all the new fall colors. These patterns priced at. the pair hats are styled to the newest ideas for 3Sc — SOc ~ 7Sc — $1 Oft fall gjid winter. Excellent values at Ui v « v I ». V, * A __ -m mg* Men’s "Hickok” belts and Beltograms *4M and *5i - MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS New arrivals! Newest designs for fall! Expert workmanship! All kind of materials of extraordin ary good quality! “Preferred" white broadcloth collar attached shirts. A genuine bargain at— $1.49 ‘‘Preferred" novelty broadcloth collar attached shirts, beautiful patterns— $1.98 “Preferred" sta-firm collar attached shirts solid col or and novelty patterns, each— $2.29 * “Preferred" tri-point collar attached' shirts. At tractive nifty patterns, offered at— $2.49 | Fine quality shirts in fancy attractive patterns. Large assortment here to select from. Each— 98c JO'~ Broadcloth shelton and winston fancy pajamas in selected new designs, priced at, from— $2.49 to $3.98