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City-Valley TELEPHONE SEVEN SOCIETY Mr*. Dkk Harris Is entertain In* the Friday clnb. • • • Mrs. Boggus Is Club Hostess Mrs. J. L. Boggus entertained the Wednesday Bridge club this week with Mrs. Jimmie George, a sub stitute player, the only out-of-club guest present. Mrs. Randolph Wright held high score for the aft ernoon and Mrs. George, second Red roses were used for decorations, and a refreshment course served. I Mrs. Robin Pate is to be next host ess. • • • * [Auxiliary Circles Have Bible Study i The four circles of the" Presby terian auxiliary met this week to continue their Bible study in the Book of Acts. Fourteen members cf circle one met at the home of Mrs Grider Perkins. Mrs. Walton led the devotional, and Mrs. George Wilson the lesson. Circle two. which met with Mrs Kellie T. Kee. had 13 members pres ent. Mrs. Hartman and Mrs. J. H. Batsell led the lesson. Mrs. How ell McCampbcll entertained circle three, while Mrs. H. H. Banker con ducted the devotional, and Mrs. Volney Taylor and Mrs. G. E. Dodd, the lesson. Ten members attended. Ten women in the evening circle met with Mrs. J. A. Russell. Mrs Russell led the devotional and Miss Prances Shives the lesson. * * * Comings, Goings, Of Local People Mrs. Prank C. Pierce arrived Thursday after a visit of about twe j months in Los Angeles. » Mrs. L. S. Grider left Wednesday I after spending several months hero j visiting her son. Elmore Grider, and j her daughter, Mrs. Louis Brulay. She was accompanied by little J.m- 1 my McDowell, her grandson, who came from the Philippi. sa with her. and the two went Vo Del Kio to .spend a few days with Judge and • Mrs. McDowell, grandparents of 1 Jimmie. From there they will go ‘to Waco, to be guests of Mrs. E. W. Marshall, Mrs. Grider's daughter, and from there proceed to New York, where Captain and Mrs. J V. McDowell are stationed at Port Staten. Miss Blanche Custer of Oklahoma City is spending the week here visit ing her sister. Mrs. H. L. Yates. ' Natures RIVAL - \ 1 For a Graceful Figure I ( i f Exclusively at Exclusive Ladies' Apparel 1244 Elizabeth YOUNG MAN’S HEART' THROBS NOT FOR HER Cynthia, Up-to-the-Minute and a Good Etory Teller, Gets the Shock of Her Life When the Handsome Youth Fall* In Love—with Her Plain Cousin! • Cynthia is puzzled. She's so puzzled that it makes her head ache—poor Cynthia. It takes a good deal to puzzle Cynthia. She's •‘wise’' and she's "foxy,’’ and she's right up-to-the-minute. She knows all the latest stories, the naughty ones, and she tells them wonderfully well. Cynthia smokes very gracefully and she drinks a bit. and she feels herselY a failure if she goes to bed two sights a week before midnight. Cynthia has lots of friends and myriads of ac quaintances. Smart women friends, in smart gowns and the very latest thing from Paris in the way of hats. Women with “pinkey" rings and Pekinese pups and smart roadsters, and one or two admirers, and a husband somewhere in the background. Very far in the background. And Cynthia wears the smartest of smart clothes herself and she knows to a very second when the WINIFRED BLACK windblown bob is going to change to the boyish bob. or the madonna twist. Her lipstick is purple when purple is the fashion. I and I Just heard this morning that Cynthia has a bright green lipstick i like the ones they are supposed to be wearing in Paris. And you ought to see Cynthia's tan—why she is the color of a perfectly -4 NORTH MISSION PERSONALS Mrs. J. Tisdale, who has been the guest of her son. VV. C. Tisdale and family of McAllen, returned Mon day. Mr. and Mrs J. H. Lawrence and daughters Margaret and Lorene re turned from their eight thousand i mile trip Tuesday. They traveled through twelve states and visited at ( Vancouver. Canada. The most im portant cities visited were Long Beach, Los Angeles, Cal.. Portland, Oregon. Denver. Colorado Springs, and Salt Lake City. Mrs. Edward Stobaugh, who has been spending two weeks with Mrs. Ethel Brooks, returned to Browns ville Monday. Roy Hutcheson of Archer City. Tex., called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Whittlesey j and daughter Jean spent the week end in Corpus Christi. Miss Laura Frances Murphy, a graduate of Scarrett College, has! been called to Calvert, Ok!a. She will leave this week. Jacob Hoffman, who has been: visiting in Iowa and South Dakota arrived Monday. Mcsdamcs Theo. Gerlach, Peter We ism an. E. C. Bourgeous and Abe Boyd will be hostesses at the Par ent-Teachers meeting of St. Pauls Parochial school this week. They will meet at the home of Mrs. Abe Boyd. Mrs. Charles Paul and son Charles. Jr., of Brownsville spent Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Henry Harrison. Henry Harrison and Curtis Echols returned from their trip to Wichita i Falls and Archer City Wednesday. Roy Warner of Dallas was a house guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Russell the past week. During his visit, he enjoyed the white wing shooting, also a bird barbecue given 8unday evening j by the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Rbssell. Guests of the eve- 1 ning were Misses Julia, Katie and Nancy Belle Warner. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Gray and Mrs. George Jones motored to Harlingen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Morrow and house guest. W. H. Ferguson of Mc Allen, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Moody and daughter Dianne of Harlingen, Mrs. Flint Sorrell of Mission and Miss Charlotte Evans of Edinburg were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Willard Ferguson during the past week. Mrs. George Urban, tvho has been visiting at Fort Worth and Enid, Okla.. returned Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Conway Garlington and daughters Phyllis and Dorothy Jean returned from Wharton Sat urday. Mias Margaret Rigler left for San Antonio Saturday. She will take a three year training course at Santa Rosa hospital. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Jencks ac companied by Mrs. DeSart of Sharyland left for South Dakota Saturday on a business trip. *..... - - ... —..-. ■ Ml IWW—' "lw 1 ' li •goca manogany siaeDoara — ana with her blond hair roots and blue eyes it's really just the least little bit startling. Cynthia has one admirer who sends hsr roses, big red roses mind you, and she has one admirer who sends her orchitis, strange pale flowers that make you think Cyn thia in her pale green dress and her long pale hands covered with sparkling rings. But the other day Cynthia took a nice, fresh colored, easy going, good natured cousin of hers to a print shop. And in the print shop Cyn thia met a man she knows slightly. Some sort of a University man he seems to be. and the three of them—the two women and the man —fell to talking about books, and the university man never even looked at Cynthia. He stared and stared at the fresh colored, good natured, intelligent relative whose clothes were all well enough in themselves, but they were not worn with an distinction. And two days later didn't he calm ly ring up Cynthia and ask when he might call. And Cynthia smiled one of her tins', crooked smiles and looked at herself in the mirror, and put on her green and 6ilver frock that makes her look as if she had been 1 melted and poured into it. And when the man came didn't he ask Cynthia to tel! him all about the fresh colored, good humored, cousin, and a blind man could see that the man had fallen in love at first sight with a woman who didn’t know a thing about clothes or how to wear them. Cynthia isn't over the surprise and , the shock—yet. After all there’s nothing like ] broadening the mine, is there?— even when you have te realize that i all men are not attracted by the same type. _ WESLACO INFORMAL RECEPTION An informal reception for the Weslaco teachers was held Monday evening on the high school campus. The address of welcome was given by Mayor D. E. Kirgan with the response by F. C. McConnell, prin cipal of the Stephen F. Austin school After a cleverly arranged infor-! mal introduction game and spell-! ing contests delicious punch was served from blocks of ice in which were frozen sprigs of purple bou gemillea, the school color. Those registering were: Messrs, and Mesdames C. M. O’Neal. E. E. Chamness, W T. Barbee. F. C. Mc Connell. D. E. Kirgan. Wm. LeMav, J. E. Montgomery. R. A. Rowland.1 H. Raymond Mills. I. E. Martin, Fred Robertson, F. J. Wagner. A. C. LaDuke. E. R. Vaughan. J. T. Vaughan. J. T. Gound, T. W. Glass, George F. Morrison, Monte Walker. C. W. Gound. T. A. Leonard, E. L. Compere: Mesdames J. W. Carr, C. H. Hoge, H. L. Stebblns. L. H. Brasher. W. L. Forbes. R W. War ren, Sr., R. W'. Warren. Jr., W. B. Benton. Bart O'Neal of Wolf City, F. T. Hudson. E. D Ford. R. Witt. E. B. Ault, 8. V. Brandon. J. P. Thompson. Alma D. Fort, D T. Young. Chas. E. Thompson. A. Hen KILLS-Flif*-Mo»quiloe*-Bedlm|i-Ro«fhe»-Mothi-Aiil»-FI«l Waterbuga—Cricket* and many other inaecta Writ* for rdmeotiomol booklet, MtCormiek & Co., Bolimmort, hid. Me. 73c md *1.23. Gan-Me I0e.:v, 50* aad #1.M 1 . mrKgmmrnm. I -- - I | Modes of the Moment Ua (Bttt* CL JMtl, hUfitX/ Icufu AiaASY;. £*aa^&lduo ey^wtotr cjj. iMj ^JtinL, /&tn/UjM~ ttl4o, koA 'TnwicL tn& -SttUinL au -CMl kiqfUt' mv thi* dAUft* €Uf>€ dt efctt& fautiutfu ricksen, A. J. Hayes; Misses Lcoline Horton, Mannle Wilson, Ruth Ewing. Oertrude Strewer, Virginia Campbell. Virginia Sappington.! Clara Brandon. Margaret Shef field. Edith Shrode. Mary Louise Hensley. Ada Ve Williams. Florrie I Hager, Donna Clark. Katherine Erwin, Adelle King. Frankie Thompson, Hazel Stone, Gertie Whitehurst. Louise Black. Eugene Smith, Wlllye Mae Pearce; Messrs. J. C. Odom, A. S. Pike, Walton Hinds, W. A. Smith. 0 0 0 BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. John Goud entertained a group of little friends of her small daughter. Mary, who celebrated her eleventh birthday Saturday after noon. After an afternoon of out door games Mrs. Gound served sherbet and cake. Guests were Edith Bradbury. Enid Holsinger, Virginia Hooper. Annette Foreman, Pauline Anderson. Verl Hooper. Hugh McClure, Glen. For est and Mary Gound. 0 0 0 HAPPEN IN C'Ll'B Mrs. Chester D. Fitzgerald enter tained the Happen In bridge club Thursday with Mrs. R. L. Smith winning high score and Mrs Dort Davis holding low. A delicious frozen salad course was served. • • • SEPTEMBER MEETING Mrs. W. F. Andersen was hosess to the September demonstration of the Llano Grande club. Mrs. Etta W. Ringgold gave the demonstration on dyeing and mak ing over felt hats. Three hats were made over and Instructions for cleaning several were given. Mrs. George F. Morrison presided at a full business session. The hostess servpd delicious refreshments to the club members. » « • PERSONALS Miss Kathryn Sligh of Tennessee has been a guest at the James home several weeks. Mrs. Lucy Morris returned to her home in Austin Saturday after a two weeks' visit here at the P. A. and C. P. Clark homes. Mrs. T. H. Beasley and baby, Shirley Ann. returned Sunday New Face Powder Makes A Big Hit Wouldn't you. too. like a face pow der that will keep shine away—stay | on longer—spread smoothly — not clog the pores—and alwavs be so pure and fine? It is made by a new French Process and is called MELLO-GLO. It is surely a won derful Face Powder. Just try MELLO-GLO. Cisneros Drug Stores.—Adv. morning to her home in Corpus Christ! after a week’s visit at the J. H. Beasley home here. * Mrs. H. D. Blggers and children. Norma Joan, Jacquelyn and Betty Lee. arrived Monday morning from Los Angeles to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Clark. Mr. Blg gers is expected to arrive this week and they plan to make their home here. Mrs. A. B. Wren who is spending the summer in Kerrville spent the week in Weslaco. Miss Audrey Tracy left Sunday night for Los Angeles where she will visit Mrs. Louise Tracy before going on to Long Beach, to remain the winter with relatives and at tend school. Mrs. George G. Alge and son. Wayne, and Misses Mildred Gloss and Vina Johnston, returned Sat urday from Nash, Okla., where they spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. George Palko and family moved Friday to La Ferta where they will make their home. Mrs. B. K. Traylor returned the latter part of the week from Del Rio where she has been several NO WOMAN CAN AFFORD TO MISS THIS OFFER! enter a room full of people?. These are the test-questions in Group 3 of "Find Yourself/' a fascinating question-and-answer book about YOU. A book that is interesting of itself and a book that is valuable, because it puts its finger on the pulse of the woman's problem. A book that strips the whole question bare of sham and pretense. "Find Yourself" sells regularly for 50c. To many girls and women, it has been worth a great deal. For a limited time, you may obtain this fascinating book free with the purchase of one dollar’s worth of Armand Beauty Aids at apy good store. Here is an opportunity no woman can afford to let slip by.* Whatever Armand preparation you choose, be certain to get the free book. It is frank, revealing, honest. It may open up new avenues of pleasure to you. When you start reading it, you can’t lay it down! Armand Cold Cream Powder ;: i Soft and dinging as velvet. Stay* oa all dav long. In *11 popular shades fl. For * natural, lasting suntan, tryGITANA. Armand Cleansing Cream .;. A liquefying, penetrating cream which cleanses, refreshes and soothes the skin. 60c, $1 and $1.25. I Armand Foundation Creme ... The perfect powder-baae. Delightfully tones and protects the skin. $1. Armand Zanzibar Lip Stick i ; For lips alluring, use this smart, deep cherry tint. The modern vogue demands it. $1. Armand Astringent . *. Use it after cleansing-cream. Reduces the parse and firms the skin. |L - I BUY A DOLLAR’S WORTH OF ARMAND BEAUTY AIDS— GET THE QUESTION-AND-ANSWER BOOK FREE months with her daughter. Mrs. J. A Walker and family. Mias Ada Mae Morgan left Thursday for Victoria where she will teach In the kindergarten this year. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gilmore and daughter. Modelle. and Mrs. Fret well Gilmore returned Saturday from a ten-day visit at Deleon Mrs. Ray Griffin returned Wed nesday to her home in Kosae after spending several days here with her parents. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Mc Casland and sisters. Mrs. Hope Grimes and Mrs. C, C. Stokes of Elsa. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moeller and family spent last week in San An tonio. Miss Fay Roan left last week for Goliad a tier a three weeks visit here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Shepperd of Corpus Christl spent the week-end here at the J. C. Shepperd home. Mr*. C. E. Holman and family left Friday for Ardmore. Okla. Miss O’Brien Member International Board Mua Julia O'Brien, prominent member of the Business and Pro fessional Woman s club, has Just re ceived notice from Miss Mary Jane Higgins, state president, of her ap pointment to the international re lations committee. Appointment of these committees is being made in every state in the union as a step toward the perfection of an inter national federation of business women, which will probably be com pleted within the next year or tw-o, Miss O’Brien said. Miss O'Brien, besides the present appointment, is first vice president of the state fed eration. and chairman of the fourth district. How School Teacher Gained 18 Pounds and New Energy "I am a public school instructor.’ writes Mr. Linus L. Clark, “and from my study I was convinced that Iron ized Yeast was exactly what I need ed to put me in shape. I took only two bott* and gained 18 lbs. More than that. Ironizcd Yeast brought more energy, greater endurance and an improved complexion.’’ You can believe letters like this Thousands who were doubtful at first write they gained 8 to 20 pounds often in 8 weeks. ' Skinny" limbs changed to graceful round ness Skin clears. Tired feeling vanishes. Only when Yeast is Ironizcd is it more effective—for Iron is needed to bring out the weight-building and strengthening values of Yeast. Pleasant tablets In a handy bottle Safe for everybody. Never cause gas or bloating, no harmful drugs. Go to any druggist today and get a full size treatment of Ironizcd Yeast. If after this generous trial you are not delighted, monev back FROM DRUGGIST OR MANUFACTURER u BY MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE Menu for Sunday Breakfast Fresh Peaches, Chilled Wheat Cereal and Cream Bacon. Omelet Date Muffins Coffee Dinner Shoulder of Lamb Roast Browned Potatoes Buttered Peas and Carrots Corn Relish Pear Salad Apple Pudding and Cream Coffee Supper Maple Biscuit Cheese Salad Grapes Tea Corn Relish 8 cups corn, freahly scraped from ear. 4 cups chopped green peppers. 11 cup chopped red pepper, i cup ! chopped onion*. 4 cup* chopped cu I cumbers, 1 cup chopped celery. 1-3 cup salt. 3 cups cugar. 5 cups ulna gar. 3 tablespoons mustard ;«aC* Mix the ingredients and cook slowly for 50 minutes. 3tlr fre quently. Pour into hot sterilised tars and seal at once. Store in a dry. cool place. Maple Biscuit Using Maple Sugar 2 cups flour. 4 teaspoons tasking powder. 1-4 teaspoon salt. 3 table spoons lard, 2-3 cup milk. 1-3 cup shaved maple sugar. 3 tablespoons soft butter. 1-4 cup broken nuts. Mix the flour, baking powder and salt. Cut in the fat with a knife and slowly add the milk until a soft dough forms. Pat out on a floured board until very thin. Spread with the rest of the Ingredients. Roll up tightly like a jelly roll. Cut off 1-3 inch slices and lay. flat side up, on a greased baking pan. Bake in moderate oven for 15 minutes. Serve warm. i - .■" ■ 9* lit Frigidaire 0/m greater beauty * * enclosed mechanical parts i 1 low operating cost ** low prices and the “Cold Control” for quicker freezing of ice cubes and desserts Frigidaire renders a service that cannot be duplicated krf anv other electric refrigerator or type of refrigeration; It has the famous Frigidaire “Cold Control.” It is beauti ful, simple, practical. It is extra powerful, and incredibly quiet with all mechanical pans completely enclosed 111 out of sight and out of the way. Ask about our liberal monthly terms. Come in 11 s today; ★ ★ ★ Let us help you win in big $25,000contest Write a letter on food preserva- being offered bf the Natioaal tioa and win a model borne, a Food Preservation Council; Cadillac car or one of many Get complete information bare other valuable awards now today; I, 50° is the safety point for perishable foods * 4 FRIGIDAIRE SALES & SERVICE Lower Rio Grande Valley Phone 276 — Mercedes JOHN H. HUNTER, Representative Brownsville, Texas — Phone S88J