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| Tfo BROWNSVILLE HERALD SPORTS SECTION ] .f ....... * -■ - - ■ ■■ ■ ' 1 ■■ — . Rural Coaches Form Schedules at Stuart Place LEAGUE WILL ! 'NOT BE FORMED .■—.. Mentors Decide to Attend Sessions of Valley Coaches (Special to The Herald! STUART PLACE. Sept. 14 —Nine Schedules were arranged and prob lems for the coming football sea son threshed out here Friday eve ning when coaches of the smaller squads of the Valley met at the Stuart Place school. It was decided not to organize the Cameron county rural league as there were only tw’o teams that could qualify as bona fide members —Stuart Place and El Jardln. San ta Rosa will not have a high school team this year and other possible entrants were not represented. Some eleven coaches attended the meeting. „ . . R. B. Richey of Santa Rosa acted as temporary chairman of the gathering. After discussion, it was agreed that the coaches hold no further meetings but attend the aesMons of the Valley Coaches and ; Officials* association. This body ; meets next Tuesday evening at Mercedes. The following coaches were pres ent Friday night: R. B. Richey, . Santa Rosa; Raymond Plato. Brownsville *'B;” C. r. HUbun. Ly ford; W. C. Davis. Lyford juniors; Louis L. Rodd. St Joseph’s college. Brownsville; J. H Diltz. El Jardin: R. C. Ryle. Stuart Place; Cecil S. Baldwin. San Benito juniors, and Jimmy Swann, La Feria 130-pound ers. Questions of officials, substitutes, etc., u’ere largely left optional be tween contracting coaches. The following schedules were ar ranged; _ Brownsville *‘B Bept. 26 — El Jardln at Browns ville. Oct. 4 —Stuart Place at Browns vtlle. Oct. 18—St. Josephs at Browns ville. . _ No. 71— Raymondville at Ray mondvil'e. _ Nov. 15— Lyford at Brownsville. El Jardin Sept. 26—Brownsville "B" at Brownsville. Oct. 25—Lyford at El Jaolin. 4 Nov. 1—Stuart Place at El Jar Nov. 8 —St. Joseph s at El Jardln. Nov. 27.—Stuart Place at Stuart Place. St. Joseph s Oct. 4 -Santa Rosa Juniors at Santa Rosa. Oct. 18.—Brownsville **B" at Brownsville. Oct. 25—Santa Rosa juniors at Santa Rosa Nov. 1.—Brownsville * B * (tenta tive). Nov. 8— El Jardln at El Jardln , Nov. 22.—Uford at Lyford. Santa Rosa Junior* Oct. 4 —St. Joseph s at Santa | Rosa. Oct 18— Lyford at Lyford. Oct. 25.—St. Josephs at Santa Rosa. Nov. 7.—La Feria 130-pounders at Santa Rosa Nov. 14— San Benito Juniors at Santa Rosa Nov. 2.—Santa Rosa juniors at La Feria. Sept. 27.—Lyford at Santa Rose. Lyford Juniors Sept. 27—Santa Rosa juniors at Santa Rosa. Oct. 9— La Feria 130-pounders at La Feria. Oct. 18—Santa Rosa Juniors at Lyford. Nov. 21— La Feria 130 pounders at Lyford. Lyford High Sept. 27.—Raymondville at Ray mondville. Oct. 11.—Hio Hondo at Rio Hon do Oct. 25.—El Jardin at El Jar dln Nov. 1—La Fena 130 pounders at 'BLACK' SENSATION, SWIMMING IN HEAD Man Says Constipation Was Wearing Him Ont. Bat Black Draught Brought Relief. Lake City. Via—Mr. F E. MrXln- j hey, of 6 South Columbia Street, this city, says: “I cannot remember a time, in the last twenty y.'ars, when I haven’t had Black-Draught in my home, or In my father's hone. •Tor a while I thought I wouldn't j take anything, and that maybe I could wear out the headaches, but I found they were wearing me out. -If X got constipated. I would get dlasy and have ‘swimming in my head', and everything would get black. X would have very severe heads Chao. -I found that Black-Draught would relieve this, and so when I 1 fed, the very first symptoms. I take Bfkk-Draught, and now I don't j have the headache any more. **I take Black-Draught when I feel a tightness in the cheat, and a bloating after meals. A few doses of Black-Draught relieve me of this. -I am a firm believer In Black - Draught, and after using it for twenty years, X am satisfied to continna** Over a million packages sold a month. Price 25 <• and SI. I IN NATIONAL RIFLE~MATCHES | v.. t ♦r v ^ Associated Press Pboto Irene Bales (left) of New Albany. Ind., and Virginia Kempt of San Antonio, Texas, are shooting for high honors in the junior national rifle and pistol matches at Camp Perry. Ohio. SHREWD RAY MORRISON TO PRESENT SOPHOMORE BACKS FOR CONFERENCE TO PONDER DALLAS. Sept. 14.—<JP—Unles-, those who profess familiarity with the astute Ray Morrison's plans merely think they are. the South ern Methodist University backfield this season will comprise one of the boldest experiments in southern conference history. Tlic Ponies' ground-gaining de partment. they say, will be com posed of three sophomore fliers and a husky junior. Further, the same observers say, Coach Morrison plans to make the conference sick of his sophomores for the next three sea sons. It is seldom that one first-year man can break into a conference team's backfield as a regular. For three to have the inside track prob ably is unprecedented. , Members of the backficld thus nominated arc Bob Gilbert, quarter back; Bruce Kattman and Weldon Mason, halfbacks; Ira Hopper, full back. Hopper was the regular Mus tang fullback last year. The other three have limited their activities to high school and freshman foot ball, at which each was an out standing performer. Those who followed Gilbert through three years of high school and one year of freshman football here say he will be another Jerry Mann, than which there can be no more enthusiastic prediction from a Mustang supporter. Gilbert, like Mann, is of the studious type; a quick thinker and a real football scholar. And he can do about ev erything equally w'ell on a gridiron. SEV/ANEE TO PLAY MEXICO; ENTER HERE MEXICO CITY. Sept. |4.—«p>— The University of the South at Sewanee. Tenn.. today accepted the invitation of the University of , Mexico for a football game here Nov. 20. dedicating the new mil lion dollar Workers' athletic field. The Sewanee eleven will fly from Brownsville. Texas, to Mexico City. Lyford. Nov. 8—Stuart Place (site unde- ! elded*. Nov. 15.—Brownsville * B ’ (site undecided). Stuart Place Oct. 4.—Brownsville *B‘ at Brownsville. Oct. 4—San Benito juniors at Stuart Place. Oct. 18.—Rio Hondo at Stuart Tlace. Oct. 25 —Open Nov. 1.—El Jardin at El Jardin. Nov. 8—Lyford at Stuart Place. Nov. 15—St. Joseph's at Stuart Place. Nov. 22.—El Jardin at Stuart Place. . Nov. 22.—El Jardin at Stuart Place. Nov 27—San Benito juniors at San Benito. San Benito Juniors Oct. 3—Weslaco at Weslaco. Oct. 10.—Stuart Place at Stuart Place. Oct. 17.—La Feria 130 pounders ' at La Feria. Oct. 24 —Weslaco at San Benito. Oct. 21.—La Feria 130 pounders at San Benito. Nov. 7.. 14. 21.—Open. Nov. 27.—Stuart Place at San Benito. La Feria 130 Pounders Oct. 9.—Lyford at La Feria. Oct. 17.—San Benito juniors at La Feria. Oct. 31—San Benito juniors at San Benito. Nov. 7.—Santa Rosa juniors at Santa Rosa. Nov. 14 —Lyford at Lylord. Nov. 20—Santa Rosa juniors at La Feria. Harlingen Gets New Haberdashery (Special to The Herald) HARLINGEN. 8ept. 14—Estab lishment of a new haberdashery here is announced by J. L. Foraker. who came here recently from Lima. Ohio. Mr. Foraker said that he has prac tically closed contract for a location, and will remodel the building, and install his fixtures and order stocki at once. He plans to carry a complete line; of goods fen* men. the store being as well stocked as those in larger cities of the state, he said. Mr. Foraker has been coming to the Valley off and on for several years, and owns property here. Water Polo To Be On Program Sunday ; (Special to The Herald) POINT ISABEL. Sept. 14.—Wa- I ter polo, newest of aquatic sports, will be the main attraction here Sunday, when special built boats are put into operation for the first time in the turning basin of the Point Isabel Yacht club. Picked teams will man the trim little crafts and drivers have been chosen for their ability to manip ulate outboard motors. “Thrills and spills a plenty are in prospect ” said H. B. Hall, club manager. SURTEES DRIVES HIS SCORPIONS Fessenden Eases Off And Dismisses Eagles Until Monday Coach Calvin Surtees continued to push the Brownsville junior col lege gridders at top speed Friday while Coach Douglas Fessenden eased off a bit with the Eagle high school squad. The Eagics were giv en only a light, workout at running plays and tackling and then were released until Monday. Surtees is trying to whip his squad info shape for their game Sept. 26 with San Benito high. The collegians have been out only two days. Coach Raymond Plato had a .‘•mall group out for his ‘'E" team. He did not ha\e enough players on hand for scrimmage. Additional players are turning out each day and it is expected that 80 or 90 boys will be on the three various squads before school has gotten Into full swing. Equipment For San Benito Park Arrive* 'Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO. Sept. 14.—Play ground equipment for the Landrum City park here, purchased by the Lions club of this city, has arrived, and Is to be installed at the park. The club was informed of the ar rival of the equipment at its meet ing Friday. Rev. C. 8. McKinney spoke at the meeting on The 8earch for Happi ness." Shire* Suspended For Fourth Time CHICAGO. Sept. 14——Charles Arthur Shires, White Sox first baseman, probably has taken his last sock as a Sox. Manager Lena Blackbume indicated at Philadel phia today he is fed up on being on the receiving end of the great Shires punches. GARDEN CLUB TO ELECT OFFICERS (Special to The Herald) SAN BF.NITO. Sept. 14—New of ficers of the San Benito Garden club will be elected at a meeting of the organization Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, according to Mrs. Paul Cottrell, president. LIGHTNING SPOILS FISH BRIXHAM, Eng—The fishing ;mack Everson escaped sinking when struck by lightning, but Its entire catch was spoiled by the fumes that accompanied the bolt. SPUDDERS TAKE TEXASPENNANT Victory Over Lowly Expor ters Puts Championship ship in the Bag It is possible today to proclaim Wichita Falls champion of the sec ond half of the Texas league race without inserting a single “If." The Gallowaymen galloped in under wraps by trimming Beaumont, 8 to 1, yesterday while 8hreveport. their most obstinate pursuer, was stopped by rain. Three full games out front, the north countrymen could drop both their remaining games with the Shippers and finish on top. As two of their number. Bennett and La pan, are in the thick of & four-cornered fight for league batting honors, how ever, the Exporters may expect no mercy today and tomorrow. Interest now centers upon the play-off, to open Wednesday at Wichita Falls. The Dallas Steers, first half champions, have been idling for several days, saving their steam for the vital five-game series, the winner of which will meet Birmingham. Southern association titlist, in the Dixie series. The Steers opened their final se ries with Waco with an 8 to 4 vic tory. Frasier blanked the Cublets for the first five innings, then was jerked in favor of Glazner. Pierce's single scored Cox tn the I tenth to give the Panthers a 5 to 4* triumph over the Buffs. Hunter and Tilden Again In Net Final FOREST HILLS. N. Y., Sept. 14. —OF)—Young America has stormed the tennis heights commanded by a pair of aging veterans and failed The battle between Big Bill Til : den and Francis T. Hunter on the one hand and the rising tennis gen eratlon on the other is over now that these great old campaigners, 36 and 35 years old, respectively, have forged into the finals of the national singles championship. The title match is this afternoon. - MAN CHARGED WITH DIRK CARRYING FREE A case against a man charging that he was an alien and that he carried a dirk was dismissed by Justice of the Peace Fred Kowal ski Friday morning. The man was taken into custody at a dance Thursday evening. --- Stakdin ==£-OF THE CLUBS^—~ TEXAS LI AG IE Friday* Results Fort. Worth 5; Houston 4 Wichtta Falls 8; Beaumont 1. Dallas 8; Waco 4. ban Antomo-Shreveport. ram. Saturday's Schedule Houston at Fort Worth. Beaumont at Wichita Fall*. San Antonio at Shreveport. Waco at Dallas. Standing of the Clubs Team— P. W L. Pet. Wichita Falls . 77 48 29 .623 ; 8hreveport . 75 44 31 .587 , Dallas . 78 43 35 .551 ! Fort Worth . 78 41 37 .526 i Hon.'ton . 30 4 ! 39 .513 i Waco .80 41 39 .513 • Beaumont . 79 36 43 .458 | San Antonio . 79 19 60 .241 AMERICAN LFAGLE Friday’* Results Philadelphia 5; Chicago 2. Washington 4; Cleveland 3. St. Louis-New York, postponed, rain Only game* scheduled Saturday's Schedule Detroit at Boston. St. Louis at New York. Chicago at Philadelphia. Cleveland at Washington Standing nf the Clubs Team— P. W L. Pet Philadelphia . 137 P6 41 .701 New York .. 135 78 57 .578 Cleveland . 134 71 83 .530 ! St. Loula . 135 70 85 .519 | Detroit . 136 63 73 .463 Washington . 135 62 73 .459 Chicago . 134 53 81 .396 Boston . 138 50 88 .362 NATIONAL LEAGUE Friday’s Results St Louts 3-5. Boston 2-3. Philadelphia 7. Chicago 6. Brooklyn 4. Cincinnati 2. New York-Pittsburgh, postponed, rain. Saturday's Schedule Brooklyn at Chicago. Boston at Cincinnati Philadelphia at Pittsburgh. New York at St. Louis. Standing of the Clubs Team— P. W. L. Pet Chicago . 136 91 45 669 Pittsburgh . 137 78 59 .569 New York . 134 73 61 .544 8t Loula . 134 67 67 .500 Brooklyn . 137 A3 74 .460 Philadelphia . 136 62 74 .458 Cincinnati . 135 57 78 .422 Boston . 135 51 84 .378 666 Is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is tbs most speedy remedy known - --■ —-— —t - ^ . -i - n ' Sport (Slants :' ALAN J.GoULD | Chick Evans golf future is now be- i hind him but the genial Chicagoan I showed at Del MBonte that he stills packs a punch in his iron shots. “Do you know this is my twenty third national amateur tourna ment?" remarked Chick by way of proving he is now one of the Old Guard. “Why I was medalist 20 years ago and I was a semi-finalist eight times before I firefly won for the first time in 1916." That was the year of Bobby Jones’ debut in the tournament at Merlon. “I recall Bobby's playing with Eben Byers in the first round. Anv time either hit a particularly bad shot, they would toss the ciub away in disgust. Eventually Babe Ruth will be ob liged to yield the home run crown but. the big fellow, as long as he . swings up to the plate, proposes to i give no unnecessary ground to any rival in the clouting circus. Off to a somew hat slow start this year. I with a layoff of several weeks, Ruth I spotted margins to at least a half 1 dozen rivals. In fact, around Aug. i 1. the Babe was trailing Chuck Klein ! by nine home runs but it took less than a month for the Yankee star to overhaul Klein as well as Hack Wilson, Melvin Ott. Lou Gehrig and others. Ruth has had many a tussle for the main honors. It was late Sept ember one year before he shook loose his team-mate. Lou Gehrig, in the greatest two-man battle for the home run crown yet witnessed. All of which emphasizes that the Babe, when pressed, is one of the greatest of all competitors. The Pacific coast has continued to send forth tennis champions, in various classes of competition, but it has been 10 years since a Calif ornian held the main prize in men's competition. ‘Little Bill” Johnson was the last to win and the Mighty Atom happened to be at his peak when there was one obstacle too much for him—Tilden. Of the Coast's present crop. Johnny Doeg of the Famous Sutton Clan appear* to have the brightest chance of breaking through to the top. It does take study of the succulent statistics to discover where the Pir ate* cracked and blew this year's pennant race to the Cubs. The Bucs had a three game lead on July 15, lost (hat by July 25 and on August 25. just a month later, they were 13 games behind the front-running Chicago outfit. The Pirates, over a period of six weeks, won 16 and lost 24 while the Cubs were winning 33. losing only 9 and making a bigger runaway of the National league race than at any time since the days of Peerlers Frank Chance's machine. Courthouse Golf Tourney Changed The courthouse golf tournament now faces revision for the third time. At first H. D. Seago and M. R. Hall began playing out a tourna ment. Other golfers protested, say ing more of the courthouse clique should play. The tourney was re vised and thrown open to all com ers. Dates were set and other rules set out by the country club golfing committee. Again only Seago and Hall entered. It Is now- proposed that these two call off play and throw it open Sunday with one 18-hole play. Rob in Pate, Milton West, Sam Bell and Judge A. V. Kent are the other pos sible entries. EDDIE COLLINS LAST OF MACK WORLD SERIES STARS WHO TRIMMED CUBS IN 1910 PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 14.—(JP>— •If and when.” as the brokers phrase it, the Philadelphia Athletics line up against the Chicago Cubs in the world series. Edward Trow bridge Collins will be the only man eligible to play who was a member of the famous Athletics of 1910-14. In those days “Columbus Eddie" was the scintillating second sacker for white elephants, the Mack men whom Manager John J. Me Graw characterized as ‘ the best world aeries player I ever saw.’ Now he is field manager lor Connie Mack and eligible to take his reg ular place In the game if necessary. Nineteen years have slipped by since the Athletics and the Cubs tangled in a world series, for it was in the fall of 1910 that Mack led one of his greatest teams into bat tle for the baseball championship of the universe. Of all the band that sent the late Frank Chance and others of the Cub machine reeling into defeat. Collins is the only one who remains as an active combatant in the bat tles to come. Now, as captain of the Mackmen. he plays a minor role so far as the public is concerned, his time spent on the bench or the coaching lmes. Conceding that the Athletics have won the American league race. Col lins glides Into his seventh world series as the last of the Mohicans, the only remnant of an old guard that has either died or surrendered Five of these world series adven tures he will have known as a mem ber of the Athletics. Twice he played under the colors of Chicago when a member of the White Sox. Courthouse Title Will Be Up Sunday The Courthouse golf champion ship will be settled Sunday follow ing agreement of the players to drop all previous scores and shoot 18 holes for the cup. The tournament lias been worked up twice but only two players turn ed out each time. Sunday the field will be thrown open to all comers again and the one with the best score at the end of the 18 holes will be given the cup. H. D. Seago and M. R. Hall have been the pair toiling for the cup. Local Skeeters And Donna Shoot Sunday The Brownsville and Donna skeet clubs will hold an all-day shoot here ■Sunday, it has been announced by club officers. The firing will prob ably get under way at 9:30 a. m. and 'will continue through the afternoon. The following scores were shot by the local gunners in preparation for the match: Stevenson . 25 23 23 25 Richardson . 25 23 21 24 Batsell. 24 24 .. .. George. 25 22 .. .. wade. 24 24 24 .. n. 24 24 — 1 MACKS READY TO CINCH FLAG Brown* and Indians Stage Hot Race For Third Place The gaunt form of Cornelius Mc Gillicuddy. familiar figure in base-; ball wars for forty years and more, stands ready again to lead a trium phant force in search of world ser ies gold. A victory over the White Sox 5 lo 2 at Shibe Park yesterday, as the Yankees lay idle in rain, brought the House of Mack to within two games of certain victory. The Yankees darkened their sta dium on a technical charge of ram, building up a double-header for to day, and the Senators nosed out the Indians 4 to 3. The Red Sox and the Tigers had an open date. The clinching of the National league pennant by the Cubs was postponed yesterday when the re juvenated Phillies weathered a ninth-inning assault to win, 7 to 6, and the second-place duel of the Pirates and the Giants was halted by rain at Forbes Field. The Phils remained within half a game of the fifth-place Robins, who defeated Cincinnati 4 to 2. St. Louis assaulted the Braves for two victories, 3 to 2, and 5 to 3. Caddy Tournament Is Begun Saturday Fifteen aspiring Brownsville Country club caddies teed off this morning for the first play in the tournament which will last four weeks. This is the second tourney of its kind recently and the youths are enthusiastic over the event. Rob ert Champion, who went to the quarter-finals in state Junior tour nament held in San Antonio, car ried off honors in the first event. The pairings this morning were: Glenn Cherry and Archie Hooper. Ed Harrison and Harvey Nuckles, Pete Pelache. Jr., and B. Bowman, Robt. Champion and Francis Ko walski, Louis Peckstein drew a bye, E. Kowalski and Henry Saldana. Huck Harrison and Wm. Escalante and Henry Bowman and Isidro Perez. The caddies will play each Satur day morning for the next three weeks. 300 Expected to See Eagles Play Corpus Some 300 rabid Eagle fans are expected to entrain with the local squad when they leave for Corpus Christ! for the first class *‘A” com petition in the institution’s history Oct. 4. The Missouri Pacific has arranged for a special train. Many fans are expected to follow in automobiles to witness the renewal of the heated rivalry between Brownsville and Corpus Christl. I Jones Transfer & Storage Co. Inc. Distributing, Storing, Moving, Crating and Shipping Daily motor Freight and Express Service between all Valley points Bonded Warehouses at Harlingen — Edinburg — Brownsville Phone 3 Phone 3 Phone 787 Free to All from Harry’s I Valuable Premiums Given for Our Savings Coupons Come to store No. 2 and ask to see the premiums Harry’s Cigar Stores Phone 840 Service and Quality . ■ ■■ ■; , <By Associated Press) , ERIE. Pa -Eddie Reed. Philadel phia. defeated Phil Zwick, Cleve land. foul, <3). Ten Cities Compete In Outboard Races SAN ANTONIO, Sept 14.-4*)— Outboard motored speedsters from 10 cities will compete at Medina lake near here today and tomorrow for *1.000 in cash prizes offered in San Antonio's second annual out board motor boat regatta. Houston leads the out-of-town entry list with 11 boats, and entries are on hand from Shreveport, La, Memphis. Tenn., Oalveston. Dallas, Corpus Christ! Brownsville. New Braunfels, Segutn. Edna, and San Antonio. Whitney Entry Is Futurity Favorite NEW YORK, Sept. 14—<AV-Eight owners failed to agree with the gen era! racing public that the *100.000 futurity at Belmont Park today was a gift to Harry Pavne Whitney and his pair of crack two-year-olds, Whichone and Boojum. The octet of Whitney rivals sent 10 colts and f«Ules to the barrier to match strides with the Whitney duo. generally regarded as the fin est American Juveniles. » We’re Open I , Late Tonite 1 ... open to care for late shoppers .... | ’till any hour. It’s part of our ; plan to jrive you I the best “fashion’’ service in town. Come in ..... to* night! fc * p