Newspaper Page Text
NEW COOKERY SCHOOL’S AIM Myra Oliver Dougan Will Instruct In Late Meth ods By Lectures Yremenduos interest is being evi denced on the part of Brownsville sad Valley housewives in the ap pearance next week of Mrs. Myra Oliver Dougan. famed traveler, home economist, and domestic science expert, who wtll appear in Brownsville September 23. to con duct the first of a series of five lectures comprising The Herald cotricing school for the current year. Every social organization, civic club, and neighborhood gathering, has found this remarkable wom an’s reputation and prestige an item of vivacious conversation among the more intelligent house wives. Many women are planning to at tend in groups, either as organiza tions or small groups of intimate circles of freinds. Judging by the Increasing deluge of Inquiries re ceived at The Herald office, every indication points to the fact that Maa. Dougan will come close to retting a new attendance record for cities the rUte of Brownsville, when she opens her school. Co-opertaing with The Herald in presenting this famous series of lectures and demonstrations of the very highest forms and greatest dis coveries of the culinary art. are food manufacturers of national im portance. who are viewing with in terest the remarkable results ob tained by Mrs. Dougan in every city in which she appears. Not only for the week alone, but for months ensuing, the Influence of her vivid personality and the amazing revel ation of cookery possibilities dis closed by-her. are to be found m the communities she visits. The unfortunate housewives who arc unable to attend, eagerly compare notes with those who have been privileged to secure the benefits of of Mrs. Dougan's rich experiences. p and regretfully pledge themselves that should the opportunity again present itself, they will let noth :ng prevent them from attending her lectures. With ail intimacy and informal ity of a close friend revealing her favorite secrets in her own kitchen. Mrs. DouRan strips the perplexities end worries of cooking from this most ancient of arts, and in a clear, graphic manner discusses enter taingly with her listeners, the de velopment of balanced menus based on intimate knowledge of the scien tific calculation of food \alues m various Items; recipes of the world’s most famous chefs; the essential virtues of tried and tested national ly advertised food products; and above all. extends a personal. in timate interest in every housewife’s )*oblems by Inviting their ques tions. either from the floor or at the end of the class, when she will endeavor to work out for each In dividual woman desiring to counsel with her. the little items that transform what otherwise could be drudgery, into one of the most fascinating and exact of the arts. 4-NATION CONSPIRACY SOUTHAMPTON. Eng—A Oer tnan. Dutchman. Russian and Eng lishman have been arrested here as leaders of a gang conspiring to smuggle foreigners into England r.nd the United States. A New Stomach For Few Cents V you have indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, sour stomach, gas. bloat ing. or any other distressed feeling nfter eating, yon will be delighted with what one do " of GORDON S will do for you. GORDON'S ir an antiseptic that proimxly stops fermentation rsour ing of food*, the thing th~t makes jt so hard to successft.4’ treat r.tomaeh troubles. It sootnes and heals the stomach lining made raw hy acids and poisons. It. does not artificially stimulate direst ion but puts the sto-nach in condition to do its work naturally—makes * like new. Get a bottle todav. If not satis fied. druggist will refund your money. Costs less than three cents r- das?.-—Adv. Life looks rosy for him Health worth more than fortune THE babv to be envied is the one who is ix>rn with an inheritance of perfect health, to begin with. And who's lucky enough to have a mother who knows how to build up this fortune. “Perhaps I'm old fashioned,” she il say to the doctor who pronounces her child physically at a baby shosv, "but this health certificate means more to me than all the stock certificates in the world. If mv baby grows up srrong and well, I'm will ing to leave it to him to make a career and fortune for himself. “Already I'm teaching him rhe value of regular habits. Regular sleep, reg ular meals, regular functions. He s never once been off schedule, not even when he was cutting teeth or traveling to the countrv. I make sure of that by giving him Kujol regular I v . " Nujol works so easily and naturally that it won’t upset a baby under any conditions. It keeps everything functioning properly. It not only prevents any excess of body poisons fwe all have them') from forming but aids in their removal. It is safe and sure. Nujol was perfected bv the Nujol Laboratories, 2 Park Avenue, New \ ork. Heir to millions * Just fry Nujol for vour baby. Give it to him regularly for the next three months. See if it doesn't make thing* much easier for both of you. Cer tainly it could do no harm — for Nuiol contains no drugs or medicine. Your druggist carries it Be sure you get the genuine. Sold only in scaled packages. ! Cameron Courts Suits filed in the district courts: Ben H. Stiles vs. Robert A. Gil more et al. debt and foreclosure. Altha Hale vs. James S. Hale, dl ( vorce. The American Land Company of ! Texas vs. George W. Higgins, debt ! and foreclosure. 28TH DISTRICT COURT Hen. A. W. Cunningham, Judge George D. Reyel vs. Stella Reyel. dismissed. Juan Guajardo vs. Adela Ramirez de Guajardo, dismissed. Lucille Owens vs. J. P. Owens, dis missed. Beatrice Sota vs. Bu Sota, dis missed. Josefina Herrera vs. Librado Her rera. dismissed. Donna Leon Hall vs. W. H. Hall, dismissed. A. E. Harrison vs. Anna Harrison, dismissed. Cantrell M Daniels vs. Irene M Damirs, dismissed. Maria H. de Gonzales vs. Cande lario C. de Gonzales, divorce grant ed. Mrs. Clara McAllister vs. D. B McAllister, divorce granted. Espeririion Perez vs. Bentta Tre- j vino Perez, divorce granted. Mrs. Georgia Cassidy vs. J. D. Ccssidv. divorce granted. Ella Mae Murphy vs. Pasil Bert hold Murphy, divorce granted and j plaintiff awarded custody of chil- j dren. Edna Whitworht McSpadden vs. i George W. McSpadden. dismissed. Ramon Castillo vs. Reyes Hernan dez. dismissed Guadalupe Barker vs. Ralph A. Barker, dismissed. Jose I leave vs. Sara Zarate Meave. dismissed. Mildred Brcwmgtcn vs. C. H Brcwington. divorce granted. Emma Sue McPherson vs. George Willis McPherson, divorce granted and maiden name restored. Theodora V. Trevino vs. Marzlo T. Trevino, dismissed. Rudolfo Salinas vs. Adela J. Sa linas. dismissed. Ascencion Alviso vs. Reyes E. Al viso, dismissed. Mabel Crawford vs. Edward T. Crawford, dismissed. Levi Trombley vs. Moya Trom bley. dismissed. Candido Martinez vs. Margarita Martinez, divorce granted. Visitation Valdez vs. Clara Valdez, dismissed. Santos D. de Barrios vs. Faustlno Barrios, divorce granted. J. W Kaufman vs. Marge Kauf man. divorce granted. Juan Abalos Cadena vs. Hilario Cadena. divorce granted. Elvira Garcia de Farias vs. Jose Farias, divorce granted. Herminia Gutierrez de Rodriguez vs. Saturnino Rodriguez, divorce granted. State of Texas vs. Andres Marti nez. three years, suspended. State cf Texas vs. Antonio Cantu. Amado Maldonado, two years in the penitentiary. State of Texas vs. Amado Maldo nado. Jesus Ramirez and Jose Gar cia. five years in the penitentiary. State of Texas vs. Emilio Melen dez and Amado Maldonado, five years in the penitentiary. State of Texas vs. Amado Maldo nado and Emilio Melendez, five years in the penitentiary. State of Texas vs Amado Maldo dano and Antonio Cantu, five years in the penitentiary. COUNTY COURT Hon. Oscar Pancv. Judge Suits filed: In re Estate Patricia Sando!. deceased. COUNTY' COURT AT LAW Hen. Jchn Kleiber. Judge No order*. MARRIAGE LICENSES Pedro Martinez and l orenza Gar Jrr-* A. Seanz and Elvira Cham REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Cameron County (F»>rnish''d by Valiev Abstract Co> C S Thomson to Clifford F. Hart man et ux. all farm tract 178. Coast land r.^rms subdivision 3. Buena Vis»a grant, nlat 8-53. containing 39 85 acres. S3 968.25. J K Wells, independent executor of estate cf Pauline J. Wells, de ceased. to G D. Sutton, trustee. 5 90 Dcres Pa-rdes pa-titlcn. share 8. share 19. Espo. Santo grant. $1 900 etc. .1 K Wells Independent executor of estate of Prdine J. Weds, de reased. to O D. Sutton. .6 of an acre cut of Paredes partition, share 6 of share 19. Esp. Santo grant. C C Bruinete.n et ux to Lena F Smith, lot 9. block 2. Francis addi tion. Harl'wn. 910. Valiev Orcha"ds ReaRy Co to McLeod-Hood Co . all block 119 to 127. inclusive. McLeod-Hood prop erty 1. 20 02 acres. $10. H B Herron to Jennie Robertson, tot 1. block 101. towmsite Harlingen. $10. Port Isabel Co. to M J. Garcia. lots 3 and 3-A. block 78. Port Isabel, plat 7-43, $1,350. H. *C. Elliott et al to L. W. Pratt, lot 4, block 5, second addition, San Benito, (10. James-Dickinson Farm Mortgage Co. to C. F. Thomas, lots 1, 2. 3, block 309. 16 acres El Jardln re-sub division. share 30, Esp. Santo grant, plat 4-48. (10. R. R. Ragan to Port Isabel Co., lot 10. block 46. Port Isabel, (10. A. H. Fernandez, trustee, to Cam eron County Water Control and Im provement District No. 6, lots 30 and 31. block 12, Unit “A." town site Fresnos. $10. Arroyo Gardens Development Co to Arrow Realty and Investment Co.. 1.04 acre out of block 91, of a subdivision of Arroyo Gardens sub division 1. $10. George W. Houghtling et ux to i Glenn H. Tussing. lot 1. block 200. San Benito Land and Water Co.. Concepcion de Carricitos grant. $10. G. W. McCain et ux to I. L. Barr, lots 7 and 8. Purnells subdivision, block 12. Hcywood addition. San i Benito. $10. Cliristine Kabitzke et vir to Wil liam Fasekas et ux. block 18. con taining 9.08 acres, Olmlto Gardens, tract 3. share 15. Esp. Santo grant, plat 8-17. $1. John R. Howell et ux to Great Southern Life Insurance Co., part blocks 123. 124. lying north of rcsaca or lake. San Benito Irrigation Co., share 1. Esp. Santo grant. 26.26 acres. $500. R. R. Hooks. F. B Waite, admin istrator of estate of T. J. Hooks, de ceased. to W. E. Spivey, lots 4. 5. 6. block 20. Brownsville. $1,500. Fauquier National bank, executor of estate of Bradshaw Beverly, de ceased. to Gerald W. McKenna, all farm block 28. survey 26. D. 8. sub division. survey 26, containing 40 acres. $10. Hidalgo County J. C. Hall, substitute trustee, to Guaranty Mortgage Co., lot 20, block 4. College Heights addition to Mc Allen. $3,000. J. C. Hall, substitute trustee, to Guaranty Mortgage Co., lot 4 and east half lot 5. block 2. Enfield Es tates addition to Edinburg. $6200. J. C. Hall, substitute trustee, to Guaranty Mortgage Co., lot 9. block 8. College Heights addition to McAl len. $2,800. J. C. Hall, substitute trustee, to Guaranty Mortgage Co., lot 9. block 65. Pharr. $2,000. J. C. Hall, substitute trustee, to Guaranty Mortgage Co., lot 8, block 7. College Heights addition to Mc Allen. $3,000. A. F. Buchanan, Jr., to Celeste Buchanan, lots 31 and 32. block 1, Enfield Estates addition to Edin burg. $1. Clyde Tennis Land Co. to Alfred j W. Milks, et ux. north 15 acres of east half block 217, La Blanca sub divtskm, $2,000. Clyde Tennis Land Co. to Alfred j W. Milks et ux. west half of west half block 216 La Blanca subdi vision. $1,500. ' Carl T. Conrad by sheriff, to 8e euritv State hank of San Juan, lot 13, block 17. Alamo tract subdi vision. $166 22. Leonides Gonzales et ux to Scra plo Guerra. et ux. lot 2. block 203 j Edinburg. $10. C. C. Nelson to E K Potts, south 10 acres north 20.04 acres, lot 2, block 34. La Donna. $160. G E Allison et ux to S. A. Bailey,' north 10.04 acres, lot 2, block 34, La Donna. $3,312.50. Albino Cantu et ux to Luis Pena, tract 337. Porciones 39 and 40. $800. J. L. Erwin to S W Boardman et al. let 4. McColl additio nto Mc Allen First Suburban Citrus Groves subdivision. $6,000. John T. Lomax to Missouri Im nrovement Co., blocks 28 and 29. Hammond addition to McAllen. $21,525. C. M. Flinn to Rolcna A. Carter, lots *9 and 64. block 9. Hidalgo Ca nal Co. subdivision, except 100 feet square out of section. $10. A. G. Hodges to Southwest Texas Improvement Co. 50 acres out of Mestenas grant, being share No. 10 and 1-3 interest in 553 acres out of Llano Grande grant. $5,500. William F. Timme et ux to St L. B and M. Ry. Co.. 100 feet W-R across north 10 acre farm tract 31,; West Trac subdivisino. W D. Clay to St. L. B and M. Rv. Co. 54 5 foot strip across Farm Tract 369. West Tract subdivision.: S2 000. — Swan In McAllen As Inspector of Plants (Special to The Herald' McALLEN. Sept. 18 —F. O. Swan, formerly of Mission, has been trans ferred by government executives to McAllen as plant quarantine inspec • tor for the federal government, ac cording to nn announcement made at the McAllen Chamber of Com merce, where his office will be lo cated. Mr. Swan will work under the di rection of Federal Inspector Hoi d; le of Harlingen and his labors will be confined exclusively to the McAllen territory as field inspector. Swan's appointment fills the place left vacant by C. R. Roitsch, who acted as plant inspector in Mc Allen last year. ___ DOUBLE ACTION First—la the daagfr Then la tfcecsea Sa:::e Price | for over 38 years' 15 ounces for *5^ Use less than of high priced brands MILLIONS OP POUNDS USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT I Today’s Radio Features WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 18 —- l By Tha Aaaociated Praaa] Programs In Central Standard time. All time la P. M. unless otherwise Indicated. Wavelengths on left of call letters. kilocycles on right 348 6—WABC New York—860 (CBS Chain) 8:00—Voice of Columbia—Al*o WISN WCCO WFBM WMAQ WHK KMBC KOIL, WKRC WAOC KFPY KMOX 7:00—Magazine Hour—Also WADC WKRC WGHP WMAQ WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK WCCO 7:30—Smoker. Informal Entertainment and Music—Also WADC WGHP WMAQ WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WCCO WHK WISN WKRC 8:00—Orchestra and Soloists— Also WADC WKRC WGHP WMAQ WOWO , KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WKK WCCO 8:30—Dedication of New CBS StucUo* in New York, and Second Anniversary Program))'ABC and Chain hrs.) 454.3—WEAP New York—660 (NBC Chain) 8:00—Erno Rape* Concert Orchestra—Also WWJ WSAl KSD WOC WOW WDAF WFJC WTAM WCFL KOA KVOO WFAA KPRC WOAI WKY 8:30—Happy Baktrs— AI#o WGY WWJ WSAl KSD WOC WOW WDAF WFJC KSTP WTMJ IVMC KVOO WOAI KPRC WKY WLS WFAA 7:00—Troubadours' Orch.-Also WGY WWJ VVGN KSD WOC WOW WSAl .7:30—Olive Palmer, Paul Oliver. Orchestra and Artists—Also WGY WTAM WWJ WSAl WON KSD WOC WOW WDAF )VSMB KSTP WTMJ WHAS WSM WMC WSB tVJAX KVOO KPRC W’OA! WFAA 8:30—National Grand Opera, "Cavalierla Rusticana-' (IV4 hrs.)—Also WWJ KSD tVOtV W'SAI WIOD WKY WOAI WSB 10:00—Dance Orchestra (one hour)—Also KSD WAP1 WOW WSM 394.5—WJZ New York—760 (NBC Chain) 8:00—Twilight Melodies (30 m.) KWK WREN KSTP WEBC WLS WJR • :Q0— Kogen Orchestra, Chauncey R. Parsons. Tenor, Comedy Duo—Also KDKA WJR KYW KWK )VL)V WREN WTMJ KSTP WEBC 8:30—Foresters- Quartet—Also KDKA KWK WREN WLW KYW WJR 7:00—Salon Singer*, Mixed Chorus—tVJZ anil stations. ». I 7:30—The Trawlers—Also KDKA WLW WREN WJR WCFL KWK 8:00—The Voyagers in Turkey-Al*o KWK WJR WREN KDKA 8:30—Wagner Orch —Also KDKA KYW KWK WREN KSTP WTMJ WEBC WIOD WHAS WSM WMC WSB KVOO WBAP KPRC WOAI WKY WJR 8:00—Amos ’n' Andy (from W'MAQ)—Also KDKA WJR KYW KWK WDAF WREN WTMJ KSTP WEBC KOA KSL 8:15— Slumber Music, String Ensemble (45 min.)—Also KDKA WREN KWHG-Toke at the Border* Brownsville, Texas 1260 k. r.—500 Watts. Pete Lacey. Manager. Daily, except a^nday—On air !0 a. m. to 1 p. m. Back oc air at 4 p. m. with Valley news and Associated Press dispatches from The Brownsville Herald. Remain on air until 7 p. m. Monday, Wednesday and Frid -•—Evening program 7 to 9 o'clock. Tuesday and Thursday—Evening program 9 to 11 o’clock. Silent Saturday night. Sunday—Morning services from Methodist. Presbyterian or Bap tist churches, 11 a. m. Classical and semi-classical music 2:30 p. m. *» 5 p. m. McAllen Hospital Chairman Resigns (Special to The Herald) McALLEN, Sept. 18.—The resig nation of C. H. Britton, chairman of the McAllen Municipal hospital board of directors, was accepted at the meeting of the city commission held Monday night. Mr. Britton resignation had been presented to that body some time before it war; acted upon. Mr. Britton h3d served as chair man of the board for exactly one .vear at the time of his resignation, having been appointed to that post September 17, 1928. Under his di rection, the municipal hospital's deficit has been considerably re duced. Demands of his personal bus incss was given by Mr. Britton as the cause of his desire to resign. Dr. D. H. Carson, resident of Mc Allen for the past two years, was named as the new chairman of the board and stated his intention to accept the appointment. Dr. Car son has had previous experience in the operation of a hospital and is now engaged in practice in a clime with Doctors J. O. Wharton and W. E. Whigham of McAllen. I I Fast Service I MOTORISTS I Gasoline I Water Oil Air.... MAGNOLIA GASOLINE | MAGNOLENE MOTOR OILS Washing—Greasing—Polishing MAGNOLIA SERVICE STATION No. 381 I CHARLIE BROWN, Manager I (Charlie on the Job) Elizabeth at First Street — Phone 67 I i ORDER WATER TEST DEVICES City Will Install $700 Equip ment For Purifying Supply Supplies to the amount of $700 have been ordered for the city wa ter laboratory and are expected to arrive by the first of the month. The new equipment includes chemi cals and laboratory utensils to be used in testing the city water sup ply. and will bring the plant up to a much higher standard of effi ciency. They are to be used in the daily tests of the water to determ ine the proportion of various chem icals. Chester Cohen, .of the state health department, was here the latter part of the week and assist ed in the selection of the needed supplies. He will return to super vise the installation of the new equipment when it arrives. It was decided at a recent meet ing of the city commission to be gin the construction of a new water plant to meet the growing needs of the city about February 1, the plant to be completed by the first of June. Plans are for a water softener and all the latest improvements alon? with the increased capacity. C. of C. Gets Labels Advertising Highway Stickers advertising the Hug-thc Coast highway have been received by the chamber of commerce, and are now being distributed to every one who calls for them. The stick ers are green, and bear white let tering *T Am For the Hug-the Coast Highway. From Orange to Brownsville, Texas." They are a part of the program for promoting interest In the highway projec*. and It is hoped by officials that everyone will display the sticker. COST OF IRISH PEACE DUBLIN—Irish Loyalists have been allowed claims amounting to i $136,000,000 for damages in the fac * tlonal war which brought peace to ' Ireland. EASY TO SERVER EASY; TO DIGEST -- —Hl^ I With Shredded Wheat in the home you are ready for every emergency—a quick breakfast for husband and children with no work or worry — a delicious I lunch — a satisfying supper—eat it with milk and berries or sliced bananas. ———■——'■■———^ Consult The Pennant Chart It is a safe guide to proper lubrication THE NEW ' MOTOR OILS Pennant Oils are made to con form to the highest S. A. E. specifications. Drain and refill today with this superior lubricating oil .... it will lengthen the life of your motor. Sold by the Following Courteous Pierce Dealers J. ESPINOSA, Agent Court House Service Station Brownsville Valencia Filling Station Brownsville El Jardin Garage Brownsville Harry’s Vulcanizing & Auto Repair Shop Brownsville Pierce Petroleum Corporation St. Louis : Little Rock : Oklahoma City : Dallas : Tulsa