Newspaper Page Text
- -— —-—--— — -..I. - ■ . — ■■ i — ■ ■ . 1—— ■■■ ■ .. -..I— ...a ,i. „■ 'w Newcomers Want Furnished Apartments— Your Ad on This Page Will Reach Them AUTOMOT1YB ICth & Adams 1928 Ford Touring 1928 Chevrolet Coach 1226 ford Truck 1328 Chevrolet Coach f Chevrolet Touring Chevrolet Sedan Chverolet Touring Ford Tudor 1928 Ford Sport Coupa 1928 Ch?vrolet Coupe 1527 Chevrolet landau Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Truck 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 1926 Ford Touring 1928 Chevrloct Coach 8TEVEVSON MOTOR CO. Inc. Brownsville. Texas. READ the rental ads when In need of a more desirable place to Uve. FOR SALE—Bulck Bro>jgham. good condition. $675.00. Bargain. R. R Ragan. Los Ebanos. phone 985R. D-63 FOR PALE TWO FORDSON TRACTORS In good shape Very reasonably priced Phone or eee John B. Pueket. Care Rio Grande Valley Trust Co AUfOr.OTIVE I OAKLAND SPORT COUPE, 1923. for sale. Will take smaller car aa down payment. P. O. Box 175. Harlingen. Phone 1087. C-112 TREES. PLANTS AND SEED PALMS FOR SALE—Fanleaf. date and ornamental date. 60c. dug. Special prices for large quantities. Three miles northeast of La Ferta. Texas. Oeorge W. Dewey. U-129 PERSONAL Ideal Beauty Shop We cater to the woman who cares Phene 232 for appointment. C-144 MRS. EVANS. who represents the Landsdowne company of Paris and New York, will open a sample room and a woman's exchange for the women of the Valley and Brownsville la the Mil ler Hotel about October 1. U-88 HELP WANTED WANTED— M-n to learn barber trade; free catalogue explains. Write Lewis Barber College. San Antonio, Texas. U-148 WANTED—Stenographer. Young Amer ican man about 21 years old. Must talk Spanish and furnish reference. Apply Walker-Cralg Co., Brownsville. U-118 Classified Business Directory 1 .——-— - architects_ BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects— Engineer* 2CB Merchants Bank Bldg Phone 611 Brownsville. Texa* E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect •-U Security State Bank Building Weelaco. Texa* E. B. GORE Civil and Consult in* Engineer Boom 408. State National Brownsville. Texas. Phone 1077. AUTO REPAIRING_ 4M. A. Newman Garage la rear of Bell Service Station Specializing in Carburetor and Ignition Work Brownsville Aeenry and ®«“rvtc® for Stromberg Carburetors LIUILPER&—CONTRACTORS PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractor 528 Washington 5t. Brownsville. Texas Phone 627 E M. RIDLEY General Contractor Roads, Land Leveling, Plowing, Sub-soiling EXCAVATIONS EMBANKMENTS 403 MERCHANTS NATL BANK BROWNSVILLE CASH REGISTERS_ Cash Registers Be Fair To Yourself—8ee 8 REMINGTON Before You Buy. Remington Caeh Register Sale* Agency McAllen. Pho. 672 Brownsville. Pho 832 0-18 PRAY—TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING 1106 Adam*. Phone 139 AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating Shinning Hauling Phones 421 and 519 FINANCIAL . loans On improved residence end bustnea property. Todd and linaerwuud 1057 Levee Bt. Brownrville Texan I BOTELS—CAFES_ WHITE KITCHEN runout (a Its Cocking—Immaculacy v and Service ITje popular piece tor business lunches 12tb between Elizabeth end Washington .— """real estate LOS ERANOS Brownsville-# Supreme Residential Dis trict. careful iv restricted. completely improved Home viu» from »1200f* M>; terms Jamea-Dicklnson Co Realtors, cornet El Jardlo Hotel Bldg Brownsville F. W. Howard REAL ESTAT- AND RENTALS rarm Property Large Tracts at Citrus Lends Arcade Bldg. Phone 1000. NICKEL PLATING . ... . 1 ... Electro-Nickel Plating We nickel plate bumpers, radiators, headlights, etc. Also mirrors plated. VALLEY ELECTRO PLATING WORKS 15th and Polk. Phone S3 Brownsville. Texaa. HAT RENOVATING Hat Renovating First Class Hat Renovating & Shoe Repairing Delta Shoe & Hat Shop Wc Call for and Deliver Phone 535 MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress Wo make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 FLORISTS THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 BCWYEK THE FLORIST, flowers ino funeral designs. St Charles ind Pita streets. Pnone T71. OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Lltho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 817—Brownsville , -—-— Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVES STATIONERY & BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS I THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange |< Brownsville’s Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. C. Smith “81 ient” 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and “Factory" Rcbuilts—all makes. We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth SL Phone 1105. WOODS l OCK TYPE WRITER BALES CO Typewriters— Adding Machine* Supplies—Repairs Phone 506—Harlingen Exclusive Sales and Service UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY 128 8. First Phona 385 Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A DUNKELBERO Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury George and Taylor Building Brownsville. Texas l Davenport. West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas a B GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas a L. Yales Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville CHIROPRACTOR DR. C. RANZELL Chiropract i ce—Electro- - Therapy Massage and Bath Cromack Bldg. Brownsville U-125 AUTOMOTIVEAUTOMOTIVE j 1929 Dodge Victory Sedan 1926 Willys Knight Road 1928 Dodge Standard Sedan 8teP }929 Dodge Standard Coupe 1926 Oakland Touring 1926 Dodge Coupe l927 Mormon Cab Coupe 1926 Dodge Roadster, Rum- 1928 Chevrolet Coupe ble seat 1928 Essex Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Sedan 1927 Chrysler Sedan Jess® D®mmeM, Inac. Used Car Market - 1219 Levee St. Used Car Lot No. 1—Across from Herald Building Used Car Lot No. 2—Summit Place—14th St. Telephone 904 Brownsville, Texas HELP WANTED A REPRESENTATIVE In each of the following cities: BrvonsvUle. San Ee nlto. Harlingen. This is not mission ary work: our business Is well estab lished. It Is probable thfet this work could be handled In the evenings or part time. Earnings should average $150 00 monthly. Commission basis. Reply by Iteter. Box 176. McAllen. Tex. C-127 — WHAT you don’t want, somebody else does. Make your "wants" or "don’t wants’* known to the thousands of peo ple who read this page daliy. IP YOU WANT an opportunity to get your groceries and household supplies r.t wholesale, and make $15 cash profit a day beside.-, send me your name Im mediately. No experience necessary. Albert Mills, 4206 Monmouth, Cincin nati. Ohio. U-42 WANTED—Man who knows farm life to travel In country. Steady work, good profits. McConnon At Co., Dept. A-277, Memphis. Tenn. T-260 SALESMEN AND AGENTS EARX TWO DAYS PAY IX ONE Handling America’s most widely known and universally used line of Personal and Business Christmas Greeting Cards on very liberal commission that Is paid in cash every day together with gen erous monthly bonus. Without expe rience either full or part time people can make more money than they ever earned before since we teach you how and tell you where to sell; also furnish magnificent samples and complete In structions absolutely free. If you are an ambitious worker and want to earn SI.500 00 before Christmas, write me today. Sales Mgr. Dept. S-N-3 THE PROCESS CORPORATION Troy at 21st St. Chicago. U-87 MAN OR WOMAN WANTED with am bition and industry, to Introduce and supply the demarftl for Rawlelgh’s Household Products to steady users Several fine openings In Sau Benito. Harlingen. M'ssion. Edinburg and Mc Allen. and nearby towns. We train and help you. Rawlelgh dealers can make up to $100 a week or more. No expe rience necessary. Pleasant, profitable, dignified work. Write today. W. T. Rawie gh Co„ Dept. TX-6053. Memphis. Tenn. T-l OITR MEN EARN $50 WEEKLY and more selling Amazing Magnetic Auto Trouble Light. Sticks anywhere. Write for demonstrator. Magno Co., Beacon Bldg . Boston, Mars. T-93 SAIESMEN go carry our line of Import ed laces; 15* commission. Pick up $15 day as side line. Brin Bros., Importers. Dallas. Texas. U-B5 FREE TROUSERS—Free outfit; *15 00 dally writing orders for guaranteed tallored-to-measure trousers. World's greatest pants value. Big commission. Wonderful pocket sideline. Hutchins Pants Co., Dept. 360, Cincinnati, Ohio. U-147 BIG MONEY selling Personal Christ-! mas Greeting Cards. Handsome sample book free. Highest commission. Low est prices. Unusual Imported novel ties. Rochester Art Co., Rochester. N. Y.U-142 ! SALESMEN with car. Liberal commis sions. Manufacturers’ line of scarfs, neckwear, laces, buckles for depart ment, genera! store trade. Schwartz Importing, 30 East 20th, New York. U-149 DISTRIBUTOR for 100-store route this county. Experience unnecessary. No selling, distribute and collect. Should net $70 weekly. Write Peris Mfg. Co.. Florin. Pa. U-142 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN to sell au tomobile service throughout Valley. Man with ear preferred. Must furnish bond. Earnings from *5 00 to $25.00 per day. depending on ability. Apply Dis trict Office, second Door. Ritter Build ing. La Fe;ia. National Motorists As sociation of Texas. Inc. U-126 WANTEtX— Agents to sell life Insur ance. J. S. Ford A Sons. U-130 OPENING for wide-awake men. Can make $75 to $100 weekly. Splendid op portunity for advancement. Can use one district manager. This offer has no equal to men who can sell. Write Fvr-Fvter Co. 1919 Fyr-Fyter Bldg.. Davton. Ohio. T-259 SITUATIONS WANTED MIDDLE-AGED LADY desire* position as nurse or assistant In doctor's office. Experienced In nursing and meeting the public. Speaks some Spanish. Un encumbered. Address U-154, care Her ald. U-154 ■■ NEED HELP? Read tb* Situations Wanted column ?fIDDLE-AGED LADY of refinement and education would like position as housekeeper or would care for children. Entirely unencumbered. Reference*. Address U-119. care Herald. U-119 LOST AND FOUND LOST—Pair of heavy duty truck chain*. Reward. Call 688. U-134 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ABOUT TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS worth tinner’s tools for sale; cash or terms. Will furnish building tn Erownsvtll elf desired. Three cash reg isters, show cases and shelving for aale. Phillips. San Benito. U-151 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Sandwich Shop Good location next to picture ahow. Cheap rent. For full details write DAVID GUBARD Queen Sandwich Shop Alice, Texas FOR BALE Modern Tourist Camp on paved highway. M. B Bourne. Sebastian. Texas. T-223 FOR SALE- Stock of merchandise and fixtures, or separate. Next door to post office, Weslaco. Will seen lice U-Ul FOR SALE—Beauty parlor doing good business. In best Valley town. Owner has other cosiness; $700 cash, balance $538. payable $15 a month. Address T-269. Brownsville Herald. T-269 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, plain and fancy; tail oring and alterations. S-e me for your fall sewing. Mrs. Jno. M. Holland. 912 Levee, phone 1226-J. U-97 FINANCIAL MONET JXJ LOAN on city property. Sam Hugnston. Maltby Bldg. S-247 LIVESTOCK—POULTRY WANTED—One white male spitz pup py. About four months. Phone 217. U-124 FOR SALE--3 heifers. Jersev with calf February; 2 miles east of Rio Hondo End of pavement. U-14G MISCELLANEOUS PIANO FOR RENT —$5 per month Ad dress U-121. ne-ald. U-121 ARTICLES I OR SALE FOR SALE—Common mud brick, new. J. S. Ford & Sons. U-130 BABY CARRIAGE for sale. Phone 335 Address 26 W Levee. C-J03 NEW BABY ORAND PIANO reduced to half price. A real standard make P D. Humbly. Box 562. phone 868 M. Brownsville. T-101 FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE—Athletic > club equplment. Practically new. C. .W. Sullivan, 509 N. Dick Dowling. San Be nito. Texas. Phone 380. U-70 ELECTRIC VICTOR Orthophonlc. near ly new. Half price. F. D. Kambly. phone 868-M. Box 562. Brownsville. U-l FOR 6ALE—Three-burner oil stove, good ea new. 1530 Garfield street. Phone 1169-J.T-213 BRIGHT CANE HAY for sale; $17 per ton. delivered. Phone 1393-W. T-241 ONE CORD HARD WOOD well season ed two years, also large wagon load fine shingle kindling. Phone 681. U-115 WANTED TO BUT Clean COTTON RAGS Wanted 5c per pound paid at The Browsnville Herald Pressroom WANTED—Two second-hand flat top office desks, two revolving chairs. Must be in good condition. Box 817, San Be nito. U-102 BUY OB EXCHANGE TIME well spent Is time spent reading the Classified Ads. TBr.ES — SEEDS — PLANTS TREE KILLERS BO-KO enough to kill 100 trees. $2 00 : Bo-Ko Company, Jonestown. Miss. U-51 i LIVESTOCK—POULTRY FOR SALE cheap, pony that can be ridden or worked. Apply J. V. Cowan realdence, Boca Chico road, El Jaram district. U-109 MULES— Fcr sale, one hundred mules. Address Box 103, Paducah, Texas. U-132 HATCHING EGOS WANTED—English White Leghorns. S. C. Reds. Barred Rocks. White Rocks, White Wyan dottes. Buff Orpingtons. Flocks must pass our inspection. Free culling serv ice. Cameron County Chickerte*. La Ferta. Texas. U-X14 CERTIFIED CHICKS — From 200-egg cockerels blood tested, leading varieties, prices within reach of all. Live delivery Catalog tree. Dixie Poultry Farms. Box 104, Branham, Texas. T-31 BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE—One 2S-acra tract with 9 room two-story house. 9 acres In 6 year-old orchard. One mile north of Weslaco. Ideal lor show place. Apply Box 733. Weslaco. Texas. U-116 INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville's new nuslness and residential cub-division, located on I3th and 14th streets, one mile from Gateway Bridge, on tee main thorough fare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal air port. <1cn farming llstnct of El Jardin. and Boca Cbica Beech. Easy terms. Ten per cent down, balance 9 years to pay. Jesse Dennett. phone427. Brownsville. Texas. BARGAINS? HERE THEY ARE Dandy corner. 40 In irrigation dis trict; I mile from paved highway, #60 per acre, terms. 100 acres cleared and under cultiva tion. fronting peved highway, finest sandy loam sol'. 450 acres 3 miles southeast of Ray mondvllle; nothing better; only #50 per acre; very ea«v terms. S. P. Nielsen. Sebastian. U-I50 50 ACRES Irrigation farm. All in culti vation. Excellent grape and pecan land. Will raise abundant crops of cabbage, carrots, sp.narh, cucumber and all kinds of truck. Adaptable to cotton, corn and feed crops. Good well, email house. No water tax. Abundant wa ter supply. Pump and power installed. Excellent terms to reliable purchaser. Some unnerumbered trade. Can give possession; #250 per acre. Box 1063. Robs town. Texas. U-145 I HAVE FOR SALE bargains In bearing citrus groves and choice undeveloped citrus land In all parts of the Valley, and t know the Valley and values i Communicate with me. W. H. Git»* Raymondvllle. U-106 Los Ebanos Lot Wa have been authorized by owner to sell hts beautiful Los Ebanos lot for tl.OOO; terms can be arranged. This is an unusual sacrifice. Call Mr Egan at James-Dick) neon phone <99. _ 8-11* 7 ACRES real citrus land on Main highway, Cameron county; 3 acres 5 year-old tree# with good crop; small house: one mile to high school. Sacri fice price, half cash, no trades. Up degraff. La Ferta. Tou. U-140 WON DRFUL BARGAINS are offered dally tn the Classified Ads. YOU can sell or trade the things you no longer need through a Classified Ad. IF YOU need work a small ad under “Situation Wanted” will put you In touch with the right Job. FARMS FOR SALE LOOK THIS OVER 80 acres of good citrus and po tato land on paved highway 3>» miles from court house In Brownsville. Texas, and !a mile from Municipal Airport. Will sell all or part of tract. Reason for selling: owner Is getting too old to look after same. ONLY *500 PER ACRE Why pay more? Address Owner. Box U-153. car* of Brownsville Herald. Browns ville. Texas. U-153 TRACTS OF TWO ACRES up to 10 fronting on resaca and paved road near Negro Bridge, at *650 00 per acre. Hun- 1 dred acres near paved road, fine toma to land, own water supply for irriga tion. Some fine river front land, hun dred acres; one tract. 150 acres one tract, 2400 acres ore tract. 300 acre# on tract. Box 463. Brownsville, Texas U-139 3CY4E OF BEST river citrus land un der canals at *75 acre up. direct from owners: also about 400 acres suitable for subdividing. Box 169, San Benito. U-156 HOLSKs '’•OR SALE SACRIFICE—New thoroughly modern 5-room house, furnished or unfurnish ed. best buy in Brownsville: small down payment, balance like rent. See Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner. 1719 Hayes street. Victoria Heights. Phone 1075-J. T-48 WATCH the Classified Ads craefully and regularly and you are sure to get Just what you want. FOR SALE—Beautiful Lot Ebaoos home, five rooms, large lot; built of brick: wonderful exposure. Priced right. Terms can be arranged. Call Mr. Egan. James-Dlcklnson Co. Phone 499. Home Dhone 1398-W T-3F IF YOU HAVE houses for rent list them with Howard, phone 1090. T-102 A LITTLE AD under "Lost and Found” will recover your lost articles. LOTS FOB SALE BEAUTIFUL LOS EBANOS LOT— Southeast exposure: must be sold at a sacrifice Phone 1398-W. or call et No L Del Francis Apartments. Las Ebanos 8-117 LOTS FOB SALE $750 BUYS $1,500 EQUITY In two lots. 62>ixl50 feet each, bearing citrus trees. Located Cathav Courts. McAllen, Tex as. Care W. U. Tel. Co., TFC Dept Houston. Txeas. U-151 FRONTON ST. TRACKAGE lot at real sacrifice price, for immediate eale. P. O. Box 5. Brownsville. Texas. U-137 SEVERAL desirable Point Isabel busi ness lots for sale. Considerable under priced. Owner needs cash. Leppert Realty Co., Point Isabel. Texas. U-138 FOR SALE—100-foot front on St. Charles pavement. West Brownsville, cheap. J. 8. Ford 6e Sons. U-131 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE—One 7-room 2-story res idence located in best residential sec tion of Shreveport. La., surrounded by nice shade oak trees; two and one-half blocks from million dollar high school; approximately same distance Centenary college. Dodd Baptist college and St. Vincent's college. Building and loan appraisal $9,500. on which they will loan $6,800. What have you to offer? P. C. Bolssat, P. O. Box 1544, Shreve port. La. U-61 FOR EXCHANGE-5 choice lots In Ol mlto for city property or acreage. J. S Ford & Sons. U-131 TRADE—160 acres Colo, dry for Valley dry or Irrigated. Take or pay cash dif ference. or assume. Box 591. Harlin gen. U-122 FOR SALE—16-apartment apartment house, completely furnished; excellent location in East Dallas. Owner will consider exchange for good Valley property. J. J. Burk, Reese-WUmond Hotel. Harlingen. U-152 RENTAL IF YOU HAVE bouses for rant list them with Howard, phone 1090. T-102 FOR RENT—50 acres potato land. Irri gated. Call at 101 Adams street, or phone 561. T.97 APARTMENTS FOR THE MAN OF MEANS—A beautl ful place, 8*3 acres choice land close to Brownsville, very highly Improved Ideal winter place, cool and pleasant In summer. Orapefrult. oranges, lem ons. limes, bananas, etc. This place Is worth every bit of the price asked snd must be sold for cash If Inter ested. write P O. Box 16. Brownsville, for description and photographs. No agents. U-146 . —— " ■ ..— FOR 'lENT—New cool apartments and rooms Phone 957-J. 8-170 - i FURNISHED APARTMENT in new du plex. Oarage. Phone 818-J. U-100 FITCH APARTMENTS — Corner St. Charles and West Eighth street; four rooms beautifully furnished; delight fully cool: Frlgldalre; gas. hot water; hardwood floors throughout: garage Phone 558. T-132 ; TIME WELL SPENT Is time devoted to ooklng over the classified ads. ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely ni.« tied Corner Sixth and Levee Phone 839. P~20£ CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool, and all convenience#. 357 W. Levee or phone M7-R- 0-214 OPPORTUNITY la knocking at your door In the Classified Ad columns every day. Read and use them regularly. WE HAVE both furnished and unfur nished apartments and unfurnished houses Howard, phone 1090 T-1C2 APARTMENT FOR RENT on paved street; gas and everything furnished; also furnished bedroom. Phone 429 T-275 SOUTH SIDE attractive duplex; nicely furnished, all conveniences. No. 1112 West Elizabeth. Phone Carlos O. Wat son. T-277 FURNISHED APARTMENT-2 rooms: private bath; pa-s; garage; $30. 1243 W. Washington Phone 820-J. U-23 EXTRA CASH from old furniture, out grown bicycles, or what have you. through a Classified Ad. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED apartments over M. 3yst#m Store. West Elizabeth. Phone 673 or eee Walker Craig Co.U-23 COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2-room south snartment, $22 50; 3-room apart ment. $25. Telephone 946- W U-3 FURNISH ED ROOMS NICELY FURNISHED two room apart ment. Gas. lights and water fur nished. $25 00 month. 413 6th St. U-107 FURNISHED ROOM—Private entrance, adjoining bath, hot and cold water, gas. 3-13 Levee street. U-155 TWO SOUTH BEDROOMS, long porch In front. Mrs. W H. H. Biggs. 809 Eliz abeth. U-75 ROOMS AND AP ARIMENTS—Reason - able rates. Gleowood Hotel. Phone 619. ^_P-118 ROOMS AND APARTMENTS, close In; reasonable. 912 Levee street. U-96 FURNISHED ROOMS—South exposure, very dose In; reasonable. 942 Levee. T-I12 HOUSES WILL RENT 5-room furnished home for the winter, reasonable. Tenant must be reliable. Address U-120. Her ald. U-120 FOR RENT OR SALE—6-room house, entirely modern. Close to school. 107 St. Charles. U-141 FURNISHED BRICK HOUSE, very cool Suitable for two families. Phone Miss Gentry, 241.T-212 FOR RENT—Strictly modern duplex. $37.50 per month. Oak floors and nice fixtures, cas, garage. Phone 344 or 562-W. Mrs. Homer Morrow. 19 Cro mack Bldg. U-136 Use Herald Want Ads for Best Results l ._i_ HI i % % 4 % 1 i | - Jones Transfer & Storage Co. be. Distributing, Storing, Moving, Crating and Shipping Daily motor Freight and Express Service between all Valley points Bonded Warehouses at Harlingen — Edinburg — Brownsville Phone 3 Phone 3 Phone 787 Pipe Lines for DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION Let Agar & Gentry San Benito, Texas Design, Finance and Install Large Tracts Preferred II A CORDIAL INVITATION It extended to the public to visit our plant and impact the cartful and thorough testing methods in ust which assart only pipt of tht highest quality bring delivered to tht purchaser. For complete information address Owen M. Coaibe, Distnct Sales Manager GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. O. Box 1051—Brownsville, Texas. I Plant located tt Blalack Switch oa Highway. Tha Pionttr Concrete Pipt Manufacturers of Texas. Concrete Pipt for Irrigation, Drainage and Sewer Systems. W.O.Rozell j AUCTIONEER IF IT HAS VALUE I CAN SELL IT AND GET THE MONEY % *