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■ ■ I ' — —.. — I ' i I ) McALLEN Farewell social Mrs. W. T. Gartman, who left Wednesday to make her home in Port Worth, was honored the past week by women of the Baptist church with a social at the parson age. The South Side circle and the Circle of Ruth of the women's aux iliary joined in giving the enter tainment, following the meeting ot each of the circles. Games of different kinds fur nished amusement. Mrs. Gartner Was presented a beautiful purse by the women in recognition of her splendid work in the different departments of the church during the past 10 years. Thera were . about 40 present. + » * MRS. PATE HOSTESS Mrs. J. E. Pate was hostess Thursday night at her home to members of the Federated Sunday school, entertaining in the place of Mrs. Eggleston. The affair was in the nature of a get-together party and informal reception for the Hidalgo teachers, j In the spirited contest calling j for the keenest thought and con centration, Mrs. J. A. Nichols won j the prize, having answered all the | questions correctly. About 20 were i present. • • • ENDEAVOR SOCIAL Members of the Senior Endeavor society of the Christian church en joyed a social Monday evening at , the church given in compliment to Miss Zlanch Gray, who won In a contest recently in the endeavor work. A large crowd was in attendance, and games and other means of en tertainment were enjoyed. • • # FACULTY ENTERTAINS Mrs. L. F. Sherwood and mem bers of the faculty at the Faculty club entertained the members of the school board and their hus bands and wives, and also resident members of the faculty in McAllen I with a swimming party and picnic i •upper at Cascade pool Saturday •vening. A large crowd enjoyed the outing. • • • BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Lydia Frances Crow cele brated her sixth birthday anniver sary by entertaining a group of lit tle friends at the home of her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Crow Monday afternoon. • • ♦ PINNER PARTY The birthday anniversary of A. P. Vannoy was celebrated Wednesday I •vening with a six-course, 7 o’clock stag dinner party given by Mrs. i Vannoy at their home on North Broadway. The • table was centered with beautiful yellow blossoms and a color note of yellow and white was further emphasized In the place cards. Those present were Dr. F. E. Os iMrs. Myra Oliver ji| Dougan J; Recommends Saving ij Through the j: Texas Building jj| and Loan Association j: An expert in economies j! ij in the Home, Mrs. Dou- ij ij gan recommends an in- ij j| vestment in Building & jj J; Loan as an indispensa- jj j; ble pail of your pro- j: j! gramme of economy. |i 8% ii j! With Safety j [ {j j Start Your Account j j Today 1 Texas Building j and Loan Association ; Eleventh and Levee jj Phone 183 Brownsville, Texas ij :i born. A. A. Hughes. Alex Woolridge. J. C. Paxton. W. H. Moonu, C. O. Rockwell, L B. Sigler, and the host. • • • BETA CLUB ENTERTAINED Mrs. Stockton Fouhtain was host ess Tuesday afternoon to the mem bers of the Beta Bridge club, en tertaining at the Margaret Louise tearoom. Following the usual number of games, Mrs. Stephen Jones was pre sented the prize for success. • • • DELTA BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. J. G. Harrison was hostess Tuesday afternoon at a meeting of the Delta Bridge club. Those re ceiving the prizes were Mrs. Har alson and Mrs. Lee. The next meeting will be with Mrs. B. D. Kimbrough. • • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs George Ford and daughter, Virginia, from Dallas, ace guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nichols at Hidalgo. Clay Zachry. Marvin Downs of Alamo and Bill and O. E. Cannon of Mission left Wednesday morning for Austin, where they will enter Texas university. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Griffin left Monday for Mexico City to spend a week. Mary Glauner left the last of the week for 8an Antonio where she will attend Westmoreland col lege. Mrs. T. A. Leatherwood of Pal estine. who has been visiting her daughter. Mrs. William Yoakum, returned to her home the last of the* week. Miss Mackie Leslie spent the week-end in McAllen ds the guest of Judge and Mrs. J. E. Leslie. Miss Leslie is teaching in the Edin burg schools this year. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bonneau and daughter, Jo Ann, nave returned from a two weeks’ trip to San An tonio, Victoria and Corpus Chnsti. They visited Mr. Bonneau's broth er in Corpus Christi. Mrs. Percy Herman has returned from San Antonio, where she ac companied her daughter, Miss Lou ise, who entered Incarnate Word academy. Mrs. J. M. Doss and Mrs. Vir ginia Lemburg will leave Friday for Virginia, where Mrs. Lemburg will attend the State university. Mrs. Doss will be away for several weeks. Mrs. Miller Belding returned Tuesday from Temple. She accom panied her father, M. S. Wimbury and Mrs. Lorene Brothers to Mc Allen. Mrs. Winbury remained to be with her mother, Mrs. A. J. Norton of Qu&nah. Mr. and Mrs. Norton and Mrs. Winbury will ar rive in McAllen next week and Mr. and Mrs. Norton will probably spend the winter here. Mrs. E. L. Walsh and children returned home from Wichita Falls where they have been for the past six weeks. On their way home they visited in San Antonio, where Mrs. Walsh’s son Emmett, entered school at St. Anthony's academy. He will take up voice training along with his regular school duties. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Gill, and son, R. D., left the last of the week for Houston. R. D. will enter Rice in stitute again this year and his father and mother will visit rela tives at Houston for about 10 dafs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cheever and family were guests of the Joe Chee ver family at Donna. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jackson re turned Monday from a trip extend ing over a period of two and one half months. They visited in the states of Massachusetts. New York and Iowa, and also points in Can ada. Their daughter, Dr. Ruth, who served an interneshlp in a hospital at Worchester. Mass., the past year, is now at Iowa City and will be connected with prominent doctors in a hospital there, special izing in surgery. H. K. Hasncss returned Monday morning from Grand Rapids. Mich., where he has been for the past three months on business. Harold Leavell left Monday for Austin where he will enter Texas university. Miss Marvolene Bowe. who has been spending the summer at Fin ley, Ohio, is at present visiting school friends in Ennis. She will enroll again this year at T. C. U. at Fort Worth. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bowe and Miss Maxine Bowe, who have also been visiting at Finlev during the summer, expect to re turn to McAllen In about a month. Mrs. G. W. Campbell and son, Billie Maitland, left Monday morn ing for Kerrville, where Billie will enroll at Schreiner institute. They were accompanied by Miss Hester Leavell, who will continue her trip __ ^WWiiUh I00*00000? Fragrant $ Mrs. Dougan says: "The Q entrancing fragrance of Z Cara Nome Perfume will J surely delight you as It Q has delighted women of A taste the country over.’ W Why don't you come in A and sample this exqui- W site odor? Q Cara Nome Perfume A lVi-oz. 5 $4.00 X I*® Atxd 'and £. j{ ' oeooccfSlSHiooocioc M --——— " 1 — » --- " HOME ECONOMICS STUDENTS WEIGHT PERFECT In a class of over 100 girls enrolled in the Indiana State Fair Home Economics School, eight were found to be of perfect weight. They are. reading from left to right, Mary Keever, Earl Park; Wanda Wilking, Wil liams; Irene Doolittle. Marengo; Edna Richardson. Connersville; Vita Orebaugh. Dalevllle; Myrtle Schlan draff, Fort Wayne; Armelia Sirkle, Cypress, and Elizabeth Watson. Yankestown, all in Indiana. Stu dents found to be overweight have been given exercises, and those underweight are given milk at inter vals (luring the day. to Fort Worth where she will at tend T. C. U. Wayne Gilbert left Friday for Texas university at Austin, where he will be a student again this year. Elmer Ragsdale left Friday for A. & M. college, where he will take up junior work toward his de gree. William Ragsdale is attend ing Fort Lewis college at Hesperus. Colo., which is a branch of Colo rado A. & M. college. L. E. Martin of St. Louis, super intendent of the dining system of the Missouri Pacific railroad, en joyed a short visit with his sister. Mrs. W. P. Ragsdale, the past week. Mrs. Bess Dunlovey left Mondry lot Dallas, where she was called by the death of her sister. Grover Ehlinger left Monday for Port Lavaca, where he will visit his father and mother. Miss Katherine Frisby left Mon day night for Baylor university at Waco, where she will attend this coming year. Miss Frisby will ma jor in dramatic art. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Telford of San Antonio were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Skinner over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Telford will spend the winter in McAllen. A. J. McColl arrived her Monday from Chicago, accompanying an ex cursion party to the Valley. Mrs. McColl. who has been in Chicago for the past three months, drove to Greenleaf, Kan., where she wlU be joined by her aunt, Mrs. L. S. Scott, and will continue her trip to McAllen. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Armstrong left Wednesday night for Dallas for a family reunion with their three sons and their families. Sam Arm strong of Amarillo, and J. N. and Harvey of Dallas. They expect to be away for several weeks. Frank Moffett left Wednesday for Austin, where he will be a Junior this year at Texas Christian uni versity. Misses Rosemary and Marcella Pink left Thursday for Kerrville, where they will enjoy a month's vacation. B. J. Domouchel. accompanied by Billie and Miss Gladys Walsh, left Wednesday for Wichita Falls, where they will remain to witness the Texas league baseball play-off be tween Dallas and Wichita Falls. MERCEDES MONTHLY MEETING The monthly business meeting of the local Business and Professional Women's Club, held at the end cf the week, featured a banquet and a program of splendid entertain-1 ment. Miss Beth Garrett, president cf the organization, presided at the business session, during which re ports from the committee chairman were given. Miss Garrett stated that the progress of the organiza tion was remarkable for this time of the year, inasmuch that accom plishments in the club work are greater at this time than they were at mid-winter last year. Mrs. Artie Sugg, chairman of the civic committee reported that her .committee had started to work on a general cleanup of the city. Mrs. Ruth Rouse as chair man of the educational work, stated that men and women of au thority. of Mercedes, would be asked to givctalks on beautifica tion of yards at business meetings of the club. In the city beautification plan, Mrs. Ann Bruce has charge of tree planting along the curbs. Miss Myrtle Jones will have charge of planting along the highway. She will be assisted by Engineer H. E. Bennett. Mrs. 8hirley Meeker reported as finance chairman. Miss Dorothy Nell 8mith gave a moat Interesting account of her “The TRAVELERS | Hotel ;: ! j i; is j: Just Like Home” <1 says. Mrs. Oliver Dou- j! gan, who is stopping at ]! the Travelers Hotel. i; The rooms are cool, cheery and pleas- I; j ant and the accommodations are better than in ordinary hotels. 1 ,“'**^**'*^x»»*s» »»#»»#I In All Her Demonstrations at (Ehe iBnmmstrillf Herald Free Cooking School At the Queen Theater at 2:30 L>auy ji STARTING TOMORROW 8 ■ A Good Servant is Gas Start your dinner, set the temperature at the right degree of heat for the particular meal you are cooking—• and join your family. Gas Will Do the Work * if- « » *' • RioGra de Valley Gas Co. Brownsville trip to Maclnac Island, Mich.,! where she attended the national convention of Business and Pro fessional Womens Clubs. She at tended as a delegate from the lo cal organization. Miss Jewell Ounson had charge* of the program, which feature.1 comic songs and stunts by Frank Beale and Ham Smith, to the ac companiment of the banjo, har monica and other musical instru ments. The singing of club songs con cluded the evenings program. • • • MRS. COLBERT HOSTESS Mrs. Sam Colbert was hostess to the members of the Embroidery club at their last meeting. Her home was attractive with many flowers for the occasion. Embroidery and conversation formed the diversion for the after noon. Nine members were present. • • • 7 O'CLOCK DINNER Mrs. W. W. DeCeli entertained with a delightful 7 o'clock dinner at the week-end in honor of the birthday of her husband. After dinner bridge formed the diversion for the remainder of the evening. Mrs. James House and James Anderson made the higa scores. The personnel included Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Barton, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. James House, Mr. and Mrs. Lelland Mat thews and the hosts. • * • FINAL MEETING The All-American Ideal club held its last meeting at the home of Mrs. G. C. Borchelt. The afternoon was spent in discussing club work. Three new members were added to the roll, Mrs. A. Schoff, Mrs. R. N. Grayson, and Mrs. W. W. Crockett. Fifteen women were in attendance. • • • PERSONALS Mrs. L. R. Scott, who has been making her home here with her son, M. J. Scott, has gone to visit her sister, Mrs. J. L. Richardson, a former Mercedes resident, and E. E. Scott at Bay City, then visit her son, R. L. Scott in Houston. Before returning to Mercedes she will visit her great grand-daughter at Lib erty, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. William Lister and daughter, Miss Daisy, left Satur day for San Antonio where they will make their future home. Mr. Lister has been foreman of the Tribune for the last two years. He will be connected with the Lone Star Printing company of San An tonio. Mrs. H. T. Stotlcr and children. Catherine. Helen Tiel and Donald, have returned to Mercedes after having spent the summer in the North. While away they visited relatives in Ohio and spent several weeks in the home of Mrs. Stotler's sister, Mrs. Grafton Burdette of Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Lee Hartzell, Mrs. O. E. Rid-1 enour, Mrs. George Morrison and Mrs. Grant Morrison attended the j reception at the Woman’s club in j Harlingen, given in honor of Miss Dorothy Porter, who is the new | home demonstration agent ol Cam eron county. Mrs. Amos Todd and Miss Min ncttc Worth ol Santa Rosa wer* guests here in the home of Mrs. T. H. Pollard during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Herring have for their house guests Mrs. T. If. Gant and daughters, Lucile and Helen, of Austin. Mrs. H. H. Seay and son Ralph have gone 'to Battle Creek, Mich, for a visit with relatives. MASKED BURGLAR A MAD MAN LONDON.—R. G. Shortt, convict ed several burglaries while masked, turned to be an escaped madman. MILITANT PASTOR FTNEfk LEEDS. England.—Rev. 1. i*A, Curran was lined for striking a spectator who jeered at a religious procession. TWINS WIN $17,500 LEWIS. England.—Injured by aa automobile, Misses Joan anti May Goather, twins, were awarded $17, 500 damages. I t Mrs. Myra Oliver Dougan Endorses Snow Queen Ice Cream and Pasteurized Milk — ! Mrs. Myra Oliver Dougan, who this week is conduct- j ing The Brownsville Herald Cooking School, says of Snow Queen Products: “Snow Queen Ice Cream is delicious, and of course Pasteurized Milk such as theirs is of the highest quality.,, Snow Queen Creamery Phone 1383 E. M. Lovett, Mgr.