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I I WEDDED BLISS FOR OVER 71 YEARS TALKS MADE TO NEW ROTARIANS £ " '. ” ||| Aims Of Club; Irvine On Football “The love of man. unselfishness and self sacrifice are the motivat ing principles of Rotary which haw enabled It to spread throughout the world and to bring enemy popula tions together in peace and under standing.’* P. M. Lambertcn -old the Brownsville Rotary club at the reg ular Wednesday luncheon. He was speaking to five new members of the club instructing them on the aims and requirements of Rotary. “The purpose of the organization is service to fw. aria ns and your fellow man.’* the speaker said. "There is no room In Rotary for the slacker, shirker or sidestepper. Work Demanded “You new members are welcome to play with us when we play, but when you are called on to work for Rotary it is not an invitation, it is a demand. The speaker told of the demand for regular attendance at the meetings of the club, “for the good Rotary can do you and for the good you can do Rotary.” He explained that Rotary is not a super chamber of commerce but that the club could enter into civic enterprises, with caution. Visiting Rot aria ns included L. B Myers and C uy Trent of San Be nito. C. O. Rockwell of McAllen, and S M. Osgood of Chicago. Other visitors were Doug Fessenden, Paul Collins and R. D. SundeU. Athletic Support L’rged Red Irvine, athletic director of I the Brownsville public schools told ! of football games which local teams are playing this week-end ! and urged members * the club ! to give the players support by at- j tending. The Eaglets are playing j in Brownsville Thursday afternoon : meeting El .*ardin at 4 p. m. and I the Junior college team journeys ; to San Benito fc- a tilt against the high school team there at the 1 Irvine spent some time telling of arrangements made at Harlingen for seating a large crowd at the game Friday in which the Eagles will clash with the Harlingen high school in the first test of the sea son. This Is the only Valley team the Eagles will meet this season. Letters were read from Houston and San Antonio clubs asking sup port for candidates from each city for district governor. A. V'. Reed suggested that the clubs be inform ed the Brownsville club has good material for a governor in Wayne Wood, but he was ruled out c! or der. President W. 8. West presented each member of the club with a small booklet. “What the New Member Should Know About Ro tary,” by Fred K. Stroop, president of the Temple, Texas, club. . I Piggly Wiggly—A Civic Factor ^ Expenditures for education in the United States increased from $781,707,000 |5|j in 1913-14 to $2,744,000,000 in 1925-23. The funds got this great work came Ijfffl not alone from increased production and larger earnings throughout the country, hut also from increased savings by reason of more efficient distribu- Mj tion. Chain stores, and particularly Piggly Wiggly Stores, contributed more SH than their proportionate part of such increased savings. These prices good at Piggly Wiggly Stores in Brownsville, |3| San Benito, Harlingen, Mercedes, Edinburg, Weslaco and Me- jKj Allen, Saturday, September 28th: # ! I ; that’s how CRISP So crisp that every delicious bubble pops and crackles when milk or cream is poured on it! Rice Krispies are toasted rice—fllled W'ith flavor and crispness—what a breakfast! Rice Krispies fascinate children. They are ideal for early suppers. Order a red and-green package from your grocer to day. Slade by Kellogg in Bat tle Creek. RICE KRISPIES WOMAN DAZED WITH LIQUOR 1 DBYCOPS Manufacturer Discov ered In Apartment ^Jnconscious; Dress ^Stained By Blood CHICAGO, Sept. 26.—<&) •—Charles M. Keckley, 62, Well to do manufacturer, was found unconscious and probably fatally injured to day in the south side apart ment of Mrs. Florence Ja cobs, 35. His skull had been fractured by a heavy blow behind the ear. The woman, dazed with liquor and her dress stained by blood, was taken into custody. An anonymous telephone report of a ‘ shooting ' brought police to the place. On the upper rear porch they found a pool of blood and a small knife. They knocked several times before the stupefied woman admitted them. Keckley was lying on a couch. "I cut my finger” she replied dully, when asked to explain the blood. She said Keckley had been a frequent caller, and this was con firmed by the mans son. O. C. Keckley, head of the manufactur ing concern which bears his name. Police also arrested Leo Langolis, who said he had roomed in the apartment four years. He said he had been awakened by the sound of an argument. Mrs. Frank Ahr Dies After Long Iilness Mrs. Frank Ahr, 36. died at Mercy hospital at P a. m. Thursday. She had been ill for the past three months, and on Tuesday under went an operation froru which she did not rally, due to hcert weak ness. No funeral services are to be held here, but a short prayer service will be held at the Sacred Heart church, of which she was a mem ber at 8 p. m. Thursday. The body will be taken to San Antonio, her former home, and the funeral will take place there Friday afternon. Besides her husband, the deceas ed leaves six children. Russell. Ha zel, Tommie. Chester. Betty Etta and James. She is also survived by one sister. Miss Effie Callahan, liv ing here and several brothers and 6isters in San Antonio. whert her mother, Mrs. John Callahan, also JHides fahe was born In San Antonio •Tune 13, 1833. The family moved to Brownsville about two years ago. Trial Postponed Of Two Doctors The trials of Drs. G. S. Bremoiu and Pedro M. Hernandez in con nection with an allpged illegal op eration ha-e been postponed due to the fact that a special venire has to be summoned. It is probable that they will be tried Monday in the criminal dis trict court. Brookhart Charges Farm Board Head WASHINGTON. Sept, 26.—_ Senator Brookhart. republican. Iowa, read before the senate agri culture committee today what he said was testimony in the Sapiro Ford libel suit in which a witness accused Thomas C. Stone, now vice chairman of the federal farm board. 9f selling his warehouse, purchased for $165,000 in 1916, to the Burley Tobacco Growers’ association, of which he was president, for $225,000 n 1921. Building Permits { J. T. Canales, comer St. Charles and Fifth, two-story frame garage i and repairs to residence. $1500. Manuel Garza. Tyler, new roof on residence. $75. ======== NewF: ’ends Of the Merchants’ National are, for the most part, firms and individuals directed to it by those v/ho, as customers and clients, know and appre ciate its service from actual experience. Among the various facilities offered by this institution — whose capital, surplus and profits exceed half million dollars — there is one or more you would find valuable in your affairs. Your Business Is Invited Capital Stock, paid in $100,000.00 From Earnings . . $150,000,000 $250,000.00 Surplus, Earned.$250,000.00 MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK BR.OW N S VIM_E .-TEXAS .. For more than 71 years Mr. and Mrs. David Wesley Davis of Mobile. Ala. have been happily married. They were wed at Brooklyn. Ind., Sept. 9. 1858. Davis is 95 years old and his wife but a few years younger. CADET KILLED AS PLANE A T KELL Y FIELD CRACKS UP I Propeller Mangles Montana Student Aviator As He Attempts to Jump With Parachute \\ hen Ship Goes Into Spin - SAN ANTONIO. Sept. 26.-<;p)-CIark M. Whitcomb. 24. Kelly Field army cadet, met death today when an attempt to jump from his falling plane proved futile. His body was mangled by the propellor. The accident occurred 10 miles northwest of Kelly Field. Whitcomb had previously flown observation planes, but today he took Man On Trial For Attempt to Murder The trial of Jose Mirnles, charged with attempt to murder Valentin Leal, got under way in the crim inal district court Thursday morn ing. Mirales is alleged to have shot at Leal four times, one bullet taking effect. The shooting took place in East Brownsville May 19. it was testified. The testimony was about half through at noon. Doctor Says Peacox ‘Should Be Spanked* WHITE PLAINS. N. V.. Sept 20. —</T —One doctor referred today to Earl Peacox, charged with the mur der of his wife, as "an average young man." and another said a spanking woud have done him good. The doctors were alienists called by the state to counteract defense expert testimony that the defend - an had a psychopathic personality and had killed his wife during an emotional storm. . Teachers Asked To Make Reservations Teachers intending to attend the first meeting of the Cameron Coun ty Teachers’ association at San Be nito October 4 should make reser vations with Miss Rachel Cooper, it was stated by Mrs. W. R. Jones, county superintendent. Thursday. Miss Cooper can be reached through the school system at San Benito. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p. m at the Sobre las Olas cafe. The chief theme o fthe session will be a school beautification pro gram sponsored by Mrs. Jones. Qualified speakers on the subject are being secured for the rogram, Mrs. Jones states. “ fjuj&uii piane lor tnc first time. While doing acrobatics at an , altitude of 2.000 feet, he put the plane into a spin. Upside down, the plant* shot to the ground. At a low altitude. Whitcomb attempted to escape by a parachute Jump, but ; was caught by the prooellor. Whitcomb is survived bv his pa- 1 rent'. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Whit comb. cf Hel ta. Mont. —■ " ■— ■ Ex-Hall Star Guilty Of Murdering Woman HARRISBURG. Pa.. Sept. 23—bP —Samuel (Red) Crane, one-time ; big league ball player, today faced ten to twenty years in jail for slay ing a girl for whom he sacrificed his diamond career. He was con- j victed last night cf murder in the second degree by a jury for shoot ing to death Miss Della Lyter in a hotel room when he found her in the company of John D. Oren, brick salesman, who had supplant ed him in the girl's affections. i The Mark of Genuine Aspirin t> AYER ASPIRIN is like an ole friend tried and trno. Then can never be a satisfactory substi tute for either one. Bayer Aspirir s genuine. It is the accepted anti dote for pain. Its relief {nay always be relied on, whether used for the occasional headache, to head-off a cold or for the more serious aches and pains from neuralgia neuritis, rheumatism or other ailments. It’s easy to identify Bayer Aspirin by the Bayer Cross on every tablet, by the name Bayer on the box and the word genuine printed in red I-.. ±_I ='.. Aziz Tims, - maUAMm-lM Urn UMM.srrj-J -- ■— aanmnnif mn ________ ” » If | “■"■■mm «**^**J XN3HNX3A09 HflO AS OSSS SaNflOd JO 6NOI11IN tW>PW3 Puv 3M*d JO] sssuno 3JK9K 8g JtdAO JtO} aauj antes npAioj Surqeg OM Butsn uj pun BujBnq ui aam no\ •ub3 aqj a; injnoods )s«| 3q; o) uMopuoipejsjfes pa; | -xad 3aj8 of p33)osien8 pue aiqepuad q; stCmnjY COFFEE PoT/1 H°a“' 45c I .PostToasties a, 7y2c JELLQ SEr 7c Macaroni or Spaghetti Package . ^C RAISINS ssgN9c Ginger Ale 15c SALMON .14c PIS Van Camp s Early June, 8v^c._ Pan Cake Flour 12c I RICE sr- ^ 18c | PRESERVES as. 12c I Blackberries si- 55c B Honey & Aimond Cream Bottle ...... 35c | ■Toothpaste35c | ■ POLISH _ 7c 1 II _ Small Can ... .12c 1 I VINEGAR sa 12c I | FLOOR WAX (e.. 56c I MR These Specials good in our Sanitary Markets in Brownsville, San Benito, Har Hj lingen and McAllen, Saturday, Sept. 28. i Pi IJF Shoulder Roast, per pound.. 24c Kl fcj % \ Bm Steak, per pound .26c B|| H rn f pH ja B Chuck Roast, per pound.23c H III \# P JSk I Roll Roast, per pound.. 25c ffiJ Sd ” :L ^vm Chops, per pound.25c 2^1 Dressed Hens and Friers - Fresh Fish and Oysters We Cut Only the Choices! Packing House Meats Bilk.!'. ''Tflii&*x m ’flBsr lliiiKi 1.'"