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Pipkin Leads Scorpions to Victory Over San Benito COLLEGIONS .WIN BY 27:0 Passing Combination And Strong Defense Are Features SAN BENITO. SEPT. 27—(Spl.) •-The passing combination of Pip kin to Ball worked like a well oiled machine here Thursday afternoon, and the Brownsville Junior college Scorpions defeated San Benito nigh by a score of 27-0. Three of Brownsville’s four touchdowns were made by Ball and Pipkin after tak ing accurate pases. The other touchdowns were made by Pipkin as he spun through San Benito's line for 25 yards in the first five minutes of play. All of Brownsville's scores were made In the fir^t half, two touch downs in the first quarter and two in the second. Seconds Get Chance Coach Calvin Surtees ran his second string the third quarter. This line-up showed defensive strength but lacked offensive punch The Greyhounds managed to keep the ball in the Scorpion’s territory during this time. Near the begin ning of the fourth quarter, the ball was forced back under Browns ville goal and the first string was again placed in action. It threat ened as Dudley Martin intercepted a pass and ran 40 yards to San Be nito's 20-yard line. The outstanding work of the game was turned in by Pipkin. He furnished the major part of Brownsville's offensive punch. The former Main avenue star had little trouble in plunging through the left side of the Greyhound line. Ball and Lebowitz handled Pip kin's passes well. The 8corpion line played a good defensive game, led by Cuellar, Monsees, Atkins and Powfell. Adams, center, did by far the best work for the San Benitans. Defensively, he was the mainstay of the Greyhounds. Carter, full, shared honors with him. Bud Ad amson. veteran back, got off sever al good runs. The Scorpion made 10 first downs to six for San Benito. The first touchdown was made . In the first few moments of play. A pass. Pipkin to Ball good for 15 yards, placed the oval on San Benito's 25 yard line. Pipkin then hit the right side of the line and troased the goal standing up. At :in» failed to kick the extra point. Kaain in the first quarter the ■ifcforpions recovered a fumble on iU Benito’s 40 yard line. Ball pas ted to Pinkln several plays later »-J for 15 yards. The Brownsville quarter shook several tacklers and crosed the goal. Atkins kicked the goal. Pipkin Gats Away Shortly after the second quarter, opened, two passes Pipkin to Ball i resulted In another touchdown.; Ball kicked the extra point San Benito then marched down the field. Pipkin intercepted a pass and ran 70 yards through a broken field for a touchdown. It was not allowed, however, because of clipping on the part of a Scor pion. Near the end of tlie half Pipkin made 20 yards at right tackle, plac ing the Scorpions again in striking distance. A pass, Pipkin to Ball, netted another touchdown. Pipkin kicked the goal. Jr. COLLEOE Pos 8AN BENITO i Scheldman LE Pace I Atkins LT Moses C. Martin LG Hewlett Cuellar C Adams Monsees RO Patterson Powell RT Billeu D. Martin RE Butler Pipkin Q Adamson Lebowitz LH Sloan Ceyannes RH Sfith Ball F Carter When Coach Surtees changed his line up in the third quarter, he put in a complete new team as fol lows: Le Gomez. It Crocket, lg Bullis. c Underwood, rg Llndhorn, rt Clark, re Ezzell, q Murphy, lh Sea ley. rh Moore, f Kesnamer. Officials: Solts Clark. Referee; Carruthers, umpire; and Higgins, head lineman. Edelstein Store At San Benito Moves San Benito, Sept. 27.—Announce ment of signing of a lease on a new and larger location here today was made by Edelstein's Furniture store of this city. The store is now located on 8outh Sam Houston boulevard, but will ! move to North Sam Houston boule- " vard to a location now occupied by the Mittanck Furniture company. Lease was signed with Dr. W. J. Vinsant. the owner, and the change is to be made June 15, 1930. The Mittanck store will move to some other location, as yet undecld ed When the move is made, the Edelstein's store here will Install , a larger stock of furniture, in the additional space which will be ' available. Waggoner Pleads Not Guilty to Charges NEW YORK. SEPT., 27—CHAR LES D. WAGGONER, President of the Bank of Telluride. Colo., 1 pleaded not guilty today in feder al Court to an indictment charg ing mail fraud. His trial was set for next Friday. BRONCS TAKE MALLEN, 19-7 McALLEN, Sept. 27.—Coach "Cow boy" Ogan's doleful wailings failed to keep the fighting gang of Bull dogs from holding the strong Edin burg Junior colege Broncs to a 19-7 score here Thursday afternoon. Ogan’s high grtdders flashed strength that indicates they will be high in the Valley ranking again this season. The Bulldogs punched out their touchdown in the fourth quarter. Gene Cox took a backward pass from Frisby at Quarter and went around his left end for a 65 yard run and a touchdown. This play was made Just after the first string Broncs returned to the game. The ’ Brons ironed across their first marker in the opening quarter. McCauley bucked over after a series of off-tackle brushes had placed the ball withing a few yards of the goal line. McCauley also kicked goal Duncan. Edinburg half, ran up the the second touchdown early in the quarter. He snagged a pass close to the McAllen line and waded across. The third came in the fourth quarter. McCauley plunging over after a long pass had put the Broncs within striking distance. The famous McAllen passing game of last season showed promise of materializing this year. A. Garza did some accurate hurling against the Broncs. Capt. Cox for the Macks, and McCauley for the Broncs, stood out The starting lineup are as follows: Edinburg McAllen Garret. Allen Left Tackle Tucker .Stutzenbecker Left Tackle Magee. Karam Left Guard Ike Smith.Jackson Center Ewing.. Cavazos Right Tackle Arrington. Cox Right End Ramsey .Modest Right End Coffman .Frisby Quarterback Duncan .Ernest Left Half Keen .Garza McCauley .Walsh Fullback The Bronc reserves who saw ser vice in the game are: A. Arrington. Honcus, Smith. Lawrence, Het rickrick, Trolinger, Day, Dean, Heil, Weaver, Boeye, and Goodwin. .-.-.—.. . . 11 . I Exclusively at “The Fashion” PERLBRO CLOTHES Super Values in $"iO50 Distinctive 0/= , Fashions 2 PANTS EACH GARMENT BEARS A WELL KNOWN MAKER’S NAME — IN ADDITION TO OUR OWN EXCLUSIVE LABEL Perlbro Clothes combine the best offerings of several well-known tailors. This unusual co-op eration enables The Fashion to present exclus ively one of the most remarkable lines of Men's Clothing in America. The value and distinction of these smart clothes are apparent at a glance. One look will convince you. See them in our windows today. EXPERIENCED SALESMEN l to sell aumtobile service throughout Valley. Men with car preferred. Must furnish bond. Earnings from $5.00 to $25.00 daily, depending on ability. Apply District Office, second floor, Ritter Building, La Feria. " National Motorists Association of Texas, Inc. ————————————----. THEY’LL DO ATHLETICS’ HEAVY WORK IN SERIES ^_________ _ These first string pitchers will do the heavy work for the Athletics in the world’s series against the Cubs. Grove or Sarnshaw will pitch the opener. Quinn, 44-year-old star, may be saved for the first game in Philadelphia. RIO HONDO AND DONNA TIE. 6-6 I I | Game Hard-Fought as Punt ing Duel, Donna Having Distinct Advantage Donna. Texas, Sept. 27.—Rio Hondo and Donna played a 6 to tt tie here Thursday afternoon in a stubornly fought game, neither team having an advantage over the other. The scores came in the last five minutes of play. Right End Rush ing blocked an attempted punt in the fourth quarter and ran 25 yards to a touchdown. Two minutes to play and 25 yards from the Rio Hondo goal, by virtu* of a bardly played punt by Rio Hondo, Patter son’ and Austin took turns at end runs and line smashes and on the fourth down with 5 yards to go, Austin went over for a touchdown Neither team made the extra point after the scores. The game in itself was a punting duel with Donna having a distinct advantage over Rio Hondo. Patter son got of some of the best punts seen on the local field in several years. A fair sized crowd witnessed the contest, many fans accompanying the Cameron county eleven to Donna. The lineups: Rio Hondo Donna Rushing.Right End......Schell Brady.Right Tackle....8tevens Eddy.Right Guard.Dack Bamks... .Left Guard.... Mehtoner Grantham..Left Tackle..Hendricks Nation.Left End.Helman Goode... .Quaterback .... 'Jatterson Cox.Left Half.Hornbuck.e Hartzog.Right Half.Austin Houghtallng.Fullback.Davis Officials: Referee. Grove La Ferla; Umpire, Willis, Pharr-San Juan Alamo; Head Linesman, Weir, McAllen. 35 Ice Dealers In Valley on Visit Harlingen. Sept. 27.—(spl)-Thirty five manufacturers of ice, ice plant managers, and dealers In Ice arrived i here early today, and were greeted 1 by officials of the Central Power & Light company, who started them on a two-day inspection tour of the Valley. The Houston party was headed by A. F. Engel, formerly of San Benito and well known In the Valley. The visitors were taken on up through Hidalgo county this morn ing. and were to be given luncheon at Reynosa, returning to Brownsville for a banquet Friday night. Saturday morning they will be taken to Point Isabel, given a boat ride and luncheon at the Yacht club, returning to Brownsville to board the train later in the evening. 19 ARE 1NDOCTED BY EDINBURG GRAND JURY Edinburg, Sept. 27.—(spl) —The grand jury of the 79th District court returned 19 indictments in its re port to the court Thursday. Bills were returned for wife abandon ment, assault with intent to murder, burglary, forgery and theft. Sally's Sallies / JAN WUAT'S MORE, fto (AlWAyS ON TH* JOB - N \_WEXSHrPAY —> Tke man wfeo bum* the caadie at both •odmsuilly mike* LfiKt of it TEXAS TOPICS • • • Two Centuries’ Work County Seat Fight— Marriage Didn’t “Take”— Newest Alibi— The newest alibi was that of Chavez at El Paso. A woman saw him carrying a clock she recognized as her own and stop ped him. “I saw a fellow steal this and I'm just taking It to the po lice he told her. San Antonio street crews are un doing work the San Jose Mission monks did two hundred years ago. The city is cutting down patriachml old trees on Josephine street, plant ed in the early 1700's, to widen the street. Residents are protesting this as almost sacrilegious. Somewhere In Texas there is a couple who think they are mar ried, but they aren't. A Wichita county Justice wrote County Atty. Wayne Somerville, saying he mar ried a couple on an Oklahoma li cense, secured to evade the Texas “hot-shot” marriage law. The mar riage was illegal, Somerville re plied. Upton county went through, with out bloodshed, the experience that gave another section the name of “bleeding Kansas,” when it voted on removing its county seat from Rankin to McCamey. The pro posal was defeated. Officer Chaudoin at San Benito saw a car turn over. The driver crawied out swathed in bandages “Fast work, wasn't it,” the puzzled officer asked. “No. that's from yes terday's wreck,” the motorist re torted. Dr. Oeorge Hurt at Dallas treat ed a Hope. Ark., girl for ear trou ble, incidentally discovering she had a fractured bone in her necx. a^ erward the girl sent him a 140 pound watermelon as a reward for his services. Hockley county, recently organ ized, has joined the ranks of pro gressive sections . It has had its first murder trial. A Jury gave B. A. Foshee a suspended sentence for killing his wife’s “friend.” Spray Fruit Trees For Morelos Flies Work of spraying all citrus trees and other host fruit trees for the ! Morelos friiit fly in the city of ! Brownsville was started Friday morning, under the direction of a force of federal inspectors. The spraying is being done in Brownsville in view of the recent heavy infestation in Matamoros. In case any of the adult flies escap ed the cleanup work In Matamoros. it is expected they will be destroyed by the poison spray which is being put on the trees. The spray being used is composed water, arsenate of lead, sugar and ; molasses, and is not poisonous to humans, although it will kill the lly. Mireles Guilty Of Attempt to Murder Jose Mireles was given five yea: s in the state penitentiary Thursday by a Jury in the criminal district | court on charges of assault to mur der Valeniin Leal. Mireles shot at Leal four times, one shot taking effect in the right side and arm early this summer in east Brownsville, it was brought out. i They had got into an argument early in the afternoon and Leal cut the defendant, he alleged. He then secured a pistol and returned after dressing his wound, Mireles tes tified. As he approached Leal, the latter threw up his arms and said 1 he did not wish to have any further | trouble, it was testified. Then Mire les began shooting. Samuel Garcia, a state witness who did not appear, was placed in jail for contempt of court. Preachers Cited In * Mrs. Pantages’ Trial LOS ANGELES. Sept. 26.—«^) Superior court Judge Carlos Hardy, presiding in the second degree mur der trial of Mrs. Lcis Pantages, has ordered the Rev. R. P. * Bob" Shuler and the Rev. Gustav A. Briegler to appear next Monday to show cause why they should not be cited for contempt of court. The order fol lowed investigation of Shuler’s in sinuations over the radio of ir regularities in the selection of the Jury in the case. A REAL ENERGY- FOOD READY-COOKED, READY-TO-SERVE Proteins and carbohydrates nicely balanced with the essential mineral salts and life-giving vitamins—crisp, tyavory and appetizing — eat it with mlllc or cream or fruits, for any meal. SOLD AT Harry’s Cigar Stores AND ALL Valley Leading Dealers -- .. .. i.., .'1 * EAGLETS TRIM EL ARDIN 115 30-0 Score in Continued Brownsville Team Piles Up Touchdown Spree Coach "Soc” Plato's class "B" Eaglets hopped on the El Jardtn gridders here Thursday afternoon to the tune of 38-0 before a fair sized gathering The Eaglets showed much poten tial power in ironing over touch downs with regularity. The entire Brom-nsville group saw action In the fray. The work of Champion in the backfield and Parra in the lins stood qjit. Coy Vicars turned in the best performance for the Comets. The contest was full of fumbles The Comets fumbled on the first three plays. The ball went over and Vance Wilson c rosed the goal line for a touchdown after four plays. Try for goal failed. Many Fumbles Garza recovered a fumble on El din's 20 yard line and raced for a touchdown lust before the first quarter ended. Plato then began making substitutions. They were: Lopez for Ferguson. Cunel for Par ra. Villarreal for Wilson. Baker for Garza, Sanchez for Taylor and Champion for Todd. In the second quarter a Browns ville punt was recovered on El Jardin s 20 yard line. Escobar then grabbed a pass crossing the goal line for the third touchdown. Try for point was good. They exchang ed punts and Brownsville began a march down the field, featured by Champion dashes through the line. He made another touchdown just before the half ended Plato sub stituted Wowalskt for Guzman. Trujillo for Sanchez, and Bareda for Escobar. The third quarter was featured by a epidemic of fumbles but rone of them resulted in placing either team in danger. At the fourth quarter Plato run back in his first string team. They carried the ball down the field and Baker went over for a touchdown. Smith then took Baker's place. Shortly afterward. Fernandez, Comet full, shot a pretty pass to Tripplett for 20 yards. However, they could not gain consistently and were forced to punt. Both team in tercepted passes in the last few mi nutes of play. Villareal hammered over another touchdown just be San Antonio Burial For Mrs. Frank Ahr Brief prayer services were held for Mrs. Frank Ahr at the Sacred Heart Church Thursday evening, with the Rev. J. B. Frigon In charge. Remains were fort arded to San Antonio for burial, and services will be held there Friday afternoon. Mrs. Ahr died at the Mercy hosp ital at 6 a. m. Thursday, after a long illness. She was 36 years of age. She leaves, besides her hus band, six children. Russell. Hazel, Tommie. Chest#*, Betty Etta, and James. She has one sister. Miss Ef fie Callahan, living here, and sev eral brothers and sisters in San Antonio, as well as her mother, Mrs. John Callahan, who also lives there The Ahrs came here from San Antonio about two years ago Diamond Pays Last Tribute to Huggins NEW YORK. Sept. 27.—<**-'Me tropolitan basebaIlmen today paid their last tribute to Miller J. Huggins, “Mite Manager * of the New York Yankees, today. Funeral senices for the Yankee Chieftain ; who died on Wednesday, were ar i ranged for 2 P. M.. in the Church of the Transfiguration, the “Little Church Around the Comer.** Hundreds of close friends, ac ! qualntances and just “plain fans** , passed by the mighty little baseball veteran s bier in the church. Arthur Fletcher and Charles O'Leary, Coaches, and Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Tony Lazzerl and Early Combs, were selected as pallbearers. Mrs. Pantages Near Death, Doctors Say LOS ANGELES. Sept. 27.—on— Mrs. Pantages, under instructions to appear in superior court at two ! p. m.. for sentencing following her conviction of manslaughter for the death of Juro Rokumoto after an automobile collision, today was de ! dared by her physicians to be “hovering between life and death— so critically ill she cannot appear in i court.’* fore the final whistle. Try for point was good. Starting 1 Ins-ups: _ EL JARDIN Pos BROWNS VILLH Lawrence le Guzman H. Vicars It Ferguson C. Vicars Ig Eagan Kemper c Trujillo Frazer rt Bennett Mathus rt Parra Adamas re Escobar Vicars a Wilson Trtpplett rh Todd Glendenning Ih Tayla* Fernandez f Oarm VP VP Val-U-Plus A Name Destined to Stand High in the Regard of BWel! Dressed Men and Women Opens Soon San Benito, Texas our Grocer knows values when he features Puritan Malt. K proves he’s Inter* ested in satisfy* Ing his trade. PuriTan Malt Aik for the New Puritan Light—It’g Better F I MAGNOLIA I I MOTOR OIL I ■ * H I (Paraffine Base) || I At Magnolia Stations and Dealers >■