Newspaper Page Text
ewcomers Want Furnished Apartments— Your Ad on This Page Will Reach Them AUTOMOTIVE ) ICth & Adams I m -A Touring ievrolet Coach Truck Chevrolet Coach Chevrolet Touring Chevrolet Sedan Chverolet Touring Ford Tudor Ford 8port Coupe Chevrolet Coupe Chevrolet Landau Sedan Chevrolet Truck Chevrolet Coupe Ford Touring Chevrloet Coach 8TEVENSON MOTOR CO.. InC. Brownsville. Texas.__ READ the rental ads when in need at a more desirable place to live._ FOR 8ALE—Bulck Brougnam. good condition. 1675.00. Bargain. R. R lagan. Loa Ebanos. phone 985R. P-6-» FOR 8ALE TWO F0RD80N TRACTORS /In good shape. Very reasonably piieed Phone or see John B. | Care Rio Orande Valley Trust Co OAKLAND 8PORT COUPE. 19W . sale Will take smaller car as down ££nenT T O. Box 175. Harlingen^ Phone 1067.__ IF YOU are looking for an opportunity to get into a business of your own. read the "Business Opportunity col- j umn today. _ AUTOMOTIVE GOOD WILL USED CARS 1928 Pontiac 2 Dr. Sedan, complete* ly reconditioned, new Duco Finish Excellent tires, fully equipped. 1927 Pontiac Landau Sedan, New Top cover, New Duco finish, fully reconditioned, good tires, many ex tras. 1928 Buick 7 passenger Master tour ing, completely reconditioned, New top and curtains. New Seat covers. Good two-tone Duco finish, five nearly new tires. 1926 Studebaker Sport Roadster, i New Duco finitsh. nearly new tires! rumble seat, good uphostelry, me chanically perfect, 1927 Dodge Coupe, excellent rubber, perfect mechanically condition Original finish good, fully equipped. Phone 1350 ' or call at The Isom Motor Co., Incorporated 820 Elizabeth St. HELP WANTED WANTED— Men to learn barber trade; free catalogue explains. Write Leads Barber College. Saa Antonio. Texas. U-148 WANTED—Stenogrrpher. Young Amer ican man about 21 years old. Must talk Spanish and furnish reference. Apply Walker-Cralg Co . Brownsville. U-118 Classified Business Directory h - -- ARCHITECTS j BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects—Engineers 106 Merchants Bank Bldg Phone 811 Brownsville. Texas | 0 _ E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect » B.11 Security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas V.E. B. GORE Cim and Consulting Engineer Room «<*. State National AnwnavUle. Texas. *^one AUTO REPAIRING M. A. Newman Garage III rear of Bell Service Station Specializing in Carburetor and Ignit’on Work Brownsville Agency *°T 8tromberg Carburetors mjfl.pERS—UONTRACTOBS PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 628 Washington St. Brownsville, Texa3 Phone 627 \ E. M. RIDLEY. f General Contractor j Roads, Land Leveling, 7 Plowing, Sub-soiling EXCAVATIONS EMBANKMENTS 40g MERCHANTS natl bank y BROWNS VILLE CASH REGISTERS W Cash Registers B. F*lr TO—o J REMINGTON Before You Buy. Remington Cash Register Seles Agency. McAUen. Pho. C72. downs* tile. Pbo^Mj ” pray—TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE seeds of all kinds and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING 1106 Adams._Phone 199 " AUSTIN TRANSFER , COMPANY M Crating. Shipping. Hauling r Phones 421 and 519 “ FINANCIAL a hotels^cafes --JVHITE KITCHEN ‘ * famous for tte ing—Immaculacy and Service a Tbs popular piece far basmees luncbee Utb between Elisabeth end _■ Washington real estate LOS EBANOS Brawns rule's Supreme Residential Dis trict. carefully restricted, completely Improved- Boms sites from 11300 00 easy terms. James-Dickinson Co. Tins l ton corner K1 Jar din Hotel Bldg. Brownsville. F. W. Howard real BSTATL AND RENTALS farm Proparty Large Tracts at Citrus Leads Arcade Bldg. Phone 1090. I * _._ HAT RENOVATING Hat Renovating First Class Hat Renovating & Shoe Repairing Delta Shoe & Hat Shop We Call for and Deliver Phone 535 MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guarr.ntced SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 FLORISTS THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 BCWYEK THE FLORIST, flowers and funeral designs. 8t Charles and Pita street” t*none 771. OFFICE EQl IPMENT ART METAL! FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Lltho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVE’S STATIONERY & BOOK SI-ORE Brownsville. Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS ROOFING^ THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville's Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. O. Smith “Si lent” 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and "Factory” Rebuilt*—all makes. We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth1 St. Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER” SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repxrs Phone 506—Harlingen Exclusive Bales and Service UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY 128 8. First Phone 295 Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A. DUNKELBERG Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury. George and Taylor Building Brownsville. Texas Davenport. West and Ransoms Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas a B GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas H L Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville CHIROPRACTOR DR. C. RANZELL Chiropractic*—Electro—Therapy Uaatag a and Bath Crotnack Bldg. Browwlll* U-12S! CLASSIFIED RATES and RULES Advertisements will be accepted over the telephone from telephone subscriber*, or from tboee having regular charge accounts. Other riasalfltd advertising must be ac companied by cash. No advertising accepted on an "until forbid’* order. A specified number of insertions must be I given. 1 The Herald reserves the right to place all advertisements under the ! proper classification, and reject unclean or objectionable copy. Obituaries, resolutions, and cards of thanks wlU be taken at the reg ular classified rate. The publishers are not responsi ble for copy, omissions, typograph ical error or any unintentional er ror that may occur, fenbat than to correct In the next lesuv alter It is brought to their attention. All ad vertising orders are accepted on this basis only. Telephone No. • and dictate your advertisement to an experienced classified writer. To insure publication earns day copy should be presented not later than 10:30 a. in. Ccpy for Sunday issues should be in not later than 1:30 p. m. Saturdays to Insure proper classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less, one Ut eertlon.SOc Over 30 words, one Insertion. per word .life. Subsequent Insertions run con secutively. per word. ic By month, per word.25c Minimum for monthly rata. 10 words. No classified advertisement ac cepted for less than.30c LOCAL READER RATES Readers, per count Una. 20c— Per Inch .RJ0 Second and third days. 17c par une. fourth, fifth and sixth days. 15c per Une; 7 consecutive days, tv ber une. HELP WANTED WHAT you don’t want, somebody else does. Make your ’•wants" or "don’t ■wants" known to the thousands of peo ple who read tbla page dally. SALESMEN AND AGENTS ALTO SALESMAN WANTED Must know how to sell automobiles. Must have references, and willing to work. Jesse Dennett Inc.. Used Car Market. W. A. Ross, Mgr. Phone 904. uloO SPECIALTY SALESMAN of ability for j protected Valley trerltory on new and non-competltlvc article. Sells for i24.50 paying £6.00 commission. Not house to house. 8mall capital for 'temples necessary. Write Mr. George. 708 Maverick Bldg.. San Antonio j Texas. U168 WE ARE locking for men to sell the new Chevrolet Six. A good Income also can be made out of selling our O. K. Used Cars. Apply In person and bring references. Stevenson Motor Co., Inc. 10th and Adams St. U-162| BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WHEN MARKETING a new product you'll find an ad In the ‘’Solicitors. Canvassers. Agents” column of the Classified Section Is well worth while RESTAURANT FOR SALE—Good loca tion. doing good business. Reason for selling, owner going north. Call at or write The White Kitchen. McAllen. U163 FINANCIAL MONET TO LOAN on city property, Sam Hughston. Maltby Bldg. S-247 MISCELLANEOUS PIANO FOR RENT—85 per month. Ad dress U-121. Herald. U-121 ARTICLES FOR SALE rn.inu nan auiumiuc Biorage water heater, thermostat control, never used fully guaranteed. * Regularly sella for 975.00. Vlll sell to first caller at sac rifice. Also have two slightly used gas ranges, with or without oven control. Both In excellent condition. K. B. McClure. Phone 1371W, Brownsville, i U169 WANTED SELL—Twelve cubic foot Frlgidalre. Oood as new. Box 507. Harlingen. U166| OV ERSTUFFED, cans ends, pullman ' day bed 935.00. Two mahogany tap ! estry seat, cane back, rocking chairs. 910.00 each. Phone 979R. U171 TWO PIECE davenport net. Jacquard j velour rose and taupe 950 00. Bridge floor lamp and smoking stand will be { given to purchaser. Phone 979R. D1721 ■ —- .. -. NEW BAB? GRAND PIANO reduced to half price. A real standard make. | P. D. Hambly. Box 562. phone 868-M. i Brownsville. T-101 IP TOD RAVE something to sell .eg ularly. ask for a district salesman who will explain the low business rates foi dally ads In the Classified Section. ______________________________ ELECTRIC VICTOR Orthophonle. near ly new. Half price. P. D. Hambly. phone 868-M. Box 562. Brownsville. D-l BRIGHT CANE HAY for sale; $17 per ton. delivered. Phone 13M-W. T-241 I Clean Wanted 5c per pound paid at The Browsnviile Herald Pressroom OFFICE EQUIPMENT ~ OOOD TECOND-HAND National Cash Register for sale. Box 90S. Harlingen. D-174 TREES, PLANTS AND 6EED TREE KILLERS BO-KO enough to kill 100 trees. $2.00. Bo-Ko Company. Jonestown. Miss. U-54 PALMS FOR SALE-Panleaf, date and ornamental date. 60c. dug. Special price* for large quantities. Three miles northeast at La Parla, Texas. W. Dewey. D-1J9 JT^ ,, t-i; t --'A' REAL ESTATE J REAL ESTATE; Want to trade south east Kansas City property for Val ley land. A. Simmons. General De livery. San Benito, Texas. U783? WE HAVE several tracts that would be of interest to Immigration agents. Phone 393. Skrove Bros. Land Co.. San Benito. D167 10 ACRES 100% citrus land, new $12,000 residence; 5 acres In or chard! 100 yards off Highway. Up degraff. La Peris, Texas. U182 EVERY DAY there is a new list of of fers and wants In the Claealfled Sec tion. Watch It carefully and regularly and get lust what vou want. INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville's new oust ness and residential sub-dlvlslon. located on 13th and 14th streets, one mile from Gateway Bridge, on tne main thorough fare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal air port. rich farming Hstrlct of El Jard'.n. and Boca Cblca Beach. Easy terms Ten per cent down, balance S years to pay. Jesse Dennett. phone427, Brownsville. Texas. WONDRFUL BARGAINS are offered dally in the Classified Ada. YOD can sell or trade the thing* you no longer need through a Classified Ad. IP YOU need work a small ad under “Situation Wanted” will put you In touch with the right Job. HOUSE! "OR SALE SACRIFICE—New thoroughly modern 3-room house, furnished or unfurnish ed, best buy In Brownsville; small down payment, balance like rent. Sec Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner, 1719 Hayes street, Victoria Heights. Phone 1075-J. T-48 BEAUTIFUL LOS EBANOS home on bank of reaaca; 3 large bed rooms, large living room, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen, colonade porch, screen ed; patio; 2-car garage: beautiful lawn and shrubbery; southeast exposure. For price and terms see Mr. Egan. James-Dtckinson Co., ground floor El J&rdln Hotel. U-161 WATCH the Classified Ads eraefully and regularly and you are sure to get lust what you want. IP YOU HAVE houses for rent list them with Howard, phone 1090. T-102 A LITTLE AD under "Lost and round will recover your lost articles. FARMS FOR SALE FOB SALE at half value’ 10 acres land In cultivation facing paved highway, three miles Brownsville, no Incumbrances. Moss Store, Point Isabel Highway. U183. MUST SELL 25 acres best potato land In Los Fresnos. All In cultivation, half mile off paved road. $1,000 cash, balance 5 years. Box 864. Brownsville U173 LOTS FOR SALE $750 BUYS $1,500 EQUITY in two lot*. 62'..xl50 feet each, bearing citrus trees. Located Cathay Courts. McAllen. Tex as. Care W. U. Tel. Co.. TFC Dept. Houston. Txeas. U-151 SEVERAL desirable Point Isabel busi ness lots for sale. Considerably under priced. Owner needs cash. Leppert Realty Co.. Point Isabel. Texas. U-138 BEAUTIFUL LOS EBANOS lot on Palm Blvd.. corner Palm Bird., haa Just been completed. Resaca la being dredged and widened, preparatory to filling with fresh watrr and stocked with fish The moat desirable lot and surround ings in the Rio Grande Valley. For price and terms, see Mr. Egan. James Dickinson Co., ground floor. El Jardm Hotel. U-161 - • FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A BEAUTIFUL filling station, fully equipped, with long lease, doing good business; has sandwich and cold drink stand; for only 130000. See Denson at Denson Service Sta tion. S blocks north of Court house on highway No. 12. Edinburg! Texas. This price Is low for quick sale. TJ-181 FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE—Two and one-half acres grape fruit orchard with seven-room house, modern; adjoining McAllen. 88.500 00. Enc. 83.500 00. Six apartment building. San Benito, rental 81.500.00 per year, price $12,500.00. Enc. $3.009 00. Improved Valley farm $250.00 per acre. Enc. $3,200.00. This Is all choice and desirable property, but I wish closer home. Write F. O. Collins, 912 West 15th. Des Moines, Iowa. U-178 WANT TO BUY—One kero*een water heater and tank. Box 868. U-178. TO TRADE for Brownsville property: 8-room modem house, double garage, paved street, fine shade; Miami, Okla. Call 978-W. Brownsville. U-158 RENTAL IP YOU HAVE house* for r«nt lift them with Howard, phone 1090. T-102 FOR RENT—50 acres potato land. Irri gated Call at 101 Adams street, or phone 561. T.97 APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENT In new du plex. Oarage. Fhone 81S-J. U-100 FITCH APARTMENTS — Comer Bt. Charles and West Eighth street: four rooms beautifully furnished: delight fully cool; Frlgldelre; gas. hot water: hardwood floors throughout: garage. Phone 558.T-132 TIME WELL SPENT ta time devoted to looking over the classified ads. ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nished. Corner Sixth and Levee Phene 839. P-208 OPPORTUNITY Is knocking at your door In the Classified Ad columns every day. Read and use them regularly. WE HAVE both furnished and unfur nished apartmenta and unfurnished houses. Howard, phone 1090. T-102 APARTMENT FOR RENT on paved street; gas and everything furnished; also furnished bedroom. Phone 429. T-275 THE BEST “trouble shooters” In the home are classified ads. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED apartments over M. System Store. West Elisabeth. Phone 673 or see Welker Craig Co. G-23 SOUTH SIDE attractive duplex; nleely furnished, all conveniences. No. 1112 West Elisabeth. Phone Carlos O. Wat son. T-277 FURNISHED APARTMENT -2 rooms; private bath; gas; garage: $30. 1248 W. Washington. Phone S20-J. U-S8 EXTRA CASH from old furniture, out grown bicycle*, or what have you. through a Classified Ad. MAY-DAY APARTMTTTT0 |1|RI||H1 111 f furnished. Including gas, awrocone and garage. Modem and well locat ed. 339 Washington. Phono 714. U-178 8 APARTMENTS FOR RENT—New cool apartment* and rooms. Phone 857-J 8-170 1 - COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2-room south apartment, 122 50 ; 3-room apart ment. 825. Telephone 848-W. U-3 HOUSES WILL RENT 5-room furnished home for the winter, reasonable. Tenant must be reliable. Address U-120. Her ald. U-120 FOR RENT: Four room cottage cioee to city. Cheap rent. Call at Mos* Store. Point Isabel Highway. U185 FOR RENT OR SALE—6-room house, entirely modern. Close to school. 107 St. Charles. U-141 FURNISHED BRICK HOUSE, very cool Suitable for two families. Phone Miss Gentry, 141._ T-212 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT—Strictly modern duplex. 837.50 per month. Oak floors and nice fixtures, gas, garage. Phone 344 or 532-W. Mrs. Homer Morrow, 19 Cro mack Bldg. U-138 FURNISHED ROOM—Private entrance, adjoining bath, hot and cold water, gas. 343 Levee street. U-15S ROOMS AND APARTMENTS—Reason - able ratea. Glen wood Hotel. Phone 618. P-118 FURNISHED ROOMS—South exposure, very close in; reasonable. 842 Levee. T-112 LIVESTOCK—POULTRY FOR BALE—Pedigreed German police puppies, 3 months old. H. N. Ander son. Jr., corner So. Austin and Lan drum St.. San Benito. U-175 After September 24th I am no longer responsible for any debts in curred by cr checks drawn on my account by my wife, Mrs. Bert Neii. Bert. Neil. 9-24 to 30—7t—3536. SHERIFFS SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CAMERON Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a certain Order of Sale is sued out of the Honorable 103 District Court of Cameron County on the 20th day of September, 1929. by Jno. P. Scanlan, Clerk of said Court, for the sum of Five hundred seventy and 37-100 <$570.37) Dollars and costs of suit, under a Judgment, in favor of Santa Helena Improve ment Company in a certain cause In said Court. No. 6399 and styled: Santa Helena Improvement Co., vs. O. L. Wilkins Development Co. et al. placed in my hands for service, I. W. F. Brown, as Sheriff of Cameron County, Texas, did on the 23 day of September. 1929, levy on certain Real Estate, situated in Cameron County. Texas, described as follow’s, to-wit: Ten <10> acres, more or less, in Partition Share No. 1 of the Espiritu Santo Grant in Cameron County. Texas, and more particu larly described as the West one-half of the East one-half of Block No. 423 of the San Benito Irrigation Company’s Subdivision, as show™ and described on the map or plat of said subdivision and its record in Volume 3. pp. 16-18 of the Map Records of Cameron County, Texas, and levied upon as the property of O. L. Wilkins Development Co., a corporation and that on the first Tuesday in November. 1929. the same being the 5th day of said month, at the Court House door of Cameron County, in the City of Brownsville. Texas, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., by vir tue of said levy and said Order of Sale. I will sell said above described Real Estate at pubic vendue, for cash to the highest bidder, as the property of said O. L. Wilkins De velopment Co. a corporation. And in compliance with law. I will give this notice by publication, in the English language, once a week for three consecutive weeks immedi ately preceding said day of sale, in the Brownsville Herald, a newspaper published in Cameron County. Witness mv hand, this 25 day of September. 1929. W. F. Brown Sheriff. Cameron County. Texas. Bv L. A. Jagou, Deputy. 9-27-4-11—3t—3540. SHERIFFS SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CAMERON Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a certain Order of Sale is sued out of the Honorable 103rd Dis trict Court of Cameron County on the 18 day of September. 1929. by Jno. P. Scanlan. Clerk of said Court, for the sum of Seven hundred eighty five and 22-100 '$785.22) Dollars and costs of suit, under a Judgment, in favor of C. P. Barreda. in a cer tain cause in said Court. No. 8159 and styled: C. P. Barreda vs. C. C. Olivier# ct al. placed in my hands for service. I. V/. P. Brown, as Sheriff of Cameron County. Texas, did on the 18 day of September. 1929. levy on certain Real Estate, situated in Cameron County. Texas, described as follows, to-wit: Lots 11 and 12. in Block 102 in the City of Brownsville. Cameron County, Tex es. and levied upon as the property of C. C. Oltviera et al and that on the first Tuesday in November. 1929. the same being the 5th day of said month, at the Court House door of Cameron County, in the City of Brownsville. Texas, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.. by vir tue of said levy and said Order of Sale, I will sell said above described Real Estate at public vendue, for cash to the highest bidder, as the property of said C. C. Olivera et al. And in compliance with law. I give this notice by publication, in the Enelsh language, once a week for three consecutive weeks immedi ately preceding said day of sair. m the Brownsville Herald, a newspare published in Cameron County. Witness mv hand, this 25 day of September. 1929. W. P. itrown. Sheriff. Cameron County, Texas. By L. A. Jagou, Deputy. 9-27-4-11—3542. SHERIFFS SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OP CAMERON ) Notice is hereby given that by virtue of » certain Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable 103rd District Court of Cameron county on the 23rd day of September, ,1829 by Jno. P. Scanlan, Clerk of said Court, for the sum of two thou sand twenty-live and 96-100 ($2. 025.96) dollars and costs of suit, under a judgment In favor of Santa Helena Improvement company In a certain cause In said court No. 6438, and styled: Santa Helena Improve- ' LEGAL ADVERTISING ment Co. vs. William F. Alton et al, placed in my hands for service, l, W. F. Brown, as sheriff of Cam eron county, Texas, did on the 23rd day of September, 1929, levy on certain real estate, situated in Cam eron county. Texas, described as follows, to-wit; Forty-four and 19 10 (44.19) acres of land, more or less in partition share No. 1, of the Esplrltu Santo grant In Cameron county, Texas, and more partic ularly described as ail of block 282 of the San Benito Irrigation com pany's subdivision, es shown and described upon the map or plat of said subdivision, and its record In volume 3, pp. 16-18 of the Map Records of Cameron county, Texas, and levied upon as the property of William F. Alton, Grover C. Wag ner. trustee, and A. Wayne Wood,; trustee, and that on the first Tues day In November. 1929, the same being the 5th day of said month, at the Court House door of Cameron county, in the city of Brownsville, Texas, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., by virtue of said levy and said Order of Sale, I will sell said above described Real Es tate at public vendue, for cash to the highest bidder, as the property of said William F. Alton et al. And in compliance with law, I! give this notice by publication, in the English language, once a for three consecutive weeks imme diately preceding said day of sale, in the Brownsville Herald, a news paper published in Cameron county. Witness my hand, this 25th day of September. 1929. W. F. BROWN, 8heriff Cam eron County, Texas. By L. A. JAGOU, Deputy. __9-27-4-ll-3t-3541 OFFICE OF THE COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS. Port of Brownsville, Texas. Sept. 26, 1929. Notice is here by given that on Sept. 25. 1929, there was seized near San Benito, Texas, for violation of Sect. 593 Tariff Act, 1922 and Sect. 3062 R. S., from Ramon Perez, One Ford Touring automobile, motor No. 14114511, and I from David Aguirre, et al.. One Ford touring automobile, motor No. 11348725. Anyone claiming the above described automobiles will file claim | with me within twenty (20) days j from the date of this notice; other-1 wise I will sell the automobiles at public auction at the U. 8. Custom house, Brownsville, Texas, on Thurs-1 day, October 17, 1929. at 10 o'clock A. M. Wm. Neale, Deputy Collector. 9-26-3-10— 3t—3539. SHERIFF’S SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CAMERON Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a certain Order of Sale is ! such out of the Honorable 103rd j j Judicial District Court of Cameron County on the 17th of September. 1029. by Jno. P. Scanlan, Clerk of ! said Court, for the sum of Thirty ! one hundred twenty six and 42-100 | ($3.126.42> Dollars and costs of suit.! ! under a Judgment, in favor of Santa j Helena Improvement Company in a j certain cause in said Court. No. 6542 and styled: Santa Helena Improve- | ment Co. vs. Clarence E. Dewall et | al, placed In my hands for service, I, W. F. Brown, as Sheriff of Cameron ! County. Texas, did on the 18th day i 1 of September, 1929. levy on certain; Real Estate, situated In Cameron j County, Texas, described as follows, to-wit: Seventy two and 60-100! (72.601 acres, more or less in Par- I tition Share No. 1 of the Espiritu i Santo Grant, in Cameron County, Texas, and more particularly des-: cribed as all of Blocks Nos. 427 and . 428 of San Benito Irrigation Com pany's Subdivision, as shown and I described upon the map or plat of said | subdivision and its records in volume three and pages 18-18 of the Map j Records of Cameron County. Texas, and levied upon as the property of Clarence E. Dewald. Malvina De wald. South Texas Land Co., and unknown stockholders of South Texas Land Co., and L. W. FickUn, and that on the first Tuesday in ■ November. 1929, the same being the i 5th day of said month, at the Court j House door of Cameron County, in the City of Brownsville. Texas, be tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., by virtue of said levy and said Order of Sale. I will sell said above described Real Estate at pub lic vendue, for cash to the highest bidder, as the property of said I Clarence E. Dewall et al. And in compliance with law. I will give this notice by publication, in the English language, once a week for three consecutive weeks imme diately preceding said day of sale, in the Brownsville Herald, a news paper published in Cameron County, j Witness my hand, this 24th day of September 1929. W. P. Brown. Sheriff. Cameron County. Texas. Bv L. A. Jagou, Deputy. 9-28-3-10—3t—3538. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS, BROWNSVILLE DI VISION. In the Matter of M. J. Kissick. Bankrupt. No. 293. In Bankruptcy. To the Creditors of said Bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day of September. 1929. the : said M. J. Kissick of San Benito, Cameron County. Texas, was duly adjudged a bankrupt, and the first ' meeting of his creditors will be held J at the office of the undersigned j Referee In Bankruptcy, in the j Stegman Building. Brownsville. Tex as, on the 4th day of October, 1929. at Eleven (11) A. M. at which time j and place the creditors of the said j M. J. Kissick. bankrupt, may appear, prove their claims, elect a trustee, examine the bankrupt and trans- j act such other business as may prop- I erly come before such meeting. Dated September 24, 1929. Ira Webster. Referee In Bankruptcy. 9-2«-lt—3537. j J. T. Lomax’s Father Is Dead In Missouri (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO. Sept. 26.—Henry Clay Lomax, father of John T. Lo- j max of this city, is dead at the family home in Laclede, Mo., ec- 1 cording to a communication re ceived here by friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lomax of this city j were at tin bedside of Mr. Lomax' j -father at the time of his death. I K WW G—"Voice off the Bordet* Brownsville. Texas 1260 k. c.—500 Watts. Pete Lacey. Manatee Daily, except j^nday—On air 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Back oc air al 4 p. m. with Valley news and Associated Press dispatches from Th< Brownsville Herald. Remain on air until 7 p.a Flashes of Life | (By Associated Press! NORTHAMPTON. Mass. — How long would it take to sign one's name 1.000 times? Calvin Coolidgc autographed 1,000 copies of his autobiography in 3 hours, 25 min utes, an average per signature of 12.3 seconds. Two secretaries and a representative of the Cosmopoli tan Book corporation facilitated the task in his office. He began at 8:50 a. m. last Saturday and fin ished at 12:15. The copies are to sell for $25 each. NEW YORK.—Sylvia Williamson is seven months old and has spent much of her life under the sea. She is the daughter of J. E. Wil liamson, leader of an expedition to the Bahamas, and with daddy and mother has often been down in a diving bell watching through win dows the antics of deep-sea fish. SOUTHAMPTON, N. Y.—There is much ado at the exclusive South ampton Beach club over a charge of ten cents per towel imposed on autumn bathers. Some of the rich est folks have been the loudest howlers, but the governors have been adamant because of the dis appearance of 200 towels. One patron has bought a supply at the five and ten. Her chauffeur hand her three daily. SOUTHAMPTON, N. Y.-Colont H. H. Rogers, who is occupying « villa here with his bride, Is build ing a deluxe glass-enclosed swim ming pool. The roof will be of vio let ray glass. Illumination at the bottom and sides will produce a rainbow effect, Guesses at the cost ran up to $200,000. Ford Builds Sawmill In Brazilian Wilds TAMPA, Fla., Sept. 26.—UP)— Henry Ford Is building a hardwood sawmill at his rubber plantation on the river Tapazos, 600 miles by water from Para, Brazil, according to Capt. K. E. Prenz, commander of one of the Ford steamers. Captain Prenz said the region abounds In wood of various kind! which is so hard that woodworking tools were useless against It, anc which withstands attacks of weathei and insects. •Mr. Ford evidently thinks the wood valuable, since he is establish ing a huge sawmill on the site of his rubber plantation.” Prenz said. *"Wt furnished electrical power for con struction work until a plant was set up ashore using the machinery we carried there from Detroit.” Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County, Texas PERRY L. KING & CO. AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX 9ER*'ICT Systems, Organisation and Statistical Reports Bos'ness Control Travis Building Nixon Building San Antonia. rvxat. Corpse Chrtstt Tessa. I A CORDIAL INVITATION Is attended to the public to visit oar plant and Inspect the earefni and thorough testing methods in use which assure only pipe of the highest quality being delivered to the purchaser. For complete information address Owen M. Combs, District Sales Manager GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. O. Bor 1051—Brownsville, Texas. Plant located et Blalack Switch on Highway. The Pioneer Concrete Pipe Manufacturers of Texas. Concrete Pipe for Irrigation, Drainage and Sewer Systems. . "" -'■■■■ ' ' i....:.-u ...ill.:■ ' . .|f|f TITLE INSURANCE When yon borrow money on real estate, many loan companies re jnlre the title to be insured. The beet test of whether a title Is insurable, is to have it insured. Require a title insurance policy when you buy. VALLEY ABSTRACT COMPANY Prompt Title Service Brownsville Edinburg Opposite Court House E. Harriman Bird. Fbune I1M Phone 91 I We Make Keys For Any Lock --Also Duplicate Keys Stocked, sharpened Radiator Repair Lawn Mowers Specialists and repaired Genera! Welding Rear Miller T V DAMMED Phone Hotel * * «!• HUiuMLIV >j22 ___^