Newspaper Page Text
Newcomers Want Furnished Apartments— Your Ad on This Page Will Reach Them _AUTOMOTIVE 1828 Ford Touring "ks£?3 Chevrolet Coach WWKS Ford Truck , ** Chevrolet Coach 1927 Chevrolet Touring 1828 Chevrolet Sedan 1828 Chverolet Touring 1928 Ford Tudor 1928 Ford Sport Coupe 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 1927 Chevrolet Landau Sedan 1827 Chevrolet Truck 1998 Chevrolet Coupe 1926 Ford Touring 1928 Chevrloet Coach STEVENSON MOTOR CO, Inc. Brownsville Texas. READ the rental ada when In need of a more desirable place to live. FOR SALE—Buick Brougnam. good condition. $675.00. Bargain. R- « Ragan. Loe Ebanoe. phone 985R. L-63 ' FOR SALE TWO FORDSON TRACTORS In good shape Very reasonably mtced Phone or see John B Pt*c*el Care Rio Orands Valley Trust Co OAKLAND SPORT COUPE. 1928. f« sale Will take smaller car aa down payment, r. O. Boa 175. Harlingen^ Phone 1087. IF YOU are looking for an opportunity to get into a business of your own read the •Business Opportunity col umn today. ______ HELP WANTED WANTED—Men to leera barber trade: free catalogue explains. Write Lewis ^ S“ Tet*u-iie WANTED—Stenographer. Young Amer ican man about 21 years "Old. Must fik Spanish and furnish reference. Apply Walker-Cralg Co.. Brown* viUe^ WHAT you don't want, somebody else does. Mske your "wants’* or "don't wants” known to the thousands of peo ple who read this page dally. MAN and wife to manage tourist camp and keep up grounds. Small calary and commission. Name reference In replies. Box U-193. Herald U-193 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY LUNCH STAND with modern tourist cottages for rent on Harlingen high way. Responsible parties only. Box ISO. San enlto. U-191 A BEAUTIFUL filling station. fuUy equipped, with long lease, doing good business: ha* sandwich and cold drink stand* for only $300. See Denson at Denson 8ervlce Station, five blocks north of courthouse on highway No. 12. Edinburg. Texas. This price Is low for quick sale. U-1SI THE TOWER Sandwich Shoppe, on Harlingen highway, for rent See Phil lip’s store. San Benito. Texas. —101 WHEN MARKETING a new product you’ll find an ad In the "Solicitors. Canvassers. Agents” column of the Classified Section Is well worth while RESTAURANT FOR SALE—Good loca tion. doing good business. Reason for selling, owner going north. Call at or write The White Kitchen. McAllen U185 ---,1 Classified Business Directory ---— - ARCHITECTS ! _ "" "'I BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects— Engineers 208 Merchants Bank Bldg Phone *11 Brownsville. Texas E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect End Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect ft.ll Security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas V E. B. GORE V ■ civti and Comultins Engineer Boon «0A State NeUonal *£* *]<*, Brownsville. Tim Phone lim. auto repairing M. A. Newman Garage in rear of Bell Service Station Specializing in Carburetor and ignit'on Work emtuTiilf Agency and Service for ^^Btromberg Carburetors HUff-iwcRS—CONTRACTORS PROCTER & DUDLEY | General Contractor 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 E. M. RIDLEY General Contractor Roads, Land Leveling, Plowing, Sub-soiling •-rr A CATIONS EMBANKMENTS ■^MERCHANTS NATL BANK ^BROWNSVILLE -CASH REGISTERS Cash Registers Be Fair To Youmlf —See * REMINGTON Before You Buy. Remington Cash Begl«« **>«**'"£, McAllen, mo. 672 Brownsville. PbO^Mj " pRAf—TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. bonded warehouse SEEDS OK ALL KINDS t ight and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING 1106 Adams-Phone 119 “ AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Or*ting. Shipping Hauling / pbonea 421 and 519 * FINANCIAL r" HOTELS—caf t s -"WHITE KITCHEN . Famoua to It* Cfijking—Immaculacy “ and Service “vssr-2st“ mu *nd • _—mi him i mm—mmm—m—mmmm BfAl. ESTATE LOS EBANOS 5sr^s^ssjsrss^ imnrmd. Boon sites from 11200.00. Jamee-Dicklnson Co ■teeltora. corner El Jardln Hotel Bldg. Brownsville F. W- Howard real estate and rentals Perm Property Hrae Tracts of Citrus Lands Arcade Bldg. Pbona 1080. hat renovat;::g Hat Renovating First Class Hat Renovating & Shoe Repairing Delta Shoe & Hat Shop We Call for and Deliver Phone 535 MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress 7/9 make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 "florists THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 BCWYEK THE FLORISTflowers and funeral designs. 8t. Charles and Pita streets, rnone 771. OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL' FILING Equipment Maverlck-Clarke Lltho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVES STATIONERY St BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS ! ROOFING THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO. Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville’* Typewriter House) Distributors. New L C. Smith “Si lent" 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and "Factory" Rebullts—all makes. We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St. Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER"” BALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies— Phone 506—Harlingen Exclusive Sales and 8ervlc* UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY 128 S. First Phone 285 Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A. DUNKELBERG Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Sea bury, George and Taylor Building Brownsville, Texas Davenport West and Ransom* Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas H. B. GALBRAITH ~ Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas H. L Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville CHIROPRACTOR DR. C. RANZELL Chiropractic*—Electro—Therapy Message and Bath Cromack Bldg. Brownsville 9-123 FINANCIAL MONET To LOAN on city property. Sena Hugnston. Ms it by Bldg. 8-247 MISCELLANEOUS PIANO FOR RENT—45 per month. Ad dress U-121. Herald. U-121 ARTICLES FOR SALE WANTED SELL—Twelve cubic foot Frlgldaire. Good as new. Box 507. Harlingen. U166 GLASS show cases, cash registers, shelving, adding machine. Iron safe, Burroughs bookkeeping machine. Frlg ldalre Ice cream cbalnet. pop corn roaster Easy terms. Phillip's Store. San Benito, Texas. U-194 NEW BABT GRAND PIANO reduced to bait price. A real standard make P. D Humbly, Box 562. pbone 863-M Brownsville. T-101 IP YOU HAVE something to *eU .eg ularly. ask for a district salesman wno will explain the low business rates foi dally ads In the Classified Section ELECTRIC VICTOR Orthophoolc. near ly new. Half price. V. D. Hambly. phone 868-M. Box 562. Brownsville. O-l BRIGHT CANE HAT for sale; 617 per ton. delivered. Phone 1393-W. T-241 Clean Coftftona E&g§ Wanted 5c per pound paid at .The Browsnville Herald Pressroom OFFICE EQUIPMENT GOOD fECOND-HAND National Cash Register for sale. Box 905, Harlingen. U-174 TREES. PLANTS AND SEED TREE KILLERS BO-KO enough to kill 100 treea, $2.00. Bo-Ko Company. Jonestown. Miss. U-54 PALM8 FOR SALE—Fsnleaf. date and ornamental date. 00c. dug. Special prices for large quantities. Three miles northeast of La Ferla, Texas. George W. Dewey. U-129 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE: Want to trade south east Kansas City property for Val ley land. A. Simmons. General De livery. San Benito. Texas. u7S37 WE HAVE several tracts that would be of Interest to Immigration agents. Phone 393. Skrove Bros. Land Co.. San Benito. P107 • unvestxoatb SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVT3T In Brownsville's new ouslneaa and residential sub division, located on !3tb and 14th streets, one mils from Os tews y Bridge, on tne main thorough tars leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal air port. rich farming tlstr'ct of El Jardln. and Boca Cbtea Beach. Easy terms Tan per cent down, balance $ years to pay. Jesse Dennett. phone427. • Brownsville, Texas WONDRPUL BARGAINS are offered daily in the Classified Ada. YOU can sail or trade the things you no longer need through a Classified Ad. ■■ .■!■■■»■■■■■■■■■—— II IP YOU need work a small ad under “Situation Wanted" wUl put you in touch with the right Job. 10 ACRES 100% citrus land, new $12,000 residence; 5 acres in or chard 1 100 yards off Highway. Up degraff. La Ferla, Texas. U182 EVERY DAY (hare is a new list of of fers and wants in tbs Classified Sec tion. Watch 1$ carefully and regularly and get lust what you want IRRIGATED land. 75 acres near Har llngen: goat ranch In west Texas to trade, sell or rent Phillip's Store. San Benita U-lM , HOUSE* ~OR SALK < -.. - i SACRIFICE—New thoroughly modern 5-room house, furnished or unfurnish ed. best buy In Brownsville; small down payment, balance like rent. See Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner, 1719 Hayes street, Victoria Heights. Phone 1075-J. T-48 BARGAIN—8550 buys lysui' --d lots with other improvements, 1» often st once. Phone 118S-W. U-192 BEAUTIFUL LOS EBAN08 home on bank of resaca; 3 large bed rooms, large living room, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen, colonade porch, screen ed; patio; 2-car garage; beautiful lawn and shrubbery; southeast exposure. For price and terms see Mr. Egan. James-Dtcklnson Co., ground floor El Jardln Hotel. U-161 WATCH the Classified Ada crsefully and regularly and you are sura to get Just what you want. IF TOU HAVE houses for rent ltst them with Howard, phone 1090. T-102 A LITTLE AD under "Lost and Pound” wilt recover your lost articles. FARMS FOR SALK FOR SALE at half value' 10 acres land In cultivation facing paved highway, three miles Brownsville, no Incumbrances. Moss 8 tore. Point Isabel Highway. U183. MUST SELL 25 acres best potato land in Loa Fresnos. All In cultivation, half mile off paved road. 81.000 cash, balance 5 years. Box 864. Brownsville j U173 LOTS FOR SALS 8750 BUTS 81.500 EQUITY In two lots. 62'jXlSO feet each, bearing citrus trees. Located Cathay Courts. McAllen. Tex as. Care W. U. Tel. Co.. TFC Dept, j Houston. Txeas. U-151 SEVERAL desirable Point Isabel busi ness lot* for sale. Considerably under priced. Owner needs cash. Leppert Realty Co.. Point Isabel. Texas. U-138 BEAUTIFUL LOS EBANOS lot on Palm Blvd.. corner Palm Blvd.. has Just been completed. Resaca is being dredged and widened, preparatory to filling with fresh water and stocked with fish. The mort desirable lot and surround ings In tbe Rio Grande Valley. For price and terms, see Mr. Egan. James Dlcklnson Co., ground floor, El Jardin Hotel. U-161 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALK OR EXCHANGE—Four burner gas stove with oven. Also gas water heater. Will exchange for elec tric stove only If In equally good con dition. Charles Sommer. South White Ranch Road. La Ferla. U-163 A BEAUTIFUL filling station, fully I equipped, with long lease, doing, good business: has sandwich and void drink stand: for onlv $300.00.1 Bee Denson at Denson Service Sta tion. 5 blocks north of Court house on highway No. 12. Edinburg! Texas. This price is low for quick sale , U-181 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Two and one-half acres grape fruit orchard with seven-room house, modern: adjoining McAllen. 88.500 00. Enc. 13.500 00 Blx * part ment building. San Benito, rental 81.500.00 per year, price $12 500 00. Enc 83 000 00. Improved Valley firm $250 00 per sere. Enc. $3 200.00. This Is all choice and desirable croocrty. hut I wish closer horn**. Write F. O. Collins. 912 West 15th. Des Moines. Iowa. TT-176 WANT TO BUT—One keroseen water heater and tank. Box 868. U-178. TO TRADE for Brownsville property: 8-room modern house, double garage, paved street, fine shade; Miami. Okie Call 978-W. Brownsville. U-158 RENTAL IF YOU HAVE houses for rent list them with Howard, phone 1090 T-102 FOR RENT—50 acrea rota to land, irri gated Call at 101 Adams street, or phone 561. T_97 FURNISHED APARTMENT in new du plex. Garage. Phone 818-J. U-100 j FITCH APARTMENTS - Corner 8t Charles and West Eighth street; four rooms beautifully furnished: delight fully cool; Prigldalre; gas. hot water; hardwood floors throughout; garage Phone 558. T-132 TIME WELL SPENT la time devoted to ooktng over the classified ads. ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nished Corner Sixth and Levee Food# 839. P-208 OPPORTUNITY Is knocking at your door In the Classified Ad columns every day. Read and use them regularly. WE HAVE both furnished and unfur nished apartments and unfurnished bouses. Howard, phone 1090. T-102 APARTMENT FOR RENT on paved street; gas and everything furnished; also furnished bedroom. Phone 429. T-275 THE BEST "trouble shooters" In ths home ere classified ads. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED apartments over M. System Store. West Elizabeth. Phone 673 or set Walker Craig Co. U-23 SOUTH SIDE attractive duplex; nicely furnished, all conveniences. No. 1112 West Elisabeth. Pbone Carlos O. Wat son. T-277 FURNI8HED APARTMENT—2 rooms; I private beth; gas; garage; 630. 1248 W. I Washington. Phone 820-J. U-28 EXTRA CASH from old furniture, out grown bicycles, or whet have you, through a Classified Ad. ""apartments FOR RENT—New cool apartments and rooms. Phone 957-J S-170 MAY-DAY APARTMENTS—Completely j furnished. Including gas. zerozone i and garage. Modern and well locat ed. 139 Washington. Phone 714. U-178 COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2-room south apartment. 622.50; 3-room apart ment. 629. Telephone 946-W. U-3 HOUSES ^______________ j WILL RENT 5-room furnished home for the winter, reasonable. Tenant must be reliable. Address U-120. Her ald U-120 FOR RENT; Four room cottage close to city. Cbeap rent. Call at Mews Store. Point Isabel Highway. ul85 FOR RENT OR SALE—6-room house, entirely modern. Close to school. 107 St. Charles. U-141 FURNISHED BRICK HOUSE, very cool f Suitable for two families. Phone Miss I Oentry. 141. T-212 | FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT—Strictly modern duplex. | $37.50 per month. Oak floors and nice! fixtures, gas, garage. Pbone 344 or1 562-W. Mrs. Homer Morrow, 19 Cro-j mack Bldg. U-136 FURNISHED ROOM—Private entrance. ’ adjoining bath, hot and cold water, gas. 343 Levee street. U-155 ROOMS AND APARTMENTS—Reason able rate*. Olenwood Hotel. Pbone 619. P-116 FURNISHED ROOMS—South exposure, very close la; reasonable. 042 Levee. T-112 LIVESTOCK—POULTRY FOR SALK—Pedigreed Oerman police puppiec, 3 month* old. H. N. Ander son. Jr., corner So. Austin and Lan drum St.. San Benito. U-175 After September 24tli I am no longer responsible for any debts in curred by cr checks drawn on my account by my wile, Mrs. Bert Neil. Bert. Nell. 9-24 to 39—7t—3536 _____ LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF ELECTION For issuance of oonds, Cameron County Water Improvement Dis trict Number Fifteen. NOTICE is hereby given that an election will be held in Cameron County Water Improvement Dis trict Number Fifteen in Cameron County, Texas, at the polling place therein hereinafter named, on the 16th day of October. A. D. 1929, at which there will be submitted to the qualified voters of said district the following proposition, and none other: “For the issuance of bonds and levy of tax and payment therefor”; “Against the issuance of bonds and levy of tax and payment there for.” The polling place of said election and the officers appointed to hold and conduct same are as follows: At the Guillen frame house near the north line of Survey 274 and about two miles east from the northwest comer of said Survey 274, in Cameron County Water Im provement Distriot Number Fif teen; and the following named per sons are designated as judges and clerks of election to conduct said election, at said polling place: Juan Villareal, presiding judge. Andres Munez, assistant judge. Santiago Espindola, clerk. Martime Espindola, clerk. The manner of conducting said election shall be governed by the election laws of the State of Texas, except as otherwise provided in Chapter 2, Title 128, of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, Revision of 1925, and Acts Amen datory thereof and supplementary thereto. None but resident property tax payers who are qualified voters of said district, shall be entitled to vote at said eection. The ballots used at said election shall have written or printed there on these words and none others: "For the Issuance of Bonds and levy of tax in payment therefor’; ‘ Against the Issuance of Bonds and levy of tax in payment therefor.” The purpose for which said elec tion is to be held is to determine whether or not voters of said dis trict desire the issuance of bonds by and for said district in the sum of One Hundred Ninety-nine Thou sand ($199,000.00) Dollars, bearing interest from date thereof at the rate of six per centum per annum and said bonds to be of the date, denomination, and each maturing at such time, not exceeding forty (40> years from their date, and with interest payable thereon an nually or semi-annually, all as shad be determined by the Board of Di rectors of said District, and speci fied in the order authorizing the issuance of said bonds, and for the levy and collection of a tax suffl- i cient to pay the interest thereon and to provide a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds at' maturity. The said bonds are to be used as follows: For the securing by said district of a contract from Cameron County Water Improvement District Num- ! ber One, whereby said district will pump and deliver through its pumping plant and irrigation sys tem water from the Rio Grande river to some point at or near the boundary of this district; that the engineer s estimate of the price at which the above described contract may be acquired i s Forty-four Thousand. Seven Hundred Fifty and no-100 t $44,750.00* Dollars. That the remainder of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds is to be used to pay the cost and expense of constructing the necessary pump ing plants, canals, reservoirs, and other improvements proposed to be made in said Cameron County Wa ter Improvement District Number Fifteen, and in payment of the in cidental expenses of organization and connected with said work amounting to the sum of One Hun dred Fifty-four Thousand Two Hundred Fifty ($154,250.00) Dol lars, all of which has been covered by and included in the engineer s estimate hereinbefore referred to. The engineer of the district has heretofore made and filed with the Board of Directors of said district maps, profiles, specifications and estimates as required by law, show ing that the estimated amount necessary to acquire said contract with Cameron County Water Im provement District Number One is the sum of Forty-four Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty ($44,750.00) Dollars, and to construct the neces sary pumping plants, canals, reser voirs. and other improvements pro posed to be made in Cameron County Water Improvement Dis trict Number Fifteen is the sum of One Hundred Fifty-four Thou sand. Two Hundred Fifty ($154. 25J.00) Dollars, making a total of One Hundred Ninety-nine Thou sand ($199,000.00) Dollars. A summary of the engineer's esti mate of the cost of the contract to be entered into, of the construction of the proposed improvements and extension thereto and of the other authorized expenses is as follows: 7800 ft. 30-in. concrete pipe at $3.00, $23,400.00 ; 7955 ft. 24 in. con crete pipe at $2.20, $17,501.00; 4070 ft. 22-in. concrete pipe at $1.70, $6,919.00; 9828 ft. 20-ln. concrete pipe at $145, $14,250.60; 1350 ft. 18 in. concrete pipe at $1.40, $1,890.00; 2350 ft. 14-in concrete pipe at $1.00, $2,350.00; 8502 ft. 12-in. concrete pipe at 80c. $6,801.60; 6 4x4 Box M, H., at $100.00, $600.00; 16 30-in. pipe M. H., at $75.00. $1,200.00; 29 two-way dist. well at $60.00, $1, 450.00; 8 alfalfa valves t,t $15.00, $120.00 ; 88 12-in. gate valves at $15.00, $1,320.00; 1 18-in. gate valve at $25.00, $25.00 ; 2 20-ln. gale valves at $30 00, $60.00; 1 22-in. gate valve at $30.00, $30.00; 1 24-in. gate valve at $30.00, $30.00 ; 2 30-in. gate valves at $75.00. $150.00; 36 vents at $15.00. $540.00; 170,693.5 cu. yds. earth in reservoir at $0.11, $18. 776.28; 1 pump at $10,000, $10,000; 88 meters at $100.00, $3,800.00. Cost of contract with Cameron County Wa ter Improvement District No. One, $44,750.00; Improving; District Num* -.-.- -. -. LEGAL ADVERTISING ber One, *38,036.52. Total, $199, 000 00 Immediately after the holding of said election, the Presiding Judge of said polling place shall make a return of the results of said elec tion, in the manner as provided for in general elections, such returns to be made to the Secretary of the Board of Directors, of said district. The above notice is given in pur suance of an order made by the Board of Directors of Cameron County Water Improvement Dis trict Number Fifteen, on the 18th day of September. A. D. 1929, or dering the holding of said election and the giving of this notice. Given under my hand and seal of said district, this the 18th day of September, A. D. 1929. ANNIE ORR HAUGHTON, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Cameron County Wa ter Improvement District Number Fifteen. (SEAL) 9-21-28-5-3t-3534 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals will be received by Cameron County Water Im provement District No. 8 at its of fice in Brownsville. Texas, until 12:00 o'clock noon. October 19, 1929, for furnishing all necessary mate- j rials, equipment and labor for con- : st rue ting certain irrigation and ! drainage improvements for said District. Each bidder must enclose with his bid a certified check pay able without recourse to the order of the District, for at least 2 per cent of the total amount of his bid. to be forfeited if the bidder should refuse to enter into a proper con tract and secure the same by proper bond. If his bid is accepted. All proposals, with accompanying cer titfied checks, must be in sealed en velopes addressed to the District, and marked "Bids on Construction Work,” and must be delivered to C. P. Baireda, president, or to Agustin Celaya, secretary, of the Board of Directors, before the day and hour stated. Separate bids will be received on the following items: (1) clearing and grubbing, (2) grading, (3) con- j crcte structures, pipes and gates, j (4) concrete lining, (5) pump house, j (6» pumps and engines. Plans and specifications are on file in the office of V. L. Conrad, engineer of the District, in Browns-) vile, Texas. Copies thereof may bej secured upon deposit of $100.00 to' be returned on submission of a bona fide bid accompanied by re-, turn of said copies, or upon re-' turning said copies immediately; after examination and advising the. engineer that bid will not be sub mitted; otherwise the deposit shall j be forfeited. Bidders are expected to inspect i the site of the work and inform themselves regarding all local con-! ditions. The District reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Issued under resolution of thei Board of Directors, this 20th day j of September. 1929. C. P BARREDA. President of the Board of Directors of Cameron County! Water Improvement District No. 8. AUOUSTIN CELAYA. Secretary’. (SEAL) 9-21-28-5-12-4t-3531 - NOTICE OF ELECTION For Issuance of Bonds Cameron County Water Improve-' men! District Number Thirteen NOTICE is hereby given that an election will be held in Cameron County Water Improvement District j Number Thirteen in Cameron Coun- j ty, Texas, at the polling place there in hereinafter named, on the 16th ] day of October A. D. 1929, at which there will be submitted to the quali fied voters of said district the foi i lowing proposition, and none other, FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS AND LEVY OF TAX AND PAYMENT THEREFOR”: “AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF ; BONDS AND LEVY OF TAX AND PAYMENT THEREFOR”: The polling place of said election and the officers appointed to hold and conduct same are as follows: At Saner's Filling Station at Las Yescas Ranch, in Share No. 12. Espiritu Santo Grant, in Cameron County Water Improvement District , Number Thirteen; and the follow ' ing named persons are designated as l Judges and Clerks of election to I conduct said election, at said poll {ing place: J. M. Saner. Presiding Judge Mrs. J. M. 8aner. Assistant Judge Rafael Galvan, Clerk Anastacio Garza, Clerk. The manner of conducting said election shall be governed by the election laws of the State of Texas, except as otherwise provded in Chanter 2. Title 128. of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Tex as. Revision of 1925. and in Acts Amendatory thereof and supple mentary thereto. None but resident property tax 1 pavers who are qualified voters of i said district, shall be entitled to vote t at said election. The ballots used at said election shall have written or printed there ' on these words and none others: I For the Issuance of Bonds and levy of tax in payment therefor”: “Aeainst the Issuance of Bonds end levy of tax In payment there for.” The purpose for which said elec tion is to be held is to determine whether or not voters of said district desire the issuance of bonds by and for said district in the sum of Five Hundred Thous and ($500,000.00) Dollars, bearing interest from date thereof at the rate of six per centum per annum and said bonds to be of the date, denomination, and each maturing at such time, not exceeding forty (40) vears from their date, and with in terest payable thereon annually or semi-annually, all as shall be de termined bv the Board of Directors of said District, and specified in the Order authorizing the issuance of said bonds and for the lew and col lection of a tax sufficient to pav the interest thereon and to provide a sinking fund for the redemntlon of | said bonds at maturity. The said ; bewtis are to be used as follows: For the securing bv said district of a contract from Cameron Coun tv Water Control and Improvement District Number Six. wherebv said District will pumn and deliver through its Dumping plant and irri gation system water from the Rio Grande River to some point LEGAL ADVERTISING at or near the boundary of this district; that the engineer’s estimate of the price at which the above described contract with Cameron County Water Con trol and Improvement District Num ber Six may be acquired is One Hundred Twenty-three Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty ($123,750.00) Dollars. That the remainder of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds is to be used in constructing the necessary pumping plants, canals, reservoirs, and other Improvements proposed to be made in said Cam eron County Water Improvement District Number Thirteen, and In connecting same with the system of Cameron County Water Control and Improvement District Number Six. and in payment of the incidental expenses of organization and con nected with said work, amounting to the sum of Three Hundred Sev enty-six Thousand Two Hundred Fifty ($376,250.00) Dollars, all of which has been covered by and In cluded in the engineer's estimate hereinbefore referred to. The en gineer of the district has heretofore made and filed with the Board of Directors of said district, maps, pro files. specifications and estimates as required by law. showing that the estimated amount necessarv to ac quire said contract with Cameron County Water Control and Im provement District Number Six Is the sum of One Hundred Twenty three Thousand Seven Hundred Fif ty ($123.750 00) Dollars, and to con struct tfie necessary pumping plants, canals, reservoirs, and other im provements proposed to be made in Cameron County Water Improve ment District Number Thirteen and to connect same with the svstem of said Cameron County Water Con trol and Improvement District Num ber 8ix is the sum of Three Hun dred Seventy-six Thousand Two Hundred Fifty ($376 250 00) Dollars making a total of Five Hundred Thousand ($500 000.00* Dollars A summary of the Engineer's es timate of the cost of the contract to be entered into, of the construc tion of the proposed improvements and extension thereto and of the other authorized expenses is as fol lows: Cost of a contract to be s u p p 1 ied with water from the Rio Grande River through the pres ent system owned by Cameron County Water Control and Improve ment District Number Six . $123,750.00 Cost of connecting with said system . 37.500.00 Clearing and grubbing- 5.400.00 Earthwork. 75.730.00 Structures . 23.250.00 Timber Bridges. 700 00 Pipe Systems . HR.500.on Concrete lining of canals 37.300 00 Pumns . 30.000 00 Electric connection . 5.000.00 Expense of organization, engineering and all inci dental expenses. 37 870.00 .—--1 Total . $500.000 00 Immediately after the holding of said election, the Presiding Judge i of said polling place shall make a return of the results of said elec tion. in the manner as provided for In general elections, such returns to be made to the Secretary of the |j ™ ™“”™ammv'"™ ‘ - . La Joya Gravel Co. INCORPORATED >' MISSION. TEXAS BOX 554 IA CORDIAL INVITATION !• extended to tho public to visit oar plant and impact the careful and thorough testing methods in os# which assure only pipe of the highest quality being delivered to the purchaser. For complete information address Owen M. Combe. District Sales Manager GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. O. Box 1051—Brownsviila, Texas. Plant located at Ulalack Switch on Highway. The Pioneer Concrete Pipe Manufacturers of Texas Concrete Pipe 'or Irrigation. Drainage and Sewer Systems j . ...“.“.' . ... .1 ‘ TITLE INSURANCE When yon borrow money on real estate, many loan companies re quire the title to be insured. The best test ol whether a title is insurable, is to hare it insured. Require a title Insurance policy when you buy. VALLEY ABSTRACT COMPANY Prompt Title Service Brownsville Edinburg Opposite Court House E. Hardman Bird. Phone 1184 Phone 81 We Make Keys For- Any Lock --Also Duplicate Keys Stocked, sharpened Radiator Repair Lawn Mower* Specialist* and repaired General Welding Rear Miller X I DAMMED Phone Hotel * • **• KwwluLll 722 - - - — - - ifii y, - JL. Jill LEGAL ADVERTISING Board of Directors, of said district. The above notice Is given In pur suance of an order made by the Board of Directors of Cameron County Water Improvement Dis trict Number Thirteen, on the 19th day of September A. D. 1928. order ing the holding of said election and the giving of this notice. Olven under my hand and seal of said district, this the 19th day of September A. D. 1929. (SEAL) HARRY NUNN Secretary of the Board of Direc tors of Cameron County Water Im provement District Number Thir teen. 9-21-28~5-3t-3533. ENERGETIC APE MAKES MONKEYS OUT OF POLICE SAN ANTONIO. 6«pt. it.—OPI— A one-time prisoner in the Brack enridge park zoo Is making mon keys out of the police force here. Police Commissioner Wrights says. Twenty apes from Indian broke jail here. Banana laid traps en ticed all but one of the "culprits** back into their cage. What Park Commissioner Jacob Rubiola describes as the world's most energetic monkey, still is at large after two weeks of roaming. Answering frantic telephone calls from Alamo Heights, north of town the riot squad rushed out to catch the ferocious ape said to be parked on a woman s doorstep. While the police were still in Alamo Heights, the monkey aroused a housewife In Harlaitdale, in South San An tonio. WEATHER BULLETIN Abilene .64 92 — .00 Amarillo .60 90 — .00 Atlanta ..66 72 10 .02 Austin . 66 94 — .00 Boston .50 60 ~ .00 BROWNSVILLE ....70 86 — .00 Chicago .70 86 — .00 Corpus Christ! .70 86 — .00 Dallas .70 88 — .00 Del Rio .68 90 — .09 Denver .54 80 — .00 Detroit .62 72 — .09 Dodge City .64 92 — .16 FI Paso .66 92 — .00 Fort Smith .66 88 — .00 Galveston .74 84 — .00 Helena .40 50 — .00 Huron .48 58 — .02 Jacksonville .76 86 14 .00 Kansas City .72 88 — .00 Louisville .66 84 — .00 Memphis .70 84 — .00 Miami .74 84 42 1.90 Montgomery .70 82 — .00 New Orleans.70 86 — .00 New York .60 78 — .00 North Platte .50 66 — .01 Oklahoma City .66 90 — .00 Palestine .66 90 — .09 Pensacola .72 82 14 -.09 Phoenix .....72 98 — .03 Pittsburgh .64 76 — .01 St. Louis .8 84 — .00 St. Paul .52 74 — .09 Salt Lake City ....44 70 — .03 San Antonio ....68 92 — .09 Santa Fe .50 72 — .00 Sheridan .44 50 — .00 Shreveport .68 90 — .03 Tampa .76 90 10 .12 Vicksburg .70 88 — .00 Washington .62 80 — .00 Willis ton .4 48 — .19 Wilmington .64 78 — .00