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- Big Bull Fight REYNGSA Sunday Oct. 6th. 4:30 P. M. ' ’A. T. The First Appearance * of the Classic Matadors Alfredo Caroira Mexico City 4 Ferocious and Arrogant of San Domingo and Gua BULLS ranteed by the Stockman. Come Don't Miss This Fight l| *** t ~ Visit old Mexico and see this famous Span ish Sport. Popular Prices Res. Seat Shade $2.50 U. S. Cy. Gen. Res. Seats Shade $2.00 U. S. Cy. Seat in Sun $1.25 and $1.00 U. S. Cy. LIFE PER DAY SAVED IN WET! Figures Show Average Be low General Toll of Ac cidents for Year Austin, Sept. 28, (Spl)—One life s day was saved during this week ending August 16 over the average for the year, when only six peo ple were killed each day by acci dents. as compared with seven per day toll of lives for the entire year, according to the Texas Council of Safety. A total of 1838 people have been killed In Texas so far this . ear in ! accidents, a gain of 50 per cent over the 1319 ;* led to the same date in 1928. * The toll of persons injured In 1 automobile wrecks during the week i was 124, and In all accidents, 204 This also was one person !>er day ' less than the average of 30 per day for the year. Automobile • ecks took ten of the 42 lives snuffed out by acci dents during the week. Five were killed by trains three by falls, five by burns, five 1 drowning, fl e by firearm*. Four wr— killed in buggy, wagon and ! /cle wrecks, and five from unclar "led causes. Trailing the 124 injured In auto wrecks were 13 Injured by explosives. Air planes claimed .njury of or.e per son but no fatalities for the third successive week that aviation has been non-fatal In Texas. Cafe Owner* Serve® Dinner to Friends Edinburg. Sept. 28—Cass Fris by. proprietor of Frisby’s Restau rant, played host Friday night to about 25 of his friends at his “eat shop" with a white wing dinner and watermelon feast. The birds were killed F.iday by Mr. Frisby and friends while the watermelon, a big 125-pounder, was raised at Hope Arkansas by A. A. Davis, brother-in-law of Mr. Frisby. The melon which formed the piece de resistance of 'Vie din ner, has been on display In the windows of the resturant for more than two weeks. Mr. Davis has adopted the policy of sending his relative here the biggest watermelon grown on his farm each year. The first melon, which weighed 135 pounds was sent last year to be served by Mr. Fris by and his friends. /// IF that's a burglar I Lose.1 I FORGOT TO GET BURGLARY »NSU^ceJ Get it BEFORE you’re ROBBED? Snvtf&W0*' ! — « Abort: A former of iht tpseioM) , . . conrrnitnt . . . tomfortabl* mexttmmt. 0 Rice! IV Me* •* r«"* •»£ -«7» of social preauge have for vrar* the Rice their Sooth western home. Dixie s largest hotel is also the South's moat distinguished h°S«. Of the cold formality one expects in large hotels it here, instead there is a warm, friendly greeting, reminiscent of tavern times. The em ployees are your personal •errant*. There are large room*, and comfortable bed*. Every wanted service is with in the hotel itself. You will find at the Hire unusually fine accommoda tion* priced below that of ordinary hotel*. A good room i* obtainable a* low a* $2.00 per day, and more elaborate accommoda tion* at correspondingly rea sonable rate*. HOUSTON.' TEXAS “Largest Hotel in Dixie” —1000 Rooms ~ '• • * Harlingen Civic Sub-Groups Named Harlingen, Sept 38. (Spi)—Sub committees in the matter of ci vic development here, on which a general committee was named earlier in the week, have been an nounced by chairman, B. M. Hol land. They were: Golf course: H. F. Looney, chairman; A. Tamm, Col. Walton D. Hood, H. J. Goetske, and Mrs. R. G. -Tall. Incinerator, sewage disj osal plant and abattoir: Dr. J. A. Corck ett. chairman; Mrs. T. S. Herren, J. T. Foster, 8. A. Ingram and A. Tamm. Fair grounds and city extension: < A. A. Kimmell. chairman; W. A. Waterman, B. E. Meadows, W. H. Scott, and S. Finley Ewing. TARVERMANTO ‘BEAT BOLTERS’ Editor Advances Corsicana Lawyer as Candidate For Governor -- (BY RAYMOND BROOKS) GEORGETOWN, Sept. 27.—W. A. Tarver, chairman of the state In surance commission, was proposed as a candidate for governor to “beat the bolters," by editor John M. Sharpe of the Williamson County Sun. He was advocated by editor Sharpe as “the strongest candidate it is possible to secure,” to carry through the doctrine announced by D. W. Wilcox of Georgetown, demo cratic state chairman, that party bolters last year will be barred as candidates for democratic nomina tion next year. Mr. Tarver, Corsicana lawyer, be came chairman pf the state insur ance commission a few months ago. He was Gov. Dan Moody's tentative selection for permanent chairman of the Beaumont state convention last year. Mr. Sharpe declared “every move on the political checkerboard makes the call more Insistent for W. A. Tarver to become a candidate for governor.” “As a statesman, Tarver stands head and shoulders above any Tex an on the political horizon," Mr. Sharpe declared. “He is an orator, a democrat without affixes or pre fixes. “He has been a prohibition leader in the state for years." Sterling Almost AUSTIN, Sept. 28 —R. S. Sterling of Houton was made “a practically certain candidate” for governor when R. L. Bobbitt, a potential can didate, accepted the attorney gener alship. State Treasurer W. Gregory Hatcher, announced candidate for governor, asserted. Mr. Hatcher declared the plan of Chairman Sterling of the highway commission for a statewide bond is sue will be “a leading issue" in the governor's race. “In opposing the loading of an enormous debt on the people of Texas," Hatcher said, “I am rend ering timely public service. He challenged candidates supporting the bond plan to meet him in joint debate. Mr. Hatcher asserted that “the columns of nearly every newspaper in Texas have been flooded with propaganda Intended to create pub lice sentiment in favor of he pro posal of Sterling to issue state bonds for building of highways." “The election of the next governor of Texas,” Hatcher said, “will be a leading issue in the 1930 guber natorial campaig, if not the lead ing issue, and he or someone named by him who advocated this pro posal. will be a candidate for gov omer.” San Benito Scouts Get Honor Badges San Benito. Sept. 28, (Spl.)— Eagle Scout badges were conferred on two local boys, Harry Turpin and John Sloan, by a council of honor at the Rotary luncheon club meeting here this week. The council was composed of Rev. G. E. Marshall, John Pren tiss, Walter House wright, Tom Murray and Carroll Thomas. The scouts gave a number of in teresting demonstrations at the meeting including signaling, mak ing a fire without matches, etc, A large number of merit badges were presented. John Betts, local music dealer, was taken in as a new member. Ice Men Leave After Making Valley Tour San Benito, Sept, ?1, (Spl)— Houston ice manafacturers com pleted their two-day visit to the Valley today and left tonight on the return trip to Houston. Col. E. C. Weatherby, head of the Southwestern Ice Manufactur ers association, made the trip with them, as did E. B. Nelswanger. manager of the Central Power & Light Company. The ice men were guests of the Central Power & Light Company. They visited Point Isabel today, having luncheon at the Yacht club there, and concluded the trip tonight, taking the train at Brownsville. Delta Orchards to Bring Homeseekers RAYMOND VILLE, Sept. 28 — (Spl)—Between 40 and 50 home seekers are expected to arrive here Monday to look over the Delta Or chard properties as the first step In the development of 50,000 acres of land owned by the company. Delta Orchards expects to have homeseekers moving into the sec tion every two weeks. Representa tives of the organizations are sta tioned in various northern states, and special trains are bringing prospective buyers to the Valley. SON IS BORN TO EDINBURG COUPLE Edinburg, Sepa. 28 (Spl)—Char les Horton, formerly with the Val ley Abstract Company at Browns ville, but now \ 1th the same firm here is busy receiving the congrat ulations of his friends on the ar rival of an heir yesterday, an eight pound boy. TURKEY’S BEAUTY QUEEN r jHKiii A-ssoclated Press Photo Feriha Terflk Hanim was chosen queen of beauty to represent her country as “Miss Turkey” in the next International beauty contest to be held In the United States. NO PASSES TO FAIR ISSUED Association Requests Co operation on Matter of Free Tickets Harlingen. Sept. 28. (Spl)— Co operation of Valley people in the matter of passes and free tickets to the Valley Mid-Winter Fair is re quested by President Satn Botts of the Fair Association, who an nounced today that no passes are to be printed this year. “We feel that people of the Val ley will be gird to cooperate with us. and this is one way in which we must have their cooperation.” Mr. Botts said. “We know that there are hundreds of Valley peo ple who are entitled to passes, but they are persons who are willing to buy a $2.00 season ticket to the fair, and this will help us to get firmly established financially.” John T. Fioore, manager of the Fair Association, said that he has recently visited some other fairs in the state, and that a large num ber of them have found It neces sary to stop Issuing passes in or der to meet "These other fairs found the peo ple willing to cooperate and buy tickets, and I 1 cl sure the Valley people will help us to as great an extent," Floore said. ,, .... 6,345 Tourists See Monterrey in Summer Mexico City. Sept. 28—Monter rey, industrial center of Mexico, which is connected by highway with Laredo. Texas, drew approx imately 6.345 American and Can dian tourists during the months of May, June, 'uly and August, ac cording to the tourist committee of the chamber of commerce of that city. This represents a marked in crease over previous months. AWARD MERIT BADGES AT SCOUT MEETING A Bov Scout court of honor was held at the Presbyterian church Friday evening, with Tom Murray, Valiev scout executive present. J. L. Abney, local attorney, aided i in the ceremonies. Numerous ment I badges were awarded. __ —-— How About A New Home ! For The Bird? The famous Hen dry x B i r d Cages, in all sizes and styles, al so complete equipment for the cages such as Cage Stands, Cage feeders, and Bird Baths. ^ ! Something New in Parrot Cages CLOETTA HARDWARE CO. “Everything in Hardware” 1226 Elizabeth La Joya Gravel Co. j I * INCORPORATED i MISSION. TEXAS . BOX 554 | A CORDIAL INVITATION f I' Cl to tho public to visit oar plant and inspect the earafni | :h tatting methods in ata which assart only pipa of tho | Uty being delivered to the purchaser. complete information address Owen M. Combe, District Sales Manager GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. O. Boa 1051—Brownsville, Texas. lent located at BUlack Switch on Highway. Pioneer Concrete Pipa Manafaeturvra of Texas. Pipa lot irrigation. Drainage and Sever Systems. g WASHINGTON TO SPEAK AT MEET Cameron County Engineer Will Discuss Concrete Paving at Convention .— W. O. Washington, Camera coun ty en*1nee., will address the con vention of the Texaj section of the American Society of Civil Engi neers, which will meet in Corpus Christ! Oct. 17-18-18, on the strength design of concrete pave ment. it has been announced. Other local members of the or ganization who are expected to at tend the convention are V. L. Con rad, A. E. Anderson and E. M. Rid ley. Approximately 150 engineers at tend this convention which is held twice a year. It met in the Valley about five years ago and the engi neers are said anxious to return to this section. I', is possible that they may be invited to the Valley if ar rangements can be made with chambers of commerce. Several subjects of particular In terest to Valley engineers will be discussed at the convention. Thurs day Roy Miller will speak on the development of waterways. Robeit J. Cummins will fillow him with a discussion of the development of the Corpus Chrlsti port. Saturday P. A. Welty will cover the subject of the subdivision of ir rigated lands as controlled by top ography. The Starr county project will be discussed the same day by E. L. Moyers. Officers for the coming year will be elected at the closing session 2:30 p. m. Saturday. i Fast Horse Races For Fair Assured Harlingen, Sept. 28, (Spl)—Unu sually good horses are in prospect for the Valley Pair, November 26 to December 1 this year, in the opinion of J. Lee Teas, chairman of the racing department, vho has just returned from a trip through West Texas. Mr. Taes attended races at the Pair at San Angelo, and at other I points in West Texas. He said that j he saw a large number of owners j of fast horses in that section, and I that practically all of them said they would bring horses to the Val ley Pair this year. Work of repairing and enlarg ing the stables at the Valley Fair grounds in preparation for the opening has L .n started. About 35 more stables will be built, and those now cn the grounds are to be improved. “We feel sure the races at the — "=■= Pair this r *** wtH surpass any* thing we have rnd In the past,*1 Teas said. "There will be about ISO horses here.** " ii New Friends Of the Merchants' National are, for the most | part, firms and individuals directed to it by those who, as customers and clients, know and appre ciate its service from actual experience. Among the various facilities offered by this institution — whose capital, surplus and profits exceed half million dollars — there is one or more you would find valuable in your affairs. Your Business Is Invited I Capital Stock, paid in $100,000.00 From Earnings .. $150,000,000 $250,000.00 Surplus, Earned...$250,000.00 I MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK B R. O W N SVILUE *»T e XAS. PERRY L. KING & CO. AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX SERVICE Systems. OntsnlaaUoit and Statistical Report* Bealaaaa Control Travis Building Nixon Building Saa A a ton! Texas. Corpaa Chrlatt, Texas, I BRING YOUR PLEATING TO THE I I De Luxe Cleaners I I Through an error in our former advertising it f I was stated that our equipment consisted of a g ii Circle Pleating Machine. We want to correct |j 1 this impression. . I It is not a Circle Pleating Machine, but will do I 9 Bgfo the finest kind of Pleating work, does from 1-8 I to 11-4 inch Knife Pleating one way, or Box I pleating from 1-4 to 1 inch and combinations. I * aHHH # Bfii Come in And See Samples I In Our Shop I ONE DAY SERVICE | DE LUXE CLEANERS I and DYERS I piigss % H Phone 512 108 S. Travi* St. San Benito, Tex* I * ' • ' ' j •