Newspaper Page Text
gsgrsss========-J^i^==rrqp: sas.:.'■■?===-—----—-------:--- *W% • —^ lB’'J Newcomers Want Furnished Apartments— Your Ad on This Pal 10th & Adams MOTOR CO.. Inc. e. Texas. the rental ads when In necdof desirable piece to Uw. SALE—But r* *875 00. Kbsnos. phi FOR SALS TWO FORD60K Tf IB good shape V«ry raaeona&ly pi * Phnnn or eee John B Oar* Rio Orande Valin OAKLAND SPORT COUPE, *M8. for ■ale. Will taaa smaller on *• (down payment^ P. O. Bo* ITS. Hnllngen^ FOR SALE—One-ton Ford truck, i motor run lem than 500 miles. Two new tires. Priced low to sell. Address P-aoa Care Herald. _u*202 IF TOO are looking for an opportunity to get into a buslneee of your own. read the “Business Opportunity col umn today. __ HELP WANTED WANTED—Stenographer. Toung Amer ican "»e« about 21 years old. Must talk Spanish and furnish reference. Apply Walker-Cralg Co.. Brownsvine. ARCHITECT! •• BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Axemtectt—Ergto®»» 10t Merchants Bank Bldf. Phone 811 BrownsvUle. Texas £ R.G. HOLLIDAY r Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect •.IS Security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas E. B. GORE Civil and Consulting Engineer «Qg, state National Bank Bldg ivtlls. Teams. Pboaa icm AUTO REPAIRING | M. A. Newman Garage Xa rear of Bel) Service Station Specializing in Carburetor and Ignition Work Brownsville Agency and ****** t0T Strcmberg Carburetor* —j^£5iiiIcON:rKACT6ES~~ PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractor 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 E. M. RIDLEY General Contractor Roads, Land Leveling, Plowing, Sub-soiling tYCAVATIONS EMBANKMENTS MERCHANTS NATL BANK BROWNSVILLE CASH REGISTERS_ Cash Registers t * Be fair To Yourself—Sec a ' ^ rcminoton Before You Buy. Remington Cash Register Bales Agenc* ScAUen. Phe. 672. Brownsville. Pho^812 PRAY—TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. bonded warehouse SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHIN O 11Q§ Adit"* Phone 119 A08TIN rRANSFER COMPANY Crating. Shipping. Hauling Pboneg *31 ami SIS " financial HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN Famous (or its ooking—Immaculacy and Service > Tba popular puce for ( liual neas lunch sc 4 lift between Elisabeth and <*• Washington REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville's Supreme Bestdsntlal Dis trict, carefully teewiesed. oomptataty improved Some sites from *1300 00 BMltanT^oef ® Jar din Hotel Bldg. Brownsville^__ F. W. Howard rial bbtat: and rentals Farm Property [ HELP WANTED WANTED—Men to learn barber trade; tree catalogue explains. Writs Lewis Berber College. San Antonio, Texas. ^ WHAT you wants" known ^^he thousands of peo ple who read this page dally. RELIABLE man with car as DIRECT FACTORY Representative In Browns ville and nearby counties. No exper ience necessary. Unusual opportunity for advancement. Must be willing to Michigan. U215 SITUATIONS WANTED Refined sires position as nwaagw smau no tel or rooming house for couple. Mrs. H. B. Gross. Mercedes. Texas. R 2 Phone 8011 PS.U-1W WHITE woman, very practical, can do nursing or other work. Mrs. Baker, Ed inburg Box 9M Phone 240. U213 * LOSTANP FOUND BOOT—Black handbag in vicinity of municipal airport. fU der please noti fy this office or LUy L. Ssge. Browns ville. Texas._U-216 LOST Saturday ntgbt at or between Clarence Saunders, Gro. and Kresses. or City Fountain, dark brown Billfold containing ftftv and twenty dollar bill 25 dollar light and water deposit receipt. Harlingen. Wife’s picture In back of folder. Finder return to 1640 Grant 8t. and receive reward. U200 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY THU TOWER Sandwich Shoppe, on Harlingen highway, for rent. See Phil lip's 8 to re. San Benito. Texas. —191 * ■■■ "". """ ““I Classified Business Directory HAT BENOVAT*. :G Hat Renovating First Class Hat Renovating & Shoe Repairing Delta Shoe & Hat Shop We Call for and Deliver Phone 535 „ MATTEE88 BENOVATPIO Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guarmteed SOMMERS l&th and Adams Phone 674 FLORISTS THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot planta, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St Phone 1888 BCWYEK THE FLORIST, flowers « funeral designs. 8t Charles Pita streets. Phone T7L OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL’ FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarko Litho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVE’S STATIONERY St BOOK STORE Brownsville, Texas Funeral directors THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO- Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange I Brownsville’s Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. O. Smith “St* lent” 8 and Late Corona 4 type? writers. Also sell Royal Portable and “Factory” Rebullta—all make We repair all makes typewriter as adding machines. 1112 EUzabgi St. Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machine Supplies— Phone 506—Harlingen ■exclusive Sales and Service UNDERWOOD TYPEWRIT* COMPANY m 128 8. First Fbae 3#5 Harlingen PROFESSIONAL_ ATTORNEYS _ RALPH A DUNKELB’R' 1 Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a ipeclaity ; 106 Seabury. George am Taylor Building 'Brownsville, Tex* Davenport. West and Ransoms ] Attorneys at Dw 307-306 Merchants Natonal' Baa? Brownsville. Tama jl H. B. GALBRHTH Attorney at law Merchants National Bank Brownsvilla Texas ■f RA__ regular clwllltd oampanla "QUO number at glrea. The Herald _I place all jedew^ toe unclean «• objectionable ^ Obituaries, resolution*. at thanks will be takes at ular classified rata. The publishers are bit fbr copy, omiwtog leal error or any ror that may occur, farthei correct U> the next lam brought to their remains orders this baste only. Telephone No. f and advertisement to as classified writer. To Insure copy should be then 10:30 a. m. Issues should be t 1:30 p. m Saturdays to proper classification. CLASSIFIED AD VHP RATES i0 words or tees, one Me Over 20 words, one ■ I per word . Subsequent eecutively. per ic By month, per Minimum far No Reeders, per Per Inch .. Second and third ■ line; fourth, fifth and I 19o per line; t | oer line. BUSINESS FOR GENERALG and Paint Sh Latest Equipment In condition Located In Good Town. Good Reason for g Will take small am af Capital to handle Address U-203 Care rownsville Heral A BEAUTIFUL filling equipped, with long l business, has sandwich stand; for only $309. Denson Service 8tati north of courthouse 12. Edinburg. Texas, far quick sale. WHEN MARKETING i lew product you’ll fiad an ad la e ‘Solicitors Canvasswt. Agents’* < unn of tbs Classified Section is w worth while 12 A eras in El Jard! District, near school, railroad load station, gin; and on pavement. A aady location for a store, gaiage d filling sta tion In connection th farm. Pos sesion at once. Phot 178. P. O Box 364. Brownsville. Tctij U-206 $30,000.00 Brownsville gslnew proper ty for sale on easy tins. Might take some good trade ai »art payment. $20000.00 McAllen i mess property to trade for propert n or near Cor pus Christ!. 8 C. 0 asm and Com pany. Phone 179, B rnsvllle. Texas. U-206 FOR 8ALB—Two Drvfoods Stores lo cated in 2 of th&ost prosperous Valley cities. Browviiie and Mis sion. Large client* Clean. fresh, seasonable assort Ate. Stock ap proximately $18.00*) each. Lease transferred to buw A good oppor tunity for any snAUou* party will ing V conduct a pfttable business. Reaam for selitn other business clalss my attenttt For particulars see » writs E. gnautou, Brown* villi Texas. U-206, ——-—■ MOBCT TO LOAN 8 city property. Sara Hubhston. Malty Bldg. 8-247 ARTICLES «OB SALE W1NTED SELL—feelve cubic foot PtBldalre. Good I new. Box 507. Hrllngen. U166 8BCTRIC OR T1JPHONIC Victor, early new. 35 pc month. Priced to tU. Phone 868 M t Box 562, "Browns - dle. U217 EW $ piece Dinnlg Room set half rice $100. Large Ire Hoover Electric weeper 40.00 Mn Martin Los Kb*nos >179 R. U212 1 China Closet $100. 1 blue enamel gas range $30.00. glrrors, wool blank ets. and pillows, *lf price. Rug; and carpets your prloePbone 979 R U212 3 new dlssDpeartg ln-a-door bids. 1 mirror door^Ph™ B79RI P. O Box 126. P2*2 FOR BAIR—Five rooms of furniture at a sacrifice. P*tv leaving town. For appointment phfee Mr. Condit, El Jardln Hotel. } U218 GLASS show gaes. cash registers. triving, adding1 machine, iron safe. irroughs bookgeping machine. Frig id sire Ice ereag cbalnet. pop corn toaster. Easy grin*. Phillip’s Stare. Ian Benito. Tegs * U-UK .EW BABT~GtAND PIANO reduced o half price. I real standard mate D. Hambly »ox 562. phone 86S-M irownsvllle. BRIGHT CANE SAY for aale; $17 per p>n. delivered, igor.e 1393-W. T-341 IF TOC HAVE fomethlng u> veil .eg ularlv. ask for • district salesman who will explain th* low bustorae rates tea dally ads in th# C. swifted Section. QTFirl EQUIPMENT GOOD r»C0N2-HAND National Cash Register tor ule. Box 905. Harlingen. U-174 TREES. PLANTS AND SEED TREE KILLERS BO-KO enough to kill 100 trees. $2.00 Bo-Ko Comps oy. Jonestown. Miss. U-54 PALMS FOR SALE—Fanleaf. date and ornamental date. 60c. dug. Special price* for large quantities. Three miles northeast of La Fert*. Texas. Georg* W. Dewey. U-129 REAL ESTATE WE HAVE several tracts that would be of Interest to Immigration agents. Phone 393. Skreve Bros. Land Oo., San Benito. U167 10 ACRES 100% citrus land, new $12,000 residence; S acres In or chard! 100 yards off Highway. Up degraff. La Fetfa, Texas. ul$2 investigate SUMMIT PLACE In BrowwaiMHe** osw ouslnaat and residential KUb-dinaon. located on 13th and 14th street*, one mUa from Oateway Bridge, on the main thorough fare leading to the propoeed ship channel, municipal alt part. rich farming tutnet at B Jardln. and Boca Chlca cent down, balance 5 years to pay. Jerne Dennett. phaa«437. Brownsville, Texas. WONDRFUL BARGAINS art offered dally in the Classified Ade. YOU can sell or trade the things you no longer need through a Classified Ad. IF YOU need work a small ad under “Situation Wanted** will put you In touch with the right Job. EVERT OAT there U a new list of of fers end wants In the Classified Sec tion. Watch It carefully and regularly and gat lust what you want. IRRIGATED land. 75 acres near Har lingen; goat ranch In west Texas to trade, sell or rent. Phillip** Store. San Benito. U-1P4 LIVESTOCK—POULTRY FOR SALB-eome fine wellbred Red Duroc sows, due to farrow In 10 to 30 days. Will sell by weight or by the head. Also Poland China sows. Address P. O. OBI. Residence 450 Travis St. San Benito. Farm 8 miles southeast of San Benito, first farm south of Mitchell 8wltch. 17214 HOUSE.' *>*OR~SALE SACRIFICE—New thoroughly modern 5-r xan house, furnished or unfurnish ed. Lost buy In Brownsville; smell down payment, balance like rent. See Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner. 1719 Hayes street, Victoria Heights, Phone 1075-J. T-48 BEAUTIFUL LOS EE A NOS home on bank of reeaca; 3 large bed rooms, large living room, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen, coionad* porch, screen ed; patio; 2-car garage;' beautiful, lawn and shrubbery; southeast exposure. For price and terms see Mr. Egan. James-Dlcklnson Co., ground floor El , Jardln Hotel. U-161 BARGAIN—8550 buys house and lot with other lmDrovements If taken at once. Phone 1185-W. U-192 WATCH the Classified Ads craefully and regularly and you are sure to get just what you want. FARMS FOR SALB FOR SALE at half value' 10 acres land In cultivation facing paved highway, three miles Brownsville, no incumbrances. Moss Store. Point Isabel Highway. ul83. MUST SELL 25 acres best potato land in Los Presnos All In cultivation, half mile off paved road. *1.000 cash, balance 5 years. Box 884. Brownsville U173 LOTS rOB SALE SEVERAL desirable Point Isabel busi ness lot* for isle. Considerably under priced. Owner needs cash. Lcppert Realty Co.. Point Isabel. Texas. U-138 BEAUTIFUL LOS EBANOS lot on Palm Blvd.. corner Palm Blvd.. has Just been > completed. Ressca Is being dredged and widened, preparatory to filling with fresh water and stocked with fish. The most desirable lot and surround ings In the Rio Grande Valley. For price and terms.*see Mr. Egan. James Dlcklnaon Co., ground floor. El J«rd1n Hotel. _P-Ml FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE—Income property located in Elgin. Illinois Box 40.000 Best cor ner In city. Price reasonab’e. Have $13,000 Equity. Want Cameron County property on payment. Address U-205 Herald. FOhNiaLE OR EXCHANGE—-Two and one-half acres grape fruit orchard with seven-room house, modern: adjoining McAllen. $8.500 00. Enc $3.500 00. Six apartment building. San Benito, rental $1,500.00 per year, price $12,503.00. Enc. $3,000 00. Improved Valley farm $250.00 per acre. Enc. $3,200.00. This Is all choice and desirable property, but I wish closer home. Write F. Q. Collins. 812 West 15th. Des Moines. Iowa. U-176 REAL ESTATE: Want to trade city property In south east Kansas for Valiev land. A. Simmons. General Delivery. San Benito. Texas. U-733 RENTAL IF TOU HAVE bouses for rent list them with Howard, phone 1080 T-102 FOR RENT—50 acres potato land. Irri gated Cal) at 101 Adams street or phone 561. _ T-*7 APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENT In new du plex. Oarage. Phone S18-J. U-100 FITCH APARTMENTS — Corner St. Charles and West Eighth street: four rooms beautifully furnished; delight fully cool: Frtgldalre: gas. hot water; hardwood floors throughout: garage. Phone 558..T-132 TIMS WELL SPENT is time devoted to looking over the classified ads. ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nice 1 y fur nished. Corner Sixth and Laves Phene 838. P-308 FOR RENT—Nice, newly furnished two room Ant. In private home. Connect ing bath. With garage. 22.50 par month Also lovely furnished front bedroom adjoining bath. $10.00 per month. On pavement 164C Grant St. Victoria Heights. U209 a ■ TWO 2 room apartments completely furnished. One 3 room apartment, private bath. Mrs. Mary D. Collins 132 Levee St. U210 OPPORTUNITY Is knocking at your door in the Classified Ad columns every day. Read and use them regularly. WE HAVE both furnished and unfur nished apartments and unfurnished houses. Howard, phone 1000. T-102 APARTMENT FOR RENT on paved street: gas and everything furnished: also furnished bedroom. Phone 420. T-273 FOR RENT—Stnetiv modern duplex. $37.50 per month. Oak floors and nice fixtures, gas. garage, Phone 34f 05 562-W. Mrs. Homer Morrow. 1$ Cro mack Bldg. THE BEST "trouble shooters’* In the home are classified ads. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED apartments over M. System Store. West Elizabeth. Phone 673 or eea Walker Craig CO._ IT-33 SOUTH SIDE attractive duplex: nicely furnished, all conveniences. No. 1112 West Elizabeth Phone Carlos 0- Wat son.T T-277 EXTRA CASH from old furnttusn. out grown bicycles, or what havt you, through a Classified Ad. _ APARTMENTS MAY-DAY APARTMENTS—Completely furnished. Including gas, zeroaon* and garage. Modem and WblJ locat ed. 130 Washington. Phone Tit. U-I7Z COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2-room south apartment, 822.30; 3-room apart ment, 823. Telephone 046-W. 0-3 HOUSES * mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm—mmmmmammmmmaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr » FOR RENT—6 room houee, modem, close In. Phone 830. U211 FOR RENT—8 roam modem house. All coovenlences. 16 St. Ches. and Palm Bird. U-20T FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED R(X>M—Private entrance, ad Join lug hath, hot end cold water, gas. 343 Levee street. U-153 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished comfor table room in private family. Hot water and gas. 132 Adams. Phone 1365 J. after 3. U-200 FOR RENT—Furnished bedroom In private home. 443 St. Charles. U-100 ROOMS AND APARTMENTS-Baamn ablt rates. Olsnwood Hotel. Phone 81®. P-118 FURNISHED ROOMS—South exposure, very close In; reasonable. 042 Levee. T-112 LEGAL ADVERTISING After September 24la I am no longer responsible for any debts in curred by cr checks drawn on my account by my wife, Mrs. Bert Neil Bert. Neil. 9-24 to 30—7t-3536. NOT responsible for any debt* against the Tourist Auto Supply up UU Sept. 29th. E. B. Weller. Brownsville. _ 0-30-10-3344. Legal Adv. Mrs. Garza Buried Sunday Afternoon (Special to Te Herald) HARLINGEN, Sept. 30.-Funeral services for Mrs. Tomasa Villareal Garza, well known resident of this city, were held at 3 p. m. Sunday to the Mexican Presbyterian church here, with the Rev. R. Torres, pas tor, officiating. Remains were in terred at Rancho del Muerto. the family home, three miles from Har lingen. The deceased was 51 years old She died at 5 p. m. Saturday. Sur viving are one son, Catarino, win has been studying international law to New York; two daughter, Mrs. Oscar Garcia de la Garza, and Mrs. Miguel Flores Vlllar; three brothers. Julian. Flacido and Gua dalupe Villarreal; a half-brother. Justo, and two half sisters, Grego rla and Fidela Perez. Mrs. Villareal wa. widely known for her charities, and for her edu cational work among the poorer classes. She has placed a number of boys and girls to Tex-Mex. at Wtogsville, and the Girls’ school at Pharr. - —* — ——■ ■ .. [City Briefs j Correction — In the advertise • ment of the Oriental Rug Shop in Sunday's Herald the discount on oriental rugs was quoted at one-third off. This was an error because the great value of these rugs does not permit a discount of more than one fourth off. For Sale.—Complete restaurant fix tures in Harlingen. Value 13.000. Will take $1,000 f«5r prompt sale. I See Walker-Craig Co.—Adv. tf. Returns.— Jim Collins, mounted j customs inspector, returned Monday j from San Antonio where he attend ed the funeral of Capt. Charles Ste vens. slain prohibition agent. Collins went on the liquor raids while he was in San Antonio. These have netted more than $100,000 worth of liquor up to date. Oysters—Fresh from Chesapeake i Bay. Weller's I. G. A. Groceries.— Adv. 30. Ladies and Girls: Don't forget permanent waves only one week more for $5.00. Haircuts. 40c; neck clipped 10c. Model Beauty Shop at Amaya's Millinery near Herald of fice—adv. 30. Back.—Anthony Changes, former ly connected with the White Kit chen, h$s returned to Brownsville after a seven months’ visit to Eu rope. Anniversary Sale: Don’t fall to attend the first anniversary sale of the French Shoppe, located a* 1250 Elizabeth St. Every thing will be sold at half price, boginning Sept. 30th and lasting till October 12th. It is a pleasure to visit this attrac tive little Shoppe, and many lovely things can be had at real bargains. Adv. 4. Good Fishing.—Valley fishermen reported good catches along the gulf Sunday. One party reported running into a large school of red fish several miles up Padre Island from Brazos Santiago pass. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincerest j thanks for the many kindnesses shown to us and for the many beautiful floral offerings received during Ihe sickness and death of our wife and mother, Mrs. J. A. Garza J. A Garza and family. Drouth Causes Loss To Mexico Cattlemen MEXICO CITY. Sept. 30—Cattle men in the northern part of the state of Tamaulipas In the north eastern part of Mexico have been hard hit by drouths which lasted from July until the middle of Sep tember. In September excessive rains fell, too late. Crops In Ta maulipas also suffered severely. ! Funeral Held For Mrs. Joe A. Garza Funeral services were held from the Sacred Heart church Sunday afternoon for Mrs. Joe A. Garza. 35. who died at her home in West Brownsville Saturday evening. In terment was in the Buena Vista cemetery’. Bln. Garza Is survived by foui children and her husband, all o1 whom live here. She had /been 11 a number of years before The funeral pcoductad bp the Morris J □, PASO PLANE SERVICE DAILY C. A. T. Inaugurates New 10-Hour Schedule to Bor der City Monday Dally servi~e between Brownsville and El Paso and Brownsville and Mexico City over the central line of the Corporation Aeronautic! de Transportes was instituted Monday morning. The new schedule brings Browns ville and El Paso, at the extremes of the Texas border, within ten hours of each other. Previous to this time the plane service has been available only rn * alternate days. Acc' ding to the schedule. rJl Paso passengers leave here at 7:15 a. m„ arrive at Torreon at 11:45, e nd af ter a wsti i* ne and one-half hours take the El Paso ship, which lands at & p. m. The same schedule holds for Mexico City. Pour new Lockheed Vega planes have Just been delivered to the company, and -U1 be used on the lines. These are seven-place ships, powered with Wasp motors, and have a cruising speed of 150 miles an hour. Twenty one of these ships have W purchased by the company, and will be deli-:red within a short time. Officials expect to put on a daily service between Torreon ant' Maza tlan within short time. NEW YORK—Henry Ford pre dicts disappearance of women from Industry. In the pictorial review he says they don't want to think much; they prefer to take orders; they are not precise. NEW YORK—Communicants of “Humanism.” a new religion, will be encouraged to compose their own wedding services. In launch ing the religion the Rev. Dr. Char les Francis Potter, formerly a uni versalist pastor, announced there would be no clergy, no prayers, no baptism and lectures Instead of sermons. NORTHAMPTON. Mass—Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Coolld-2 have entered an airplane for the first time. The plane sat on the ground all the time the Coolidges sat in the plane. The former president did not choose to fly himself or to have Mrs. Coolidge do so. The father of his new daughter-in-law is a flying governor. NEW YORK—George Price has lifted a shadow that hung over the motion picture Industry. His auri cular appendages were abnormally elongated and emphasized by Kleig lights. Gum and adhesive tape couldn’t keep them from waving in the breeze. A plastic surgeon came to the rescue. The new cars pass ed a screen test. Texas Indians Want To Live in “Wilds” AUSTIN. Tex.. Sept. 30—UP) Texa’s colony of Indians of the Ala bama and Coushati tribe, who have beer living on a reservation in Polk county since before the days of General Sam Houston, are not entirely pleased with the cam paign to modernize their surround ings. They prefer having the 50 cot tages which will be built by the state, with- 130.000 appropriated by the legislature, scattered over the approximately 4.000 acres of tlieir reservation instead of arrang ed along surveyed streets in the form of a village. They would like to live their lives in “the wilds” as near as possible. The Federal government has spent about $30,000 on the colony, building the school house for their use. Texas not only proposes to put adequate roofs over their heads, but it has made provision to see alter their teeth, atld general health having allotted $1,500 annually for salary of a health nurse and $1,000 for dental work. $1200 aye*r have been set aside for medical puposes. Twenty six miles of fenc nlgatthe cost of $7,500 will be ouUt on the resrvation. Texas is $47,900 for the colony during the current biennium. Half of $3,000 annual salary of F H_ Fain. Indian agent, will be paid by the Federal government._ Young Men Organize League at Mission ‘Special to Th« Qnrnt MISSION, Sept. 3a—Permanent organization of a Young Men Business League of fected Friday evening, when wen thusiastic crowd of 125 rnenmeta the city hall here, with Harry Starr acting chairman, the organization starting with 65 paid members. Much enthusiasm prevaUedin the gathering, and it wwtth dif ficulty that the age limit was put at 45 years, some of those men age had crept beyond that seeming rather disappointed because they Sc. wanted tobe in onthisnewor • ganization. which has for tUmottc “Cooperation in every way POMi^r with all civic organizations andal other movements for the ^Detter ment of Mission ’1 It is to be ab solutely devoid of any political, re ligious, color.” . . ... Marvin Goodwin, developer of %ht Goodwin tract "eat of town. A, B Ewing, secretary of the local cham ber of commerce, E. H. Whiteheac of the 8outh Texas Chamber o Commerce of San Antonio, and w E. Toland, formerly of Dallas, wen among those who made talks. A board of directors was elected E. B. Sydnor, G*o. Brooks, Jr., Jot Martinez, Jr.! it E. Toland, Ra] Landry, Jack jj|r KeberMar cell. Prom thiMamber the oiUctt will be for ThP- 'M |g *’ of tlM other class will history at Starting avoid the mencement Vegetab To Be MERCEDES, been marked drainage and around the this season, accord! Smith, city health Harry Peters, building the city. Every abed will be raft, gravel under their watering form, |Mt*n traps and drains, connect with the city aewe* sys theerby making a decided improve- I ment in sanitary conditions. AUSTRALIA RAILS LOSE CANBERRA, Australia, Sept 30. UP\—The commonweath transport committee reports that railway los ses in Australia during the last three years have been $14,500,000. Increase in motor car traffic is given as one of the principal reasons. USOS were made to ten to the stricken plane before It _ ed passlg Cape Spenotf( 100 miles north Sitka. The BhhIhw began * fo rrefuellng at onee and they probadly would take off Seattle, approximately TOO w»%t distant tomorrow. We Make Keys For Any Lock j j --Also Duplicate Keys I Stocked, sharpened Radiator Repair Lawn Mowers Specialists and repaired Genera! Welding Rear Miller T V Phow> ' I Hotel *' IVvifilHLIV 222 Pipe Lines for ' I DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION J Let M Agar & Gentry I San Benito, Texas Design, Finance and Install Large Tracts Preferred W. O. Rozell I AUCTIONEER | IF IT HAS VALUE I CAN m SELL IT AND GET THE J MONEY §an Benito, Texas M For thirty-eight years ’hi Kio Grande Valiev, and sen® Ask any banker from K:o ®® banks and the entire <. .v.s.M We are known Uirou®Ev ■ I Of the State as “THE ERII-1 live up to that reputai. ■?. ® If you are not one o i U list of cuifl i ill .f. * ’iy s f.v* -1 I 4rc Compounded sJ \1 I on Savi I First Nati(^^^|® II ■HHMH \tv 1 I | Brownsvilf ! “THE FRIEfJ ,