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NOT IN VA! IFY nut ill InLLEil - .... txUnded Surah Fail* To f Rawaal Man Wanted In Daath *f Officer » *W'" i' - ^ The excited march over the Valiev . Saturday mad Sunday tor toy on Ste * Phana.- sought tor five days in oou section with the slaying of Cept. Oiarles Stevens, federal prohibition * osiioer at San Benito, netted no te * fSfti 'and officers are of the opinion ■ that 'inare *?tg no foundation to the * rumors that he was in this section. « A import became broadcast Saiur* n day that Stephens was sighted at - Pharr in a large yellow car, accom panied by a young woman. City, , county and federal officers mime s dintely threw out a dragnet over f the traffic arteries ot the Valley in J ha effort to catch .the alleged slayer #. From time to tunc, telephone » calls told of a large yellow car bc l i»* sighted along the highway : headed, .for Brownsville. The import that Stephens was x'caded toward the Valley was given Wedence by the import that he bad engaged in transporting liquor from ■tthe former. Officers say Stephens s knogra every by-road of the sec tion. However, the car was never sighted by the officers and they pi the opinion that the report : * unfounded. * Mri. Printy’a Rites ! Set For Wednesday (Special to Tim Herald* i* HOlNBUKCi Sept 30. —Funeral f * aervces fropi Mrs D. C. Printy. 30 * killed Friday morning when her car , was struck by a freight train near v here, will be h ,;j from the First ' Baptist church at 3 p. nv Wednes day with Or. Judd B. Holt official* . log. interment will be in McAllen i, Gamete* y. Mrs. Brlnty’s husband arrived in « BrowuaidMe Sunday b> au-pian , » •coming from St. Louis, and C. G. 2 Harryman. her brother, and his lam • ’ ily have arrived from Augusta. K* t Other relatives are expected to ar* thrive before the funeral is held. LONG AND BRILLIANT SOCIAL YEAR AHEAD OF GAY SETS IN WASHINGTON With a gay season in proper t, Mm. Herbert Hoover deft) wOl be kept bisay *n Washington f.hfc win ter. Ms« Caroline Boebitag (center i is one of the prominent debutantes in the sapital. Prlneeas Eltaa brth de Ligne (right) is the daughter ©f the ambaaandor from Belgium. In whose home many of Washington's most brilliant affairs are held. By SUE MeNAMAHA lAP freelure Service Writer) WASHINGTON. Sept 30.-—(/P»— Washington is preparing lor th* ; longest and most brilliant social season in years. Several even): contribute to tha unusually early openly, cl the sea i son and its lengthening into late April. President Hoover s electing • to &uy in the capital ail summer kept many important per- onage here who ordinarily would have , gone abroad. The extra session of congress brought many congressmen and i their wives here lar earlier than usual The visit of It anus y Mac Donald. prime minister of England, and his daughter Iahbei, early in I October will start the social season off in earnest. From then on it will be a round of tanners, teas, receptions and balls. Easter, the time when so ciety sheds its bright garb end goes into eclipse, comes very late— April 20. And not since jolly William How ard Taft was president has a season of such lavish entertaining at the White House been anticipated sij this coming lint winter under tot Hoover regime Whd; the champagne punch of Taft days cannot return. Washing ton is wondering if the Coolidge syartan diet of tee water for state receptions will not be supplanted al least by fruit punch The Hoovers have done more en tertaining in six months say vet eran social leaders, than the Cool idge. did in seven years If frost ed cakes ana fruit punch are not an accompaniment to high heels and tail coats this coming winter, ths wiseacres will miss their guess The President and Urs. Hoove have scarcely eaten a luncheon or dinner without guests since March 4. They have gene in strong for group entertaining These pan have ranged from catenet officials and other high dignitaries to mors* paper men and officers of the Girl 'Scouts They have taken 'large par ties with them on their week-end trips to the president's fishing camp. Meanwhile, for tliose no more in terested in official entertainment than in capttnl festivities in gen eral. a vista of spaagted nights stretches ahead, glamorous with snarl uniforms, titles and intsrest ing personalities from over the globe. Many of Washington s brilliant affairs are held at the home of Prince Albert de Utgne. the 'ambas sador from Belgium and his wtf». They are among the roost popular of the diplomatic families. The.r daughter. Princess Bimbeth. al ready has been presented to so ciety. Miss Caroline Rcebling is among I the most prominent debutantes who1 are eagerly preparing for the first debutante tea October 19 This will be given by Mrs. Helen Ray Hagner and will be followed by I a second November 9 given by Mrs. i Wiliam Laird Dunlop. The tear! will be at their height * around I Thanksgiving and debutante balls will punctuate Christmas weak with i sparkling variety. Something unusual, too. this year for the more mature women is the j bel Masque, the first big masquer* ade Hallowe'en party capital eoctety I has had in years. An outstanding event of the Rea son is the annua) midshipmen s and cadets' ball Christmas night, ______. Alcohol Success as Rapid Anaesthetic HAVANA. Bept 30. —Tha use of ethyl alcohol as an anaesthe tic ir. surgical operations, recently I demonstrated before the Medical I Society of France, pawed equally, l successful at the federal hospital; t here. Discovered by two youthful M«i-, ! lean doctors. Oarcla Marin and j ' Francisco Ortiz, trie ethyl alcohol ) anaesthesia Is declared to hold ad-1 j vantages over chloroform and ether, 1 because of Its more rapid effect and ( i ease of handling. A recent communication to Dr 1 | Carlos Trejo y Lento de Tejada.: Mexican ambassador to Chiba, from1 the two discoverer; of the anaes thetic said that the Medical Acad-j ; emy of Fails had pronounced the1 ; process a success. Australia Would Cut *U. S. Trade Balance SYDNEY, Sept SO.-/JV- With IKS figure® showing a trade bal ance in favor of the United States of armed fiat,609.600, Australia is trying to find means for Importing less from America. Several weeks before his cabinet came a political cropper over the law to repeal federal industrial ar bitration. Stanley M Bruce, prim* minister, warned the country that a flood of cheap articles aright be expected to result from the manu facturing acceleration In the Unit ed State;: He appealed especially for Austra lian auto manufacture, saying that if the heme industrialists would un dertake to make parts, and gradual ly work up to the production of complete cars, the government would stop the Importation of cars contain ing parts that could be obtained here A goodly portion of Australia s Im ports consists of American auto mobiles. Now plans are being made for home production and one Mel bourne company has announced the early appearance of a car cheaper than, but as good as. any American car offered In Australia. Juarez* Monterrey Highway Planned MEXICO CITY, Sept 10 —At a recent conference between the gov ernors of the states of Durango and Chihuahua it was decided that every effort would be made to en list the support of the Federal Gov ■ eminent In building a highway from Ciudad Juarec. opposite to El Paso to Torreon, the center of the Mex ican cotton belt. The road is to run through Chi huahua City, Jimenez, Farral. El Oro, Guanareh. Tepehuanes and Gomez Palaeio, all Important way points either in Chihuahua. Du rango or Coahulla. where Torreo i is located Just across the border from Chihuahua. It is proposed « connect this highway at Ttwreon with the road now being construct ed that when completed trill link Torreon and Monterrey, a much needed northern Mexico ueas noun try automobile route bridging the the two meet Important cities in northern Mexico These two road* would enable American visitor.* from the western section of the ! i STUDENT ' •> -gufa. illMfel - Oriillijniiiitr. iilllftllpMlfm • .. ... in.. , Allan Hoom, son of the Presi dent. having the administration > ‘building after registering as a student at the Harvard univer sity school of business admin istration. f ....* i * United States to visit most of north i ero Mexico over good roads. The matter of finances in the 1 construction of these read, is now [ the subject of discussions between • the state governments interested and ' the Federal authorities. TRANSPORT AIMS UNIFIED ST. LOUIS, Sept, 30. —-fAP>— i 1 Speakers representing railroads, j motors cars and airplanes have been included on the program of a semi - * 1 annual meeting of the Associated j ' Traffic clubs in St. Louis on Oct • 1 ober 15 and 15. Labor Draf for Work Chinese Deere*, NANKING. Sept-, a- t£- ~A dtitme drawn up by the Centra! Ex* eemftd Ownmiftee of the National* tst government makes''every able bodied mate between the- apes of It and 50 liable to draft for work on the good roads program which has been formulated for Chlpa. Indifference of a large section of the population to the scheme for national highways cawed the 1«#W ance of the decree. Motor travel 1* impossible in aim os every district and few people have either awn an automobile or care to look at one. Ownership of "a car la not even dreamed about. Ah Under these conditions the B~ eroment scheme for a net WdrWlC highways, connecting all the prin cipal centers of the country, was dying of lassitude. Enforcement of the decree i« expected to put life into the project. Under the orders, fill laborers drafted for service wti receive their board and their families alll be giv en maintenance doles. Those un willing to work will be exempted On payment of a fee, but the slae Of this fee has not been determined. SENTIMENT AFFECTS MOVEMENTS OF GOLD NEW YORK, Sept. 30.-{/R— In ternational bankers are having to reckon on sentiment' as a factor if Increasing importance in gold move ments. Inflexible economic lawi are sup posed to govern shipment* of fold from one country to another. Bit national sentiment in England at the present time, is believed to be exerting 'Considerable pressure on private owner? of gold to. cheek ttw flou of metal to Paris and New York. Under present conditions of ex change,, bankers say, England 'nor mally' would be exporting much gdltL The fact that she is. not. U attri buted to the unlriandly publicity that attends utich activities on, 'the ground 'that they tend to weaken England's gold position. rii.ipreos sew WASHINGTON!, Sept. 80. — m~~ The Philippine Islands purchine five eighths o' *!U sewing thread export ed from the United States, says tha department of commerce. The ti land* boast a thriving embroidery industry. I1 KNO Iyour i INVEST, BUILD AND GROW WITH THE VALLEY 1 Kl * BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN YOU CAN DEPEND ON FOR COOPERATION IK _ .. . ........ . in —” ' Southern Mutual Life Association (A Local Mutual Aid* Bowie-Trent Bldg. N. Sam Houston Blvd. San Benito. Texas I ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK General Machine Work “OufcL Service’ International Iron Works I Ptiaae 1317 Browusllie Clyde A. Thorpe. Mgr. Bomez & Co. j (tic Track* — BrownavlUe oleplume 816 DS&le Grocers « Lower Rio Grande Valley »e a blanket : DELIVERY Part of the Valley Floyd E. Bullard Monu/nenU mSmg/k MMal Works Our work permanently ex uu u i t pre^t • your devotion. •*7 *"L *w, „ Brownsville Marble & Granite Nouc Too Large Work* Phone $£5 — LAkihwf MI Levee Street I **£££?** Holm'. Studio I a*FJHACKJEX and Commer HkOfit SSS cial Photography * Cor 1S«J> & Wnxhiogtoc Phone 8T? - Brownsville 1...*.. ..' 1,1 Wa Specialise in Staple Wholesale Groceries J E. DE LA GARZA Browneville 634 Fronton St. Ammricmn Maid Bread ALWAYS Fttk.sH Aok Your Grocer Made fry GATEWAY BAKERY Brownsville I D BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY* I Complete abatraefc* entitle to Unde in Cameron German Savings Are ! showing Increase BERLIN —<JP— The economr sit uaLon of the German mtddk and working dase* Is slowly im proving. tt was started by th* German Saving Banks Association which show*, in its annual report that deposits arc steadily increas ing Total bank deposit* in all Ger many exactly 41 per eent of th* pre-war total The average of de ! posit account* in Berlin banks t. only two dollars less ttian in 1914 It is regarded as remarkabii ‘ moreover, that aepisit* are iughe* than withdrawal* and that new accounts was not the case in pre | war days Clothing It Made By Local Company “Valley made lor Valley Trade." that is the motto of the Valiev Wholesale Dry Good: Co., dealers lor "Dutiable' wort clothes. Thr garments su manufactured in their plant here The concern employees a large ! staff of skilled workers in the manufacture of throwers, shirt, and other garments These are sold over the Valley lor the most part, but not exclusively. Orders Iran all sections of the country are re-' pallid. A hunting jacket turned out by the local company is in htyb dr ■ mand and is sold generally ever th* south. LIGHTNING KILLS BIRDS 8ALT LAKE CI7T. Sept. J9.— A flock of pehoans lying at an alti | tude of 900 feet were struck by lightning in as electric storm. Nine teen were found dead near the city, while a few were aide to make their way to bushes outside of town where Ihtt hid Cm—ejeea. 1 Today’s Radio Features MONDAY, SEPTEMBER » f Hy THn Attetiau* Press) Proa rams In Centra t SLmdard time Alt tins© I* P. M. unless otherwise Wave lengths on left of call letters, kilocyoVea on right—WABC New York—WO ICR* Chain) 7:00—Women's Iks position: Army Hand—Also WHK WMAQ KMRC WKRC Kcm; WaScWM® WISN WFBM KFPT KVI KLZ KMOX 7:30—Couriers with Itenrv Brnblg, Popular Program--Al*.. WADC WKRC WOHP WVIAC KMOX KMBC KOIL WHK VoCO WHW; WSPh •USO—Adventure* of Unde Joe and Pat—Also WADC WkRC WOHP WMXQ KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK WOWO Bmv-Orand Opera Comm-WHK WMAQ KMBCw WKRC KOIL WADC WSPD WISN WOHP WFBM WCCO KVI KL7 WOWO KMOX •900—Countn Club, Talk by Hack Wilson—Also WADC WKRC WOHP WMAQ WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK WFBM . . 1:30—Night Club Romance—Also WHK VVMaQ WKRC KOIL WABC WSPD WISN WOHP Oik WCCO KVI KLZ KMOK WOWO ___ 10:*O—HhiUrre: a OWiu-Ahu WKRC KOIL W8PI* WISN KI VLKV KFRC 10.30—lintel Orch,— Alec WKRC KOIL V-SPD WISN WGKP WFBM KDYL 4MJ-WEAK New York—*40 fNBC Chain) •3)0—Buck A Wing, Phil Cook and Vic Fleming—Also K8P <i30—f»ian< Tw‘.nt> W£aF) Back of the News—Also KSD WKT_ 7:00—Choristers Orch, A Bokdatfr—Also WOT WWJ KYW KSD WOC WOW WIUF W’ICtt* KTHS WSMB ICSTP WTMJ WEBC WJ *.X WH AS WSM WMC WSB KVOO KPRC WOAI WKT WSAI WTAM WFAA ^ 730—Gypsies Orchestra-WGT WWJ WSAI WON KSD wtXL*V;Kir VTA* •:3»-Fami:v r*rty-AI.<m WCT WTAM WWJ WSAI WON KSI WOC WOW VT*alf KBTP WIIAS WSM WMC WRP IVPA A-W RAF KPRC WOAl •30-Salon Singer.-A iso WGY WOC ^ WOV TOC ; »:1th—Floyd Gibbons, Headline Hunter—WGY KSD WOC WOW WTWJ WON WHAfi KPRC WMC WKY * ___ _.T4.. — tOtUO—Oruh —Also WWJ WTJBC WMC WAPI WKT KSD WOW W JAX WBB 1130—Jack Albth and Hla Dance Orchestra—Also WOW Sg*A—WJZ New Vo-k—7*0 (NBC Chain) , tiGO—Mormon Taiwrnacl* Choir and cm# (from KSI. Salt IaVs Clty>—ANo W SM WI* KWK KOA KPO Kho KOMOJKFAB 1:10—Dance Orchestra—WJZ; Moment Muaioale— WJZ ,,_K . • 33—Rory and Hie Q« n£f•» t url nr H • rnl d \ an« , Te ^ T* KDKK KWK WSM W6B WIOD WCFL WSMB WjTY WRFN KFAB * WtommmC* MMUflTt — R Igf. "M. JT II Iff? KHPV W 11 IV FWK A* l*h V l*E$S£Z£x£ KdTkjTw-JR KYW.WRKN w fcHClKWK KS7T WTMJ *30—Rea: Polk* Sketch—Alan KDKA KWK KYW W RKN W1WW JR t*fr—Cabin Nights Nagro UD^x**®VTiFhFwrTMJ 030—Empire Builders—Also KDKA W.TR WLW KYW KWK WREN WTMJ ••-f— KTW KWK ,n<®N IWWG-Tekr at the Border* ISM k. c.—m VHth. Prtt Uer Manager Dally, except eUidgy—On lir !0 t m. to 1 p. m Back or sir it 4 p. m. with Valley news and Associated Pnw dispatch** from The Rrownsrill* Herald Remain on air until 7 p. m. Florida Winning China Oil Trade SHANGHAI. (rn~ The fact that Florida planters have begun to raise tung oil trees of both high quality and In abundance has caus ed a shiver In the Chinese In dustry. Exports have already fallen off to an amaxlng degree. Tung oil, better known as Chin** I wood oil. is a necessary ingredient ! of paint driers and Is used In manv preservative preparations for roof ; ing, Iron and steel It Is especial ; ly valuable In varnish, its presence Imparting a luster to the finish j that gives a lacquer effect It b also used In soap ink, drugs paper and water-proof silk. Although Its value has beer known In China for centuries, the j western world knew Uttle about the oil until 1896, when ft was taken across the Pacific % an American, No* It has become a world-wide commodity Shoe Hospital It In New Location The Solb Shoe Hospital opened at a new location Monday morn -I ing on the market square next door to the Fiasa. hotel All of the machinery has been moved In from the concern's old location at 111S Washington The shoe hospital has been in operation here for a number of years ! VO WAKES AT NEW OKIE A VS NEW ORLEANS, Sept *>.- -dF j A city built on mud has Its advant ■ ages. New Orleans cannot haw skyscrapers, as ether large cities da because ft sits on "1.190 feet of mud." but 3. E Parquet tn charge ' of the seismograph at Loyola uni versity hew, saw the city has never ! been known to feel the tremor of f|| * /va For instant cleaning and KhnnA Mi pressing service. Have A llvrllV your clothes “Gloverized” BROWNSVILLE TAILORING CO. Phone 93 1390 Elisabeth PRIVATE DINING ROOM 101 Seats In the Place VALLEY WAFFLE SHOPPE -BUT ruci TO BAT Peter Goratos, Prop. — San Benito DESEL-BOETTCHER CO. Jones Transfer A Storage Co., Inc. WrtrtfceUng, Uterine, Morin*, Crating and ffMpntitg Dnttr Matwr Freight ferric* Between AS Vtlkr Point* Harlingen Brownsville Edinburg PKASIA Clean Pure Ice Brownsville Ice Company iJM Bt Charles and Brit Line R. R. Plant* at McAllen and Baiitngen pn * . i .... Coffee Roasted Freeh Daily DELTA COFFEE CO. WHOLESALE ONLY Ph~*Mir.Ha,u“,*n .. . --' I IW.tM.UmTO. I I M. Garcia Gomez & Champion Wholesale Groceries Tel. 88 Brownsville Uth and Madison aBMHMMHHMMBBMBNBHNHMI ..-.-. ._ Guarantee Electric CoM Inc. Phone 1050 — Brownsville | Electrical Layouts, Fixtures and Wiring Brownsville Sheet: Metal Works Metal Work and Roofing All Kinds Iron and Tin Work, Tanks, Cisterns, Roofing ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED ?honc 389 Brownsville Gasoline and Motor Oil* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Velvorene Motor Oil Co. Phone 888 Brownsville tnd * Fronton Streets I~. A. RA.L*A*N *' TRANSFER AND STORAGE Bonded Warehouse Crating — Shipping — House Moving AH Kindt of Heavy Hinting Office Phone 17iWeslacoRea. Phone 100 Black RIO GRANDE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Old Line STOCK COMPANY Legal Reserve Harlingen, Texas M ..I.I.........■<««»!" Galvanised Pipe—One Joint or A Carload Electric Water Systems—Eary Terms PHILLIPS HARDWARE Ban Benito COUNTRY HOME WORK A SPECIALTY QUINN AND DERRICK PLUMBERS Heating. Septic Tania, Sewering, Efltfacwtea, Jobbing 047 Elisabeth Btreet Phone SIS J .„ BroamsvlUe. Texas I Canners **S. S.” Brand I Vegetables and Grapefruit I SCHMIDT CANNING CO. I ..._____.*._.....; 1 Valley Wholesale Dry Goods Co, Brownsville |