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___ <"| fflir Snwmsmllr itraW [Si i — THE VALLEY FIRST—FIRST IN THE VALLEY—LEASE D WIRE SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS—(/P) __ .* THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR—NO. 168 BROWNSVILLE. TEXAS, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1929 EIGHT PAGES TODAY 6c A COPY GRID FINAL TO BE I D SATURDAY ^uck-Yellow Jacket Gate In Waco Will Be Split 50-50 AUSTIN, Dec. 16.—(A*)—The play off between Breckenridge and Port Arthur high schools for the state football championships will be held Saturday' in the Cotton Palace sta dium at Waco, after officials of the schools and Roy B. Henderson, ath letic director of the Interscholastic League, had been in conference two hours today. The only olher point decided was that the gate receipts should be split 50-50. Breckenridge was represented by N. S. Holland, superintendent, and P. E. Shotwell, coach, and Port Ar thur by G. M. Sims, superintendent, and Tom Dennis, coach. Controversy Looms On Senate’s Steps WASHINGTON, DEC. 16—M»)— What to do next was today’s prob lem in the senate. It was a question that in itself held promise of as much controversy as some of the legislative projects awaiting consid eration. Some democratic leaders and spokesmen for the independent republican group were insistent that the senate return to the tariff bill. Chairman Smoot of the finance committee wanted the House bill to ratify the French war debt set tlement taken up next. In addition, the Dill bill to continue the admin istrative power of the Federal Radio commission had to be dis ried of before the end of the week, it was to be effective. Meanwhile, leaders of the House sought unanimous consent for con sideration of legislation of the same purpose as the Dill measure and of the $330,000,000 public buildings bill. Under House rules, the objec- J tion of a single member had the j effect of postponing consideration of either. 24 Pint# of Mescal Carried By One Man Imbibers who cannot keep one hip flask concealed will probably turn green with envy when they read this. Customs officers pounced upon a man in the Ramirenia section Sat W*nrday evening who had 24 pints of w mescal variously distributed over his person. He had sixteen bottles above the waist line and the remain der below—not under—his belt. He might have gotten by at that, except for the fact that he was busy counting his bottles when the officer arrived on the scene. He hastily placed a cardboard over the bottles and was squatting on it hen-fashion when the seizure was made. Charges will probably be made Monday, officers state. Sen. Heflin Pictures Gloomy Christmas WASHINGTON, DEC., 16—</P>— A gloomy Christmas for many chil dren of the South was predicted today by Senator Heflin, democrat, Alabama, at a hearing of a Senate Agriculture sub-committee investi gating causes of a depressed market for cotton. Addressing W. L. Clayton of An derson, Clayton and Company. Houston, cotton merchant who was testifying, the Alabama senator said there were hundreds «nd thousands of farmers in the South who were not only unhappy, but who were In distress because of the ?ow and unproiftable price of sotton. Bill Asks Authority For Red River Bridges WASHINGTON. Dec. 16.— Bills providing authority for Texas and Oklahoma to construct two free highway bridges across Red river have been introduced in the louse. One bridge would be located Just wrest of the railroad bridge between Denison and Durant. Okla.. and the other about six miles north of Gainesville. The bils were Introduced Satur day by Representative Cartwright, democrat, Oklahoma. Life Term Asked For Man Sentenced To Die DALLAS, Dec. 16—i.-P)—Bearing a petition signed by approximately 3,000 Dallas citizens, Eddie Roark, attorney for Bennie Aldridge, con demned to die after midnight next Thursday, was in Austin today to request Gov. Dan Moody to com mute the sentence to life imprison ment. OFF TO PEN deputy U. S. Marshal P. E. Sef fel of Mission and two guards left Brownsville Sunday evening with five prisoners for Atlanta. Ga., pen (ttenttarv. Three of the convicts were being sent up for the wound ing of A. C. Graff, federal prohi bition agent. Monday evening. Deputy U. 8. Marshal H. R. Jefferds will leave for Leavenworth with 13 prisoners, accompanied by four guards. The major portion of the men were con victed on liquor charges. The men to accompany Jefferds are Ralph Tucker. John Castleberry. La Feria constable; R. G. Delaney, deputy sheriff; and E. Cavazos, Jr., deputy sheriff. RECONCILED I_l_l Pola Negri, film ctar, who is re ported reconciled with her hus band, Prince Serge Mdivani. VEHEMENT POLA IS RECONCILED Motion Picture Star Goes To Country Home With Royal Husband PARIS. Dec. 16—<>P)—The Paris edition of the Chicago Tribune to day said that Pola Negri, motion picture star, and Prince Serge Mdirani, whom she married three years ago. had become reconciled and would leave together in Janu ary for America. They were on the verge of divorce. It happened, the paper said. In the chambers of the judge of a French court. The judge summon ed the two before him for the for mal attempt at reconciliation which is required under French divorce procedure. The unusual happened and the move Intended as a formal ity actually worked. The two went to their country house. They will go later to St. Maritz, before leaving for America. ACTION LAUDED CHICAGO. Dec. 16—\JFh~ Mary McCormic today expressed herself as not at all piqued to learn Prince Serge Mdivanl and Pola Negri, his wife, had affected a reconciliation in Paris and had started on a se (Continued on page eight.) HUNT VICTIM IN EDINBURG IS IMPROVED High School Football Star Is Wounded Accidentally (Special to The Herald.) EDINBURG. Dec. 16— Diarmuid Nichelson, 16-year-old Weslaco high school football star. Is In a much improved condition in the Medical Arts hospital here folowing an op eration Saturday evening as the re sult of wounds received in a hunt ing acident nine miles west of Fal furrias. The wounds were caused by the accidental discharge of a gun In the youth's stomach as he was attempt ing to club a wounded quail with the butt end of .22 calibre rifle. He was taken to Falfurrias for first aid treatment and was then rushed to the hospital here for an operation. In company with Nichelson on the hunt were I. E. Martin. Weslaco football coach; Fred Turner and Y. M. Pineda. They had camped Fri day night in order to hunt deer early Saturday morning, and meet ing with no success, had gone to hunt quail when the accident occur- ■ I red- _____ Corsicana Almost Marooned By Rain CORSICANA. Dec. 10.—(A1' Rainfall of 3.10 Inches during the past 24 hours left Corsicana prac tically marooned by mud and high water today. All creeks were rising rapidly, and Chambers creek, north of here, was almost over a railroad trestle. Storm sewers and other drainage structures were unable to carry away the heavy load yesterday and last night, and many sections of the city were flooded for a time after the rains. All roads were practical ly impassable. Waco Senator May Be In Lieut. Gov. Race (Special to The Herald.^ AUSTIN. Dec. 16.—Senator Edgar Witt of Waco became a definite factor in the lieutenant governor’s race of next year when he this week end disclosed he will decide about the race after the January special session. Indications were that he will have a fully-matured campaign ready to unfurl after the session. Six Cardinals Created Foreign Red Caps In Majority For First Time Since Fourteenth Century VATICAN CITY. Dec. 16.—WV-Six new cardinals were created by Pope Pius XI today in a secret consistory. In his allocution read to the College of Cardinals at the beginning of the ceremony of creation he stressed the happy solution of the "Roman question." He emphasized the latem pacts "recognized publicly the civil prince ship of the Roman pontiff and safeguard our dignity and yours." Three of the new cardinals are non-Italians and three Italians, bring ing the sacred college to a strength of 63 out of a possible 70. After to day’s ceremony the so-called “fore-* ign Cardinals were in a majority, their numbers being 33 against the Italians’ 30. This is a disparity that has not existed since the end of the 14 century. The Pope set forth the merits and achievements of each of the new cardinals. After each proposal of a name, he paused and asked for their elders’ approbation. The Car dinals answered by lifting their red caps in sign of assent. The six thus elected where Arch bishop Cerejeira of Lisbon, who has the title of Patriarch, and the fol lowing archbishops: Laviatrano of Palermo, Sicily: Minoretti of Gen oa; Macrory of Armagh, St. Pat rick's original See in Ireland: Ver dier, newly named to the See of Paris, recently made vacant by the death of Cardinal Dubois, and Monsignor Eugenio Pacelli, Papal Nuncio to Berlin. Chinese Halt Train Carrying Consuls TOKYO. Dec. 16.—(VP)—Reports that the international train carry ing foreign consuls into northwest ern Manchuria to investigate con ditions on the Sino-Russian front had been halted by Chinese mili tary when it attempted to leave Mientuho on the Chinese Eastern railway were received here today by Rengo, Janpanese news agency. The consuls, representing Japan, the United States. Great Britain. Germany and France, vigorously protested against detention of the train, but the Chinese authorities refused to permit it to proceed westward. Funeral Rites Held For Edinburg Woman (Special to The Herald) EDINBURG. Dec. 16—Funeral ser vices for Mrs. Waite* W. White. Edinburg, were held here at 2:15 p. m. Sunday, wlih the Rev. Z. V. Liles officiating. Interment was in the Hillcrest memorial Dark. Mrs. White, who was 25 years of age. died at the Medical Arts hospi tal Tuesday morn mg. FACES COURT Convicts Sent Up For Wounding Agent John W. Ratlan, carnival negro, will go on trial In the county court at law Monday afternoon charged with slashing Will King, another carnival negTO. Ratlan made his escape after the i altercation, but was later taken into ctfstody by Deputy Constable W. W. Miller as he lurked on the outskirts of the carnival. The fight took place in the stage wings o! a darkle revue shortly be fore the curtain was to go up..Rat lan was a comedian in the revue. Holdup Man Flees Without Robbing HOUSTON, Dec. 16—OF)—A hold up man who shot and c wounded J. H. Harris, 51. and then fled without robbing the wounded man was sought by police today. Harris, who operates a refresh ment stand, had Just put his car into the garage at his home, he told police, when the robber order ed him to stand and deliver. Har ris had $160 In his pocket, he said, and rather than give it up, he re sisted the robber. In the scuffle the holdup man pulled a gun and fired several shots. Harris was hit twice. He will recover, hospital at taches said. District Court Opens Eight-Week Term The civil district court formally opened here Monday morning for an eight-week term with Judge A. M. Kent on the bench. Well over 300 cases, most of them brought over from the previous term, con front the court. Tuesday the docket will be called for settings and orders. The court recently completed a term at Raymond villa. r v,t if Thrifty Cadets Get Holiday WEST POINT. N. Y., Dec. 18— (JP)—Uncle Sam teaches his fu ! ture generals thrift by making them save in order to go home for Christmas. Those who have been unable to save $7.50 for each day of Yuletlde leave out of their $730 yearly allowance must stay at the Point. PARK PLANNING NEARS FINISH Dredging of Resaca and Street Opening Will Make Beauty Spot With dredging of the city resaca practically completed, and the op ening of Ringgold street from the entrance of the park at Fifth through to Palm Boulevard well underway, plans which will make the municipal park near Los Eban os one of the prized beauty spots of Brownsville are steadily going forward. Opening of Ringgold through the park to Palm Boulevard gives a thoroughfare directly from the en trance of the park to one of the 1-ading paved streets of the city, and makes it much more accessible. By this means, those wishing to visit the park can drive out Palm boulevard to Ringgold, cross the resaca and enter from this point. Grading on Ringgold is now In progress, and a bridge is to be put over the city resaca near the park entrance. The resaca, which curves around the park, has been dredged from the Southern Pacific track to the point of intersection with Ringgold, increasing the width to 100 to 120 feet, and the depth to 5 feet. Earth removed from the resaca has been dumped along the water edge next to the park. Plans are at some time In the future to make a drive along the water’s edge on the bank thus formed. A concrete lined wadin* ; ool has recently been completed at the park, a gift to the city from the Rotary club. This pool Is to be of ficially presented and dedicated some time during the holidays, this season being particularly appro priate, as the pool was constructed in place of the Christmas tree usually given by the Rotarians for children of the city. The municipal park was acquir ed by the city during the term of Buyt E. Hinkley as park commis sioner, and beautification work has been done under his direction. STIMSON NOTE DECIDES VALLS LAREDO. Dec. 16.—Official intervention by the Uniter States government has assured Plutarco Ellas Calles. former president of Mexico, Immunity from arrest on a charge of conspiracy to murder when he passes through Laredo to morrow or Wednesday. This was certain today after a week of uncertainty during which District Attorney John A. Vails was undecided whether he should serve the warrant for Calles’ arrest with out regard to the diplomatic status of the visitor. Stlmson Wires Uncertainty prevailed until a late hour yesterday when last minute preparations to arrest Calles be tween San Antonio and Laredo were countermanded as Vails re ceived definite and specific infor matloa in a telegram signed by ; Secretary of State Henry L. Stlm ] son. The secretary expressed his dis belief that any officer would be willing to take action which would militate against the diplomatic status of the distinguished visitor, and asserted the government would take whatever steps were necessary to protect Calles. Officers Picked Vails had instructed the sherifi to send picked officers to intercept Calles’ train at a point between San Antonio and Laredo, and bring him here by automobile to stand trial for conspiracy in the murdei of General Lucio Blanco, whose body, handcuffed to that of anothei Mexican officer, was found in th« Rio Grande river July 7, 1922, Forced to abandon his planned arrest. Vails made it clear his re cession was only temporary. An other day. he said, might bring an other result, and he warned not only Calles. but other high official! of Mexico who. he said, are wanted in Webb county, to avail them selves of diplomatic immunity when traveling in Texas. Others Wanted In addition to Calles. he said Webb county wants J. M. Pulg Causeranc, governor of the federal district *of Mexico, former secre tary of education and prospective member of the Ortiz Rubio cabinet. Causeranc. he said, was once ar rested in Cameron county on a ca pias from Webb and forfeited giis $500 bond when he failed to appear for trial. Another “member of the present cabinet," whose name he refused to disclose, is also "wanted" in Webb county, the district attorney as serted. Vails made public today his re ply to secretary SUmson, which he I (Continued on page eight) 10 MEN FACE CHARGES ON M1N0RCASES Eighteen Are Not On Criminal Docket For Present Of the 28 men charged with various offenses when the criminal docket was called in the Cameron county court at law Monday morn ing, ten will face trial Monday af ternoon and Tuesday. The remain der of the cases were either con tinued, dismissed, or demanded to Justice of the p.-ce courts. Matlas Ortega and Alfredo Leal, charged with aggravated assault, I were to be tried 2 p. m. Monday.! John W. Rattan will face a similar charge the same afternoon. Rattan is alleged to have cut another car nival negro last week. Guadalupe Estrada, Jesus Mar tinez, Baldomero Martinez, Juan Enriquez and Edward Valente will be given hearings on charges of ag gravated assault Tuesday. Jose An gel Leal and Epifanio Perez will face the Judge the same day. They r* charged of carrying pistols il legally. Spanish Methodist Church Dedicated Members of the congregation and visitors packed the auditorium of the new Methodist church for Spanish-speaking people at the special dedication service Sunday evening. The Rev. F. 8. Onderdonk, of San Antonio, preached the ser mon. Special music was given by the choir and a quartet composed of the Rev. de la Garza, Benjamin Trevino, Miss Carlota Villareal and Miss Belen Gutierrez sang. D. L. Parker and Miss S. Martinez ren- j dered a duet. The church was bank-! ed with floral offerings. Services are to continue through out the week. The Rev. Rodolfo Jones of the Presbyterian church of Mercedes will speak Monday eve ning. while the American Method ist choir is to render special music. The Epworth league from this! church will visit the new church in I a body. McCloskey Election Probed Third Time SAN ANTONIO, Dec. 16.—(A*)—A federal grand Jury today began an investigation into the 1928 congres sional election in this district in which Augustus J. McCloskey, democrat, apparently defeated Har ry M. Wurzbach, republican, but became involved in a bitter fight for his seat. The investigation w.\ the third a congressional committee having previously held a hearing and a district court of inquiry and a grand jury also having studied Wurzbach's charges that election returns were altered and votes were illegally canvassed by the county commissioners. Sen. Reed Summoned On Contempt Count KANSAS CITY, KAS.. Dec. 16— (jP)—Former Senator James A. Reed : of Missouri was summoned to ap i pear today with six of his legal as sociates in the courtroom of district Judge W. H. McCamish to answer a citation for contempt of court. The seven barristers were cited by Judge McCamish after they had obtained a federal court restraining order against receivers appointed by Judge McCamish for the Federal Reserve Life Insurance company. The court of Judge McCamish Is a state court, and he argued a fed eral district court could not as sume Jurisdiction after the state had acted In a case. Peace Disturbers Feel Lash of Law Two disturbers of the peace felt the lash of the law as applied by by Justice of the Peace B. L. Cain to the extent of $14.30 each Mon day morning. Another, charged with fighting, was fined $18.30. The three were alleged to have participated in an altercation ot the carnival. The arrests were made by con stable John Martin and Deputy W. W. Miller. 54 WOUNDED SYDNEY. N. S. W.. Dec. 18—<>ip)— One miner was killed, and 54 were wounded, nine seriously, today In rioting and fighting with police guards at Rothbury mine. Six pol icemen were injured. Four hundred miners. Idle through closing of the shaft, attacked the guards and attempted to rush pre mises. Police were stoned and retal iated with their revolvers. A Mr. Badeley. member of Parliament, tried to pacify the rioters, but was struck with a stone and wounded. Later a special train with police and volunteers arrived on the scene but there was no further demon stration. The miners for the most part withdrew to Greta. | * Happy Princess I Is Magnanimous ^ BRUSSELS. Dec. l«—(jv-Prin cess Marie Jose. will marrv Crown Prinoe Humbert of Italy and live In Turin, will make a farewell gift of 50.000 francs to the poor of this city. Plane Roaring from Seville On Long Hop to Uruguay Speed of 100 Miles an Hour Will Put Fliers in Montevideo Sometime Tuesday Afternoon, Without Mishap SEVILLE, Spain, Dec. 18.—(Jp)—Two aviators today headed southwest across the Atlantic on a Journey of 6,000 miles from Tableda Airdrome here to Montevideo, capital of Urguay, South America. Major Tadeo Larre-Borges. Urguayan, and Lieutenant Challes, French, left here in their French Breguet plane at 12:40 p. m., Sunday (7:40 A. M. E. s. T.) They radioed shortly after midnight, Greenwich time, they expected to strike out for the Cape Verde Islands and the open sea after pasting MISS ARKANSAS Assorted Press Pi. Marten Ford of Fort Sm::u. Ark., was chosen by the students of the University of Arkansas as the most representative co-ed and given the title of “Miss Arkansas.” IDENTITY OF YOUTH CLAIMED Defense Attorneys Say Boy Is From State Hospital MOUNTAIN VIEW, Ark.. Dec. 18 (AV-Attorneys lor live men who laced trial here today on charges ol murdering Connie Franklin, larm hand, announced today a youth who claims he is Franklin has admitted he Is M. Franklin, former inmate of the State hospital for nervous diseases. Defense counsel Indicated they expected this to be an important factor during the trial. They announced also his mother had been found near Clarendon. Ark. The woman, Mrs. Lily Baker, was said to be on her way here with the sheriff ol Monroe county. Daughter Bom WESLACO, Dec. 18— Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Waite anno unce the arrival of a eleven and one-hall pound daughter, Saturday noon, December 14. The baby has been named Betsie Anne; mother and baby are doing nicely. • cape Blanco, furthermost extremity of the African Coast, probably about 1:30 a. m., today, heading for Pernambuco. Brazil. Passing over Cape Juby, Rio De Oro. shortly before that the filers radioed their trip thus far had been without Incident and under favorable conditions. They sent their greetings to the officials of Rio De Oro, Spanish province. Good Time Made Rate of speed established by the plane over the first part of its FERNANDO DO NORONHA, Brazil, Dec. 16.—<AV- Major ! Borges and his companion sent a wireless message this after noon asking for the weather conditions at Natal, where they expect to reach land. course was about 100 miles an hour. Should it maintain that speed the plane might be expected to reach Montevideo sometime Tuesday af ternoon, Montlvideo time. The fliers’ course might be given three subdivisions: First, down the Spanish coast to Cape Blanco, about 1.600 miles; second, across the Atlantic to Pernambuco. Brazil, about 3.000 miles; third and long est. down the coast to the La Plata Estuary and Montevideo, of about 2.400 miles. Friends Are tresem Friends assembled her® to witness their take-off shortly after noma yesterday. Many signed their names on the wings of the plane, which has a dual control and is equipped with a 450-horsepower motor. The French flag is painted on the rud der and the Urguayan flag on the fuselage. Their plane is white. The fliers took about 1.400 gal lons of gasoline and carried a ra dio set with two antennae. Both of them are skilled pilots. Five successful expeditions have preceded the two across the Atlan tic on the Cape Verde Islands route. Several have failed. The last to make the flight were Captain Ar turo Ferrarln and Major B. Del Prete, In July. 1928. when they set their new world’s flight distance record, recently broken by Captain Dieudonne Coste. Frenchman. The flight represents Major Larre-Borges’ second attempt to fly to South America from Europe. Big Ship Launched H0WDEN. Eng. Dec. K^-GSV The new British airship R-1Q0 which, with its sister ship, the R-101, is the largest aircraft in the world, was launched successfully to day. It maneuvered around the dis trict for half an hour, watched by a small group. _ Valley Aid Expected Foreign Quarantine Division Will Guard Against Mexican Plant Diseases By fllRRY U SEXTON WASHINGTON. Dec. 16.—Additional safeguard* for South Texas growers of fruits, vegetables and staple crops against possible Introduction of pests and plant diseases from Mexico are expected to be established by the foreign quarantine division of the Plant Quarantine and Control Administration when appropriations carried in the new budget are made available. The house appropriations committee recently reported favorably on an item of $700,000 for the foreign quarantine division, an increase of $150,000 over the appropriations xor* the previous year. Following the re port on the budget a supplemental appropriation of $30,000 was approv ed by the committee, giving the di vision a total increase of $180,000 for the fiscal year, the major part of which Is expected to be expended on the Mexican border. The increase was approved by the committee after Congressman John N. Garner filed a statement outlin ing conditions on the Mexican bor der and the necessity which existed for adequate inspection to prevent introduction of dangerous fruit and plant pests and diseases. The Texas congressman pointed out that there were six ports of entry between Brownsville and El Paso where no Inspectors were stationed, due to the lack of sufficient funds, and that at practically all ports of ec*ry the number of inspectors is inadequate to handle the heavy traffic and as sure efficient inspection. Increase Expected No definite announcement has been made by the Plant Quarantine and Control Administration rela tive to its plans, but it is understood that in addition to Increasing the force of inspectors at practically all points a new fumigation plant and incinerator will be erected immedi ately at Presidio and plants at Lare do and other border points supplied with necessary equipment to assure high efficiency. Plana for these im provements were completed by the division several months ago, but lack of funds prevented carrying them In to effect. The effort to secure adequate in spection at all border points was i (Continued on page eight.) LIQUOR TAKEN Driver Surprised To See Officers Find Hootch -What! Liquor on my running board? Don’t know a thing about it.’ It's an old gag, but they continue to pull it at the bridge on American customs officers. The last presenta tion of this little tableaux was en acted Sunday evening. A car glided up to the customs of fice and came to a stop. The offi cers were flashed an over-friendly smile. Straight away they walked around to the opposite side of the automobile. There they lay. Two bot tles of hootch. ’’Somebody most have put them there on the other side of the river I don’t know a thing about It,” the driver protested. The officers smiled, took the hoot ch and the drivers name, and the car drove off. Mexican Army To Be Reduced By Third ST LOUIS. De*\ 18—(/P)—Th< Mexican army is to be reduced b; one third. General Athuro Bernal chief of staff of the Mexican Wai Department and a member of ; party escorting former President Calles of Mexico back to Mexici City, announced here yesterdaj during a brief stopover. Former President Calles refuse* to be Interviewed. DREYFUS CASE MAY CROSS KINGSTORY Victim Is Believed Witness To Old Crime WASHINGTON, Dec. 16—(AV A new Investigation Into the death of Mrs. Aurelia Fisher Dreyfus, killed In a fall from a porch at the Potomac Boat dub, may even tually cross with the mysterious murder of Dot King, Broadway dancer, some years ago. District Attorney Rover, who Is directing the Inquiry into Mrs. Dreyfus’ death, said today he had heard Mrs. Dreyfus was a witness whose testimony helped in freeing Albert E. Gumiares, night club hab itue held for questioning in regard to the dancer’s murder. Mrs. Dreyfus was the divorced wife of Herbert Dreyfus, promi nent New York broker, and Ed mund McBrian, also a New Yoric broker and named as a co-respond ent tn Dreyfus’ suit for divorce, was with her on the night she was killed at the boat club. NEW YORK. Dec. 16.—</?V-The slaying of Dot King, whose real nome was Ann Keenan, artists' model, six years ago remains one of New York’s major murder mys teries. Miss King’s body was found in her fashionable apartment March 15, 1923, an empty poison phial near by. The apartment had been ransacked. Various theories were advanced byc police and the district attor ney’s office for the killing-that she had been slain by Jewel thieves, that she had been killed to hide a secret marriage to a rich young man and that she had been killed because she refused to aid In a blackmail plot against me of her many wealthy admirers. The latter theory was the most generally accepted, but never prov cu. Edmund J. McBrlan. who waa with Mrs. Dreyfus the night she was killed In a fall, was questioned In the King case because of his friendship with Albert Oumlares, who was held for some time In connection with the killing. It was said Mrs. Dreyfus aided In supply mg an alibi for Oumlares, who was discharged from court custody two months after Dot King was killed. Battle Linfts Drawn In World Court Fight WASHINGTON, Dec. 18.—<AV Battle lines are being drawn for the Impending senate fight over adherence to the world court. Although a year may elapse be fore Hoover submits the revised protocol, designed to meet objec tions of the senate as expressed In Its famouse fifth reservation, there Is already much discussion of the new plan, and the opposition, re gardless of Its size numerically, promises to be extremely determin ed. Chinese “Ironside” Leader Is Suicide NANKING. China. Dec. 18.—<#V— Official dispatches from Canton to day said that the noted General Chang Pal-Wel. leader of the re bellious "Ironsides" division, had committed suicide December II af ter falling to capture Canton from the Nationalists. 1 THE WEATHER j Por BrownsviHa and tht VaDw: Mostly cloudy and unsettled tonight and Tuesday, probably with early morning fogs; not much change in temperature. Light variable winds on the west coast. Tor East Texas: Cloudy tonight and Tuesday; occasional rains in east portion. Light to moderate southerly winds on the coast. RIVER FORECAST There will be a slight to moderate rise in the river from Mission down during the next 12 to 24 hours. flood Present 24-Hr. 24-Hr. Stas* Stage Chug. Rain 8unday, December 15th: Eagle Pass 16 4.4 +1.4 41 Laredo .27 4.5 +5.2 10 Rio Grande ..21 4.4 +04 42 Mission .22 4.4 OO .19 San Benito ..23 94 +0.2 43 Brownsville ..18 3.8 +04 -22 Monday. December 16th: Eagle Pass ..16 3.1 -14 00 Laredo .27 2.3 -24 .10 Rio Grande ..21 8.1 +3.7 .00 Mission .22 4.5 +0.1 .00 San Benito ..23 9.4 +04 .13 Brownsville ..18 4.0 *04 03 flDE TABLE High and low tide at Point Isabel tomorrow, under normal meterblo* rieal conditions: High . 5:23 p.m. Low . 8:57 a. m. MISCELLANEOUS DATA Sunset today.5:41 Sunrise tomorrow .T-U 79hoppi rpr Days to Christmas/ 1