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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
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DEAD SON SEEKS OIL MILLIONS $2,000,000 Estate Is Sought By Many In Queer Family Mix-up WICHITA FALLS, Aec. 18—(*»)— An aged, enfeebled widow, her son who returned after being declared legally dead, his divorced wife and some eight or nine other persons await the settlement of an amazing legal tangle In district court at Oraham. The litigants are heirs of A L. Rearden, Young county land owner, who died in 1919, leaving an estate valued at more than $2,000,000. but today worth less than $1,000,000, ac cording to John C. Kay, attorney for one of the principals. The Bearden estate was divided among 10 heirs, including Mrs. An ::le E. Bearden, the widow, in 1927 after Lee Bearden, a son. had been declared legally dead by the dis trict court at Oraham. Lee Bearden left Graham in 1918 and had not been heard fro when his*“death” was made legal. Oil worth $2,000,000 was taken from the land. Royalties and lease rentals went to me heirs and the affairs of the estate were tranquil enough until one dav in 1929 v»hen the loit son appeared In Graham. He came from California where he said he had spent the years dur ing which no word came from him. Lee sued his children and the Texas Company for restoration of title to the land and for accrued royalties. Meanwhile, the aged mo ther, through her guardian, sued for a redistribution of the property. Further complicating the legal maze, a second intervenor claiming to be Lee Bearden’s former wife and the mother of a 10-vear-o!d daug iter by him. entered claim for a share in the properties when the suit was called for trial before Judge P A. Martin of Wichita Fails, sitting as special judge in the 80th district court at Graham. Judge Martin ordered consolida tion of the claims, the unified case to be presented during the March term of court. The lands involved are In Young oounty and the 500 acres on which oil is produced are in the Olney field. SOLDIERS MAY • BUILD ROADS Mexican Secretary Of War Fights Inactivity On Part Of His Men _'Special to the Herald' MEXICO CITY. Dec. 14—Rather than have his men remain Idle during periods when there Is no military activity Secretary of War Joaquin Amaro would have them do road work. He has offered the services of his soldiers for the con struction of federal highways. Federal highway construction is proceeding rapidly. Latest advices are to the effect that the national highway, which is to link Mexico City to the American border at Laredo, will be provisionally open aa far south as Valles. State of San Luis Potosi. 440 kilometers from Mexico City, by January 1. The highway is to be completed to Mex ico City by September, 1930. Construction of the highway from Ciudad Victoria to Matamoroa, has been completed as far as San Fer nando. half way to the border, and is expected to be finished within four months. GET WELL NOW ....and stay well. Join the Chiropractic Health Insurance Bureau. Only Stic p day. Send name and ad dress to Prof. P. R. Ritchie 1023 St. Chas. St. Brownsville • By the Political Analyst AUSTIN. Dec. IS—It is said Tex as will fight to defend states’ rights in railroad consolidation, provided it can get permission of the inter state commerce commission to file its protests. • • • A law is under fire now before supreme court in a test case that i Is important beyond the question ' involved in the particular case. A Beaumont title guaranty com : pany attacks the section of the law requiring such companies to have not less than $100,000 capital stock. • • • The big question here is whether the state can deny any man the right to engage In lawful business, because he doesn't happen to be as big, financially, as his competi I tors. If the law stands up. some fut ure legislature, dominated by the friendship for trusts and big busi ness easily could legislate the whole business of Texas into the hands of a few super-combines. • • • Apparently, the legislature could limit any firm to a certain volume of business based upon its capital. But to say that a $90,000 company, otherwise complying with the law can not do business because it isn't a $100,000 company, suggests to a non legal mind questions of fairness and sound government policy. Humor pays, as is shown In the case of W. E. Reed of Stephens county, his propensity to crack a joke upon occasion helped rescue nun from being sent to prison. The folks that coulan’t see a Joke haled him Into court when he jovially re marked he had butchered a neigh bor's bull; but his success is con vincing an appeals court his words often were for point and not sub stance sent the case back for re trial. m • • There seems to be a conflict in engineering technique and in econ omic practice that has pitched it self into concrete form at many places in Texas. Engineers of high way construction insist that main highways should skirt around so as to miss the town and cities. The people of the state, moire than half of them in towns and cities, seem to want the highways to be located where they will serve the most people—particularly the home peo ple that pay for them, So far no law has been passed to keep a motorist from slowing down when he passes through a town. • • • • People of the Rio Grande Valley, seeming to want some color and action in the governor's race next year, insist that Sheriff A. Y. Bak er, muy grande hidalgo de la ha cienda, in Hidalgo county, shall run for the office. “SONNY FELL i DOWNSTAIRS” said Mrs. JacJcson, “bat I was thankful that be sustained only a knee bruise which Mother’s Salve quickly healed." Since 1894 mothers have relied oa this pleasantly scented standard household ointment for all cuts, bruises and burns. Easy to use. quick to act. Full directions on jar. All druggists stock and recommend Mother’s Salve Two sixes, 25c and 50c. Vaporize ‘‘Mother’* Salve" lor Colds ~cmsr Blue Printing and Supplies 1 Harlingen. Texas ALL WE ASK is the opportunity to prove to you that a Sav ings Account at the Merchants’ National com prises all the essentials of an ideal investment: Safety Convenience Convertibility Income We pay four per cent interest compounded semi-annually. Mail your deposits, if more convenient. ' CAPITAL STOCK — Originally paid in.$100,000.00 Increased from earnings 150,000.00 $250,000.00 Surplus fund, earned ..250,000.00 MERCHANTS' j NATIONAL BANK BR.OW N SVILLE - -TEXAS* D. G. Ferd, Brownsville, Awarded Fifth Essay Prize THU time the Winner of the Essay Page turns out t o be D. G. Ferd of Brownsville. His check for $2.00 will ffo forward this week. Next Monday the winner of the sixth premium will be announced on this page. Watch for it. Hot pups! The wife has gone to see Mother, the train has just left and as she boarded it, you presented her with a big bouquet of flow’ers bought at The Flow er Shop, Brownsville, and your last words were of love. Already you have been preparing, you go to the Brownsville Sheet ana Metal Works and get the radi ator for the car, all leaks fixed, it’s good as new; you pay them with a Texas Bank and Trust Company check. For, of course,’ you have a nice juicy account there. You then go to the Court House Garage and fill up with gasoline and oil and have the old bus shined till it looks like new. At The Brownsville Variety Stores you buy yourself a nifty shirt and a swell tie, then a classy pair of shoes at The International Shoe Store. From there a first class marcel! in your hair at The Ideal Beauty Shop.’ At McKay’s Pharmacy you buy a bottle of the best of perfume, which you use pro fusely. Then you are off up the Valley to see what you can see. You drive up and down the streets of San Benito, but, no, they don’t seem to notice you, so you stop in at The Flower Shop and buy another bouquet. But, this one is placed in the vase in your car for attraction. Then you are off for Harlingen. Perhaps you feel a bit of guilt, so you stop in at the offices of The Rio Grande. National Life Insurance Company, while there and pay that premium that has just about lapsed. You feel better, but, none of the fairer sex have so much as looked your way. It must be your suit. True, it is a bit old. Therefore, you stop in at Foraker Clothes Shop and buy yourself a real sw’ell suit and then up and down the street you go, trying to catch an eye. But, it's no use. So, farther up the Valley you drive. Suddenly at Weslaco the thought strikes you that you are hungry, so you, of course, stop at Mistletoe Creameries, Inc., and buy a whole quart of ice cream. Not enough, of course, for by the time you have gotten to McAllen, you have eaten it all yourself. At McAllen you decide the trouble is with your hands so you stop at The Marinello Beauty Shop and get your nails manicured. My! What a neat job of it they do there. Then you drive around and around some more, but, no, they won’t even look your way. So on up to Mission you go. But, the same luck there—not a rise. At last you have it when you see the shop of The Mari nello Beauty Parlor at Mission. Don’t most of the sin gle fellows these days wear a little paint on their cheeks? Sure they do. So you have it done there. It is a masterpiece of work. Just as you get in your car again, two good lookers pass you and smile and one remarks, “Doesn’t Grandpap look sweet!” Bosh! You duck your head and drive like fury to Brownsville. Upon reaching there you eat the best of food at The Houston Cafe and^it straightens your tem per out too. You drive home; send the suit to The American Cleaners and Dyers so wifey won’t know that it has been worn; phone the Sanitary Milk Company to start the milk again in the morning. Another call to the Brownsville Battery Company for one of their unex celled batteries, and you spend the rest of the wife’s' vacation where you belong—at home. - BANKING Dependable Always L| Investment Service Based On Unprejudiced Judgement» TEXAS BANK & TRUST CO. Brownsville .... ■ ■■■ i mmm i « McKay’s Pharmacy In El Jardin Hotel Building Exclusive agents for Elizabeth Arden, Helena Rubinstein, and Dorthy Gray Toilet Articles Phone 986 • Brown*TilIe, Texa* i--— ! <Uif Snmmsufllf HcmU I The Oldest Daily Newspaper In the Rio Grande Valley More Net Paid circulation in the Valley than all I other Valley dailies combined SERVICE ON ALL MAKES BATTERIES—LIGHTS—STARTERS MAGNETOS—GENERATORS—IGNITION SPEEDOMETERS BROWNSVILLE BATTERY CO. 1015 Adams-—Telephone 707 BROWNSVILLE FORAKER CLOTHES “Most For Your Money” Direct From Factory to You With No Middle* man's Profit. 1CC0 SUITS AT ALL TIMES Styles as Smart as 5th Ave. itself — Fabrics simply supreme. Visit our new Harlingen Store before you buy your next suit. Commerce Building Harlingen, Texas VISIT Our store for the new fall styles in shoes. Our stock is complete. We will be able to show you well known brands of better shoes for less money. For Mother, Dad and the Kiddie* INTERNATIONAL SHOE STORE Mrs. Elsie C. Barreda, Mgr. 609 12th Street Brownsville, Texas You Are Safe When You Buy GOODYEAR TIRES More people ride on Goodyears than any other tire. They last longer and wear better, causing less expense lor repairs. Buy Goodyears and settle your tire trouble for ever. COURTHOUSE GARAGE 1047 Madison St—Phone 930 Brownsville, Teas J. R. GARCBS. Mar. _^_ THE COVER IS IMPORTANT You are not getting a full measure out of your home if your roof is defective. We are specialists in fixing your old roof or in laying new 'ones. We Sell Carey Shingles And Roofing A GUARANTEE OR BOND WITH EVERY CAREY ROOF Call Today—Ask For Estimates Phone 289 8th & Harrison Sts. Brownsville Sheet Metal Works HOUSTON CAFE Open 5 a. m. till 12 p. m. The only place in the Val ley serving I Chinese and Ameri can Dishes Opp. State Nat*l Bank 12th St.—Brownsville, Tex. TO LOOK YOUR( patronize j j Tal^?^3lNELLO beauty shop ** mission / | JD£AL beauty SHOP / W TOWNSVILLE '"a"a*emernt",aAene?,«:i«nt I I "«* ^«P«rtment.r**0ra iD / I Wm.C*t,e,rnt0 the Wo- I | man Who Care* I ' --- BABY to GRANDMA Every member of the family from infants adults should drink milk—plenty of it, and there is no better product for wholesomeness than the Valley Sanitary Milk Co. Milk, cream, Buttermilk, Butter; Grade A products. “EVERYTHING PASTEURIZED” VALLEY SANITARY MILK CO PANY “The Valley's Safest Milk” * Brownsville and Mercedes GOOD LIFE INSURANCE! Deathless Security For Your Family Why not a Valley Policy bought from a Valle. Company, for a Valley Family? ^ Rio Grande National Life Insurance Co. An Old Line Legal Reserve Stock Company Home Office: Harlingen, Texas