OCR Interpretation

Brownsville herald. [volume] (Brownsville, Tex.) 1910-current, December 17, 1929, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063730/1929-12-17/ed-2/seq-6/

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Methodist Society of
Mercedes Observe
;A. ?
Annual Program
MERCEDES, Dec. 17— Annual
Harvest Day services were held here j
Sunday night at the Methodist
church by the Womans’ Missionary |
Society of the church at which
time, a special program was had.
Annual Harvest Day is observed
bjr the Methodist churches through-!
out the South, at which time, dues i
and pledges are redeemed and of
ferings are made.
Mrs. 'J. L. Vining, conference of
ficer, was in charge of the pro
gram which consisted of special mu
sic and readings in which Mrs.
M. H. Keen, Mrs. F. I. Gabreath,
Mrs. Harold Roland, Mrs. Oscar
Roman. Mrs. C. R Wood, Mrs
John Gause and Mrs. J. C. Deijo
took part. Violin numbers by L. 8.
Frasier interspersed the program.
Offerings, including fruit and
canned goods, were made to the
Pharr Institute, a school for Mex
ican girls, supported by the Meth
odist Council Women of the South.
These gifts will be taken to the In
stitute on Thursday of this week.
The Rev. M. H. Keen, pastor of
the church, conducted the prayer
Cardinals Will Get
Footballs As Awards
(Special to The Herald*
HARLINGEN. Dec. 17—The Har
lingen High School football team,
the Cardinals, mill be given their
gold footballs at a meeting Wednes
day night at the Reese Wiimond
Hotel. The footballs and a banquet
are being given the teams by the
local Rotary, Kiwanis. and Lions
According to coach Rektorik of
the Cardinals, fourteen men will
receive the coveted footballs.
The letter men are as follows:
Capt. Witherspoon. Brindley, H.
Drake. Washam. Murray, Drury. R.
Lawrence. J. Lawrence. Martin
Scheupbach, West and Sissel. Man
ager John Lockhart will also re
ceive a letter.
(Special to the Herald)
HARLINOEN. Dec. 17— Accord
ing to Myron Ward, secretary of the
locla Chamber of Commerce, the
Harlingen association is leading the
Valley in tickets sold for the Bat
tle of Grapefruit, football classic
to be held in Brownsville New
Years Day.
Mr. Ward states he has sold more
than $100 dollars worth of tickets
and that beginning Wednesday
nigijft, at the football banquet given
in honor of the Harlingen Cardin
als, a drive will be started to sweep
the town.
Valley Sport Spreads
To Foreign Ports
Spreading the fame of Valley
sport, a picture of William Voigt,
noted fisherman, appears in the
rotogravure section of the Syracuse
Post-Standard dated Dec. 8.. which
shows him landing a tarpon at
Point Isabel.
The fish was caught during the
summer on a fishing trip made to
this section by the well-known an
gler. on which he caught speci
mens of the silver kings, and other
game fish native to the Gulf.
Topping of Highway
Stretch Nears End
Topping of a sixteen-mile stretch
of highway No. 12 from the end of
the concrete In Brooks county to
the Hidalgo county line is practi
cally completed, according to re
port of Rufus Oliver, highway main
tenance officer.
With the completion of this stret
ch the county will have one of the
best highways in South Texas, with
16 miles of concrete road and 16
miles of asphalt on a heavy caliche
Is a prescription for
Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue,
Bilious Fever and Malaria.
It is the most speedy remedy known.
.... mod stay well.
Join the Chiropractic Health
Insurance Bureau. Only 30c
a day. Send name and ad
dress to
Prof. P. R. Ritchie
1023 St. Chas. St.
■ Day In Congreii
(By The Associated Press)
Senate — Continue# debate on
nomination of Albert L. Watson to
be a federal judge In Pennsylvania.
Lobby committee hears Julius
Elections committee takes up
question of eligibility of Senator
Grundy of Pennsylvania.
Interstate commerce committee
continues hearings on communica
tions bill.
Agriculture sub-committee hears
W. L. Clayton, of Houston, Texas, in
cotton investigation.
House—Takes up agriculture de
partment appropriations bill.
Foreign affairs committee takes
up revised resolution for commission
to Haiti. #
Senate—Passed bills to extend life
of radio commission and to ratify
French war debt settlement.
Uninterrupted right of way for
tariff bill was promised by leaders
after Christmas recess.
Adopted resolutions to appropriate
$200,000 to pay expenses of Ameri
can participation in London Naval
parley and to appoint commission to
study reorganization of prohibition
House—Passed bills to authorize
more than $250,000,000 for govern
ment buildings, hospitals and new
supreme court structure.
Approved extension of life of fed
eral radio commission.
Chain Store Chief
Pleased With Valley
‘T think the Valley Is just getting
started, and from what I have seen
of It, there will be wonderful pro
gress made within the next five
or six years," declares C. E. Stone,
head of the Stone chain stores.
Stone has Just spent two or three
days visiting in Mercedes where a
Stone store has been recently op
ened, and in Weslaco and Browns
ville, where others are to open about
the first of the year. This was his
first visit to the Valley.
• Managers of the stores in this
section have been trying to get me
to visit the Valley, and at last I
decided I had better come down and
see just what we are getting into.
Since seeing the country I am more
than satisfied, and look forward to
some good business from every
store located here."
Stone left Monday evening for
Dallas after an inspection of the
1 .ownsville location, where work
men are remodelling one of the
store rooms in the Seybolt build
ing on Elizabeth street.
Advantages of working out some
means of shipping Valley citrus
through Corpus Christi for the Eu-i
ropean markets were stressed by
Gerald E. Luebben. United States
citrus fruit trade commissioner sta
tioned in Europe in a talk over Ra
dio Station KWWG Sunday after
noon. Luebben declared that he
believed some such plan could be
put into operation through the co
operation of the department of
commerce, the shipping interests
and the growers.
Luebben went on to say that
should this be accomplished the
Valley fruit would be put on a basis
where it could compete with that
supplied from South Africa and Ja
maica. It is an established cus
tom, particularly in Germany, to
add 100 per cent to the cost of Im
ported fruit, and this, considering
the higher shipping costs where
American fruit is sent by rail to the
ports, makes the price prohibitive.
Grapefruit, he said, are $35 each
in Berlin.
Los Angeles Club Will
Observe Anniversary
(Special to the Herald)
HARLINGEN. Dec. 17—The first
anniversary of the Los Amigos Club
will be celebrated Thursday night
at 7:30 at the Reese Wilmond
Hotel, according to B. F. Meadows,
president of the organization. A
banquet will be given, during which
various members will speak. An
essay contest between John T.
Floore and Charles Perry will be
Definite announcement will be
made at the time regarding the New
Year s Eve party to be given in
Brownsville at the El Jardin Hotel.
Arrangements are under way to
make the affair one of the year’s
outstanding parties. It will be a
cabaret style dinner-dance, with
appropriate favors and entertain
RaymondvUle Gets
New Secretary
t Special to The Herald h
RAVMONDVILLE, Dec. 16—It was
announced Monday morning that
the new lull time secretary of the
RaymondvUle Chamber of Com
merce is to be Rex Baxter, formerly
secretary of the chamber of com
merce of Jasper, Texas. He comes
very highly recommended by those
that know him and wUl take charge
1 of the office and work January 1.
IffnBiBffiLii MiiiniTlH^^T
AUSTIN. Dec. 17 — Thirty-one
Texa« laborers who were Idle a year
ago now have jobs, according to
an estimate of the state labor de
Unemployment, both of Industrial
workers and of farm workers has
decreased approximately two per
cent, the estimate shows.
Of the estimate of a quarter
million idle men. three fifths, or 60
per cent represents farm workers,
seasonally without work.
Industrial unemployment now Is
down to 4 per cent, this represent
ing approximately 44,000 people
throughout the entire state, it was
This estimate follows a recent
survey by Chief Deputy Labor
Commr. R. B. Cragg that found
that unemployment is on the de
cline and likely to decrease still
farther during the next few months.
The comparative estimate, made
in approximate round figures only,
fixes the present number of Jobless
industrial laborers at 44,000 out of
the 1,100.000 so classified in the
state; as against 62.000 a year ago.
It reports 65,000 out of the 960.000
farm workers not engaged in gain
ful pursuit now, as compared with
the 78.000 a year ago.
Barometric pressure was relati
vely low this morning from the Rio
Grande Valley northeastward to
the Great Lakes, and rather high
over the Canadian Northwest. Mon
tana. and the Dakotas. Cloudy, un
settled. and mostly disagreeable
weather prevailed practically thro
ughout the United States at the
morning observation, while light to
heavy precipitation was quite gen
eral 'throughout the great central
valleys and the Northwest. Tem
peratures continued mild in the
southern and eastern states, but
were falling throughout the great
Northwest, though not unseasonably
low as yet.
First figures, lowest temperatures
last night; second, highest tempera
tures yesterday; third, wind velocity
at 8 a. m.; fourth, precipitation in
last 24 hours.
Abilene . 54 62 .. .00
Amarillo . 40 70 12 .00
Atlanta . 54 70 12 .00
Austin . 62 78 .. .00
Boise . 30 48 .. .01
Boston . 30 36 .. .00
BROWNSVILLE .. 64 79 .. .00
Calgary . 10.01
Chicago . 36 38 .. .00
Cleveland . 36 42 14 .34
Corpus Christi .... 64 70 .. .00
Dallas . 58 64 16 .00
Del Rio . 60 70 .. .00
Denver . 28 62 .. .00
Dodge City . 30 52 22 .02
El Paso . 50 63 12 .00
Fort Smith . 54 60 .. .01
Helena . 2 10 .. .01
Houston . 62 76 .. .00
Huron . 0 22 14 .02
Jacksonville . 64 76 10 .00
Kansas City . 38 46 18 .02
Louisville . 50 60 12 .50
Memphis . 60 70 .. .00
Miami . 34 78 .. .00
New Orleans . 60 68 .. .24
North Platte . 16 34 12 .00
Oklahoma City .... 56 66 .. .00
Palestine . 60 70 .. .04
Pensacola . 64 68 .. .00
Phoenix . 44 70 .. .00
Port Atrhur . 62 72 ..1.24
Roswell . 44 70 .. .00
St, Louis . 46 48 .. 1.18
St. Paul . 20 28 16 .02
Salt Lake City. 34 54 .. .00
Sah Antonio . 62 78 .. .00
Santa Fe . 34 52 .. .00
Sheridan . 4 20 .. .28
Shreveport . 60 70 .. .00
Vicksburg . 60 66 .. .00
Washington . 36 44 .. .00
Williston . -4 6 .. 24
Wilmington . 50 72 .. .00
... if you are, you'll
find after at glance
through our men's
department that your
troubles are over.
Rich Neckwear, both in
color and design.
Interwoven Hose.
Hickok Belt Sets.
Tuxedo Accessories
* Book Ends
• . . and to on and on . • •
C-C. Seeks Listing
Of Rooms and Houses
A call for the listing of any apart
ments. rooms or furnished houses
now vacant is being issued by the
chamber of commerce. All apart
ments listed with the office have
been filled, and demands from tour
ists desiring winter homes are com
ing in daily.
"Anyone having an apartment In
a private home is urged to list it
with us as soon as possible." says
Miss Malvina Ganbay, information
clerk. “Practically everything we
have is taken, and we have been
unable to direct some of the yisl
tors to suitable homes. The situa
tion has been serious for some time,
and it is getting so tourists can no
longer find furnished apartments
and houses. It will be a favor to us
if those having apartments to let
will notify us."
The demand for apartments is
much greater than for houses, but
these can be used in many cases.
Calls for homes have been lively for
some weeks, but have picked up con
siderably since the cold weather in
the north.
Fire Rate Reductions
Granted On Course
AUSTIN, Dec. Vt ^cities and
towns in which an approved fire
prevention course Is taught in
schools, will be granted a 3 per cent
reduction in the fire insurance key
rates, Fire Ins. Commr. J. W. De
Weese has announced.
A standard course of study in fire
prevention has been prepared by his
department for use in schools, Mr.
DeWeese said.
He announced 524 cities and
towns now are teaching this course,
and that 37 others have adopted it
since the beginning of the present
school year. These towns. Just tak
ing up the course, include:
Liberty Hill, Hartindale, Acme.
Allen. Andrews, Bracketville, Bran
don Campbell, Cumby. Caddo Mills,
Dickens. Donie. Dumas. Emory.
Oarwood. Golden. Harrold. Kilgore,
La Feria. Lavema. Linden, Megar
gel. Nederland. Palmer. Pasadena.
Peacock, Pineland. Peniel. Quitman,
Diviera. Ropesville, Royse City,
Seminole. Trinidad and Tulia.
St. Paul, Minn.—Attorney J. W.
Morin, after successfully defending
a client accused of theft, was rob
bed of his fur coat by his client.
at the
In Matamoros

It is well worth a trip to
Matamoros just to look
through our distinctive
stock of articles suitable for
Christmas Gifts. Complete
fine of Mexican curios, bas
kets. pottery, drawn work,
etc., at unusually reason
able prices. Visit us when
in Matamoros.
Northeast Cor. Plaza
Tickets will be on sale December
19, 20, 11. 22, 23. 24, 25, 28, 29, 30.
31 and January 1. Limited to
return January 7.
Also fan and one-tenth for special
selling dates sad fare sad one-third
from points la Texas and Louisiana
to certain points ia the Worth. Ask
ticket agent for complete details
Miitotirt Pacific Station
mA Service Institution*
343 Attending Texas U.
Without Paying Fees
For Registration
AUSTIN, Dec. 17— UP) —Three
hundred and forty-three University
of Texas students are using regent
scholarships, each of which entitles
the holder to enter the University
without paying the regular regis
tration fee.
The student may register In any
department, school or college of the
University. Including the School of
Mines and Metallurgy at El Paso
and the School of Medicine at Gal
Requirements prescribe that the
holder maintain a certain scholar
ship average, varying with the class
ification of the student. Seventy
three students who have scholar
ships are not permitted to use them
this year because they failed to
meet the requirements of the last
Scholarships granted by the Uni
versity are:
Accredited high school scholar
ships. given to the highest ranking
graduates of accredited high schools.
Junior college scholarships, given
to the highest ranking graduates
of Junior colleges.
IntVicholasUc League scholarships
given to winners in the events in
the state interscholastic league
meet other than athletics.
Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts and
Campfire Girls scholarships, award
ed to members who have met cer
tain requirements and have been
recommended by their local councils
Correspondence scholars hips,
awarded to students who complete
50 semester hours of correspondence
from the University with an aver
age of “B”.
Ann Pennington, dancing star of
the many Broadway revues and
musical comedies, makes her debut
in Vitaphone talking pictures in
Warner Brothers’ "Gold Diggers of
Broadway,** a 100 per cent natural
color, singing, talking, dancing pic
ture in technicolor, the last day at
the Capitol theatre.
Her role, which is one demanding
the utmost of her dramatic talent*,
marks her return to the screen aft
er more than three years on Broad
During the past three years she
has been the star of George White’s
"Scandals'* at the Apollo theatre in
New York. Previous to that she
starred in several feature silent
motion pictures.
The all-star cast with Miss Pen
nington in "Gold Diggers of Broad
way” are Lilyan Tashman. Conway
Tearle. Albert Gran. Winnie Light
ner, William Bakewell, Helen Fos
ter. Julia Swayne Gordon, Gertrude
Short. Nick Lucas, Neely Edwards.1
Lee Moran and Armand Kaltz and i
a beauty chorus of 100.
"Gold Diggers of Broadway’* is
based on the play of Avery Hop
wood. The adaptation was made by
Robert Lord. Songs by A1 Dupin
and Joe Burke. Stage presentation
by Larry Oeballos. Roy del Ruth
It took Joeef von Sternberg, him
self, to make a picture to surpass
his world-famous masterpieces.
•Underworld.” “The Last Command."
"The Drag Net” and the "Docks of
New York.” His great triumph.
‘The Case of Lena Smith.” opens
its two-day run at the Texas thea
tre tomorrow, and it is Von Stern
berg at his finest.
None of his former great pic
tures has had the variety, the lav
ishness. the great emotional power
of this story of an Hungarian girls',
fight for her child. It has the uni
versal appeal of motherhood por
When In Matamoros don’t forget to visit this place. You will
find a fine line of Christmas gifts for your loved ones—all kinds
of Novelties in Jewelry, fine Silk and Spanish Shawls—a new line
of Tenalteca and Aztec ware, and all kinds of Curios. Special
prices on feather cards.
An Exceptionally high grade line of perfumes. Christmas Ntte
Sweet Pea, Blue Hour Schalimar, and others—at reasonable prices.
txaye<l with all the reality for which
thla director la famous.
In the superb emotional role of
Lena Smith, Esther Ralston has
truly the finest characterization of
her career on the screen. It has
depth and poaer. Starting with a
eogue to 1914, the scene goes
i to the girlhood of * mother
who watches her son march off to
war. It pictures her love affair,
her strivings, her sufferings and sac
rifices for her son and the picture
ends where It began.
Kodak Lthe Gift
r» * *l**^r-^|H^r
r IRST in the thoughts of parents are
their children. With your gift of a Kodak \
you enable them to obtain that which will F
cheer them more than anything else in*
later years—a snapshot record of their
children‘s lives. A Kodak is the gift fer
parents. • J,
M And this practical, useful, appropriate
gift comes at almost any price you wish to
pay. Kodaks are from $5 up; the box
Brownie, a dependable, Eastman-made
camera, sells for as little as |2. ♦*
Start your Christmas shopping hero
Open Evenings
R. L. Lackner
(In Brownsville 23 Years)
Thone 644 Brownsville
Electrical Appliances
Particularly Adapted for
Right now. when you arc
anxious tO'make your Christ
mas Dollars go farthest, we
announce a “Special Sale" of
practical, convenient, lasting
and appreciated Christmas
Gif's. Prices have been sub
stantially reduced, and easy
monthly terms arc offered on
every article.
What roakf be more tritabfe
for mother, wife or sister than
one of these efficient waffle
irons? The cost is low and
yon may tmy on a
Tide He* percolate* will
remind every member of
the family of year
thoughtfulness every
morning of the year. Of
fered at a sharply reduced
!^Vr«« *1 23
of only • s r s • JL
This modem electric grill change:
the sometimes disagreeable task of
“breakfast'fflakiog” into a pleasure,
for it is used right st tabic and
serves the ham and eggs piping
hot. Useful too, for evening enter*
taining- The price is
low and the down pay
* meat but.
Make this a Christmas of "useful” presents. Give lasting value this
year. Do your Christmas shopping here. We shall be very glad to
have you come in and see our splendid assortment of gift articles.
Central Power
Light Company
... r '
"Elefiricity* *—• Your Chcaped Servant ”
C M 3» f

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