OCR Interpretation

Brownsville herald. [volume] (Brownsville, Tex.) 1910-current, February 27, 1930, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063730/1930-02-27/ed-2/seq-2/

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Gift of McDonald Estate
Among Country*s Finest
AUSTIN. Feb. T--Interest-earning
that works while you wait, will build
up the William J. McDonald as
tronomical observatory endowment
to the University of Texas to per
mit construction of one of the coun
try’s leading observatories in Texas.
The McDonald bequest, which
amounted to about $800,000 net. in
cluding $150,000 in real estate and
local loans at the Paris home of
the late banker. Is being invested
to bring in close to 5 per cent a
year interest. Some ot It. originally
in government bonds, is being re
invested for a higher rate of in
From many of the plants and
stars, light waves that started
- through space when Christ was o
» baby, will not reach the vision of
many men for many years to come;
so there’s no everwhelmtng hurry
about things, when you come to
Texas university, in its first seri
ous contact with astronomy, will be
deliberate, as the science is deli
berate. Building of the McDonald
observatory will be a matter of sev
eral years, at least, university au
thorities have indicated. Meantime,
the fund will be building through
the collection of Interest upon the
Pres. H. Y. Benedict of the uni
versity has announced that in the
next two or three years preliminary
Investigations will be started as to
a suitable location for the obser
vatory Experts, who will use small
telescopes In their work, will be in
vited to come to Texas and to make
tests to determine atmospheric and
other conditions in various parts ol
the stae. Actual selection of the
site, the choice of an astronomer to
head the observatory, and the plac
ing of an order for the huge tele
scope that will be the big item of
Us equipment, all will follow along
in future years, it has been indi
An additional payment of about
$90,000 of the McDonald fund will be
'rude to the university in March, it
has been announced. This was an
item held by the administrators ol
the estate, pending the adjustment
of the federal inheritance tax on
the estate. This sum also will be
M Handling of the land sales and
the collection of notes which were
part of the estate, have been placed
in the hands ol Morris Fleming. j
Paris attorney. • j
Roads Make Money
MEXICO CITY. Feo. 27— Gross
Income of all tfce railways of Mex- ;
ico during 1929 totaled 164.741 894.40
pesos, according to figures an
nounced by the department of spe
cial imposts of the Ministry of
Finance. The figure is based on
the 10 per cent federal tax which
in 1929 totaled 16.474.189 60 pesos.
Groos income of the railroad*, in
December totaled 13.918.323,16 pesos j
as compared to 13.584,99519 pesos
in November.
■— i """""'I
Day In Congress
Continues consideration tariff bill. ,
Judiciary committee continues
bearings on proposals to modify
the eighteenth amendment.
Banking committee continues In
vestigation of gToup, branch and
Cham banking.
Immigration committee takes up
In executive session revised John
son bill to restrict western hemi
sphere immigration.
Interstate Commerce commission
takes up miscellaneous bridge bills
in executive session.
Adopted resolution by Senator
Heflin, calling upon Secretary of
Agriculture to make rerommenda
t or.s concerning cotton and wheat
•yitinued consideration of tariff
H1L ....
Heard Representative Driver, de
fend Edgard A McCulloch of Fed
eral Trade commission against
charges that he aided in forming
agreement that resulted in cotton
seed oil trust.
Veterans committee approved
8100.000.000 bill to liberalize legis
lation dealing with world war vet
Lucky Mother
• .viy success with Betty Jean isn't
just luck.” says Mrs D. H. Keat
ing. 1318 Hays 8t.. Ssn Antonio.
“It is due to a plan.
“She has escaped the ill-effects of
colds and upsets because, at the
first sign of a cold; of bad breath,
coated tongue or feverishness, I
open her bowels with California
Fig Syrup She loves Its taste and
I like Its gentle, thorough action"
Mothers by thousands praise Cali
fornia Fig Syrup. For fifty years
physicians have endorsed this pure
vegetable product. It tones and
strengthens stomach and bowels;
stimulates appetite; encourages
digestion and assimilation. Its use
helps make sallow, listless children
rosy and energetic.
Look for the name California
wtK Aving. That marks the
mi*afe for infants, effect
^Httdren in their teens. J
---• --~ --- ~
Charging desertion. Sidney Coe Howard, novelist, inset, has filed suit
for divorce from his actress-wife Clare Karnes Howard, at Oakland, Cal.
He also asks for custody of their four-year-old daughter, Clare Jeness.
They met when Miss Eames was playing in one of Howard’s plays in
Cleveland Photo shows her as she appeared in the role of Queen
Elizabeth in the motion ’Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall. *
Highway Shelling Going On
From West Sid® Of
Calhoun County
Construction of the Hug-the
Coast Highway has begun, accord
ing to a letter from H. C. Innis,
manager of the project, and shell
ing of the road from the west aide
of Calhoun County to Tivoli, in
Refugio County, is well under way.
A celebration is planned for the
early part of March in Rockport,
where the first pile driving will
be done.
Some delay has been experienced
in obtaining permission to con
struct the Lavaca Bay crossing, the
letter stated, but this will be clear
ed immediately.
Other roads under construction
include those in Galveston County,
where the distance is being short
ened materially, and a concrete
highway in Bazoria County, from
Army Camp to Canev Creek, which
will be completed this fall.
Valley chambers of commerce are
watching the Hug-the-Coast move
with Interest, for the new- road will
include the Valley, giving local cit
izens a much shorter route to
Houston and other cities in the
northeast portion of the state.
Are\ou expecting
a Baby?
Scientific massage gives comfort
to the expectant mother
Thousand* of ex
pectant mothers
are now cheerful
and happy. Their
waiting months
have been mad*
comfortable and
they will be better
prepared when the
great moment of
childbirth arrives.
This has also
been true Of count
less thousands of
expectant mothers
who hava used Xfnlh.rV Frlonrf
"Mother's Friend" MOWCTF mead
—that time-tested. lessens paj.i
scientifically - nre -
pafed skin lubricant and paln-rallever.
which originated in the prescription of
an eminent obstetrician—and have been
relieved of the (train and the pain, the
discomfort and the nervousness that come
from the distention and the stretching of
the akin and the tissues which attend
this delicate condition.
,,0$ . «"ior . the comfort
Mother’s Friend rives. It is so sooth
ing and reining! It it not a drug to bt
taien. It Is used externally only—
gently rubbed into the akin. Clean and
pleasant to the touch. Brings rtllel
promptly. Very valuable in keeping the
presets in good condition. Also puta you
in fine shape for the approaching ordeal.
_"Mother’s Friend" is ctn tala
H A C 6 all drug stores. Si 2S per
p| a bottle. Try a massage with
tSOOK I* tonight and notice the ease
and comfort it gives. A book
let on ‘‘Things to Know Before Baby
Comes" will be mailed la plain envelope,
free, on request. Address Bisdficld Regu
lator Co.. Dapt, H. Atlanta, Ga.
Venders Watch Machine
Which Turns Out
Their Product
Hunched over their sosp box
display counters, tortilla venders on
the market square threw apprehen
sive glances over their shoulders.
Their troubled gaze centered upon
a small building from which came
a creaking, clattering clamor.
This noise represented the ma
chine age which threatens to ruin
the time honored profession of
tortilla making.
Inside were Joe Fernandez and
his two pretty daughters, limber
ing up their electric-gas tortilla
machine. The corn-meal ingredients
were fed the clattering machine at
one end. At the other, thin reddish
brown tortillas dropped onto paper
napkins ready for the consumer.
The machine molds, flattens,
cooks and turns the tortillas with
out being touched by human hands.
The pasty corn meal enters the
machine between a pair of rollers.
It is then moulded and flattened
into shape as it is carried down
an electrically operated carrier.
The carriers circle over a long gas
jet and the tortillas are turned
twice during their trip. When they
reach the opposite end of the
chain, they are ready for the cus
Many Quail Shipped
LAREDO. Feb. 27—^—Approx
imately 100.000 Bob White and oth
er native quail of Mexico are ex
pected to be imported through La
redo within the next few weeks.
Two recent importations totaled
7.000 quail. They were sent to North
Carolina. Florida and other states,
to restock depleted game preserves.
Mr. and Mrs. William Molina an
nounce the birth of a son. The baby
is the grandson of Jose Martinez
and the great-grandson of Joseph
Webb. _
Mr/, Jones Drove
Miles l
for |
30.cents |
Once the Jonses dro't thirty mile* to vu»t cousin* 7 who weren't
•t home! He could have called them fcy telephone for thirty cenu
and saved the trip So NOW :hry find out fur A Lon^
Distance call—to just anyone at the distant rcatJerce—*••■ ires
them a ready wekctne 1
»* •
St non to ration service* malt* it reasonable -You talk w.th
whoever answers the telephone—d.Vt specify a particular person
If you jive the number . it’a qu ^lrr.
* J i can ra’k f’O’t B’ciL-rntVt to
Mission /o» crly f jty tents *•
E. E. MOCKBEE, Manager
Here They Are!
Fit Your Feet Anil
Your \
Pocket book \
Great Style i
Ladies Slippers
C Style
P Price
* Quality
N Choice
Here They Go!
Get ’em
While They’re
Every Sale Final
No Exchange
No Refund
No Taking on
1032-34*36 Elizabeth Street — Brownsville
Save with Safety!
These Items All Have Quality
PLUS Low Price!
Moredge Blades
For Double-edge Razors
5 for 25c
Double edge blades that will fit any double-edge razor.
Very keen, smooth shaving blades at a very low price. 10
shaving edges for 25c, 1
Shaving Creams
That Men
Palmalira ....Mi
Mtnntn'i .... 19c
Mermen’* Menthal
William** Dcubl*
Moll* v..... J9c
“Ay won’’
Shaving Needa
Good WU1
Set contains a full-sized tub*
of Shaving Cream and full*
sized bottle of After-Shaving
Lotion. You’ll like the creamy
lather and the cool, soothing
feel of the lotion.
a Set
“Big Pay” Hand Soap
Removes Grease, Oils and Stains
IOC a cake J
Fine for mechanics, farmers, engineers or any one whos*
work is hard on the hands. Will work in hard or sof;
jater with equally good effect. » —
Tooth Brushes
Made of firm. Iasi*
Ing bristles that can
not come oat Tafted
end and sloping
shapes. Thoroughly
sterilized and made
with different colored
Adult Siz*
Mouth Wash
A scientific deodo
rant and astringent
Mild tasting, yet pow
erful Combines anti
septic properties of
various essential oils.
Large Bottle
Majestic Belts
For Men
Excellent quality full grain cowhide belts in plain and
two-tone effects. Exceptionally well made and sturdy belts
at a very reasonable price.
Hot or Cold!
Vacuum Bottles
brand. They’ll keep
liquids hot or cold.
■ Just the thing for
picnics and work
men. Pint size-*
Quart Size, #1.69
Lunch Boxes
Of Light Metal
Light and sturdy lunch boxes.
Roomy enough and made with
patent holder on inside of cover
for vacuum bottle, as illus
trated. Lunch box only—
VTj|h Yi'fuum Bottle, 01J*
Keep Your Hah
Well Groomed!
Packer’* Liquid 'Tar Soap*1
Shampoo .39c
Packer’s Olive and Cocoa
nut Oil Shampoo... 39c
Silk Floss Shampoo... .23c
Kurley Kew Brilliantine 8c
Aywon Eau de Quinine 25c
Aywon Lilac Vegetal.. .49c
Ed Pinaud’s Eau de Qui
nine .89c
“Moredge” Stroppers
•Moredge •Moredge" and
Blades are keen- Gillette blades,
ly sharpened and Gives them a
shave smoothly. keen, sharp,
Fit Gillette smooth - shaving
razors. 2 shaving edge. Simple tq
edges to each Kickle
Blades 5 for 25c Stropper 98C
Men’s Belts
Top-grade Cowhide
colon. Lined and stitched.
._98c |
S o colorful
tut their real
uuhty > com
pletely dis
guised . . . hot
23d and
Week-End Cases
At Attractive Prices
Sturdily made, handsomely finished week-end easel
that will appeal to the woman who wants a compact,
good-looking case for the occasional, overnight or week
fad trip. '
Luggage Values
Your Opportunity to Save
The materials and workmanship in this hand-luggage are
ep to our requirements in every detail. Several styles, cc -
ors and sizes to choose from . . . every one an exception,'
value. See our selection now at these low prices—
Suitcases Bags
$1.98 to $9.90 $7.90 to $12.75

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