OCR Interpretation

Brownsville herald. [volume] (Brownsville, Tex.) 1910-current, November 06, 1930, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063730/1930-11-06/ed-2/seq-1/

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• • _ _^ ____
Dona In oar rtore by expert work
men. All oar work Is ruxranteed
i IN OUR f
^ B\ C. M HALL -,
ONE week from today it will nave !
been one year since the writer j
of this column came to the Val- !
Vfc It has been his lot to live in 1
i idfcy places in the South and
* Southwest, and to have a pari in
newspaper work in quite a lew.
This is merely leading up to say
that when he came to the Valley
and visited around in H:daigo coun
ty he found a situation the like of
which he had never seen before He
does not believe many others had
ever seen a situation exactly like
He would be introduced to some of
the leading business men of one town |
or another. In a few minutes poll- !
tics would bob up and these same
big business men would be calling
names of other big business men.
and adding adjectives like • hor.-e
thW or -robber.” It was shock
ing to new ears.
SUCH feeling was engendered in
years ol political stuie. Today
k political revolution lias
brought a new order of control in
Hidalgo county. Hidalgo county is
Cameron county's neighbor and a
leading factor in Valley develop
ment. It was there that c'trus cul
ture was first nurtured. During the
strife, this newspaper sounded the
hope ot a day of peace in its neigh
bors’ front yard. It sometimes re
bounded like a “tocsin ol peace.
But red ink at that time could eas
ily have brought ferth red blood.
Todav the people of Hidalgo
county have settled this particular
election to suit themselves. There
fore it should suit the remainder ol
the Valley.
The Edinburg Review a bitter
jelee’lon foe of the party elected;
Tomes out today and otters to help,
the new office holders develop that
countv. That sounds like a new
dav, and of the tone of the remain
der ot the Valley has been hoping
t.o see throughout. Guidance in this
development is now checked up to
the new officials. Backed by so
many, as has been demcnstraied at
the polls, the new officials should
be able to do much. All should help
them all possible.
• *
TODAY Hidalgos new note sounas
like the end of a family row
and the beginning of a new
work. It is time to cheer them on
• • •
ANIMATED Annie says that if
there is going to oe a new day
of work and development in Hi
dalgo county she hopes Brownsville
catches step and numbers her
• » *
NOW let's see—What have Browns
ville and the Valley to tell the
visitors today that is a bit out
standing for this section? Here is
■ y y www yT'<rrV~ir *
Heat prostrations are unknown
in the Lower Rio Grande Valley.
A..A 4 AA ak AAA 4.,.;
Probably you do not know that
the Valley is also a great summer
resort as well as a winter resort,
^ • • •
FIDAY will be a red letter day
in football In (he Valley.
The Aggie fish are coming,
and judging from the dope on the
sports pages, the Junior College
Scorpions are going to have their
hands full in getting revenge for a
certain other invasion by these same
fish when practically the same team
wore high school colors.
A. A- M exes after a way that exes |
have had for these many years are
working themselvfs up to a hot heat '
to back the Red and White visitors
But backers of the Junior college
will be there with bells on. not only
trom Brownsville but the entire
Valley. And what a game they
should see! If there be a junior col
lege in Texas that can take the
measure of the Scorpions wc would
like to see the color of the team's
eyes Anri if the Srorps get on their
toes tomorrow and keep clear heads ]
tip we beheve they can send the col. :
lege team home talking to itself.
• • •
KNUTF Rnokne sa*.s *hat some day
footballs will sene instead of
hand grenades in settling inter
rational hot blood How about it?

THRFF times within the past
month families ha-e stood by
the mouths of mines and waited
for their lovfd ones to be brought
out after some disaster What a
heling it must be to stand bv and
hope that rescuers will brine up
srme loved one entombed And each
time a body shows un hope that it
not he he— and yet if n» is in there
dtad hope the rescuers dr find him
It must be a terrible cross current
of feeling.
• • •
afAKY people look upon air traf
Al fir as an outstanding h.i7*rd
When one flier clashes and dies
the whole world takes note. One
hundred men can die a horrible
depth below the ea-th and not much
more of a reaction Filing casual
ties ri»’'V abort <v cent and
an+*HneMi« accidents about five ner
cent Vet ary one will tell you that ,
cn almlane is more dangerous than
a •* automobile, or going down into
1 mine. It is because it is a new'
H«d of depth. if seems
Sebastian Woman
Suffers Poisoning
rSpecial to The Herald)
V. illiams is suffering from blood j
poisoning, which developed from a
wound In her leg. She dropped a
meal bin on it recently.
Eighty -Seven Men
And Officials
MILLFIELD. O.. Nov. 6— (*V
Number six mine of the Sunday
Creek Coal company gave up the
last of its dead today when the
87th and last body of the men who
met death when an explosion and
fire wTecked the underground
workings late yesterday was
brought to the surface.
Prar that this toll might be in
creased, however, was expressed by
rescue workers and officials of the
Sunday Creek company because of
the serious condition of eighteen
men who escaped alive from the
They were brought out after hav
ing silent several hours in the gas
tilled shaft.
Bodies of the dead were placet! t
in an improvised morgue in an
empty store room and efforts were
being made to identify them. The
bodies were discolored and it ap
I'eared the men had died ' .im
the effects of inhaling poisonous
The dead included all members
of an inspection party, who had
been lowered into the underground
tunnels a few minutes before the
fatal blasts.
Many Officials Die
Among them were William Tvtus
of Columbus, president of the Sun
day Creek company; Howard
Upson, field manager: Hubert
Lancaster, chief engineer; Robert
Parsons, superintendent of the
Columbia Steam Engine Plant at
Fultonham, a subsidiary of the
Pittsburgh Plate Glass company;
Thomas B. Traynor. traffic man
ager. and Vernon Roberts, fore
man of the Columbia company: J.
Bergen, superintendent of the Ohio
Power Plant at Philo: and P. A.
Coen, vice president in charge of
sales for the Coal company.
A silent crowd of women and
children whose husbands and fath
ers met death stood throughout
the night, hoping against hope
that their beloved ones had
escaped the choking gas. but broke
• Continued on Page Three*
Savings Deposits
Show Big Increase
NEW YORK. Nov. 6—i.P — In the
midst of the business depression,
savings deposits in American banks
and trust companies increased $267,.
18U.OOO in the year ended June 30,
to a total of nearly $28,483,000,000.
the highest figure on record, the
American banks association an
nounced today.
This contrasts with a loss of $195.
305.000 in the year ended June 30.
1929. The total number of deposi
tors reported was 52.769.175, a gain
of 5.048 over last year.
W. F.spey Albig. deputy manager
of the association, explained the
rise in part on the basis of condi
tions in industry and employment.
“When conditions in Industry and
employment are not- satisfactory.’’
he said, “there is a tendency on the
pan of those whose income is de
rived largely from wage? to go to
extreme lengths in safeguarding
themselves financially. They deposit
most of their income <n the savings
departments of banks. If the de
pression is long continued, these de
posits are slowly but gradually with,
Of the southern states increases
were registered in Louisiana. Texas,
Arkansas. Kentucky, and Tennes
see. but the total recession amounted
to $56,986,000. Virginia. Alabama.
Mississippi. Lousiana. Kentucky and
Tennessee reported more depositors,
but the sectional decune was 83.790.
Prohibition Safe,
Sheppard Declares
WASHINGTON. Nov. 6 — tJT -
Prohibition will be safe in the new
congress. Senator Sheppard, demo
crat. Texas, a co-author of the
eighteenth amendment said today
in commenting on the election re
"Recent elections Indicate above
everything else the American peo
ple are swinging back to the his
toric party of the American masse.',
the democratic party.” he said
"So far as prohibition Is concern
ed. it is absolutely safe. An over
whelming ma’oritv of the members
rf both the senate and the house of
the new congress will be dry."
Sheppard plans to return to Texas
for speaking engagements within a
rew days.
Kentucky Returns
To Democrat Fold
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Nov. S.-hVP —
A democratic gain of five congress
men and one senator in Kentucky,
with a possibility of a gain of a
sixth congressman, was indicated
by incomplete returns from the
eleven districts now represented by
eight republicans and three demo
Five congressional districts that
sent republican representatives to
congress in the Hoover landslide of
1928 apparently had returned to
the democratic fold. The demo
cratic candidates were leading by
apparently safe majorities in .he
Fourth. Sixth. Seventh. Eighth and
Ninth districts, with about half of
the returns reported
Democrats Still Fighting
For Control of Congress
Paper Dope Shows Chance for Leadership By
One Seat With Present Count
215 to 210 Republican
Associat'd Press Staff Writer.
The most determined democratic bid for congressional control since
the party yielded power twelve years ago was just short today of attain
ing majorities in either branch.
Almost deadlocked in their biennial election contests, the republicans
♦nd democrats awaited final returns from outlying districts and recounts
of Tuesday's elections to matte sure which would organize the next sen- |
ate ar.d house.
Republicans were almost in a position to get the votes for control of
d !
Envious eyes of co-eds through
out the southwest are focused on
Alice MePhetndge. above, of the
University of Arkansas who was
crowned college queen a’ the
southwestern all-college ball at
Dallas, Texas, recently. Slip is a
member of Tri Delta Sorority.
Matamoros Rotary Invites
Representation From
Gov. Francisco Castellano' Jr.,
of the state of Tamaulipas will t*
the guest of honor at a banquet to
be given at the Casa Grande in
Matamoros Thursday night at 8 30,
it was annotmeed ttxiay.
The banquet is being given by
the Ma'amoros Chamber of Com
merce and Rotary club, with both
civic leaders and military author
ities present.
A number of Brownsville citi
zens. including Herbert Weinert,
president of the local Rotary club,
Mathew Love, secretary of the club,
and R. B. Creager. A. Wayne Wood.
George White. Louis Boggus and G.
C. Richardson representing the
chamber of commerce and the
editor of The Herald are also to be
present at the dinner.
Several talks have been planned,
and an entertainment program has
been outlined.
It is thought that Gov. Castella
nos. who arrived in this section
Wednesday with plans for a four or
five dav visit, will be invited to
cross the international boundary
s'-ram and inspect the Rio Grande
Valley on the American side, the
invitation to be extended tonight.
John Garner Watches
Speakership Race
UVALDE. Tex, Nov. 6 — ,V>—
Watching election returns indicat
ing a close race between democrats
and republicans for control of the
house. John Garner, democratic
minority leader, said yesterday if
lip won the speakership he would
work in harmony with President
Hoover in an effort to bring the
naiton back to prosperity.
• And I know he will do a better
job of it than the republicans have
done in these last two years,” he
"Tax reforms will be advocated
and even thing possible will be done
by the democrats to bring the na
tion back to prosperity.”
Garner favors a tariff on oil and
said the livestock industry of the
nation should be protected.
Hearings on Theft,
Murder Charges Held
Two preliminary hearings are to
be held before Justice of the Peace
Fred Kowalski the latter pari of
this week, it has been announced
in the sheriff’s office.
R E. Southard is to be given a
hearing on charges of car theft
and Gu llermo Salazar is to tc
given a hearing on murder charges.
Both men &re residents of San
.thp house organization but thev
were depending on belated rallies
by two senate candidates to over
turn a bare margin in the senate
m prospect for the democrats.
So close will be the division of
th- parties in tne next congrest
that neither will have what the
leaders term a ‘ workable majori
ty.' Any independent movement
rv-v '▼'? ? ? y y ? y v >
Associated press returns from
congressional districts at 2 30
p. m. <E. S. T.) in the new
house showed:
Republicans elected. 215; pre
sent congress. 260.
Democrats elected, 213; present
congress. 160.
Farmer-labors elected, 1; pre
sent congress. 1.
Socialists elected none; pre
sent congiess. none.
S.ill doubtful, six.
Necessary for a majority 218.
Revision of returns restored
two dis nets, Illinois at large,,
and tigh'h Indiana tot the
1 doubtful list
which may develop in eitlier branch
will be m a position to assume the
oa lance of power •
5 Seats Difference
Discord in the widespread re
publican ranks was manifest last
session in the senate and any inde
pendent faction of tins party in
the house now has an opportunity
in the new line-up for power. The
new congress takes office a year
hence and serves through the next
two year^ of President Hoover * ad
Republicans had won 215 seals to
day' in the house contests azain
210 for the democrats. The repub
, licans. however, were counting on
I support from an independent re
publican. Lovette. elected in the
First Tennessee district, and from
the farmer-labor member. K' a!e o;
Minnesota, for support in organ
izing the house. A majority in the
house is 218
How They Stand
With six K» ntucky district ami
j two Minnesota districts missing
the count stood:
Republicans 215: democrats 210;
independent republican 1: farmer
.abor 1: doubtful 8: democratic
gains 46; republicans gams 1: ma
I joritv 218.
Present house—republicans 269:
democrats 165; farmer-labor 1; -e-i
publican majoritv 103.
Tn th-' unrej»orfed Kentur'-;v di*
(Con tin ued on Page Two>
K II I.F.n IN F Al l.
OR ANDVIFW Tex . Nov fi V
| —F N. Harbinson. BO. wa killed In
a fall from a haystack at his home
near here yesterday. His neck was
Committee Is Named
On All River
(Special to The Herald.)
SAN BENITO. Nov. 6—Further
steps have been announced here to
form a broad organization covering
the entire American watershed of
the Rio Grande for the full devel
opment of all its resources.
Frank S. Robertson of San Ben
ito and H. L. Yates of Brownsville
have named a committee jointly
which will formulate a program to
aiouse interest in tire lower Valley
Tins committee is composed of
A. W. Cunningham of Harlingen,
judge of the criminal district court
who leaves the bench in January
Clay Ever hard, irrigation man ol
Piiarr; E. C. Couch of Weslaco,
prominent land and business man of
Hidalgo county; Mr. Yates, irriga
tion attorney of Brownsville, and
Mi. Robertson, irrigation man oi
San Benito.
Suggestions Followed
Mr. Robertson was instructed, at
a mcetin- of irrigation interests ad- ;
dressed here by L. M. Lawson of El
Puso, American member of the In
ternational Water Commission, Uni
ted States and Mexico, to name
such a committee and Mr. Yates
v as given similar instructions at a
like Valley-wide gathering called b>
the Brownsville Chamber of Com
merce. In order that there might
r.ot be two committees with over
lapping duties the two men named
at, separate meetings decided to
name the same committee
The committee will be following
cut suggestions made dv Mr. Law
son a* the San Benito meeting that
.»>' organization be formed taking in
all those interests affected by com
plete development of the Rio Grande
and all of its resources. The El
Pa'O man pointed out that the Im- .
pcrial Valley got nowhere with its
quest for favors In Washington un- .
til it had a regional organization
representative of every interest in
Development Sought
It would be the purpose of the
proposed Rio Giande watershed or
ganization to seek the complete de
velopment 01 the river a>> its re
sources including creat
ion ot power resulting from storage
o' water and internationalization cf
Rood control. These and aliird
phases of the Rio Grande develop- .
nient would come under the juris- j
diction of the proposed organization.
Following educational work In the
Valley, the committee would extend
its activities to other parts of the
Rio Grande watershed with a view
of secur ng complete co-ordination
of all development interests
Equitable division of waters of the ;
Rio Grande between the United
States and Mexico is being sought
l\ an inn rnational water cornmts- j
sion and the proposed organization
would assist as much as passible in
this work Work on this matter
ba« b°en under way for a number of
years and although agreements were
reached on other international
streams, no settlement was made on
the Rio Grande due to lnsistance
of the American on reroemtion of
prior rights of American users.
Agreements on other international
(Continued on page 3>
Buffet Luncheon Discussed |
Housewives From All Over Valley Attend'
Herald Cooking School Wednesday
Cooking and serving a buffet luncheon was the theme of Mrs. Leona
Rusk Ihng's third lecture to The Brownsville Herald cooking school
yesterday. A large number of housewives from Brownsville and distant
points throughout the Valley has been attracted to the interesting classes
held in the Junior College auditorium each afternoon this week The
school closes tomorrow noon following the awarding of grand prizes.
Mrs. Ihrig s Party Day lecture yesterday brought forth the demonstra
tion of frozen dishes, sandwiches, cake, and party specialties. "The suc
-- zcessful hostess is the one at whose
Famous Indian Runner To
Seek Tribal Cure
TORONTO. Nov. 6. —/P—Tom
Longboat, famous Indian marathon
runner, believes a witch is stalking
him and he can't shake him off.
Lying ill in bed here, the Indian
related a screak of ill fortune that
has followed him the last few years
and announced his intention of
seeking the help of a medicine
man of his race in an attempt to
throw the witch off his trail.
First, said Tom, he had his toe
I crushed, then his leg broken, and
now an illness which the white
mans medicine has failed to cure.
He said he shortly will visit the
medicine man at the Six Nations
Reserve at Ca’edonia. and if he
cannot effect a cure, he wi:i seek
the aid of the greatest of all med
. icine men on a New York s ate ie
I serve.
has b«cn ill sin c T'csd-*
when he suffered a stroke of pa
j ralysis. His condition is no tconsid
I ered dangerous
; party you remember having the
best time, Mrs. Ihrig said. ‘ And
so. buffet serving is the means of
melting down any formality which
might otherwise exist among the
guests. Several courses may well
be served in this manner. It is
easy for the hostess and pleasant
for the guests.
Cake Making
Several hints for making cake
that is light and fluffy were ex
plained in detail. Proper utensils,
accurate measurements and care
ful methods were stressed as all
important in making good cake.
Mrs. Ihrig said that the air cells
which are wnipped mto the various
ingredients of a cake must be pre
served. Whipping the cake "over’’
not "around", is the proper method.
The discussion of cake baking
led to some novel suggestions in
flavorings. "Two Rose Geranium
leaves placed in the bottom of the
pan in which an angel food cake Is
to be baked will add a most un
usual and pleasing flavor.” Mrs.
Ihrig told her audience. A combina
tion of one-fourth teaspoon almond,
one-half teaspoon lemon and a few
drops of rose will greatly improve
the flavor of sponge cake or angel
Game Oiscc*.ed
Valley products such as fruits
(Continued on page 2)
His job is to see that social ac
tivities at the White House are
carried out according to the most
approved forms of etiquette. Lam
mot Belin. above, has just been
appointed social secretary of the
presidential household, succeed
ing W. D Robbms. Belin former
ly was the first assistant secre
tary of the United States Embas
sy at London.
Mercedes Boxes Reported
Democratic; One Box
Out in Cameron
Gathering up the loose ends of
an election count with little or no
changes in the general trend of
voting m Cameron and Hidalgo
counties from that reported yestei
dav. politics today began to take a
back seat, except that in Hidalgo
county a move is sensed tending
toward a burying of the hatchet
and all working for the common
Cameron county has one box out
standing. Los Indios. buf this box
cannot affect the general trend of
a five to one democratic victory,
and all amendments carrying.
In Hidalgo county the outstand
ing Mercedes box today was said to
be going about 7 to 5 democrativ
wdth about 1 400 votes cast.
Other renor s today show L. Bro
>ter of AIhe, democratic nominee
to have defeated John D Suther
land of Sen Diego for df-tric- at
torney No further ficures were
availably today in the John Cor
ner—Carlos Wat. on race for repre
sentative, the general reports giv
ing C'arner a long lead.
Present indications are that
Cameron county polled slightly
over 3,000 votes, or about half of
that in the democratic primary.
Annual Horse Show
Opens in New York
NEW YORK Not. 6. — V— Mad
ison Squar* t.arden was transform
ed in o a i u ,r .-.table and show
arena toe.av tor the opening of
thp forty-tit h annual horse show.
The show rum six days, closing
next Wednesday night
Equine bluebloods from 20 states
and several foreign nations "ill
compete in 160 classes for pre
miums and trophies valued at $40,
000 Internat tonal military jump
ing events with six nations com
peting will hold the spotlight.
Bonfire, Pep Rally
At Tucker Field
A large bonfire and pep rally is
to be held at the high school
athletic field Thursdav night start
ing about 7.30, it has been an
The rally is in preparation for
file game Fr-.day afternoon at 3
o'clock between the local college
Scorps and the A. and M Fresh
man. Tucker Field.
It is estimated that approxim
ately 1PO0 students will participate
in the rally, which, if it reaches
this size, will be the largest ever
h'ld in Brownsville, it was said
Court May Canvass
Returns on Monday
With Judge O. C. Dancy out of
the city, it is not likely that the
ccunty commissioner’s court will
meet until Monday to canvass the
election returns.
Practically all of the returns had
been received by the county clerk's
office Thursday.
Work Resumed On
Port Isabel Road
Work on the Port Isabel road ha*
been resumed after almost three
weeks of inactivity because of bad
Approximately three miles of con
crete remain to be poured on this
state road.
Bond Reduced
The bond of Alfredo Laurents.
Jr., who was bound over to the
district grand jury in $1,500 bond
Wednesday on charges of entering
the store of Enrioue F Valent it
wes reduced to $7*0 Thurr^.y.
It was expected that ihc oond
would be made some time Thurs
Based on Registrations Summer Tourists
Numbered 4,150 With Oklahoma
Leading Valley Procession
A check on tourists coming to Browasville is being kept by the tourist
department of the chamber of commerce, and figures released today give
local citizens an estimate of the number of visitors coming to thi*
The summer season i* definitely closed and the winter season has
opened following a lull during the month of October, according to Mrs.
Ralph A. Warden, tourist hostess.
During the summer months, tourists from thirty states, the District
* of Columbia, Canada and Mexico
Appeal of Forto He!rs Is
Dismissed In Civil
District Court
A motion to dismiss the appeal of
heirs in the Mary Kingsbury Forto
will, which donated a small fortune
to the Catholic church, was sus
tained in the civil district court
Wednesday by Judge A M Kent.
The motion was sustained upon
the ground that the appeal bond
of the heirs from the probate court
was invalid. The Interests of the
church were represented by Hall
and Cox of Brownsville and Tarle
ton and Lowe of Corpus Christ!.
Mrs. Forto. who died here about a
year ago, left almost ah of her
property worth some $30,000 to the
Catholic church for the education
of young men to the priesthood.
The will was contested by the heirs
of the decedent, alleging that she
was not of testimentary capacity at
the time the will was made..
However, Judge O. C. Dancy ad
! mi tied the will to probate and the
, heirs attempted to appeal to the
civil district court. There is still
a possibility that the case will be
taken to a higher appeals court
following the dismissal in the civil
di'trict court Wednesday, it was
Hondo Man Ready
For Chair Tonight
HUNTSVILLE, Texas. Nov. 6 —
—Luz G. Arcos oi Hondo, given
death for murrier in connection with
j the slaying of three members of
Barrientos family in the little Me
dina county town on Christmas
day two years ago. today made
r ady to take h:s scat m the eiec
j trie chair shortlv after midnight.
Unless Governor Dan Moody in
tervenes. and he had said he would
not. Arcos was to sa'isfy the law
for his crime. The shooting was
d to have followed an argument
abour a bottle of milk, whether it
was fresh or sour
Arcos wa- granted three respites
the last so his sanity could be
tested. He was given a sanity hear
ing and the jury found him sane.
Arcos was calm today and had
nothing to say.
Search Widens For
College President
DALLAS. Nov. 6 — /P)—Members
of ihe faculty and student body of
Burleson College of Greenville,
joined with police and relatives
here today in a search for Dr. E W.
Provence, president of the college,
for whose safety they feared after
his disappearance Monday.
Classes were suspended at the
college and students and teachers
hurried here w hen news of Dr. Pro
vence's prolonged absence was rc
; ceived. They divided into groups
and visited hospitals and clinics
believing he could have suffered a
j lapse of memory.
Valley Students
Are Assistants
Two Valley students hold a.~sist
antshipa at the University- of Tex
as, according to the list recently
issued by the school. These are
Clotilde Falcon, of R.o Grarde
City, who is an assistant in the
detriment of romance lancuaces.
and Malcolm Forman, of Ran Benito,
in English. Student assistants are
chosen chiefly for good grades and
ability in their line of work.
Bobbitt Takes Step
On Brogciex Method
(Social to Hie Herald )
AUSTIN. Ncn-. 6—Attorney Gen
eral Robert Lee Bobbitt Thursday
jonled six other s ates and the fed
eral government In a contest of let
ters patent of Brocdox Company,
which, if upheld, will prohibit cl
j trus growers from u-ing a boric
acid wash to proven* blue mn!d
spores without payment of royal
Brownsville Ships
First Vegetables
The first car of mixed vegetables
to mava from Brownsville was
shipped out Wednesday evening
over the Southern Pacific lines by
Lovett and Kirk The shipment
i consisted of eggplant, green pep
1per.> and beans, and was consigned
to the Rio Grande Delta Garden
ers association at St. Louis.
registered at the local chamber of
commerce. It was estimated after
a count that approximately one out
of every ten visitors signed the
tourist register, and a check Thurs
day morning revealed that there
were 415 names on the book. This
means that round 4.150 tourists
came to Brownsv'le, a conservative
estimate, during the hot months.
Chamber officials think that this
is a decided increase over any pre
vious season.
Oklahoma Leads
Visitors from Oklahoma topper
the list, with 38 names from that
state Other leaders were Missouri,
’7; Ohio. 16; and Illinois, 15.
“Without exception, northern
visitors commented on the cool
ni«' ts and the cool gulf breeze dur
ing the heat of the day,” Mrs. War
den said Thursday. “This seemed
to Emaze them, apparently they
did not expect to find such pleas
ant weather conditions here. An
other thing that elicited remarks
was the development in the Val
ley. It was obvious that many tour
ists were utterly Ignorant of con
ditions here, exnected to find cove
boys and bandits.”
75 Winter Visitors Sign
A lull during October separated
the summer and winter seasons. It
was explained, and now the visitors
are beginning to arrive here in
large numbers, the large number
presaging a highly successful win
ter season, according to chamber of
To date approximately 75 names
have been signed on the tourist reg
ister for the season. This means
750 re now in the city.
“Although it Is not generally
known, summer tourists vary from
winter tourists.” Mrs. Warden con
tinued. “Summer tourists are per
sons on brief vacations, or are tore
for their health, usually they
make flying visits, and arc anxiom
for information on points of inter
est. historical and scenic. They
visit these points, and then leave.
All Invited To Sign
Winter tourists, however, are
usually of the wealthier class, and
come here for the winter. They
spend a longer time here, and con
sequently desire information on
rent houses, apartments, schools
churches, and other .-imiiar points.
The winter tour its. In other words,
are not so transient.”
The tourist department has been
recently rcmodeled and repaired,
and the museum and libra/; has
been enlarged. Mrs. Warden in
vited all tourists, and those visit
ors who are already here for the
winter, to take advantage of th#
tourist facilities.
Brother of Bryan
Winning In Race
LINCOLN. Neb , Nov. 6—'-P>—The
ntme of Bryan, long potent in the
politics of Nebraska anc the nat
ion's democracy, shone with some of
its old lustre today in the apparent
victory of Charles W. Bryan in the
governorship race.
Returns from 1315 of the 2040
piecincts of the state gave Bryan,
a former governor and the demo
1 cradc vice presidential nominee In
1024. a 7,000 lead over Gov. Arthur
Weaver, his republican opponent.
The vote was: Brvan 207.572 and
Weaver 200 222 Bryan Is a brother
of the late William Jennings Bryan.
Except in the gubernatorial con
test, the republican state ticket
was successful by a wide margin in
Tuesday's election which also re
turned to the senate George W Nor
ris At the same time Nebraska
sent four democrats and two re
publicans to congress.
For Brownsville and the Valley:
Mostly cloudy tonight and Friday,
probably with occasional local show
ers. slightly colder tonight.
For East Texas: Mostly cloudy to
night and Friday: probably show
cis in extreme couth portion warm
er in extreme northwest portion to
night and in north and west por
tions Friday.
Light to moderate nor’L to -.orth
west winds on the coast.
The river will continue to fall
slowly from R:o Orar.ut City down
& :.ng the next 24 to 48 hours.
Flood Prr-ent J4-Hr
Stag* Sta-'e Chan* Ra!n
Eap’ Pass 16 .12 0 0 .00
Laredo 27 0 3 0 0 .00
Flo Grande 21 70 -0.1 .00
Mission 22 DS -0.3 .00
San Benito 23 15 7 -0.3 .00
Brownsville 18 110 -0.4 .00
High and low tide at Point Isabel
tomorrow, under normal meteorol
ogical conditions:
High.1:30 ». 5:34 p. m.
Low . 9:35 a. m.
j Sunset today ... 5:45
1 Sunrise tomorrow • ••••Mteea* 0:43

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