Newspaper Page Text
THE WEATHER VALLEY For Brownsville ani the Valley: Kt. Partly cloudy to unsettled Friday ■ mmm a ^ B night and Saturday, probibly with I | If 1 local showers; continued warm. III I vl I —-~- THE VALLEY FIRST—FIRST IN THE VALLEY—LEASED WIRE SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS -— FORTIETH YEAR—No. 66 BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1931 TEN PAGES TODAY Be A COPY. g——■ . 1 —" ■— -■ - ■■■■ » —■ ■ ■■■■■■■ ■■ ■ ■■ .— ii n .. ■ ■ — 1 » — ■ « .. ... 1 ■ " ’=a IN OUlT' Galley 8IGNS OF THE TIMES, aome of them are good and some of them are not so good. Let's talk Just a wee bit about some of the not so good ones. Then, if we have space left, about aome of the good ones, of which there are plenty. • • • HONESTLY, WE. "view with alarm” this tendency of our city commissions In the Valley to erect a protective tariff wall around their cities. Other night Harlingen city com mission orders that all milk sold In Harlingen must be pasteurized with in the confines of commissioners precinct no 4. Intent of the order Is obvious. Meant to throw business to Har lingen concerns. PjT'iaps to bring additional in diufmes to Harlingen. Slidable purpose. And the result? Next day agitation is started In Brownsville for a similar ordinance One which would provide that a’l foodstuffs such as milk and bakery products sold in rownsville must be prepared for the market in Brownsville. It’s dangerous doctrine. Leading away from that true ideal of Valley oneness for which we are striving, fall short of the mark though we may. Not a Valley community that is sufficient to itself alone. Trade at home? Most assuredly you snd I should trade at home. And where is home? Can we of Brownsville, business and professional men. live and prof it on the business we derive from re sidents of Brownsville alone? Can the business and professional men of Harlingen get by on what the residents of Harlingen alone spend with them? Folks, it Just can't be done. Least of all can It be done by legislation. * These times of depression call for cool and collected thinking. /#;:py do not call for hasty legisla ? hich will array the sentiment ft The residents of one Valley city against the residents of another. NOW IS THE 'time for residents of every Valley city from Rio Grande City to Brownsville to Raymondvllle to get their heads together. And to resolve that by neither thought nor action will anyone or any organization in any one com munity do anything which would even hint at injuring any interest in any other community. It must be done, and we are so confident of our Valley we believe it will be done. If seventeen years residence in the Valley have taught us any one thing, they have taught us this: That friendship and community Interest is not bounded by the artifi cial confines of any political entity. • • • LET’S ALL GET out and hustle for business. Not a man in business in this Valley today who needs the help of city ordinances to get that business. And not a man in business in this Valley today who will not be hurt more by city ordinances such as tAoie we have been discussing than \ ::l be benefited. Plenty of Brownsville people buy plenty things in Harlingen. Plenty Harlingen people buy plenty things in Brownsville. It’s one of those 50-50 propositions. And applies not only to Harlingen and Brownsville but to every other Valley community H i ’en and Browmsville have bet;, ti as the example of the parUctn*. case in point. Just as easy could we have pick ed almost any other two Valley cities. • • • THERE S OUR STORY and we are sticking to It. Shower down! We expect you to. Dempsey Divorce Suit Trial Set RENO, Nev., Sept. 18. (<Pi—The Dempsey divorce cas,? has been set for trial Monday at 11:30 a. m. and the former heavyweight champion will take the decree by default. Estelle Taylor, Dempseys wife, /ailed to answer his divorce com ■falnt within the thirty days al lowed bv Nevada law so this morn ing his attorney, Robert E. Burns, moved that Dempsey be granted a default decree on Mo.idav. Graf Takes Off FRIEDR.CHb*iAi . Germany, 6ept. It. (iP*—The Graf Zeppelin. Levi3tha:i of the trans-Atlantic airways, left early today for Per nambuco on her second •'''■ -stop cruise to South America within three weeks. She took off at 1:15 a. m. (6:15 p. m.. central standard time, Thursdav) and was sighted over Lyons. France, about four hours later, heading for Samte Marie de Lamer. I I _ *- ________ ■■ ■ - - . . .. . . FRUIT PASSES REQUIREMENTS AT ORCHARDS Picking Begins At La Feria; San Benito Fruit Ready (By Staff Correspondent) SAN BENITO. Sept. 18.—First shipment of Valley grapefruit this season probably will be made Mon day from the Lovett and Kirk 50 acre orchard at La Feria where picking got under way this morn ing. Two Valley orchards passed all early shipping requirements this morning, the G. E. Lovett orchard at San Benito, containing 150 trees, and the orchard at La Feria. Nine ty-six size fruit passed at San Ben ito and 126's at La Feria. W. A. Canon, head of the state market division, said at Harlingen this morning that Valley shipments would be slight until the latter part of next week. Several calls have been made for tests, Canon said, but strict interpretation of shipping requirements is made. Canon said that Valley fruit steadily Is approaching the matur ity stage. Valley Woman Is Hit By Lightning' (Soecial to the Herald) PHARR. Sept. 18— Mrs. Elige Chastain., resident of the Valley View district, about six miles south! of Pharr, was knocked unconscious | by lightning Monday afternoon and it took more than an hour to revive her from the shock. Mrs. Chastain was hanging clothes on a clothes line when lightning struck the wire and wag conducted u> her. Other members of the family standing nearby received a slight shock but was not serious. State Legion Corps Leaves For Detroit PORT ARTHUR. Sept. 18. <&> —The state champion Port Arthur Drum and Bugle corps, represent ing the Department of Texas American Legion, will leave tonight for Detroit for the national legion convention. The corps is comprised of 37 members. In Detroit, * the corps will be joined by Brownwood’s “Old Gray Mare” band which will be used in connection with compet i itive drills during the invention. [ l Importation Of Negroes Protested AMARILLO, Sept. 18—f/Pv— Pro test against importation of negroes to the Texas Panhandle for work on state highway projects was lodged with Governor Ross S. Sterling yesterday by Gene Howe, editor of the Amarillo News-Globe. ‘‘Negroes imported from south Texas to work on state highways had better be sent home," Howe cautioned in his message. Thompson Rites <Bv Staff Correspondent) SAN BENITO. Sept. 18— Mrs. W. P. Thomp^rn. Valley resident for the past 20 yes -s, died here at 2:15 a m todpy. She is survived by her husband; W. H. Wesley of San Benito, a nephew; William Wesley of Penn sylvania, a nephew; Mrs. Mazie Brunner of Pennsylvania, a nelce; Mrs. Mabel Glassgow of Pennsyl vania. an adopted daughter; and Mrs. M. A. Wesley of Pennsylvania, a sister. Mrs. Thompson was born in Pennsylvania in 1857 and moved from there to the Valley. • Services will be held at 2 o’clock | Sunday afternoon from Thompson chapel, the Rev. Hugh Robertson officiating. Interment will be made at Mont Meta memorial park. . Civil Court to Open Faced by a heavy new docket, Judge A. M. Kent of the civil dis trict court will open rn eight-week term here Monday morning. The appearance docket is sched uled to be called Tuesday. Piling of civil suits has been unusually heavy for the past sev eral months, according to word in the office of J. J. Bishop, district clerk. Woman Burned (Special to The Herald* PHARR. Sept. 18— Mrs. M. H Lowrie who lives near Pharr, was burned about the fcce and arms and other exposed parts of the body when gasoline, with which she was working, exploded. Mr. Lowrie came to his wife’s rescue and managed to nut the fire out. ’Dam age was also don* to the house, according to Mr. Lowrie TWINKLES IN SWEDEN’S HOLLYWOOD Those wistful eyes are probably two of the reasons why lorely Birgit Hengroth has been elevated to stardom in the Swedish motion pic tures. She’ll have her first leading role in a new picture soon to be produced at Rasunda, which is known as • Sweden’s Hollywood.** And maybe she’ll come to America, bye and bye. FEE TROUBLE HEARING SET County Officials May Appear In Court Thursday First steps toward settlement of the financial differences of Cam eron county and county officials, as reported by County Auditor H. M. Skelton, Sr., before the commis sioners' court Thursday, will likely be taken next Thursday, it has been indicated. Skelton reported that three pres ent office holders and three for mer officers have funds In their possession which can be claimed by the county. The auditor asked that "steps be taken to claim” this money. The commissioners’ court passed an order authorizing the auditor to take such steps as he deemed nec essary. Indications are that each of these officers will be called before the commissioners in executive ses sion Thursday and an attempt at settlements will be made. If satis factory arrangements are not made suits will likely be filed. In some instances the officers may sue the county and in others the county may sue the officers. Epperson Contract Suits Forbidden (Special to The Herald) EDINBURG. Sept. 18.—A writ of prohibition forbidding plaintiffs in the much disputed Epperson tax collection suits to take further court action prior to the hearing of the case Sept. 30 before the fourth court of civil appeals In San Antonio has been issued by the court, it was learned here Thurs day afternoon. The writ issued by the court of civil appeals Thursday, is a legal step rarely taken and issued by courts only when it is felt that the authority of the court has been flouted. Plaintiffs affected by the writ include the state of Texas. Hidalgo county and various individuals who have filed suits In the attempt to prevent J. C. Epperson from col lecting money claimed by him due from the collection of delinquent taxes under a contract signed by a former commissioners’ court. . . Cattle Theft Charged ARCHER CITY. Sept. 18-h/P)— Cattle theft charges were filed here today against two men who gave their names as "Little” Henry Cagle and "Big” Henry Cagle. They were alleged to have stolen and transported cattle bv truck to Wis? county. Edcouch Bank Closes (Special to The Herald.) EDCOUCH. Sept. 18—The Delta State bank fai>d to open its door* this mominr Accounts were turn ed over to state banking commis i sioners. it was announced here. I rT’ry't-t t t'V't + v ' Valley Students Send your son or daughter The Brownsville Herald while they are away in school this year. Just like a letter from home each day. Phone No. 12 and let The Circulation De partment arrange the rest. CHARGES FILED IN CAR WRECK Negligent Homicide Is Charged In Death Of Abel Villareal Negligent homicide charges were filed against Renaldo Gutierrez. Primera, and Ramon Correa. Har lingen. in the county court at law Friday in connection with a traffic accident near Combes Sept. 6 which resulted fatally for Abel Villarreal. Both defendants made statements at a preliminary rearing before Jus tice of the Peace Will G Fields of Harlingen. According to statements. Gutier rez drove onto Highway 96 off the Santa Rosa-Briggs Coleman road without respecting a stop signal. His car and another driven by Correa collided at the crossing. Villarreal was a nassenger in the l Correa car He died as the result of injuries received in the accident. Charges of aggravated assault were filed against Border Patrol men B. P. McClung and W R Brady ! !n the county court at law Friday also. The criminal district grand jury returned the charges and filed them with the lower court. The of ficers are alleged to have beaten Maximiliano Cano. Mercedes, follow ing a traffic accident on the Arroyo Colorado bridge. ! Salary Limit Bill Draws Responses Renewed evidences of support for the fee bill introduced by Rep resentative Milton West to limit ; salaries of county officials of Cam | eron and Hidalgo coui.tles to a ! majumum of $6.0000 were being : seen today in Cameron county while opposition to the measure developed among Hidalgo county officials. No expression of opinion regard ing the bill has been made for publication by Cameron county officials. Several telegrams of support for ; the measure were sent to West Thursday and additional measures were prepared for transmission Friday. Judge Oscar Dancy, who first proposed a bill limiting the salar ies of those concerned to $5,500 stated his support of the West measure, although reiterating his ' oninion that $5,500 was sufficient. However. Dancy agreed to support the West measure, s- !ng that the -•‘presentative was on the ground in Austin and was undoubtedly in a better position to determine what sort of a measure could be passed. FOREIGN FOOD ORDINANCE IS URG0L CITY Brownsville Citiz e n s Ask Investigation Of Shipping An ordinance requiring all food products such as bakery products and milk, sold in Brownsville must be manufactured, treated, or pro duced in the city of Brownsville or in the Brownsville commissioners' precinct, will be suggested to the city commission soon, It was indi cated here today. Requests Received Chamber of commerce officials said there have been several re quests from Brownsville people that the matter be investigated, and the chamber is now conferring with persons who will be interested, and will cooperate in whatev-r is con sidered best. It was said. •‘Investigation so far shows that Brownsville has strict regulations for inspection of bakeries, meat markets and dairies, and that this inspection service is paid for by fees from the man whose place is inspected,” chamber of commerce officials said. Osods Shipped In “In the face of this expensive work to protect the health of Brownsville people we are inform ed that food products are k ight into Brownsville from other places where the inspection may be en tirely different from that In Brownsville. Agitation was reported today for an ordinance which would resK-ict food products of this character sold in Brownsville to those manufac tured or treated in the city, or to products shipped in under federal inspection, such as packing house products. The city commission is expected to be asked at its next meeting to make an investigation. Hidalgo's Audit Hearing Postponed EDINBURG. Sept. 18.—Considera tion of auditors’ report on the fin ancial condition of Hidalgo county has been deferred by the county commissioners’ court until Friday afternoon. The court was unable to hold its anticipated session Friday morning. No figures or conclusions of the report have been made public or will be made public until the report is considered by the court, accord ing to E. C- Couch, county Judge. 3 Die In Crash QUINTER. Kas.. Sent. 18—A cabin monoplane carried three men to their deaths here yesterday as it went into a nose dive and crash ed at the county fairgrounds. The i plane, which had been carrying passengers as an attraction at the Gove county fair, was piloted by Joe Sholtz. a licensed aviator. He was killed instantly as were his two passengers. Leo Ftihey. Quinter and Floyd Norton. Spruce. Mo. Mothers Get Home WASHINGTON. S?pt. 18—4JPh The American War mothers have purchased a 20-room house of brown stone, one of the sturdy old dwelling in the Dupont circle sec- i , tkm here, as national headquar ters. As a transient home for mothers of veterans, as well as for office rooms, the building was acquired. Dry Law Opposed ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. Sept. 18. —The American Bar association today again went on record against the anti-trust laws, reaffirmed Its position urging participation in the world court by the United States, and advocated federal legislation authorizing the regulation of pas senger motor vehicles in interstate commerce. Store Looted AUSTIN, 18. (A*)—Prying • open a rear door of the Josephs | Man's shop at 109 Easi Sixth street, j burglars last night made off with i men's suits and other merchandise j worth approximated $2,500. — Alvarez Sentenced (Special to The Herald» RIO GRANDE CITY. Sept. 18 — Ellgio Alvarez, tried for attempted murder of his former sweetheart, was sentenced to two years in the! penitentiary. The Jury was out 15 hours. * Indictments Sought NEW YORK, Sept. 18—fAV-D.s trict Attorney Alexander G Blue of Suffolk county. Is to refer th? killing of Benjamin P. Collings b» yacht pirates to a grand Jury in ■ hope of obtaining indictments I against the slayers. Slow Cotton Action Seen in Legislature AUSTIN, Sept. 18. —Little chance remained today that the Texas legislature would present its final solution of the cotton crisis to Gov. Ross S. Sterling before early next week. The cotton prohibition plan of Gov. Huey Long of 20 CASES SET FOR MONDAY Criminal DUtrict Court Adjourns, Murder Trial Leads Docket — After three weeks of action the i criminal district court has ad journed to Monday when 20 cases are docketed for trial. At the head of the docket are murder charges against Santiago and Guillermo Cruz. Manuel Vas quez is slated for trial on charges of assault with intent to murder. Lorenzo Cantu is charge in two cases with failure to stop and render aid following a traffic ac cident. Four caws alleging embezzlement agauv, r. h. Hargraves are on call Monday. Defendants In liquor cases include Llbrada Sosa. Eusebio Per tez. Juan Gonzalez and Refugio Gonzalez. Burglary indictments again;: W W. Sheffield and Jack Aldridge are to be called Monday also. Other cases due to be heard dur ing the coining week are: John F Patterson, swindling: Eliodoro Leal, statutory offense; Andres Garza, statutory offense; A. Guerra, swin dling (two cases*; Epimenio Gar cia. wife desertion; Harold Penney and Dave Vincent, theft; Harold Penney, receiving and concealing stolen property. many ui uicsc c«^5 cApcvica to be tried before a Jury. During the first three weeks of court only one Jury was used. All other cases Involved divorces or pleas of guilty in cases in which capital punish ment could not be given. The grand Jury will get back in to operation Oct. 5. Pupils Vaccinated At a health clinic held Thursday morning at El Jardin school, under direction of Dr. W. E. Spivey, head of Cameron County Health Unit, and Miss Lucy Williamson. 47 pupils were vaccinated, 23 took the diptheria toxin and 12 the reac tion test. All schools in the county will be visited by Dr. Spivey and Miss Williamson. — Brothers Indicted FORT STOCKTON. Sept. 18—vTt —Jeff and Jim Harkev. brothers.! were indicted here last night on charges of assault with intent to murder in connection with a shoot ing in which William Wiley, 26. was missed by several bullets. Jury Probes Crime AMARILLO, Sept. 18—UP)—Five 1 robberies and a burglary in a 48 hour period last night prompted Judge Henry s. Bishop of the Potter county criminal district to issue a call for the grand jury to reconvene today. Couple Released AMARILLO, Sept. 18—<Tv—John nie o. Vines and his wife. Dovie Vines, arrested recently at Plain view on charges of possessing and distributing counterfeit $10 bills, were released from iail here today after each had posted $1,500 bond. Wire Flashes PROVIDENCE. R I.. Sept. 18 (JP) —Gene Sarazen. twice a P. G. A. champion and runner-up last year, today was three down to young Tom Creavy of Albany, N. Y.. w'hen they finished the first half of their 36 hole semi-final match in the cham pionship play at Wannamoisett. Creavy carded a par 70 and Sara zen had a 74 after he halved the 18th with a par four. NEW YORK. Sept. 18—— Only thirteen two-year-olds were named today to start in the $123,000 futurity — the world'* richest race—at Bel mont Park tomorrow. Mrs. Louise O. Kaufman's Tick On winner of the hopeful, will carry the top weight of 130 pounds, with C. V. Whitney's Top Flight, the pre-race fav orite, packing three pounds less. AUSTIN. Sept 18 Miss : becca Harlan, frmerly of Stamford, will be married to Rep. Frank Pat erson, Jr., of Fort Worth in he chamber of the house of representa-. lives late today, friends of the coupte ] revealed. I Louisiana had definitely faded from tie legislative picture and the sen- i it« and house were deadlocked be tween two acreage reduction pro grams. In the house the Olsen bill was adopted under suspension of rules, 9662. yesterday. The bill a* pass ed would limit cotton acreage in 1932 and 1933 to one-third the cul tivated area. The senate completed the rout of the Long plan by defeating the cotton holiday idea, 21-9 yesterday. No vote had been taken on the AUSTIN, Sept. 1*. (A5)—The Texas senate today finally pass ed a bill to limit cotton plant ings next year to one-fourth the land In cultivation this year. The vote was 19 to S, with one pair. senate coalition bill though the ballot on the amendment, calling for limitation of cotton acreage to one-fourth of the cultivated area, was regarded as a reliable test of strength between the two factions of reductionists. The one-fourth amendment was adopted Wednes day, 15-12. Long Washes Hands If the senate adopts the one fourth plan as the test vote Indi cated coundyees the two bodies will have to work out an agreeable compromise plan in free confer ence. In Louisiana Oov. Long declared himself definitely removed from thg cotton situation and said he would not call a special session of the legislature to consider acreage re duction. He characterized it r.s un constitutional and unenforce: ble. On the heels of passage of the Olsen bill the house adopted five concurrent resolutions relative to the cotton emergency. The resolutions were: Pledging members of the legisla ture to petition the governor to call another special session to re peal the acreage reduction bill in event the states producing three fourths of the ootton failed to pass laws calling for similar or greater reductions by January 20. 1932. Asking Pres. Hoover to call an in ternational c* 'crencc to discuss the cotton problem. Urging the federal farm board to purchase all the cotton h 11 by the American Cotton Co-operative as sociation to be placed t- the ac count of the cotton stabilization corporation, and to withhold Its holdings from the market until January 1, 1934. The farm board holdings then would be placed on the market In quarterly install ments of 250,000 bales. Appeal to Hoover Requesting Pres. Hoover to take s.eps immediately to extend credit in the amount of $1,000,000,000 to foreign nations at low rates of In terest to be used in the purchase of American agricultural products. Asking newspapers to aid In the campaign for in reased use of cot ton and urging the general public to purchase more cotton products. Indications that the Olsen bill was satisfactory to Gov. Sterling and would receive his signature if placed before him came last night when he said he believed it was a good law. He indicated he would not reconvene the legislature to re peal the law if other cotton states failed to fall In line. With definite assurance that Tex as would adopt an acreage reduc tion measure, ranging fre one fourth to one-third of the culti vated crops, interest or the south was shifting t<\ other state, where acion on th. cotton program was expected within the next few weeks. The majority of the states have In dicated they were r waiting final action by Texas before considera tion of the cotton marketing emer gency. Mercedes Schools Report Increase < Special to The eraldi MERCEDES. Sept. 18—A check up of the registration for the first day of the Mercedes schools, whicn opened Monday is as follows: Senior high, 157: junior high. 210; south side grammar. 430; north ward 411, and Heldelburg. 40, making a total of 1248. This is an increase of 185 more than registered the first day last year. Hearing Postponed HOUSTON. Sept. 1C. <*»>—The preliminary hearing for Walter Shanks of Dallas, charged with murder In the gang slaying of Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Jones in their swank apartment on August 31, has been postponed until Friday, Sep tember 25. SLUGGED NAN OPENS FIRE 4 SHOT DOWN Texan, Gun Hand Hit, Changes Pistol And Continues Battle ATLANTA. Sept. |8—<44— Thre« men were shot to death and a fourth probably fatally wounded near here last night by J. H Boyd, 50 year old Louisiana gasohna station operator, who iid they lured him from his station and kidnaped him. Three Killed The dead men were identified as Hardy Luce, 45. Bill Pish. 38, Boyds step-son, ind Early Sulli van, 28 Bill Sullivan, brother of Early Sullivan, and brother-m-aw to Fish, was not expected o live. One pistol bullet struck Boyd in his right arm. shattering tho bone. Another hit him in his cheat. Boyd said two of the men came to his station 13 miles from At lanta and told him an automobile in which they were riding develop ed trouble and asked him to get his machine and tow them in. When he drove up behind the machine one of the group forced him at the point of a shotgun to enter their automobile. Liberated Arm Boyd stated he was driven into Louisiana and back Into Texas. Ho was struck over the head. A struggle was precipitated when they sought to place a sack over his head. He liberated an arm and opened fire with his pistol. Two of the four slumped on the scat. A bullet tore into his right arm. disabling it. He shifted the pistol, he said, into his left hand and fired two more shots. Boyd fired bu. four shot* during the ex change. The Sullivan brother* lived near Vivian, La. Luce op ated a gaso line station Just over the Louisiana line in Texas Both Boyd and fish operated stations in Louisiana. Boyd was expected o recover. Ha was carried to a Texarkana hos pital City Secretaries Hear Rate Report (Special to The Herald) WESLACO. Sept. 18—Members of the Valley League of Municipalities will hold their regular meeting in Donna Sept. 21 at 7.30 p. m. This organization, composed of officials of the majority of cities in the Valley ha* accomplished man/ important measures this year. A utility rat« committee appointed by Pres. Abney, has worked on informa tion regarding excessive rates, and the committee is expected to re port to the organization at this meeting. Harr* Ratliff, secretary of the or ganization. states that he ha* re ceived replies from most of the mem bers that they will be present at this meeting. Donna Students Begin Band Work DONNA. Sept. 18.- More than a hundred students are receiving in struction on band and orchestra in strument* under the direction of Tom Moore, band director of Donna public schools. Forty members comprise the first high school band, wnile the high school reserve group contaum 50 rapidly advancing musicians. Nearly 50 Junior high school student* re ceive musical instruction. Band work has 'jeon done in Donna public schools lor more than 10 years Tom Moore and his band appear at all football games, do a great deal of broadcasting, and wl soon open a series of public concerts. Valley Teachers Write Nature Book < Bv Staff Correspondent) SAN BENITO Sept. 18 —One of the practical teaching contribu tion* made by San Benito teach er* is a work book on nature study suitable to the Valley compiled by Mrs. Rosweil Bohner and Mias Margaret Sloan. All of the common birds, flowers and trees have been re iced to illustration and a short *tory about each worked out for t child to look up questions raised, color the subject studied and complete statements about the character istics of the plant or bird This m intended for use in the first grade. I Brownsville Man Faces Charges i Charges of disturbing the peace were to be filed in the city corpor ation court "riday afternoon as an outgrowth of the disturbance at Twelfth and Market Square Thurs day night. The case was to be tried Friday afternoon before Judge A. A. Browne. The defendant was lodged in jail overnight.