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—=—-— y. w. c. a. | Board Meet k In Mercedes There will be a Valley-wide Y. W. C. A. board meeting Friday at 8:30 a. m. at Mercedes and Miss Paul Hill, Valley board president, desires a lull attendance of ever) Y. W. C. A. board in the Valley as business ol Lreat importance is to be transacted at this meeting. Because of the meeting at Mer cedes there will be no meeting of the local board Friday morning. The following board members arc urgently asked to attend tr.e Mer cedes meeting: Mrs. Ralph Warden, chairman; Mrs Thomas Homer, vice-chairman; Mrs. Robert Ernst, second vice-chairman; Mrs. R. F Breeden, treasurer; Mrs. Clarence Owens, corresponding secretary; Mrs. g. D. Sutton, bus.ness girl chairman; Mrs. Volney Taylor, college girls; Mrs. Fay Rockwell, Girl Reserves; Mrs. H D Seago. Blue Triangle; Mrs. M. R. HaU. educational; Mrs. E. J. Tucker, service; Mrs. H. L. Cummuis, pub licity; Mrs E K. Goodrich, tele phone; Mrs. H. J. Howard, chap lain; Mre. H. L Yates. Valiev edu cational and Mrs R b Creager. Valley vice-president. City Federation Meeting Saturday The City Federation of Womens clubs will hold * meeting satin d*v at 3:30 n m in the Firsi Presbyterian church The Federa tion meets on the third Saturdays an November and December due to Thanksgiving and Christmas. • • • Brownsville ( ouplcs To Be On Com mil tee Mr and Mrs. Wallace Harwood and Mr and Mrs. v. W. Taylor of Brownsville TTave been asked to aasist as a reception committee for the queen and her royal court at the grand ball to be given follow ing the coronat.on Wednesday eve ning. Nov. 23 Mrs. S. R Jennings is general chairman. A4 Nemesis was the Greek goddess I of retribution. First Time In Brownsville! - POPULAR PRICES! One woman be brved him innocent ... his sweetheart. jHE One woman knew him innocent... hi* mother r But the jury hr!i«-ved lljf framed evidiKr and wnt him to the chair! I ilUSTICE 4 drama af human hearts ' caught in the rut him ma chinery of the taw. . .. ITith Marian Maish. Reginald Denny, Richard Bennett, Norman Foster. Also Selected Short Subject* NOW SHOWING QUEEN AUNT BORN WEEK AFTER NIECE l-=— When Mrs. Theodore Chatlos. of Erdenheim. Ph Hop photo), and her mother. Mrs. Charles K Ratcliffe, of Plymouth Meeting. Pa • lower photo), were blessed with girl babies within a week's time at Chestnut Hill hospital in Philadelphia, blase attendants scratched their heads. But the relationship is simple after ail. Baby Eleanor, the first bom • above«, who is sucking her thumb so contentedly, is the niece of Grandmother Radcliffe’s little Carolyn, who is shown snoozing below. Eastern Star Members Are Complimented SAN BENITO, Nov. 12.—Birth days of two members were observed at a surprise party which followed the tegular drill practice of the Ecastern Star corp6 of officers, Mrs. Frances McFadden and Mrs. Nellie E. Chenoweth being honored. Colored gum drops and mints \ ere used to simulate miniature birth day cakes when the group gathered in the women's parlor for the sur prise evci t following the drills. Those present included Mcsdames Roy E. Clark, Herbert McSpadden, Ella C. Van Ness, C. B. Chase, Joe Smith, Henry Alsmeyer. Charles Allison, J. A. Bumgardner, Helen Milum. T. R LeWald. G. C. Lovett. W. B. McCall. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Brock. Miss Pauline Clark. Mrs R. B. Goolsby and Mrs Chambers. m m m Games of fan tan were enjoyed by members of the Royal Neighbors of America when they were enter tained at the home of Mrs. W. A. Ellis, Mrs. Gertrude Dodson winning the prize for high score. Members included Mesd&mes W. O Stovall. M. M. Morrissey. Maud Thomas. Jack Byrd. W. D- McWil liams. Ella M Sullivan and C- E. Couch. • • • Dwight Day's eleventh birthday was celebrated with a party given in his honor by Mrs. w D Day. hts mother. Games of bunco were play ed with high score prizes going to Virginia Lee Dodson and Charles Saunders and consolation awards to Florence Spears and Dwight Day. The guests included T C. Cherry, Charles Saunders. Billy Brandon. Together Again! $1,000,000,000 Worth Of Laughs! ill! in: folk* It's j Riot of tuufj What happen* when money and mol her* in law mix? REE Bargain !>l»tinrf Till 3:30 25c MARIE DRESSLER POLLY MORAN “PR OSPERITY” WITH IMTA PAGE — NORMAN FOSTER Also SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS NOW SHOWING m m m r BrawanOlc 1 Bobbie and Dick Lovett, Jack Sand mier, John Floyd. Morns Smuth, Norman Worth of Santa Ro&a. Lok> 'Lovetl, Betty Swann bocknulier. Lillian Ashbacher. Kathryn Roberts, Mary Lou Sweeney. Darleen Lawson. Virginia Dodson. Florence Spec and Mary Elizabeth Mangum of Ranger ville. • % • i Mrs r. F. Worth, pioneer mem ber of the Culture club, was given a surprise tea by Mrs. G. W Ral ston and Mi.ns Helen Lee Brooks following a meet mg of the mem bership at the Ralston home when Armistice Day and the Washington Bi-Centennial were observed in the same program. Rev. W. E. Johnson discussed. “Washington, the Christian,” and Mrs. Paul Oowgill read a paper the subject of which was “Music at the Time of Washington.” The club chose Mrs. F. C. Ludden parliamentarian and Mrs Floyd S Worth recording secretary. Dance Honors Miss Friedman i Misses Olive Richards. Ttllie Lauer, Augusta Foeriter and Mar garet Valenta, entertained at an informal dance event Tuesday eve ning in tfte home of Mi. 2*.d Mrs. Harry Hollowcll on St Charles street, complimenting Miss Beat rice Friedman leading candidate in the popularity contest which Is being conducted in connection with the bazaar to be held bv the Sacred Heart church Nov. 16, 17 and 18 During the evening, de licious punch was served. A large number of guests were present. Music was furnished by a local orchestra. • • • Board Meeting Is Postponed: There will be no meeting of the | Brownsville Y. W C. A. board on j Nov. 18 as it has been postponed due to a Valley wide board meet ing In Mercedes on that dav but the session will be held Friday, Nov 25 at 9:30 a. m in the cham ber of commerce. • • • Mrs. Robertson At Baptist Meet Mrs F S Robertson of San Be nito is among the state officials at the 46th annual meeting of the Woman's Missionary Union, aux iliary to the general Baptist con vention of Texas, w hich ooened in j Abilene Monday afternoon • • • Harlingen News Notes HARLINGEN. Nov. 11.—The en ure faculty of the Harlingen school system was entertained with a banquet Wednesday evening in the school cafeteria. A Thanksgiving motif was em phasized on the banquet table which was in the for mof an H by the use of a large pumpkin basket filled with fruits and the miniature bas kets placed at intervals. Tall tap ers were the sole illumination. Place cards were a turkey or pumpkin with autumn leaves as the back ground Miss Margaret Yancv played at the piano durmg the dinner hour.! Dancing, games of auction, contract. 42. dominoes and rook were diver sion. Prizes In the contract went to Miss Frances Kimbrough, in auc tion to Mrs. J. P Buck, forty-two, Mrs. L. M Ohaudom. dominoes. Mrs E. A Schattenburg and rook, W C. Black. Faculty members from tlie sen ior high, junior high, north ward, central -ward, west ward, south ward and Combes ward with the super intendent cf schools, J p. Buck and i Mrs. Buck attended. i Lessons On China Given At Meetings A continuation of the study of | China was taken up at the meet ing of Circle one of the Meth odist Misionary Society in the home of Mrs. Harry Lovelace m Los Ebanos. There were nine members present. The society has welcomed into its group Mrs. h. E. Draper, wife of the new presid ing elder. The meetmg was opened with a song with Mrs. Lovelace at the piano. Mrs. George Stell gave the scr.pture reading and Mrs. DrajK-r led in prayer. The lesson was conducted by Mrs. Stell. Circle two met at the church with Mrs. F. E. Morris giving the devotional and Mrs. J. R styles in charge of the lesson on China. There were eight present. Mrs Jennie Chilton was host- ! rss to circle three. The devotional w-as presented bv Mrs. Nathan Moore and MBs.> Ella Evans con ducted the lesson. This circle had six members and two visitors pres ent. Young Matrons met with Mrs. C. C. Sfr-wart. Mrs. Sam Hughston Kivmg the devotional and Mrs. t. ' S. Fair the lesson. There were 15 members and one visitor in at- 1 tendance Armistice Day Noted < Special to The Herald) RIO HONDO, Nov. 12.—Armistice Day was observed with a well round ed program of activities beginning with a -sunrise breakfast” given by the Arroyo City Legion Post No. 434 in honor of the Ladies Auxiliary of the American Legion. The breakfast was held m the •Coffee Shop" at 8 o'clock. The shop was appropriately decorated for the occasion, with masses of Re gma Corona and American flags. The long "L” shaped table was laid with a snowy cloth centered with red roses in a red vase. Red pottery vases, filled with the scarlet Turks cap, were placed down the entire length of the table. Jelly carrying out the red. white and blue motif, accented the decorative scheme and patriotic napkins com pleted the striking effect. Prececd mg the breakfast, the entire as sembly sang America. Grace was then said by B. J. Sitz. At the conclusion a short talk was given by W. Reed Lang commander of the Arroyo City post, the com mander concluding his talk with an introduction of Judge w. K Hodg kin. Mr. Hodgkin gave a patriotic address which was well received by all present. A reading. -Evicted" was given by little Miss Darcy Lassiter. Several patriotic piano numbers were played by Eddie Werner. Mr. Lang paid a tribute to Mr B J. Sitz. president of the Ladies' Auxiliary of ghe American Legion and the members of the organic - tion. A report of the year's activities was given by Mrs. Sitz. who told ol the many chanties of the auxiliary. She also said that during a state meet of the Auxiliary. Rio Hondo and Edinburg auxiliaries were given the majority of units for service ac complished through the organiza tion. The toastmaster introduced J. S.; Chnstly as the concluding speaker on the pro-ram. A patriotic and hu-1 morous address was received with much merriment. The post com- \ mander in conclusion said the -sun-1 use Breakfast*' was an innovation in Rio Hondo but would be a per- | manent annual affair of the local ' war buddies. Legionnaires, their wives and friends who attended the breakfast were; Messrs and Mesdames A. C Gussier, E. W. Werner. W. K Hodg kin. B N. Hollon Henry O. Taube. G Laseter. B J. Sitz, Reed Lang. D P Rounds H T Hartzog. Fred Mc Cowell, L. P. Hatch. George Kin dinger. A. M. Myhre, Miss Nellie Jones. Homer Jones S J. Christ ly Mrs. Elsie Vmke Yancy, Miss Lou Ella Hatch. W N. Kendrick Buy Banta. J. G Cholic. At n o'clo k the Legionnaires and the Auxiliary marched from the Legion Hall and proceeded to the high school auditorium where an impressive Memorial service was ob served. Com. Reed Lang presided over thf service. A moment of silent player, i bugle taps and echo were observed. The singeig of America was followed bv a song, a prayer by Rev. Thomas Joyner "Danny Boy was Ming ov I Mrs J. Harvey. Then came the an nouncement by Rev. Ira Garrison of Lhe annual Red Cross roll A quar tette composed ot C. A. Mallerncc. j W K. Hodgkin. L. E Noe and lev. Garrison. An address by Rev. H Roberson, pastor of the Presbyterian church of San Benito and formerly lieuten ant in the air service during .he Worud War, state chaplain of Ar kansas and at present chaplain of Sam Jackson Post of San Benito was given Benediction by Rev. Joyner completed the service Following the memorial service the entire group adjourned to the Monte Grande picnic grounds where # picnic lunch was enjoyed. Mrs. Tarhutton A Visitor Here Mrs. E H Tarbutton. recently returned from a two years sojourn in Eurone. is the houseguest of Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. James for abou* 10 davs. MV« Tarbutton plans to make her home in Sar. AntofliO. Sewing Classes Of Grammer Grades Displaying Work The sewing classes of the fourth, fifth and sixth grades have their work on display at 12th and Eliza beth street behind the Texas Bank and Trust company. Work has been done on any piece of material available and many kmds of stitches were applied. The young seamstresses are learning now and will practice later when suitable material can be secured or when the particular stitches are needed. Mrs William McElvey is instruc tor. and she and the classes invite everyone to view the work anl see what has been done. The work con tinues throughout the school year at the Grammar School on Jeffer son street and Palm Boulevard. • • Royal Service. Penny A Day Social Held A Royal Service and Penny a Day Social was held in the parlors oi the First Bainist church Man day afternoon with about 40 wo men in attendance. The program was on Around the World witn Cur Money and our Prayers.’* Mrs. George Hillyer leading. Assisting her were Mesdamrs Will Cabler. O. T. Williams. G. S. Landreth and C C. Wentz. Mrs. H. E. Tucker contributed a solo. During the pleasant social hour Mrs. W. T. Harvey and Mrs H H Weller poured tea from a table ap pointed with bowls of bright cos mos and marigolds. • • • lea Follows Polo Games Mrsdames Francis W Glover. George A. Goodyear and Vernon M Shell were hostesses at a tea Sun day afternoon following the polo game which was enjoved bv the of ficers and ladies of the post and a number of Brownsville friends • • • McAllen Music Club And Orchestra To Be Presented Soon McALLEN. Nov. 12— McAllen Music Club and the McAllen High School Orchestra will be presented jointly Thursday night. November 17. in the “Golden Valley Cantata.” one of the most Interesting mu sical events of the fall season The cantata, directed by Mrs. Roy Telford o! McAllen, will pre sent mere than 100 singers and musicians, in a series of varied musical numbers. The chorus will have more than 50 voices. Mrs Ralph Osborn has been selected as accompanist for the cantata and Mrs. D. D. Uzzell will read the prologue. The violin sec tion will be directed by Terry Fer rell and well-known Valley violin ists will participate in this phase ox the program. • • • ^CALENDAR Hrdnesday Wednesday Study club, is meet ing with Mrs. H. D. Seago. Wednesday T/ir.iamert Bridge club will be entertained in the Lome of Mrs Gilbert Plnlen. Mrs. Lula George hostess to her Wednesday bridge club. Self Culture club is having as hostess. Mrs. Emil Blanck. Penny supper at the Central Christian church from 6 to 8 p. m. Lieut, ^lomas Barlow Chapter. D A R. at the American Legion Bldg, in Mercedes. Luncheon it l o’clocjc R. S. V P. Mrs. Catherine Chadirtc. Mercedes. Lucky Thuteen bridge club wntn Mrs. Charles Lovinger. O. B. F. club with Miss Jane Huitt in Olmito. France has one doctor to every 1596 persons. ALL-BRAN STOPPED HIS SLEEPLESSNESS AND TIRED FEELING Cereal Relieved Hi3 Consti pation Read this enthusiastic letter from Mr. Haraden: “My system had been run down for quite some time. About three weeks ago, 1 started taking All Bran for breakfast. I had been un able to sleep nights, but now all I have to do is turn in, and before I &now it, I am fast asleep. “I used to have a tired feeling all jay, but now that All-Bran is in my home to stay, there will be no more tired feelings with me.”—Mr. Carl Haraden, Main Street, Hamil ion, Massachusetts. Science says that All-Bran pro vides “bulk” to exercise the intes tines, and vitamin B to help tone the intestinal tract. Also iron for the blood. The “bulk** in All-Bran is much like that of lettuce. Inside the body, it forms a soft mass. Gently, this clears out the intestinal wastes. Isn’t this safer than taking pills and drugs—often harmful! Just eat two tablespoonfuls daily for most types of constipation. If not relieved this way, see your doctor, j Sold in the Ted-and-zreen pack age. Atall srrcecrs. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek, j Children 3 Party For Daughter — Friend* of little France* Lorber j Perl, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Sam Perl, assisted her Monday after- | noon in celebrating an important ! event, her third birthday at the ; home of her parents in Los Ebanos., The hours from four to six o'-lock were filled with excitement a* the guests played games, played with j the honoree's many toys and hit at a large pinata tied to a tree, which j was finally broken by Louis Stem.1 When the guest* were invited into the duung room, a pretty site met their eyes, as on the dining table was a yellow and orange birthday j cake ornamented with a miniature turkey. The Thanksgiving motif was further emphasized in the tiny candy oups also holding turkeys and given as favors. Ice cream and cake were served. Mrs. Perl being1 assisted by Mrs. H Cohn, her moth er and Mrs Charles Weich. Enjoying the hospitality were 1 I Peggy Buchek, Milton and Harry j Abelow. Mary Pearl Hall. Meuse , and •Sonny" Heaner. Ruth. Helen Bennie. Arthur and Marion Joyce Edelstein, Edgar Hicks Jr.. Mary Alice Shropshire, Freddie Latham, j Jerry and Henry Hausman. Jackie Lou Wentz. Louis Stein. Jean Pate. | Charline Weich. Mildred. Elaine and Sarah May Dorfman, Valerie Ros- I enthal. Martin Nitishln. Rosemary , Hinklev, Mary Lee Barney and Bar-' bara Bair. Marriage Is Solemnized MERCEDES. Nov. 14—Thursday morning at 9.45 o clock, Miss Nell Harralson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Harralson. and Alfred Schroeder, son of Mrs. Conrad Schroeder. were married at the Immanuel Lutheran church, with the Rev. A. Bartling, pastor, read ing the impressive ring ceremony The bride was gowned In a wine colored crepe suit, trimmed with eggshell satin, and black acces sories. Her attendants were Miss Mable Karst, wearing brown crepe, and Mrs. Ray Flanagan, in black j costume of similar style. The ; bridegroom was attended by his brother, Ferd Schroeder. and Ray 1 Flanagan. Immediately following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder left for a visit in Cor ■ pus Christi. They will return to Mercedes to make their home. Both Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder are graduates of the Mercedes hign school. • • • Mrs T- W McQueen entcrtamed with an enjoyable party at ner home for her daughter. Maude Marion, on her tenth birthday. A treasure hunt featured the pro gram. each guest being given a vtrmg which took them from the | front porch to many difficult ways ! over the back yard where Dorothy j finally found the treasure, a small cedar chest. which contained twenty pennies. Carleton McQueen, j brother of the honoree, staged a football game, between “Mercedc.? and Donna." which ended in a tie. Luciie Chandler and Joe Mack were awarded prizes in a turkey contest, and Dorothy Mae Bor i chelt and William Prothro were given prizes for excelling in an other contest. The pink and white birthday cake, with its ten candles. CUTS I I uuo 10 of COLDS Colds cost American fam ilies over a billion dollars a year. The new Vicks Plan for better Control-of-Colds can cut in half your part of this "Colds-Tax”—by re ducing the number and se verity of colds in your family. WHEN COLDS Threaten ^ use the new Vicks Nose Drops ana prevent many colds getting beyond nose and throat — where moat colds start. IF A COLD Develops rub on Vicks VapoRub— standby in 70 countries for treating colds. Its direct double action means quicker relief. for BETTE^CONTROLOFCOLDS j was cut and served with the re freshments. Other little guest* present were Frances Dawson. Dorothy Carlisle, Dorothy Yearwood, Delight Shaw. Catherine Johnson. Mauderae Mc Donald, Freddie Burdette. Comaa Kelly wnd Earl Bennett. • • • More than thirty wximcn of the Methodist Womans Auxiliary gathered at the home of Mrs. H. T. Tidmore Thursday for an all day session, in observance of the week of prayer. Mrs. Paul Shot well gave the prelude, followed by a splendid talk by the Rev. C E. Bludworth. pastor of the church. the subject of his talk brt 15 Prayer Is Desired.” Mrs. Allan Freeman gave tl.e life story of Sarah Esther Cas*\ a missionary of note. Mcsdames H. C Alston. C. E- Bludworth. J. L Vming and P. W Perkins con tributed a quartette. 'Beautiful Garden of Prayers” After lunch the program center ed around •'Creative Prayer and Missions.” with Mrs. O. M Joyce making a talk on the chosen theme Mrs Oscar Roman and Mrs Nix Harrington gave interest ing talks on -The McDonnell School, and Mrs. H L. Sehtrulz ned, on "Ewha College” Mrs Alston sang Sweet Hour of Pray er.” accompanied by Mrs. Paul Shot well on the piano. • • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trasdale have returned from Wisconsin to spent the winter In Mercedes. Mr. and Mrs Teasdale have just re covered from an automobile ac cident near Milwaukee, eleven weeks ago Miss Ethel McSaeen of San An tonio. is a guest here in the home of Mr and Mrs Joe Brooks Mis. MoSween is a former resident of Mercedes. Miss Maurine Haymcs of Waco, has returned to her home after a visit here with her aunt, Mrs. H. J Menton Mrs. Phillips Wall of Lon; Beach. California, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Tallis. Mr*. Wall, a cousin of Mr Tullis, is a former resident of this section and has not seen the Valley lor twenty years. Mrs. Kliouri Anri Son Visit Here Mr and Mrs- T Axis have as their house guests for an Indefinite per iod. Mrs. Arii' mother and brother. Mrs. Peter Khoun and Henrv Khoun of Cranford, N. J. This la the first visit in three years that Mrs Khoun has made to Browns ville and lier friends wilt be delight ed to greet her once more. ‘Let me tell you. young man. I’ve forgotten more than you ever will know." "Did you ever try tying a knot m your hankerchief?"—Tit-Bita. I AT TJ?tE FIRST SNEE2E I -1 J.C. PENNEYCQ Quilting Contest We are receiving many beautiful quilts that have been made from materials bought from our store. If you have made a quilt to be entered in this contest, it must he brought to the J .C. Fenney store not later than Wednesday, November 16th at 4:00 P. M. THESE QUILTS WILL BE JUDGED FRIDAY AT 4:00 O’CLOCK P. M. REMEMBER: Only quilts made from material* purchased from the J. C. Penney atore can be entered in this contest. Responsible .... Warehousing i The Fidelity Bonded Warehouse offers to the city good service in transfering, moving and local hauling. We have the only fireproof modern two-story brick, steel and concrete ware house in the Valley. It is more apparent every day that a large number of distributors are utilizing public warehouse service. A great many firms which formerly would not consider shipping through public warehouses are to day taking advantage of the facilities offer ed by the progressive warehousemen. A telephone call will bring prompt re ply giving full information in your hauling and storage problems. Now, for better service, call 1030 Thoroughly reliable, dependable and re sponsible. TRADE WITH US AND YOU SAVE THE DIFFERENCE! We Thank You C. L. Bachmann i General Manager, Brownsville