THE WEATHER CHEERY EARFUL For Brownsv:lle and the Valiev: Partly cloudy and colder Wedne's- The International Harvester corn day night with lowest temperature pany recently issued notice that 1500 uroLtUy in the fifties: Thursday employes mil be recalled to begin fair and somewhat eolder. production on its 1933 line. FORTY-FIRST YEAR—No. 122 BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1932 EIGHT PAGES TODAY 5c A COPY 1 NO MORE GRACIOUS. NO more heartfelt tribute was ever paid to the memory ol man or woman than that simple tribute to Mrs. P. H. Trimble from her fnends, the children of the Washington Park school. As they came to cchool yesterday these children, scores of whom M*s. Trimble had mothered and fed at the Volunteers of America home, brought their tribute to her memory, a flower or two. what they had. Just kids, yes—but they had losi a friend, a real friend, and tears rolled down their cheeks as they placed their flowers with the flowers of their mates. A truckload of flowers from the ehildren of the Washington Park school was laid on the grave of this woman who had been a friend to them all. A truckload of flowers, yes—and te each flower was bound the heart of some child to whom she had been a friend and who mourned her passing. The monument of her life will stand forever in the hearts of thc*e children. • • • THANKSGIVING COMES. AND IP we could have one hope grant ed for tomorrows holiday— It would be that we might be— Thankful. Thankful for what wc have, for what we are going to have. Sincerely thankful that wha have been taken from us— Has been mostly the dross of life And that the real things are left to us. More precious, more potent than ever. Thankful that our country stands, solid, thoughtful— That in spite of depressions, of up-side-down conditions— The great bulk of our people have kept their heads. Have kept their faith in our n stitutions. And in the Valley we certainly provided we can get ourselves into a meditative frame of mind— Can find ample room for thanfc> that we have weathered the eco nomic storm as we ha\e. And that the future holds such promise in store. It is a time few real Thanks giving— For searching deep m.o the things that are • • • TASTED A COMBINATION orange-grapefnut the other day, produced by H. G- St dwell, Sr. Funny tasting thing, the sweet- I ness of the orange eliminating the bitter of the grapefruit and leav ing a strange sort of tart taste. J The fruit is the size and shape the grapefruit, but peels rather li» an orange and may be eaten from the skin as you eat an orange. Dont know that we would predict » future for the strange hybrid, but it is interesting. • • • IF YOU GET THE IDEA YOU are overworked and feel like lay uig off for a spell Just drop around to this eai committee's office— On Washington street and take a look at that e? er throng — And see the smiles of happiness which light their faces— As they are given the privilege of going to work Hundreds of Brownsville folk arP realizing today— What blessing work is, and what a privilege it is— To have work. Bill Burnett, chairman of the unemployment committee— Bays they will have 500 men at work by the first of next week— And 500 families in Brownsville alone are going to be happier. Than they have been for months. Because of work. T • • • DEPOSITOR of the mer chants National has the impression that dividend checks will be avail able only today and Thursday. Not so. Receiver Young is making everv preparation to distribute the checks as quickly as possible, realizing that most of us will be in a hurry to get our money. But if you are not in a hurry, he Is not. The checks will be there for you (Continued cn Page Eight) 'w "" ■w Hoover Opposes Suspension on Debt Payments COMMISSION TOEXCHANGE VIEWS ASKED Grave Situation Seen If Britain Refuses To Meet Payment WASHINGTON. Nov. 23.-, 4V Pres. Hoover today declared him self formally opposed to suspen sion of December 15 payments due on war debts and recommended that congress create “an a.vncy to exchange views” with debtor nations, upon international finan cial obligations. In a lengthy formal statement following his conference today witn congressional leaders of both par t es, the president declared that •‘as to the suspension of install ments due on Dec. 15, no facts have been presented by the debtor governments which would justify such postponement.” Wants Commission At the same time, the chief ex ecutive declared a mmAMI should be created to receive sug gestions on the war debt problem •and to report to congress such lecommendations as they deem desirable.” The statement continued: *T have stated on many occas ions my opposition to cancella.ion. Furthermore. I do not feel that the American people should be called upon to make further sac rifices. I have held, however, that advantages to us could be found by other forms of tangible com pensation than cash, such as ex pansion of markets for products o! American agriculture and labor. There are other possible compen sations in economic relations whicn might be developed on study whicn would contribute to recovery of prices and trade. Such compensa tions could be made mutually ari •^ihiageous These things might serve to overcome difficulties or exchange m ome countries and to meet the question of inability o: some of them otherwise to pay.” I avors Discussions “It is unthinkable that w.thln the comity of nations and the maintenance of international good will,' Mr Hoover said, -that our people should to consider the request of a friendly people to oiscuss an important question in which they and we both have » utal interest. irrespective of whar conclusions might arise from sucn a discussion. ’ WASHINGTON, Nov. 23. }’_ I he possibility of an administration —sponsored effort lo reach a com promise on Europe* demand for war debt relief arcsr today as Prr Hoover renewed lus assault upon the tangled problem, summoning 'o the White Hou.-,p congressional lead ers ol both parties. Out of the chief executhe’s extra ordinary consultation with Frank hn D. Roosevelt- from which the president-elect departed without commitment—there emergpd last mght a statement attributed to the administration that England would make no debt payments to the United States after Dec. 15 unless her pica for reconsideration is met. Another C ommivbon With this was coupled a reported .suggestion from the president that the war debt commission be revived to initiate a thorough study of the -.utflect—a course which has been vigorously opiiosed in congress, where rests the linal word As the 13 senators itnd repres^n !»• ves invited to this mornings White House parity gathered and as the president-elect turn’-d to meetings with his pomical allies, the impression gamed headway that Mr. Hoover might propose as a con - promise the re-examination ask'-i by Europe, with no extension of the one-year moratorium. The swirl of war debt talk yester day swept from the fire-lit quiet < f the White House red room to the -moke filled hotel room of the New York governor, where at midnight he talked with democratic chieftains from Capitol Hill. Grave situation There the president-elect was re ported to have told his conferees that Mr. Hoover and Sec. Mills pad informed him that Great Britain would meet its December 15 pay ment of $95,000,000. but would de mand a new study of the question before paying further. Should re fusal to pay ensue the administra tion was pictured as fore.-eeing an extremely grave situation. It was indicated that the chief executive had maintained this na tic* should make a rigid stand to ward the payments due it three weeks hence. Only Italy among the major debtor nations has refrain (Continued on page 8i GOOD OLD SNOW! ' ;>• * ■ ^ Now come tho^e glad days when the movie girls step out of the bright Hollywood sunshine to pose as ‘ Spirits of Winter*’. So here's Gloria Stuart doing her bit to make snow look inviting. CROWDS VISIT ! FAIR OPENING Indications Point To One Of Most Successful Runs In History (Special to The Herald i HARLINGEN. Nov. 23. — The Twelfth Annual Valley M Metchinger. farm er. husband of the woman and fath er ol the girl. ’*1 didn't want to shoot my daddy.' the girl said yesterday, alter rela ting various cruelties to which he subjected her and saying she lived in -deadly fear” of him. Missouri People See Photos of Valley People in St. Louis, Kansas Cit ai.d other parts of Missouri hao their attention called to the Val ley's sub-tropical foliage the ear if part of this week when photo graphs taken here appeared in newspapers there. The photogi’rph. showed Gov. riret Guv B Park m a tropical setting at the chamber of commerce luildmg. They were taken oy the chamber of commerce and sent to Missouri newspapers, which used them. Gov-elect Park spent sev eral days here last week on a va cation. Depression Frees Escaped Convicts The depression is not so bad at I that, take it from E. W. Huggins and O L. Whitley, escaped Florida convicts recaptured here. Florida refused to pay transpor tation for the men back to the penitentiary Which made Mr. Huggins and Mr Whitley very, very angry. Huggins had served four years of a five year sentence on charges of automobile theft. Whitley was the big winner, having served only one year of a four year sentence for auIomdNle theft. “Good old depression.** shouted the ex-convicts rs they crabbed a box ear out of Brownsville. VALLEY FRUIT' CROP FOR ’331 RATED HIGH Early Estimates Set Next Shipments At 20,000 Carloads »S|>ecial to The Herald) HARLINGEN. Nov. 23.—Barring unusual weather, the Lower Rio Grande Valley will have a crop of approximately 20.000 carloads of cit rus fruit next year and will take its place along with Florida as one of the greatest citrus producing areas of the world. Thus estimate was made bv Ha it T. Longino. supervisor of .state and federal inspection work in Texas after a trip through the Valiev cit rus area recently. Crop Light This Year The present crop of around 5.000 is only onr-third of a crop. Mr. Longino pointed out. The crop this yoar under normal circumstances would have been around 12.000 to I 15.000 carloads. But the record breaking freeze in March of this vrar killed off a large part of the bloom, and cut the crop down two thirds. The crop in the 1930-3] season was approximately 8.500 carloads. One reason for the big jump ex pected the coming season us that > iie 1.655.000 trees planted during the year from April 1. 1928 to April 1. 1929. will come into bearing for» 'he first time next season. The lat est census shows 1 531.192 of those 'tees still living, but that number »s about a half million more than any 1 previous or subsequent year s plant ings. H i 3,282.143 Trees During the present season there are 3.282.448 citrus trees of bearing age. The crop on the small tree however, k very light. The bearing age total of trees will be increased by almost 50 per cent next season, with the addition of l - ‘iPes- makm* the total 813.640 The grand total of trees in the Valley now is 7.864.000. and next season will be the first time that mere than half the Valievs itrus trees will be in bearing. A number of drastic changes In the handling of the 1933-34 crop are expect"d if the crop is as large as now indicated. • At the present time only about one-tifth of the citrus shipped out or the Valiev moves under federal an<* ^af,r certification.” Mr. Longtno .^aid. There is so little of the fruit and the market is so broad that certification does not appear neces sary. New Grading "But next season, with an Indicat- j •Cl crop of 18.000 or 20.000 carloads of fruit, it will be necessary to ship only the best of the fruit and to it under certification. A number ot shippers to whom 1 nave talked tell me that they can not ship under certification this year because they have to take everything in order to supply their trade. They are preparing to have their fruit certified next vear.” M. Longino said. A new set of grades has been worked out for Valley fruit, after the Florida grades were tried and failed and these grades are said 4o be sati>-factorv. Belief has been expressed a much larger percentage of the Val ley cron will be processed as culk m the future, when this great ersp of fruit starts moving. Bi" Brewers Fear Gangster’s Guns WASHINGTON. Nov. 23- P - Big brewers, believing their rain bow of anti-prohibit ion .sentiment has a barrel of beer at the end. already have begun to lav their j prospective troubles at the gov ernments doorsteo. The worst o: , their fears, as expressed to Dr. James M. Doran, director of in- ! cius ral alcohol, is the gangster. Representatives of some of tnr largest breweries have talked with Doran within the last few days. They told him they fcured the 1 gangster with his machine lla« organization, was getting ready to muscle-in' on the business and asked the government to under take strict permit enforcement if beer rs legalized. tixav draws life SAN ANTONIO. Nov 23. P—Joe De Mark was under a sentence of life imprisonment todav, imposed by a jury in district court which con victed him of murder for the killing D-nutt* Sheriff George Mangold. The verdict was returned late yes t’ y. Mangold was killed when he ar.d other deputies went to investi gate the reported burglary of a store about two miles from San Antonio. CORONATION OF QUEEN IS FAIRFEATURE Twelfth Annual Valley Exhibition Begins Miss Thelma Slocum, daughter of Mr and Mrs. R. E SI .cum. will be crowned queen of the 12th an nual Valley Mid ^Winter Fair Wed nesday evening at 8:00 o'clock In the Municipal Auditorium amid a setting of -plendor and one w promises to be one of the mas: gorgecus and glamorous ever wit nessed in the Valley. The corona tion will be followed by the Queen's Ball an event long antici pated by many. Polk Hornadav is master ol ceremonies and he will have the honor of placing the crown on the queen's head. Her royal court represents ihe seasons of the year and the gowns of the attendants representing each Valley town will be in harmony to their particular season. Entertainment Miss Slocum is a graduate of the Pharr-San Jua i high school and ■sjient a year in Nashville and was a student in Ward Bclmcnt Col lege. one of the most famous or old southern schools. She has been pianist for the Pharr Kiwanis club for several years and is known as the Kiwanis Sweetheart. In this fairy-like surrounding which has been arranged as a back ground for the queen and her court, a program of rniettamment will be presented for her majesty's pleasure. A series of ballets will mark the opening, the first of is the Ballet of the Dawn in exquisite pink and silver. Greeting the rosy morning will be pupils of the Helen Hill studios. Brilliant sunlight will be depicted by an interpretative nance of fhe worship of the sun by Miss Sophie Kowalski and five of her pupils, representing the Rav el Sun. At nightfall, when eve ning shades of twilight turn to dusk and starlight appears, pupils of the Elstner School of dance will interpret that darkness and star light in costumes of unusual beau ty. Welcom ng the queen to the (Continued on Pawe Two. 100 Reported Flood Victims BOGOTA. Columbia, Nov. 23. p -Reports from Huila dr * nmeat in the upper Andean re:. * n of the Magdalena river valley todav told cf disastrous floods in which 100 ix-rsons were swept to their deaths by the torrents. The d.=patches from the remot* region were brief, relating the bare detail of death and adding reports that many were homeless. NEW ORLEANS. La., Nov 23 V —The ' Hermit of Chalmeite" ha* never heard of depressions. For years, nobody knows just how long, the hermit has lived in a tumble down hut on an old plantation surrounded by giant oaks and thorny wlderness near the plains of Chalmeite where An drew Jackson won his victory over the British. His name, he is Bayhi and he figures he must be about 82 yrarfc old. for he remembers he was about 12 when he stood mi a levee top and watched Farragul’s gun boats cruise up the Mississippi. Once, he says he was engaged to marry a beautiful woman but she jilted him. He. took to the woods and has since made them his home. In 20 years he has visited the city but once. A neighbor got him to go therr and took him to live at an institution for the aged, but the hermit escaped and walked back to his wilderness home. Miss Carmen Colomb is his sole confidante. Others he shuns and hides from as they approach. It was through her he was persuaded to grant an interview "T suppose you have lived through many depressions." a vis itor suggested. "What's a depression?” Bayhi countered. ' Never heard tell of one. Got all I want right here.’’ YEGGS GET JT.00 DALLAS. Nov. 23.—— Three men early todav forced R Cohn, proprietor of a suburban dry goods store, to open his safe. They es caped with between $300 and $400. • Varied Programs Mark Observance Of Thanksgiving Traditional services in the various churches Thurs day which have been preceded by special music and ser mons in several of the churches Sunday, programs in the schools and dances are marking Brownsville's observance of Thanksgiving, that memorable day when the pilgrims -^celebrated their thankfulness with BANK CHECKS DISTRIBUTED I _ 1,000 Persons Expected To Receive Dividends During Day . Five hundred peonle had received their dividend cheeks at the Mer chants National bank by noon oday, John M Young, receiver, announc ed. Mr. Young estimated that at least 1,000 would receive their checks ov | the closing at 5 p. m. today, and said the manner in winch the checks are being distributed makes it unneces sary to keep the bank open either Wednesday night or Thursday ' morning as was planned. The distribution oi checks, at four windows, was handled so rapidly that at no time was there a con gestion. The receiver for the cla-ed bank Is distributing slightly in excess of S500 000 to the 2.200 depositors as the first dividend. The payment is 22 per cent of the total. Human Sacrifice Negroes Exposed DETROIT. Nov. 23. 4**—Adolf Hit ler. the fascist, advised Pres, von Hindenburg today the formation of a government on a parliamentary basis was both impossible and un desirable. and the cabinet crisis be solved only with a cabi net directly responsible to the presi dential authority. Hitlc told the president such an authoritarian presidial cabinet should be authorized if necessary to govern without parliament. The Nazi said he was ready to head such a government and place his move ment at the disposal of the chief executive for this purpose. Vet Shot Dead FORT WORTH. Nov. 23- P — Claude Maner, 44 ex-xoldtcr and until recently a patient in the veterans adjustment hospital at Kaco. was found shot to death to day in the garage at the rear oi his roommg house here. Emmett Chapman, another resi dent at the house, found the boov e hen hr went to call Maner to breakfast. The body was lying across a shot gun. from which one charge had been Homicide Charged GOOSE CREEK, Nov 23. )• B M Wilburn, about 25. was charged toriav with negligent homicide and failing to stop and render aid in connection with the death of Wil liam Quartz, 56 Goose Creek fire and commissioner, struck Monday night by an automobile. Dentist Dies ELBCTRA, Nov. 23. Dr John R. Scott. 69. a dentist in TVxas for more than 25 years, died of pneu monia at his home lwre yesterday. He was survived bv his widow, two sons and a daughter. Funeral ser vices will be held here today. Robbers Identified DALLAS. Nov. 23—'T— Five men arrested by police and deputy sheriffs have been identified as the robbers who last Friday robbed Earl Click of Kemille. Tex, of $9 a dountmu least. Many students have arrived and are arriving from colleges for the holidavs to be spent with their families and members of the Brownsville school faculties are taking advantage of the four-day vacation as many of them leave for their homes to enjoy Thanksgiving with “home folks." Guests in the homes over the holidays are in spirations for informal events. All in all. Thanksgiving Day will find congenial groups gathered for a day of • thanks." Sunrise Breakfast Thursday morning the Christ Ian Young People’s Union, composed of young peoples societies from all ihe churches in Brownsville, will hold their third annual Thanks giving Sunrise Breakfast at Loin a Alta, meeting there ai 6 o clock for a program and breakfast. David Joost. president, announces songs. two-minute talks from representa tives of each group, and a talk by C. L. Stoker, Jr., on the “Spirit of Thanksgiving* as a tentative pro gram. The young people will gather around the large bontire for the breakfast of doughnuts, rolls and coffee. They have each been stak ed to bring some article of food which will be taken to the Volun teers of America as their Thanks giving offering. Also on the program will be songs by a massed choir and talks on tlie work for the past month which has been done by the vari ous societies. Announcement is made that if the wrather is inclement and the services outdoors are impracticable, they will be held in the Central Christian church. Those having means of transportation are re quested to get in tourh with any who might not have £ way. Plan Joint Meeting A union Thanksgiving service has been planned for 10 a. m. Thursday at the First Presbyterian church when congregations from that church, the First Baptist, Methodist and Central Christian meet for the followmg program: Prelude. Mrs A B Niven; Dox ology. congregation; Invocation, Rev. E P. Day; Presidents Pro clamation. Rev. H. J. Howard: Hymn. •‘America', congregation; Scripture Lesson. Re. O C. Crow; Prayer. Dr S. K Hallam: Hymn, Praise. My Soul, the King of Heaven", congregation; Offertory. Mrs. Niven; Anthen, ‘God. the All-Merciful" Heyser: Sermon, Rev. O L. Smith: Benediction. Rev. Smith and Postiude. Mrs. Niven. Following the custom of former years, this will be a one hour ser vice, and the offering will be given to the Volunteers of America. Appropriatr music w ill feature the Thanksgiving service* which have been planned by the Sacred Heart church for 7 a. m. Thursday, according to Rev Father A. Lewis. The Immaculate Concepcion church mfU have four masses as follows; 6 30 7 00. 7:30 and 8 00 a m. Rev. J. Rose, pastor, announces special music and appropriate services. The Lady of the Guadalupe church will have Thanksgiving ser vices at 7 a ni. Thursduv they have Commumon mass and in the evening at 7 30 o'clock when special music will be featured ac cording to Father Serodcs. pastor. Rev R. O Mackintosh announces Thanksgiving services for the Church of the Advent at 10 a. m when special hymns will be sung and services will br conducted Members of the First Church of Christ. Scientist, corner of West 2nd and Elizabeth street, wall hold their annua! Thanksgiving service at 10 o'clock Thursday morning. Dames Planned Aside from the church services entertainment in the form of dances have also been scheduled for Thanksgiving. The entertain ment committee of B P O. E. lodge of this city has issued invita tions to a Thanksgiving dance Wed nesday evening at the hall on 11th street beginning at 9 30 p. m. and ending at 1 30 a. m Music anil be furnished by Eddy Warner's Kansas City Night Hawks. The Veterans of Foreign War: are entertaining with a Thanks giving dance in their hall at 1019 Elizabeth street over Wool worth and are inviting their friends. The V. F. W. Haymakers are to furnish music for the occasion Ladles of the Central Christian church are serving a real old fashioned turkey dinner from 12 to 2 o'clock Thursday at the church Reservations are being made for (Continued on Page Eight) ROBBERS ARE RIDDLED AS PLOT FAILS Vigilantes Close In On Trio In Heated Cun Battle BOLEY. Okla . Nov. J3 ft- \ negro^hank president and three rob bers. Two of them white men. were shot to death today in a furious gunfighi af^r the attempted rob bery of a bank in this negro com munity. ; All three robbers were riddled with bullet* from the weapons of H C. I McCormick, assistant cashier, vig | names and officers. The battle be gan as the robbers attempted to es cape with cash grabbed up while all three were in the bank President Shot J L McCormick, city marshal and brother of the assistant cashier, led the attack of the vigilantes. He kill ed the Negro robber. | C J. Turner, the president, was shot after he set olf the alarm He died en route to the Okemah clinic. None of the robbers was immedi ately identified. W W. Riley, cashier; H C. M Cci mick; Turner and several cti&to Wpre *n the bank when th« robbers entered after parking their automobile on the side of the street opposite the bank. During the bat tle the car was literally shot to pieces. The assistant cashier was forced to enter the vault as the robbers came in. When one of the bandits threatened Turner. the assistant cashier .shot him in the chest from the vault. Me** Volley Meanwhile. Riley pleaded with the other robbers, not to kill anybody. * but the robbers, frightened, lost their heads and threatened the offi cials. Then the negro robber emerged from the bank and ran for the auto mobile with a quantity of cash. He ran into a volley of bullets and fell dead near the car. The third robber, a rather tall white man. clung to Riley and in a few m onds was shot dead, one I bullet grazin'; Rilev's coat tail. • "When I got outside. ’ Riley said, •'there was a regular war; bullets were flying in every direction and the three robbers lay dead." yeggs burn wav THROUGH BANK VAI UT SAN ANTONIO. Nov. 23. I — Cracksmen employing an acetylene torch burned their way through the door of a steel vault in the First National bank at Bandera. 40 mil* northwest of here, burned through the door of a new burglar prool sate inside the vault, and escaped with about $3,000 in cash last night. The robbery was discovered th’s morning when bank employes ar med to open up They found a hole in the vault door large enough for a man to squeeze through and an other hole in the door ot the safe rf sufficient size to enable the robbers to loot its contents. three robbery SI SPKCTS HELD HOUSTON. Nov. ». V -Kills county officers today left here with three suspect* wanted m connection with the si 806 burglary of the First National Bank at Reagan. Falls county, last Oct 30. Officers here . .nd the three were arrested on warrant* from Fn’K county charging burglary and that the visiting officers took the war rants back with them. San Benito Bank Made Depository The San Benito Bank A: Trust Co. was made an additional coun ty depository by the commission ers' court at a meeting here Wed nesday morning The San Benito hank will pav the regular interest rate of 177 *.« £ paid bv the other two county depositories, the state National and Texas Bank Ac Trust Co. of 1 Brownsville The order takes recognition o! the fad that the San Benito bank ha* ‘'cooperated fully with the county in meeting county obliga tions.' The San Benito Institution has aided the county on several occasions recently. League Gets Frurther Manchurian Debate GENEVA. Nov. 23.