OCR Interpretation

Brownsville herald. [volume] (Brownsville, Tex.) 1910-current, November 28, 1932, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063730/1932-11-28/ed-1/seq-3/

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Thumbnail for THREE

Donna Fighter Hops Bike
But U Floored
14 Time*
Caries Garcia, fast and uggrts
tivt as ever, llooted Kid Olivares
ol Gonna 14 times in the Mocta
zuma arena dun day night and won
a ten round decision in handy
a fashion.
■m* Olivares arrammad aboard lus
rolcycle in the opening exchange ol
blows and remained there the rest
of the bout—except for time he was
down in the resin.
Garcia was fast, but not suf
ficiently fast to catch Olivares km«
enough to plant a kayo. Fourteen
times the veteran lightweight sent
the Valley battler down for counts.
Most of the time Olivares took
short count* belore clambering
aboard the bicycle agaui.
The Donu* tighter went down
so often hu> knee* were bleeding
from bouncing on the canvas
Oarcia won every round, spend.ny
moat of his tune trying to catch
The eight round semi-final be
tween Kid Nuevo lieoii and Chato
Oonaalfv. of Saltillo almost stole
the show, ft was a rough sluggmu
battle tn which Nuevo Leon forced
the isaue He won the decision.
The four round prelims opened
the card.
A good crowd attended the
Bush Leads All
Grid Scorers
(By the Associated pit**.
Lou Bush, Massachusetts State
halfback, ta the undisputed king
Of the nations football scorer*.
The little New Englander wound
up Ina season a week ago with 114
points, far beyond the runner-up,
Ralph Graham of Kansas State,
who fini*ned with 35. Third irface
went to Carroll Bioderick of st
ern Kentucky Teachers w th 84
M | The leader in each of the na
tions 10 major groups or confer-,
ence* follows:
East—Bush. Massachusetts State
Big flu—Graham. Kansas State,
S LA A — Bi oderick. W. Kentucky
flouthwest-Hilliard Texas, 75
South—Zimmerman, Tulane, 70.
Midwest—Monneti. Mich. State,
Rocky Mt—Christensen, Utah,
57 <xi.
Missouri Va! -Gordon. Creighton
Pacific—Smith, Idaho. 54.
Big 10—Msnder' Minnesota. 43.
(x)—Credited with automatic
safety a« team captain.

■ I
■ I
■ I
■ I
■ I

■ J
Valley ‘ A’’ grid champion*, will play
the Corpus CtuigU Buc* at Corpus
Friday night lor the bi-di*trict title
This will be a mnc formality, leg
tha Pirate* are elated to win in
bandy laahion. Th. Puri City eleven '
* really has tile *tui 1 tins season i..id 1
should do pretty well in the state
race. Earlier ui the j ason the Can
nonites romped on both Browns
ville and Hariingeu. I he bi-district
championslup wiU be played under
floodlights and a unite crowd will ,
likely b< on hand. "I iu» » corpus
Chrlstl high * big loot ball year. This i
year l* to the Buo» what 1828 was tb
the Brownsville Eagles.
• • •
Bl - DISTRICT championship
games this week include; Friday— '
Sherman at Vernon; Greenville at
Athens. Saturday; Amarillo at ,
Ranger; Austin iEi Pasoi at
Sweetwater; Woodrow Wilson (Dal
las* vs. Masonic Home at Fort
Worth; Braigeuiidyc tS«ui Antonio* «
at Corsicana; Beaumont vs. John
Reagan »t Houston. Don't forget
that aarly season
us on the Oarslcana eleven. If you
remamber correctly, Corsicana gave
John Reagan a whale of a beating
in a non-district game some lime
a* a
GIVE THE A. A. is. a bis hand.
Thu amateur governing body ha.
gone on the metric system. Ol
course a lot of t!w old boya are go.
lag to let out a prolonged yelp. The
metric system* eventually will be
universally adopted over protest# ol
>:bc English speaking nations. Tlie
ir#n-umt system beat# the English
and American weight* and measures
from scratch. Thia matter ol 12
«busies equal one what rat. three |
whatrat equal one gadget, and so
many gadgets m a alagazam is no |
good One rousing cheer for the A.
■■ ..
Woman's Leg Is
Broken In Wreck
Clara Luna of Brownsville is in i
the Mercy hospital with a broken j
leg a# the re*ult of an automobile
accident near Olmito early Sun
day night.
A pa#*lng motorist took her to j
the ho#pitaL
6- -—---6
r~~ 1 - -..
[ Ql'vjbr. Scjm&jz [ i T> Ql£/s/V/sM | TCM/A/SEHD I I Bos WELL | | I
/ Phblps
% Coften Schmidt
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ■
m w \
■ i m i nr i i i i
£V">*a/s Uowgll
FORT WORTH. Tex -When the Horned Frogs of Texas Christian check in their football equipment it
wtU mark the cio*e oi varsity play lor IS members ol Coach Francis Schmidt's squad. And. worst of all,
practically every one of these have been regularly m the startuig line-up throughout the 1932 season. Ten
of the seniors are two*letter men. three have one letter, and but two are squadmen—and these statistics do not
include the 1932 awards, yet to be announced
Jefferson University Has
Best Ranking In
NEW YORK, Nov. 2g — ,1'-The
select list of college football teams
neither beaten nor tied 1ms beta
i cut to six with all but a few fund
returns already m the records.
Colgate in the east, Auburn in
the south, Jefferson University in
the southwest, Michigan and Val
paraiso in the midwest and South
1 ern California in the far west are
the sole remaning elevens with
perfect records. Of these only
Southern California and Auburn
have not yet finished their regular
Eight other teams have escaped
defeat but have been tied Of these
only Tennessee still has a regular
ly scheduled game to play.
Texas Christian leads the un
defeated list in scoring with 38j
points and Colgate and St. Johns
of Minnesota lead defensively with
uncrossed goal lines.
The list of undefeated teams as
compiled by the Associated Pr«**
Pis. Pis.
Team W. T. For Against
Colgate . 9 0 264 0
Auburn . 9 0 255 34
Jefferson Univ.
<Texa*» .... ft n na 42
So Calif. K 0 Tit 13
Michigan . 8 0 123 13
find.) . 7 n 182 31
Tex. Christian lu l 283 23
Teruieasee .... 8 l 206 23
Centenary .... 8 1 i«;t
Purdue . 7 1 164 40
• Penna) .... 7 1 151 24
Western < Mich. I
Tcrs . 6 1 174 6
St John s
'M.nn.i t.... « l Rio n
Pittsburgh .... 8 2 182 25
City Briefs
-■— .■ .. — j
Dir«ei Imports lien of FRENCH
PERFUME at the Basket Place.
Robert Runyon, Mata morns.—Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. c H. Akin of Har
lingen; and W. J. Southwell. Jr.
of McAllen were among tourists
passing through Lareda at the
week end enroute to point* m
Just arrived—beautiful linen*. !
Wedding and Christina# gift* 1
Reasonable prices. Oriental Shop.
Mr. and Mr*. f$ B. Way of
Milwaukee, Wi*. are spending a
lew days visiting In Brownsville
and tha Valley
Thomas t. Alexander and b B \
Baldwin of Dallas were week end
visitors in the city.
R. E. Lowe of Ban Antonio and i
George S. Gray also of that citv'
were registered at a Brown*vJlr
Hotel at the week enu.
Hardware. San Benito continued.
..,;aibareaUli>- Porvelain bath tubs.
$15 00. 50% to 75%. discount on
hardware, aluminum, cutlery, chun*
ware, valocepedes Buy your Christ
mas gifts here. Sau Benito Store
o. Rio Grande Hardware. Adv.
Her# from St. Paul. Minn, is Dr.
C. N. McCloud who armed in
Brownsville Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Nolle re
turned to their home in Begum
after a brie! visit in the city
Hailed as
Iwwialfd Press Sports Writer
Coaih Francis Schmidt, and his
Texas Christian University Horned
Frogs of Port Worth were talking
| their bows and Hashing their best
smiles today m acknowledgment of
! the congratulations that greet them
as the 1932 Southwest conference
football champions. They replaced
Texas Flash Piles Up 75
Points As To 72
For Oliver

• By the Associated Pressi
The 19J2 Southwest conlerente
! scoring leadership belongs to Bohn
Hilliard, brilliant broken field run
ner and touchdown artu>t for the
j University of Texas. Hilliard led
Richard Oliver. Texas Christian
halfback, with 75 point* against the
latter’s 72 points.
Oliver did not play Saturday
against Southern Methodist, allow
ing Hill ard to retain the lead he ac
quired Thanksgiving when he scor
ed two tout lido wits against Texas
A. A M Aggies.
A re-check revealed that Hilliard
scored two touchdown* at Columbia
against the University of Missouri
when the official scoring summary
had < iedited lum :ily one. It
was this touchdown that won him
I the scoring ho not*.
Hilliard scored two touchdowns a
me against Missouri. Oklahoma.
Rice. Baylor and Texas A. A M He
scored one touchdown each against
.Southern Methodist and the Uni*
versify of Arkansas. He scored
points affer touchdown against
Missouri tli and against the Uni
versity of Arkansas <2).
The scoring race finale:
Pi v« r I’d Ba l g Paid TP
Hilliard, hb, U. ol T. 12 0 0 3 15
Oliver, hb, TCU .. 12 0 0 0 72
Stafford, hb, U of T. 9 0 0 0 54
Koy, fb, U of T. 8 0 0 3 51
Drak Horse Leads
In Miami Tourney
CORAL GABLES, Fla. Nov. 21
P—Two strokes ahead of his
nearest competitor. 23-year-old
Jack Cat tell of Jacksonville, Fla.
has emerged as the dark horse
leader of the *10 000 Miami Bilt
tnore open golf tournament.
Ca:i ell M-ort'd a 34-36—6# In
yesterday's first day 18-hole play.
C-ene Sarasea. defending cham
pion. was able to count only a 36
Roland Hancock. Stonaham
Mass., another comparative young
ster m big tournament play, was
in second place with the veteran
Al Watrous. of Detroit, Hancock
had 35-36—71 for his first II hole*
and Watrous h*d a similar count.
Joe Kirkwood of Chicago was lone
in third place with a 35-37—72.
Band Concert
The following program will be
presented in coneerf fey the 12th
cavalry band, Fort Brown. Tues
day at 4:15 p. m, under direction
of W. G. Arrhambault:
March. National Emblem: Over
ture, Golden Sceptre; From Gypsy
Baron; Fox Trot If I Were Bure
of You; Negro Dance, Bamboula;
Select, on, ft M S. Pinafore;
Serenade. Les Millions d Arllquin;
March, Flanders.
More than onc-ftfth of the total
copulation of England and Wales
lues in Greater London.
Frogs Are
Great Eleven
the Southern Methodist University
Mustangs, as the ranking lootbali
team of the Southwest.
Who are these Christiana who
came up with an all-senior team
to win 10 games, play a 3-3 tic
against Louisiana State, score 283
points, hold then opponents to 23
points, win six conference games
and score i2e> points in conference
competion while holding Lheu foes
to 18 points?
Untied. Unbeaten
They arc tt% first conference
champions since the 192« Southern
Methodist Mustangs to finish thetr
conference schedule undefeated
and untied. They have had only
thrae touchdowns scored on them,
one safety and a field goal. Two of
the touchdowns were made by the
University of Arkansas in the Frog^’
first conference game, one on a pass
and the other through the mtercep
lion of a pass
That's who they are, and right
now they are negotiating tor a post
season game to decide the confer
ence team championship of the en
tire south against Auburn of the
Southern conference, the game to
be played at New Orleans.
rlje Honied Flogs made sure of
everything Saturday when a badly
crippled lineup played a smart,
stout-hearted and very cautious
game of football to beat Southern
Methodist, 8 to 0. Myers caught a
flat zone pass for a touchdown.
Vaught seored a safety on Hearonis
attempt to pass from behind the
Mustangs' goal hue. •
Critics rank the Frogs as one of
the greatest and most versatile loot
ball teams that has ever played on
a Southwest conference gnduon.
The University of Texas Long
horn*. with live wuis and one de
feat, finished second in the con
ference race. Race Institute wallop
ed Baylor Saturday, 12 to o. to cinch
third place with three victories and
three defeat*.
Ponies vs. Iluskere
The Southern Methodist Mus
tangs have one remaining game. It
will be a non-coniercnce altair Sat
urday at Dallas agajut Dana X.
Bible's Nebraska university eleven,
winnar ol the Big Si* conference
With conclusion Saturday of the
conference race, Harrison Stafford,
University of Texas halfback, was
designated as the most valuable
player in the conference to his team.
He will he awarded the Houston
Post trophy that goes each year to
the most valuable player.
Bohn Hilliard, University of Texas
halfback, won the scoring cham
pionship witli 13 touchdown* and
three extra point* for a total of 75
point*. Richard Oliver. Texa* Christ
ian back, finiahed second with 12
touchdowns for 73 points.
Capt. Johnny Vaught, who lias
been placed on several early AU
Amencan selections, closed his bril
liant three-year career as a Texas
Christian star, a* leader oi the 1832
‘Pounding’ Plan
f C -y. i'. r.
The Christian Endeavor Society
of this city plans to attend the
Christian Young People's Union
“pounding" at the Volunteers of
America Tuasday evening at 8 o'
clock. Members of the union include
societies from *11 the protestani
churches m the city.
• • •
Boys’ Baseball
Team to Practice
The Senior Christian Endeavor
boys' baseball team plan* a practice
session Wednesday afternoon at
4:30 o'clock at the vacant lot on 14th
and Jefferson street*. The boys have
organised a splendid team and look {
forward to playing other nlnoa
Brownsville SOCIETY Valley Cities |
Final Dance
In Honor Of
Fair Queen
(Special to The Herald)
HARLINGEN, Nov. 21.—The third
of a series of dances given in hon
or of Miss Thelma Slocum. Valley
Mid-Winter Fair queen was held
Friday evening in the gym of the
high school in this city with the
Valley shrine club as host. Guests
were present from all the Valley
A gift was presented Miss 81ocum
by Bobby Hensley, .sou of Harold
Hensley of La f¥|»i president of
the club, in behalf of that organi
zation. Mrs. S. R. Jennings was
also presented with a gift in appre
ciation of her assistance in plan
ning the dance.
During the intermission Betty
Hayman and Frances Jennings gave
several tap numbers. Girl Reserves
served punch during the evening.
Monday night, the final compli
ment to her majecty the queen will
be given by the Rotary-Lions and
Klwants clubs of Harlingen In the
form of a dance, also at the gym
in the high school. The affair will
begin at JL30 p. m.
8mee ini coronation of the queen
on last Wednesday night which
ceremony was witnessed by a Val
ley-wide audience, and the queens
ball which followed, gay social events
have taken place. The Los Amigos
•club honored the queen with the
second dance on Thanksgiving eve
ning. Miss Slocum was presented
with a lovely gift from the club at
this occasion.
• • •
Miss Virginia Wright of Victoria,
was a Thanksgiving visitor in the
home of her aunt and uncle, Dr.
anti Mrs. J. g. Spikes.
• • •
E R. Barber o£ New Orleans was
a visitoi* last week in the home ot
his brother, T. C. Barber and family.
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. Max Humtg and
Fred and Bernard Hurwit$ of Jtx
| as City have returned to their hom*
! following a several days’ visit with
i their daughter, Mrs. Sam A below
and family of Fort Brown.
• • •
Mis* Marjorie Winfree returned to
her studies at Incarnate Word Aca
demy in San Antonio after ■ holi
day visit with her parents, Col. and
Mrs. Winfree, ol Fort Brown.
• • •
Volney Taylor, son of Judge and
j Mrs. Volney W. Taylor, left Sun
day night lor Austin where he is a
student at the University of Tex
as after spending a few days at
home pn a holiday visit.
. • • •
John Oyer returned Sunday from
a several days business and pleas
ure trip to Goliad.
• • •
Mrs. D P. Gay, Jr., is leaving
Tuesday morning by motor for Ban
Antonio aliere she'will siienri .sev
eral days, planning to go on to Aus
tin on FYida.v lor a week end visit.
Mrs. Gay will return Sunday.
I • »
Mis* Gail MeDavitt. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. MeDavitt, re
turned Sunday evening to San .*n
tonio where she is a student at In
carnate Word college. Miss MeDav
itt was home for the Thanksgiving
• • •
Mr and Mrs. H- L- Stokley ieft
1 lor Houston Sunday night.
• # * •
Dr. and Mrs. B. O. Works ami
Dr. It H EiMiun left Sunday night
for Houston where they are attend
ing a medical convention.
• • •
Frank Ashley and Tony Gomez re
turned Sunday evening to Austin
where they are students at the
University of Texas after a holiday
1 visit in ftie homes of theu pareut*
• • •
Nestor Sea plan lias returned to St.
! Mary’s at Ban Antonio following a
visit in the home of hl« parents
during the Thanksgiving holiday.?.
• • •
W E. MeDavitt and Cleva Tandy
left Sunday night for Houotun.
• • •
Mrs. J. D. Williamson and two
children. Ed Marshall afid Lucille
: have returned to their home in
j Waco after a holiday visit in the
home of Mrs Wiiliamson s sister.
Mrs. Maurice Brulay and family.
• ’ *
Harbert Davenport returned S*t
| urday night to Austin where he Is
a student in the University of Tex
| as after a visit in the home of his
■ parents during th« holidays.
• • •
Mrs W. R. Jones spent the week
end in Houston.
• • •
Mias Sammy Venable returned
Monday morning from Houston
where she had spent Thanksgiving
and the week end with her parents
and friends.
m k m
Mr and Mrs. H D. Seago had a*
guests Saturday Mr. and Mr* H
B Vorhelle and Mr and Mrs A E
Hillaman of Houston, mho mere
Thanksgiving visitors of other rela
tives in Harlingen.
• • a
Mr. and Mrs. H C. Groom enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Mike Groom
and son. Mike, Jr., of McAllen dur
ing the Thanksgiving holidays.
• • •
Mike Groom. Jr., of McAllen ts
spending the meek end with John
and Charles Mclntire, mho have re
cently moved here with their parent*
trom Mt, Vernon. Ohio.
• • •
Reservations For
Sorority Luncheon
Must Be In Monday
RaggrvaUon* for the luncheon
of the Text* Theta chapter of tha
Sigma Phi Literary Sorority must
be made before Tuesday morning.
according to announcement made
Saturday bv those in charge
The luncheon w ill be held in the
home of Mrs. Ernest Fernandez
and is lor members and guests.
Xup%tial Rite*
On Thanksgiving
(Special to The Herald)
HARLINGEN. Nov. 28 -Miss
Sunbeam Roberta formerly of thus
city and now of Corpus Christ! was
married Thanksgiving Dev to Clark
Webster of Corpus, according to a
recent announcement made by the
bride’g pgrtnts, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
During Mrs. Webster'a residence
in Harlingen she was connected
with the Cinderella Beauty .shop.
The groom ts an employee of the
Ford Motor comj>any of corpus
Chriati where the couple u making
| their home.
Miss Rose Sehmeling entertained
the Triple X Exit club baturdav
afternoon with games of bunco and
bridge. Misses Bernice Kowalski
i Haael Reas Deputy and Jennie
Pmegnat were special guests ol
the club.
Score awards in the interesting
seriea of bridge went to Misses Ly
dia Yturria and Jane Richardson.
Misses Deputy and In*/ Brulay
were winners of trophies which were
presented at the close of the excit
ing bunco games. Cut prises went
to Misses Leonore Yturria and Dor
othy Crowe.
In the late afternoon hours, the
hostess passed a light refreshment
course to Misses Georg me Monroe,
lane Richardson, Marcillc St rein.
Josephine, Taylor. I no* Brulay. Ruse
Schmeiing. Leonore Yturria. Evelyn
Ann Hamilton. Lydia Yturria, Dor
othy Crowe, Maxine Rockwell. Ber
nice Kowalski. Hazel Ross Deputy
and Jennie Puiegnat.
The club meets this Friday with
Mis* strain.
• • •
| Nominating Group
Of Clu!> Federation
Meet* In Weslaco
A meeting of the nominating
t cmmittee of the Valley Federation
of Women * clubs will be held at the
Cortes H*?el tn Weslaco at 2 p m.
Friday. On the committee la a
member from each community tn
| the Valley.
The committee will accept nomi
nations for the annual election of
i officers which will be held at tije
^mi-annual meeluig of the federa*
; non Tuesday. Dec. 13 In San Bcn
I ito.
• • %
Negro Minstrel
Flan of Group
Sunday, Nov. 27 the Christian
Endeavors program consisted of
the following numbers at their
j regular meeting at 6:30 p. m :
scripture. Velma Parker; interest*
} uig talks by Maurlne Barnes, Custer
Yates and Louise Smith; piano
selection by Dorothy Pearl Street
and sentence prayers by ail. John
Howard was leader on the subject!
oi missions, a Bible dull eonclud
' cd the program.
The End* avows are douig in
teresting work ai d have gained
many new members. They are
working diligently on a negro
minstrel which they plan to pre
sent some time after Christmas.
• • •
The uuermedutc Sunday School
1 class of the Central Christian
! church entertained with a Thank—
! Riving party Friday evening Mrs,
W. A. Velten is the cl a.vs teacher.
Miss Clark

Just For Fun club member* and
guest* had as hostess Saturday aft
ernoon, Miss L'loue Clark who en
tertained with games of flinch and
jack straw and a picture guessing
Each member had been request
ed to bring a picture of herself
when site was a baby. The pictures
, were placed together and Mu* Val
erie Rosenthal won a prue for
guessing the names of the most pic
ture*. No trophies were awarded In
| the games.
A dainty refreshment plate hold
ing gingerbread men and collet.
I decorated with sprigs of little red
pepper*, was passed to Rom Mam
1 Fox, Valerie Rosenthal. Mary Jane
White, Eloise Clark, Bertha Cham
pion, Rosie James. Margaret Wein
ert, Dorothy Hutfacker Safety El
lrwk and Elisabeth Ann Tandv,
member*; Ann Donr.ely and Lois St.
John of South Carolina, winter
visitor* in Brownsville, who were
s • •
(Benefit Fartv
Plan Of Self
Culture Club
Those desiring to attend the
benefit bridge and **42" party of
the Self Culture club Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock in the home
o! Mr*. Nathan Moore, may place
their reservations with Mr*. R. J.
Bingham bv calling her at 885W
be I ore Wednesday .
An enjoyable evening 1* In storr
for those who attend the event
and members and friends of the
> club are extended a cordial invtta
; tioa.
Refreshments will be served and
prizes for success in the games will
be awarded the winner*
The money received from tji*
party 1* for the clubhouse lot or
the Brownsville Federation oi
j Women s cjubs.
• • •
Endeavor Societies
Assist In Services
The Senior Christian Endeavor
ha* tilled the choir loft at the
Central Christian church for the
past few Sunday* at tha evening
service* OTd-familiar songs have
been sung and parts of the script
ure read by different members
The Junior and Intermediate so
cieties have al«o taken part and
assisted in the singing It is the
plan of .ie groups to assist each
Sunday evening.
Brownsville Travel club with
Mrs. W. J. Vertrees at 2:20 o'clock
I in the afternoon.
Rebeluhs are meeting in the
Masonic Temple at 7 30 p. in
Mrs. G. N. Bogle will entertain
the Treble Clef dub at 3 p. m.
Christian Young Peoples union
••pounding’* at the Volunteers o:
America at 8 p. m
Texas Theta chapter of thu
s.iinu Phi Literary sorority lunch -
* eon at the home of Mrs. Ernest
t Fernandes. For members and
Learners dub will have a* host
I ess. Mr*. Fannie D. Putegnat.
An executive meeting of the
Grammar school P-T. A- will He
held at four o'clock at the gram
mar school. All officers, chairman
01’ standing committees and home
i room mothers are asked to attend.
Mardi Bridge club with Mrs. H.
D. 8eago at 2:30 p. m.
Series of Musicals
. Continued Dec. 6
Valiev Music lovers will welcome
the fifth of a series of musicals to
be given at the Methodist church
in Harlingen. Tuesday evening, Dec.
6. On the program will be voted
solos, group combinations with or*
P»n. piano and instrumental accom
paniments. The program is com
posed of delightful classical musts.
• • •
Social Events
In Harlingen
HARLINGEN, Nov. 28*"Colonial
Mexico" was the topic discussed »l
the meeting last week of the Liter
ary and Fine Art* club of this City
in the home of Mr*. J. T. Ellis with
Mesdame* Ellis and ft. K- Lester
hostesses. Hpecial guests were Met
dailies J. F. Piangman, H. C. Spen
cer and L. A. Sf*»um* of Longview
Delegate* to the Valley federation
meeting in Han Benito. Dec. 13 wire
appointed a* follow*; Mesdame* CX
C. Behae, D. D. Horton, and J. P.
Buck. Alternates are Mesdameg Kent
Manning, W. E. Bush and C. K.
"World Peace” the title of a lec
ture given by Mrs* Percy V. Penny
backer at the stale federation meet
ing in Corpus ChrUU recently, was
outlined by Mr*. P. O. Greenwood.
Song:. «nd recitations were given
by 20 Spanish .shaking students
from the West Ward school under
the direction oi Santa Wilbarger,
primary instructor.
A discussion of "The Government
and Commerce of Colonial Mexico"
wa* given by Mr*. Norton and Mrs.
John Crockett told of "The Intellec
tual Life of Colonial America and
the Plate of Women in Colonial
Refreshment* were served at the
social hour.
• • •
Calendar for Monday:
Women s (Humber of Commerce
monthly luncheon at the Woman's
Building preceded by the executive
board meeting at 11 a. m.
Study dub of the Women's Cham
ber 01 Commerce to meet at 3:30
p. m. In the women’s Building for
fourth and final of a senes of talks
on civic si tail* and the federal gov
ernment by Judge Fred Newland.
Harlingen Council of P-T. A.
meeting at 3:30 p. m. at the high
school building. Executive board
meeting at 2 30 in the afternoon.
• • •
A benefit bridge will be given Wed
nesday afternoon at 2:30 oclock by
the sisterhood Temple Beth Israel
at the home of Mrs. Ann Kopell.
1000 East Taylor. Reservations may
be made by calling Mrs. Kopell.
Everyone invited.
• • •
Afflatus Literary dub will have as
hostess Monday afternoon Mrs. Day
Young when Eugene O’Neill and his
works will be studied. Mrs. George
Broad will review “Mourning Be
comes Elect rs * and Mrs. J. E. Erby
will present a resume of "Anna
Wednesday’s Herald
For the Most Sensational
In the History of the Valley!
r Ibr*
■— ’sftHEST

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