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Newspaper Page Text
Rockefeller Plans To Enjoy Quiet Christmas ORMOND BEACH. Fla Dec. 24.—(Jpi— John D. Rockefeller. So . today celebrated the day be fore Christmas by playing two holes of golf, his first venture onto the links since he came south for the winter. The philanthropist’s game ap peared as good as that of last year. He gripped his clubs firmly and made neat drives to the first a^d second greens He sank a two foot outt on the second with un usual nrecision. "Neighbor John.” as he Is called by his Ormond friends, plans a ouiet Christmas He will attend services tomorrow at the local church. Then, he will have lunch and rest His Christmas Dav dinner wrill not be vastly deferent from that of anv other de»* members of the household said. > • a ▲ THE ADMIRAL SEES— WASHINGTON. — Development of flying boats capable of 3500 mile non-stop flights, and o: dirigibles of $9.000.000-foot gas capacity for trans-oceanic passen ger service. All this is foreseen by Rear Admiral William M. Moffett, who also says that the Navy is de veloping a high-speed engine, suit able for aircraft, of about 1000 horsepower. HEAP BIG EAGLE SAN DIEGO, Cal.—One of the few Indians in the United States to complete a course in aeronautics Is Myron Bangs, who recently re ceived a government - approved transport license here Bangs is a member of the Oaage tribe and lives in Hominy. Okla He com pleted his course In less than five months HE MI ST BE WRONG Mr. Newlywed (diffidently*: I don't like to mention it. dear, but there seems to be something wrong about those biscuits. Mrs. Newlywed, trimuphantly*: That shows how much you know about biscuits—the eook book says they are delicious?—Tale Spins. — ^ " 1 " ■ ■ TIRED OF CIVILIZATION, (4 MEN AND WOMEN ! WILL SAIL ON W INDJAMMER ‘AWAY FROM IT ALL' -- - ^Tay J -- They’re exchanging routine for romance and hokum for oakum, these men you see busily scraping the deck of the barkentine. star of England. With 39 others they’re going to sea. to cruise until the. depres sion is forgotten. Edward Elson Grieve, left below, owns the big sailing vessel, shown in the center. Don ald McIntyre, right below, is her raptain. ALAMEDA Calif —o! * pace of today s life, 64 mm and women are preparing to go 10 m an old windjammer. SIDE GLANCES . George Clark 1 t or? _ ?» | *1 think I’ll stop and buy something for that old couple on my route. I haven’t the heart to pass them by again 1 - THIS CURIOUS WORLD - FBANZ, mmm WROTE THE A\US/C FOR "9L£NTM&¥T' N A FEW HOURS' TIME. THE WORDS WERE WRITTEN BY FATHER MOHR, WHO BROUGHT THEM TO GRUBER ON CHRiSTMAS EVE, AND WANTED THEM SET TO MUSIC SO THAT THE SONG COULD BE SUNG AT MIDNIGHT. GRUBER HAD THE MELOCr/ READY ON TIME. .. igia.. e t«M air MU SCHVK4. IMC 1?* reindeer * HAS CONTRIBUTED TO THE SVPPCWT OP MAN |sj ONE 7 COUNTRY OR ANOTHER FOR. — ABOUT “ 30,000 V£A£S. Where will they go—they don’t care; tiny island* in the south Pacific. Ja\a, Bali. Ceylon. Mada gascar the Mediterranean, any • where! What will they do—work a little at common tasks as “members ol the crew.” a little at their own trades, but mostly just forget cl | vilization! , Artists, doctors, writers, lawyers. ' engineers, nurses, retired business j men. soldiers, they have deserted their workaday jobs and routine j life They have.thumbed their noses at the weekly ’ pay check They have already moved aboard the Star of England and are busy wo,-.ting on her so they may set sail right after Thanksgiving. * • # “I'm tired cf paying office rent, going to the club and listening to depression sob stories.’’ Dr. Arthur H. Wallace said in giving up his dentistry practice in Oakland to , jom the cruise. That's typical oi ! the way they all leel. Ralph Lundquist of San Diego Calif., is a news photographer who got sick of photographing “per sonages’. “By the time I get back, maybe I’ll be able to get somebody to smile when lie is photographed,' Lundquist said. , Max W Enderlein. Oakland civil engineer, was bored He put it this way: - When a mans made his wad. this life as we live it is an awful nuisance.” They all felt more or less the same way all had the same rest less wish to roam over the seven seas rather than keep plowing down their respective grooves. Beatrice M Cayo, Los Angeles scientist, put it. “I've been waiting for this all 1 my life.” This thought unites an other wise diverse crew: Julian Stoll, widely-known San Francisco etch er. Will Emmet Burk. Denver arch itect and sculptor: Dr. E Ross Jrnney. chief resident physician of Good Samaritan hospital. Los Angeles: Elsie Bradford Jansen. Boston lawyer; fcmily Catton. Ala meda nurse; Paul Meyer, retired music dealer, George McArthur, one-legged veteran of the Buer. Egyptian and World wars; Fred Busch, former gold prosector and engineer; Edwin F Taylor. Central American coffee representative, and James Johnson, political refugee from the Irish Free Stale. Edward Elson Grieve, owner ol the Star of England, was the arch plotter of this cruise. She had heea tied up four years In port. That gave Grieve the idea of a cruise away from civilization And in the Star of England, they have a romantic vessel She has sailed under several names, this last square-rigger to fly the Union Jack Back when she was the Blairmore—that was In 1896—she capsized in San Francisco bay from lack of ballast, and several ap prentices were drowned. In 1900 she was the Abbey Pal mer and rammed the clipper ship Empress of Japan. One man from the clipper was hurled into her fo'csle top. The Empress reported him dead, but he turned up alive when the Abbey put into port. She has shipped into the Alaska can nery territory, carrying hundreds of cannery workers in eowdea thee-tiered bunks. She's had some rip-roaring cruises, the old Star of England, but none stranger than this one. Captain | Donald McIntyre, an old salt of years’ experience in sailing snips, will be master. He holds the all time sailing record of 37 days be tween San Francisco and Sydney. It s enough to make an old salt shudder to see how fancy they're fixing up the Star of England be fore they weigh anchor. The re conditioning includes a new coat j of black paint, hot and cold run ning water, showers, electric lights, fans and refrigerators. There art roomy cabins, a dental office, stu dios, two mess rooms, and a small movie theater. The artists plan to paint, the writers to write, the scientists to j study and make collections, and all of them to work at their own jobs as and when they /vase Each also will have shipboard duties. Maybe they will make a little money from their various pursuits. Maybe they won't. It doesn't make any difference, they say—they want peace and contentment and they’re starting out to get it. — INSUFFICIENT VOCAB LOS ANGELES— One would think that a professor of languages could f.nd a better name to call his wife than a lemon. When Gladys Leora Rice. 52. former U. S. Government secret service agent, was seeking a divorce from Pro fessor William R. Rice, site testi fied that he called her a lemon. • What d.d you do?” asked Judge William S Baird. ”1 told him he was a prune.” answered Mrs. Rice • Well then. I think you are about even.” commented the judge. Announcements NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS The annual meeting of the stock holders of the State National Bank of Brownsville. Texas, will be held at its banking house on Tuesday, January 10. 1933. at 3:30 o'clock p. m.. for the election of directors and the transaction of such other business as may properly come j before the meeting. A. H. Fernan dez. cashier. ELECTRICAL Service & Appliances Quicker service—Lower prices. Let us bid on ycur next job. W'- will be cheaper. UK TI?I< SPECIALTY CO. 1*1 iO Elisabeth — Phone 982 j—iy-w — - . . If you are not able to buy Lj I Y ir i 1 the new things that you r1 / / # want and need, why not fix up Ihe old? You’ll find listed below men who specialize in their particular line of work. They are dependable and welcome your patronage. * REPAIRS A SERVICE f Motors. Vacuum C leaners, | Fans. Appliances. House |f \\ iritis. Fixtures. 1 STAR ELECTRIC CO. I Opposite Postoffice Phone 171 jf Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Dorfman's Jewelry Store. Inc. The Valley's Finest Brownsville — — RADIO SERVICE All makes repaired at reasonable charge. Satis* faction assured. Phonr !R4 400 S. E. Levee Fred De Bardeleben PLUMBING Phone 1644 for quick service. Expert licensed plumbers. BROWNSVILLE PLUMBING CO. 1519 13th St. Max Mayorga. Mgr. W Perez. Asst. Mgr. Phene SSS Brownsville Title Company Opposite Court Hons* Browns Till* Abstracts of Title Title Insurance Complete abstracts of title to all lands in Cameron County, Texas 7 Professional DR. S. JUDD EARLEY DENTIST 335 Elizabeth SL Phone 755 Brownsville Texas DR. W. A. JONES Dentist 403 State National Bank Phone 704 Credit Extended If Desired 9 Cafes and Hotels SPECIAL Turkey Dinner With all the trimmings. Served from 12 to 2 Only 50c HOLLINGSWORTH HOTEL 540 Elizabeth — Phone 1414 Automotive Wheel and Axel Alignment We stop shimmy, hard steer ing. excessive tire wear, and road w'eave. Satisfaction guar anteed. Bingley Chevrolet Co. Los Fresnos. Texas Automobile Bargains 2 — 1932 Sedan demonstrt tors— discount. 1 — 1928 Dodge 4-door sedan. 1 — New 1931 Ford 157-inch truck, closed cab, stake body. 1 — 1932 Ford Sport Coupe. Patteson Motor Co. Phone 888 Business Services 28 Moving, Trucks, Storage AUSTIN TRANSFER CO~ 800 Washington. Moving and crating Phone 421. U«« Classified Ads Try The Herald ( Business Services -4 Insurance 1 — .. - INSURANCE BONDS W. B. CLINT Phone 4 WOOD and DODD INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Phone* 100 - 101 Brownsville Spivey - Kowalski Building —— .- i—n^—— • - Financial 42 Auio Loans I_ Dept BB. Brwwnsi lie, Texas jmmmmammmmmmmmammm I AUTO LOANS ;| Lowest Rates Quick Service | — HARLINGEN — § South Texas finance (orp. ■ Madison Hot< 1 Arcade No 5 Automobile Loans and REFINANCING Lowest R t:es. Immediate Service Pay While You Ride OUT-OF-TOWN LOANS HANDLED PROMPTLY Convenient Parking VALLEY FINANCE CO. Patteaon Motor Co. Bldg. Brownsville, Phone 888 E109 Tuto loans Quick Service - Low Rate* Refinance or Direct Loana Auto Loan Co. Arcade Bldg., Room 5 1041 Levee St. BROWNSVILLE Merchandise I I I. ■■■—.—N ———J 54 For Sale - Miscel. GCK)D CANE HAY for sale. 1216 W St. Charles, or phone 1278. H61 SINGER SEWING machine” sews iwrfeetly, *6 00. 1122 W. aarrison, Harlingen. H67 FOR SALE—Baby Grand piano; practically new; bargain. Write Box 8S5. Brownsville. Texas. H69. TAMEZ Mexican candies, includ ing shelled pecara and pH pay a. are being sold at Carmel Crisp Place 11th St. Bring your orders. HT3 WHITE SEWING MACHINES* Domestic Sewing Machine* Used machines. *10 00 up Au thorized representative of White Sewing Machine Co. and Joske Bros . San Antonio. Texas. 11'*** IV IDrri\nn UirlinrMi *_Merchandise 59 Machinery - Equipment DEPRESSION prices oa Towner discern, orchard cultivators, pan busters. Also on second hand trac tors and equipment. Massey Harris Co.. Harlingen. &f0 SO Seeds, Plants, Flowers FARLY bearing papersheu pecan t <*es, peaches, plums, pears, grapes, strawberries, etc. Quality guaran teed Quick growers Easily planted. Catalog free Bass Pecan Co., Luru ber ton. Miss. Fill | IT Rentali 63 Apartments TWO and THREE-ROOM furnish ed apartment. Phona 578 442 Le vee- 087 SETHMAN Apartments—nicely fur nished. comfortable moc1 rn apart ments. Phone 1231. H23 FURNISHED and unfurnished du plex apartments; garage; nice yard, all conveniences, um W. Elizabeth, phone 1013 or 818 J. H53 APARTMENTS for rent; cloic to. 1005 St. Char lea. Phone 194 W. H70 SWEENY APARTMENTS — Well furnished, ultra modern, electric refrigeration, garage, service bills liaid. Phone 1038. H39 FURNISHED APARTMENT tor lent. Phone 1354 after 4 o clock. __ Ofl 69 Wanted to Rent WANTED to rent 5 room house furnshed or unfurnished with modern conveniences; within walk ing distance of courthouse. Box H74 Herald. 1 Real Estate ~] 72 Farms • Ranches FOR SALE—2 well improved tract*; one 40. one 53 acres; 18 acres uc grove each part o[ which Is bear ing; ideal resaca Citrus and truck ing land; all in thorough state of cultivation; implements, teams and tractors; everything ready to go; close to pavement and town; all under irrigation; must sell; rood terms Owner. Box 507. phone 6019 F 3. FOR SALE—Beautiful 15 acre grove 6 years old; deal direct witn owner; best buy in Valley; see this grove before you buy. Box 1174. Mc Allen. Texas H71 ■.. " —- « ^ |||U||| 74 For Sale or Trade WANT TO TRADE equity In 81150 modern 5 room home in South San Antonio for home with small acreage near Brownsv.lle. P. Bel lings. 309 W 15th. Brownsville. H7J 76 Wanted to Buy WANTED ouy from owner <onlY) ten acre citrus grove five to s«\e.a years with improvements -or cash. Address P O. Box 312. M?re:dc*a. Tpvut SALESMAN SAM — No Sale! ----*-—- .— BY SMALL fmoixmiug-, s*r'. owe^e TX* tdlFE c^we. iTTbr£ | OeT TX’ SM SOS I tOOULOM'T FERr 6-61 TA 01*'/ HER SO^E'TXfM' FER. I I UJOOUO A NICE FLftl IRON STfeVKEWOU'? ^B<XlT *W SftttE f\S e'/eRvfTUlrtG else i'me <3-WEN HER FL MANX HI — The (.olden Pomegranate*—My Awakening! gy gay amniea " The hours passed drearily on leaden wings Sev era! times I thought I heard the pad of bare feet 1 upon the floor behind me. the suppressed breathing 1 of some deathly approach The room I peopled with murderous figures and my muscles quivered with fear. Dick however was iron-nerved The passing of time brought to him only sleepiness and eventually my lears quieted down. too. In the chill hours of early morning. I determined nothing was going to happen that night and went into the bedroom. I stretched myself out on the bed .telling myself I could guard the Tulun-Nur chest as well from there as from anywhere else. Then suddenly I was asleep. Nature could be denied no longer and Dick and I dozed peacefully, the boy In hia chair. Suddenly the bed was shaking violently. I sprang upright.My hands cultching the coverlet on either side of me. I sat staring, staring, staring ,... at that which peered at me over the foot of the bed. I Dick!" I cried. Smith!" but my throat waa choked.