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Park Project Main Topic At Club Meeting Enthusiasm over projects lor the ensuing months marked the meet ing of the Business and Profession el Women s club Tuesday evening it the chamber of commerce build ing, Miss Julia O’Brien, president, presiding Roll call was answered with sug gestions for new public problems which the club could undertake. Among those suggestions were the eradication of rats in the city, play grounds for children and ladies' lounge. The club at the present tune is devoting all its time to the park in back of the chamber ol commerce. Words of praise have been received since the park was first started. Trees have been set out, the boat, which was the last to have come Sown the Rio Grande, has been re modeled. a rustic bridge built, rus tic benches have been placed at various spots, and numerous other improvements made. A cactus gar ier„ wliich will be one of the most complete In south Texas, is the next feature to be added. The :lub has placed a shuffle board at :he park for the the tourists, «id it is proving quite impular. The social meeting Tuesday, Mags' 28. will be in the form of a s&pEr sack party at the park. Mem bers and guests will bring sand wiches. punch and coffee, and a program for the evening is to be arranged by Mrs. oe Ingram and Mrs. Staley Chapin. An editorial from Holland's Mag azine for March on the National Business Woman's Week, which was observed March 5-11. was read by Miss O'Brien. A Valley-wide installation of oificers was discuss »d and met with the approval of members. Dr. Amorette Bledsoe was the main speaker of the evening, taking as her topic the Aims. Accomplish ments and Ideals of the National Federation of Business and Proies sional Women. Dr. Bledsoe stated lhat the slogan. Better Business Women for a Better Business World.” and the emblem empha sized in a few words the aims and ideals of the organization. Interesting statistics were given by the speaker on these commit tees: Membership, educational, re search. health, legislat in finance and international relations. There were 14 members present and one guest. Mrs. A. B. Barker bf Salt Lake City. • • • Large Crowd Is Expected Arrangement* are being made Ict a large number of couple* at the dance the Veteran* of Foreign War* Post and Auxiliary is spon soring Thursday night at the hall, 1019 Ellzabteh. For this occasion, a splendid dance orchestra has been engaged and the sponsors promise one of the mjst delight ful dances of the season. The large hall will accommodate more than ISO couples and in order to insure a cool dancing place, large ceiling fans have re cently been installed. Members of the past and aux iliary extend a cordial invitation to all their friend*. Dancing be gins at 8:30 p. m. • • • Church Croup To m Serve Kish Supper Mrs R A. Caldwell is in charg of the fish supper to be served Friday evening at 6 by Group Six of the Central Christian church in tiie church dining hall. Mrs Henry Ehardt. is chairman but due to her absence from the city. Mrs. Caldwell will be In charge. The delici us fish and accomp animent* will be 30 cents a plate. A cordial invitation is extended to every one including resident* and visitors in the city. • • • Physical Education Class Is Planned Anyone interested ir. the organ ization of a physical education class for business girls is asked to get in touch with Mrs Joe Ingram, physical education director. Exer cises are given for both reducing and gaining weight as well as other healthful exe wises The classes will be held in the evening, two times a week lor a reasonable charge • • • LEAVE AFTER VISIT Mrs Mittie Handley and Miss Moliebell Tool of Grant view, who have been guest* in the home of the formers sister. Mrs D L Stoker and family, have returned to then home FROM HOUSTON Mrs Robert Browning of Hous ton intimate friend of Mrs. Volney Taylor is her house guest this week, und is also a guest of Mrs. Willie A George T PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Orm Cluidaniel of Breeman. Indiana, have left for 1 their home following a stay at I Dei Mar Beach. Mr. and Mrs John Riche Ison i ftnd son of Buffalo. N. Y. have re turned to their home after a visit g* Del Mar Beach. They planned to stop in Valley cities enroute. Mr and Mrs Cl F Risser and daughter are spending a month at Del Mar Beach ** • • • I and Mrs. T. Roberts of New are at Del Mar Beach this ^ Elaborate Luncheon Tuesday Compliments Mrs. Taylor One of the largest and most dis tinctive events of the season was the luncheon Tuesday at the LI Jardin Hotel in honor of Mrs Volney Taylor and sponsored by the City Federation of Womens clubs. Planning and arranging of all the details for the occas.on were the work of the club wo men. All of the Brownsville clubs have endorsed Mrs. Taylor as candi date for the presidency of the Texas Federation as have the Rio Grande Valley Federation Board and the Fifth District Board and many other clubs all over the state. The four long luncheon tables covered with blue damask held bowls and baskets of nasturt:um.' and calendulas in yellow and gold, white and purple larksnur, whiu and pink snapdragons, tastefully arranged with fern, to form a most beautiful and springtime setting for the guests. Several baskets of Easter lilies and Queen Anne’s lace were further adommhent. Centers of tlie tables were graced with ferns and orange oalemondion.'. Place cards for 71 were hand painted by the pupils of Miss Salome McAllen’s art class and were artistic native scenes. finuioib Welcome Mrs. Randall Mathers as pres ident ol the city federation gra ciously welcomed the guests and then introduced Mrs. R. B. Creager who made a most churn ing tooslmistress. Mrs. Creager in her opening re marks told of the honor Browns ville and uie Valley has in having a home town woman slated for the presidency of the state federation. She introduced Mrs. M. R. Hall who g. vc a toast to Mrs. Tav’.or as a neighbor and friend. Mrs. H. L. Yates read a letter Iro n Mrs. E. Owen Scott of Rio Grande City, a prominent club woman who was unable to be present for tilt luncheon. regretting her inability to be present as she was in Aus tin. Mrs. Yates, after reading the letter, paid a very touching tribute to the honor guest, menttaaing their 15 years of close friendship. Mrs. Robert Browning of Hous ton. spoke of the honor that has come to Brownsville and the Val ley thr ugh Mrs. Taylor's candi dacy and with what esteem she is held all over the state. Mrs. J. j. Murray ol Harlingen, president of the Valley Federation, gave a toast to Mrs. Taylor as a club woman. A toast to the hon oree as a wife and mother was given by Mrs. D. P. Gay, Jr., in a few original verses. Mrs. Taylor Responds Mrs. Willie A. George closed with a humorous sketch of Mrs. Tay lor, saying that “we are honoring the next state president" and closed Miss O’Brien Speaks To College Y. W. C A. Women in the Business World" was the topic chosen by Miss Julia O'Brien, president of the Business and Professional WTomen's club, I w hen she appeared as guest speaker ! before the regular meeting of the Yeung Women's Christian associa tion of the junior college here Tuesday morning. In her address. Muss O'Brien stressed the good characteristics of a business woman, the essentials of being a good business woman and what to expect upon entering the business world. Miss Barbara Barrier and Miss Ramona Baldridge sang popular songs for the remainder of the program Miss Blanche Patton, president, presided at a short busi ness session. Annonucement was made of a tour to Matamoros which the Y. W C. A. will sponsor. • • • j Attends Party In McAllen Home Archie Ruff was among the guests at a party given recently at the home of Miss Dorothy Blair in McAllen complimenting Miss Mary A. Combes on her birthday. Miss Luclla Smith was co-hostess. Guests were present from McAllen. Edinburg. Mission. San Juan, Pharr. St. Louis and Brownsville. BILIOUSNESS “My trouble was biliousness— j the whole spring and summer I was almost down, felt so sluggish, tired and dizzy." writes Mr. S. W. Taylor, of Joplin. Mo. “I remem- i bored that at one time Black- ! Draught had helped me. I went to the drug store and bought a package and began taking it at night. After then. I felt as well as anyone. I am full of pep and get out on the ...—m ! farm and do a the real day’s work. Pleasant Tasting so I feel that I ®yrup op ““■*! BIJkCK-DRAUOHT owe my good - health to the use of Black-Draught” | Ffl*e from the slok ■ enlag after-effects of ton felt from tak _- _lng mineral drugs. “I Coda only 1 cent •r Isas a deae. .—--WT ■j------- ! Special Tuition Fee of$35.00 Extended to April 1st Pernsanenti Oil with test nteed) .. $1.00 nger Wave .... 25c ork Guaranteed HOLTRV’S COLLEGE OF BEAUTY CULTURE 110 E. Harrison Harlingen with two appropnate verses charmingly rendered. Mrs. J. K Bull in a little verse of her own composition, presented Mrs. Taylor with a lovely bouquet of red roses, the gilt of Mrs. H. E. Barnes. In a most touching and express ing informal address, Mrs. Taylor resjionded, thanking her many friends for all that had been dons for her and expressing the desire that she might fulfill all their expectations. She especially thank ed Mr. und Mrs. Paul Mathews of the Ed Jardm Hotel, for the beau tifully . ppointed luncheon. Immediately after the lunch ?on Mrs. Taylor left for Weslaco to be the guest of the Junior Study cluo. Among those attending the luncheon other than the honor guest and toastmistress were Mes dames Randall Mathers, J. J. Murray cf Harlingen, Robe.t Browning cf Houston. Marvin H.di, D. P. Tay Jr., H. L. Yates. Willi; A. George. Paul Mathew.-, Augus tine Celayu, Jr.. A. Ceyala, A. L. McDonough of Beaumont. J. J. Young. H L. Cummins, E. Essev. George K Aziz. Ralph L. Buell. P. A. Cliapa. c. C. Stewart, Frank Brown. Bascom Cox, D. S. Purl ol Corpus Christ!, A. L. Brooks ol Harlingen. R. Roy Rulf, H. L. Fitch. Nathan Moore. Emil Blanck, A. C. Capron of Boonville, New York. C. L. Conrad, Miss E. A. Evans * Ohio; Mesdames A. M. Brave. R. j| Pate. T. S. Fau. E. D Marshall. L. Henshaw, J. T. Adams. W. L. Rymaii J a. Sewell, O. A. Pechstein. Clove H. Tandy, Miss Julia O'Brien; Mesdames G. W. Johnston Sr., J .T. Canales, Jesse Dennett. F. L. Comev of Milwaukee. Wis.. A. B Brown. W. J. Vertrees. M M. Mclnnis. C. A. Jarrett Lee L. Adams. H E. Barnes. W. T. Harvey, Dr. Flor ence I. Olmsted, Mesdames Law rence Clmsted, Grover C. Singer. Ewing Shelton. G. D. Sutton. W. E. McDavitt , George White. J. Grider Pe rkins. Colli.s P. H. Per kins. G. W. Johnson. Jr. C. W. Watson. . K Bull and J. C. Car ter. OH BUOY! --I When you tire of swimming, just i blow yourself up and float a | while. That’S Virginia Grays prescription for beach fun with her new rubber bathing suit. Vir ginia introduced the buoyant suit to Los Angeles surf fans. I--— Penny Supper At Church W ednesday Tonght from 6 to 7:30 o'clock, circle three of liie Central Chris-1 tian Church Missionary Society, j will serve delicious home cooked loods at the penny supper which lias become a standing event of each week. The menu planned lor this Wednesday is well balanced offering a wide variety of foods and is served in a tempting man ner, cafeteria style. A large crowd is being prepared for. The supjier is served in the dining hall of the churcli located at 4th and Levee streets. 1 j Tourist Club Has Barbecue A party ol about 25 tourists gathered at the chamber ol com merce Monday alternoon and pro ceeded Irani there to James Grove oft the Boca Chica highway where a barbecue was held. A most tasty lunch ol barbecued beel, potato salad, beans, pickles, dives ana col lee was served. Activities were discfussed lor the week and the president. S W. Smith announced that Mr. James had kindly offered his place lor any future activities the tourists might wish to have there. A moonlight picnic and wiener roost was planned lor Thursday and the following committee will make arrangements: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sevems. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cole and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Capron. The card party scheduled for Thursday will be held Friday af ternoon at 2:30 o'clock and a dance is to be held that night at 8:30 o'clock m the Ton rust club room. Discussion of an all day outing at Pert Isabel was held with no def inite date set aside. AUenaing me oaroecue were Messrs and Mesdames R. y Sev ems. Perry. N. Y.; A. C. Capron, Booneville, N. Y.; S. W Smith. Batavia. N. Y. Cole. Cicero. 111., C. S. Christman. Wellsville. N. Y.; Sam Hausknecht. N. Y.; Messrs. G. W Crane and M. L. Crane of Newark. N. J.. Dr. and Mrs. J. W Wilson of New York. I". A. S. Blair of HalLstead. Pa. Mrs. Henrv Brumm. Sandusky, Ohio. Mrs. W. j J. Palmer, Cleveland. Ohio. Miss Katherine Glein. Champagne, 111.. J. W. Melts. Newark. N J.. Mrs Ruth Serene. Pa. ana Mrs. Thomas Johnston. Saltsburg, Pa. • • • VISITS FROM BEAUMONT Mrs. Blanche McDonough arrived in the city Tuesday morning to be the guest of Miss Julia O'Brien. She plans to leave the latter ]>ar cf the week for Houston where she will join Mrs Dave O’Brien, of Brownsville who Is visiting relative* there, for a short visit before returning to her home in Beaumont. Visitors Arc Named Honorees of Steak Fry Given on Monday Honoring Mrs. MitUe Handley and Miss Moliebell Tool of Grant view, who liave been guests of Mrs. Handley's sister. Mr- D. L. Stoker and family, the Crusaders Class of the First Baptist church entertained at an enjoyable steak fry Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bohien in El Jardin. Entertainment for the evening was in charge of Frank Matejka who had provided num erous a.uusmg games and contests | for diversion .The steaks which mere prepared by George Hillyer, were served with delicious ac companiments. New officers will be elected this month, Mrs. J. P. Glenn serving as president at the present time, j The class lias been enjoying large crowds every Sunday night and urges all Baptist men and women to join. Thirty two members were pres ent. • • • Chicken Dinner To He Served Saturday The third of a series of chicken dinners being served by the Young Matrons Circle of the Methodist Missionary Society has been plan ned lor tins week. The delicious chicken and accompaniments is served in the church dining hall from 11 to 1 o'clock for 25 cents a plate. Patronage of their friends is invited. (^CALENDAR THURSDAY Brownsville Study club is meet ing with Mrs. R. E. Green. Givic League meeting at the1 chamber of commerce at 3 p. m. El Jardin Heights Social club with Mi's. George Bowman. Executive Board of the Browns ville Chapter of the American Red Cross meets at 4:30 p. m. at the chamber of commerce Thursday Sewing club with Mrs. I Lee James. Tourist club moonlight picnic atj James place on Boca Chica high- j * Interest In Dance Shown Dancing couples of the VaJley arc centeruig their Interest on the St. Patrick's Dance the Hostler club of Harlingen is sponsoring Friday night at the Madison Hotel in that city. The prettily appointed ball room with soft shaded lights is a delight ful setting for dances and a large number of members and f no mis of the club is expected to attend. Mussc for dancing which begin* at 9 p. m will be provided by Haynie Hall and his Showboat Orchestra. The large dance hand is proving most popular in the Valley as they continue to fill regular engagements at the hotel. Their late dance tunes and niwdly numbers will be heard until the wee sma’ hours ot Saturday morn ing and the hop Friday night is expected to be one of the most enjoyable of the spring season. • • * GUESTS HERE Mrs. D McClendon and children of Pharr were week end guests of Mrs. McClendon's jiarents, Mr. and Mrs W. T. Harvey.__ -Kate Greenaway / FROCKS n foTp/" Children j^The children will be de lighted to be togged up r in these pretty dresses and mother will wonder how they can be priced so low. PRICED Plaids, Stripes, Dots ... pirnts of all kinds . . , puff sleeves and other styles. Sizes one to six teen. Also sun suits for babies and Sant one suits for boys. . That's the part Turkish Tobaccos play in making Chesterfields Taste Better SMOKERS notice a certain “touch” in Chest erfields that conies from having just enough Turkish tobacco in them .. .a spicy, aromatic flavor that's much the same to a cigarette as seasoning is to food. For only by blending and cross-blending the right amounts of mild Domestic tobaccos with the right amount of Turkish can we get the flavor and aroma that Chesterfield smokers enjoy. Next time, ask for “The Cigarette that Satisfies”. . . you’ll get Chesterfields, with Milder, Better Taste. © 1933. Lk/uitt & Muii Toaacco Co. THEY’RE MILDER - THEY TASTE BETTER