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Wiley Post Plans World Hop with Robot He Brought on Flight Here — __ “WINNIE MAE’ REBUILT FOR LONG FLIGHT Wu^L££?MA1!?I,TY’ **** 13. wp> u?'holder of the globe girdlmg flight record will trv for Ju?v—th?JUV?"the‘Torld mark about fnryo thls time with only a robot lor a companion. Plane Rebuilt Mae’” in whicn ggw Htebld Gatty, navigator, cycled the world in 8 days, 15 and 51 minutes in June, 1931 equipped with new a* and a new motor at the Oklahoma City airport. * an> *01ng out to set a new safd^A my personal ambition,” Post , ,d m announcing his plans. II da76 no backer, no man and no Pawners.” has spent several weeks t hi?hg u °Ut , the airplane robot JI5EJ hn plans to use for relief adowing him time to rest and to navigate. To Follow Same Route c ^mal detail, fueling stations In ®lperta> will be arranged by Sam Gnebi, Chickasha pilot and friend of Post. The two plan to leave to morrow in a borrowed plane for New York and Griebi expects to sail from New York Saturday. Post expects to follow about the same route as before—New York to Berlin non-stop, about 3,90o miles, then 4,300 miles over water and ice to Fairbanks, Alaska, 1.45W miles to Edmonton and 2,100 miles back to New York. Wiley Post stayed overnight in Brownsville several months ago en route to Mexico City from Kansas on his first distance flight to test the robot which he will use on his globe circling trip. He flew the “Winnie Mae.” Post declared here at the time, that the robot was functioning per fectly and hinted at the time that he might undertake to make a solo round-world flight, with the robot's aid. MATTERN ALSO PLANS WORLD HOP NEW YORK, May 18. (JP)—James Mattern of San Angelo, Tex., who attempted to fly around the world last year with Bennett Griffin of Oklahoma City, plans to try it alone this year, starting the first week in June. If he carries out this plan he will get away about three weeks be fore Wiley Post, who announced in Oklahoma City today that he ex pected to begin his solo flight around the world about July 1. Post still holds the world girdling speed record for his previous flight with Harold GatSy. The plane Century of Progress in which Mattern and Griffin crack ed up in Russia on their world flight las* year has been remodeled for solo flight, which allows room for an extra hundred gallons of gasoline. TARGET RANGE SITE STUDIED • j The problem of a target range for Fort Brown, which has faced local military and civilian groups for years, appears near solution, according to a report made at the chamber of commerce directors meeting last night. The military affairs committee reported that several situable sites on the Boca Chica highway have been selected, and that military authorities are now negotiating with the owners for a 10-year lease. The chamber of commerce com mittee consists of J. L. Abney, Charles Burton, and J. H. Batsell. This committee has aided in se lecting sites, making surveys, and getting in touch with the owners. It is necessary now to take the Port Brown troops to Fort Ring gold for target •practice, and the armv has sought to remedy this situation. • The directors were told of efforts being made by the chamber of commerce to prevent abandonment of the naval radio station at Fort Brown, which is used in securing weather and market neu's reports for' the Valley. A. Wayne Wood, chairman of the foreign relations committee, re - ported that there is a fine prospect of work being resumed soon on the Matamoros to Victoria highway. In the form of fiT&dinsr on that t>art of the highway nearest Brownsville. The secretary, G. C. Richardson, reported that the chamber of com merce had cooperated in seeking passage of legislation to bring about SavSg through Kenedy county, sending telegrams to representa tives and senators from this sec tl0?‘resolution opposing any reduc tion in the United States army was adopted bv the directors. rOUVTY HEAD TO SPEAK XI women’s Christian Temper 1 TTninn will have the pleasure '"JJm™ a. a. Laughlin of ?LhFresnos, countv officer, at the L°iUmg "o be held Friday after noon at 3:30 o’clock in the Metho dic? church. Everyone interested. ^ invited to attend this meeting, j whether ^they are members of the union or not_ Renew Your Health By Purification jwjwg&S? 52 “Perfect Foundation of tem is Nat^s why ^ ri(J { chronic ailments that dermming your vitality? are .ftivnur entire system by tak punfy > . course of Calotabs. ins a tbortwfce a week for several SgJSJ £ how Nature re "^STvouwith health. n&S purify the blood .by acu the liver, kidneys, stomach b<wels in 10 cts. and 35 eta. JjJkaT AU dealers. Adv. ^_ -1 Kidnap Suspects Plead Not Guilty Pleas of not guilty were entered by Kenneth Buck (standing), alleged abductor of Peggy McMath, Cape Cod schoolgirl, and by his brother Cyril (seated), alleged go-between in the ransom plot, when they were arraigned on kidnaping and extortion charges, respectively, in court at Provincetown, Mass., as shown here. PLAY READY TO BE GIVEN Rehearsals for the senior play, which is to be presented Friday night at 8:15 o’clock in the Browns ville high school auditorium, are progressing under the direction of Mrs. Joe Lindaberry. The play, "Clarence,” a four part comedy by Booth Tarkington, is reported one of the cleverest to be given here. An admission fee of 25 cents will be charged for the evening per formance. Junior high and gram mar school students will be admit ted to the dress rehearsal matinee Friday morning at 9:30 a. m. for 10 cents. Proceeds from the play will be used in defraying the ex pense of the annual senior class publication, "The Palmegian." The play gives the story of Clarence, an ex-soldier with a very interesting personality; the Wheel ers, a family whose social affairs become confused and Miss Pinney, the Wheeler governess. Roles for parts have been successfully as sumed by members of the cast. Mrs Martyn, an intelligent, discreet, confidential secretary is played by Dorothy Early. Mr. Wheeler, Jesse Slcss, an important man of affairs, is more than puz zled over the problems of his spoil ed, neurotic wife, Myrna Summers and his 16 year old son, Bobby ana 15 year old daughter, Cora who are suffering with the effects of their “first higher loves.” Bobby and Cora are portrayed by John Dutro and Marie Jackson. Miss Pinney, the charming Wheeler governess, played by Ruth Ernst, does her bit in solving the Wheeler difficulties much to the disgust of the jealous Mrs. Wheeler. Hubert Stem, a pompous grass-widower of 26, tries to win Miss Pinney’s favor, but with little success. In his efforts to be near his beloved, he becomes an attendant of the Wheeler daugh ter. Stem is played by Clarence La Roche. Della, Nora and Dinwiddie are Wheeler servants, who provide much amusement. Della is displeas ed with Master Bcbby who has been making love to her. Lois Mat thews, Judith Stegman and Rey naldo Garza have these roles. Mickey West is very good as Clarence, the man who is con stantly being misunderstood. As a soldier during the great war. Clarence drove mules in Texas ana was shot in the liver. He gets his position of "what-not” with the Wheelers because he overheard too much of a family quarrel and be cause he is falsely quoted as hav ing been able to drive mules with CAR RUNS WITHOUT OIL A model A Ford was driven 87 miles last Saturday with out any oil at all in the crankcase. Sounds fishy, but it was officially supervised and is absolutely true. How was this possible? Because Pyroil had been added to both the gas and oil in its regular service for several hundred miles. The Pyroil had saturated into the pores of all bearings, (all searings are porous) and made them absolutely smooth and almost frictionless. It will do the same thing for your motor. Increases gas mileage 20% to 50%. Triples the life of lubricating oil. Doubles the life of your motor. Simply add small portions of Pyroil to oil and gas. Word has just been receiv ed that the Royal Canadian Air Ministry has okehed Pyroil for use in their Air craft. Ask your garage man or write for particulars. RIO GRANDE PYROIL CO. Valley Distributors 14th & Lincoln Sts. Brownsville, Texas out ‘'cussing.” In the employ of the Wheelers he does everything from tuning the piano and mend ing the water pipes to comforting Mrs. Wheeler’s broken heart. He becomes the hero of this typical American family when they dis cover that he is really a famous man in his own field, and an in ternationally known authority on beetles. Horticulturists To Name New Officers (Special to The Herald) WESLACO, May 18.—New of ficers of the Society of Sub-Trop ical Horticulturists will be installed at a meeting to be held Thursday night in the high school, according to notices sent out by C. W. Van dervort, secretary. I PLANT PESTS CONTROL TOLD BY EXPERTS tSpecial to The Herald) SAN BENITO. May 18.—Growers at two points in the county told about plant troubles and best solu tions this week. S. W. Clark, enotmologi^i with the state experiment station at Weslaco; W. J. Bach, director of the station; R. G. Burwell, Willacy county agent; and Henry Alsmeyer, Cameron county agent, took part in the demonstrations at the P. H. Green place at Stuart Place and A. J. Carpenter place at Rio Hondo. Tomato Worm Clark discussed the tomato worm which can be controlled by dusting with calcium arsenate when the plants are small or even before the tomato is formed and once a week thereafter. The worm causes much loss on early tomatoes. Clark also told about nematodes, an invisible worm which accelerates root growth and causes them to swell. Planting of Iron and Brab ham cowpeas and of corn, cane, sudan grass helps in control of this condition, he said. Careless weeds are said to be a carrier of nem atodes. Will Discussed Bach discussed the Fusorium wilt which caused a big reduction in tomato production this year. He said it could stain the soil for as long as ten years. Crop rotation and planting of cowpeas which do not carry the wilt were advised to combat it. Tomato seed should be treated with bichloride of mercury before planting. Marglobe and Break o’ Day are the most resistant varieties while Clark’s early and Texas Special are most susceptible to wilt. Burwell spoke on truck crop con ditions in Willacy county, saying that there will be a smaller tomato crop than last year. Alsmeyer gave figures on tomato shipments showing total movements of 2.891 cars in 1931. 837 in 1932 and 1,242 to date this season. P. C. McConnell, superintendent of Port Isabel schools, will deliver the graduation address for the Santa Maria high school Thursday night. _ I Douglas McGregor of Houston ia spending a few days in the city on business. < Here from Atlanta, Ga. is M. G. Stephens on business for his com pany. PLATE LUNCH. 15c. The Mecca —Adv. G. E. Craig of Donna is a busi ness caller in Brownsville. Florence McKinney of Great Bend, Kas. arrived here Wednes day for a few days stay. Graduates of Public Schools should start out practical, money earning, Business College training. For circulars and Syllabus phone 744, Brownsville,—Adv. Mrs. Carl Hicks left Thursday morning for San Antonio where she will spend a week with her moth er, who will return with her to Brownsville for a visit. H. M. Muse is here from Wichita Falls and plans to spend several days in the city. Summer School at Valley Busi ness College, begins Monday, June 5. Low' tuition rates. See, or i phone G. W. Moothart.—Adv. C. E. Dodd, dean of junior col lege, was in Harlingen Thursday where he spoke to the senior clas*. F. D. Hart of St. Louis, Mo. is a business caller in Brownsville and the Valley. Fried chicken supper every night, 25c. The Grill.—Adv. O. M. Poweell is registered at a Brownsville hotel, from San An tonio. Broadway Confectionery now open at 1140 Washington. Cola drinks, Ice cream and candies. Tamez, manager. Adv. KIMS SPENT LARGE SUM ON HIGHWAY BILL (Special to The Herald) HARLINGEN, May 18.~Several thousand dollars have been spent by Raymondville Kiwanians and other citizens in the campaign to have the Hug-the-Coast Highway completed through Kenedy county to Willacy county. Raymondville Kiwanians who put on the program for the local club this week, told of more than 60 teiegraph messages sent by club members and others last week to senators urging passage of the Pope bill providing for completion of the project. R. F. Robinson told of the Raymondville’ club's activities in this respect. Manager A. L. Brooks of the Har lingen Chamber of Commerce ex pressed regret that Sen. Archie Parr had failed to support the bill. Entertainment numbers presented included readings by Miss Evelyn Howard and orchestra music by Bob Fackleman, Dr. G. E. Bennack and W. J. Reasonover, Jr., with Miss G. D. Holder at the piano. Others present from Raymond ville were C. H. Sherrod, Solo By ars, T. L. Wilson, B. F. Watson, G. B. Calder, G .D. Holder, and Mrs. Bennack. F. F. Ahrens of Harlingen also was a visitor. At conclusion of the program, the Local Kiwanians beat the visitors, 21 to 2, in a game of recreation ball. Cmn'. W. Burtless of the agricul tural committee announces that Santa Rosa farmers would be guests of the club at Santa Rosa soon. Combes growers recently were en tertained. Annual Citrus Tree Census Is Under Way (Special to The Hera’di HARLINGEN, May 18.—The an nual census of citrus fruit trees in the Valley is under way, according to M. H. Ford, inspector at the Mexican fruit fly quarantine offices here. This census is expected to be com pleted about the first of June and is intended to give the fruit fly inspection service an Idea of how much money will be needed for carrying on the work dunng the next year. Although published in the past, this census has never been made for this purpose. Due to the wide interest on the part of many persons the data has been given to the press. The census shows the trees of varying ages. Virtually the entile inspection force is used to make the count. SPRING FEVER may not put you in bed . . but if ‘ you feel listless, tired, run-down, appetite dull, with a weak let-down feeling — perhaps nervous and worn out—why not “snap out” of this condition? Tone up your appetite, increase those red-blood cells, and get in step with those who put zip and pep into everything they do—the best way to be happy and cheerful. There is a good old medicine, S.S.S.—tested both by time and by scientific research, which in ad dition to being a valuable general tonic, has been found to be re markably efficient in restoring to the blood the normal amount of red-blood-cells and their hemo glo-bin. ... if you suspect an organic dis ease, consult a physician. S.S.S. is not a “cure-all" BUT for a pimply skin and that tired, worn-out, let* | down feeling — “spring fever” just try S.S.S. and see how you awake after a night’s sound sleep feeling fresh and fine, — and see how you eat with restored appetite . . . see how your skin clears up. Instead of slowing down in the early afternoon, you should possess ample energy to carry on thru the day and evening hours. S.S.S. is a particularly valuable tonic in the Spring of the year. It is liquid of course . , . never sold in tablet form. ... as a word of caution to the millions who know S.S.S. and its benefits from personal experiences, we suggest that you do not permit anyone to switch you to any of the hundreds of "just as good as S.S.S.’’ substitutes. Remember that sue. cessful products are always imitated, but it seldom pays to buy Imitations —insist upon S.S.S. At all good drug stores. © The S. S. S. Co. (Adv.) PLANE PASSENGERS Pan American passengers arriv ing in the city Wednesday from Mexico City were M. Floyd and P. 7hrockmor‘on. They left on ».he American Airways plane the same day for Dallas. Youngsters need energy. They want strength. And Kellogg’s PEP Bran Flakes are their food. They love the famous flavor of Pep! Packed with nourish ment of wheat. Plus enough hran to be mildly laxative. Enjoy PEP often. Buy a package today from your gro cer. Always fresh! Made by Kellogg in Bat tle Creek. * I r THEY ARE MILD , / i /, t and yet Iney ^CuM/y © 1933, Liggett & Myeu Tobacco Co. i -put away for 30 months Four miles of warehouses are used to store our tobaccos. The crops now in stor age are worth about $70,000,000 . . . most of it for Chesterfield Cigarettes. The Domestic kinds are packed away in wooden hogsheads that weigh 1,000 pounds and stand as high as a man’s head. Like fine wine, tobacco improves with age. So after our buyers select, from the various markets, the right kind of tobacco for Chesterfield, we put it away for 30 months or more to become mellow and sweet. This ageing process is expensive, but there is no short-cut to make tobaccos mild er—to make them taste better. 'It just takes money and time to make Chesterfields. •• / I i