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SUNDAY EDITION | ©if InminsuOle Herald - THE VALLEY FIRST—FIRST IN THE VALLEY—LEASED WIRE SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FORTY-FIRST YEAR—No. 304 BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 1933 6c A COPY i m T T’VTvv’i' ▼▼ VTVVVVV-r-r ^ t j -w * Farmer Kills Neighbor, Then Bums Self l.wuuwy.nvwwVK.^WWV VVVV VXJlUJt MAN PERISHES AFTER SETTING HOMEMAZE No Motive for Action Determined In Probe DETROIT, Tex., June 24. (IP)— L. L. Gregg, 65, a farmer, early today shot and killed Oscar Worth am, 35, then went to his home near by, set it afire and died in the flames. Gregg, who lived alone, was work ing on his farm when he suddenly fired a load of buckshot at Worth am, who had just left his home across the read to go after a team of horses. When Wortham fell, Gregg fired again. He then went to his house, about 150 yards away and a short time later it was aflame. Mrs. Wortham heard the shots, ran her husband's side and was a witqjfes to Gregg’s death. She quick ly notified officers. No motive for Gregg’s action could be learned. The men had been friends and were seen together late yesterday. The shotgun he used was purchased about a week ago. Both lived about four miles north east of Detroit. Gregg had no survivors near De troit and Wortham was survived only by his wife. BASEBALL RESULTS NATIONAL Cincinnati 000 000 200—2 6 1 New York. 100 200 02x—5 12 2 Derringer, Quinn and Hemsley, Lombardi; Parmelee and Mancuso. Pittsburgh .... 011 020 570—15 21 1 Brooklyn . 001 000 110— 3 6 0 Swift and Finney; Thurston, Hei mach, Ryan and Lopez. Chicago .... 010 000 000 00—1 6 0 Boston _ 000 000 001 01—2 14 0 Warneke and Campbell; Betts, Frankhouse and Spohrer. First: St. Louis . 020 004 010— 7 7 1 Philadelphia .. 313 000 12x—10 18 4 Hallahan, Vance, Mooney, John son and Wilson; Jackson, Holley, P. Collins. AMERICAN Washington .. 000 020 113—7 10 1 Chicago . 020 000 003—5 8 0 Stewart, Russell, McAfee and Sew ell; Gaston, Faber and Grube. Philadelphia ... 000 020 040-6 8 4 Cleveland . 020 000 000—2 6 4 Grove and Madjeski; Hudlin, Connolly and Spencer. 50 Feel Effects Of Escaping Gas INDIANAPOLIS, June 24. (JP)— Nearly 50 persons today were re covering from effects of inhaling chlorine gas that leaked from a de fective tank yesterday and overcame residents of a near east side neigh borhood. None was believed affected seriously. Forty-four persons, Including 12 firemen, six policemen and a num ber of children, were treated and returned home. The tank was being loaded on a truck for removal to the city dump. Lawyer Succumbs WICHITA FALLS. June 24 .MR)— H. J. Bruce, 48. lawyer and prom inent democrat in Wichita Falls since 1920. died in a hospital today after an illness of several weeks. He was a native of Grayson coun ty. Survivors included his widow and a daughter, Ruth. rT-fr i/*p A, rL|pjp Brownsville and the Valley: Gen pr-yiy fair Saturday night and Sun day. k ---Hi - G. A. CHAMPION SUCCUMBS TO HEARTATTACK Member of Pioneer Family Dies Suddenly George Albert Champion, 50, member of a large and well-known Valley family, died suddenly of a heart attack at the family resi dence, 1921 Adams street, early Sat urday morning. He had complained of a slight pain in the chest for about a week, but his condition was not regarded as serious. Funeral services were to be held at 4:30 p. m. Sunday from the Im maculate Conception church with interment in the family plot in the Old City cemetery. The body is be ing held at the home pending final rites. The decedent, bom here Aug. 26, 1883. had resided in Brownsville practically all of his life, serving as a peace officer for many years. At one time he was a real estate agent. Mr. Champion was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Champion, members of a pioneer family in the lower Valley section. His early ed ucation was obtained in Browns ville, and he later attended school in Waco. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Rebecca Champion; three daugh ters, Emily, Rebecca and Lydia; two sons, George A. and Robert; eight sisters, Mrs. H. O. Williams. Mrs. A. A. Benavides, Mrs. E. L. Bryce, Mrs. D. I. Allala, Lula, Sophie, Lydia and Mattie; two brothers, Alex W. and Raymond; and grand children, Bobbie George Champion and Evelyn Lorraine Champion. All, with exception of Raymond who lives in Beeville, reside in Browns ville. Active pall bearers named are Os car Sommers, A. Orive E. T. Yates, Henry Gordon, Harry Wallis and A. Cueto. — Millionaire’s Son Takes His Own Life BEVERLY HILLS. Calif., June 24.—UP)—Fischer C. Bailey, Jr.. 21, son of a Beverly hills millionaire, shot himself to death, police were told today over the protests of his brother and a friend. Frederick Bailey, the brother, and Harry Pierson, a friend, said ihat after being denied admittance to Bailey’s room last night, they climbed to a porch and through a window, saw the youth shoot him self. His wife recently signed an af fidavit of insanity against him and was appointed his guardian. 1,000 Reds Reported Killed by Soldiers CANTON, China, June 24. UP)— Canton government military author ities said today 1,000 communists were killed in southern Kiangsi province in a three-day battle with Kwangtung province troops, who lost 200 men. (Advance received at Shanghai to day, said a number of Americans were among the mfsionaries in northeast Szechwan province, west ern China, who have been forced to leave their stations because of Chi nese communist activities.) 1 Lost All Rights to Gennan Throne toWinThis Bride Prince Wilhelm, eldest son of ex-crown prince of Germany, who was deprived of his theoretical rights to Prussian crown when he married Dorothea Von Salviati, a commoner, is shown receiving Nazi salute from citizens ol Bonn as he leaves town hall after civil ceremony. Bride is shown doseup after religious ceremony. (Central Press) 3DAYLIGHT BANK YEGGS SH00T2 IN Men Escape m Coupe After Robbery Try Fails GRAYSON, La., June 24. (£>)—In a bold daylight effort to rob the closed Grayson bank, three un masked robbers today shot two men, R. G. Baygent, bank liquida tor, and Rush Tarver, a customer, and ✓-■aped in a waiting coupe in the direction of Chatham. It was not believed they obtained any loot. Baygent, who was shot in an arm and in the head, was rushed to a Monroe hospital. * Wounded in a leg, Tarver, brother of L. V. Tarver, superin tendent of Monroe police, was tak en to Olla for- treatment. Tarver was shot as he ran from the bank when the robbers began firing at Baygent as the latter sat in his chair. A man who saw the robber car enter Grayson said there were three persons in the machine. Motorcycle Crash Fatal to Driver CLOVIS. N. M.. June 24. —(/P)— Vernon Mack Porter, 25, whose home is believed to be Los Angeles, was instantly killed 30 miles south east of here last night when che motorcycle he and two companions were riding crashed through a barbed wire fence. W. M. Lawless, who was riding in a side car with G. B. Stevens suffered severe wire cuts on his neck. Stevens was uninjured. Porter was driving. ^__________________ I Methodists Say Newspaper Chief ‘Enemy of God’ LAFAYETTE, Ind., June 24. (/P) —The northwest conference of the Methodist Episcopal church adopt ed a resolution today declaring “the American newspaper today is one of the chief enemies of the knigdom of God." The resolution directed against the newspapers was part of a re port on the general situation in this country. AIR ARMADA DELAYS HOP ON WEATHER ORBETELLO, Italy, June 24. — tfPV—Air officials received reports today that the weather in the Alps was clearing, and they announced that tomorrow the Italian air ar mada would take off on the first leg of the mass flight to Chicago. Gen. Italo Balbo, air minister, had considered the possibility of changing his course in order to avoid the Alps. Then he received the welcome news that flying con ditions in the mountains were im proving. Couple Found Shot MEXICO, Mo., June 24. (/P>—Mr. and Mrs. Justin White, both about 50 years old, were found shot to death in their home near here to day. Authorities expressed a belief that White killed his wife last night, several hours before he lulled him self. $500 REWARD OFFERED FOR TRETTY BOY’ Price on Floyd’s Head Totals More Than $5,000 KANSAS CITY, June 24. —<7P)— Thomas B. Bash, sheriff of Jack son county, today posted a reward of $500 for information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of Charles (Pretty Boy) Floyd, Oklahoma killer, and another $500 for the same information about the slayers of four officers and their prisoner at Union station a week ago. The reward, which increases the price of Floyd’s capture to $6,u00, was offered by Bash privately and not as an officer of the county. “I believe,” the sheriff said, “that Floyd participated in the slaying at the Union station. I have definite information that he was in Kansas City the night be fore the killing and I feel that the Union station crime was commit ted by machine gunners who were hired to do the job.” Postoffice Burglars Sought in Houston HOUSTON, June 24. (JP)—Hous ton police were asked today to look out for postoffice burglars who broke into the Gladstell. Liberty county, postoffice last night, knock ed the knob off the safe and took its contents. Loot was $50 in money, 12 money order blanks and $30 in stamps. PAIR HUNTED IN ARKANSAS AFTERRAIDS Officer Expected To Die As Result Of Battle PORT SMITH, Ark., June 24. (JP) —Two machine gun desperadoes who left a trail of violence in northwest Arkansas last night were sought in the rugged Oklahoma border country and in the Ozark mountains north of here today. Store Held Up They held up a store at Fayette ville yesterday and sped south to ward Alma. Two officers H. D. Humphrey and A. M. Salyers, at tempted to intercept them. The gunmen’s car crashed into a mach ine driven by Webber Wilson and as Humphrey reached the scene, they opened fire with a submachine gun, hitting him three times. Sal yers, who dived into a ditch and returned the fire, was unhurt. Wil son was injured in the collision. Humphrey is not expected to recov er. Fire At Motorist The gunmen leaped into Salyers’ car, firing at another motorist as he drove by. A half hour later, they blockaded the highway near Van Buren, forced Mr. and Mrs. Mark Loftin, Jr., from their car and sped away. The Loftin car was found last night atop Mt. Vis to, and it was believed the hood lums continued on foot down the bluffs and into the Oklahoma bor der country near Greenwood Junc tion. A report this afternoon that two men attempted to steal an auto mobile from a couple fishing near Winslow, 50 miles north in the Ozarks, sent officers to the scene. Gang Chief’s Widow Quizzed in Robbery NEW YORK, June 24.—OT*)—Mrs. Vincent Coll, a gang chief’s widow whose hair is streaked with gray though she is only 25, sat between two detectives today and stared with unflickering eye at six mer chants who pointed their fingers at her. “That’s the woman,” they said. “That’s the girl bandit who robbed me.” Her lips curled, but there was a trace of weariness in her voice. “You’ve got a good memory, haven’t you?” she said. “But you’re wrong.” Dynamite Found DALLAS, June 24. —(^—Work men in a south Dallas hotel found enough dynamite to wreck the building today when they tore through a partition in a clcset of the apartment occupied last winter by Vick Clesi and Sam Murray, sentenced to L*ayen:yorth for pro hibition lawr violation. Investigators said the explosive | would have razed the building had I the closet been entered through the I door. TRIO LOSES HOLD ON RAFT AFTERJCRASH Men Give Lives To Save Woman’s On Lake FRANKFORT. Mich., June 24. UP) —Mrs. Charles Rennie. Jr., 27, who clung for 34 hours to the wreckage of an airplane that crashed into Lake Michigan Thursday and watch ed her husband and two other men slip to their deaths, was brought to Frankfort today, on the verge of hysteria. She had been picked up at 8 p. m. Friday by the Ann Arbor car ferry No. 7, which sighted her clinging to a raft fashioned from a cushion of the plane and a one gallon gasoline can. Three Lose Lives Mrs. Rennie told how first the mechanic of the plane, Peter Kel ler, 24, loosed his hold on the raft, then its pilot, James Gillette, 28, and finally her husband, Charles Rennie, Jr„ 29, vice-president of the Rennie Oil company of Traverse City, slipped to their deaths. The light raft was too fragile to hold all four, and the men clung to its sides after lifting Mrs. Rennie to a perch on the cushion. The party, en route from Frank fort to Milwaukee on a combined business and pleasure trip became lost in a fog at 10 a. m. Thursday, and about ten minutes after they had taken off. “We struck the water suddenly,” said Mrs. Rennie. “The plane was damaged and sank almost imme diately after we had struggled out and we could find only a cushion from the cabin and an empty gas oline tank. The men fashioned these into a raft and made me sit on this while they clung to its sides.” Tt Was Horrible’ Keller, the mechanic, she said, let go his hold and sank about 4 o’clock Thursday afternoon. “We couldn't do anything to help him,” she said. “It was horrible.” During the night, she saidr Gil lette lost his hold. “We did not know it until he had sunk,” she went on. “My husband stayed with me through the night but early in the morning he told me he could not hang on much longer. He handed me his watch and some papers that were in his pocket. I was not able to hold him up and he sank,” WAITRESS WILL INHERIT OVER MILLION Mary Pickford Left Bulk of Fortune From Mother TORONTO. June 24. UP)—Mary Pickford, Toronto-born film star, inherits' $1,144,972 from her mother, Mrs. Charlotte Smith, professionally known as Charlotte Pickford, who died at Beverly Hills March 21, 1929. Probate of the will has been granted by the surrogate court of York. In leaving the bulk of her estate to her famous daughter, Mrs. Smith said it is to be “hers, her heirs, and assigns forever, because whatever property I am possessed at the time of my death has come to me through my association with my said beloved daughter in her busi ness, and through her most unusual generosity to me.” Water Rights Fuss Leads to Shooting CHEROKEE, Okla., June 24. UP) —Tom Jones, superintendent of the Saline game preserve, was under arrest today following the fatal shooting of John Corbett, 55. a farmer. A dispute over water rights, neighbors said, led to the shooting yesterday afternoon. Corbett had asserted the game preserve altered a stream on his farm and caused him to lose water. HUBBY SAYS WOULD HAVE BEENJOLD Mystery Cablegram Brings News; Is Branded False LOS ANGELES. June 24. OPV-A mysterious cablegram reporting the birth of a nine pound son to Evan gelist Aimee Semple McPherson Hutton in a Paris hospital was re ceived last night by her husband, David L. Hutton, Jr., who branded the message as “ridiculous'' as ha ordered a telegraph company to trace the sender. Hie cablegram, dated June 23 and addressed to Hutton at his wife’s church, Angelus Temple, read: “Darling boy. Nine pound son. Do ing splendidly. Understand press in quisitive but keeping quiet.” The message was signed “adoring ly wife.” Temple officials Including Miss Harriet Jordan, manager, and friends of the noted evangelist, said they considered the cable as a hoax. “Somebody with a motive sent that,” they said. “My wife would have let me know about this long ago,” Hutton said, “and besides I know that mother hood is impossible for her. There isn’t a word at truth in it. Its ridi culous and I have ordered the tele graph company to trace the aendea* AIMEE CONFINED TO HOSPITAL PARIS. June 24. OP)—Aimee Sem ple McPherson Hutton is convales cing at the American hospital and it is expected that she will be there for another week. Hie hospital refused to give out any information about her. re ferring inquirers to Dr. Charles Bove, noted surgeon and gynecolo gist. Dr. Bove said his patient was doing well, but refused to discuss the patient’s Identity. The report that Mrs. Hutton had had a child was greeted with laugh ter at the hospital. It is understood she went there several days ago. Woman Beaten With Hammer, Mate d HOUSTON, June 24.—(P>—Beaten with a hammer, Mrs. Alyne Bess was in a critical condition at a Houston hospital today, and her estranged husband. T. B. Bess, was in jail charged with assault to murder. The 38-year-old practical nurse told police her husband, from whom she had beer separated for some time, came to her home last night and an argument started. “I turned my head and he struck me with a hammer,” she said. Revenue Freight Loadings Hiked WASHINGTON, June 24. —<P — Hie American Railway Association announced today that loadings of revenue freight for the week ended June 17 were 587 931 cars, an m ciease of 23.385 over the preceding week and 69.533 more than in the same week Pst year. Screaming Woman Is Shot in Back CHICAGO. June 24. —«•)—Mrs. Martha Adams, 40. ran screaming from her home today, John Chesta, 50, pursuing her with a pistol. He overtook her and fired lha weapon into her back. The woman fell seriously wounded. Chesta sent a second bullet into his brain and died. Both were married and lived with thfeir families. Man Charged After Another Is Slain AUSTIN, June 24. (#)—Jimmie L. Ross, 28. was charged with murder today after a shooting in which Louis P. Starnes. 42, was killed Ross’ bond was set at $3,000. Two women, one of them the es tranged wife of Starnes, were at a house when the homicide occur red. Ross left the house after Starnes made a threatening remark to him, witnesses testified. Ross returned later and called Starnes outside, police said, and the shot that killed Starnes was fired. Robbers Critically Beat Their Victim DALLAS, June 24. OP) — Jones Tatum, 47, was in a critical condi tion at a hospital today after he had been beaten at the filling sta tion where he worked and the sta tion cash register had been robbed of $23. Three men were arrested for questioning. They were found near the station. Troops Hunt Robbers CHANUTE. Kas., June 34. MV— Fifteen national guardsmen from Humboldt Joined sheriffs’ forces from four counties in heading a posse which searched the country side near Petrolia for two men who robbed the Piqua, Kas., state bank of $1,100 shortly after It opened this morning. W Frees Eight AUSTIN, June 24. CP) — Three full pardons, five conditional par dons and one general parole wera issued today by Gov. vhh—% Ferguson to Texas convicts*