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icial Given 3y Methodist Group Here > regular monthly social meet ( the Missionary society of the Meclfbdlst church was held arly part of the week. After ig the hymn My Faith Looks i Thee. ' the society joined the ional leader. Mrs. W. D. Mc : in saying the Lord s Prayer, s. B E. Walters read a series We readings with Forgiveness” BOheme. A short discussion of pftect followed E-Harry Faulk, program chair announced two special num a humorous reading by Miss Richards, dramatic arts teach 1 Harlingen, and a piano solo, l of the Brook, oy Doris Ann Both selections were well ireted to the appreciative au e. t local committee, composed of L. R. Vance, chairman, and ames George Walker. Earl er. W. T. Biggs and V. L. Con served tempting refreshments g the social hour, nday. Jan. 38 the W. M. S. will dinner at noon to the Eastern ladies in convention at that All circles will meet at the :h at 3 p. m. to begin the home on study. ‘Orientals in Am 3 Life.” with Mrs. Gordon Quil study superintendent, in Ie. Lyjord Locals (Special to The Herald i LYFORD, Jan. 24.—The Woman s Missionary Society of the Methodist church met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jennie Chilton. Mrs. T. R Stanford presented the third chapter in the mission book, ••Japanese Women Speak ’* Mrs. Sam Sowards led the devotional from the tenth chapter of the book of Luke Mrs. Stanford announced that the social would be held in her home Tuesday. February 2. • • • An interesting meeting of the Mis sion church at the Turner tract was held Monday night when many friends of Mr. Magnuson gathered in honor of his 70th birthday. As a token of their esteem his many friends presented him with a re membrance. • • • it a meeting of the Lutheran Lea recently at the church the officers were elected for the coming year: Carl Vassberg, piesident: Herbert Johnson. vice president. Clarence Vassberg. secre tary: and Ruth Pearson, treasurer Richard Damstratn had charge of a short program, which was follow ed by refreshments and a social hour at the Community building. • • • Mrs. Daisy Stevenson has return ed to her home here after an ex tended visit in Brownsville Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harprn. and small daughter, Marie, of La Feria. were guests here Sunday of Mrs. M D Bagley. Mn R W. Porter has been in Brownsville the past three weeks caring for her mother. Mrs G. Oiks who is ill in the Mercv hospital. Miss Blanche Campbell was an all day visitor in the home of Mis® Loretta Sorenson Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Wesley Williams of Weslaco were guests Sunday at thp home of Mr. and Mr.*. J. L Box Mrs A. J. Critchf^’d. Mrs. Fred Plum. and Mi*. Morrison were business callers in Harlingen re cently Mr. and Mrs. Cal Richardson, and Mr and Mrs. W M Childress and family were visiting relatives in Mc Allen Sunday. Mr .Timmy Reeves his returned to his home in Laredo after a visit in the F. W Peuoin home Mr. and Mrs. F,fo« R™' **-o' - ed to Ravmondvi’le. Mr. Ray is manager of the John Deere Imple ment comn»nv. Mr and Mrs. Paul Oro»»t attended th** dedication service* «*f th« Com n>"*Hy church in .°»n Juan Sunday Mr and Mrs. A *». n»iw*be»l and famtlv and *,r. end Mo. W. r» *r» of Bdinbur* were visitor* Sundav in the home of Mr an?d Mr> Robert Keene. tittle Women's Hub Has Meeting With Ernestine Rove The Little Women*s club met Wednesday afternoon with Ernestine Boye. Bridge was played during the afternoon with the first award go ing to Sylvia Sommers and the con. eolation gift to Frances Barnes. The hostess served a delicious re freshment course to Ruby Arm strong, a guest of the club and the club members. Joyce Goforth, Syl via Sommers Evelyn Hayes. Virginia Miller. Frances Barnes and Car men Trevino The club will meet next week with Sylvia 8ommers Cyress trees resemble giant bot tles. but the enlarged portion is aeldom seen, being submerged in water. Clean Out j Kidney Poisons Wmk Out T**r IS MBs* (X KUbsp Tabes If kidneys don’t pass 8 plate a day that Elis nearly 4 pounds of waste matter. 15 mites of kidney tubes and filter* me dogged with poisonous waste prod. «cts and the danger of add Poisoning la poor lddney^^fUne^Ma^fa1 and aakles. rfceumad^pams^and dlamlnem. ^ contain ©3/*27 fact of intesttnesMbut n«r «*y * sances* fully by mUtioas^o^kidney nd °idn bdp^tTwalh'out*1tbe l^milseof kidney tabes. •®* wt take chances with strong drags or scucalled kidney cures that dsim to ftz you up ia 16 minutes. Treatments of this ^rpoisTifffflrsJsaa j • 53. , *. * ‘ ' LcalenoarJ FRIDAY The W. M- U. Auxiliary of Valley Baptist churches win meet at 10 a. ra. at the Baptist church in San Benito. Floral and candlelight installa tion services of officers of the Brownsville Federation of Churches at 3:30 p. m. at the First Baptist church. Bluebonnet Troop of Girl Scout* will meet at Legion hall at 4 p. m Presentation of Messiah’* by Methodist Choir oi Harlingen under direction of David L Ormesher. at First Methodist church at 8 p. m -o Travel Group Elects Heads At Meeting The Brownsville Fravel club met this past week at the home oi Mrs. Dan Leftwicn with Mrs. W C. vertrees as hostess, ejection of oi Ucers foi the year iaj5-36 was held. Those elected were Mrs. Idabeue preMcieni; Mrs. C C. Went*, vice-president; Mrs. E. F. tues. •ecOiOing secretary, Mrs. J. A. aew en, corresponding secretary; Mrs. O. A Pechstein, treasurer; Mrs. F. E. Morris, auditor; Mrs W. L. Ryman, parliamentarian. The club voted to cooperate with the Associated Charities group, and appointed Mrs G B. Bowman as the club representative Other ap pointments were, delegates to the City Federation meeting, Mrs. o. H. Pechstein, Mrs. W J. Vertrees, and Mrs. A. W. Neck; Mrs. O. A. peenstem, appointed chairman of the yearbook committee ro complete the unexpired term; Mrs. C. C., went*, apiiointed parliamentarian to complete the unexpired term. Following the business session, the group was entertained with an interesting talk on "San Jacinto * oy Mrs. w. L. Hyman Mrs. Fred R. Bohlen gave an interesting and instructive discourse on the "edu cation and Schools oi Texas.** The he* -ess served a dainty re-1 freshmenv course to the member* and the one visitor. Mrs. Dan Left wicn. The next meeting will be with Mrs. G. B Bowman. Feb. o. YFW Auxiliary Calls Off Meeting For Thursday Xight Th« Amt iary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars will not have a called meeting Thursday night as had j been previously announced. The or ganization received a telegram from the department president, Mrs Mabel Shaw, stating that she would ; be unable to come to Brownsville. As the meeting was to have called for the purpose of meeting the de partment president, the meeting will not take place. Valley WMU To Gather In San Benito (Special to The Herald! SAN BENITO, Jan 34.—Impor tant among the many event* of the week will be the Womans Mis sionary Union Auxiliary of the Val- { ley which will meet in the First Baptist church in this city Friday morning at 10 o’clock Baptist as-■ sociation chairmen will be leaders In the conference. Among the prin cipal speakers on the program will be Mrs. Susie Dalton graduate of Baylor University, Waco, who willi discuss church history’. Another guest of the day will lie, Mrs R. E. L. Mewshaw, who willi leave the latter part of the month for China, where she will assist Dr. R E. L. Mewshaw in his medical, and missionary work. Mrs. Mewshaw, an active member of the local church, will give a farewell talk during the sessions on Friday. At noon a co-operative luncheon will be served in the dining room of the church. Local women will have charge of the serving • • • The Four Comers Bridge club, more widely known as the I3.C. club, was entertained in the home of Mrs. Arthur Moore the latter part of the week. Lovely calendulas j and marigold* intermingled with t fern adorned the rooms During the games Mrs. Paul Ros-; sel was the successful player among the women and Mr. Max Phippeny < was high among the men. In the late evening a delicious, salad coarse was served to the club members and two guests, Mr. and Mrs. C M. Jones. The next meet-1 mg of the club will be held in the' home of Mr. and Mr*. Max Phip penny • • • A pleasant event of the last of the week was the meting of the sewing club in the home of Mrs. Bliss Marshall, vhen lovely garden flowers provided an attractive set ting. During the meeting a tempt ing refreshment course was served consisting of anchovy sandwiches, 'sk- a*K» coffee Quests in addition to the club members included Mr*. Ely ol Brownsville and Mrs. J. T. Crowe. The next meeting of the club will be held in the home of Mrs. Harry Carroll. • • t A delightful picnic lunch spoil-, sored by the members of the choir ol the First Presbyterian church, was served Sunday, on the lawn of the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Shafer, honoring Reverend and Mrs. Francis Davis of San Antonio En joying the occasion with the honor guests were Mrs. Hugh R. Robert son and member* of the choir and tiieir families. Rev and Mrs Davis iormerly resided in San Benito where Rev, Davis held the pastorate of the local Presbyterian church. He la now pastor of the Alamo Heights Piesbyterian church in San An tonio. • • • The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maine was prettily decorated with' pink and white bougan villa, when Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Meador of Forgan. Oklahoma and Mr. and Mrs. August Snook of Dodge City, Kansas, complimented Mrs. J. It Meador on her birthday anniversary. In the dining room the table waa laid with an exquisite cloth of white lace, centered with a birthday er e. iced in white and topped with tmy pink tapers Pink and white blossoms encircled the cake, while on either end of the table tall tapers in silver holders gleamed. Guests enjoying the hospitality were the honom Messrs, and Mesdames H K. Peatherstone. Smith of Dodge City. Kansas. Ralph Matey, Prank Maine, J. M Andrews and children. Mr. T. R. Meador and the hosts • • • Mrs Neil Kendrick was a charm ing hostess recently when she complimented her daughter. Dora Lucille, on the occasion of her six teenth birthday, with a dinner dance at her home. Lovely seasonal flowers were placed at vantage points about the rooms. ' Those enjoying the dinner and dancing included .*4 friends of the honoree • # • Miss Mabel Mansur has returned to her home here after visiting with Miss Annie Kalil In Corpus Christi. Mr. Percy McCall. wl»o has been the guest of his mother for the past few days has returned to La tedo. Texas, ne is spending .some time with his sister. Mrs. D. P. Pue Mr and Mis. C. P. Plrtle have had as their guest for several days, Mrs Pirtle's uncle, Mr. F W. Hardy of Corpus Christi W. P Drake Is confined to his home with illness. Mrs. Nathan Craig returned the ’last week from Paule Valley. Ok lahoma, where she has been the guest of relatives for the ]iast few weeks. Mrs. Don Still has returned to Cisco, after visiting in the home of Mrs E- L. Barmore. Mrs. Grace Woods. Mr» Eldon Pratt and Mrs Joe Phillips of Harlingen were visitors in San Benito on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben LeMond have removed from San Benito to Gon zales. where Mr LeMond will be connected with the Hermann Fur niture Co., in that city Mr LeMond has been connected with the Mit •anck Furniture company In San Benito for the past eight years. Miss Ruth Hulsey and Evelyn Price liave returned from Corpus Christi, where they were the guests of fj'u Bob Moaely. Mrs. I. G. Adamson has returned from £an Antonio Mrs. Charles Thompson who has been in the Valley for the past few weeks has returned to her home m Kansas City. Baptist Ladies Have Industrial Day At Church Recently Members of the Women s Mission ary Union of the First Baptist church observed their monthly industrial day Monday at the church. Once a month the ladies gather at the church at 10 oclock in the morning and work at quilts or other needle work on hand. At noon a covered dish luncheon is served Corpus Visitor Honored With Bridge Event Mrs. Hugh M. Johnston was a very charming hostess Tuesday when she entertained members of the Ween Frac Bridge club and others at her home, honoring her house guest, Mrs. H. M. Dozier, of Corpus Christt. Mrs. Dozier has been here about a week The Johnston home was fragrant with bowls of lavender and pink sweet peas. During the games of bridge, Mrs. Sam Lockwood was presented with the club trophy, with Mrs. Roland R. Fife being presented with the second trophy The award to guests was presented to Mrs. G C. Kerr, and the toanoree was remembered by the hostess with an attractive sou venir. The h06tes6 served a refreshing salad course at the close of the aft ernoon Mrs. Johnston included in her guest list besides the honor <ruest. Mrs. Otto A. Manske. Mrs. G. C. Kerr. Mrs W C. Gunnell and Mrs. Leonard Goike Club members playing were Mesdames Ted Stev ens. Roland R. Fife, Ed. G. Wath an. Sam Lockwood. H L. Lind he and Richard W. Pitts. The club will meet neat week with Mrs. Roland R Pife _ _ News, Notes Of Sebastian (Special to The Herald) SEBASTIAN. Jan. 24. — The Se bastian Woman's club held its sec ond meeting of the New Year the latter part of the week when it was I host to new comers in the com munity at the Community club | building. After the business meeting Sup : enntendent McLennon gave an in jtcresting talk on Canada. The hostesses. Mrs. Robert Ray. Mrs. L. * R. McLennon. and Mrs. Marshall Bourne served a dainty refreshment : course to 40 ladies • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Ike Oakes delight fully entertained a number ol i friends the latter part of the week at their home when they served ■ buffet supper. Games of "42 were played until late In the even ing. Those invited were Messrs, and Mesdames Lud Snow, of Raymond vffle: Albert Lulling. Fred Parker Elmer 81ay, Marshall Bourne. Bel ton Mourne. Mrs. Jane Wilson. Mr C. U. Reed, and Mrs 8. S Caldwell • • • The Sebastian Woman s club spon sored its weekly "42” partly recent ly. High was held by Mrs. Marvin Hale and Miss Cleo Ballard. Punch was served to about 25 players. • • • Mrs. B. C. Stallings, and Mrs Davis Woods attended the Girl Re serve meeting in Lyford recently. Mr. and Mrs. Countryman of Kansas were all day guests at the Nielsen home Monday. Miss Belle Williams plans to leave 8undav for Kingsville to attend the spring term of school at A. & I. Mrs. Harry Koltermaii of Harlin gen. who taught In the local schools until the past year, will stay with her mother. Mrs. Mary Williams, and will take Miss Wllliaws place on the school staff for the rest of the term. Mi and Mrs. L. R. Me Lennon were San Benito visitors last week. Mrs. 8. P. Nielsen and Mrs. Countryman were callers at the homes of Mrs. Klemann and Mrs. Watson the last of the week. ► ngLLlfl Tuesday Nite The Mexican supper served by members of the Young Women's Guild of the Church of the Advent was so w ell-at tended that the Guild has decided to serve a similar sup per Tuesday. Jan. 29 On this date serving will begin at S o'clock in the afternoon instead of 6. and will continue through un til 8 p. ra The Guild Is planning too. to have a larger supply of food on hand In order to take care of any size crowd. All kinds of Mexican foods will be served, including tamales, chill, Mexican rice, enchiladas and frt. Joles. In addition to these dishes [there will be a number of other dishes to tempt the appetite of those who do not care for the highly sea soned foods of Mexico. Among these will be featured salads, and desserts. It Is possible that the suppers will be continued for some time If the attendance warrants it. All sup pers, including the one Tuesday night, will be held at the parish house of the Church of the Advent. Mrs. H. L. Thomas will again be in charge of the tamales and en chiladas Friesian peasants in northern Germany pole-vault their way to work because of the innumerable drainage ditches which line their low-lying and soggy fields. Tells How Cardui Helped "Before taking Cardui. I had a bearing-down pain that has left me. ‘ says Mrs. Clayton Marsee. of Lan caster. Ky "After 1 had taken twelve bottles, it gave me strength, built me up and my health is good.’’ Thousands of women have escaped I useless pain and discomfort ( when such suffering was due to weakness*, by taking Cardui. It Is a purely v / 'table bitter tonic and pata-re lievtng medicine that has been in j use over fifty years While so many ' women testify that Cardui ha> benefited them, if It does not bene fit YOU, consult a physician. Rev.NanezIs Speaker For PTA Confab The Parent-Teacher association of the Resaca school met In regular session this past week with the Rev. Natter of the Mexican Methodist church the principal speaker of the afternoon. Rev. Natter gave a very helpful and Inspiring talk. He stressed the parents responsibilities in training the pre-school child In proper mental and physcal habits, and hla attitude toward his fellow play mates. The following musical program, arranged by Mrs. Rosa Rousett eras greatly enjoyed by everyone: piano duet. Virginia and Refugia Carden as; “Alice Blue Gown, song and dance by Gladys Vino and Marla Sanchez; song. “La Violet* ’ by Hortenala Leal; dance, O Jarabe." Alice IKiumlt and Refugia Car denas; piano solo. "Carta de Amor,”: Mrs. Roussett. The prise of the month went to Mrs. Brice s room for having the largest attendance of mothers pres ent. Mrs. Laughlln’s room received second plsoe. No other business came before the meeting. The mothers showed great ap preciation for the free milk and oup which, through the efforts of Mrs. Brice. Is being supplied to manv of the needy children attend ing the Resaca school. In the pew swimming pool at Wimberly. England, waves are pro duced artificially. The new pool measures 60 feet by 300 feet, with depth varying from a few inches at one end to 16 feet at the other. I Well-Known Oratorio To Be Presented Here Friday Night Workers ere busy enlarging tem porarily the seating capacity of the choir toft of the Methodlt church for the purpoee of accommodating the large chorus of 60 voices from the Harlingen Methodist church which will appear In ‘The Messiah'* Friday night at 6 o'clock This Is the second appearance m Brownsville of this group for tha presentation of this well known oratorio, as It was given here Jan dary 7. 1994. under the same di rector, David L. Ormesher It will be remembered that the singers were exceptionally well received, singing then to a large and enthusiastic au dience, a capacity hmise to ex pected Friday night for this ren dition. The diamond mines at Kimberly, South Af rica, are the largest m the world. Before Selling Your Old Gold Let Vs Make An Offer - You Will Find That Wi Fay Mete We Operate Under U. S. Government License No. N. O. 12—826 gr -Here’s Plannet/ Defense (AGAINST COLDS 1 —n mi. -a——— Whan Colds THREATEN ...VICKS VA-TKO-NOl At the first warning sneesr, stuffi ness or nasal irritation, gusckt... apply Vicks Va-tro-nd—fust a few drops op each nostril. Its timely use helps to prsvsnt many colds, and to throw off colds in their early itaars ^ ,.I r,M H a Cold STRIKES ...Vicks Vaporus Don't ^Wment or take half-way mcasufewRub on Vicks VapoRub — standby of two gene rations for relieving comss- its direct aouote action—by stimulation and inhala* tion—helps to and a cold. BUILD tfUSTAMCI TO COU»-by following the simple health rules that TOe also n part of Vicks Plan for Better Control of Colds- (Full OftM 01 inis clinically caaceo run arc in cicn vicu ptcKtgr / A section of the department where Chesterfield tobtucos are blended and cross-blended. (Qn ifh aVi.— MONDAY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY LUCREZIA LILY ATOM tnmfiww BORI PONS gnmrZf^nMrmA KOSTELANETZ ORCHESTRA ATO CHORUS 8 P. M. (C. 8. T.)—COLUMBIA NETWORK sr. Just what is meant by cross-blending tobaccos... and how does it make a cigarette milder and taste better... IPell, in blending you take two or more tobaccos and mix them together—a rather simple process. * But cross-blending goes a step further... IN making Chesterfields we take Bright tobacco from Virginia, theCarolinas, Georgia and Florida. We take Burley tobacco from Ken tucky and Tennessee, and tobacco from Southern Maryland. Then in addition to these home grown tobaccos we take tobacco grown in Turkey and Greece. We balance these mild, ripe home-grown tobaceos with the right amounts and the right kinds of aromatic Turkish. Then, instead of just mixing the tobaccos together, we blend and cross-blend them so that all the different flavors go together into one full flayor —the Chesterfield taste that so many smokers like* Cross-blending tobaccos as it is done in Chesterfields gives the cigarette a pleasing taste and aroma —they're mild and yet They Satisfy. 1 % ' |ll