•— « -- Skelton Abstract Co. Abstracts o! Title and Title Insurance Merchants Bank Bldg., BrowiunriUs PriONTE W2 ] You Can Buy, Sell, Rent or Exchange Through The Herald Want Ads I You may want a tiny cottage or you may want to buy or rent a twelve room house, but in any case you want it quick and the surest way is through The Herald Want Ads. If you do not find just the property you’re looking for listed on this page, just place your ad under the “Wanted to Rent” or “Wanted to Buy” head ings and watch the results. J ’ _ You may have a dandy ice box or stove that you want to trade for a radio or breakfast suite, and surely somewhere among the many thousands Herald readers you’ll find some one who is ready and anxious to make such a trade. The Herald Want Ads have solved innumerable problems for Valley people for over# forty years. They are a sure guide to profit for the thrifty buyer and seller. _- -- ■— -. . .■ .—-■ - - - ■■■ -. .■ ■ .. EXPERT MULTIGRAPHING Prwnpt Delhnrrf W. A. KING. Jr. PHONE M ■the WEATHER EaatfE&xas 0-1 .00 ■fe 18 3.0 -0.4 .00 K TIDE TABLE iff High and low tide at Point Isabel iflFtlday. under normal meteor ■fioicgic-d conditions: .7:24 a. m. 7:07 p nr.. . 1:17 a. tn. 12:46 p. m -——mm* jtj MISCELLANEOUS DATA §§■ Sunset Thursday .6.07 H Sunrise Friday . 7:17 If WEATHER SUMMARY I Barometric pressure was still rath lor high over most oi the United ■ States Thursday morning <3034 and 13038 at Winnemucca and at Salt I Like City, respectively, and 30 74 at f st. Louis and Chicago), but fell de I cidedly over the Canadian northwest I and adjacent states <29.86 at Cil E gary and Swift Current, Canada). I The cold wave reached the Atlan I tic coast Thursday morning but with I diminished intensity, while very de I tided rises in temperatures occur | red in the Canadian northwest, Mon tana. Wyoming, and the Dakotas, and moderate rises in Colorado and the balance of the plains states. Be | low freeing temperatures occurred I again to the middle Gulf coast Wed nesday night, and heavy frost was reported from Jacksonville, Florida, and light frost from Port Arthur and Corpus Christ!, Texas, jjjtrownsvllle 8 a. m. sell * a delivered pric< oi $ or tees Bidders will bi expected to taxe in exchange on< 1931 Model 8-36 Buies touring car Motor Nc . 266962? now in the pot session oi the Sneriff> Dp part men in Brownsville ano one 1028 Mode •'A'1 Ford oadster Motor No. 332 Ob1 now stored \t the Welch Moto Company in Bar. Benito. Sealed bids s ome* be deposit* at the office oi the County Audi to at the Court House in Brownsville plainly marked “Bid for Sale o Automobile." Dated this 15th day of January A D.. 1935. Signed L. O’BRYAN County Audltoi 1-17-24-21-490-3 cause of a press campaign accus ing him of having been the authoi of a cr.ticized contract between th French and Polish stockholders o the Zyrardow mill. In October there was a duel ir Warsaw's high society circle, lx November a banker and a landown er fought. Dueling is prohibited by Polish law. but the authorities pa.d no at tention to the enoounters. althoug! all Warsaw talked about them anc brief -items, with the principals id entified by init.als, were printed lr several newspapers. SIDE GLANCES - - - George Clark f -— *1 wish I had some of those smart, dark circles under eyes." ANNOUNCEMENTS BEAUTY COURSE $29 Enroll now. Holtry’a, 217 E. Harrison. 0-04. 6 Personal STOMACH ULCER, Qu palm, sad indigestion victims, why suffer? For oulck relief get s free sam ple fli Udga Tablets, a doctor's prescription, at McKay’s Phar macy._ 0-43 7 Professional Dr. F. F. Calderoni Announces the opening of his of fices for the general practice of medicine. Calderonis Bldg Washington 8t . Phone 324. Resi dence 93IT. 8 Travel Opportunities McALLEN, REYNOSA BUS DAILY SCHEDULE Leaves Leaves McAllen Rsynoss g 90 a. wl 7 to a «. 10 X) a m. 0:00 A m. 13:00 pm. 1100 a m. 2:00 p m. 1:66 p BL 6:60 pm. 6:00 p BL 4:00 pm. g:00 p m. 8:00 pm. 7 p m. Special bus from Reyn ora Sat urday and Jundsf 10:80 P a*» 9 Cafes and Hotels WHITE KITCHEN 419 — 19th Street Business Lunches—Choice Meats, Excellent Sea Foods—Private Din ing Room—Serving the Valley for Over Ten Years AUTOMOTIVE 10 Auto* for Solo GOOD USED CARS 1932 Ford Tudor, $135 down. 1930 Ford 4-door, $85 down. 1930 Chevrolet Sedan, 890 down. 1933 Ford Tudor $170 down. 1931 Ford Victoria Coupe, $85 down. Patteson Motor Co. 927 Elizabeth - Phone 88$ Check this li*t I before you buy J t * I 1931 Chrysler aedan. . $495 1927 Bulck Sedan.$125 r 1928 Whippet roadster.I 65 1927 Dodge aedan.$ 65 l 1926 Dodge touring.$ 50 r 1929 Ford truck.$150 ; 1930 Chevrolet coupe ..... $225 '; 1928 Ersklne coupe .$ 35 ' Brownsville Motor Co. PHONE 427 • # • IS Garage. A Service Sta. WRECKER I SERVICE PHONE 1111 SEAMAN CHEVROLET CO. Estimates made on any Job. | Try The Herald Classified Ads HORIZONTAL 1 Where does Pope Pius liver 7 It U the residence in the world. 13 Froaen desserts. 14 Native. 15 To affirm. 17 2000 pounds. 18 To Illuminati If Clove. to Measure of area. tl Rope, tt Back of the foot 23 Bees’ home. . 24 Single, things 2f Court 27 Heavy volume 28 Emperors. 29 Therefor. 30 Bundle. 31 Courageous. 32 Antler. 34 Finale. 38 Saline Aiihirrr to Pre*fou» runle fti l~i« l CHARLES EUCJT - solution. 16 Lost to view. 37 Conjunction. 38 It Is In -. 39 Northeast. ■ 40 Skillets. 41 And. 42 To from- dim. 43 Black bird of the cuckoo * family. 44 Fairy. 45 Bonos. 46 It has been the home of Homan —— fine® 1377. VERTICAL 1 Living. 2 Acidity. 4 Exists 5 Apiateous plant. 6 Scolds. 7 Upright shaft. 8 Dye. 9 Yawns. 10 Bad. 11 Dry. 12 To car* for medicinally. 15 It contains so era 1 —— . rooms. 18 To baths. 19 Hardens. 21 Lemon-ltk* fruit. 22 To employ. 23 To contain. 25 Hub of a wheel. « 26 Heavy string 27 Light brown. 28 ThreefolA. 29 Ulcer. 30 To subsist. 31 Stigma 32 Skirt edges 38 Matrimonial 36 Johnnycake. 38 Semidiam eters. 40 Portion. 41 Being. 42 Boggy land. 43 Onager. 44 Italian river. 45 Belonging te. AUTOMOTIVE OLDS MOBILE SERVICE * Repairing AH Makes of Cars General Motors a Specialty Factory Trained Chevrolet mechanic with authorized Chevrolet dealer over eight years. PAUL JONES 1237 Levee Phone 222 bbSI. CHANCE* 17 Business for Sale FOR QUICK SALE — Restaurant and beer parlor; good location; doing nice business. Box 082 Herald. 082 21 Miscellaneous VALUABLE franchise covering Val ley points now available. National shipping brewery In Milwaukee offers exceptional preposition. Ad drees Box 0-115 Herald 0-115 BUS. SERVICES 25 Buildera-Contractors BEN V. PROCTER Consulting Engineer Preliminary investigations, Detail Plans and Construct wi Supervision Examination* and Repost* 5IS llth St Phone til BROW N8V ILLS MISCELLANEOUS articles can «i* bought, sold ji exchanged through The Herald Classified section. ----| Complete Building Service THE GEER CO. Opposite Brownsville Ice Co. Phone 1125 BUS. SERVICES 1 . 28 Moving Trucks—Storage —nr: tkv.f^r ^ sr levee. Moving an. ertarot Phone .21 UW , MASON TRANSFER CO. Contractors for Missouri Pacific Pick up and delivery terries Hauling of All Kinds ! 9th & FRONTON PHONE l» Packing of All Klnas 32 Printin#—Office Sup. WHEN YOU bey a* Utah** * Prtnl Shop you are buying quality In printing, plus the best service tc be had- 0-90 BUS. SERVICES 34 Insurance WOOD & DODD INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Phone 100 401 - 11th Strbet INSURANCE BONDS W. B. CLINT Phon« 6 J White & Sutherland Life — Fire — Casualty Insurant PHONE 411 Stats National Bank Bldg. J. S. Ford & Sons Insurance of every kind \ Phone 1129 Putegnat Bldg.. Brownsville All Kinds of INSURANCE and Bonds Todd & Underwood 4S4 llth BL — Phone 183 employment" 38 Help Wanted—Male WANTED — English-speaking Mex ican man with car who knows Valley. Good proposition Call Apt. 22 Parkview Camp, Harlin gen after 6 p. m 0-118 36 Help Wanted-Female BEAUTY COURSE S29 Enroll now Holtry's, 217 E. Harrison. O-H 39 Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED Mexican clerk wants work. High school graduate speak both English and Spanish and will go anywhere. Guadalup* Castillo. La Feria. Texas- 0-113 LIVESTOCK 50 Poultry-Supplies BABY CHICKS Highest quality blood tested chicks priced right. Br.ng in your egg! we will hatch them for you W. R JACKSON FEED Ac SEED STORE Brownsville, Tex. — Phone 887 CHICKS priced right — Cvston hatching. 3 l-4c. Set every Mon day. Phone, write or see Jak< Pletcher. Palm Gardens Hatchery Harlingen._O-*' 54 For Sale, Miscellaneous BEAUTY COURSE tM Enroll no* Holtry’s. 217 B. Hsrrtaon. 0-94 BARGAIN—Fine Western Elect!* Stove, portable electric washtni machine, both for 130. H. Plena El Remate. Twelfth street be tween Washington and Elisabeth O-ll1 | MERCHANDISE #4 For Sale, Miscellaneous WE BUY. Sell Ftxtares o< Any Kind. 912 Twelfth. Brownsville. ':T7? o-i FIXTURES Of All Kind* Get Our Prices Tuggle Sash & Door Co. Phone 890 — Brownsville FOR SALE Venetian Blinds, steel shelving, cab inet*. safes, cash registers, adding machines, typewriters, desks, etc. THE REMATE 612 • 12th Street THOR-O-CLEAN SANITARY DRY CLEANING Phone 1 V^-fgwdgf, And Dry Clean inc Col Inc FOR SALE—At half coat, practic ally new. portable lunch room, 12x18. Taylor Lumber Co* Phone 808. 0-17 59 Machinery-Equipment FOR SALE—Farmall Tractor and complete equipment. All tn line condition A real bargain. Write P. O. Box OOP. Harlingen. 0-110 60 Seeds-Plants-Flowers TENNESSEE Evergreen Braom corn seed. 517 E. St. Charles. T. H. Orier. 0-118 MR TOMATO MAN Better take your chances with Mr. Bankhead rather than East Texas tomatoes. Replant to cotton—We have the seed. Los Fresnos Gin Co., Inc. Los Fresnos. Texas RENTALS 65 Housed FIVE ROOM bom; aewty docorat ed; modern; nice location. Phorv* 839. _E-108 67 Room and Board ROOM AND board, private family. 442 8. E. Levee. Phone 578. 0101 REAL ESTATE MONEY TALKS l $1.500 00 buys 0 acres well located on 14th Street pavement. 81.850.00 buys modem 5-room house textone finished Inside, double gar age and near pavement; 8400.00 cash, balance 820 00 per month, In | eluding Interest. 1 82.000.00 buys modem 5-room house . textone finished Inside, with garage. ' on comer lot and on pavement; 8500.00 cash, balance 831-31 per month Including Interest. $2,500.00 buys modem 6-room hol low tile and stucco bouse with gar i age and on pavement; easy terms. ! S. C. Graham & Company Arcade Bldg — Phene 179 Brownsville, lexaa r* ■ REAL ESTATE CAN SELL 1 * You a 30-acre bearing grove for lorn than moat unimproved land. Near ship turning basin It should sell for 3 to 1 more than I ask. You should invest lagtr this now See M. T. Killian. over Wlllman s Drug Store. LOTS AND 'j ACREAGE 1 34 acres near Lamana. <175 00 par acre cash Thb la a potato lam and has been showing good profit*. After this spring do not expect to buy good land at bargains like this. This tract Is In the San Benito water District. How about building that home now? Lor Ebanos Lota have paving and curbing paid, city water lights, na tural gas. 13 year restriction* Don’t sell Brownsville short Want to trade far small car, tak ing It In as part payment on nice lot. Have some good farms to rent for one year subject to sale. A. D. Dickinson, fr. PHONE 499 El Jardln Bldg. Brownsville LOST Something? Place a small ad In The Herald Classified Sec tion and you may find it Just phone 8. 70 Hoiaaaa For Sale If you are interested in owning A HOME Buy now! Small down payment, balance dko rent Texas Building A Lean Amfm 434 Uth St - Phone 133. ’ Suburban Home * 8 acres good land, good 3-room house, all modem, double garage, good chicken house with cement floor. A real nice home on pave ment Nice location. 4 miles from town. Good neighbors. You can buy this right—Don’t mean maybe. S. S. Webster, Box 908, Brownsville, Texas, phone 8024 J 3. 72 Farma-Ranchaa For Sale Well built modem home, complete set of modem outbuildings, tights, and water; 54 21 acres, two miles from Brownsville city limits; 18 acres citrus. 2 to 8 yean; easily irrigated; thorough state of cultivation; 32 scree spring crop planted; com pletely equipped with teams and machinery Beautifully landscaped, on cc rent high way on way to Browmvffls Port Priced to sell quickly. Terms to suit. See owner, phone 8019F3 or write P. O. Box 507, Brownsville. 74 For Solo or Trt4e A GOOD northern IN acre wheat and com farm clear to trade for Valley land, also city property In Oklahoma. What have you? Oeo. B. Oral. Shawnee, OXla. G88 FOE SALE OB TRADE—»am near Brownsville, clear, for other property, San Antonio preferred, wr.te owner. F. F. Klein, Segitln. Texas. GUI POR SALE OR TRADE We have choice (all dear) busi ness and residence properties, throughout the Rio Grande Valley, for sale at bargain prices or will consider trading lor San Antonio properties. Will also consider trad ing for good equities. Write or phone J. R Warren. Box 788, Harlingen. Texas. Phone 200. G-I12 CHIP COLLINS’ ADVENTURES . Class of 38 Wins WILLIAM RITT and JACK WILHELM ■ ■ - ... .. . ---- i 1 1 . , —■ .. . I # ___l 1 L\“0' Fool, FM-UMG ^ CCWE QOWN~ FROnvI THEftEWH SOOer7 I Soph flag) J class plaq oovokj v/ithvou. p-^ ^ : Jit get coluns • r> (T? < OS? i Pitwry foexwis j ,--'TV •V^stV, MICKEY MOUSE . -By Walt Diiney I (■w? sf?sss^tv «s£j ytHVkV Runnim' mate - he'd give J i YOU D SET rnTh\>, VER 006 MORE rr—-<1 IT J ^-rrrfHTTlTrrTrrTlT^^/?^'' _