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f anmmsuulc tkmlu Jlshcd July i ISn. At a Dally Newspaper, by Jesse O. Wheeler ft 8TE3J* . Publisher iLPH L BUELL . Editor Afternoon (except Saturday) and morning Entered a* second-class matter In the Poetofflce. Brownsville, Texaa □ THE BROWNSVILLE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1363 Adams St.. Brownsville. Texas MBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use of for publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper, and also the local news published herein. TEXAS DAILY PRESS LEAUCE National Advertising Representative Dallas. Texas. 413 Merchanuts Bans Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo 301 Interstate Bldg, Chicago. 111.. 180 N Michigan Are.. Loa Angeles, Callt„ 1014 New Orpbeum Bldg New York. N Y.. 370 Lexington Ave, St Louis Mo„ 400 Star Bldg . Ban franclsco. Cali!.. 144 bansome 81.. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier—In Brownsville ana sU Rio Qrsnde Valley cities lie a week; 74c a month. By Mall—In The Rio Ornndc Valley. In advance: one year. •7.00; six months. 83.74; 3 months, *3. — By.k.M^!iz5>utslde ot th* R1° Valleyi 74c per month. 80 00 per year; 6 months. 84.50. Tuesday, January 29, 1935 HOPE FOR REPUBLICANS IN FUTURE CONFLICT! One of the most entertaining of indoor games for winter e\enings is trying to figure out what is going to happen to the republican party. Is it dead, waiting only the services of coroner and mortician? Is it just sick, waiting for the services of a doctor? Or is it beginning a slow but sure recovery which will presently carry it back to full health and national power? Dr. Charles A. Beard, historian, sug gests that one way to answer these ques tions is to look at history. In the current issue of Scribner’s Magazine he takes such a look, and from it he concludes that the G. O. P. iR a long way from dead, in spite of the merciless shellacking it has had to take. Twice before, he says, there has been a great upheaval of forgotten men at the polls. The first took place in 1800 and put Thomas Jefferson in the White House; the second. occurred in 1828 and resulted in the election of Andrew Jackson. Each time the party of wealth and power was snowed under and the “revo lution” looked like a permanent thing. But each time war and the development of business enterprise put the rich and pow erful back in the saddle. The Jeffersonian revolution tvent along swimmingly until we got into the war of 1812. The war’s end found American industry, stimulated by war expenditures, a giant in comparison with its previous status; it also found an immense public debt in the hands of bankers and business men. So the forgotten man had to gather his forces for a new assault. This came in the election of Jackson; and this time the revolution looked even more like a solid and everlasting affair. But once again business enterprise went* ahead at an un foreseen pace. And once again there came a war—the Civil War, this time—to upset the balance still further. When the dust had cleared away, the elements Jackson had overthrown were firmly re-established. Now we have the “Roosevelt revolu tion.” with the republican party taking an awful beating. Is the new state of affairs to be permanent? Dr. Beard sees no reason for thinking so. The economic base has not shifted. The New Deal has not taken the instru mentalities of economic power from their former possessors. And dark ' on the horizon lies the shadow' of a new’ possible war—a Pacific war, this time, dimly seen but threatening. Studying all this in the light of his tory, Dr. Beard sees little reason to look for permanence in the overthrow of forces for which the republican party has been the spokesman. Feed Your Children On Scientific Lines By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN Editor, Journal of th« American Medical Association, and of Hygeia, the Health Magaxine The time is past when any Informed person is likely to claim that he knows instinctively what is healthful and what Is not healthful in the way of food. There are still some women who believe, how ever. that they know instinctively what is best in, the way of food and training for the child. While it is true that many lower animals seem to recognize Instinctively the necessity of various food substances to keep them in health, it has been well established by scientific feeding experiments, that application of human intelligence to feeduig animals results in better nutrition even for them. If you are really serious about the best nutrition of your children, you will do well, therefore, to In form yourself about the basic facts of diet and to feed your children according to the knowledge al ready developed. ft ft ft It has been proved by controlled experiments that It Is possible with the right kind of feeding to develop children who are better physically in every way. Some years ago children in Puerto Rico were ob served to suffer little with rickets, because it was their habit to play outdoors in the .sunlight with very little clothing on their bodies. In this way they de veloped enough vitamin D in their bodies to prevent that disorder. These children did. however, suffer from malnutri tion of a severe degree, simply because they did not get enough of the right kinds of food. Children in the United States, in most rases, do net. get enough vitamin D because, particularly in our large cities, hardly enough sunlight comes through the smoke screen to permit them to develop the vitamin in their own bodies. It. therefore, becomes necessary in this country to give children vitamin D In the form of cod liver oil, cod liver oil extracts, or irradiated milk, and also to make certain that their diets contain enough cal cium to take cart of the growth of bones and teeth. • * * Another interesting substance about which we have learned much lately is iron. The administra tion of iron was found helpful in curing infants of anemia, and at the same time these children suf fered a great deal less from infections of nose and throat and disturbances of the stomach. Eggs are a good source of iron. Liver is also a good source, but milk, which forms the basis of most infant diets, does not contain much iron. A diet which gives the growing child the right substances must have a considerable amount of milk, certainly from a pint to a quart dally; at least a pound of well-assorted vegetables, and also a pound of such fruits as tomatoes, oranges, bananas and apples, or dried fruits. It should also provide cereals, some meat, fat and sugar, and a little cod liver oil as an extra protec tion. If a new public inquiry into the films Is inaugur ated. people who consider sex sinful of itself must be excluded like other lunatics.—George Bernard Shaw, famous dramatist. The masses of workers in factory, .mill, and mine are regimented to a degree unknown to any pre vious society.—Dr. Lewis Lorwin, economist Acting is a portrayal of life, and certainly the best and quickest way to get the knowledge of it is in matrimony —Virginia Bruce, movie actress. My advice to young painters is to remember that nothing is denied to well-directed labor —Frank O. Salisbury. British artist. The only good book, in my opinion, is an honest book, and no book. I am sure, can be honest and wholly bad.—Vardis Fisher, author. SCOTT’S SCRAPBOOK - . .. - - By R. J. Scott Cop) i i«M. IM'i. »>r Conti*1 Pic»» A toe. <r t For 14 Years VERMONT* WAS A SEPARATE SovereiCnTV UNRECOGNIZED I BY <HE :onCRESS ^ optSie UN|1%D SfATtS to •• »• TT UbiANS UVlNA IN *«— -HftE AW AXON BA5IN IN BRAT.lL, SO. AMERICA Wm) 5J-EEP WrTK FlRE^ * EURNlNq UNDER. THElR feeT <o keep-Them W*RM ON CHILLY NICHT5 ^A<iN< 'tit *IR 1ih -The AXORES- ^ costume. WORM BV FEMALE E^UE^ftlAMS mint :lmTle. ARcHiPELAQO BELGIAN STAMP. WITH TAG .MEANING, HOT 1o BE DELIVERED oh Sunday News Behind the News Capital and world §o«aip. avaau id per»f lalitlea. in and Jut 01 the news, written Of a group at earless and lnlcrmeo newspaper lien or Washington and New York. This column is puousma oy Tbs Herald as a news feature Opinions expressed are tfeoee 01 the writers as Individuals and should not be interpreted as re flecting the editorial policy of unis lews pa per WASHINGTON By George Durno l iuoded — While the administra tion high command debates the leg. islatlve future of NRA. £. Clay Wiliams isn't having any too much fun as chairman of the administra tive board. Williams, be it renumbered, is one of tlu b.g shots in the tobacco in dustry — which has gone uncoded all these months largely because Williams was code authonty for the cigarette makers before he stepped Into a part of General Johnson’s old job. The boys and girls who know their way around now almost de serted corridors of NRA say that other industrialists have been toss ing this fact in his face with the thinnest posisbte veneer. • • • Recently it was announced from the well-plucked Blue Eagles nest that a cigarette code once more was in the making. This hasn't made much impres sion 011 Williams’ brothers In indus try. According to insiders, those who have been called to task about derelictions in their own code* say. in effect: So what? When you impose a cigarette code on yourself, you can crack down’ on us." • • • Confusion — As previously men tioned here, the vote on tne NRA ooard potentially w three to two against Wtlliarais. Arthur White - side, head of Dun 6c Bradstreet, whose views generally coincide with the Chairman s, is said to be getting discouraged and ready to resign again <He has been in and out of the NRA organisation > Whiteside s aosence from the first White Housa coni ere nee to map out new legis lation was commented upon in busi ness circles. Many think Williams Is about ready to go back to his tobacco in terests and let NRA shift for itself. Business represents!.\#s who have a-.nost daily problems to take up with Blue Lagie headquarters report that the deputy administrators lit erally don't know what's going on in tne shop. They are said to be their thumbs Ui the dark. • • • Cuts — Meanwhile President Roosevelt and Boss Coordinator Richbcrg are struggling to work out a bill that win continue the life of NRA in a fashion satisfactory to industry and labor alike. It is some assignment. White House Inclination is to retain a mere skeleton of the old NRA with hours, wages and child labor as the basic structures. But already capital and labor gre fight ing over how that Section 7A clause, which provides for collective bar gaining, shall be handled. Further, although industry is per fectly willing to let the Federal Trade commission resume full po licing of “fair trade practices.” many important actions of it are crying out agains any possible abandonment of existing code pro visions for minimum prices, elim ination of cut-throat competition, etc. They say they trade shorter hours and higher wages to get these guarantees because only so could they raise wages and shorten hours with a "reasonable profit.’* • • • Headaches — Wednesday the en larged executive council of the Am erican Federation of Labor meeti, here. Eighteen members are now sitting instead of eleven. They are I ►ERSE\£«tP ; L4DV- BOT NOT Genius mav be swiher than penevei *RiX,but{beUaei'»u»iBvheloogruia., j are going to have plenty to con sider. Two problems will be uppermost in all mtnrin when President Wil liam Green bangs the gavel. First is the bitter row that has split the building trade wide open. 8econd is the threat of industrialists to set up a national association of com pany unions that would function in organized opposition to the A. F. of L. Both are large sized headaches for the laborites. • • • Balance — Organised labor lead ers are relying at the moment on Senator Robert F. Wagners new labor disputes bill to head off any nationwide coalition of company unions. Tuey understand this bill Is to prohibit employer assistance to employes in forming labor organi zations. Unfortunately for the A. F. of L. this bill hasn’t been Introduced yet, much less passed. Members of the A. F. of L. exe cutive council don't cotton much to the argument of big business that creation of a national association of company unions would simply put two parties into labor as into poli tics — a well-organized minority always balancing the majority which happened to be in power. • • • Veteran observers of labor history, however, think privately that the fat boys are sowing dragons teeth for themselves when they try to make their handpicked unions su preme. singly or collectively. After the railroad shop strike of 1922 this was tried. It didn t work Furthermore, many of the docile company unions gradually evolved’ and were taken over by new blood to become fighting, striking, col lectively bargaining units of the; first water. Perhaps it would be useful to have In due course they could combine the company unions amalgamated with A. F. of L. and put labor where its leaders intend it to be. Gnesses — The senate may rip open the economic security bill. Secretary Perkins told the house committee that all its provisions should go through — any plan to segregate classes of beneficiaries would destroy the symmetry of the scheme elaborated by the president's committee. Senator Borah wants the Towns end Plan discussed. Senator Hast ings says the security bill fools con gress and the people — that old people would draw down only 82.78 a month or thereabouts. Other sen THE ONLY SUPREME COURT GOLD DECISION SO FAR SILENCE „ IS , GOLPEN ators insist that the bill is a shrewd scheme to gain control over the states through the power of federal cash — as if that hadn t been ac complished already. The fact is that figures and esti mates are guesswork. No one knows what the bill would produce and still lew what the states will do — and fall to do. • • • lam — Regulations of the Federal Alcohol control administration re quire that any person desiring to go into the wholesale liquor business must furnish ample copies of his prospective label* within ten days after notification of intent. A nationally known drug chain decided to become wholesalers for the benefit of ita drug stores. A rep resentative called at FAHA with tentative gin and whiskey labels to make sure they didn't Infringe on other brands. Sh-ken .9PiNm.ES fyiooimafo €W0 HE A SEOVlCt.fHC BEG I* HERE TODAY GALE HERD ERROR, pretty. El. work* la a allk ailll. tko aad krr brotkrr, PHIL. Ik. sapper! •kotr laralld tatkrr. STEVE HEYERS. wka alio work* la tko ailll. aaka Gal* to aiarry klM. Sk* proMl*** ta plv* klM aa aa*w*r la a f*w days. Tkat alylt Gal* p**v akatloa •a tk* river. Tk* I** krraka aad sk* I* reward ky BRIAR WERT MORE. wfcaa* talker, now dead, kallt tk* ailll. Brlaa a*k* Gal* «• wait wkll* h* prta hi* ear km wk*a k* rr tarsi *k* I* soar Brlaa arrived koa* aaly tkat day. after apeadlak tw* year* la Pari*. •taOylap art. C*s*tar*d k* *aa sever k* aa artist, k* kaa a*M* V«a* la work la Ik* will. Rrlaa ka* k*ts aasared ky ROBEHT THATCHER, praeral aingir at «k* Mill, tkat tk* Mill •Mpleyes art well paid- Tk# •*« act oppoaltv I# tra* kat Tkatrkrr aekrM** ta keep Brlaa fr*M dli •avertap tkls. Oa a tsar at Ik* Mill Brlaa ***a Gal* aad reeop ■ I*** k*r. ROW GO OR WITH THE I TORY CHAPTER X * T>RIAN WEST.MORE tkt before i ° tba •bluing new desk with ita fresh green blotter. Its calendar pad with a place for memoranda, the chunky, flat rectangle In which pens stood poised. He touched the mimeographed sheets before bim. moved them with restless Angers. Thtrs was everything on thst desk, sverythlng In the plesssnt. sunlit office thst the well-appointed office should boast. A cradle tel* phone stood conveniently at Brian's left: a copper ash tray on the right Over against tbs wall stood a til ing cabinet—with barren flies. Brian knew because he bad eiatn Ined them. There were two ebelre In the room beside the one he was sitting In. both pushed stiffly against the wall. There was a large, framed photograph of tbe allk mill on the well which Brian was facing and a map of the United States di rectly opposite. In the top desk drawer on the right was e supply of fresh station ery bearing the mill letterhead There were pencils there, too freshly sharpened. And the telephone did not ring. Mo one knocked on the door. There was no on# to sit in tbe chairs. Bren the memorandum pad was tompletely blank. Brian pushed tbe mimeographed pages from him. He stood up and walked to one of tbe two windows, itared out at tha broad, brownish ipace between the buildings and tbe Sigh wall snrroonding tbe mill property. A truck waa moving along '.be paved road beyond. A email crack. It might belong to a grocer or a dry cleaning place, or even a florist Was there a florist In the town? Yea. of course— Brian turned bla back on the track end forgot It He stared at the photograph of the mill and saw. Instead, a girl with gray eyes and dark, wide carving brows. < "She looked pretty." be thought "even In that bine apron-thlng.” Not quite as pretty as aha bad tbe other night standing In tbe firelight with tbe wind blowing her batr where It bad escaped from bar cap. and the blase pattleg color Into ber cheeks. And yet ebe wee tbe seme girL Ob—no doubt of Itl He’d recognised ber the minute he saw bar. Brian hadat been rare whether or not she'd recognised him, be cause she'd hurried pest so quickly. And yet. for an Instant their eyes bed met Probably ebe was as mnch surprised, seeing him. as he bed There was a shout and two men went sprawling into the street been to see her, there In the silk mill. T wonder,'* he asked himself for the dozenth time, "what her name ur • • • 'T’HERE were ways to find out, of court*. There must be. Why couldn’t he Just go up to that big fellow In the room where sbe worked and say. ‘That girl tbere yes, the second one from the aisle. What'e her name?” That would be the simple, direct way. but be couldn’t do It He couldn't because be was Brian West more, whose father had built tht mill, who would one day own it and iht waa a mill girl. H* could tcarcely believe it. even yet There were dozens of mod lerately well to-do families In the town. They lived in attractive homes out on Wells Avenue or Li» ingstou Street. He bad supposed tbe girl skating on tba river that night was one of them. Sooner or later, be d been sure, be d run Into her at the Coun try Club or on a downtown street or out with some crowd. He hadn't dreamed he'd find her here—In the mill. Wes that why she’d run away th* other night—before he got back with the car? Brian wondered about that And again bt wondered what her name waa—this girl with th* gray eyes and dark brows aDd the head set so proudly on her shoulders. She o been plucky. Kept her bead and bar nerve or be’d never been able to keep ber from grlng under the Ice Tee. ehe'd been game. She waa out there now. to that huge, gray room with th* ruartog. groaning machines and tbs whirl Ing spindles and th* girls whose arms moved Ilk* machines, too—up and dowa, up and down. Brian bad ■••n bar, handing forward, doing something with Jerking fingers. Hr hadn't been able to bear what Thatcher was saying because of the uproar in the room. The air was j too warm: the whole place a blor, of gray and black—dirty, whirling motion and grating noise. Thatcher said all those girls were well-paid— Brian wished, suddenly, that he could talk to the girl with the gray eyes. She could tell him 1 things be wanted to know. • • • "IfEANWHILE here he was In this shining new office with the door on which no ons knocked, the memorandum pad that was blank, the telephone that never rang. He bad a report Thatcher bao given him to read and he'd read It through twice. The whole thing might have been so much Greek, for all he understood It "It's only because this Is the first day.* Brian told himself. "It won't be like this tomorrow." The telephone rang. Brian lifted the receiver, aald "Hello." and recognised Vicky's voles. "How's the new captain of industry?" she demanded. “Hardly a captain.” be told her | "More of a cabin boy. How'e the pampered parasite?** Vicky laughed. "Brian." she said "I'm In a mess.” “What tort of a mess?" "Ob. It’s nothing so dreadful. On ly 1 don't went Father to know Lis ten. will you do something forI me?" "Say the word!" he told her. "1 hope 1 haven't committed myself to anything worse than setting fire to a bank or robbing tha 0. S mail" Vickt laughed again. "Aren't yon sweet! No. it's not nearly so ban as that I'd out at a garage on Surrey Road—near Plkeavtlla. l was drtnag# § liuie too teat, 1 j guess, oo that long bill this elds o' Plkesvllle. Thera's a turn at Ut* bottom and—welt Instead of tarn tng 1 bit a tree." “Are you hurt?" “Not a scratch! But there’a something wrong with the ear. They’re working on It btra at tbe garage Soma people came aims and towed me this far. It‘a going to take hours and hours before the car's reedy—maybe not tonight Whet 1 want to know, Brian. 1> can you coma out and get met* “Of course." “Angel! But don’t say anything to Father about It He’d be terribly unreasonable How toon can yon get hereT Brian looked at hla watch. *T» a working man now." ha reminded her. “It’s e Utile after 4 o’clock—* “Now don't tell me you're doing anything so Important yon ann*l get sway! This Is n terrible place —cold and dirty and dismal. Plaaee come right away. Brian!" He looked at the bare deck be fore him. “I guess I can leave.” be said hesitantly. “Be right out* It took almost an bour to tnd tbe garage on the Surrey Road. Vicky, wrapped to her brown fur cost a green bat slanting over one eye. was sitting on n high bench, swing ing her feet when Brian etredt f Into the place. # • • ft CHE Jumped down, smiling. "My hero!" she said. “What would 1 ever do without you? They'ro send ing the car In tomorrow; It won’t be ready tonight And. Brian. I’m simply starred!" "Well. then. I guest you’d better bare something to eet hadn’t yen? Where'll we go?" “Therffs a place up the road." she told him. "It’s Just a harbeeun And there’s that nice little piece near Mlllervlllo—" "The nice little place near MB* lerrille wine.” Brian announced. They drove to their roadalde raw taurant. Vicky was to gay spirits— an excellent antidote for the long, uneventful arternoon Brian had spent The restaurant was warm, pleasantly furnished and the food was well-cooked. They lingered over coffee aad cl carets. Brian talked about Part*, told amusing anecdotes. Vicky was an appreciative audienea. At length ahe said. ”Thla has been fun. han’t It? But I suppose we’ll have to go—" It was dark as they drove back la Westmore. Lights shone hers sad thers In farm bonse windows. Ahead the roadway stretched like an endless ribbon, straight an* wavering. Brian prsssed os the gas and tbs nolst of the wind, whipping against the coupe, grew louder. Vleby said. "I’m glad I didn’t go to Havana." *‘8o am I" The ear rose to an elevation and below them the lights of the town spread out Now they were nearing the mill village, which the mala thoroughfare cut neatly tn two. A traffic light flashed red and Brian baited the car Just tn time There was a group of men gath ered together oa the street corner. Loud voices were raised. Aagry rolren. (Someone pushed forward and the crowd swerved. Brian leaned over the wheel, trying to see what was happening. There was a shout and two men wont sprawling Into tho street. i _ — aniii ^