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» — .. " ~~ | THE WEATHER Tj (By D. ft. Weather Bureau) Brownsville and the Valley: Fair to partly cloudy Thursday night and ] Friday; warmer Thursday night. FORTY-THIRD YEAR—No. 199 GIRLS LEAP QnOnh / VALLEY By RALPH L. BUELL BESTT NEWS THAT THE VAL ley could possibly get right at this time when the matter of freight rates is so In the limelight— Is that coming from Congresa a man West to the effect that a Sjurvey of the Valley's deep water projects has been ordered— With a view to seeing If condi tions do not warrant 30 feet of wa ter— . The government will do the ad ditional dredging to bring about that depth— And the Valley's deep water will be Just as deep as that at Houston and the other large ports of the nation. It is indeed r£al good news. • • • WHILE WE CANNOT PREDICT of course, what the findings of the army engineers will be, prospects for business are such that the out look for a favorable recommenda tion is good. Certainly it is encouraging that the Rivers and Harbors committee feels such a survey is Justified. For the Brownsville port to start off with SO feet of water would give us a prestige the world over, and would certainly react most favor ably on the shipping trade gener ally. • • • NEED OF ACTION ON THE part of the Valley If this section is to benefit by the reopening of the Robstown differential fight— Is again brought out by Congress man Milton H. West. In touch with the situation as he Is— Congressman West insists that It the Valley is to get the hoped for results from the hearing— The Valley must raise the funds tc defray the necessary expense and »o provide an attorney to argue our case. That is sense. And that is what the Valley must do. • • • IP ONE OUT OF TEN WHO gather round to admire the new automobile models as they come on display— Buy one. the automobile business ought to be good And from the number of new cars seen on the streets and high ways, the automobile business really is picking up. • • • UNIFICATION OF CITRUS marketing efforts and agencies will be discussed at Harlingen Thursday night by Clinton Fraser. Sr., whose discussion along these lines at the Bdmburg Citrus institute has aroused Valley wide attention. Members of the citrus associa tions of Harlingen, San Benito, Stuart Place. Combes and Santa Rosa will attend the meeting, to which the public is given a cordial Invitation. ^ We have said it many times, and ire repeat—the future of this citrus marketing tangle is distinctly up to the growers of the Valley, and it is high time they realize it. THESE RELIEF WORK PROJ ects of which me read in the papers every now and then— Furnish work for those on the relief rolls, and for them alone. In other words to be eligible for employment on one of these proj ects— A person must already be on relief. The National Re - Employment •ervice. on the other hand— Undertakes v furnish fobs for all who register there, and is used as a sort of clearing house for labor PWA projects and the like. Jack York Named Pharr Postmaster • Special tc The Herald) PHARR Feb 21—Jack York, who was appouned early this month as deputy county collector in charge of automobile registrations, has been named postmaster at Pharr, accord ing to information received from the postoffice department. George F. Smith, clerk in the Jercedn postoffice for the past -even years, has been notified of * is elevation tc postmaster, suc xliag H E. Hager. I Body Not Lindy Babe’s, Claimed WRIT IS FILED WHICH DELAYS BRUNO’S DEATH Body Found Taller Than Eaglet And Embalmed, Claims Investigator TRENTON, N. J.. Feb. tl.— A writ of error which will stay the execution of Bruno Richard Hauptmann, condemned to die the week of March 18 for his convic tion of the Lindbergh baby killing, was filed Thursday with the Court of Errors and Appeals, the state's highest tribunal. NEW YORK. Feb. 21 —fJP)— A former defense Investigator said Thursday counsel for Bruno Haupt mann had ignored evidence that the body in the murder case could not have been that of the Lindbergh baby. Seven autopsy experts were readv to show, declared George H. Foster, that the body found five miles from Hopewell. N. J.. and identified by Col. Charles A. Lindbergh as that of his son. in reality was: (1) More than four inches taller than Charles Lindbergh. Jr.; <2i Decomposed more than would have been possible in the mild weather after the kidnaping, and (3) Embalmed. Aide of Faucet! Foster is chief investigator for James M. Fawcett, who was replac ed as Hauptmann's counsel before the trial. His assertion came as the pres ent defense staff prepared to gath er in Trenton for a conference on their disagreement over appeal pro cedure. This was understood to be due in part to the failure of Edward J Reilly, chief counsel, to attack the state's identification of the body Advices from Trenton predicted a showdown, but Reilly Insisted in Boston Wednesday night that there is no row.” Associated with Reilly are C. Lloyd Fisher, designated as Haupt tContinued on Page Five) Federal Grand Jury Calls Roy Collins Roy Collins. Brownsville customs patrolman charged by J. P. warrant with the murder of Domingo Oliv ares, was called to Houston Thurs day to appear before the federal grand Jury. The telegram request ing that he appear, sent by the U. 3. attorneys office, did not indi cate the case :n which he would be expected to testify. The Cameron county grand Jury, now in session, is to consider Justice of the peace warrants charging Collins and two special deputies. E. Cavazos and Francisco Perez, In connection with Olivares’ death. nus young 3anta Rosa rancher was found dead in a field near the Cameron-Hidalgo line in the vicin ity of Santa Maria. An autopsy re vealed that he died from a ruptured liver. niere is a possibility. It has been indicated, that the federal, court will take jurisdiction in the matter as it affects a federal officer who was on duty at the time of the alleged murder. Villanueva School Plans Are Rushed The delayed movement to con struct a modern six-room school house in the Villanueva district through the PWA set-up is getting back under way. Papers are being rushed through iollowing passage of a $15,000 bond issue in an election last week The PWA will take the bonds and in ad dition made a 1-3 grant, according to ;resent plans. The delay was caused when the attorney general refused to approve previous bonds because of techni cal errors. The $19,000 issue supplants he previous issue of $25,000. The Cameron county commission ers’ court Thursday passed an or der rescinding its action in issuing the previous bonds. M. P. Bus to Travel On Military Road A change In schedule to give the Military highway between San Ben ito and Brownsville bus service has been announced by the Missouri Pa cific Transportation company The bus leaving San Benito at 9:25 a m. will come to Brownsville via the Military highway, arriving here at 10.10 a. m. The night bus leaving here at 8 o'clock will also cover the Military highway, arriving in San Benito at 8:45 p. m . according to the innouncement. The new schedules go into eflect on February 25th. Found Macon Defect ± Lieut. Calvin M. Bolster Dirigible Macon was undergoing re pairs when she made last flight, Lieut. Bolster, technician of de stroyed airship, told Navy probe Hoard at San Francisco. He testified t» reported defective fin last April »nd that recommended repairs had lot been completed when Macon made last flight. FISH CONTEST AWARDS MADE More Than Hundred Meet At Del Mar For Dinner (8pecla! to The Herald) DEL MAR, Feb. 21.—More than a hundred tourists and visitors were gathered on the beach here Thurs day at noon to enjoy a fish fry aft er prizes in the first annual tourists fishing tournament were awarded earlier in the morning. The fish fry was given by Colonel Sam A. Robertson, Del Mar develop er. Prizes awarded during the morn ing were as follows; Most redfish, $6 reel donated by the Model Laundry, awarded to C. F Geams, of Oklahoma; most spec kled trout, $6 reel donated by Bat sell-Wells sporting goods house, to Jack Murphy, of Borger, Texas; most trout caught, $5.50 rod donated by Palm Courts, awarded to William Moorberry of Wisconsin; most fish caught in one day, $5 in groceries donated by the Gregory R. G. V. store, awarded to Mrs. W. L. Aber nathy of Denver, Colo.; largest red fish caught. $5 meal ticket donated by by White Kitchen, won by D. M. Gill, of Oklahoma; largest drum caught, $3 in groceries donated by Piggly Wiggly, awarded to C. S Christman of New York; i*ost un usual fish caught during tourna ment, box of grapefruit donated by H. H. Banker, awarded to Mrs. Jack Murphy i a tiny Jewfish); largest number of fish caught during the tournament, subscription to Field and Stream magazine donated by Hargrove's Book store, awarded to R P. Crane of Oklahoma; second largest number of redfish, $4 in trade at the Pipkin Manske company, awarded to W. L. Kidd of Kansas; second largest number of speckled trout, a kcdak by Lackner's Jewelry store. won by M. F. Mills of Fort Worth; most redfish caught by a wo man. a coctail shaker donated by Dorfman's Jewelry store, won by Mrs J. L. Boyd of Kansas. Several prizes were not awarded due to the ruling that one person could not receive more than one prize. The remaining prizes are to be awarded at future weekly fishing contests, it was announced. Markets to Close NETW YORK, Feb. 21. UPy—All leading security and commodity mar kets in the United States, with the exception of various cattle markets, will be closed Washington's birth day. All Canadian and European mar kets will be open as usual. HOUSTON HEN TO PLEAD FOR VICTORIA ROAD Group of Six Leaves For Mexico City To Urge Work On Valley Link (Special to The Herald' HOUSTON. Feb. 21.—Houstonians are showing their keen Interest in the highway from Brownsville to Victoria and on to Mexico City, which will shorten the route from Houston to Mexico City by 150 miles, by sending a delegation of six men to the Mexican capital for a confer ence intended to expedite highway work. This announcement was made by T. L. Evans, manager of the For eign Trades Department of the Houston Chamber of Commerce, who left with five others Thursday morning on a trip to the Mexican capital. The group also will log the high way from Laredo to Mexico City, which is expected to be opened for traffic May 1. • We will confer with Jose L. Gon xalex, director general of the high way commission of Mexico, on the proposed Brownsville-Victona high way, which will open a new gate way to Mexico and shorten the dis tance from Houston to Mexico City by 150 miles,” Evans declared as the group departed. “Houston and the Rio Grande Val ley are particularly Interested in this project. Completion of the road will bring much of the tourist traffic to Mexico from the Mid dlewest through Houston and the Lower Rio Grande Valley instead of entering Mexico by way of San Antonio and Laredo as at present,” he said. Word also has been received here of the proposed trip to Matamoros (Continued on Page Five) SHORT-CUT TO VALLE YSOUGHT (Special to Th« Herald) SAN ANTONIO, F b. 21.—Another direct route from San Antonio to the Lower Rio Grande Valley which would cut 50 mile* frcm the present distance, is sought by Starr. Jim Hogg, McMullen and Atascosa coun ties, and the co-operation of the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce In securing aid of the State Highway Department is asked. The proposed road would connect San Antonio and Rio Grande City, a distance of slightly more than 200 miles, via Hebbronville in Jim Hogg county and Tilden in McMullen county. The highway from Rio Grande City to Hebbronville has been des ignated State Highway No. 97. “The time is ripe now to designate that part of the proposed route from Hebbronville to San Antonio," says Joseph Gruv, president of the Heb bronville Business Men's League in a letter seeking the help of the cham ber. The new road, it is pointed out. would open thousands of acres of fer tile land to San Antonio as well as provide a new transportation outlet to the oil fields of Webb. Jim Hogg and Starr counties. Train Kills Man PORT WORTH. Feb. 21. An unidentified man was instantly kill ed when his automobile was struck by a southbound Rock Island pass enger train here Thursday. Both of his legs were severed and the automobile was demolished. A check of the license plates revealed that the automobile is registered to J. J. Spraggins, of Newark. ‘Dead’ Texan Is Revived By Powerful Stimulant in Heart TYLER. Feb. 21. OPh-Life that left him for five minutes Wednes day slowly returned to 71-year-old W. A Strang Thursday—the work of adrenalin injected into a still ed heart. Dr. Howard Bryant, who revived the former Smith county sheriff five minutes after he had folded his hands In "death," said his chances for complete recovery were •good." Strang weakened slightly early Thursday as he lay in an oxygen tent—his watch beside him—but attendant* still hoped for recov ery. Dr Bry ant, who termed the case extremely rare," said Strang came to his office Wednesday, apparent ly suffering from coronary occlus ion. "His breathing was difficult—he was unable to speak and I had to diagnose his condition from ex amination alone. His pulse was thready and very weak. "He was placed on an examining table and his head raised to a senv.-sitting position He was giv tContinued on Page Five) YOUTH PLANS HIS * * * * * OWN FUNERAL AT * * * * * HARLINGEN, HELD (Special to The Herald) HARLINGEN. Feb 21^- The strange antics of a Kingsville youth wont bother police here for at least a while—for he's in jail, on a charge of swindling. Several days ago he walked into Thompson's mortuary and made arrangements for a funeral. He told the mortuary employe to send the bill to his father at Kingsville, and funeral expenses would be paid. As he started out, the mortuary employe aslted him if there was a body, or if be expected a death in his family. Yes, he said he expected a death in his family. Then, as he reached the door, he called back: “It’ll be my funeral, I'm tired of living.” Police watched him for several days until he was arrested Wed nesday and jailed on a bogus check charge. Now. police believe, they can stop worrying about his funeral. ANDY MELLON’S RECORDS, AIRED Contracts Between Him And His Brother Are Examined PITTSBURGH. Feb. 21 (AV Over strong objection bv counsel for Andrew W. Mellon, the board of Lax appeals Thursday permitted the government to examine the alleged contract relationships between the financier and his late brother, R B. Mellon, Attorneys for the internal rev enue bureau brought the question up at Mellons J3.0ll0.000 tax hear ing in an examination of the for mer secretary of the treasury's stock transactions by which they claim he deducted invalid losses Irorn his 1931 Income tax report. Rights of Way On Beach Road Okehed An order guaranteeing the state highway department 100 foot right of way on the Boca Chica highway was adopted by the Cameron coun ty commisisdhers' court Thursday. This step was taken in order to comply with conditions on which the highway department agreed to take over the Boca Chica road as an extension of State Highway No. 4 The minute order passed by the commission reads: “In Cameron county, it is ordered by the commission that state high way No. 4 be extended via Browns ville by-pass to Boca Chica, on con dition that the county will furnish not less than 100 foot right of way.” The highway is 100 to 200 feet most of the way, but is 60 and 80 through Brownsville and El Jardin. Insurance Policies Aired During Trial WAXAHACHIE. Feb. 21. (A*)— State's attorneys Thursday hammer ed away at a motive as the murder trial of Cal B. Yarbrough, accused of fatally burning his foster-daugh ter. Doris, continued. Insurance policies, totaling $5,000. were introduced Wednesday by pros ecutors in an effort to prove Yar brough burned the girl to collect in surance. Other witnesses testified Yar brought had whipped the girl with boards as far back as 1926. Ratification of Oil Pact Urged by Allred AUSTIN. Feb. 21. Governor James V. Allred appeared personally before the legislature Thursday to urge Texas to become the first state to ratify the interstate oil compact drafted last Saturday at Dallas. “Since legislation is pending and proposed belore congress dealing math the oil Industry and the natur al resources of the oil producing states which pending and proposed national legislation will naturally be influenced to some extent by the action of the state, I respectfully urge that this compact be approv ed by the legislature at the earliest opportunity,” Governor Allred said. Duel Called Off PARIS, Feb. 21. </P>—The duel be tween Bertrand de Jouvenel and Jul ien Duvivier, was called off Thurs day. Duvivier. motion picture director, was quoted by his seconds as saying he “doesn’t believe in duelling." De Jouvenel journalist, said it was -deplora le” that an adversary re fuse “satisfaction by arm*” STATE MAKES DEATH DEMAND FOR KENNAMER Extreme Penalty Plea Comes as Surprise; Sensational Trial Goes to Jury PAWNEE, Okla , Feb 21 (P>— The state closed its arguments In the Phil Kennamer murder trial Thursday with a dramatic plea that the life of the federal judge's son be exacted “just as Phil Kennamer shot and killed John Oorrell in Tulsa last Thanksgiving night." The sensational trial was placed in the hands of the jury of farmers and small town business men at 11.45 a. m., ending one of the most spectacular murder trials in the history of Oklahoma. W. F. (Dixie* Oilmer, Jr., young est of the trial lawyers, 33-year-old assistant Tulsa county prosecutor, made the demand for the death penalty in the state's final argu ment. Unexpected in view of other prosecutors' demands for imprison ment. his plea created a sensation in the courtroom. His demand was as startling as the announcement that he. instead of his chief. Holly Anderson, would close lor the state, following the 78-year-old C. B Stuart of the de fense As the Jury filed out of the court room to begin its deliberations, Kennamer. tall, dark-haired, turn ed and smiled nervously at his sis ter, Opal, in the first row of spec tators. Virginia Wilcox, the Tulsa beau ty, for love of whom Kennamer swore he killed, was not present. Holiday Will Be Observed in City Brownsville schools, the bank and the post office will remain closed Friday, Feb. 22. in observance of Washington's birthday. A number of schools over the city presented Washington birthday pro grams Thursday, and a number of teachers were expected to visit their homes out of the city during the j three days during which classes will not meet. Practically all offices in the Cam eron county courthouse, including the two courts, were to close for the holiday. Judge George Wester velt of the criminal district court is returning to Corpus Christ! over the week-end. and Judge A. M Kent of the 103rd Civil District court is out of the city. Offices at 'he Brownsville city hall were to close at noon, taking half day holiday. Life Term Given DALLAS. Feb. 21. —Life impris | onment for the second time Thurs day hung over Robert L Newman. 40. convicted slayer of Mrs. Peggy Dutton Innis. 20 Newman, who tes tified during the trial he had been sentenced to life in Virginia on a murder charge but later granted a conditional pardon, was convicted by a Jury that deliberated four hours Mrs Innis was slain when two men jumped on the running board of an automobile in which she rode with her husband, who was wounded. Wire Flashes NEWARK. N. J.—Lei and S. An drew*. In a single motored mono plane. Thursday set a new trans continental transport record, cov ering the flight from Los Angeles to Floyd Bennett airport, New York, in an elapsed time of 11 hours 21 minutes and one second. He knocked 37 minutes and 59 seconds from the previous record, set by his brother-in-law, Major James R. Doolittle on Jan. 15. Two Daughters Of U. S. Consul Leave Letters Girls Heart-Broken Over Deaths Of British Fliers (Copyright. 1935. by the [A»>> UPMINSTER. Essex. Eng., Feb. 21 —Two beautiful American girls, Elizabeth and Jane Du Bols. the only children of a United States consul general, plunged from an airplane to death Thursday. Friends said they started on their last flight heart-broken over the recent crash deaths of two men of the royal fly ing corps. They fell from a commercial air plane speeding to Paris at an alti tude oi 1.500 feet. Horrified wit nesses. looking up. said they plum meted to earth "c.asped hand in hand in a last embrace.” Daughters ef Consul Iondon friends of the girls, who were the daughters of Coert Du Boi.s United states consul general in Naples, said the girls' grief was1 uncontrollable over the loss of the , big British seaplane "Ace of Dla-! monds'' which .smashed into a hill Bide near Messina. Sicily, Feb. 15. just six days ago. The friends raid they did not know 1 which of the nine men killed in i the Ace of Diamonds the girls had been especially interested in al though they had learned the girls were in the company of the British fliers a number of times when the Ace of Diamonds was in Naples during January and the early part of February. The girls had been living in a west-end hotel in London for the last four or five days, coming to England only i short time after the funeral of the British crash-victims in Italy Their tears and hysterics excited the Interest of attendants at the London hotel. (The dead In the crash of the Ace of Diamonds were Flight Lieut. Henry Longfield Beatty Plying Of ficer John A. C Forbes, Lieutenant Willis, four other ofticers named Allen. Bailey. Rees and Wogan. j Sergeant Wallace, and a civilian named Penn.) Ship's Only Passengers The girls flew out to death alone for, aside from the airplane's pilot, j there was no other person on the eight-passenger ship. The Misses Du Bois had reserved and paid for every seat in the plane, apparently in order to be by themselves on the channel crossing. The pilot ap parently flew on for an hour after the girls fell to ttielr deaths with out knowing of the fate of his two passengers. Out over the English Channel, he looked back nto the cabin saw the girls were missing, and that a door v/as ajar. The death rlunge was witnessed bv • group of workmen who glanced 1 up into the skv at the sound of the plane motor s roar. Remembering the recent expert-1 ence in the 106s of bar gold from a Hillman plane flying from Paris to England, the group rushed to the spot expecting to find strong boxes. Instead, the men were horrified to see the mutilated bodies of the two girls. A shattered wrist watch en graved with the Initials “J. Du B." was found near the bodies. They were embedded one foot into the ground. The two letters were said to have been addressed to the girls' parents. Five Sentenced (»Tv<"al to The Her-tdi EDINBURG, Feb. 21.—Five more penitentiary sentences have been given three defendants In the 92nd Criminal District Court since open ing of the term. Concepcion Chasco was given two terms of two years each in two cattle theft cases. He already faced two years on a mule theft convic tion. Longtno Flores, already con victed and sentenced to eight years In three burglary cases, was given a 10-year sentence on a fourth conviction. Manuel Lozano was given one year alter conviction on an assault to murder charge. Not a single suspended sentence nor acquittal has been given any defendant in nearly a score of criminal cases thus far. Passenger Plane Streaks For Capital and Record LOS ANGELES. Feb 21. f/PV— A giant, low-winged passenger plane roared eastward out of the dawn Thursday. Its pilots aiming at speed record for transport ships betmeen Los Angeles and Wash ington. D. C At the controls of the ship were Leland 8. Andrews, veteran American Airlines pilot with some 10.000 flying hours behind him; Henry Meyers, co-pilot, and O. D. Rayburn, radio operator. Hoping to reach the nation's capital in less than 12 hours. An drews and his aides took off from Union Air Terminal at Burbank 4 Wednesday night at 11:50 o’clock. (2:50 a. m.. Thursday, Eastern Standard Time). At 2:35 a. m. Andrews notified the field here he had passed the Orand Canyon and was 5 minutes ahead of schedule. Thirty-three minutes later he advised the plane wag crossing the Rio Grande river. His exact position was not given. Described simply as a business like attempt to bring southern California to within a day s air Journey from Washington, the take-off was without benefit of fanfare. ORDER SURVEY FOR 30 FEET INSTEAD OF 25 Congressional Group Approves Plan; New Depth to Compare With Houston The Board of Army Engineer* has been Instructed by the Riven and Harbors committee of the house of representative* to make a survey of the Brownsville ship channel and turning basin with a view to de termining the advisability of SO feet of water for the Brownsville port. The request for the survey was pre sented to the committee by Con gressman Milton H. West. Information to this effect waa received in Brownsville Thursday morning In a telegram from Con gressman West to J. O. Fernand**, secretary of the Browrtfcville Naviga tion commission. In his telegram the congressman stated that he had requested the Board of Army Engineer* to expedite the survey so that the necessary appropriation for dredg ing the channel and turning basin to the 30-foot depth may be included In the next River* and Harbors bill. Would Cost 5500,000 The additional ftve feet of dredg ing will require approximately 1500, 000. according to Captain A. L. Lane of the armv encheers, engineer on the Brownsville project. Near ly 5 000 000 cubic feet of dirt would have to be moved, according to Captain Lane’s figures Order for the survey was charac terized by Captain Lane as “good news”, and not entirely unexpect ed "Now is the time to make the survev and dredge the additional five feet to give a 30 foot channel." the army engineer told The Herald. "With the two dredges already her* and In operation, the cost wtH be cut down considerably " Mr Fernandez was delighted over the news of the survey, and express ed confidence that the recommen dations of the Board of Army En gineers will be favorable to the In creased depth. While in Washington recently Mr. Fernandez and Congressman Weal conferred with Congressman Mans field. chairman of the Rivera and Harbors committee, relative to the survey. At that time Judge Mans field expressed himself as favorable to the survey and stated his belief that the committee would look on the project with favor. Government Would Pay In event the 30 foot depth la ap proved. the entire cost of the addi tional dredging will be borne by the government, and the Browns ville port will have a* much water as Houston and other large sea port*. The 30 foot depth would re sult in additional ships calling here, and would enable fully loaded oil tankers and other large ship* to make the local port without trou ble. Very little time will be required to make the survey ordered by the Rivers and Harbors committee, ac cording to Captain Lane, who stated that practically all of the data la available right now. It might be necessary to do some additional work, but not much. Captain Lane stated No notice of the survey hae been received by his offioe, the army engineer said. Judge Cox Speaks At School Assembly Judge Bascom Cox Thursday morning addressed a combined as sembly of the Brownsville Junior College, high school and Junior high school, held In observance of Washington’* birthday. The girls glee club, directed by Miss Cornelia Anzualda. gave several selections. Appropriate exercises were also held at the various grade school*. All public schools in the city wlH be closed Friday. February 22nd, In observance of the day, it was an nounced Thursday by E C. Dodd, superintendent. A. L. Landry Enters Campaign for Mayor (Sweiil to The Heraldi Me ALLEN, Feb 21— McAllen’s mayoralty campaign finally got un der way Tuesday with announce ment that Acting Mayor A. L. Lan dry. who succeeded former Mayor John Ewing January 1, will be a candidate to succeeed himself al the conclusion of his present term in April. He has been a city com missioner for four years and was a candidate for county commissioner of the McAllen precinct last fall. TONIGHTS MOVIES OVER THE VALLEY Brownsville: The Capitol Richard Arlen and Madge Evens In Helldorado.'* The Queen Francis Lederer and Joan Bennett tn ' Pursuit of Happiness.” The Dltunann—Pay Wray in Cheating Cheaters ." San Benito: The Rlvolt—Jamas Cag ney in "The St Louis Kid ." Harlingen: The Arcadia—W C. Plaids and Baby Laroy tn -It's a Olft* The Rialto—Dorothy Sebastian and Pted Kohler In "Ship of Wanted Men.” La Kerim The Bijou—Claude Rene and Joan Bennett in "The Man Who Reclaimed Hie Head '* Raymondville: The Ramon—Eddie Cantor In Kid Millions.” Donna. The Plaaa -Robert Young and Betty Purnearn In ' The Band Playa On. San Juan: The San Juan—Richard Arlen and Madge Evans m Helldorado." Mercedes: The Capitol—Lee Tracy. Helen Mack and Helen Morgan In "You Belong to Me " Weslaco: The Rita-Edmund Uei and Victor McLagien tn Under Pm sure.” _ McAllen: The Palece—Irene Dunns and Donald Wood* in ‘ 8w«ft AdtHnt The Queen-Mr and Mr*. Martin John son'* Baboons ' Mission. The Mlaaloo—Laurel and Hardy In "Babe# in Toyland."