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ATTORNEY IN SLAYING CASE k YET IN JAIL DALLAS Feb. a.—(JP>— Dr. L. W. Kitchen, a veterinarian, was the only of four west Texans charged with the killing of Spencer Stafford, federal narcotic agent, to remain in the Dallas county Jail Friday, the others having been released on bond Thomas L Price oi Post Dr. Kitchen's attorney, said he expected to have sureties for his client’s $15,000 bond here by Mondav * Sheriff W. F. Cato, of Garza county; Dr. V. A. Haiuiian. a phy sician; and Tom Morgan, farmer aeputized shortly before the sheriff killed Stafford with a machine gun at Poet. Texas Feb. 7. were re leased on bond Thursday. Twelve citizens of Garza and Lynn counties signed Sheriff Cato's bond of $50,000 The same group. , plus a man from Nocona, signed the $15,000 bond for Morgan, while one for a like amount was signed bv four friend* of Dr. Hartman. The grand jury returned a third indictment against N. C. Outlaw, Cato’s attornev. just before court adjourned Thursday. It charged him with subornation of perjury for his alleged et torts to have E. R. Braddock ami C. M Loe. Post resi dents. testify labels m the investi gation of Stafford’^ killing Outlaw remained in jail Friday, having failed to make the $11,003 bonds set for him tr. this indict ment. and two others w*hich charged him with conspiracy to impede justice to detraud the Unit ed States Approximately Uo,000,000 hogj, cattle and sheep are slaughtered to supply meat to nearly 130,000 000 people It has been estimated that our national income this year will amount to $45,000,000,000 Brought to the screen of leitl $ year run in LONDON 2 year run on BROADWAY <m (tow (how W }% ANNA MAY WONG FRITZ KORTNER GEORGE ROBEY hpm th# p ar Sr Oic«> *«tn D>rtd«d Sr vvolu» t»>d* Premier Showing in the Valley of “CHU CHIN CHOW” Wonder Show oi the Century At BIJOU THEATRE LA FERIA SUNDAY . MONDAY with Saturday Night Preview at 11 P. M Liberty Gives It 4 Stars * II ,, ua, msni lii’nK tzzjEBXmMMassx QOI tl D^(pMU)V by DAN THOMAS — GEORGE SCARBO Oftissift's pet hobby i$ “Raising* BOSES AMD CHCfSAffTHE mums; v * IIIoRmAH FOSTKft'outt A POLICE DOG THAT IS A GQAnDOAuGHTEP op T€ PAMOllS "STRONG HEAftTi' Gloria Stuart s an excellent hcgsewoman, and one opthe. Best feminine polo Players in holly wood. High School Golf Tourney Arranged MISSION. Feb. 22—Plans for the first schoolboy golf tournament in the Lowe: Rio Grande Valley' were completed here Thursday with Mis sion Chamber ol Commerce, Mission High School officials and Roy Con way. manager of the Shary Mum clapl Golf course co-operating in the arrangement. A large silver loving cup will be awarded by the chamber of com merce to the four-man team from the Valley high school which wins 18 holes of medal play and 18 holes of Scotch medal play. The trophy will become permanent property of any school winning it in three con secutive years. The tournament will be played over the Shary Municipal course here April 20 m accordance with eligibility rules for athletic teams as prescribed by the University Inter scholastic League District Athletic Director Claude Dailey of Mission and County Athletic Director A1 Weir of McAllen leagu eofficials. will be invtied to actively conduct the tournament. Mission city commission has an nounced that the local course will be open to all qualitied entrants one week before the date of the tour nament without charge to allow them to become acquainted with the course. Six Mission high school golfers have tailed >racticing for the tournament. Edinburg Defeats Scorpions 42 to 25 EDINBURG, Feb. 22. — Nearing the close of their annual series of games prior to the Texas Junior College Athletic Conference tourna ment m San Antonio. Brownsville IJ0UI LA FERIA Independent Home Owned rbeatre Friday Only “The Secret Bride” With Barbara Stanwyck and Warren William* This is Family Night iiiiiiiiiiiMMiiiiiii ■linn.. iniiiininiiiiniiMiiiMi^MMIMBByBMMi* TODAY & SAT. Heigh-Ho . Everybody! •Heigh-Ho. Ann Dvorak' You re the sensation of 1935 at a M>ng-and-dance girl! »and toik* ahe's m> screen heart-throb too' What a break for me!> “Salutations to 6 Famous Song Writars for giving me the greatest songs I’ve ever sung' "Ev’ry Day", -Fare Thee Well. Annabelle”. and 4 other gay hit* ViJUss. T MUSIC" ANN DVORAK e a a SATURDAY MJDMTE sun.-Mon. preview u:>e v. m. "11 IIH" _I i lli: Junior College Scorpions lost a lop sided 48-25 decision lo the powerful Edinburg Independents at Edinburg College gym Wednesday night. George Sellers, McAllen. Edin burg center, shot 10 field goals ana three free throws to amass 22 points for Individual scoring honors. Han na, Brownsville forward, led his team with 15 points, including six field goals'and three free throws. The Scarps will play the Edinburg quintet again Monday night at the San Benito high school gymnasium In a return game. The Independents maintained a fast pace throughout the game, the score at the half being 27 to 12. The box score | Edinburg— fg ft pf tp Ramsey f . 5 0 0 10 Winnlngham f . 3 2 4 8 Sellers, c . 10 2 3 22 Serota g . 0 2 0 2 Knight, g . 0 0 10 Parker c . 10 0 2 Ramirez, g . 0 2 0 2 Hartshorn f. 1 o 0 2 Southwell, f . 0 0 2 0 Cowan, f . 0 o o o Total* . 20 8 10 48 Brownsville- tg ft pf tp t Hanna f . 6 3 2 15! Brown f. 2 0 2 4 , White, c . I i 2 3 Walker, g . 0 0 3 o Thompson g . 1 o 1 2 Sparks, g . 0 1 1 l Totals . 10 5 11 25i HYDE ON STAFF SAN BENITO. Feb 22 —G E. j Hyde of Dallas has been added to the hydrographic staff of the In-, ternatlonal Boundary commission. He is a former student, ol Southern Methodist and Columbia universi ties and holds a degree in civil en gineering Tourists... You’ll find it Pleasant at Del Mar Beach Strictly modern cottages with hot and cold water as low as $26 per month. FISH FROM THE SOUTH JETTY This million-and-a-half dollar jetty extends a mile into the gull of Mexico where fishing is always good. Del Mar Beach The Valleys Greatest Recreation Center PHONE l-Fl “The Mighty Barnum shows Friday and Saturday at the Capitol. Brownsville. _Bowling Dope With Ball. Shealer and Pechstein going Orel 3Ci0s the Arbuckle Ma chinists took three straight games from the Grisham's live on the Ar cadia Alleys Thursday night in a ten pin league contest. Ball mowed down 571 (or high se ries, and Shealer's 216 was top single. The scores ARBUCKLE 1st. 2nd. 3rd Ttl Shealer . 172 216 171 559 Pechstein . 165 190 163 518 Monette . 127 1,56 194 477 Arbuckle . 160 lab 164 480 Ball . 19b 186 189 571 Totals. 820 904 881 2605 GRISHAM 1st 2nd. 3rd. Ttl. Peck .. 159 114 139 412 White . 120 114 136 370 Garza . 122 170 i£l 473 Hernandez . 178 156 148 483 Reese . 176 141 157 474 Handicap . 62 62 62 Totals . 717 757 823 2397 Movie Sidelights ■ QltKN Rex Bell invades new real* of popularity with hi* latest western picture. The Tonto Kid," which shows Friday ant! Saturday at the Queen theatre, with A. G. Allen's New Orleans Greater Minstrel show. Beside* Rex BeU. "The Tonto Kid boasts of two other headliners Ruth Mix. the daughter of Tom Mix. and Buzz Barton who won his spurs as a boy' actor not so iong ago. in the silent days. "The Tonto Kid is a super screen dramatization of Christopher B. Booths novel of the Arizona Tonto country. The Daughter of Diamond D. * It is a realistic account of the obstacles Ruth Mix. a* the spurious daughtei ol a cattle baron has to overcome m order to save a girl friends vast inheritance In this. Ruth Mix is aided by the Tonto Kid (Rex Bell), who not only frus trates the designs of a desert law yer. but discovers a platinum mine in the Devils Pocket a deep gorge situated at one end of the big ranch. RIVOLI—SAN BENITO The producers of "Golddlggers of apm W. C. FIELD8 MADQE EVANS Lo*l BARRYMORE Edna May OLIVER FRANK LA WTO N Elizabeth ALLAN M«wf<cn O’SULLIVAN Fr,dd,« Bartholomew ROLAND YOUNG LEWIS STONE SUNDAY A MONDAY Sffl5SJTu*ff^E RUDY AND ANN Rudy Vallee and Ann Dvorak tinging "Fare Tnec Well, Annabelle” in a spectacle scene from the musical screen hit “Sweet Music”, show ing Friday and Saturday at the RivoU Theatre in San Benito, and scheduled tor Saturday Midnite and Sunday. MondRy showings at the Arcadia Theatre in Harlingen. Broadway’. "Twenty M.llion Sweet hearts’* and "Flirtation Walk . pre sent the new screen musical Sweet Music" current a the Rivoh thea tre Friday and Saturday. The Ieatured cast in Sweet Mu sic' is headed by Rudy Vallee, Ann Dvorac and Helen Morgan. In Sweet Music ’ Miss Dvorak sings three songs with Rudy Vallee. "Theres a f if* ent You.” Svenson Theme Song . and Sweet Flossie Farmer Miss Dvorak a.>o dances in the picture. The first film in which ah? has had an opportunity to demons trate her Mnglng and danoing tal ent, although she started h*r career as a dancer. ARC ADIA—HARLINGEN The screen version of Charles Dick tilffmanri] | — TODAY and SATURDAY — j “TILLIE & GUS” | With w. c. FIELD* ALISON SKIP WORTH Universal Comedy Admission, 10c t--—_v Dance To the Mubic of Joe Hill And His 11-Piece Orchestra SATURDAY NIGHT February 23 9:30 til 3 a. m. Good Food Good Music Good Sandwiches San Benito Club ens’ novel ’ David Copperfield ’ is to be presented at the Arcadia theatre in Harlingen Friday and Saturaay. “David Copperfield” was filmed both in England and America and is headed by a cast of more than 65 characters, featuring Lionel Bar. rymore, W. C. Fields. Madge Evans, Edna Mac Oliver. Maureen OSulli* SPECIAL MIDNITE PREVIEW Saturday Nite The sensational screen hit taken from the novel that th r i 11 e d America .... “THE PRESIDENT VANISHES” with WALTER BVRON New screen find head ing a sensational cast The Hollywood Reporter Gives It 4 Stars Supreme WITH MINSTREL SHOW ] Thrill scene from the Western hit “The Tonto Kid" starring Rex Sell * and Ruth Mix screen attraction with A. G. Allen's New Orleans Greater Minstrel Show on the stage of the Queen Theatre. Friday and Saturday. IN DICKER’S KOVEL 4 * Basil Rath bone. Freddie Batholomew and Elizabeth Allan In the screen version of Charles Dickens' David Copperfield showing Friday and Saturday at the Arcadia Theatre and scheduled for showing at the Rlvoli Theatre In San Benito for Saturday Midnlte Preview and Sunday, Monday. van. Roland Young. Lewi* Stone and many others in its all star caat. No screen play this season has aroused more advance Interest than “David Copper-field.’ listed among the immortal stories ol all times. The story wes described by Charles* Dicken as hi* fair child." It la a story that hat. been read , by untold million* since it first was .. b. i stxed and it* presentation on the screen U awaited eagerly. CHARM AND JOYOUSNESS IN A GLORIOUS ROMANTIC COMIOY3 WA R N { R • MYRNA BAXTER LOY k% rnnni\ vnmn reduction Creator “It Happened One Night I SUNDAY MONDAY I TODAY and SATURDAY What a character! Hie adventures are leglon~The mighty atory of the mighty Prince of Hum bugs ! ureaier Than the Ranle-Dazzle World He Created • • § His Best Performance WALLACE BEERY mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. I In Hi* Greatest "THE MIGHTY BARNUM” — With — tdolphe Mcnjou — Virginia Brace — lfM Other* — At Your — Special Mickey Mouse Club Showing Saturday Morning 10 e. m. ■ as I tui? cnr a rr Two sh°w* Daily KJiH 1 HL 9 1 AvlL 3:30 and 9:00 A. O. ALLENS . NEW ORLEANS GREATER ★ * MINSTREL SHOW Jr 30 RENOWNED BLACKFACE COMEDIANS HK F SOMETHING NEW FROM DIXIE TO BROADWAY * * * A REAL NEGRO MINSTREL SHOW * * * !•« Today and Saturday “Tonto Kid" I At the • JlhiMm, ' I* , OITrpTU BROWNSVILLE Mmd M J A ^ PHONE ltt