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Want To Buy At A Better Price? if you nr* i* the market for a certain kind of car, and all of your efforts to find it have been unsuccessful, ask Herald readers for what you want. A Want Ad in the Herald will more than likely bring more offers than you can use. Use Herald Want Ads for Results! Every day Valley people advertise in the Herald for things they want. It saves time, brings direct contact with sellers, and helps you make a better selection. If you do not see the used car that you want listed in today’s Herald, just phone 8 and place your ad. ....—.-.-....... EXPERT MULTIGRAPHING Mimeographing Mailing LfcU far rush eg Prowpi Dgtivary . W. A, KING. Jr. PHONE 50t AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE 10 ~ Anto. tor 8>U 10 A»to« Ur S»»« V Special Used Car Clearance Sale_ I PICK YOUR CAR ^ I 1933 Chev. 6 wheel Sedan $550.00 . 1933 Ford Panel Delivery. $500.00 1933 Ford Fordor. I49&.00 1932 DeSoto 4 Door .$350.00 1931 Ch*v. 6 wheel Coach $250.00 1911 Ford Coupe . $250.00 1931 Nash Coupe .$250 00 1931 Ford Tudor . $250.00 f 1930 Ford Tudor .$225.00 1930 Chevrolet 4-door ... $195.00 New 1935 Dodge Vi ton lonf wheel base truck, liberal discount 1931 Ford Tudor . $250 00 1930 Ford Roadster.$185 00 1910 Chevrolet Landau Sedan . *125°° 1990 Chevrolet Panel .... $173.00 1990 Chevrolet 4 Door ... $235 00 1990 Pord Coupe .. 920* 00 199$ Pontiac 4 Door ..... $17100 1929 Pord Tudor . $140 00 1929 Dodge panel .I 75.00 1929 Dodge 1H Ton. 9 50.00 1991 Pord Sport Roadster $275.00 1990 Ford Roadster . $189.00 1998 Studebaker Sedan .. $100.00 1929 Dodge 6 wheel Sedan $175.00 1927 Chevrolet 2 door .... $ 75.00 All of the Above Cars Have Been Thoroughly Reconditioned— Look Them Over Before You Buy LUKE-JEFFERS MOTOR CO., Inc. Phone 66 8an Benito j jjj poX 5«ies Manager J- Glenn, Salesman 1. L. McDougal. Salesman C. H Armstrong, Salesman ANNOUNCEMENTS MORRTS LUMBER COMPANY ISABEL GIFT SHOP Urfiit Aaaortmant ta the Valley Mexican A Local Souvenirs Linens and Laces stonewall Jackson Hotal Bldg tan Banito § Lost and Found LOST—Dark ben*, ahoed. One whit* toot. Phone 1447, Reward H-M 9 Travel Opportunities DRIVING CHICAGO—Take tour; reasonable; leaving 27th. Wuer* aten, IBS E. Robertson. Ban Ben ito_ H’9° UNION BUS LINES” Vast bonded Ruaea. Ltavlng Har Ungen 6:30 a. m. and I p m. dally Arrives flan Antonio 1:11 p. m. and t:46 P m Ban Antonio 63.50— Della* |6to—Abilene 66to—Austin 6110—Chicago 621.15 - St. Louis 617.56. wVw. Houser. Phone 40ft. Harlingen; McAllen 63._ FA61ENGERS wanted, to New York, and Miami. Plonda, leaving Brownsville Feb. 26th, In 193: Chrysler- fare very reasonable: reference Write Brownsville Herald, Boa H-56.Hto McALLEN, REYNOSA BUS DAILY SCHEDULE Leaves Laavaa McAllen Roynosa •:S0 a. m. 7:30 a m. 10:00 a m. p 12:00 p m. 11:00 P »■ . :00 p m. 1:00 p m. 8:00 p m. 5:00 p m. 4:00 p m 6:00 p m 6:00 p m. 7:00 p m. Social bus from Reynoaa Sat urday and Sunday 10:30 p m. Raymondville News Notes « * E (apectfti to Tbs Herald < RAYMONDVILLE. Feb. 22-Pau) Hoidale chief inspector of the Val ley fruit quarantine, and Claude Liston, manager of the Harlingen a Municipal Golf course, attended the regular meeting oi the Notary club here Wednesday noon. J. A. Busch left Thursday for 8t. Louis on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. B F. Cox were call ers in Harlingen Tuesday afternoon., Mrs B V. Crowell and Mrs. Clif-' ford Orowell were Harlingen visit ors Tuesday. Mr Skinner of Edinburg attended the Wednesday meeting of the Ro- 1 tary club. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Harris and i Mrs G W McGann were Harlm ge.'« callers Tuesday. Fay Teague returned the last of | the week from a visit of several an vs with relatives m Warren. Atkansa.'. Jawe Robbuia spent the week-end with his parents in Kingsville. Fell* Sandlin, young son of F. E. Band]in is seriously ill with pneu monia. Dr. O. E. Bcnnack attended the 1C warns luncheon in Harlingen Tuesday and chailenged the Harlin gen club to a golf match on behalf of the local Kiwanis club. PENSION SEEKERS MEET *i u- •• ,,ij, HAKLINOEN Feb 32— Special weaker* wUl appeal before the Harlingen Towotnd Pension club at the city haJ « 7:80 p. m. Friday, according to J j. Course* precU Otnt. Permsneti* organisation of the flub was perfected -ecently. There are approximately 24.500 members of the Communistic party i In this country. 10 Antoi For Salt Check this list I before you buy y 1934 Plymouth 3*door Sedan 1933 Ford Tudor 1930 Dodge D A Coupe 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 1 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Ford Penal Truck 1939 Chevrolet Coach 1939 Ford Light Truck 1939 Dodge Senior Sedan Whan you buy a ear from ue we know you will be eatiifled. Brownsville Motor Co. PHONE 437 USE THE telephone for placing Want Ad* m the** oolurnn* Prompt, efficient bcnrtce—satisfy ing result*. Phone 8. PHONE 96 PHONE 66 ; A CARLOAD NEW BUICKS NEW PONTIACS Juat Receivtd 1984 Ford Coupe, low mileage 1980 Ford Coupe 1931 Packard Sedan BUICK-PONTIAC SHOP SERVICE PRICES RIGHT Well* Motor Co. Bulck-Pontiac Dealers E. B. WELLS, Owner PHONE •* PHONE M 14 Auto Repairs and Paint GET OUR PRICES -Washing. Greasing. Battery Charging. Repairs to all makes of oars PAUL JONES 1317 UreaPhone 333 i FORTY CENT twenty ~word Classified ad in the Sunday Hex* aid will go before 33,000 readers. Refinish Your Car WITH DUPONT DULUX $16.95 FORTS — PLYMOUTH! — CHEVROLET! Larger ears slightly higher Seaman Chevrolet Co. ath and Eliza bath BUSI. CHANCES 31 MiaealUneoua WANT TO LEASE DANCE HALL CONCESSION To party who understands tha busineaa. Wonderful oppor* tunity for the right party. See. write or phone Sam Robertson DEL MAR BEACH BUS. SERVICES 22 Beauty Shop* LEARN Beauty collar*—cla-w* be ginning this rooctix. Prices rea sonable. Cottage Beauty Shop. Brownsville- H~39 Beauty Course $20.00 Enroll now I Oil Permanents, $1.00 HOLTRY’S w' I 111 ft lUmaoc — HarUna.n I BUS SERVICES 22 Beauty Shop* PERM ANENTS from f 1.00 to >6.10 Experienced operators. Hollywood Beauty Shop. 1356 Elizabeth Phune 91. H-38 BEAUTY COlKStTs20. Enroll now Holtry s. 317 E. Harrison. Harlin gen. G-94 28 Builders-Contractora BEN V. PROCTER Consulting Engineer Preliminary investigations. Detail Plans and Construction Supervision. Examinations and Reports 511 nth St. Phona 111 BROWNSVILLE Brownsville Sheet Metal Works Roofing and Sheet Metal Work 8th and Harrison — Phone 289 28 Moving Truck*----Storage AUSTIN TRASHIER CO.. 941 Levee. Moving and crating Phone 431. Uttfl "mason TRANSFER CO. Contractors tor Missouri Pacific Pick up and delivery service Hauling of All Kinds 6th 8r FRONTON - PHONE 138 Packing of All Kinds 29 Painting-Papering We Will Save You Money Re-Roofing Your Home EASY TERMS Eagle Pass Lumber Companv 111? Monro* — Phone 90? 32 Printing—Office Sup. PREPARE war Hammer advertising now! Call Ui an.1 have Buthoo’s Print Shop show you iheir l93o adwru&mg lane—They’re wet. 080 RECIO BROTHERS PRINTING SHOP High grade commercial printing PHONE 927 722 12th St.. Brownsville 34 Iniuranca - | "mi in Hi - - n — — ; ■■ ■ ■ m. —.»■ — ■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i v Washington-Obelisk i — i-— i.—. ...mi. ' ... i HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured atruc* ture it the * Washington lit ie made ©t white —. 12 Knock. IS To mingle. 15 Stream. If Beret. IT Cry of eorrow. 19 Aloe. 21 Knotty. SS Son god. 1 15 Struck. SI Masculine pro* , noun. S7 Pen point. 29 Not many. SO Clique. 32To aia. ». SS Exiete. f 14 To lift. 95 Helpers. I SI 8mall SOW. 40 Real. 41 Middle point. 44 Wrath. 45 Nuptial fan* tiritiea. Anawer to Previous Puaato 47 To stool. 41 Port to o drama. 81 Milk and butter houto. 52 Moiton rock. 53 hVbrew meat, uro (pi ). 58 Woolly surface of cloth. 56 Rhythm. 17 Its sits is at tho —— capital. 18 Ascent is by 2 —— or ele vator. VERTICAL 2 English coin. i Ba< k of the neck. 4 Above. 5 Type standard 6 Northeast. 7 To impale. i Field.' 9 Railroad. 10 Morsel. 11 Card game. 14 Flower heads. 16 The-stone was laid in 1148. 18 Drunkard. 20 It was — to the public la 1888. 2* Cutting. i» 24 Ozone. 26 Possesses. 28 Arm ornament. 81 Men of letters. 34 Hastens. 36 Neuter pro noun. 37 To name. 38 Red stone. 38 To depend. 40 Smell. 41 Climbing plant 42 To ftnd fault. 43 Wanderer 44 To press 46 Face of a clock. 48 Fence rails. 30 Silk worm. 5. Meadow. 54 Therefore. 58 Mountain. BUS. SERVICES 34 Insurant* WOOD & DODD INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Phone 1M «OT . Util Straw EMPLOYMENT i 40 Service* Offered Agricultural Service Scientific Management end Super vision. Exporting and Re* porting. Appraising. R C. ROBERTSON Phone 1030 Rio Grand* VaHey Bonded Warehouse ■."1 i SO Poultry * Supplies CHOICE MILK fed broiler*; select eggs. English Strain Leghorn pul- j lets Homer Pitch. Phone 17. West 7th and 8t Pranci*. H-100 A SHORT - IIME advertisement does not always fulfill the ad* i vertlsers need aven in the strong est ad\ or using medium- If you hav« not gotten results—phone the Herald to renew your ad. I LIVESTOCK 50 Poultry-Supplies HIGHEST! QUALITY BABY CHICKS Priced right. Custom hatching Se: every Saturday. H, R Jackson feed and Seed Store 1030 Washm-gsor — Phone W7 CHICKS—7'ic. all varieties. Custom hatching 2'ic. Palm Gardena Hatchery. Harlingen H-44 KROWXSVfLLt HERALD CU^alfted ada are tlre.ess little worker* They do bag jcos lor little money. MERCHANDISE 54 For Sale, Miscellaneous MAKES OLD SUITS LOOK LIKE NEW THOR-O-CLEAN Phone I and Dhy Clean ingGol Inc MERCHANDISE 94 For $aio, MUcoIUnoout BARGAIN* of *0 kinds arc feted daily on the Brownsville Herald Classified page. BABY BED*—Factory price*. Van Betel Shop, 11th and Monroe. H-M CANE BAY fee Bale, rhone 8« J. 1116 Wen Bt. Charles. B-61 Sti— Itself! # Frontier Co. FOR SALE Rower* Moving Picture Machine, lee Boxes. Steel Filee. Cabinet*. Check writer*. Show Cases Deaks. Adding Machine*. Venetian Blind*. Sale*. Wall Caae*. Stoves. Etc. We also buy Office Equipment. THE REMATE 613 13th Btreet _ Baden’s Anniversary Event AUCTION SALE Next Tuesday, 10 a. m. Dairy Cow Sale and Show 30 Pina cow* 10 Springer heifer# 10 Horae# and mulct 300 Pine hen# 30 Host, all stee# Farm machinery and tool# 260 gallon Bean sprayer, coet new IfiOO—got# at your price. Worlds of furniture Free Hot Doga and Coffee EVERYBODY IS INVITED— / Come spend the day with u# Col. J. M. Baden Col. Jamss W. Haggard AUCTIONEERS 57 Lbr. * Bldg. Mat’l FOR SALE—At Pert Isabel Texas. approximately 100 pieces used, 16 lb. treated creoeoted piUng In length# 3« to 60 leet. Also about 3000 second-hand creoeoted cross tie#. W E Callahan Can#trucuoii Company, Port Isabel H-89 60 Seeds-PlnnU-Flowcrt COTTON SEED We Have It — You Can t Beat the Quality for tha Price. Los Fresnos Gin Co., Tnc. LOS FRESNOS. TEXAS NOW IS the time to plant hptlng flower#. Fire stock of new seeds on hand. Groves and Co., phone 1390.H-94 NOTICE TO COTTON GROWERS Those wishing to plant some of the famour Mars-Rose Cotton, which wa* displayed at the Mid-Winter faur, on a special arrangement, please aee one of the following Oln Operators: Mr. Elrod. Produce Co. Harlingen. Mr Frieby, Friaby Oln McAllen. Mr Parker Old Reed * White Oln San Benito. BUI Hil ton, Meroede6, Mr. Stevegson, Ser vice Oln. Weslaco and Donna, or McDavltt Brow. Brownsville. MERCHANDISE M Let'* Sw*p WANTED Real Ettate or Car Want lou or small acreage clear or good equity or late car In ex change for a speculative stock In 11-year old company which haa prospects of collecting large amount of money In near future from pa tent mfnngamant. Attorneys pay ing coat of patent suit for percent age of recovery. Your chance to make % fortune. Quick action ex pected Wnte Herald. Box H-103 RENTALS FOR BENT—-Oarage at the May i Day apartments. Apply Apt. 2, 139 Washington. H-101 13 Apartment* NEWLY Dcorated 4-reom apart - ment; private bath. Adams & Palm Blvd. H-S3 FURNSHED Efficiency 'apartment; garage, gas and water furnished Phene 17. H-M SAN CARLOS Apartments, under , new management. Bed rooms— Apartments, furnished or unfur nished J. F. Dixon. Mgr. Phone 90. H-ta 65 • House* FIVE ROOM hou-Ms; iiawty decorat ed modern, nice location Phone ISO. 1-108 FOR RENT Fiv« room furnished boost. 310 Palm 81 vd FRONTIER LUMBER CO. phone an MODERN l-roont cottage, famish ed Mrs. Hill, 634 Wen 8t. Charles H-81 67 Room and Board rfOLLINGSWORTH home-cookTd meaii. roam and board, reasonable rstfi. w* eater to tourists. Olen wood Hotel. 8SS Washington St.. Phone 1414. HIT LITTLE CLASSIFIED ADS to the Browns ill* Hsralc pay Mg div idends Read and use them regu larly and proflt REAL ESTATE For Sale Are you interested in a real nicely improved mod ern home at a real bar gain? Close to town and pavement; also cloee to Brownsville deep water port. Nice bearing grove, crops all planted, and all necessary equipment; ev erything all ready to move in. Small amount down, balance to auit purchaser. This property must sell. Call owner 6019 F 3, P. 0. Box 607. CLEAN UP Sale 25 acres on resaea: the best of land, m cultivation, for f100.00 per acre. Several small farms and orchards situated anywhere you want them. Many City properties that hava to sal) See M T. Kiliion over Willman a Urug Store. REAL ESTATE MONEY TALKS A Real Opportunity await* you in purchasing on* or more of the IS modern homes of from I to T room* each and belonging to dif ferent mortgage compania* whom we represent. The** properties can be purchased during th* next SO or 00 day* at far below the anginal cost and even lee* than the amount of the mart* Attractively priced either for ca«b. or with a email cash payment and the balance on exceptionally easy terms. Turn your rental reoetpta into eomething worth while, dee ue at once. a. C. Graham & Company Arcade Bldg - Phone 171 Brownsville. Texas Pre-Port Bargains 15 acres good land adjoining Brown*vilie turning basin nitc. I acres in citrus; small house 13£00. reasonable terms Subdivide this tract into lot., and take advantage of the Port. Five room frame house. West Brownsville, on paving, fireplace, bookcase*. 1-ear garage with I room servants' quarters above. Price $2,750 reasonable terms. MONAEES %ND QIILTKR Merchants Bank Bldg, BrownsvtU* REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES 6 58 acres, fine land, all In cul tivation Close In on South most Paved Highway. Price •1800.00. U acre* Une Reaaca Land, all In cultivation. Three room houaa near good school, now m crop. Price 81500 00 27 acres all In cultivation, fac ing on Concrete Highway apd and 10-inch water main leading to Brownsville Port. Pltei 85.000 00. 8 Beautiful lota Victoria Heights, paved street, paving paid. Price 81.000 00. A. D. Dickinson, Jr. i PHONE 499 El Jardln Bldg.. Brownsville 70 Hotiena For Sain If you are interested in owning A HOME Buy now! Small down payment, balance ike rent Texas Betiding £ Loan Asa's 434 Uth St - Phone 118 Suburban Home 6 acres good land, good £room house, all modem, double garage good chicken house with cement floor. A real nice home on pave ment. Nice location. 4 miles from town. Good neighbors. You can auy this right—Don t mean maybe. S. 8. Webster. Box 3tW, Brownsville. Texas, phone 61)34 J S. 74 For Sala or Trada TIIERL ARE NEW re.idersamf old readers with new WANTS every day List >our Wants or Don't Wants on the Brownsville Herald Clarified page for quick satisfy ing results. It VOL WANT to bay. sell, rent or exchange just phone The Brownsville Herald Classified Ad Department An experienced ad taker will gladly assist you. Phone & PLtCtfToLR C lassified ads before 10 a m. week days and noon Sat uday for proper classification. CHIP COLLINS’ ADVENTURES____By WILLIAM PITT JACK WILHELM AS The. BRAVCToN Team, T«a\unG Pavne bv ONE POINT. RESTS \N IT'S DRESSING Room, a N\E$5ENGrER APPEARS WTU A Telegram For. cme '. Firm vour mon*v is INV/ES'tfeP im suet> *y I IkNOTHtR. T*WG UP FONPS STOP NO NVORE DlVJtDENP'S FOR * WHILE STOP SOR«y. -Trr-—"V \- " " 1 RTMINCy * CHRl5T/V\*S (T//V\e 5 UP • ORTMoT, UTTLE LATE. { LET'S <30/ L Te*U*. MICKEY MOUSE ~ _* B> ^alt P»«"«y $*nrtCYR6 OFF/ THE ♦ 1,000 5WEBPSTAXB* THE Bid RACE OP* THE. VBA!?, has Just startsd: S/THEY RE BUNCHED AT TMe\ TURN-CAMS’ SEE WHOfc H LEADING? IT LOOKS LIKE — NO 4 YES! its NO 3, BLACK / LIGHTNING-HEfe PULUNG h t AWAY! As y-A■ tHAT& THE DOS THE CROOKS AW^UL- \ are. packing! Kjjto ttOPRV POP WAP OUP LAST MICKPV* H* CHANCE —AND HCS TRiPO SO .OUTCL ASSB D ‘ HARO TO Ktl ■ HELP UftI