Newspaper Page Text
'Buy, Sell, Rent or Exchange Through the Herald Classified Ads AUTOMOTIVE 10 Autos tor Solo ~Tjsed CARS With 1935 LICENSE 1933 Ford Tudor, exceptionally good. 3175.00 down, balance 75 per month. 1933 Chevrolet 4-door sedan. Good 6-ply tires. $175.00 down and $34.52 per month. 1930 6-Wheel Oldsmobtle sedan. 1929 Dodge sedan, good tirea. $80.00 down and $17.66 per month. All of the above cars are in ex cellent mechanical condition, family cars with low mileage, and the prices quoted include carrying charges and FULL in surance coverage. Tom Stevenson Co. 1233 Levee St. — Phone 222 Brownsville _ USED CARS with Plenty of UNUSED MILEAGE 1—1934 Ford V-8 De Luxe Fordor .. $—1933 Ford V-8 <C_l7^ Coupes. $450 and . J 3—1933 Ford V-8 Q~ Tudors . 3T+O.J 1—1931 Chevrolet C?7^ 1—1932 Ford 4 Cyl. Tudor . «?»5/ 3 1—1934 Ford V-8 <£C7C Sedan Delivery ....... JJO/0 1—1933 Ford V-8 CA7C Truck. C. C.. 8. B . S**' Patteson Motor Co. »27 Elizabeth Phone 888 WE WILL PAY 1935 LICENSE On any reconditioned car sold during the rest of this month 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe, fin ished In Grey DuLuxe. JOP Mechanically reconditioned 1933 Chevrolet Master Coach, low mileage, extra good condition . <p4t)U 1931 Chevrolet 4-door sedan, fin ished In Black Duco. Good tires. extra good COQT mechanically . $LjO 1930 Chevrolet Coach, new seat covers, new paint, new tires. I Mechanically reoondlt loned | 1930 Chevrolet Coupe, new tenders, new paint, new seat oov- QG1 P 0t%, new tires, extrs clean 1J 1930 Ford 2-door Sedan, new tires Motor reconditioned. (P1AP A dandy buy . JJ 1930 Ford Town Sedan, Motor re conditioned. good tires, new paint, npholsterlng (TOOC clean . 193” Pontiac 4-door sedan, finished In brown DuLuxe. Tires extra good, mechanically « (T*G JP reconditioned .. 1938 Bulck Standard (MGP Coupe, a real buy . Also have the following As la cars, and trucks: 1929 Ford Pick-Up . $65.00 1928 Ford Pick-Up . $45.00 1927 Model T Ford Pick-Up.$20.00 1927 Dodge Sedan .. $45.00 1930 Chrysler Sedan $65.00 1930 Essex Coach .. $95.00 11928 Chevrolet Truck, closed cab, stake body «,. $95.0 1930 Chevrolet Truck, close cab, stake body.$145.00 1931 Chevrolet Truck, dual wheels, closed cab, large body.$165.00 Cash — Terms — Trade WELCH MOTOR COMPANY, INC Phone 173 San Benito 1U1 FORD TRUCK, daaj wheals. steel dump body, good rubber (Also 1928 Chevrolet cheap for quick sale Frank Dunn at Genco Camp. Weslaco. I-U0 Try The Herald , ft Classified Ads to lirt Ke>ulU Classified rates. 80 words or leas, ons mseritioo .. 40< I Over JO words, ons tnssrtioo P«r word . •ubsequsnt insertions run consecutive i l». per word .Hjc * Minimum. JO words. •f month, per word . Jo To insure publication on the same day Classified sds must b# in tpa office by 1 10 a_ m on week days, end by aooc l oa Saturday for Sundays paper I Iwgsl notices le per word each inser tion Phone number 8 and ask for the Classi fied Department An experienced ad writer will give helpful suggestions If wanted, and tell you what the ad will cost Then later In the day a boy wUl call on you with the bill and you may I paj him. Check your ad when it first appears as The Herald Is not responsible tot more than one incorrect insertion Mots: All Classified advertising is oa s I ~ cart) .basts _• - I L-m rajTr - __ AUTOMOTIVE 10 Auto* For SaU Check this list before you buy 1934 Chrysler. 3 -door Sedan, in perfect condition, equipped with trunk and radio. Has run less than 1100 miles. 1932 Chevrolet Coach in per fect mechanical condition. 1931 Chrysler Rumble Seat Coupe, new paint. 1931 Plymouth Sedan, six wheels. 1930 Chevrolet Sedan, mechan ically excellent. 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Ford Sedan 1929 Studebaker Sedan 1929 Packard Sedan 1929 Ford Roadster 1929 Ford Light Truck 1928 Hudson Sedan . 875.00 1926 Chevrolet Sedan ... 850.00 1925 Ford Model T, Touring . 825.00 Brownsville Motor Co. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH PHONE 427 PHONE M PHONE 86 Announcing The affiliation of MR. JOE CELAYA With This Firm 1930 B«uck 2-door sedan. 1932 Chevrolet 2-door sedan 1929 Ford Pickup Truck 1931 Chevrolet Coupe-Sedan 1932 Chevrolet 2-door sedan 1933 Pontiac. 4-door sedan 1934 Chevrolet. 2-door sedan with trunk. Wells Motor Co. Bulck-Pontlac Dealers Service - Washing - Greasing E. B. WELLS, Owner PHONE 66 PHONE 86 Check Our List Before You Buv 1928 Dodge Sedan 1932 Plymouth Sedan 1931 Plymouth Roadster 1931 De Soto Coach 1930 Chevrolet Coach 1930 Ford Coupe 1933 Chevrolet Coach 1931 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan 1930 Chrysler Coach 1929 Studebaker Sedan 1928 Pontiac Sedan TRUCKS 1981 Chevrolet Panel 1929 Chevrolet Truck 1928 Reo long wheel base truck. Seeing Is Believing Come See Them Wroten Motor Co. Distributor DODGE & PLYMOUTH 916 W. Jackson Phone 11 HARLINGEN 11 Autoa Wanted WANTED—Lat model car; mast be bargain; pay cash P. O. Box 1041, Brownsville 1-99 14 Auto Repairs and Paint GIT OUR PRICES “Washing, Greasing. Battery Charging. Repairs to all makes of cars. PAUL JONES 1237 Levee Phone 222 BRAKES Tested and equalized on dinamic equalizing machine. Firestone aqua-proof brake lining can be installed as low as $6.49. Batteries Scientific recha r g e r and acid balancer. The new Firestone all rubber separa tor battery for modem cars gives longer life and more pep. SPARK PLUGS Fastest equipment for clean ing and adjusting spark plugs. The Firestone spark plug with special electrode can be bought for as little as 58c each in sets. FIRESTONE SERVICE STORES Phone 672 13th and Levee CHEVROLET Service Special Wash car. Vacuum clean in side. Lubricate, Paint under Fenders, a ^ f\f\ boiutenbod:v.. 3.00 Seaman Chevrolet Co. 5th and Elizabeth PHONE till A FORTY Cl N'T twenty - word Classified ad in U* Sunday Her ald will vo De/ora 55,000 raadera BUSI. CHANCES 21 Miscellaneous ’ SEARCHING FOR WORK? Marinello Beauty School has suc cessfully placed many of their graduates. Enroll now! 4505 Roes Avenue. Dallas. Texas. 1-113 FOR SALE—Complete restaurant ami bar equipment. George Scherer. La Feria. 1-116 BUS SERVICES 22 Beauty Shops _ BEAUTY CULTURE school— SI M oil permanents, guaranteed. Stu dent work half price. Cottage Beauty Shop. Levee St. 133 25 Builders-Con tractors BEN V~ PROCTER Consulting Engineer Preliminary Investigations. Detail Plans and Construction Supervision. Examinations and Reports 515 Uth 8t. Phone 151 BROWNSVILLE Hayden Hays Contracting & Repairs PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC Phone M Brow ns villa 28 Moving Truck*—Storage MASON TRANSFER CO. Contractors for Missouri Pacific Pick up and delivery service Hauling of All Kinds 6th & FRONTON - PHONE 139 Packing of All Kinds AUSTIN TRANSFER CO, 941 Levee. Moving and crating Phone 431. U66 32 Printing—Office Sup. PREPARE vonr summer advertising now! Call 433 and have Bishop's Print Shop show you their 1933 advertising fan*—They’re nice. 090 TO BUYERS OF PRINTING Ittxperous firms have their printing done at RECIO BROS. PRINT SHOP Phone 937 733 - 13th 8L. — Brownsville 34 Insurant* White & Sutherland Lila — Fire — Casualty Inauranc PHONF 411 State National Bank Bldg. WOOD & DODD INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Phooa 100 401 - Uth Street - INSURANCE BONDS W. B. CLINT Phone < J. S. Ford & Sons Insurance of every kind Phone 1129 Putegnat Bid*.. Brownsville ■ ■ — — — ■ » — ... t | Daughter of Croesus | 11...-....... .- ..... ' ■ . HORI/S1NTAI. I Who Is the American heiress in the picture? • She recently became a — 15 Writing implement. 14 Apart. 16 Form of »>e.~ 17 Golf devices. 18 Networks. II Seasoning. 21 Commanded. 22 Braced rail road track over a depression. 21 Jo stitch temporarily. 26 Alluvial material. 27 Type of apple 21 Flower container. 34 Walking stick* 36 Austerity. 37 To think. 38 Portrait statues Amnrr t« l*rrvkm* 1‘uulr 39 To relieve. 42 Brink 44 Philippine fort. 47 Derivative of ammonia* 49 To value. 63 Death notice. 64 To broaden. 65 Heritable land right. 66 She la the - girl in the world. &? She tlvva in VKRTH.%1. 3 Mualc drama. 3 Long grasses. 4 Insertion. & To challenge. 6 Consumed. ? Knapsack ® outfit. ■ 8 To redact. IV Civet. 11 Wraihy. 12 Ravine* 15 Organ of hea ring. 17 Her fortune come* from the — industry 20 Cow*’ leashee. 22To soak flax. „ 24 Self. 26 To knock 29 Blackbird. 30 Below 31 Governor of India. 32 Since 33 Male child 35 Ocean .36 Equipage 4t*T<iothed tool* 41 To eject 42 Paradise. (3 Low sand hill. 44 Heart 45 Kimono sash. 46 Tw itching. 4S Structural unit. / 60 St 11 | 61 Sailor. 52 Deer. EMPLOYMENT 35 Halp Wan I ad—Mai* W ANTED—Barber at one*, young man preferred. Cook’s Barber Shof), San Benito. 11106 WANTED—BOYS to seU The Brownsville Herald every after noon and Sunday morning Bee T. O. Cressner. Cressners Drug Store. Weslaco. Tex, 1-122 36 Help Wanted-Female LADIES, Copy names, addresses. for mail order firms. Good pay. sxperisnce unnecessary, no can vassing. Write! stamped envelope United Advert Ming. 1114 DeKalb avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y. 1-109 SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT for mar ried women. 615 weekly and new Spring dresses FREE represent ing nationally known Fashion Frocks. No canvassing. No in vestment. Send dress slse Fash ion Frocks. Dept. W-694. Cin cinnati, Ohio. 1-112 TWELVE LADIES wanted tmme dlately to demonstrate actual samples 8nag-Proofed Hosiery to friends. Up to $22 weekly with out canvassing. Samples FREE. Send hose slse American Hosiery Mills, Dept 65130. Indiana oolis. % 11118 37 Salesmen—Agents MEN WANTED ” for . Rawldfh routes In Brownsville. Write to day Rawlelgh Co. Dept. TXC 88-SB. Memphis. Tenn. I 49 38 Help Wanted—Male EARN QUICK cash raising mush rooms in cellar, shed, attick. We buy crops. Guaranteed materials furnished. Odorless method Book free. United. 3848-D47 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. I-lll EMPLOYMENT 39 Situations Wanted PHARMACIST. registered. most have work. Will go anywhere. Reliable, can furnish references. Address: Druggist 1506 7th St. Corpus Christl. Texas. 1-105 40 Services Offered KEY SERVICE SHOP CAR KEYS KEYS FOR ANY LOCK Duplicates. 25c; Originals. 35c-60c IN THE STAR ELECTRIC CO. Elizabeth fit. at Postoffice Phone 171 Brownsville FINANCIAL 42 Auto Loans LOANS Automobile Loans or Refinancing J. E. CARY Madison Hotel Bldg. Room t • Harlingen - Phone 122 LIVESTOCK 49 Horses-Cattle FOR SALE: M head good work mules, harness, saddle horses and miscellaneous farm Implements Progreso Haciendas Company. Progreso. Texas. 1-107 IF YOU WANT to bny. sell rent or exchange just phone The Brownsville Herald Classified Ad Department An experienced ad taker will glaoly assist you. Phone t. LIVESTOCK 50 Poultry-Supplies HIGHEST QUALITY BABY CHICKS Priced right Custom hatching. Set every Saturday W, R. Jackson Feed and Seed Store 1036 Washington — Phone 887 CHOICE MILK fed broilers; select eggs; English Strain Leghorn pul let*. Homer Fitch. Phone 17. West 7th and St. Francis. H-100 HATCHING EGGS White Jersey Giants. Buff Mmor cas. Hybrid White Leghorns X Black Jersey Giants. Cornish - Red. Also Hanson strain White Leghorn cock erels. six weeks old. Bantams. I. 8 Terry. 600 W. St Francis, phone 471. IF YOU WANT low price and high quality write for Dixie chick catalog. Egg-bred and Master bred flocks headed by males fr«:m Americas finest breeding farms. Write today for caiaiog. Dixie Poultry Farm & Hatcnery, Box 104. Brenham. Tex. 1-120 MERCHANDISE 52 Household Goods MAHOGANY twin bed; two burn er gas stove: leather bound books. Phone 753 1-125 COMPLETE Household furnish mgs. practically new. Includes rugs, Frigidaire. radio, gas stoves, etc. Leaving the state. 1413 Lakeside Blvd. 1-126 53 Musical Goods FOR SALE^tpright piano. A bar gam for cash Phone 284. Browns ville in mornings. I-100 54 For Sale, Miscellaneous SINGER Electric Sewing Machine in perfect condition, oiigmal cost $120.00, will sell cheap Phone 427. 1-98 EBONY Framed Blue Bonnett pic tures, hand painted. 64x8. sale. 81 50 Isabel Gift Shop, San Ben ito. 1-103 We Specialize in REBLOCKING Knitted Woolen and Boucle Dresses amo Dry Cleaning Go.Imc PHONE 1 Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention Sale of OUTSIDE HOUSE PAINT $1.49 gallon Eagle Pass Lumber Company 1117 Monroe — Phone 707 SPECIAL Quick Drying Hlgn Quality Varnish Regular value, per gal. $3.25. Sale price .... While Stock Lasts We guarantee this varmah to give excellent results or money refunded. Frontier Lbr. Co. PLACli YO(J« Classified ada before 10 a. m. wetk days and noon Saturday for proper classification. MERCHANDISE 54 For Saie. Miscellaneous RACING HOMERS—Best of Wood and proven breeders. Old birds and squabs. A. J. Whitaker, 18th and Arthur. 1-44 FOR SALE—Farmall tractor and complete orchard equlpm e n t. George Scherer. La Ferta. I-1I5 FOR SALE — Fishing equi pment consisting of Ice box. ice crusher, electric motor, scales, dipping vats. 2 drag seines .complete stock of boat hardware. 826 Elizabeth or phone 1171. 1-124 57 Lbr. A Bldg. Mat’l LONG LEAF PINE — lxlt 124.00 per M; 2x4 and 2x6 *23.00; 1x4 to lx* and plowed jambs *20.00 Many bargains. J. W. Richards. Inc., Combes. 1-68 59 Machinery-Equipment NEW MARTIN DITCHERS At big discounts as long as they last. Used Implement Co., across street from 8ears-Roe buck. Harlingen. 60 Seeda-Planta-Flowera PLANT Zinnias. Marigolds. Peri winkles. etc for late Spring and early summer flowers. Groves and Co.. 11th and Adams. 1-86 61 Wanted-Miscellaneous WANTED TO BUY — Grapefruit suitable for canning. A. A. Laughlin, Canner and Exporter. Los Fresno*. Texas. 1-87 WANTED TO BUY —Chevrolet can and model A Ford* for lank. JUNK DEPOT 14th Street at McKinley Summit Addition Phono 1412 — Brownsville USE THE telephone for placing Want Ads in these columns Prompt, efficient servioe—satisfy ing results. Fhone 8 RENTALS 63 Apartments SWEENY Apartments—Permanent tenants. Apply for attractive re duced rates. Cool, high class apartments. 1st and Adams St. H-120 FURNISHED Efficiency apartment: garage, gas and water furnished. Phone 17. 1-63 SAN CARLOS APTS—Bedrooms apartments; private or connecting bath. Phone 80 J. P. Dixon, mgr. 1-85 64 Rooms GATEWAY HOTEL —Clean rooms reasonably priced. 1-1® 65 Houaea ONE OF VALLEY’S FINEST HOMES For Rent—Furnished—for lim ited period only. Beautiful surroundings: central Valley paved road. QUICK ACTION WRITE HERALD BOX 1-14 66 Business Property FOR RENT—Downtown location for shoe shop, cigar and candy and. Phone 50®. Taylor Lumber Co.1-48 REAL ESTATE BARGAIN* — BARGAIN* Have a 10-acre home on pavement at price of good City lot; ten min utes out; many income properties in City at sacrifice prices. Or chards and orchards, any size, any price, any location. See M T. Killion over W’lllman & Drug Store. REAL ESTATE Small Investments In Real Estate Today Will Bring Big Dividends Tomorrow 6.58 acres, fine land, all In cul tivation Close In on South most Paved Highway. Price fl500.00 14 acres fine Resaca Land, all in cultivation. Three room house near good school, now In crop. Price 11500.00. 27 acres In cultivation, facing on Concrete Highway and 16-lnch water main leading to Brownsville Port. Price 15,000 00. 8 Beautiful lots Victoria Height* paved street, paving paid. Price, 61.000.00. A. D. Dickinson, Jr. PHONE 499 D Jar din Bldg.. Brownsville Pre-Port Bargains 8 unit apartment on comer lot, well located to attract high grade renters. This property must selL A real bargain on attractive term* 9 houses and lots on Jefferson St. Two comer lots, paving and taxes paid. $5.000 00. Splendid income property. Terms 10 acres good soil, one acre bear ing trees, good 4 room house. Elec tricity, phone, on paving. $2,000 terms. MONSEih AM) qLILTLK Merchants Bank Bldg.. Brownsville REAL BARGAINS tn Brownsville business, residential property, City lots, farms. Two large ranch es Hidalgo and Willacy countie* John Gregg, 752 Washington St., Phone 1197. L82 MONEY TALKS $1.000 00 cash buys well located 60 foot comer lot on Elisabeth Street, clear of debt. $1.500 00 cash buys 6 acres well lo cated on 14th Street pavement $2,000.00 buys modem 5-room house textone finished inside, front and beck porches, garage, on pavement and on comer lot: $350.00 cash, balance $23 33 per month Inc hiding interest. $2,850 00 buys modem 5-room stuc co house with front and back porches, hardwood floors, double garage, cm comer lot and on gravel street: $350 00 cash; balance $35 39 per month including interest. S. C. Graham & Company Arcade Bldg. — Phone 179 Brownsville Texas 72 Farma-Ranches PRICED TO SELL—Well improved modem home. 18 acres of grove; cioce to town and Port; terms to suit. See Owner. Box 507, phone 6010 P 3. 1-43 FOR SALE—7 acres on pavement near airport and school. Tele phone and electricity available. Low price Terms. Jennings. 834 W Fronton 1-123 74 For Solo or Trade FOR SALE er trad*—30 acres, fill ing station. 5-room house, barn, garden; near Kansas City. Mow Want South Texas property, clear. Sea Breeae Apartments, Corpus Chmtx 1-3 WILL TRADE—80 acres farm land near Chicasha, Oklahoma, unin cumbered, for unincumbered res idence or acreage property near Brownsville on pavement. Phone 1454 after 1 p. m. 1-108 76 Wanted to Buy WILL BUY FOR CASH FROM OWNER 10 or 20 Acres improved grape fruit and orange grove. Well located. A. E. Mertln, P O. Box 875. St Louis. Mo. BARGAINS of all kinds are lifted dally on the Brownsville Herald i Classified page. CHIP COLLINS* ADVENTURES By WILLIAM RITT and JACK WILHELM ^..- ____ - ■- - ■■ —- ■ - ... ._ —————— ■ - - ... . .... iU Just hand Tms eftONZE 0fcCK,To THE PAVNE SCHOOL.\ 1 AUTHORITIES— 0UT t VNONT J TELL WHO DIP TAH.E IT. {T ( ... — .. .--—; rryjr./jJi’.'T * LOO*. AT ALL THOSE: pavaje students, nope THeV APEM‘T HOLDING AM INDiGUATlON , MEETlAJ^r escxuse *v/ Pals SwviPEO THE STATuB l'/V\ RETu(*M/\}G Feu.OwS,TH»S GuV HAS O0& 0£owlt OH THE SC. AT AJEV.T -- TO^HIW ^ r^ __ . . __ CO/VAE WITH \svW \T'S COtt^S, U$,FEU.OW‘l OF 6ftA,yTOr4!^ \mI > _U MICKEY MOUSE * By Wah Di*ney __ 1 ..... 1 OH,MBS VUH DO? THERE'S SOME TOUGH MOBS IN TOWN THAT LIKE TO WRECK JOINTS THIS HERE! but for, say— twenty u you get out o' BUCKS A WEEK VUH Y HERE, FAST, OR C'D HAVE PERTECTiOn/vI'lL BEND A CHAlR |