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Bridge Club Is Honored By Mrs. Thomas i Special to The Herald i SAN BENITO. March 23 — Mrs. Fred Thomas was a charming host ess Thursday afternoon when tha members of the Bilk Slocking club mat in her home. The next meeting of the club will be held In the home of Mrs J. L. Bates. • • • The San Benito What-To-Read elub met in the home of Miss Maude Nosier when a Texas Day program was observed Following a short business period, Mrs James D. Caaev presented Mrs. M. S. Nichol son who gave a resume of the "Plans for the Centennial.” Mrs. Orville Brown gave an interesting talk on “Unusual Texas,” illust rating her report with a map study. The concluding number on the program were a group of songs relative to Texas, sung by a group of pupils from Mrs. Brown's room The next meeting of the club will be held In the home of Mrs. J. P. Ellis when the subject for discus sion will be the ‘ Foreign Youth Movement. Mrs O. L. Byrd will be the leader. • • • Tha Learners club held its reg ular meeting in the home of Mrs. W. D. Ferguson when Mrs. F. E Rushing was leader for the inter esting program. Following a business session Mrs. Jack Ehlers gave a splendid review on the life and work of three artists. Cecilia Beaux, John Sargent and Whistler. Com mercial Art was the subject of the paper given by Mrs. G. w. Ralston who referred to her topic in an Interesting manner, oomparing the ait of today with the art of the past, showing the advancement m arrangements, richness of colors and beauty. The next meeting of the club will be held in the home of Mrs. Jack Billers on April 3. a a a Mary Sue, small daughter of Mrs. Johnny Twmn was named honoree Tuesday afternoon when her moth er entertained on her birthday. During the afternoon pictures of the group were made on the lawn followed by games and contests. Little guests enjoying the affair were Richard Gale Vantine. Vernon fcugene Hallbeck. Richard Cowart. Dick Wayne Gray. Betty Gene Danley and the honoree. • • • Mrs. John Kirby entertained with Six tables of bridge in her home during the past week carrying out * most pleasing arrangement of ■men and white in all appoint ments for the occasion. P’acecards wete in green, while table oovers were of anowy linen. White phlox, larkspur and orange blossoms were used about the rooms. In the late Afternoon a salad course was serv ed which repeated the favored col ors. For success in the games. Mrs. T. |4 Dobson was presented with an Interesting package. Mm C. B. Hudson was presented with the sec ond award. ^ J The guest list included Mesdames SE Wilmeth. Asa Agal H. J. laascock. T. M. Dobson. Rankin Kenedy. J. D. Casey. C. E. Hudson. M 8 Nicholson. Paul Rossell, Paul Bruce. Clav Hall. Ed Hinkley. A H Lamm. J. E. Craven. A. R. Motheral. A J. Moore. Paul Hill, C. M. Jones. H. 1* Alsmever. E. W. Edwards. Neil Kendrick and Miss Lynda 11 Voder. Mra. Arthur Lee and Mrs. T. Webb were joint hostesses when th’y nitrr»«H Mrs. C. T. Adams, honoree on the oocasion of her birthday an niversary. Many lovely birthday tokens were presented to the guest of honor. During the games of bridge Mrs. Marvin Adams scored high amo. i the women players while Mr. John nie Nichols was high among the men. Consolation awards were pre sented to Mrs. C. T. Adams and Mr. T. Webb. In the late evening a de licious dessert course was served. The guest list Included Messers Mesdames C. I* Potter, C. T. Adams. Mrs Willis Howe, Messers and Mead a me* Johnnie Nlcho.s, Marvin Adams. Arthur Lee and T. Mrs Frank Barber was a charm ing hostess Thursday when the members of the Art and Craft club met to her home. During the after noon, Mra. A. G. Demers gave In struction in regard to various types of handiwork An Interesting fea ture of the meeting was the award ing of the prise cake . ... The next meeting of the club will be held In the home of Mra. A G. Demers Mrs Will Novotny who is leav ing soon for Nebraska where she will make her home, was named honoree Tuesday at noon, when the members of St. Benedict’s Altar society entertained with a luncheon at the Aztec, when a shower of pretty handkerchiefs was presented the guest of honor. Other guests Included Mesdames Claud Atkins C. E. Fleming. Fred Behwtnn. E. E Ogden. W. F Bues ing Earl Barber. Ezra Steven.' Peter Dekook, E N. Brown, Jaques John Porter. A. P Demers. Charles Hidden. Walter Pozoski. Phillips. Wright and Richter. Members of the Lateral T club wm* delightfully entertained in the home of Mrs. L. A. Barrier when 21 members were present. During the meeting several contests were en joyed in which Mrs. Bessie Pierson wu winner of a word contest and Mrs. H- H. Parks was winner of a •riddle arid puzzle game Each re oelved interesting gift awards. The next meeting of the club will be held in the home of M|s Frank Grlmaell. • • • Mrs Joe E. Sellars complimented the members of the Thursday eve ning Bridge club using a color scheme of yellow in aU decorative features of the affair. Preceding the games the guests assembled at the Ajtec where they enjoyed a delic ious dinner of Mexican food*; During the games of bridge gift were awarded to Mrs. I. V. Jolly and Mr. Jessie Welch. Club mem fema peasant included Mamn- and, A Every one smart and easy to make A PRACTICAL MARIAN MARTIN HOUSE FROCK Complete. Diagrammed Marian Martin Sew Chart Included PATTERN 9226 Good, tailored lines go into the making of this house frock. Thera isn't a thing to muss or get wrong about it during a busy day at home. And that irregular yoke, which takes tha pleated sleeves into tu stride, is both new and becoming The hip pockets break the line just where one who has an extra pound or two need* a Uttle slimming— they're roomy, convenient pockets, besides. It Is excellent made of cot ton broadcloth m any color or per cale or any narrowly striped or small printed cotton. Its well thought out design gives sufficient dash that you'll en)oy wearing it for that morning marketing. Pattern 9228 may be ordered only in sizes 14. 16. 18. 20. 32. 34. 36. 38, 40. 42. and 44. Size 16 requires 3 3-4 yards 36 Inch fabric. Send fifteen cents In coins or stamps (coins preferred) for each Marian Martin pattern. Be sure to write plainly your name, address, the style number and alas of each pattern , Let the Marian Martin spring pat tern book guide you to chic! Distinc tive. wearable clothes are included in its forty beautifully illustrated pages. The new end the smwrt for tote, chll dren, young and older women, and brides. Slenderizing designs for wo men of heavier build. Every garment is one you can make with our easy to-use Marian Martin Patterns. Send for your copy now I Price of book fifteen cents. Book and pattern to gether. twenty-five cent*. Send your order to The Browns ville Herald Partem Department. 232 w. 18th St.. New York. N. Y. Mesdamea I. V. Jolly Jr., O. C. Hami'.tons, Leigh Stanley. Jesse Welch. R B Stewart and Flint Harris. • • • The American Legion auxiliary met Wednesday evening in the home of Mrs. W. W. Cotton with a splen did attendance. During the busi ness session, which was In charge of the president, Mrs. W. W. Cot ton. many interesting reports and Items of Interest were discussed The chairman of the Child Wel fare committee reported that sev eral articles of clothing and five pints of Jelly had been distributed. Chairman of the play, “Cicero Stepe Out.*’ gave a review- of the same and announced that Its success from a financial standpoint. Plans for the poppy day sale In May were discussed and the aux iliary voted to make every' effort to see that the local organization wens over the top. A poppy poster oontest will be sponsored In the grade schools in which a prize for the best poster will be given. The next meeting of the auxiliary will be held in the home of Mrs. Anna C. Smith when Mrs. H. M Cottrell will be hostess. • • • Members of the San Benito Bus iness and Professional Womens club observed as a part of their work In the National Business and Pro fessional Women’s week, a luncheon held Tuesday at noon In the Stone wall Jackson Hotel Nasturtiums in low bowls graced the entire length of the long table. Mrs. Isabella Sevdler, president 01 the local organization, extended the address of welcome and called attention to the watchword of the club which is. •Opportunity ” She stressed the fact that this word Is being presented during the week to 1400 federated clubs, to 55.000 wom en and In 40 states, in the islands of Hawaii and in the District of Columbia. During the luncheon. Reverend Everrett W Johnston was the prin cipal speaker and spoke on the sub ject of -Light. ’ The San Benito Trio composed of Mrs. J. D. Ward. Mrs. Ed. Brady and Miss Maude r sang a group of selections Presidents of the women's clul* of San Benito were Introduced and brought individual greetings to those assembled They were Mrs. Joe E. Smith. Athenian club; Mrs. E H. Fairev. Aurora club; Mrs Elmer Morris, Learner's club and Mrs. E I. Bucklin. Woman’s Cul ture club. Mrs. F. C. Ludden was a representative of the Valley Fed eration of Women's clubs. Other guests included Mrs. Paul Cottrell, Mrs. E. Zahner and Mrs Mac Sc brie her. • • • A group of young friends were delightfully entertained recently in the home of Thomasine Hughes when games of bunco were enjoyed. Love ly floral arrangements carried out a color note of green and white while other features for the aeries ol eames depicted the same tones. When games were concluded prizes were awarded to Dorothy Doods. Genevieve Perry, Douglass Place and Curtis Berman. In the late evening outdoor games were enjoyed on the lawn. A salad course was served with a fruit drink during the evening to Mildred Harris. Jane Clark, Doro thy Doods, Lois Glassgow, Gene vieve Perry, Frances Huffman, Dorothy Ann Prentiss and Johnny Gilbert. Douglass Place, Curtis Berman. Jimmy Carr. Howard Gerst, and Ralph Mullinix of Harlingen. • • • Members of the Walther League and several guests were delightfully entertained In the home of Miss Mabel Gee ting Tuesday evening. During the evening games and contests were enjoyea after which a series of bunco and bridge rounds provided diversion Gifts were a warded to Mrs. E. Somntag and Mr. Henry Wachsmuth. • • • Mrs. Mary Bradley was hostess to a delightful dinner party at the Stonewall Jackson Hotel when she> had as her guests Mrs. F. Avery of i San Antonio. Mrs- E J. Blount and Mrs. Jessie Betts. Following the din- i ner the guest* were entertained at ih# Rivoli Theatre. • • • Mrs. Harry Poehner was a charm ing hostes# Wednesday evening when she entertained the members of the Wednesday evening bridge club. . Guests other than club members were Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hudson and Mrs. Marian Run*. When scores were counted tro phies were awarded to Mn C E Hudson and Mr. R. B- Goolsby. The next meeting of the club will be held in the home of Mrs. J. O. Casey. _ Los Fresnos News, Notes (Special toTbe Herald• LOS FRESNOS. March 23 — Checking the foundation pattern will take place Thursday when the Los Fresnos Home Demonstration club meets at the home of Mrs. J G Wetkle The club will meet at 9 o’clock and a covered d‘sh luncheon will be served at the noon hour. Miss Dorothy Porter will be pres ent. Those wishing a foundation pattern will be at the morning session. Mrs. Minnie Zumwalt and Mrs Alvin Pederson very delightfully entertained members and friends of the Woman’s Service club at the home of Mrs. Phillip Brady near Rio Hondo Thursday afternoon. After the regular business meeting a program was presented by the Sunshine committee composed of Mrs Minnie Zumwalt, Mrs E. Ped erson and Miss Gertrude Siderius. Delicious refreshments were serv ed by the hostess at the close of the afternoon. Mrs. H. Lupton will be hostess at the next regular meeting. Those present were Mesdames N. Ryall. C. B. Chase. E. W. Chase. R. Bingley, C. C Critchett. Chas. Siple. C. J. Welkle, E. V Burgess. F. Kretz. L. Kerr. W. C. Oliver. W B. Palmer. S. E. Barr and Miss Gene via Palmer. Miss Gertrude 8iderius. Guests present were Mrs Harlln Baker. Mrs. S. Baker. Mrs. Tar water. all of San Benito. Mrs. P. C. Pederson. Mrs. J. A. Wilhite, Mrs 8. D. Baker and Mrs Cune. • • • A wry delightful evening was spent Wednesday by members of the Sunday school class of Miss Ruth DeBusk of the •Methodist Sun day school when they gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs. Elvln Pederson and roasted wieners. After the picnic supper, games were play ed by the following: Billy and Char iot Bingley, Anna Kalbus. Manam Baker. Betty Lou Steel. Doris Marie Pederson. Elvin Pederson, Jr. Paulie Pederson. Bobby Mc Leaish Hazel and Doris Lipe. Maud and Leta May Jennings. Mrs. E. Pederson Patsy Welkle. Evelyn Kyle. Ruby Gean Pederson and Jaumta Brooks. • • • Mrs. G W. Carrol] has returned from San Antonio where she has been receiving medjeal treatments for the past three months. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilhite have as their guest their daughter. Mil dred, of Mexico City. High and Junior High P.T.A. Sends Out Plea For Rummage Sale The Parent-Teacher association of the high and Junior high schools will haw a rummage sale In the market square Saturday, April 6 Members of the P T. A., friends and patrons of the school are requested to send any clothing, household equipment or other saleable articles to Mrs. Howard Cummins or Mrs. Ralph Buell, before that date. Should It not be possible to send the articles, persons may call either of the above-mentioned members of the committee, usd the articles win be called for. « Garden Tea Courtesy For OES Officers i Special to The Herald i LA FERIA. March 23 —The back ground for a lovely Eastern Star tea. honoring Jane Hensley, mem ber of the resolutions oommittee, and other grand officers, was an old-fashioned garden appropriately staged In the American Legion hall at La Ferta Wednesday afternoon The receiving line, who welcomed a hundred guests from all the Valley chapters. Edinburg. Mission. Pharr. San Juan. McAllen. Alamo, Mercedes, Donna, Weslaco. Harlin gen. Rio Hondo. San Benito and Brownsville, Included Edna Cole man, worthy matron of La Ferta chapter; Jane Hensley, member of the resolutions committee. Grand Chapter of Texas, Order of the Eastern Stsu*; Marjorie Miller, frat ernal correspondent. Grand Chap ter of Texas. O. E. 8.; Mabel Thomason, deputy grand matron. Grand Chapter of Texas. O. E. S.; Frances McFadden, grand repre sentative to the province of Onta rlo, Orand Chapter of Texas O. I. S.; E C. Couch, member of finance committee. Grand Chapter of Tex as. O. E. 8.; Thelma Hoffman, as sociate matron of La Ferta chapter. The guests were next directed to an antique table, graciously presid ed over by Alta Brower, upon which was placed a hand painted memory book with an old-fashioned garden painted on the outside cover by the artist, Alice Yarbrough. The hall was converted Into a veritable flower garden, banked by aethel on three sides with a rust^ fence containing a palm archway on the fourth through which the guests passed Inside where stood an old stone well with an oaken bucket in which cold water could be drawn from the well, and where beds of phlox, bluebonnets and California poppies were In full bloom. A large oak table covered with an elaborate white linen and tatted cloth and bearing a sliver service of coffee and tea, was presided over by Mrs. Clyde Mitchell and Mrs. Amy Holbert. The floral center piece was formed with phlox, fern, verbena, bluebonnets and nastur tiums and poppies to represent the white, green, red. blue and allow star points of the emblematic star, which was banked with fern Rus tic benches and old-fashioned rock ers added to the effectiveness of the scene. The program, in keeping with the central theme, was arranged by Fate Brown who introduced the members. They included “Spring tide." a solo, by Isabel Hegge. ac companied by Florence Knight at the piano; “Grandma's Fan,'* a reading by Sally Roes Sanders; •Curfew Shall not Ring Tonight." a reading by Florence Sommer; “The Garden of Roeea," a solo, by Florence Knight accompanied by Mildred Branch at the piano. These ladies were becomingly attired In colonial period costumes which ad ded beauty and harmony to the setting. Those ladles, who assisted In serving were Martha Anderson. Lu cille Clayton. Marie Hargrove. Mil dred Branch, and Eddie McNall becomingly dressed In different colored organdies. • • • At the regular meeting of the La Ferla Chapter Monday evening, in the Masonic hall, which was decor ated by the Hall Committee, con sisting of Mesdames Starley. Burch field, and Ammerman, with lovely bluebonnets and any colored phlox. Edna and Bert Coleman, worthy matron and worthy patron, filled their respective stations with the other officers In their appropriate places. Feme Elliot, chairman of the beautification eommittae from the O E. 8. made an Interesting report on the work that has been accom plished by the 11 clubs that are In terested in beautifying the highway from the county line to Adams gar den with purple bougainvillea and wild olive trees. Tag day has been set for Satur day. April 6. and all dtlaens are urged to donate liberally. Mrs Cole man appointed Juanita Burchfield. Lucille Clayton. Mildred Branch and Elberta Wiley to serve on the committee with Mrs. Elliot. Rio Hondo Chapter extended an invitatiotn to La Feria chapter to visit It Thursday. March 28. at 7:30 o'clock when Mrs. Mabel Thomason. Deputy Grand Matron. O. E 8..' makes her official visit. Some 15 members plan on attending this meeting and conveyance will be lumished from the Hall at 6:30 o' clock. A vote of thanks from Elva Lee Owens, grand electa, for the many courtesies extended her by the chapter during her stay in the Val ley. was read by the secretary , Alta Brower. A program conducted by Florence Sommer, present Esther, and as sisted by Juanita Burchfield. Vivian Anderson. Eddie McNall, and Feme Elliot, past Esthers, was, Indeed, worthy of praise. Mrs. Anna Heldt. who served as Esther for eight years, and Mrs. Florence Knight, who served only the station of Es ther. were present. Three duets from the Queen Esther cantata were sung by Florence Sommer and Florence Knight. Each Esther was presented with a lovely picture of lllliea by Mrs. Sommer. • • • Jayne Sheau entertained her Sun day school class last week at the home of her grandmother. Mrs c. C. Frasier. The afternoon was spent In playing gemes Dainty refresh ments were served carrying out the St Patrick's colors. Those enjoy ing the hospitality of llttk Jayne were Muriel Kleater. Clara Jean Nordmcn. Mary V. Flynt and the hostess. • • • The ladies of the Missionary So ciety of the Methodist church gave a younger sister's banquet at the church annex Tuesday evening Fifty-four were In attendance. The young ladies la atttndanoa gave a> Laura Wheeler Designs LAURA WHEELER FINDS CROCHET ADDS COLORFUL TOUCH Not to have enough purses to har monise with all your Spring and Summer clothes Is to be lacking a vital accessory—one that can give martness to your entire appearance. This set of purse and scarf can be made to go with a variety of clothes lor It is done in two colors. You could make it in black, brown or green and a color for Spring and in white and a calor for Summer. The purse is the usual envelope form— iu interesting nap with tne smart buttons add much to its beauty. The set can be done in a silk and wool yam. a mixture so popular for Spring. Pattern 886 comes to you with de tailed directions for making the set shown: illustrations of it and of all stitches used; material require ments. and color suggestions Send 10 cents in stamps or4 coin (coin preferred* for this pattern to The Brownsville Herald. Needlecraft Dept, 83 Eighth Avenue. New York. N. Y. delightful program. Mia Demaree Voorhees graciously presided. Miss Maxine Lindberg gave a reading and Lou Eva Clark gave a reading America was sung by Ruth Wilson accompanied by Miss Imogen# Voor hees. • • • The Ruth circle met with Mrs El wood Townsend TtS\sday after noon with 14 members present. Mrs West presided over the bus mass session after which the meeting was given over to the program on Brazil led by Mrs. C. C. Frasier. Mrs. Weal gave the devotional and Mrs. Kieffer read an interesting ac count of "A Busy Day in Brazil.” • • • The Esther circle met at the church with Miss Beatle as hostess and Mrs. Caldwell as leader. • • • Dr. L. L. Btarklay. one of La Fe na's leading physicians for the past nine years, will move to Harlingen the latter part of this month, and will open offices In the Baxter building there. Mr. and Mrs Bacom Robinson announce the birth of a daughter bom Monday morning at the Val ley Baptist hospital. Mrs D. W. Sigler left Tuesday night for Bryan, where Mrs Wayne Sigler was to undergo an operation Wednesday. Mr and Mrs.2 Walter Qui&t of Minneapolis. Minn., are spending s few days with Mrs 8. J. Schnoren berg. — Modem Poets Is Topic Of Mrs. Tucker The Athenian club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs Alton Berger In the Colonial apartments. The members enjoyed an interesting pro gram with Mrs Hayden Hays as lealer. 8he read a paper on "Early American Poets,” that proved most entertaining. The club had as guest speaker. Mrs. S. C. Tucker, who gave a most Interesting snd comprehensive dis cussion of "Modem American Poets." Mrs Tucker's familiarity with every phase of both the poets and their work enabled her to give a brilliant account of this part of modem literature. Mrs. Tucker read several poems from well known poets of today fol lowing her Illuminating discourse Among these was Edna St Vincent Millay’s first poem. "One Bird on a Tree." During the brief business session, the resignation of Mrs. Royce Russell was accepted Refreshments were served by the hostess during the social hour. The club then adjourned to meet Tues day, April 9, at 3 p. m.. with Mrs John Barron at -her home In Banker addition at the comer of Warren and Hawthorne streets Mrs. Lindhe Claims Honors at Games Of Ween Frac Club Mrs. Eld G Wathan was hostess to the Ween Free Bridge club Tues day afternoon. Orange blossoms were used for floral decorations During the games of bridge. Mrs. H. L. Lindhe was high. Club mem bers present were Mesdames Ted Stevens, Roland R. Fife. Hugh John ston. Sam Lockwood. Tommy Thomas. H. L. Lindhe, and Richard W. Pitts. M#v Hugh Johnston will be hostess to the club next week. R. A. LACKNER rompteto Optical gcrrtca Parents Are Honored By Scouts Here The entertainment given Tuesday' evening for the parents of the Gin Scouts of Brownsville was a great success. The ?#ogram presented by the Scouts, and the splendid talk made by Miss Mary White, regional director, were enthusiastically re ceived. The program included the pledge to the flag. America, and the Giri Scout promise, demonstration of' signalling and first aid by the Bluebonnet troop; “Texas. Beau tiful Texas," sung by the troops; Italian folk song, and seventeenth century English lullaby sung by the Seagull troop. A surprise number on the pro gram was the song sung by the Bluebonnet troop. The song was dedicated to Miss White, and its words had been composed by mem bers of the troop. Miss White told the assembled parents the values In regard to development. In Girl Scouting and its value as a leisure time activity. She told something of the beginning of the organization and the found ing of the first troop In the United States. March 12, 1612. Miss White stressed the importance of com munity and parent cooperation in the development of a strong Scout organization. The evening was brought to a close with the singing of Taps " Lott of Lace On New SLIPS •1.9] Nice lace, too. Not hand run, but few would know the differ ence. And it's net lined which is an extra nice touch. Excellent quality crepe. AZIZ BROS. Ine, DEPARTMENT > STORE EHasbeth and 11th Brownarllle Review Club has Meeting In Rio Grande ..... .. tbpscial to Tut her».dl RIO GRANDE CITY. March 23 —The Book Review ciuo w.»* enter tained Thursday afternoon by Mrs Ida E. Huff of Fort RJngfOld the following members and guests be ing present: Mesdame* R. E- Wil loughby. 8. R. Ingram, B. A. Tliomaa. Gecrge B Moore; Adeline Myers. Sam L. Myers and J. W. Huntress of Fort Ringgold. L. R Brooks, Flor ence J. Scott, Terry Homaday and Misses Shirley and Robin Brooks ol Rio Grande City and Mrs. R. CGan der of San Antonio. The review o! the afternoon was given by Mrs. Scott, “Old Rough and Ready on the Rio Grande,” of which she is the author, and which is shortly to be published. • • • Las Palmas Bridge club was en tertained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. John A. Pope, Jr., the following members and guests b^ing present; Mesdames L. R Brooks; W W. Shu ford. B C King A. R. Baker. Wil liam Keach. John Stone and Ed Sis son. After play, in which scores were made by Mrs. Pope and Mrs. Baker, a delicious salad course was served by the hostess. • W m Mrs. Ed Sisson entertained at her home Friday with a dinner party surprising Mrs Howard Bass on her birthday evening. The guests. Mi and Mrs. Bass Mr and Mrs. Joe Mo6s, Mr. and Mrs J. H. May, Mr and Mrs. Dana Whitton. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Edrtins and Mr. Sisson, were seated at a charmingly decorat ed table, its centerpiece a festive birthday cake, with green candle* After dinner, games were enjoyed by the party, the praes going to Mr Eddlns. Mrs. Moss and Mr and Mrs Whitton. • • • The Sewing club met Friday after noon at the home of Mrs W W. Shu ford. those present including Me* dames C D. Mosteller. F D. Guerra. J H May. William Keach. and John Stone. Mrs. Ed Sisson was hostess at a bridge-luncheon Thursday, the guests including Mesdames Dana Whitton, Alton Beadle. R H Haz eltme and R. H. Allen of Rio Grande City, and R L. Marston, Jack Ken nedy and Henry Oonkllng of Mc Allen. Award* were presented by Mrs. Whitton and Mrs. Conk ling • • • Mrs F. Y. Re vis and her children. Tommy. Keith and Jackie Lynn will leave ahortly for Lufkin to loin Mr Revis. who has been made foreman of the district warehouse of the CCC there. Mr. Revis wras a civilian em ployee at Fort Ringgold for five years In the Quartermasters De partment. • • • Mrs. Baker and her son. Olllies pie Baker, of San Antonio, and her son A. Y. Baker, Jr, of Edinburg, who were guests of Mr. and Mra. H. ft Baker. Mr and Mrs. A R Baker mk Miss Florlnt Baker last week hevw left for their home*. Mr. and Mrs. William Keach. m terumed Ella May Rita and Dolly Pope at the ahowtng of “The little Colonel." at McAllen^eturday. Mr and Mrs. A. R. Baker spent Monday at Edinburg. Mrs. P. D. Guerra and Ira O Meara motor to McAllen Thurs day. Rev. J. L Hinds, pastor Of the Methodist church, and Mra Hinds have returned irom a two*weeks’ re vival at Laredo. The W. M U. of the Flrat Baptist church held Ua regular meeting Monday afternoon at the church, when a missionary program was given under the leadership of Mra Howard Bass. Others present were Mesdames C. D. Mosteller. I. L. Pat ton. J. H. May, Lee Cartwright. M de Perrier. T. T. Tldmore. J. H. Howard J. W. Wolters and 1. O. Carter W. L Ellison, inspector in charge of immigration, left Tuesday eve ning lor Galveston, to attend a three days’ conference celled by the district director. Mrs. L- R Brooks and Misses Shir ley and Robin Brooks motored to McAllen Friday • Mrs. F. C. Brunnemen. with Cad well Nelson and Laura and her sis ter. Miss Thelma Nelson of Combes, left Thursday morning for San An tonio to spend the week-end with here psrents. Mr and Mrs. R w. Nelson. . Mrs E A Targe 1 has returned from e 10-days’ visit with her par ents Mr. and Mrs C. L. Jackson, at Laredo. Mrs. R C. Conder with her chil dren Margaret and Ray. of San Antonio. Is spending several weaka with her slater. Mrs Terry Home day. and Mr Homaday ________ 4% ______ CYPU MEETING There will be a meeting of the Christian Young People's Union Tuesday evening March 96 at T:Jd p. m.. at the Mexican Methodist church. The Baptiste will hare charge of the devotional. All young people of the city are urged to at tend._ , EASILY and QUICKLY with thla amaalne all-ta-one ha—« Ufiar and daep-porw deanaar Me at dru. aij l^ <1> imrtmant^atorje port. La. 1 A HERE’S REAL MONEY FOR YOU JOIN NOW — TODAY Kree Mee 3rd Contest SHARE OUR PROFITS >100 GRAND PRIZES >50 7-*25—DISTRICT PRIZES—7-* 10 *10 — WEEKLY PRIZE — *10 Weekly Winner: Ann Miller, McAllen GRAND PRIZE Ann Miller, McAllen Edna Erickson, Betty Y.te., Harlingen McAllen Jessie Lae Bowen Brownsville Aledoe Speer, Mission DISTRICT LEADERS BROWNSVILLE SAN BENITO HARLINGEN • Rulh Y*» Mvma Summers Jack Tippit Harlea Adams Billie MeCarty mIT“r.lhirln. »“u 1 Pauline Lane Ogdee Aileen Moore Bob Sylvester MeALLEN Betty Burdett Ann Miller Edna Lriclunn WESLACO L. W. Wilkins EDINBURO George Pierce jgjj" *e*h WIIsob Billie Jane MISSION Alfranee# McC ants Aledoe SpM>r Aregood Peyton Llgon Mona Meyers Doyle Welch T. Weidemann _ E- M- Manus Helen Pearson Garreth Gather Billy Elder Jackie Covington Jeeale Barker Valley Ice Cream Co. Plant and Main Office at Harlingen Makers of Kree Mee lee Cream