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ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 Card of Thanks CARD or THANKS—We thank all who participated in the funeral of Pedro Sosa, son of Mr. and Mra A. Sosa and especially the teachers of Washington Park School and the Woodmen Circle. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sosa and family. SPRING STOCK WALL PAPER * HERE MORRIS LUMBER COMPANY VALLEY RADIO Laboratories, 1131 Washington. Phone 630. Auto home service, Installation. 131 " announcing In connection with the Blue Bon nett Beauty Shop a complete dress making. hat remodeling and hose mending department. Also hem stitching, button holes, and altera tions of all kinds. Mra George Easterly in charge. Next to Mrs. Shapiro's Shoe Store. Free Demonstration on PROVEN PROCESS For storing Grapefruit and Oranges for Summer Sales R. C. ROBERTSON Valley Bonded Warehouse Brownsville Phone 1030 Broadway Confectionery All Candy made in Our Shop Bold fresh daily — Pecan Roll, Cactus and Pumpkin Candy. 1140 Washington Street Specials Lavnmoaers Self sharp ening. ball bearing— $7.49 Cant fishing poles .... 15c Cast Nets .$3.75 Ford A Radiators ... $9.98 Ford and Chevrolet Springs Garden Hose 38 feet $1.38 SO feet $2.49 • HOUSE PAINT, gaHon .II «5 MUFFLERS FOR ALL CARS MOTOR OIL. 2 gallons .Wc CUP OREASE. B pounds.55c FURNITURE OIL. gallon .... 11.10 PIPE and FITTINGS HARDWARE. ELECTRIC and PLUMBINO SUPPLIE8 Covacevich Supply Co. BROWNSVILLE A SHORT - IIME advertisement does not always fulfill the ad vertiser’s need even w the strong est advertising medium. If you have not gotten result*—phone the Herald to renew your ad. 8 Personal EMMA: Received picture. Never saw you look so well. Your double chin certainly disappeared after chew ing Double Mint Gum. Kate. 1-117 8 Travel Opportunities UNION BUS LINES Vast bonded Buses. Leaving Har lingen 6:30 a. m. and S p. m. daily j Arrive* San Antonio 1:15 p. m. and 9:45 p. m. San Antonio $3.50— Dallas $8.25—Abilene $8 85—Austin 95.10—Chicago $21.15 — 8t. Louis $17.65. Madison Hotel, phone 405, Harlingen: Miller Hotel, phone 166, | Brownsville; Cor tea Hotel, phone 70, Weslaco; McAllen, phone 32; San Benito, phone 234; Elsa, phone 35. WANT transportation to Dallas Thursday. Share expense Mrs. Harrison. Delta Cottage Courts, ; West Elizabeth 8t. 1-121 McALLEN, REYNOSA BUS DAILY SCHEDULE Leaves Leave* McAllen Reynosa • 9:30 a. m. 7:30 a. m. . 10:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. • 12:00 pm. 11:00 a. m. • -:00 p.m. 1:00 p m. 9:00 p m. 5:00 p m. 4:00 pm. . 8:00 p m. 9:00 p m. 7:00 p m. Special bus from /Reynosa Sat urday and Sunday 10:30 p m. 8 Cafes end Hotels WHITE KITCHEN 419 • 12th Street Pnetnnes Lunches — Choice Meets. Excellent Sea Poods — Private Dining Room Serving the Valley for Over _ Ten Years. THERE tM NEW readers and eld readers with new WANTS every day. List your Wants or Don't Wants an the Brownsville Herald ClaJeSied page for quick satisfy tng result*. *i COLORADO ASKS AID FROM DUST DENVER. Colo.. March 23.—<JPh Alarmed at the growing list of “dust pneumonia'’ victlma after this week's “black blizzard.'’ officials of Baca county, in the southeast cor ner of the state, waited Saturday for help from the Red Cross ana the Colorado board of health. Six were dead at Springfield and Lamar, Colo.; a hundred were reported seriously ill and the once thriving farming diatrict was des olate Saturday, ha If-buried under the silt heaped up by the freak storms. An appeal for Red Cross workers to be sent at once to the afflicted area was dispatched to the Red Cross headquarters at St. Louis by E S. Transue. a disaster-r ef agent of the organization. To determine whether the dust was the actual cause o4 the six deaths or only a contributory fac tor. the state board of health was making an investigation. As reported here, the list of dead includes Mary Sloan, 19. and Charles W. Winters. 38. both of Springfield; Mrs. E. F. Duvall, 31. and Ora Man ley, 17, both of Lamar; James M. Martin. 75. of UtleyMUe. and Dale Waterman, infant of Elder. Baca county health authorities reported more than 100 persons ser iously ill from lung Infection as sertedly brought on by the dust storms. In some sections, the dust was six feet deep and livestock on many ranches has perished. Gov. E C. Johnson telephoned Springfield physicians Friday night, after learning the seriousness of the situation, to offer equipment and nurses to help care for the sick. Flashes of Life (By Tha Associated Prats) So Mohammed—Etc. PITTSBURGH —T. C. Llewel lyn is the alert watcher for alarms In the fire department and he hadn't time to go places— even to court as a witrrss. 80 Judge Norman T. Boose brought a court stenographer and the plaintiff to Uewllyn's cubby hole With one eye on the alarm system. Llewellyn told what he knew about the accident in which Dorothy Rees was hurt Not Legal Tender SHARON. Pa—Other things be 0.0 S tHJ IP M It’D v hi/ OAN THOMAS —1 GEORGE SGARBO II SjACHOUfMIHTOAIHe TBAM MilCHiU. ANO OuQ^NT, srwQTfD wts acting oam 0v WOQHtNOi AS A WMALl CLOWN CUCIV4 a Ciacue HfcUJflCONLY ll XBACS OLO. Fiiftfr WUC* IS so OrT»C.M*NieO THAT &A0t cwu(?*mc. shall ee A MuSClAN, THAT SHE S’ GO iNCri&smer ouwa hep A40SlC LESSONS ON HER 'THlSO BiRTHOAV# IllICKOftKtft Dtf TTUCTAnD«AJ«Yfl fteOUS* SHE MHS SO MANY QUESHOJS ABOUT 0<9 \iM2tCOS <*&* ERlBM0G* sides the calendar prove that spring Is here. Oscar Mahler, shoe store mana ger, went to ring up a sale and found two little garter snakes In his cash drawer. Mehler is doing a little detect ing In the hope of finding a prac tical joker. K b Too Many GARDEN CITY, Kas. — “I'm telling you Henry Wallace won t like this.*’ commented Carl Sever after his red and white brood sow had violated a corn-hog pro duction contract for the third straight time. First she produced 19 pigs, going above the contract by 29 per oent; then she added 17 mare and just the other day she gave Mr. Wallace’s reduction pro gram another Jolt with 30 pork era Mother Takes Fatal Poison By Mistake McKINNTY, March » WPv—Mrs. Earl McCandless. 11. mother of two children, died suddenly Friday aft er accidentally taking poison. Jus tice of the Peace Erwin Craus re turned a verdict of death by acci dental poisoning. Mrs ll^andless had complained of a headache shortly before mistaking a poison for a medicine. SHARE-CROPP l OFFICERS FLEE * — "1 MARKED TREE. Ark.. March 23 t/Pi—With two of their number hid ing after hearing alleged "death threats." leaders of the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union, embroiled in a bitter controversy with Poinsett county planters. Saturday awaited answer to a request for a federal investigation into what the union s attorney called a "campaign of ter rorism. Leaving behind him his wife and six children. W. H. Stults. the! union’s president, vanished from home Friday night after telling hi? family that four men had warned him to "get out of town or we will shoot your brains out and throw your body in the Si FrAncls river.’ C. T. Carpenter, attorney for the union, planned to confer with Stults Saturday on their future course and to see about the comfort of Mrs Stults and the children. Meanwhile. A B. Brookins, s negro organiser tor the share-crop pers. remained away from town He fled Wednesday night after 32 show had been fired into his residence. - ..■■■ Valley-Wide Postal Parley It Scheduled (By Staff Correspondent) SAN BENITO. March 23 —Post masters and postal employees from over the Valley will meet Friday night at the Stonewall Jackson hotel to discuss postal matters Among speakers will be Sam P Nagel of San Antonio, district postal Inspector: Charles C. Stewart, assistant postmaster at Browns ville: and John F Rodgers, post master at Hsr’tngen who will speak on his experiences as a Missouri state senator. Outside speakers will include Dr. Arthur Frederick 8heldon of Miami University who Is wintering hi the Valley. A program of entertainment also is to be provided. Thomas Funeral Held (By Staff Correspondentv RIO HONDO. March 23 —The funeral of Jo Anne Thomas. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John 8teU Thomas, was held Thursday afternoon at Mont Meta oemetery with Dr. Hugh Robertson. Ban Benito Presbyterian minister con ducting the services. Markham A. Thompson of San Benito wag in charge. i get to the market EARLIER with # Growers of the Rio Grande Valley have an opportunity for cashing in on what promises to be an exceptionally good early tomato market if they will hasten the maturity of their crop through the use of a good, standard fertilizer. The experience of years in the Valley has shown that it is the early tomatoes that bring the best price on the mar ket. In view of the fact that the mar kets are crying for tomatoes at this time and the Valley crop is retarded growers can harvest big dividends on a comparatively small investment in fertilizer. HAYES SAMMONS CO. MISSION TEXAS ASSOCIATED SEEDS MeALLEN Distributors (or Armours Fertiliser in Hidalgo County ROY E. CLARK SEED C~». SAN BENITO A. N. TANDY AND SONS LOS FRESNOS Ammo-Phos High Analysis Fertiliser Now Is the time to fertilize to briny plants to life, enabling them to put on a sturdy growth capable of support ing a heavier yield. Not only is more fruit set by the prop erly fertilized plants but tomatoes are heavier, and have better carrying qualities. Plants, because they are sturdier, become more resistant to disease. But the big argument in favor of fer tilizer is the fact that it will enable the grower to market his crop when the best prices prevail. The grower who fertilizes will have an advantage over his neighbor who does not make this investment. % GROWERS SUPPLIES, INC. Stores at Rio Hondo — Harlingen — Mercedes — San Joan and Mission - Handling United Plant Food Ammo-Phoo Sulphate of Ammonia wiley McConnell SAN BENITO FRANK GR1MSELL SEED AND FEED CO. HARLINGEN — SAN BENITO Ammo»Phos High Analysis Fertilizer Exile Leads Wai Against Hitler . .I n I .-...-.I Most relentless foe of Adolf Hitler is Dr. Otto 'Btrssser, above, chief of the Black Front, who wages war by radio and every other means at bis command against the Nazi dictator, from hia refuge In* Prague. Btrasser was one of Hitler’s champions during his rise to power, but turned against him, branding him be trayer of Germany. Cancer Curable In Early Stage, Said BAN BENITO. March 23.—Can cer can be cured If it is discovered soon enough and the greatest dan ger from this disease is that many persons believe ft to be hopeless and do not consult a physician, said Dr. A. C. Scott of the ScoCt White sanitarium. Temple, in a talk before the Tri-County Medical Society Thursday night at the Stonewall Jackson hotel Its presence sometimes is not known because It is painless in Its early stages, the physician said. It la not a disease of the blood, can not be Inherited nor can It be communicated. Two other Temple physicians Dr. V M. Longmlre and Dr. P. M BasseU, also addressed the meeting which was extended by about 75 persons. W* H. Potter Diet SAN BENITO. March 23 — Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Potter are in Sen Antonio where they were called by the death of W. H Potter. Tt, father of the local fire chief. The de' at one time lived in Ban Benito ana La Feria where he operated oaf®** He died suddenly of an heart at tack. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LECAL ADVERTISEMENT CONTRACTORS NOTICE OF TEXAS HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION Sealed proposals (or constructing 0 813 miles o( Or Dr Sirs A; Cone. Pavement from High way No. 100 to: Port Isabel Turning Basin on Highway No. oovered by U. 8 Public Works Highway Project No. NRS 78* (1933). In Cameron County, will be received at the Bute Hl«hw*y Department. Aus tin Texas, until 0:00 a. m. March 39th. 1935. and then publicly opened and read. The attention of the bidders Is di rected to the required special pro visions covering, subletting or assign mg the contract, the urn of ****** materials the selection of labor, bouxe and condition* of employment, ana hand tabor methods Except as otherwise spaculad. tna minimum wages paid m alJ lebj**™* workmen or mechanic* employed on this contract shall be On# (|1 00) Dol lar per hour for ‘'Skilled Labor." flftf .Me) Cent# per hour for -tat«niaS late Grade Labor." and Ftorty K^» Cenu per hour for * Unskilled Labor. • Attention la directed to the special provisions, included In the proposal to insure compliance with the requirement of House Bill No 54 of the Eorty-TBlm Legislature of the State of Terna Type at Laborer. ‘Prevailing Minimum Praeaiua* Workman or Per Diem Itafc (Based Minimum * Mechanic on a nve<S» Hour _ Hourly Working Day). Wage Ra*a Skilled Labor ...$5 00 « Intermediate Orade Labor ... 2 50 Unskilled Labor . 3 00 .46 * Par the classification of particular position* under the above types of La borers. Workmen, or Mechlnce. see the Approved Required Bpaflal Provision* •The above prevailing minimum wage rates shall govern on this contract Overtime and legal holiday work shall be paid for at the regular governing rates A certificate of Code compliance on the presclrbed form which will be fur nished for that purpose shall be signed end submitted by all bidders, in ac cordance with Executive Order No 6AM Issued by the President on March 14. 1934 Only blda accompanied by such certificates shall be considered or sc cepted. The contractor to wnoo tware U made shall require subcontractors and dealers furnishing equipment, ma terials. and supplies to sign similar certificates before making awards to or purchases from such subcontractors or dealers, copes of which shall be fur nished to the contracting officer. A local employment agency from which the contractor shall obtain em ployment list will be designated prior to the sward of contract Plans and specifications available at the office or O. A. Houston. resident engineer, 4 Brownsville. Teaae. and State Highway Department. Austin. Usual .rights re served 3-l<M-3t-*3T THE BROWNSVILLE HERALD 43rd Year of Service to the Rio Grande Valley Guaranteed 50% Mora Paid Circulation Than Aar Other Newspaper Published in the Rio C^Tndo Valley. Complete Associated Press, NEA And Central Press Service _ _ by POPULAR! request I bljbb gaJSSMc L %!SSm§ji§g^ I I IN I IMCALUK I I LEGION PARK | ALL STUNTS REPEATED! Performance Repeated to Accommodate the Thousands Turned Away at Harlingen Because of Crowded Grounds < GENERAL GENERAL ADMISSION ADMISSION auspices McAllen post 37 AMERICAN LEGION