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THE Valley firms whose names appear on this page are ask ing your consideration of their claims for your business. All of them are well capable ir their respective lines, and seek your business on merit and merit alone. You will do well . to investigate their ability to serve you. t Rio Grande Valley m mm CjTOING ahead with the Valley. seeing new opportunities for a bigger and greater Valley as each day brings new developments. The year 1935 is the turning point in the Valley’s comeback after the depression. 50 these firms believe. Join with them and pull for in creased prosperity. GOOD FOOD AT HOUSTON BAR Quality drinks, food and excellent service are the reasons why the Houston Bar. a modern establish ment operated by Ed E Bermea just across the Gateway Bridge, h continuing to build up a large pat ronage from the American side of the Rio Grande. The establishment is modern in all respects, its equipment is new and the place is kept spotlessly clean at all times. These factors, plus music of a marimba band and tasteful game dinners and Mexican dishes, account for the firm's popularity with visitors from the American side of the Rio Grande. Bermea is assisted in operation of the concern by Red Gill and Bob Sparks, both of whom are well known all over the Lower Rio Grande Valley. The dining room offers a •maxi mum of privacy to those who wish to enjoy a quiet meal with drinks. Drinks also are served on the porch and to patrons who wish to remain in their cars. If vou wish to make preparations in advance for special game din ners this can be arranged by call ing phone 227 in Matamoros. The Houston Bar is located about a block from the end of the Gate way bridge, and is in easy walking distance for patrons who do not wish to drive their cars over the bridge. . . . The firm's cafe long has enjoyed heavy patronage from Americans, and its game dinners and special Mexican dishes are among the best to be found anywhere along the border. The marimba band also has proven a real drawing card. La Feria Girls To Enter State Contest (Special toTl'e Herald> LA FERIA, April 8—Girls of the home economics department, under direction of Miss Evelyn Howard, held a cake and cream sale Satur day to raise funds to send represen i tatives to the Home Makers Rail’ in Corpus Christi April 15. This was the last of a series ot projects sponsored by the d opart - j ment and the proceeds from the sale I Saturday added to the amounts al ready raised will, care for the ex penses of the three Kiris and their i teacher who will make the trip Rep , resentatives from the department ' were selected earlier in the year on the basis of clothing projects for the first semester. Virginia Cloud. Willie Huron Castleberry. Flossie Walk, and Miss Evelyn Howard plan to make the trip to Corpus. --- QMOICR BOKAY GRANDE OlYIVyrwt SOY TUI. AND—5c Today’s Ciqar Quality Supreme Original Twin Chiefs. 2 for — 5c Valley Wholesale Tobacco A Candy Co. Distributors — Phone 117 Brownsville. Texas FOLKS— |; have you tried J > our EXPERT <> CLEANING i\ service, if I; not send that J» Dress or Suit j , today. Clean-j! ing. pressing.,; reshaping. ! [ Cleaned and Reblocked ]j Band Box ; DRY CLEANERS 3c HATTERS 5 Phone 771 - 8th and Elizabeth ; __ KEEPS FRESH LONGER Try It Yourself - That New V i -lb. Loaf “IT'S SURE IS GOOD BREAD_ WRAPPEPlN DOUBLE PAPER For Sale at AH Grocery Store* l.A PERL A BAKERY Try MILLERS for Custom Built Bicycles And Lawn Mowers We Sell on Time Payments ^Sll^^onunerr^^^HarlinKei^ VALLEY BARBER * BEAUT* SUPPLY CO. Phone 264 Harlingen. Texas We become the sole distributors lor the Valley, for the foremost Frederics Co., equipment and supplies and every thing for the Barber and Beauty Shop. BROADWAY CAFE JOE CASARES. Owner * The BEST PLACE TO GET MEXICAN MEALS American Dishes Too — Steaks and Chops — the Best j \rross the Brides Benito, Texas | Have Your Hal Reblocked and Cleaned NOW DELTA SHOE AND HAT SHOP 1045 Washington—Phone 535 Brownsville Tent and Awning Co. 532 St Charles St If It’s Made of Canvas— We 'an Make It m m m ■ ——---- - ^ PHONE 430 DELICIOUS FOODS J »"eTi TEXAS CAFE HOME OF GOOD COFFEE R. L. MARQUES. Prop. 11th and Market Sts. Brownsville. Texas HOUSTON BAR Matamoroe, Mexico PHONE 227 A<ros* Gateway Bridge Ed. E. Bermea. Prop. KLOSTER BEER Cafe in Connection Best Service in Town RED GILL — BOB SPARKS Manager* HOLTRY’S College of Beauty Culture All branches of beauty culture taught. 20 DOLLAR COURSES 4 E. Harrison Harlingen DAVENPORT TYPEWRITER : EXCHANGE, INC. < Typewriter* — Supplies ^ Rentals — Repairs i Ribbons for all makes typewriters < and adding machines, delivered and < installed without extra charge. i PHONE 1105 — BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS 4 ARBUCKLE MACHINE WORKS general machine work ELE< TRIC and OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING Phone 1215 8t. Francjs and Eleventh Sts. 3S‘ BROWNSVILLE. TEXAS . _ _ _ a ^ a*, a ^ A A A A A a a m — — — - _ _ _ Complete Photo Service Offered By Fred Wright - •The pictures you will cherish tomorrow you must make today. This fact is not known to all. un fortunately, and picture making is ielayed sometimes until It is too late. No one realizes this more than I Fred H. Wright of the Wright1 Studio, San Benito, who has been ( m the picture business over 50 ^ l years. It is pgthetic indeed to have peo ple come in with a faded snap shot of some loved one who has passed I away and want tue photo*.a h« i to enlarge and "bring it out." How | these poor jieople wish then that they had a good studio portrait ol their deceased friend or relative. Everyone owes it to his loved ones' to hav» a picture made of himself as he is now. Pictures need not be made with the thought ol death because they are the perfect oersonnl gift for any occasion, an individual gift no one else can give and none more appreciated by the true friend and the relative There are many occasions for hav ing portraits made, when graduating from school, when confirmed, when married, on wedding anniversaries, and at any other times that wish to be remembered. Years of making portraits, study ing the proper use of lighting and materials have fitted Mr. Wright for making the most pleasing like nesses. The San Benito man’s experience has been varied and he is an expert STOP AT Gateway Hotel Mr*. Jennette Larson. Prop. Clean and Modem Popular Prices SI 4 Levee. Brownsville, Texas Let U» Supply Your House Furnishing Needs Bed Room Suites Living Room Suites Dining Room Suites Convenient Terms Gonzalez Furniture & Mattress Co. 1139 Adams Phone 1377 i photo finisher and commercial pho tographer as well as portraitist. The best detail available in snapshots is brought out with c&reiul developing and printing, the best type of paper is used for the particular picture to be printed. Snappy borders add to the deesirable qualities of Wright's photo finishing. The occasions for kodaking are still more numerous than for ary other kind of picture Records of outings of ail kinds may be record ed ir. pleasing fashion and mothers , often keep a month-by-month re cord of their children by taking in formal snapshots of the youngster: at play. Snapshots may even be tak en at night with the proper film and hght and Mr. Wright will be glad to tell how this may be done. All kinds of materials also are kept in stock at all time.* and in freshest conditions for the best results.■■cial pa-* »rrapliy deman is j good workmanship and good equip ment. Mr. Wright has both and is ready at all times to make such| pictures as may be needed. Home Cooking Is Big Feature At Brizendine Cafe Home cooking Is the featued pro duct of the Bnzendine delieates- j sen located on North Sam Houston Blvd.. San Benito, and operated by Mrs Mildred Bizendine who is known to hundreds of satisfied customers for the quality of her cookery. Many hostesses rely on Mrs Bnzendine for party goodies. She has pleased guests at hundreds of affairs with her cakes and pastries including pies ”like mother used to make.” Fresh cakes and pies are baked daily and also are baked on order foi many occasions. The secret of Mrs. Brizendtne's [ success is that she cooks her cakes and pies as if she were making them for her own family, avoiding the use of commercial fillers, and simi-( lar preparations. This is only one phase of her busi-, ness. She also serves meals daily and many come to her place because of the homey atmosphere and cooking. Not only business men but families find it an ideal spot at which to take that meal when they wish to dine out. Coffee dr\kers find their favor ite beverage just right at Mrs Bnzendine s and drop in for their morning and afternoon cups. Potato chips are made to per fection by Mrs. Brizendine. She not only serves them at the delicatessen itself but makes up orders to take out. Drop by on the way home and take home some delicacies for the family. The widespread belief that there were man-made marks on the planet Mars came about when the astronomer. Schiaparelli, announc ed the discovery of “canali" on the Martian continent, and the word •canali’ wras translated into Eng lish as "canals” instead of "chan nels." jj A. O. Reece & Son | Tire, — Tube*. — Batteriea * Body and Motor Work SINCLAIR PRODUCTS It PHONE 75 J; jj Second & Elizabeth St. <! j Flowers For j I Every Occasion Mclnnis Flower Shop \ Phone 901 F. T. D. Member X 1123 Elizabeth Brownsville Z ^#»»w»»#**#***»**»»*»»***»»»c Superior Service Sinclair Station No. 1 10th & Levee Phone 555 SINCLAIR PRODUCTS Washing and Lubrication a Specialty j BABY CHICKS \ Week-Old Chirks J Two week-old Chicks J Ho’l>.vooc. Strain ; s IIEIDLAGE POULTRY FARM \ z McAllen. Texas j rir^zrr^r Be Pleased 1 THE MECCA! 2 SrRYES-U-BEST % X BOTTLE BEER. 10c X 948 Elizabeth — Phone 352 ? CURB SERVICE AND Complete Fountain Service At the Port-Way Drug Store Opposite the Court House Gentry’s Custom Shop A. V. GENTRY. Prop. Furniture - Antiques - Novelties Furniture Repaired and Refinished 718-720 So. F. St. Harlingen FRESH Ovsters and Shrimp in Season laguna fish market 1146 Junco Bldg. Cantu-Esplnoza, Prop. City Cleaner* N. J. DAVIS. Mgr. We Do Alterations and Repairing 164 West Stenger St. Phone 42 San Benito, Texas BATSELL-WELLS The Exlusive Sporting Goods Store Complete line of Hunting. Fishing. Camping, Baseball. Football. Basket Ball. Tennis and Motors. Phone 1230 — 1127 Elizabeth •" T W V V V V * ▼ V'* NEAL’S i BARBER SHOP < ► 439 Tenth St. < One of the most up to date < shops in Brownsville. ► Good Barbers to Serve You . -WE KNOW OUR < BUSINESS” < ► ! . A A A A A A A A A . — Tex-State Neon Co. Covering the Great Lower Rto Grande Valley of Texas Manufacturing - Sales - Service Neon - Electric Signs and Bulletin Displays Wm D. Hickman. General Mgr 608 W. Harrison St. — Phone 65 Harlingen, Texas FIXTURES OF ALL KINDS Made to Order — Get Our Prices Tuggle Sash & Door Co. PHONE 860 3RD St FRONTON Lubrication Is Exacting Study With Sinclair The summer months are begin ning. and summer driving requires summer-time lubricants. Chassis. :ransmis&ion. free-wheeling unit and rear axle — all these and many more vital part* of your car must x protected against wear and pos sible breakdown on long drives in summer heat. Your problems in this connection ran be solved through the Sinclair Indexed Lubrication service offered here by the Sinclair No. 1 station jperated at the corner of 10th and Levee streets by John Rowe. Sinclair long has specialized in the lubrication of automobiles, and it has this service down to an exact science. No matter what make of rar yours may be. this station will lubricate it according to the manu facturers recommendations. To do this. Sinclair dealers maintain a stock of 21 different kinds and grades of lubricants, and they also have many specialized tools which, when used with the special lubri cants. assure that each varying lub rication requirement of your car will be properly looked after. The Sinclair Lubrication Index is a book of more than 300 pages cov ering in detail the lubrication re quirements of every make and mod el of American car manufactured in the last eight years. The Rowe station carries both Sin clair Opaline Motor Oil and Sinclair j Pennsylvania Motor oil in sealed} cans These cans are filled and sealed at Sinclair refineries. The cans are opened before your eyes and you can be sure you are get ting the oil you pay for, as pure and clean as when it left the ref*n ery. , „ Sinclair guarantees you full mea sure as each can is oversize to mon* than allow for the oil that sticks to the can. Motorists know Ojialine as the mo tor oil ■mellowed 80 million years and Sinclair Pennsylvania as the motor oil mellowed 100 million years’* The Pennsylvania product Is man-1 ufactured from Brad ford-Allegheny > crude oil. which Is generally recog-) mzed to be one of the oldest crudes, in America. It has been the favorite of motorists almost since the begin ning of the automobile Industry. The Opaline is manufactured from Mid-continent crude, a high quality olL Club Buffett Uses Modern Equipment One of the most important Items in handling good beer is the clean ing of coils—there is the difference between tasteful beer and the flat, indifferent kind. The Bishop-Babcock process for cleaning beer coils is recognized as one of the most efficient in general service today. The use of this process regularly insured an even quality of high class beer. This process is one of the numer ous attractive features to be found at the Club Buffett. 421 Elizabeth street. This club specializes in qual ity fixtures, and it* bar. back-bar beer-cooling equipment and other stock in trade are among the best to be found in south Texas. The club has one of the best pat ronages In Brownsville and is con sidering a program of enlarging and remodelling. You will find the club a quiet, at- ; tractive place In which to enjoy beer and play dominoes. Theater Improved 1 Special to The rere'!!* LA FERIA. April 8—Patrons of the Bijou theatre in La Feria will enjoy comfortable temperatures without noise that accompanied the old cooling system according to “Rip" Condon, manager. The fan used in circulating air through the build ing. and which has up until recent ly been inside the building, has been moved outside and placed in such a way that enough air can be circulat ed to insure comfort for those in side without sound. Under the management of Con don. the Biiou is fast becoming one of the popular theatres of the lower Valley, showing first class pictures at popular prices. Monday and Tuesday of next week the proceeds of the show will be donated to the federated woman’s clubs of La Feria to apply on the Valley project In furnishing a part of the Federation of Woman's Club Building in Austin Numerous tests indicate that no snake ever strikes a greater dist ance than about three-fourths of its own length. I THREE TEXAS LEADERS I * MOTH-PROOFING $ “Danger Lurks — in Dirty Rugs” ;> HARLINGEN RUG AND 1 CARPET CLEANER'S \\ 2 Domestic and Oriental Rugs J| $ Dusted, Shampooed. Resized j> and Repaired | Phone 68 Harlingen. Texas j; Keys Made Lawnmowers Sharpened and Repaired T. J. Rommer 8hop Phone 722 THE COOLEST CAFE IN BROWNSVILLE With our great circulating system, you really enjoy your meal* here at the Blue Bonnet. Just come In and try It—you will realize what real food enjoyment ia. BLUE BONNET CAFE See Our New Home Today 1123 LEVEE LINEN SUITS Cleaned and Pressed LAUNDRY PHONE 1182 THE STONEWALL JACKSON HOTEL SAN BENITO, TEXAS Modern Throughout — Fireproof Building Home-like atmosphere. Reasonable Rates by Day, Week or Month. First Class Dining Room in Connection. Expert Multigraphing Mimeographing Mailing List* Furnished Prompt Delivery W. A. KING. Jr. PHONE 300 TRY OUR FOUNTAIN SERVICE Serving the things you’ll like, promptly, courteously. Grisham’s Ice Cream 15c pint, 25c quart. Eagle Pharmacy, Inc. 751 Elizabeth Modern Services Are Offered By Port-Way Drug All of the services and conveni ences offered by a modern, up-to date drug store are to be found here at the Port-Way Drug Story which is situated at Elevenh and Madi son streets, opposite the Cameron county court house. Tills well known firm, owned and operated by R. Herrera, maintains a large and fresh stock of drugs, patent medicines and toilet articles Its soda fountain service has grown steadily since the company moved into its new location Curb servic** is offered on the cold drinks. Mr. Herrera moved here from San Antonio in 1927, selecting a site in Brownsville after investigating the business possibilities in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. "I selected Brownsville as my new location." Mr Herrerg states, “because I felt certain that this city was due for rapid growth The depression, of couse, retarded the anticipated ga.ns, but it is very apparent now that this section is due for a big business up-turn." Mr Herrera opened his first store on 14th street in Victoria height*, but his business grew so rapidly that he found it necessary to move Into the larger qarters in the down town section. He Is well pleased with his new site in the Garcia Gomel Champion building. The Port-Way Drug Store ha* been in the new location for about seven months. If you are looking for an efficient drug service or a refreshing, cool dnnk you can find them rendered courteously at the Port-Way. According to an Arab legend, the dove returned to Noah’s Ark an olive branch, and later returned from a second trip with red mud on its feet, showing that 1; had alighted on the ground. Ever since then, so goes the story, all doves have had red feet and legs. When the volcanic island, Kra Katoa. between Java and Sumatra, exploded in 1883, waves rushed upon the land with a velocity of to miles an hour. “Brllevr It or Sot" WE KNOW - WE KNOW TYPEWRITERS Exclusive Sales Agent Underwood Typewriters. Sun. strand Adding Machines I REP K SCROGGINS 115 8 1st St.. - Phone 295 HARLINGEN I NEW DEAL CAFE Hot Biscuits. Home Made I Pies and Rolls ' The best of FOOD Served Reasonable Prices You will like our service. j M3 E Elizabeth — Phone 45« |j Tilt: FIX-IT SHOP Cabinet Making Refinishing Upholstering Phone 120 — 843 Elizabeth A wrung: - Auto Tops and Seat Cover* We Call For and Deliver MOTOR TUNE UP *] * **/ ° -A STARTERS — GENERATORS i f J We Specialize In This Line V*otoCLARK AUTO ELECTRIC SHOP ; t -i- 6 Years in Brownsville \ 2,*"* -tS Phone 432 K30 Elizabeth ] Marine Headquarters A BRENNEN. Mgr. General Machine Work and Welding Engine and Pump Work s Specialty. On Harlingen Highway Phone 165 San Benito. Texas "SANTA CRt’Z” BAR Crixell's Old Bar M Chavarria. Prop. J. J. Villarreal. Mar. FIRST CLASS ORCHESTRA lirlirioiu Food Served Everybody Welcome Jaat aeroM Gateway Bridge KNITTING All Kinds of Needle Work Free Instructions Classes All Hours Oriental Gift Shop 1244 Elizabeth Phone 1046 ... PLANT TO PROSPER Mebane Certified Cotton Seed Red Top Cane Seed. Texpan Seed Com. Sure Cropper—Yellow Dent and Mexican June. Broom Corn Seed W. R. JACKSON FEED & SEED STORE 1036 Washington — Phone 887 FLY TO MEXICO AT REDUCED RATES! Some rate advantages mak ing the fare from Browns, ville to Mexico City even lower than the $41 one way passage are now available on Pan-American Planes. Special Reduced Fares For School Teachers PAN-AMERICAN AIRWAYS SYSTEM Brownsville Photos of Every Description or Size WRIGHT PHOTO SERVICE Ssn Benito. Texas F. L. WRIGHT. Owner -o Kodak Finishing 35 Years’ Experience 8-Hour Service RIVERSIDE HOTEL A. O. WILLINGHAM. M*r. - EUROPEAN PLAN SPECIAL RATES RY THE WEEK—Hot and Cold Water in Each Room — Phone 481 Brownsville. Texas — On the bank.*, of the Rio Grande where Mexico meets Uncle Sam CLUB BUFFETT 421 Eleventh St. Play Dominoes— Drink Clean Beer Our COILS are kept clean by the Exclusive BISHOP BADCOCK PROCESS *You II note the difference** MA 1 1 KfcbSfcS We make and renovate all kinds of mattresses. Dealers in Household Furnishings, Stoves. Trunks, Etc. Sommer’s Furniture Company INCORPORATED hone 674—130ft S. E. Adams Si JIM THRIFT SAYS: I save enough in fuel costs with my new John Deere Tractor to buy another one when this one needs replacement. It sure bums distillate to perfection. See For Yourself the 1935 Model YY/e INVITE you to inspect the new Model A ™ and Model B Tractors now on display on our floor at Roosevelt & Railroad St. Also complete line of implements and repair parts. Expert mechanic in charge of repairs. McDAVITT BROS. JOHN DEERE DEALERS BROWNSVILLE. TEXAS — PHONE 1271