AUSTIN. April A—UP>—Oil and
Has conservation, appropriations, a
chain store tax and utilities reg
ulation held prominent places on
tha Texas legislature stage Monday
with adjournment of the general
session possibly only one montn
Pending business in the senate
was renewed debate over a bill ex
tending for another two years tne
law permitting the railroad com
mission to consider market demand
An prorating oil production, lac
house already had passed the mea
First on the program of the house
was the appropriation bill lor state
departments, in the event it super -
sedeo the suspension calendar.
Chairman Homer Leonard of the
appropriations committee was de
sirous of keeping the legislators on
Leading the suspension calendar,
however, was the bill by Repre
sentative John A. Atchison of
Gainesville to tax gross receipts
on chain stores according to the
number of stores in the chain.
It was supported by the adminis
tration, but doubts as to its con
stitutionality raised the possibility
that tile house would get behind
tiie bill of Representative Jesse
James of Cameron levying a tax
according to the number of units
in the chain. The latter principle
has been upheld by the United
States Supreme Court.
Second on the house calendar was
the biil by Representative Lon E.
Alsup of Carthage to set up ma
chinery for administration of re
demption of county lateral road
bonds from the state gasoline tax.
It was a companion to a bill in
creasing the gasoluie tax to five
Of much interest was a hearing
net for Monday night before the
house oil. gas and mining commit
tee on a bill to establish a state
corporation which would construct
a gas pipe line from the Panhandle
to St Louis and Detroit
The administration utility regu
lation bill was set for special order
in the house Tuesday.
To date 69 bills had been passed
and filed with the governor. One
proposed constitutional amendment,
to provide free textbooks for all
school children of scholastic age,
had been acted on by both houses.
Methodists Begin
Pre-Easter Revival
A two-weeks senes of pre-Easter
revival services began at the First
Methodist church Sunday morning.
A large congregation heard the pas
tor speak on “A Religion That Can
Carry You Through.” A union ser
vice was conducted at the evening
hour in which three other congrega
tions joined with the Methodist in
a temperature service. The speaker
was Rev. J. W Langham, lieutenant
eolcnel. in the U. S. Chaplains re
serve corps. The church auditorium
was filled and many were seated in
the balcony.
Services will be held each evening
at 7:45. throughout this week, except
Saturday evening. There will be no
day services. Beginning with next
Sunday services both morning and
evening will be held each day in
cluding Saturday. Special groups
will be special guests at the services
this week.
Monday night is “Church Work
ers Night,” and ail the church offi
cers, the Sunday School officers and
teachers, and ethers of the church
officials will be considered special
guests. Tuesday night is to be “Eas
tern Stir Night.” "I am going to mail
a printed invitation to every mem
ber of the Eastern Star and hope to
have a large number of the ladies
at this service" the pastor, stated
O'her announcement* for the suc
ceeding days will be announced
through The Herald. The paster.
R'v. O C Crow, will conduct the
services and extends a cordial invita
tion to the general public to attend
these services.
Pan-American G-oup
Take3 Special Course
Thirty-five employes of the Pan
American Airways in Brow nsv ll’e
have errolled in classes of mathe
matics as applied to the aviation in
dustry. it was announced recently
bv F C Dodd, superintendent of
schools at Brownsville.
The special course r.ponsored by
the Department of Education, is be
ing given on Monday and Friday
n'ahis at the junior college building
The Department of Education and
the federal government stands three
fourth?. of the expense of such
courses, and ihe remainder is paid
bj enrollment fees
Robert Sexton and Clyde Thorpe
are Instructing the courses.
Tiie aviation mathematic* course
is believed to be the only one con
ducted In the state.
<— B > L I O iT^ i
. Stimulitjofl 0f ^ * * * *
!Srt«rpUr* "WTbul co^bm^°* •nou«h
sSTcr-quicit- •Sti5flr^Itr*por,,T
bin* BOTH’ • CO*h<“^ of hirh*/* £*r
fcSUrSLss *nd -Jemt
w,^0- ~ ta 3
__ Ail Valley Druagiug
(Continued from Page One)
2.738-90 feet but gun-perforated
the casing, which was set and ce
mented at 2.798 feet, where the hole
is bottomed, at 2.761-63 feet.
Three tests In the field and
nearby are setting and cementing
casing, one showing for an exten
sion of 1,000 feet to the east, an
other showring for a southwest ex
tension of about 400 feet and the
third cored completely through the
sand section on the south edge of
production to determine the for
mations of the general area.
Casing was set and cemented
Sunday night in K D. Harrison -
Double D Oil company's No. 1 Mrs.
Lula George. In the southwest cor
ner of the southwest 20 acres of
tract 13. porcton 41, about 6.900 feet
east of discovery and about 1.000
feet east oi production. The test
cored the upper gas sand at 2,730
45 feet, shale at 2,745-48 feet and
the saturation at 2.748-56 feet, log
ging the producing horizon some
what higher than other wells in the
immediate vicinity. Drill stem test
at 2.740 feet showed 200 pounds gas
pressure in three minutes, result
ing in further coring for the oil
sand. Casing was set and cement
ed at 2.753 feet.
To Cement Cuing
On the southwest edge of the
Beta, Oiiaier-Aiunay's wo .1 lm
jasco consolidated Independent
oc^tuol Disinct, in the north end
of tract 260, porcion 28, aoout 2,ouu
.eel west oi discovery and about
40 ieet south oi present produc
tion. topped the saturation, wuh
neimer upper gas sand nor shale
jreax. at ieet. taxing m uni;
one toot oi sand, the test will set
and cement casing at 2,’mu iee«.
rt.unn me nexi uay or two.
on tne soutn edge ol production
.ma near tne center oi tne p.ouuc
L.ig area, jacx Po.ter et a. s wo. i
vv K. Jacxsoii, m the noruieasi
, .Oilier oi me norm lu acr es oi me
1 jacksou 62-acre tee in tract 2<6,
porcion 4u. aoout 2,600 ieet soum
east oi discovery, set anu cemented
{casing at me bottom oi me noie,
2 702 ieet. Providing vaiuaoie ui
iormauon lor tni* and ome, leases
*n tne immediate viamty, tne test
cored through me producing sanas
and showed ihe fouowing tog. salt
! water al 2,75*-60 ieet, oil sand al
2.760-64 ieet, salt water at 2,*64-67
.eet. saturated oil sand at 2.767-75
1 ieet. sau water at 2.7*5-02 ieet. A
ochlumuerger test snowed a solid
sand section at 2.7o«-<6 ieet and
salt water at 2.776-92 ieet. On me
oasis ol the Bchlumberger snow
ing. casing prooaoiy will oe gun
ptfiioraieo at 2,770-72 ieet tor pro
duction. Windsor Oil Company s
AO jurtiwi in the Doss tee. ad
' joining uie Jacxaon land on me
east, are producing irom tne upper
Four new test* in the field have
e*ther spudded or are nearly ready
to start making hole.
The fields northwestern outpost
is now Bkelly Oil Company's No. 2
Bcabury et al, in tlie southwest
corner of the west 24 acres of the
west 48 acres of the uor th 78 acres
oi the southeast 166 9 acres of tract
256. porcion 38. about 4.200 feet
northwest of discovery. Derrick has
oeen completed and most of the
machinery A on the location. The
hole will be drilled by Pat Ruther
ford. and offers a possible extension
of about 500 feet west.
Another Spuds In
Also on the west edge of produc
tion, Gem Oil Company s No. i-B
Seabury et al spudded In Sunday
altemoon. The test a located 2a0
ieet irom the south and 230 feet
irom tlie east lines of me north 20
acres of tne west 42 9a acres ol me
southeast 131.70 acres ol tract 256,
porcion 38. about 5.600 feel north
west oi discovery. Hollers possibU
11% oi an extension ol about 50o ieet
On the northeast edge of produc
tion. J. M. Newman et al's No. 1
Fiancixco Guerra, near the center
of the west 7 5 acres of the norm
west 12.5 acres of the south 100 acres
ox tract 254 poicion 40. about 1,800
ieet northwest of discovery, a drill
ing at 1.600 (eel.
At tlie fields southeastern ex
uentity. Hiram M Reed's No. 2 C
E Smith has been located about 165
ieet from the east and 133 feet
.iom the north and south lines ol
tne south 10 acres of the northwest
4629 acres o! tract 3-B, porcion 41,
about 6.900 feet southeast of dis
covery. This test may extend tlie
field about 80i ieet lurlher south
east along its present southeast -
northwest trend and is nearly as
far east as the Harrison-Double D
1 wo other tests are drilling in the
On the southwest comer of pro
duction. C. E Smith-Prank Day
vault's No. l Sea bury et al, in tha
northeast corner oi the south 22 90
acres of the west 42 90 itcres of tne
southeast 131.70 acres of tract 256.
porcion 38, about 3.750 feet north
west of discovery. is drilling below
2.620 feet. This test A expected to
extend production 300 feet west be
fore the new Gem and Skelly tests
core tlie sands a short distance
The Held s present southeastern
post drilling test. Cortei Oil Cor
Kiration's No. 1-B C. E. Smith, in
" northwest corner of the south
acres of tract 3-B, porcion 41,
x>ut 5.800 feet southeast of dis
overy, A drilling below 2.000 feet.
Fast Wildcat ting Pace
Hidalgo county wildcatting has
hit the fastest pace in the coun
ty s history. In nearly every part
of the county, except the north
east corner, wildcat rigs are seek
ing another strike.
By far the most important of
the tests at the presnt time is
Union Sulphur Companyg No. 3
Amerlcen-Rlo Grande Land Sc Ir
rigation company, in Farm tract
2.082. block 86. North Cepisallo
district, in eastern Hidalgo, about
eight miles north of Mercedes. The
test, which set and cemented cas
ing at 7.477 feet atop 16 feet of
oil sand late last week, completed
drilling the cement plugs Sunday
Ends Without Worry
Fecnarrunt, tha delicious taatmg chawing
gum laxative ends tha divcomfort of upset,
alugguh day*. You can taka it confidant!?.
»aw it do** not form a habit, and raquire* 1
no increasing doaag*. Becau** Keen-a mint
•• chawad tha laxative t* mixed with aalivar?
juicaa and enter* tha a?*tem edenuficall? a*
nature invaded. You thue avoid shocking
?ourseif with a har*h laxative mam. Tha n
auit ie a thorough, full aatiou but ana ao
gentle that doctors praacriha tha laxative in
Feen a mint for every member of tha lamiiy !
including children. Delay t» dangerous To- ,
42dMm^FMmNwm4gL^<lH><<3l«tBir SamLfln^ j
'MAm 1
ten ah
—JUS* CALL ML “SCC.AH- . . .
There have been Grade Allens
and Bee Lillies and all other kinds
of radio commed leones. but it re
mained for the Dr. Pepper program
to bring the Southern girl into
her own on the air. In this new
comedy show, heard at 8 p. m.
Sundays over WFAA, Dallas; WO
AI. San Antonio, and KPRC, Hous
ton, the girl from "down south”
has never succeeded in drawling
her full name and seems quite sat
isfied to say; "Jus' Call Me Su
"Sugah'* plays secretary to “Mr
Peppy.’’ Jack-of-all-trades, and
shares a good bit of the comedy
spotlight herself. Alexis and the
Pepper-Uppers, a twenty-piece or
chestra featuring special popular
arrangements, a harmony trio and
Sugah's own vocals also are to be
heard on this Sunday night Dr.
Pepper show.
and began washing. Tubing was
being removed from the hole after
drilling the plug and was to be im
mediately re-run for completion.
Thus wildcat has excited wide in
) terest in all parts of the Valley be
cause of the large number of land
owners from whom Union obtain
: ed its 35.000 acres of leases sur
■ rounding the test for a distance of
over two miles in each d-ecUon.
Just across the H: l lgo-Starr
routines line in extreme northeast
ern Starr. C. R Borah s No 1 Ar
cadia Guerra. In share 6. San Ra
mon grant, is drilling just above
2 800 feet and Is nearing what is
expected to be a possible pay.
In northern Hidalgo. Farl Hank
amer's No. 1 Frank Rabb. in the
southeast comer of the Rsbb 511
acres in Laguna Seca League, is
reported logging favorable forma
tions around 2.900 feet.
Two wildcats conrinue to attract
aide interest in western Hidalgo.
Double D Oil company’s (for
merly W. L. Clary) No. 1 Brock &
Showers, in lot 4. block 12. porcion
80. Ancient Jurisdiction of Reynosa,
is drilling at 5 225 feet. Location
is about 15 miles northwest of
About three miles southwest.
Showers & Moncrief'a No. 1 Brock
<fc Showers, in lot 11, block 18. por
cion 79. is drilling in shale and rock
at 5.540 feet after completing its
contract at 5.000 feet. It is drill
ing ahead on daily orders.
One wildcat continues to make
hole about two miles southeast of
the Samfordyce discovery and an
other is preparing to spud in two
miles northeast.
Ernest Powell's No. 1 George
Moore, in the southwest comer of
the Moore 40-acre fee in the south
end of porcion 42. Ancient Juris
diction of Reynosa. about 10.500
feet southeast of discovery and a
mile southeast of Samfordyce pro
duction. is drilling again at 3.111
feet. The Samfordyce producing
sands were found to be a solid sand
section m this test at 2.828-92 feet
showing small amounts of oil and
gas and some sail water.
About 9.900 feet northeast of the
Samfordyce discovery. E. L. Smith
Oil company's No. 1 G G. Salinas
et al. 1.001 feet from the west and
548 feet from the north lines of
share 10. porcion 41. is building
derrick and has moved machinery
to the location. Neuhau Drilling
company is the contractor.
Complete reports were not avail
able early Monday from Starr
county wiiere two wildcats in the
vicinity of the Barbacoas pool of
south central Starr were attempt
ing completion.
Run Afoul Trouble
About one and a half miles
south of the pool. Armstrong. Ema
nuel <fc Adams’ No. I Starr County
Cattle company, in block 57, Jef
fries-Lambeth subdivision, porcion
89. Ancient Jurisdiction of Camar
go. pulled tubing in two after it
became stuck near the bottom of
the hole. The tubing had been run
preparatory to completion and the
well was being “rocked" with gas
in an effort to make it flow. Ef
forts are now being made to fish
out the tubing.
Morren. Bond Johnson's No. 1
Starr County Cattle company, on
the nortli edge of the pool in the
s.outh half of block 24. Jeffnes
Lambeth subdivision, porcion 89, is
reporting swabbing in an effort to
secure production from a sand at
I 2,835-41 feet in a sidetracked hole.
Also in southern Starr. John H.
Clopton's No. 1 Roos & Bennett et
al, In share 1-A, porcion 91, An
cient Jurisdiction df Camargo. will
be carried deeper despite comple
' tion of its contract at 4.516 feet.
Drilling will be resumed shortly.
Several miles east of Rio Gran
de City. Hughston Oil company's
No. 1 Wood has been located 1.582
I feet north of the Missouri Pacific
Railway and 162 feet from the
west line of porcion 84, Ancient
i Jurisdiction of Camargo Derrick
has been completed and machin
ery moved in for a 6-500-foot test
In the Rio Grande City pool.
Sioux Oil Corporation s No. 7 Good
rich in block 3. tract 5. portion 81.
Ancient Jurisdiction of Camargo. is
ready to set and cement 150 feet
of surface casing.
About 2.500 feet northwest of
the pool. Hiram M. Reed s No. 1
block Bros., in tract 28-A. porcion
80. Ancient Jurisdiction of Camar
go, is rigged up and ready to spud
Brownsville Girl To
Attend A. & I. Fete
Misses Helen Mae Goforth. Flor
ence Escott and J. C. George, ac
companied bv Miss Velma Wilson,
represented tne Brownsville junior
college chapter at the national con- j
vention of Phr Theta Kappa at
Jacksonville recently.
Delegates were present from all
over the United States.
NEW YORK. April 8.-vPr— A
funeral service for Warren Delano
Robbins. 49. United States minister
to Canada and a first cousin of
President Roosevelt, will be held
Tuesday in the Church of the!
Incarnation here, followed by pri
vate burial at, Fair haven, Mass.
Robbins, who had served the
United States in various diplomatic;
capacities for more than 25 years,
died Sunday in Doctors Hospital of
pneumonia that developed a week
ago after a severe cold.
He had been a diplomat in Latin
America, France and Oermany be
lore his appointment in 1931 as
chief of the division of protocal of
the state department.
Robbins was born in Brooklyn the
son of the late Charles Albert Rob-1
bins and Mrs. Catherine Delano
Robbuis. Hu mother, now Mrs.'
Price Collier, widow of the author,
is a sister of Mrs. James Roosevelt,
mother of the president.
Besides his widow and mother,
survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Alex
ander Cochrane Forbes of New
York, and two sons. Warren Delano
Robbins, Jr„ and Edward H. Rob
The Weather
East Texas (east of 100th meri
dian*: Partly cloudy and wanner
Monday night and Tuesday.
Light to moderate easterly to
southerly wind* on the coast.
There will be a moderate rise in
.he river In the Valley during the
next 12 to 30 hours. At Rio Grande
City the river will fall, and at La
redo change little if any. (Crest at
Rio Grande City 6.1 early Monday
Flood Present 24-Hr. 24-Hr
Stage Stage Chang. Ra n
Laredo 27 00 -1.0 .00
Rio Grand® 21 5.9 ^4 9 .00
Hidalgo 21 1.4 -0 3 .00
Mercedes 21 3.5 -0.2 .00
Brownsville 18 28 -0.5 .00
High and low tide at Port Isabel
Tuesday, under normal meteor
ological conditions:
High . 10:09 a. m
Low . 12:40 a. m.
Sunset Monday.6:50
Sunrise Tuesday . 6:13
A disturbance of considerable in
tensity was central over the plateau
region (29.24 at Winnemucca, Nev.,
and at Boise. Idaho), and another
of moderate Intensity over the south
Atlantic states (29.72 at Wilming
ton. N. C.) at the morning observa
tion, while pressure was relatively
to moderately high at the same time
from the Texas and Louisiana coasts
northward into Canada. The western
disturbance has caused general rains
in the far western states, while scat
tered rains and snow were reported
from the eastern states and the
Great Lakes region. Temperatures
were generally lower In the south
ern and eastern states Monday morn
ing. and generally higher through
out the western half of the country
Monday morning.
Brownsville 8 a. m <EST* sea-level
pressure 29.94 inches.
<Ftr»t figure*, lowest temperature iaat
night; second, highest yesterday: third
wind velocity at 8 a m ; fourth, prec
ipitation in last 24 hours).
Abilene . 48 66 .. .00
Amarillo. 44 80 16 .00
Atlanta . 40 52 .. 08
Austin . 48 72 .. .00
Boston. 34 46 18 .00
ilHOvVN'SVILLR ... 61 75 .. .00
Br ville Airport. 57 77 .. .00
Chicago . 32 40 20 4)0
Cleveland . 36 48 14 .01
Corpus Chnsti. 66 78 14 .00
Dallas . 44 60 .. .00
Del Rio . 60 76 14 .00
Denver . 40 56 .. 00
Dodge City. 32 56 14 .00
El Paso . 54 74 .. 00
Port Smith . 40 46 .. 00
Houston . 50 68 12 .00
Jacksonville . 62 78 14 .42
Kan-as City. 32 48 .. 04
Las Angeles . 52 58 14 2.70
Louisville . 44 52 12 12
Memphis . 42 54 12 .04
Miami . 64 88 14 .00
Minneapolis . 26 44 .. .00
New Orleans. 52 76 .. .00
Ncrth Platte. 28 48 10 .00
Oklahoma City .... 36 54 .. .00
Palestine . 42 62 .. .00
Pensacola . 50 72 12 .00
Phoenix . 68 84 .. .00
Louis . 34 36 16 .06
Salt Lake City. 46 60 22 .00
San Antonio. 84 74 12 .00
Santa Fe. 44 52 •• .00
Sheridan . 30 52 .. .00
Shreveport. 44 60 .. .00
Tampa . 64 84 12 .24
Vieksburg . 46 64 10 .00
Washington . 34 46 10 1.38
Williston . 26 42 14 .00
Wilmington . 46 52 .. .00
Winnemucca . 40 58 18 .26
JTOR young girl*
growing i n t c
womanhood, for
women in middle
life going through
the "change,’’ or
those who suffet
from headache,
weakening drains,
backache. Dr.
Pierce’s Favorite
Prescription is a dependable tonic. Mr*. A.
L. Turnbull oi 112 Roosevelt St., Hot i
Sj rings. Atk.. said : ”Dr. Pierce % Favorite
Prescription ha* been used in our family
over a penod of yaart. Beth my grand*
•nether and my mother found it an excellent
system builder. Before using the Prescr.p |
tun’ 1 wa» so weak, but after taking thu
tonic I felt just fine.”
New sue, tablet, JO ets.. liquid *1.00. Large
•ire. tab*, or liquid. (1.2$. All druggist,.
Let De Make An Otter
For Your
You || Find We Pay .Mora
• We OperaU Under
U. S. Gov. License
No. N. O. 14-209
Jewelry Store, Inc.
The Valley’s Finest
1B4S F**rrh**> St*
Hitler May Try For
Peace With Hero Of
War on His Birthday
BERLIN. April 8. <£*)— Whether
Reichsfuehrer Hitler will go to Tut
ting in Bavaria Tuesday for the
:elebrations marking the 7(1th birth -
Say of General Erich Ludendorf
was a question many a German
asked Monday. .
Announcement of plans for the
ceremonies honoring the veteran
World War strategist, who only re
cestly has been restored to official
favor, gave impetus to the specula
tion. ,
The Reich press has been ordered
to publish only favorable accounts of
the day’s events. The Reichswehr
has received instructions to hold
parades and turn out for eulogies
in honor of the old quartermaster
general of Kaiser Wilhelm’s armies.
Crown Prince Frederick Wilhelm
has been designated by Geneal Wer
ner Von Blomberg. minister of de
fense. to convey the Reichswehr'?
greetings to Ludendorff. In many
quarters it is forecast he will be giv
en the title of Field Marshal-General
as a birthday present.,
If Der Fuehrer does appear to
person, the gesture will signify that
someone has done yeoman sevice
in patching up the decade-old differ
ences between the two former poli
tical comrades.
Hitler and Ludendorff marched
side by side during the illfated beer
cellar putsch of 1933. They faced
court together afterward Hitler be
ing convicted and sentenced to Jail
and Ludendorff winning acquittal.
The cooling of their friendship
Bathing Revue
Presented By
Penney Store
The J. C Penney company store
here staged a bathing revue Sat
urday afternoon and evening in the
center windows of the store on
Elizabeth street with seven living
models displaying the latest fash
ions in beach styles.
The first revue took place in the
afternoon between the hours of 3
and 4 o’clock. The second revue
was presented between 7:30 and
8:30 In the evening, and both were
viewed by a large number of sw»c
tators. the number of those 1 V ^g
the sidewalks and arcade of the
building approximating 1500.
Bathing suits, of the latest cut,
material and color, as well as
shorts, slacks, capes, bathing caps
and shoes were modeled by four
young ladies
Three small girls modeled beach
outfits for the younger miss.
Positive Relief
For Itchy Skin
Cooling and soothing Blue Maf
Ointment melts on ths skin, sending
tested medicines deeply into pores
where it quickly kills itch, tetter,
rash, eczema, foot itch, ringworm,
•u. Money heck if first Jar fails.
came some time later. Ludendorff,
bitterly anti-Catholic, wanted a
plank inserted In the Nad platform
declaring war on the Catholic
church, but the Nad leader re
fused. ,
Hitler, too, wanted the Nazi
movement built up Into a political
party, but the veteran militarist,
disagreeing, declared after the
Brown 8hirts came into power
that Germany would be divided
into preferred party members and
8ince that time has lost no
opportunity to berate the Nairn,
continuing his battle so vigorously
after Hitler assumed office that
the nad government suppressed his
weekly organ. Volkschwacht.
The capital, looking for President
Roosevelt to return from his fisher
man’s vacation Tuesday to start the
$4,880,000,000 work relief drive,
heard republican attacks Monday
against the man generally expected
to be a chief assistant to the presi
dent in the huge enterprise.
Harry' L. Hopkins, the relie! ad
ministrator, a frequent White House
visitor while the Job-making pro
gram was In the making, drew
criticism from two leaden of the
G O. P.
“It is extremely fortunate for Mr
Hopkins that, if he is going to be
the lord high distributor of the
money, the bill Is so drawn that he
won’t have to be confirmed by the
senate.” said Senator Vandenberg
I 'H- Mich > Vandenberg has been
mentioned as a possible presiden
| uai nominee in 1936
Rep. Snell of New York, the re
publican leader In the house, de
clared it was “a sad commentary
that a man like Hopkins, who had
termed critics of work relief meth
ods “damn dumb,” should “appear
to be In line to be clothed with
extraordinary grants ot power onr
the greatest sum of money ever
Heading back toward Washington
; alter a ten-day fishing trip off the
Florida coast, Mr. Roosevelt ex
pected to land at Jacksonville at
noon Monday and there receive
the work relief bill which congress
completed Friday after more than
two months of controversy and
It was made plain that he would
studv the measure carefully and
possibly consult with advisors here
reiore moving to r»gn it into law.
Some officials have expressed oon
cem over • tentative ruling by
I Comptroller General Me Carl's office
that the bill would not permit pur
1 chase of unproductive land which
the government wants to retire from
farm mg and use lor parks, forests,
game sanctuaries and the like.
In the Northern Hemisphere,
c> clones whirl m circles counter
clockwise. while in the Southern
Hemisphere they whirl clockwise.
your house Here * an e4,y way *° °r'n® ®ac“
■ r pzi^jTH«ngrni] that new car shine
first..apply MOBILGLOSS
This cleaner and polish dissolves dirt and road
film instantly with a minimum of rubbing and
brings out the original factory finish.
tli on • • use MOBILWAX
A new special blend of fine waxes, Mobilwax
goes on in half the time of ordinary waxes, with
out streaking. It leaves a hard, wax finish that
lasts longer in all kinds of weather.
To complete the job of
renovating your car, u*«
Made especially for imita*
(lion leather top*. Coe* on
easily; dries quickly. Cives •
lasting, high gloss, water
proof finish.
Just the thing for touching
up worn spots and scratch***
on fender*, running-board*,
and other parts of votur ear
finished in black. This it a
permanent Bakelite Enamel.
When you stop for Mobilgas or Mobiloil, ask for these products at
READY for Your Spring Oil Change
Summer Mobiloil
DURING the past Winter
millions of motorists made
a startling discovery. They
found that the new Mobiloil
Arctic, made by the Clearosol
Process, surpassed any motor
oil ever made. It wasn't simply
an improved oil. It was a
totally different kind of motor
oil, made by a revolutionary
new process that actually
washed away all the gum,
sludge and tarry elements not
essential to good lubrication.
Now all grades of Mokiloil
are made by this Clearosol Proc
ess. The new Summer Mobil
oils are here, ready for your
spring oil change. You can ex
pect much better oil mileage.
Your motor will stay cleaner—
free of sticky gum and hard
carbon. In every way you'll get
smoother performance and
better economy.
Drive in at the sign of the
“Red Flying Horse*’—Change
to Summer Mobiloil when you
“Stay with Magnolia
and you ttay Ahead!*9
Tune up your ear for rummer driving
with this famous
1 Drain off dirty
* winter oil and refill
crankcase with new
made by the Clearosol
Drain off winter
^ transmission lubri
cant, clean thoroughly;
refill with tough, heat
resisting Mobil Gear Oil
for summer driving.
*1 Drain, clean and re*
** fill differential with
correct chart grade of
Mobil Gear Oil.
/£ Mobilubrlcate car
thoroughly, using
special Mobilgreasea as
approved by your car
^ Drain off anri-frees*
solution and clean
radiator, using Mobil
Radiator Flush — if
41 Check battery and
**fill with distilled
water; remove corrosion
and grease terminals.
BFill gasoline lank with Mobile**,
now adjusted for summer driving.