OCR Interpretation

Brownsville herald. [volume] (Brownsville, Tex.) 1910-current, April 08, 1935, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063730/1935-04-08/ed-1/seq-8/

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Change to Frowns as Peace Is Discussed
"Pony Express” Days Recalled
—-—.... ■ ■ ——
Two historic candid camera photos, rushed to U. S.. illustrate what happened when (1. to r.) Sir Anthony
Eden and Sir John Simon, British statesmen, met with Reichsleader Adolph Hitler in Berlin to seek solu
tion to crisis prec pitated bv Reich rearmament. First they smilingly went through the cordialities, then
irowmngly ran into difficulties in trying to reach an agreement. (Central Press)
Bobby Jones in Comeback Try in Augusta Meet
Bobby Jones (top) making his second appearance in professional competitive golf since his retirement five
years ago, in Matters’ Meet at Augusta. Ga., in which Olin Dutra (below), national open champion, and
Gene Sarazen (left), lined up among his 65 competitors. (Central Pres*)
Dewev’s Flagship Suggested for Memorial
Calling the condition of the li 8. S Olympic, flagship for Admiral Dewey’s victorious fleet in the Bat>
tie of Manila, a disgrace and an insult. Representative John J. Cochrane of Missouri urged the
Bouse Nava; Affairs Commute* to approve a bill m iking the vessel a national shrine and Spaniah
Avaerican War memorial. Under tm plan, the abl». shown at the Philadelphia Naval Yard dock,
would be restored and moved to Washington
Finish of Race Which Enriched Many Americans
Unusual view of finish of Grand National Steeplechase at Liverpool, with Reynoldatown Cro«-in» the wire
a winner. His victory enriched several Americans who held ticket* on him in the Irish
•jrrZS—- stake* 1160,000 each, fiiu# Prince may be aeon fcushm* J?S>
4 >
National observance of 75th anniversary of first “pony express” is being
begun this week. Historic drawings and photos illustrate steps by which
nation was welded together by swift communications (top to bottom):
Overland Mail, 1856; “pony express," 1860; saluting telegraph, 1861 g
joining of railroads in transcontinental system. 1869. Over winch stream
line trains began speeding, 1935; and a UAL mail plane wrhich now
spans in 10 hours the distance it required “pony express" 10 days tp_govgfr
Asks $100,000 for Her Love
• • _ _ *
They Are a Sure Guide To Economy and Profit
Free Demonstration on
For storing Grapefruit and
Oranges for Summer Sales
Valley Bonded Warehouse
Brownsville Phone 1080
6 Personal
digestion victims, why suffer?
For quick relief get a free sample
of Udga, a doctor’s prescription,
at McKay’s Pharmacy. 1-88
Try The Herald
Classified Ads
To Got Result*
classified rates:
20 words or lean ace inserstlan .. 00c
Over 20 words, one Insertion
per word .. 3c
Subsequent insertions run oansecutlve
ly. per word .
Minimum. 10 words.
By month, per word . 30c
To insure publication on the same day
Classified sds must be in the office by
10 a. m on week days, and by noon
on Saturday for Sunday's paper.
Legal notices le per word each inser
Phone number • and ask for the Classi
fied Department. An experienced ad
writer will give helpful suggestions if
wanted, and tell you what the ad will
coat. Then later in the day a boy will
call on you with the bill and you may
pay him
Check your ad whan tt first appears
as The Herald Is not responsible tot
more than one Incorrect Insertion.
Note: All Classified advertising Is on s
strictly casb basis
Notice Is Hereby Olven that bv virtue
of a certain Order of Sale issued out of
the Honorable 103rd Judicial District
Court of Cameron County on the 20th
day of March 1933 by J. J. Bishop. Cleric
of said Court, for the sum of Four
Hundred Thirty-seven and 77-100 Dol
lars. with Interest and costs of suit,
under a Judgment. In favor of 8 W
Bennett In a certain cause In said
Court. No. 13347 and styled: 8. W
Bennett vs. Mrs Vesta P. Sykes. « al..
placed in my hands for service. I. J
A. Goolsby, as 8herlff of Cameron Coun
ty Texas, did on the 20th day of March
1935. Levy on certain Real Estate, sit
uated In Cameron County. Texas, de
scribed as follows, to-wlt All that cer
tain tract, piece or parcel of land, ly
ing and being in the County of Cam
eron. State of Texas, and being 14 acres
more or less, of land out of Blocn No
Six it) and Seven (7) of the 8wan Nel
son Subdivision of a portion of the Es
plrltu Santo Grant, and out of Share
Number 12. thereof, as shown upon a
certain map of said Swan Nelson Tract
which is of record In the map record*
of Cameron County. Texas, and levied
upon as the property of Mrs Vesta
P Sykes. James T Whitney. Gerald W
McKenna M. M Davison and wife Ad
dle L. Davison, and that on the First
Tuesday In May. 1935. the same being
the 7th day of said month, at the Court
Pee Gee
8 Travel Opportunities
Leaves Leaves
McAllen Reynosa
8:30 a m. 7:30 a m.
10:00 a m. 9:00 a m.
13:00 p m. 11:00 a m.
:00 p. m. 1:00 p m.
6:00 p m. 5:00 p m.
4:00 p m. 8:00 p m.
8:00 p m. 7:00 p m.
Special bus from Reynosa Sat
urday and Sunday 10:30 p m.
8 Travel Opportunities
Past bonded Buses. Leaving Har
lingen 6:30 a. m. and 3 p m. daily.
Arrives San Antonio 1:15 p. m. and
9:45 p. m. San Antonio $3.50—
E !as $8 80—Abilene $8 85— Austin
$5.10—Chicago $21.15 - St. Louis
$17 65. Madison Hotel, phone 405.
Harlingen; Miller Hotel, phone 166.
Browftsville; Cortez Hotel, phone 70.
Weslaco; McAllen, phone 32; San
Benito, phone 234; Elsa, phone 15
House door of Cameron County, in the
City of Brownsville. Texas, between t!
hours of 10 a m. and 4 p m. by virtue
of said levy and said Order of Sale
will sell said above described Real Es
tate at public vendue, for cash to the
highest bidder as the property of said
Mrs Vesta P Svkes. James T. Whitney
Oerald W McKenna M M. Davison
and wife. Addle L. Davison
And In compliance with law. I give
this notice by publication, in the Eng
lish language, once a week for three
consecutive weeks immediately preced
ing said day of sale. In the Browns
vlile Herald, a newspaper published
In Cameron County.
Witness my hand this 22nd day ot
March 1935
J. A GOOLSBY, Sheriff. Cameron
County. Texas
By Gustavo Vera. Deputy
3-25-1-»-3t -4B30
9 Cafes and Hotels
419 - 12th Street ;j
Business Lunches — Choice Meets.
Excellent Sea Foods — Private
Dining Room
Serving the Valley for Over
Ten Years.
10 Autos for Sale
FOR SALE—Deposit on new Chev
rolet. any model, at substantial
discount. Box J-10, Herald. J-10
Check This List
Before You Buy
1933 De Luxe Ford Tudor; ori
ginal finish; like new; very
low mileage.
1934 Plymouth 2-door sedan;
new tires; original finish good;
perfect mechanical condition.
Brownsville Motor Co.
BARGAIN'S of all kinds are listed
daily on the Brownsville Herald
Classified page.
1934 Chrysler 6. 4-door sedan.
1932 Chevrolet Coupe
1934 Chevrolet Touring Sedan
1932 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan
1931 Chevrolet Coupe-Sedan
1933 Chevrolet 2-door with
1932 Chevrolet Coach
1927 Small Buick. good bujr.
These cars are clean and
cheap. Look at them today, J
Wells Motor Co. [
10th and Washington Sts. I
Buick-Pontiae Dealers
I ■■■■Mil II .MMaaMMOaMaMOMaMMaapaWaaMaaMaaMaBI
Try The Herald
Classified Ada
Eight married men and four bachelor* are jury at trial hi New York of
$100,000 suit of Colette Francois (right), French actress, against Arthur
Loew (left), theater and movie magnate. She names him as father of
her four-year-old daughter (left), alleging he promised to make her a
■Wond Jean Harlow” when he wooed her in Pan*. Loew denies charge*,
On Way to Death at Beginning of Life
At the age when other youths are beginning their lives as citizens, these four boys are traveling the
last mile to death. Enrico Angelino (left to right), 20; Ray Orley, 21; Newman Raymond, 21, and
Thomas Gilbride, 20, tried the easy road when they came to New York from small towns. In their 22nd
Wflriun, one of them shot a policeman; now all are to die in Sing Sing, where they are seen being taken,
gbaii combined finance# at tin and of than nuiuul coxmks totaled fcf 2^ ■*■ ***
Know Her?
Mystery surrounds true identity of
woman who gave name of Marion
L. King. 23, after ahe was arrested
for stabbing her lover, John L
Pierce, to death in New Orleans
night club. She admitted her brothei
was New England cieryyifisn^
KOm Pratt
Her beauty and popularity
brought the coveted honor of May
Queen at Sweet Briar college,
Sweet Bnar, Va., to black-haired,
brown-ey#d Ellen Pratt of Bin*
ingham, Ala. A senior, she will
reign over the annual Mag Dag
feativ^ May 3.
Hollywood Mourns Its Pets<
Hollywood has a heart.
The Los Angeles Pet Memo
rial Park reveals It. Here lie
the remains of 1000 animals
that once were petted by
the stars of filmland. Here,
tor instance, little Carolyn
Strife is shown beside the
tomb of Kabar. the late Ru
dolph Valentino’s pet Dober
man Pinscher

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