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Newspaper Page Text
Buy, Sell, Rent or Exchange Through the Herald Classified Ads Feminine Jurist ----—■■■■■ 1 ■ 1 —.. ■■■ .i i HORIZONTAL I Who is the feminine juris ! in the picture Jlf Sultan's derrei jt^henus of palms. (14 Wand. 18 To carry. 17 Loose-eared wheat. 18 Rootstock. 19 Joyous. JO She was edito and lerturer on-. tl On the lee 22 By reason ot 23 Scarlet. 24 Gulla 25 Like. 26 Hies 27 Pair. 28 Pear ctder 29 Italian river. 10 Roughest. 14 She is a mem ber of the — tpl.l. 18 Blue grasa Answer to Previous Punle t ^ 'njAjP^E. 3 L- A U(&.h(1TST ■ Ilf 1 ' P^UJW 1 1 Ml «1M5 _ o-qtMh a l o sWr ljimd]q:r|l wSb BlwiffiC ILO WOP OIL 11 —. ..— Id I a !+ ■ ■—— .CHARLES • iH uugh1on sd KCL9.6I_ IE2JS 37 Nettle rash. 38 To stitch temporarily. » Yes. 40 Sanctions. 41 To deprive feloniously. 42 Curved laterally. 43 Docs ■ 44 She is the > only woman - on a U. ft Hreuit court. 45 She sits on tfa bench of the court of ——. VERTICAL 1 Away. 2 Upright abaft 2 Poem. 4 Second note. 5 Doted. C Crinkled fabric. 7 Wriggling 8 To perform. 9 Musical nota 3 10 Rubs out. 11 Water wheel. 12 Neuter pro noun. IS Physician. 17 Auctions. 18 Revolves. 19 Declaiming. 20 Cheerful. " 22 Blood pump. 24 Trunk of the body. 26 Ovules. 27 Luggage carriers. • 28 Godliness. 29 Subdued color 30 Mast. 31 Demure. 32 Sun god S3 To classify. ■ 34 Indian officer*! extra pay. 3S Measures. 38 To diminish. 40 Fashion. 41 Corded cloth. 42 Bushel. 43 Spain. ^AUTOMOTIVE 10 Autos For Solo EakGE CAWAS covered house ear; good condition; for quick sale $28.00 James A. Stone. Turning Basin Port Isabel. Texas. JJ-22 CHEVROLET DEALER i USED CAR BARGAINS 1830 Chevrolet Coach 1931 Chevrolet Coach 1928 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Ford Tudor 1929 Old&moblle Coupe Seaman Chevrolet Co. 8th and Elizabeth PHONE 1111 14 Auto Repair* and Paint OET OUR PRICES "Washing, Greasing, Battery Charging. Repair* to ail make* of rare PAUL JONES 1237 Levee Phone 232 ^SPRING IS HERE Ref.msh $1750 your car— JL M 5=8 Ford - Chevrolet - Plymouth Seaman Chevrolet Co. 5th and Elizabeth PHONE 1111 BUS. SERVICES 25 Bail ders-Contractors BEN V. PROCTER Consulting Engineer Preliminary Investigations. Detail Plans and Construction , Supervision. Examinations and Report# 515 11th St. Phone 151 BROWNSVILLE 23 Moving Trucks—Storage AUSTIN TRANSFER CO- Ml Levee Moving and crating Phone 421 U66 MASON TRANSFER CO. Contractors for Missouri Pacific Pick up and delivery service Hauling of All Kinds 6th & FRONTON - PHONE 139 Packing of All Kinds BROWNSVILLE HERALD Classified ads are tire.ess little workers They do Mg )chs for little money 32 Printing—Office Sup. PREPARE tout rammer adxertiaing now! Call 4*8 and have Bishop's Print Shop show you their 1935 advertising fans—They're nice. Off) 34 Insurance White & Sutherland Life — Fire — Casualty Inxuraac PHCMF 411 State National Bank Bldg. A FORTY CENT twenty • word Classified ad in the Sunday Her ald will go before 55.000 readers SIDE GLAXCES - - - George Clark . “Mr. Baxfond is in a grand humor. Why wouldn’t this be a good time to approach him about that job?" Ford Dealers’ Used Car Sale ONE ENTIRE WEEK - APRIL 8 -14 (Inclusive) Thank the /935 Ford V-8 for These Outstanding Values! TUESDAY SPECIAL 1931 Chevrolet Coupe. Four new Goodrich tires. A -1 throughout, was 9295.00. TUESDAY ONLY ‘245 Other Specials We believe that the outstand ing value offered in the 1935 Ford V-8 together with our diligent endeavor to render the best service to be found puts us in position to offer the best Used Car values to be found. BOGGUS MOTOR COMPANY Phone 313 — 813 Harlingen, Texas I TUESDAY SPECIAL 1929 Buick Coupe was $195.00 TUESDAY ONLY i55 L Other Specials 1934 Ford Coupe, with Radio . 1495 00 1933 Ford DeLuxe Fordor . $495.00 1932 Ford DeLuxe Roadster . $295 00 1932 Ford DeLuxe Tudor .$325.00 1930 Ford Tudor . $245.00 EDINBURG MOTOR CO. EDINBURG. TEXAS I TUESDAY I SPECIAL 1930 Chevrolet Coupe. Many unused miles. Was $225.00 TUESDAY ONLY I ’15) Other Specials 1930 Ford Fordor Town 8edan. good shape, goood tires and prlc<| to sell. 1931 Chevrolet Fordor Sedan Exceptionally good motor, and very good looking. ERDMANN MOTOR •COMPANY McALLEN. TEXAS TUESDAY I SPECIAL 1930 DeSoto Fordor, Was $226.00 TUESDAY ONLY ‘175 Other Specials 1929 Chevrolet Sedan. 1165 00 1929 Pord Tudor 1165 00 1929 Chevrolet Cabriolet . 1150 00 1930 DeSoto Coupe ...9 75.00 FOX MOTOR CO. Phone 100 — Raymondville TUESDAY SPECIAL 1927 CHEVROLET PICKUP Mr. Farmer, this Is just what you have been looking for. New six ply Firestone tires The tires cost more than we are asking for the truck. TUESDAY ONLY ^5 GULF MOTOR CO. Donna — Phone 11 • TUESDAY SPECIAL ♦ 1933 Chevrolet Coach like new, wan $465.00. TUESDAY ONLY •435 LUKE-JEFFERS MOTOR CO. SAN BENITO. TEXAS TUESDAY SPECIAL 1929 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan. First class mechanical condi tion. 1935 License. Was $225.00. TUESDAY ONLY •175 Other Specials One 1930 Touring Three 1929 Ford Coupes One 1929 Touring Three 1929 Pick-ups One 1929 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan One 1930 Chevrolet Roadster. MISSION MOTOR COMPANY Phone 242 — Mission TUESDAY SPECIAL 1931 Ford Sport Coupe Con dition good. This car was $235.00. TUESDAY ONLY ■175 Other Specials 1929 Ford Roadster R S . 1100 no 1930 Ford Roadster .. $140 00 1930 Plymouth Coach $ 75.00 1929 Dodge Sedan ... $ 50 00 PATTESON MOTOR CO. 927 Elizabeth — Phone 888 Brownsville TUESDAY SPECIAL 19|< Ford V-8 Coupe, new tire*, new paint motor re conditioned. 1935 License paid. Was $445.00. TUESDAY ONLY $399 Other Specials 1931 Model A Town Sedan. only 19,000 miles ... $295 00 1939 Model A Ford Pick-up . $16500 1929 Ford Coupe $145 00 TOLSOX MOTOR COMPAXV Phone 155 — Mercedes TUESDAY SPECIAL 1933 Chevrolet Master Coach. This car has new paint, new tires, mechanically perfect. Original price of this car was 1500 00. TUESDAY ONLY •450 Other Specials 1933 Chevrolet Coupe. $450 00 1930 Desoto Sedan... $275 00 1930 Ford A Coupe... $225 00 1933 Ford V-8 Coach. $450 00 1929 Model A Coupe.. $150 00 TURNER MOTOR COMPANY Weslaso — Phone 99 BUS. SERVICES 34 Insurance WOOD & DODD INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Phone 100 407 - Uth Street — INSURANCE BONDS W. B. CLINT Phone 6 PLACE YOUR CUae!fled ada before 10 a m. week days and noon Saturday for proper classification. J. S. Ford & Sons Insurance of every kind Phone 1129 304 State National Bank Bldg. EMPLOYMENT 35 Help Wanted—Male I WANT A MAN for Local Tea Ac Coffee Route paying up to $37.30 a week Everything furnished. • automobile given producer. Write Albert Mills. 7117 Monmouth. Cincinnati. O. J-27 — 37 Salesmen—Agents MEN WANTED for Ramleigh route* in Brownsville Write today. Ram - leigh Co.. Dept. TXD-88-SB. Mem phis. Tenn. J-24 FINANCIAL 42 Auto Loan* AUTO LOANS Lowest Rate in the Valley Hutson Brothers 709 W. Harrison Phone 781 HARLINGEN A SHORT • If ME advertisement does not always fulfill the ad vertiser’s neao even in the strong est advertising medium II you hav* not gotten results—phone LIVESTOCK 49 Horses-Cettle TWO JERSEY heifers for sale. Joa chim's Farm, back of Country club. J-15 50 Poultry-Supplies HIGHEST QUALITY BABY CHICKS Priced right Custom hatching. Set every Saturday W R. Jackson Feed and Seed Store *1036 Washington — Phone 887 MERCHANDISE 52 Household Goods WE Bl'Y used furniture and ell or trade new furniture. Refriger ation service. All kinds of music al instruments. Hargis Furniture Co.. 222 Elizabeth St- Phone 180 1-144 IF YOU WANT t© buy. sell, rent or exchange Just phone The Brownsville Herald Classified Ad Department An experienced ad j taker will glacly assist you. Phooe & 1 MERCHANDISE 54 For Sale, Miscellaneous RACING HOMERS—Beat of blood and proven breeders. Old birds and squabs A J. Whitaker. 18th and Arthur. 1-44 NORGE Rolator Refrigeration Forcelair Inside and out. As low as S14 M down and $687 per month. TOM STEVENSON CO. 1233 Levee Phone 222 We Specialize in REBLOCKING Knitted Woolen and Boucle Dresses Vtod^gdgf, v«o Dry GxanincCoJmc PHONE 1 Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention MERCHANDISE 57 Lbr. and Bldg. Material We Have An Easv, Workable <r w FINANCE PLAN » For both new construc tion and remodeling jobs. Eagle Pass Lumber Company 1117 Monroe - Phone 607 MERCHANDISE 57 Lbr. & Bldg. Mat*! LONG LEAP PINE - lilt $HM per M. 2x4 and 2x6 623.00; 1x4 to 1x8 and plowed jambs 620.00. Many bargains. J. W Richards, Ir.c. Combes. I M) 60 Seeds-Pi ants-Flowers PLANT Zinnias. Marigolds. Peri winkles etc for late Spring and early summer flowers Chores and Co, 11th and Adams. I-M BOSES, beautiful roses—Many va rieties and colors Pick vour choice right from the garden. Only 26s doeen. Comer Ring gold >«.d 18th 6t J -9 61 Wanted • Miscellaneous WANTED—Swond hand home pan ning equipment. Box J-8. Her ald J-* RENTALS 63 Apartment* Ft'RMSHED a port menU. Ill St. Charles. Southeast. J-10 MODERN furnished apartments. Reasonably priced Apply. Mrs. Gantt. Boca Chica Highway. J-20 SWEENY ~Apartmen t»—Coof ultra modem apartment vacant; bllla paid; garage. First and Adams 8t. * J-28 El RNISHED I-room payment; pri vate entrance, utilities paid. $1800 per month. 44 Washington. Cor ner first. J-21 64 Room* COOL WELL furnished rooms, good meats served family style, close in. 604 Levee. Southeast J-lt LITTLE CLASSIFIED ADS in tbo Brownsville He rale, pay big div idends Read ana use mem regu larly and profit REAL ESTATE 11 1 11 MONEY TALKS $3,000.00 buys modem 5-room stuc co home textone finished inside with hardwood floors, breakfast room, front and back porches, dou ble garage and nicely located on comer lot: $350 00 cash; balance $37.50 per month including interest. $3 250 00 buys modem cool 5-room cottage and garage well located tit Los Ebanos. textone finished in side. newly painted outside: $500 00 cash, balance $38 88 per month in cluding interest $20.000 00 buys good Browns villa rental property formerly valued at more than twice that amount and now paying more than 10 v net on that amount ; with one-fourth cash, balance easy terms at S'® interest. S. C. Graham & Company Arcade Bldg — Phone 179 Brownsville. Texas FOR BALE—Two small hotels, two apartment houses, two Piling sta tions. several good orchards and farms; now can give terms and let you In ahead of Port advances which are sure to come soon. Put your cash where you have a fu ture. See M T. Killion over Will mans Dri ; Store. BEAL BARGAINS m Brownsville business, residential property. City lots, farms Two large ranch es Hidalgo and Willacy counties. John Gregg. 753 Washington St.. Dhone 1197. 1.83 THERE ARE NEW readers and eld readers with new WANHS every day. List your Wants or Don't Wants on the Brownsville Herald Classified page far. quick satisfy ing results 72 Farma-Ranchea PRICED TO SELL—Well Improved modern home. 18 acres of grove; dose to town and Port; terms to suit. See Owner. Box 507. phone 6019 F 1 1-43 CHOICE MILK fed broiler*; select eggs; English Strain Leghorn pul lets. Homer Fitch, Phone 17. West 7th and St. Francis H-100 CHIP COLLINS* ADVENTURES By JACK KOFOED and JACK WILHELM Sa^, toots, wow much To M'$$ SfcNP A TEtfcGr&AM TO ToorS, / LACEC>0,Te^A5‘. TO SOU^y on neuo ) n&v,0Ae0A6A, \ ju$t Got avmire tcp‘ I t&v/vs.. a/ho caw i Putj* heat on 0uck. ___y_L v-\_ holus,novw \J_ Tbd haS found out ] mmvtz «t is vau) OOnT want HIM 70 < i KAOvV A0QUT flUCwl1j4 I if Tep uveS up To his usual fo^n\ V OP ZWEA^ESS, I VOSIOW WHAT JHtS will kveam for. buck. . -- a'*"*" I • I - -- - . MICKEY MOUSE * B* Walt DUney cUHe. "war-DRUM* HAS BEEN HONORED BV A PERSONAL ViS»T prcm the gang LEADER, KNOWN AS "looey the leg'' AND HE TURNS OUT TO BE MlCKEV's LIFETIME ENEMY PES - l_EG pete ! ^ sure! I MUSCLED INTA OlS BuRCa TO MAKtt A UITTUE EASV JACK! (SOT Me A Nice B iZZNISS, J AN I OONT LET NOBODV 'n\ INNAPERE WlT’MB BlZZNBSS. ) see’ 'ap^shallv PUNKb a7?\ writes , vvBl_‘vSr 'ikhV the crust: \ I'll— DONALD JC flBT A cop> ? J'ohWV oh aov PER HE ' ATS qCH! BULL —, OH HAWR' HAWR1 UAUlBI