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Variety Noted I In Calendar In San Benito tapecis! to Tbe He-».c * SAN BENITO, April 13.—Members of the Wednesday Bridge club met to the home of Mrs. Tommy Cocke Summer flowers were placed abom the rooms. Following the arrival oi the guests an ice course was served When the games were concluded Mrs. J. H Hicks, received the award for success. Those enjoying the af fair were Mesdames R W. Thacker and A. L. Price guests of the club and Mesd imes Oienn Goolsby, Rob ert Schmidt. Law Burrus. J. H Hicks. Ray Smith, and Mrs. Cocke The next meeting of the club will be held m the home of Mrs. Glenn Goolsby. • II Mr. aud Mrs J. F. Mayfield have arrived in San Benito where they will make their home. Mrs. Mayfield was before her recent marriage. Miss Jewel Tuttla oi Commerce. Up until the time of her marriage. Mrs. May field was a member of the faculty of the Bonham high school. Mr Mayfield is well known to San Benito having resided in the Lateral T community for several years • • • Mrs P. J. DeGuerln was a charm ing hostess Monday evening wnen she entertained with four tables ol bridge uMng as a background ler the delight!ui occasion myriads 01 pastel colored blossoms. When scores were counted the award for succeas in the games went to Mrs. Rankin Kenedy. Mu* Har riet Patter was also presented with an award, while the consolation gilt was presented to Miss Elizabeth Nommenson. Following the games a tempting salad course was served Those enjoying the oourtesy were Misses Ruth Brown. Mae Deli Skyes. Elizabeth Nommenson. Harnett Pat tee. Lynda hi Yoder. Helen Taylor Losona Thacker, Lois Ccok. Me* dames Rankin Kenedy, R. A. Ewing. Jack Dobson. Ben Shoemaker, Phil lip Brady. Don Mounts, Jack Hogue. T. C. Pelikan. Sam Salter, and Frank Jones, of Brownsville. • • • Members of the £an Benito Music club were entertained in tne home of Mias Lillian Harl Mcnday after noon when “Oriental Music" was the topic for the afternoon. An in teresting and well given paper on “Chinese and Japanese Music" was presented by Mrs. J. L. Bates. Miss Mae Wilson presented two ▼ary splendid piano selections, "Chi nese Dance," by Tchaikovsky and “Japanese Etude." by Poldim. Mrs T. D. King of Harlingen sang a group of Chinese Mother Goose Rhymes by Crist. She was accom panied at the piano by Mrs. T. S Caswell. During the short business session preceding the program plans wen made for the observance of Music i Week, which falls this year during the first week in May. The next meeting of the club will be held in the home of Mrs. L. H Wlnell on the ZiUock Road • • • L. C. Poth. Jr., son of Mr and Mrs L. C Poth was named as honor guest Thursday aiternoon when hej celebrated his fourth birthday an niversary. During the afternoon the Uttle guests enjoyed games on the lawn Favors were downy yellow Eas ter chicks tied with pink ribbon bowa. In the latter part of the afternoon several snapshots of the group wen made. Especially pleat mg to the lit tle guests was the lovely birthday cake which was cut and served with ice cresm. Those enjoying th* «v*nt were th following little friends and their mothers Baby Dell Johnson, Corky Mealson. Jean. Jane and Bobb> PelTy, Janie Lee and Emma Jo Caf faU. Peggy Lewis and J. C Johnson and. the guest of honor. Mrs. Poth was assisted m hostess duties by Mrs. H. T. Banner, grand mother of the honoree and by two aunts. Mrs. W. H. Davis of Browns ville end Mrs. A. T. Taylor of thk elty. • • • Mrs W. O. Brown who is spon- j •or of the Dell Mewshaw Y W. A of the First Baptist church delight fully entertained the group at her home Monday evening. Members and guests gathered for a delicious din* j ner. the appointments of which re flected an Easter theme. During the period following the repast an interesting program was gven on the subject of “Hew the os pel Came to Europe.” Cladda Mae Albritton was leader for the study. The Conversion of Constan tine.' was presented by Lois Michels and "Our Work In Hungary ' was the Interesting report given by Kath erine Marksworth. Winnie Belle Flnlev discussed the “Work of the Church in Roumanla." while Virginia Castleberry read a paper on the “Work in Italy.” During the session the Y. W. A Hymn was sung the accompaniment being played by Helen Reeves. “Mis sionary Activities in Spain" were dis cussed by Ethel Mallory after which the meeting was brought to a close with the Missionary prayer. Ten members and two guests Mrs. Lance Harris and Helen Ruth Reeves were present A delightful shower surprise was arranged by friends when they Ethered at the home of Mr. and rs. J. F. Mayfield, whose mar riage recently took place m Com merce. Interesting gift packages were presented to the honor guests Friends calling during the affair were Messrs and Mesdames W. O Williams Carl Pirtls and small •on. Charles Newman. J. R Dean. r. E. Gause. Marshall Gause and •op, Jimmy. L. R. Welch, Neely N«wman. O. E Gause and Mes d*mes Lee Joe Woods. Emma Douglass of Pan Isabel, Willie Oause and Beulah Nelder Jotm. • • • jbe Aurora club celebrated its fourth birthday anniversary Wed nesday afternoon *lth a seated i tea in the home economics cot tage Beautiful decorative notes carried out a color scheme of or chid, purple »ml white. Queen a Laura Wheeler Designs APPLIOUE BEDSPREAD PATTERN 9^) APPLIQUE PILLOW AND L»MB>NS PATTERN 961 APPLIQUE LAURA WHEELER HOLLYHOCKS ON YOUR BEDROOM LINENS Hollyhocks are one of the most decorative of our garden flowers. And here you can have them. Just as decorative on your bedspread, your boudoir pillow and your scarfs They are appliqued, the applique being a simple round patch—It's the embroidery around the edge that gives the flowers their petal-like form. The two patterns g.ven here are good enough to complete va rious articles; together they will give you the opportunity of making all your bedroom accessories to match. If you want to use them on the porch you can make some gay pillows that will be Just the thing The flower patches can be done all In the same color, in different shades of one color nr In i variety of colors. Pattern 960 comes to you with a transfer pattern of a motif 15x164 .nches and one and one reverse motif 64x74 Inches, and patterns for the applique patches. Price 10c. Pattern 961 comes to you with a transfer pattern of a motif 94x114 inches, one and one reverse motif 64x74 inches, two and two re verse motifs 34x34 Inches and pat terns for the applique patches. Price 10c. Each pattern contains directions for doing applique; material re quirements; illustrations of all stitches needed and color suggest ions. Send 10 cents In stamp or coin 'coin preferred* for this pattern to The Brownsville Herald. Needle craft Dept., 82 Eighth Avenue. New York. N Y—Adv. . Anne’* lace, purple verbena and purple larkspur were used m the reception room where the guests were received, by the past and present presidents of the club, Mrs J. D. Wren. Mrs. Harold Falrey. and Mrs. A. R. Motheral Mrs. R J. Bohner was tn charge of the guest book. Sf/enty five guests enjoyed the hospitality. fn a very gracious and charming manner the guests were welcomed by Mrs Neely Newman A violin solo was given by Mrs. W. W Housewright. Mrs O. T. Roofs ac companied at the piano by Mrs T. C Pelikan rendered “Awake My Soul,” and “A Little Hungarian Melody.” A tap dance number by Doris Odgen was well received, she was accompanied at the piano by Miss Dorothy Pattee. Mrs M. M. Magoon In a very charming manner explained the meaning of “Aloha,” and sang the beautiful number. She also com plimented the group with “King's Serenade,” which 6he sang, play ing her own accompaniment. The next number on the program In cluded a cutting from the play "Madame Butterfly,- a reading by Miss Alberta Brown. An Interesting dance number was given by Frances Huff man. Miss Dorothy Pattee playing the accompaniment. Two vocal numbers. Before Dawn.” and "Rosebud.” were given by Miss Barbara Barrier. She was accom panied at the piano by Mrs. T. C Pelikan. In the dining room the table was laid with a cloth of Chinese linen richly embro.dered and had as a centerpiece, purple and orchid larkspur intermingled with Queen Anne’s lace In a low silver bowl, flanked on either end bv silver candelabra holding white tapers. The side table held a silver bas ket of Easter lillles. the handle of which was t.ed with purple mallne The dainty confections carried out the color scheme of purple and white. Plate favors were pansy corsages tied with silver ribbon Mrs. F. W. Burgess a\i Mrs. Na than Craig presided at the silver services. They are honoarry mem bers of the club. Misses Frances Etchlson. Jean Agar and Elolse Huffman arear ing long organdy frocks In deli cate pastel shades assisted in serv ing In the dining room. • • • Newly organized circles of the Womans Auxiliary of the First Presbyterian church met Tuesday of this week In the various homes of circle members. Mrs. Jack Eh lers, cha.rman of circle number one. entertianed members of her group. Twenty-three members and visitors were present. In the late afternoon a delicious refreshment course was served. Circle number two met in the home of Mrs Pete Smith with 18 members and visitors answering roll call. Mrs D. 8. Meyers is chairman of this circle. Following the meeting refreshment* were served Circle three met In the home of Mrs. James Shafer, chairman, with 17 members. Following the meeting delicious punch was served with cookies. Circle five met In the home of Mrs. Ray Smith with 15 members present. After the Plble s***y given by Mrs. P M 'rer plans the new year were d scussed. in the late afternoon refreshments were sen#d A Pe«cH-Bloom Complexion If You . . . ... of Oft? pim ples and other akin blemishes, easily and quickly with this a mail re cosmetic that Clears. Bleaches and Beautifies &0e everywhere or di rect from OJ's Beauty Lotion Co., Shreveport. La. Your Easter Hat Is Here A Large Fluffy Flops The large flop hat la by far the most popular this, > Other Modes Here. too. you will find Off-the-fac*. Bretons. Bailor and Maniah shape*. Among the materials • re rough straws. Leghorns, halrbrald and other*. W 4A« B . ,1.95 t. >4.95 The Style Shop 1133 Elizabeth — Brownsville MRS. I. NORIEGA A SISTER, Proprietors Engagement Oj Valley Pair Announced < Special to The Herald i RIO HONDO. April 13 —Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCaoe announce the engagement and approaching mar riage of tneir daugnter, Miss Fran ces Merrill McCaoe, to Mr. Hermit 'tiearden of Brownsville, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Bearden of that city. Miss McCabe is a popular mem ber of the Rio Hondo younger set. a graduate of the Rio Hondo schools and is an accomplished musician. Mr. Bearden is an employe oi the Box Ranch. Wedding date of the young couple has not yet been set. The Rio Hondo Parent-Teacher association met here Monday eve ning at the High School Auditorium wltn a large group of parents, teachers, and children In attend ance. Mrs. J. C. Lewis of Harlingen, county health nurse was featured ou the evening program. Mrs. Lewis urging mothers to have their chil dren ready for the summer "round up" sometime In May. Accompanying Mrs. Lewis was Mrs. J. W. Mayfield of Stuart Place president of the Cameron County Council of the Parent - Teacher association. Mrs. Maylield urged cooperation with the county wealth nursa on the "round up program. Other program features was the scngs by the Rio Hondo boys quartette, the group having Just returned from the Kingsville music meet, first place and bring j i.-.g back a handsome silver cup. i Many of the mixed girls' chorus woo were scheduled to sing were rot present, but a few who were cicaent sang the sonpf sung at the Kingsville meeting During the business session Mrs. Kiclunond Bates gave a splendid report of the finances of the P.T.A. The treasurer also reported on the purchase of shades lor the Mexi quito schools, the purchase of $1J worth ol books for the school 11 orary ana also the tuning ol the school piano. Annual election of the P.T.A. ol fleers Is to be held at the next regu’ar meeting which is to be held .his tine cn the first Tuesday of ;he month instead ol the second Tuesday dip* to the graduation ex ercises occurring on that date, a committee headed by B. T. Bullis and assisted by Miss Maud John -on ana Mis W K. Clore will select name., to be submitted at the next meeting to be voted upon. Reports were given by Mrs. Ed win Myers and Mrs. C. E Derby on the P. T. A. Cameron County Coun cil meeting held at Harlingen March 23 Mrs. Jack Preshour was appoint | eo to attend the 10th district an nual P.T-A. convention to be held at Weslaco on the 13 and 13 of April. _ By laws for the local Parent Teachers association as prepared by the Committee were accepted. Ban ner for attendance was awarded to Miss Ollle Haney’s room and Mrs. Rose Crowe's room • • • The Browne Tract Home Dem onstration club met recently at the home of Mrs J. Honeysett and with Mrs. E Mansker and Mrs Honey sett acting as co-hostesses Mrs. W. Reed Lang gave an in teresting book review oi Faith Bald win’s novel “American Family" which proved Interesting to the group assembled. Mrs. E. Parris was Graduation Days Will soon be here It’s time to shop around At Dorfman s For the Ideal Gift for the GRADUATE DIAMOND RINGS DINNER RINGS WRIST WATCHES All the Beet Makes Novelty Jewelry Compacts Purses and Hand bags Traveling Luggage GRADUATION GIFTS For the Young Lady and Young Man Graduate from Up to as much as you feel inclined to spend. A Dorfman label on the package adds extinction to the graduation gift I •bo featured on the program with a humor reading in negro dialect Encampment plans came up for considerable discussion. Mrs. H Orube. Browne Tract club member, hi is been named as chairman of the stunt and entertainment committee for the annual summer encamp ment which is to be held here in May. A report of the special council session held recently st Ban Benito was given by Mrs. Grube. A delicious refreshment course was served the 20 visitors and two guests present for the meeting. Mrs. Knox Smith club president presided over the meeting. *# * ' Llano Grande was the soene of the annual celebration of senior day for the Rio Hondo high school graduating class. The entire class with their sponsor. L. D. Todd, em barked early Monday morning in W. E. Beenes truck and motored to the picnic ground for a day of fan. After a day of plcknlcking the party left Llano Grande at da-k and motored to La FYrla where the group attended the picture show, j Those enjoying the occasion were: Ruth McEwoen. Ethel Ann Petras, Mattie Belle Gratham. Wayland Waters. Donald Grantham. Leo Jones, Claire Mallemee. Helen W’at on. Ercell Tlcer. Lois Brown. Lil lian Kachtlk, Julia Lynn Wright, Edmund Davis, Melbourne Ricker. Jack Arnett, Ronald Schultz. Mack Misejr, Joe Brown. Gene Wilds, L. D Todd and W. E. Beene. • • • Mr and Mrs. Joe Ooode and fam 'lv left for their new home In Fay etteville. Ark Mayor Bvrl Hoi Ion and Flovd Wilds were Brownsville vsiltors thb week. Mr and Mrs. W F Bo-mann of Mc.Vlen were visitors here Sundav at the home of Mr. and Mrs. War ren Galloway. Mr and Mrs. J R. George and Mrs Rex M. George were visitors Punday at the home of Mr. and Mra. James Young In Weslaco. Mrs. Forreu Woodside has as her guest Mrs C. E. Hoff of San An tonio. Texas. . A forest arm larger than the 'tate of New York was burned over In 1930. ma nly due to carelessness. More than 50 000,000 acres were destrf *\1 last year. Valley Students; i __u7 oTt._ (Continued from Page One) The Order of 8an Jacinto, of which Herbert Thomas of Browns ville la a member, honored the Tex as nominees tor 8weetheart. of which Gall McDavltt was chosen Sweetheart, with a dinner dance Saturday night on the Austin Ho tel roof. • • • The Country' Culb was headquar ters for the Alpha Phi round-up honoring out-of-town guests Satur day. The banquet was carried out in the Idea of a ranch round-up. As they entered the guests were brand ed with a small Ink linoleum stamp bearing the symbol of the Alpha whi. The tables were arranged in the shape of a “U.” The sorority colors, bordeaux and silver, were us ed for the decorations. Barbara Todd of Mercedes Is a member of the Alpha Phi sorority • • • Herbert Thomas of Bownsvllle has recently been elected to the of- ] flee of president of the Sigma Nu faterlty. The fifth annual water pageant of the Turtle club has been trans formed Into the A B Seas, school for fish, and opened for classes Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Twenty-five best women swim mers and divers, all members of the Turtle club entertained the audi ence by performing their lessons In Fishics. Fishlology. Reeling and Ril ing. Rhythmetlcs and Fishtcal Ed ucation under the direction of Pro fessor Turtle. The performers, dressed appro priately In oil cloth bathing suits Illustrating gold fish, zebra fish and rainbow fish, culminated a year's work of the Turtle club. Barbara Todd of Merpedes was a gold fish Custer Yates of Browns ville is a member of the Turtle club, also. • • • Kirby Hall entertained with \t& annual spring sem-formal dance Friday night In the main ballroom of the Texas Union The dormitorv council was In charge. Each dor mitory resident, could Invite two guests. Beth Ore gory of Browns ville. Ruth Reed of San Benito. Al ine Henderson of Brownsville. Cath erine Pugsley of San Benito, Har riet Boyd of Brownsville, Mary Margaret Fox of Brownsville Mable Humble of 8an Benito, and Katie Hamon of Brownsville reside at Kir by Hall • • • Mrs H L. Thomas and son Jim mie of Brownsville were guests at 'he Sigma Nu house Sunday noon for dinner. • • • Mrs. W E McDavltt of Browns ville and Mr. and Mrs. Tom 8weeney of Brownsville were guests at the Delta Kanp* Epsilon house for din ner 8unday. • • • Chi Omega sorority entertained with its national founder’s day ban- 1 quet Saturday night at the Austin club. The decoration scheme was the Chi Omega Scandals. A fan danc er was the centerpiece on the table and favor;; were candy doll dancers. Valley girls who are mertibers of i the Chi Omeg.. sorort# Include He!- ‘ en Scott of Ravmondville. Mary Jo Dunlap of La Ferla. Jane Harryman of Harlingen. • • • Miss Velma Wilson. Instructor in science in Brownsville Junior Col-1 lege was in Austin Sunday. She was accompanied by J C. George ol j Brownsville and other members of the Phi Theta Kappa honorary fra ternity who had been to Jacksonville to a convention. • • • Mrs Richard Grubbs, formerly Lucy Bmlay of Brownsville, was In Austin Saturday night accompanied by her mother. Mrs. Louis Brulay, of Brownsville, and her young son. Richard. Jr. • • • Scottish Rite Dormitory held open house Saturday afternoon to fa* thers. mothers, professors, brothers and friends of girls living In the! dormitory. This is first time that this has ever been done. Valley girls residing at Scottish Rite Dor-j raitory are Gail McDavitt of Brownsville. Kelsey Stuart of Har- * Ungen. Custer Yates of Brownsvilhu Mattie Belle Rocs of Edinburg. Pran-i cess GnmseU of San Bqnito. Betty Rockwell of Brownsville, and Pearl Goodman of San Benito, and Ada Reed Temieton of Harlingen. • • • Mias Custer Yates. who resides at Scottish Rite Dormitory, had as week-end guests Miss Elizabeth Browne of Brownsville and Mas Landonia Richards of San Antonio. Civic League to Have Antique Display On May 10 and 11 Arm: uncement has been made of the antique display that has been planned by the Civic League to be held May 10 and 11 tn Brownsville. The piece will be announced at a later date. Proceeds from, the dlspla will be shared by the Civic League and the Texas Federation of Women's clubs. The Civic League plans to use Its shire for its city beautification proj ect. and the State Federation will use Its share for the headquarters per manent fund Mrs. G. W. Johnson will be In charge cf all arrangements for the aff dr, and will appreciate the of fering for display any antiques or curios of various parts of the world. There will be a small entrance charge made. Confetti Eggs and Baskets Will Be Sold By Society Mrs Arthur Put and Mrs. John Closner are In charge of orders for Easter eggs and baskets being sold by the Altar Society of the Sacred Heart church. Orders may be given by telephoning either of thorn ladles The Easter oonletti eggs, very arv stlcally decorated, may be pur* chased In any quantity and with or without baskets The baskets them' selves are very attractive, and them may be purchased separately. No woman can remain unmarried among the Tiwt tribesmen of the South Sea* It Is permissable. hrr*%, ever, for a number of women share the same husband. SHOWERS ON WASHDAY? m j •DON’T you CARE ^train or shine ... you can get your 1 washing all done ... ready to Iroo | five minutes with j DAMP WASH THE NEW HOME WASHING SERVICE AND IT ONLY COSTS A Q/% f°r I pound mL/'* a 1 u BUNDLE FOR EACH ADDITIONAL POUND MM-M..WEATHER REPORT f OH,NO, IT SAYS'SHOWERS TOMORROW.* DOESN'T 1 I'VE 60ESS THAT MEANS A SWORN OFF ON STEAMED'UP HOUSE WASHING.PROM AND A EASEMENT NOW ON, IM PUU OP DAMP (lOTHiS LETTING THE TOMORROW NIGHT. LAUNDRY OO IT. L._—____jk_l V \rJU know how ft is ... . washing done • ... out on the line .. . and down comet the ram. Maddening, isn't It? Yea, and even If you do get things dry between showers, they're so gray and streaked-look ing you're ashamed of them. But what you should be ashamed of Is wearing out your strength, taking chances with your health over the family washing. For here we are ell ready to do it for you. Here we are offering you Damp Wash .... the new home washing service—at a special bar gain*' price, that everyone can afford. PICK YOlTt WASHDAY PICK I F THE PHONE Think how much happier your lift would bt without a washday in it. Think what you could do with an extra day every week. And what day shall It be? Monday or Tuesday. Wednesday or Thursday, Fri day or Saturday? Decide. Then pick up the phone. TtU ua which day you want up to call for your bundle. We ll take your clothe* and wash them beautifully clean in rich, foamy auda of pureat aoap. We’ll, J rinse and rinse them—in gallons of apark- ' ling, rain-soft water. WtH bring them back to you—ready to iron. And for all thia we ll only charge you 49 cents for a 10-pound bundle and 1 cent* for taeh ad ditional pound. Which you must admit la cheaper than you could do It—or have M done—at home. And that alone is enough to make you "swear off on ever doing an at her washing. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY St LINEN SERVICE 604 E. 6th — Wniace - Phone U McALLEN LAUNDRY St CLEANING CO. 1116 Beech — McAllen — Phone 77 SQUARE DEAL LAUNDRY St DRY CLEANERS 420 g. Mein — McAllen — Phone 789 MODEL LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING CO. 114 N. W. Elizabeth — Brownsville — Phone 1 HARLINGEN STEAM LAUNDRY MM Wed Harrison — Harlingen - Phone 71 MARTIN LINEN SUPPLY 114 So. T* Street — Harllnren - Phone Stt