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World Events of Today Told in Pictures Tuning Up to Blaze New Pacific Air Route ^Mw«*m**m**mmmnnammnBaM4**M*man*m**MBiBmammMBasnmmmmmaMHBmmnBmmnmammBmmmmMmmH*mmnsmmi • •It* gigantic size strikingly indicated by the three nun standing on the wing, (be Pan American ’(’Upper i* shown here at its Alameda, Cali!., base, aa It was being prepared to point ita nose toward Honolulu, first of the mid-occan stops planned on the new Pan American Airways Pacific rout*. 1 nr-'* crowd* were attracted to the 19-ton. four-motored Sikorsky amphibian. Campaigning WITH Each Other, Now . - - - a They were Presidential eampaieo opponent.- In ISL’S. but Herbert Hoover (right) and Alfred i: Smith (Mti had adopt-d the same platform when this pirtute was snapped in New \ork Onasion was the of a Salvation Army diive (or funds. Maxie and Mary "Make Up” After a little unpleasantness aroused by newspaper interviews concern ing reports of their matrimonial intentions, Prizefighter Maxie Baer ana Mary Kirk Brown made up and went to New York night club together, •a you see. They agreed as photo was made they won’t marry each_other. With expert crausmen at work titling complicate*! instruments into Its interior, the largest gondola yet built for stratosphere exploration la shown at Wright Field. Dayton O.. from where ft will he shipped to Rapid City. 8. D.. for the next campaign In the upper air. set for June. The hollow metal ball, of a magnenuro alloy lighter than aln nuoMin, la nine feet In diameter, eight inches more than t*e gondola used tn last year's hop. M ai*ries Twice to Be Citizen i I- --— "J Helga Moray is determined lo safeguard her American citiren ship no matter how many wed dine ceremonies it takes. The former British him actress, above, now in Hollywood, mar ried Director Tay Harnett on shipboard four months ago, then "eloped” with him to Yuma. Arif., for a second ceremony, to clarify the citizenship records. Another Rival for Shirley? -- Rivals for Shirley Temple'* fame are appearing so fast in Hollywood, it is hard to dis tinguish those having any pros pects of success. But here's on* who’s hailed as a winner. She * Joan Gay. of Dallas. Tex., pic tured in a scene from Kay Fran cis* latest picture. "Stranded.** Joan i* 4 years old and is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Ala* DineharU Accused as Bank Robber’s Aides Held In Jackson, Miss., on a charge of robbery with firearms, carrying a possible death sen tence, Dorothy Darla, left, and her sister, Estelle, right, are shown here after their arrest as associates of Raymond Hamil ton. Texas outlaw, in a Pren tiss, Miss., bank holdup. The women were left behind by Hamilton tn hts flight. Mussolini Displays His Might Mussolini (inset) matched Hitler’s boasts of air might with this convinc ing display of war planes at Home, on 12th anniversary of estab' hrnent •f unified Italian air force, ami to. o a < n to address v oids of warn ing to the north. (Central t reat) Canada’s New ' I irst Lady” Mr*. John Buchan (above) is to be the new first lady of Canada. b«com inr hostess at the grovernor-srenerars palace m Ottawa, shown above. Her husband, the Scottish histonan and novelist, also pictured, is the first commoner to be Appointed to the high post. Coming Home 111 Bear Admiral Richard E. Byrd is coming home a sick man. and changaa wrought ia him by Antarctic ordeal show in newest photo, taken as he ailed toward Panama with Mra. Byrd. Scottsboro Case Pair Again Saved « New hope of escaping the eke* #ric chair came to these Negr ♦ Haywood Patterson, above, and Clarence Norris, below, wiih a second U. S Supreme Court re. versal of their conviction in the famous Scottsboro, Ala., a«*ault cases, and stern condemnation of barring of Negroes from Jury service. The decision may had to freedom for them and five oilier* doomid in the samg case. A $30,000,000 PWA allotment will ■peed work of harwssing tidcpower polled op by 27-foot Bay of Fundy tides in Passamaquoddy Bay, Maine (indicated in map). Project has been considered lor years. Held in F.D.R.Threat Thomas F. Murphy is fingerprinted at Boston by Federal agents who seized him after investigating threatening note which they claim ae sent to President Roosevelt at the White House. Babs’ Heart Interest? 1 Significance ie hem* attached to visit of Jtme.t Blakeley, New York society playboy, to Reno, for he's a Itarhelor and was a close friend of Barbara Hutton Mdivam before she was rushed by the Russian,, JUST A CORNER OF “RUMPUS” ROOM i “. . ' Court- . litI . fir, I Hamt 4 Fkhi Chain and couchca around a fireplace This is '‘rumpus’' room in Rye, V 1 Y The wall* are white, al-o the ceiling, which is beamed. The floor is covered with black linoleum, and there are bijur char treuse couches not shown in the picture. Vast chairs and arc shaped couches are pictured around a fireplace. You can see, also. French doors that lead to an enclosed porch on either side of the fireplace, with red and whita chintz curtains. The young peo ple of the family can have gay parties here without bothering the parents. d^ "Peter Pan” Is Mother Now It wasn't so lone apo that Betty Bronson pleased movie andiencea with her "i 'eter Pan” chararterizat ion. Now she's in retirement as Mrs. Lud wig Lauerman and proudly ahowa Ludwig, Jr., at Aane villa, N. £. Shultz Trial Scene U. S. agents will guard Onondaga County Courthou«e. Syracuse. N. Y. when Dutch Schultz. New York’ Public Enemv No. 1, goes on trial there before federal jury on income tax evasion charge. _ Globetrotters Ann* Tompkins, whosa voyairea with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Warwick Tompkins, of Boston, have made her am on* tha most widely traveled children in tha world, ia leavm* on another trip with her father (with whom she ta shown* and mother aboard tha Hander Bird • above) which will take them arourd the world. Tkey'll ha ala*** tha entixa crey»,