World Events of Tod ay Told in Pictures
Looks like the old fish in’ hole deep
In the country (top), but actually
It’s a river in New York City, newly
stocked with trout for benefit of
big city folks li^Nope,” says Jeffrey
Smith (1.), University of Southern
California instructor, concerning
report* he'll wed Sheila MacDonald
daughter of Britain’s premier.
| Charlro Norman HI (r.), Pater
•on, N. J., 3, continues to smoke
cigars and pipe with parents’ ap
proval. T An extraordinary photo*
taken as Eduard G. Covrll, British
■war flier, died of heart attack as he
entered Los Ar.-r les co irt w ith
Burse to a’ wer a r'
On Nuptial Flight
T. Campbell Black, winner of Eng*
land-Australia air marathon, il
honeymooning with Florence Des
mond, actress, after a wedding that
was delayed when they had a till
and broke their engagement. They
ksft on flying honeymoon after this
picture was taken.
Pri est's Story
Hits Hauptmann
Federal probe of alleged new evi
dence against Bruno Hauptmann
was ordered when the Rev MW
ehael J Kallok above. Cudahy,
Wl*.. Roman Catholie priest, de
clared that be saw Hauptmann
studying plans of the Lindbergh
estate and riding over the
grounds months before the kid
naping. Father Kallok was pas
lag of n church near Trenton.
Debt Almost Paid
Irving Latimer
Irving Latimer, Michigan's best
known convict and an inmate of
Michigan state prison for 4fi
years, soon will be given a full
pardon by Gov. Frank Fitzgerald.)
• Latimer, who was convicted of
poisoning his mother at Jackson
In 1889, has been free to come
and go during the past five years
despite his status as a prisoner.
Senior Scout
Lord Baden-Powell, world leader of
Boy Scouts, is in U. S. for visit,
after having slipned off train at
Canadian border town with daugh
ter (shown with him) to i:void big
reception for him in Seattle.
Youthful “G” Head
Rhea Whitley (above), formerty of
New Orleans, succeeds Francis X.
Fay. retired, as head of New York
Bureau of Investigation of the De
partment of Justice. Like all men
occupying important “DJ” poeta*
he's in his thirties.^ _
New “Brain Truster”
Dr. A. G. Black (above), native
Illinois professor, succeeds Nils A.
Olsen, resigned, as chief of the U. S.
htireu at
Plays Tragic Role
In Real Romance
A shattered romance was blamed
for Betty Hamilton’s leap to death
from & window of her twelfth
floor apartment In New York. The
young stage and screen actress
(above), made her last Him ap
pearance in the English produc
tion of "The Private Lives of Don
Juan", starring Douglas Fair
Twins Reunited
After 25 Years
■ -
Twins separated sinre a shor
time after birth, when hot]
their parents died, are reunite
here, after 25 years. Henry K
Walter and his sister, now Mn
Milton Hose, of Cleveland, O
smile their Joy over meet in
again, after Walter had search©
for four years through human
society flies for the name of hi
siator. They had been adopt©
by different families.
New Orleans Myster
Steve Maraluseo, 82, federal em
ploye in New Orleans, is being ques
tioned by police concerning death
of Grace Wolfe Gonzales, divorcee,
in his car. He declares she com
mitted suicide but that he, fearful
of scandal, drove about the city
three days before going to polka.
The two are .shows. .
British Rulers in Jubilee Robes
White, black, and yellow citizens of the British Empire are beginning
rclebration of the 25th jubilee of King George nnd tjueen Mary, which
will reach its climax in c- remonies in which the Monarch* will wear
robes m which they appear in this new, especially posed photo.
Mr*. Marrinar S. Eccla*
Mrs. Marrfner S. Eccles, of j
Washington, D. C., wife of the
governor of the Federal Reserve
bank, recently returned to the “old
home town,” Ogden, Utah, and
was royally entertained by he*
society friends. This is Mrs*.
Eccles’ newest picture*
Dorothy Lyno
Miss Dorothy Lyne, University of
Wisconsin co-ed, makes the rolls
•f the nation’s beauty queens
.with the annoBjwimrat of her so
lection as honorary cadet major
of the university’s R. 0. T. C.
unit. Miss Lyne’s home is is
JfeiiMn, Wifc
In Midst of Peace, War Is Discussed
In an ancient setting, the most ancient topic of all is dlsemwed—War. Palarro Barnmeo, on the Isle of *
laola Bella, in the placid w aters of Lake Maggiore, at Stress, Italy, was mecca to which highest statesmen
of France, Italy and Great Britain met in greatest peace time meeting since President W lisen went to Fans. >
The old mat, of the he. ranting and .terming, biting chunk, out of tbe '“*',k ”fc l a? w tlii bMrfi
iood out of .10.11 boats, licking at the fountUtof .bn, «•>**»'?»“''j£1 IZ. J2 BtWxU
or Bailors and landsmen alike when this ®., fl. LL wa,hed away and i house la threatened
U i. Nno°^.n,Ta"rrD,-i.h0.7 r^tUrJ^^utS .n. rlctimueo o, . bprtn. .tore
Could Maine Disaster Happen Again?
Apprehension Is being felt concerning possibility of
fanatics act precipitating crisis in connection with
good will visit of U. S. S. Auguata (below), flagship
of Far Eastern squadron commander, Admiral F. B.
L'shara (right) to Japan coincident with U. S. Fleet
maneuvers in Pacific. On a similar good will visit to
£lavana during a period of strained relations between
U. S. and Spain, U. S. S. Maine (top) was destroyed
under circumstances never satisfactorily explained,
and Spanish-American war set off. Recent best-sell
ing novel in Japan pictured war being started by act
of Japanese in blowing up U. S. warship in Orient.
Sale of the novel in Hawaii was prohibited by U. S.
■attorn tiaa. _