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Shop Economically at the Valley’s Bargain Counter-Herald Want Ads —■—— 1 —i i ii ——— . - - .. . ■' ■■ -- ■■■■■■■" —■—— . . TENNIS CHAMP SPURNS MOVIES P^hry to Attempt to Pitch Up Broken Romance With English Girl HOLLYWOOD. Calif.. April 16. (JR, —Leaving behind offers of a movie contract. Fred Perry, international tennis star. Tuesday was en route to Hey York and a boat for his native England to resume net play—and possibly patch up a broken romance. The Englishman, world’s amateur singles champion, packed up his bags and abruptly deserted Holly wood 12 hours after his fiancee. Mary Lawson British actress, announced m London that their engagement was •’off." • He want* to live in America and become a screen actor. I don’t want to live over there. I have my inter ests here in London." said Miss Lawson. Pem. always reluctant to discuss his personal affairs, said nothing In response to Miss Lawson’s state ment. Monday afternoon he talked again with film studio executives where negotiations have been under way for several weeks, but app&r ently an agreement was not reach •d “I speak with responsibility and full knowledge of the facts when I say Mr Perry has not turned pro fessional, despite many rumors and reports to that effect," said Perry T. Jones, secretary of the California Tennis Association, with whom Perry talked before boarding a train (Golden State Limited> for the east. Flashes of Life . Bv The Associated Press I Marble Cake? CINCINNATI. O.—Harry Fer gus, veteran policeman, ha* run into manv hard ones in hia day. but a piece of cake finally stop ped him. Fergus «u romping with his children when one of them threw the piece of cake. It hit the police man in the eye and he had to be treated at a hospital. Fergus la investigating the cake and Its origin • • • Timely. Anyhow PHILADELPHIA —Miss Marg *#r. K Loos thought ahe received an Easter card early. Then she discovered It was postmarked March 25. 1910, and had been mailed by a playmate. Dorothy 8mith, who is now Mrs Robert Miller, mother of two children. • • • 'He Passed UN I ONTO WN Pa—Charles W Johnson can drive a car — he’s proved It. Johnson, owner of the first automobile in Fayette county, a racing driver of note years ago and one of the promoters of the famous old Uniontown Speedway, w’as in Cuba 15 years When he returned he had to take a driv ers’ examination like any tyro before he could get a license. • • • SCOTT'S BLUFF. Neb.—Dr. J. P Wyrens, a physician, became a veterinary In a hurry when his wife returned home and found her pet Angora cat gasping. Using an x-ray machine, sur gical instruments and chloro form, Dr Wyrens removed a threaded needle from the cat’s throat. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SHERIFF’S SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF CAMERON * Notice l» Hereby given that by virtue of s certain Order of Sale issued out <4 the Honorable 103rd District Court of Camer tn County Texas on the 19th Sy <4 April. A D 1935 by J. J. Bishop frx of «s:d Court, for the a vim of rra thousand nine hundred thirty five and 84-100 <$7 935 94* dollars and coots of suit. under a Judgment. In favor of Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Companv m a certain cause in said Court. No 13493 and styled: Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company vs. D I lacy, et al . placed In my hands for service. L J A Oootsby. as Sheriff of Cameron Count v, Texas, did on the l#*h dav of April. 1935. levy on certain Real Estate, situated in Cameron Coun ty Texas described aa follows to-wlt: All of Blocks Stxtv-three (93 > and Beventv *70) of the David and Steph enson Subdivision out of Survey Twenty alx <26:. Cameron County School lands as shown and delineated on original map or plat of said Subdivision of rec ord in Volume 1 paee 2 thereof Map Records of Cameron County. Texas, and • _ SIDE GLANCES E ig. f1MlPHC« SCTVtCt. IOC T. H «&■ a >- **T. Off-» *G© on, give him m peanut. Don’t be afraid—daddy isn’t afraid.” Mrs. Hall To Be Leader Of Federation iSpecial to The fitraidi DONNA. April 16—Mrs. Marvin Hall of Brownsville will be installed as president of the Valley Federation of Womens clubs at the organiza tions semi-annual meeting here Ap ril 23. according to announcements by officials of Donna women's clubs who will act as hostesses. The Donna Woman s club, the North Donna Woman's club and three Donna home demonstration clubs will participate in welcoming the federation meeting. Mrs. J. J. Murray of Harlingen, who will be succeeded as president by Mrs. Hall, will preside at the April meeting. Mrs. J. W Venable of Donna is now receiving luncheon res ervations. Reports will be heard from the lit erary. art. music and Junior depart ments of the federation during the meeting, and prises will be award ed in all reporting departments. Mrs. Ben Sanders of Harlingen, chairman of the art oommittee, is receiving entries in the art contest Speakers on the program will in clude Supt. Ernest Poteet of the Mercedes Public Schools, whose ad dress will explain the changes in school curriculum: Mrs. J. T. Vance of Refugio, chairman of junior clubs of the Texas Federation of Women's clubs, on the relation of Junior club work with the state organiz'd ion: and Mrs. Inea Vaughn Lear cf Cor pus Christ!, on the national piano olaying tournament. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT levied upon m the proparty of D. L lacy and wife. Lucy H. Lacy. H P McNeil and wife. Dora Colvin McNeil . nd Alberto Oarza. and that on the first Tuesday In May. 1935. the same be ne tha 7th day of said month, at the court House door of Cameron county, n tha City of Brownsville. Texas, be tween the hour* of 10 a. m . and 4 p m . by virtue of Mid levy and aald Or der of Bale. I will sell aald above describ ed Real Eatate at public vendue, for rash to the highest bidder, as tha prop erty of said D. L, Lacy and wife, Lucy H Lacy. H F. McNeil and wife. Dora Colvin McNeil and Alberto Oarza And in compliance with law. 1 giv» this notice by publication, in the English .anguage, once a week for three con secutive weeks Immediately preceding -aid day of sale, in tha Brownsville Herald, a newspaper published in Cam eron County. Texas Witness my hand this 16tb day of April. 1935. 3. A. OOOL8BY. Sheriff. Cameron County. Texas By Gustavo Vera. Deputy 4-16-23-30-3t-4945 NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF CAMERON ) By virtue of order of sale and exec | ution Issued out of the 103rd Judicial I District Court In and for Cameron County. Texas, on a judgment rendered tu said court on the 21st day of Jan uary. 193-Y In Cause No. 13.422. styled W F. McNutt, plaintiff vs. Oeorge L Atkinson, at al.. defendants, on the docket of said court. *a.d judgment be ing In favor of W F McNutt and against George L. Atkinson for the sum of 97 660 36. with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from January 15. .935. and all coats of suit, and such Judgment being also In favor of W F. McNutt and against the defendants George L. Atkinson. Dora M. Ramsey Atkinson. Fidelity Loan A Investment Company, a corporation. H. M Judd and Pacific American Fire Underwrtt ers of the Liverpool A London A Olobe Insurance Company. Ltd a corporation establishing and foreclosing a deed of trust lien on the hereinafter describ ed property to make the foregoing amounts. I did on the 12th day of Ap ril. 1935 at 2:15 o’clock, p. ra, levy upon the following described tract and par cel of land situated In Cameron Coun ty. Texas, to-wit: Lot No 6 and the West 'A of Lot No 7 of tne Orcutt Addition to San Ben ito, a subdivision of Block 21 of the San Benito Land A Water Company's lands In Cameron County. Texas, as shown by the recorded plat thereof In the county clerk’s office of Cameron County. Texas. And on the 7th day of Mav 1935 be ing the first Tuesday In Mid month, between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a m and 4 00 o'clock p. m on Mid day. at the court house door of Cameron County. Texas. I wilt offer for Mle. and sell at tmbllc auction for cash the abort described lands and premises. Dated at BrownsvtUe. Texas, this 13tb day of April. 1935 3. A. GOOLSBY. Sheriff of Cameron County. Texas Bv Oustsvo Vera Deputv 4-16-23-30-3t-4946 SHERIFF’S SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS 1 COUNTY OF CAMERON > Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a certain Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable 103rd Judicial District Court of Cameron County on the 15th day of April 1935. by J. J Bishop. Clerk of Mid Court, for the sum of Eleven Hundred and Forty-three and 86-100 dollars, with Interest and coats of suit, under a Judgment. In favor of Sam Feldman and J. Levine in a certain cause in Mid Court. No. 12909 and George Clark ANNOUNCEMENTS WALL PAPER WASHABLE MORRIS LUMBER COMPANY THOSE HOLDING my coupon* in Brownsville Booster Book must present them before May 1st— Earle Mag ill * 1 Card of Thank* We wish to thank the City fire men for their splendid work in fighting the fire in our home Es pecially do we thank Capt. Fred Lerma and his helpers. Hijinio Salinas and family. 6 Personal STOMACH ULCER, Gm Pain*. In digestion victims, why suffer? For quick relief get a free sample of Udga, a doctor's prescription, at McKay's Pharmacy 1-80 Try The Herald Classified Ads To Get Results Classified rate*: 30 word* or leas. on* insertion .. *0r Over 30 word*, on* Insertion per word . *c Subsequent insertions run consecutive ly. per word .list Minimum. 10 word* By month, per word . 30i To insure publication on the tame day Classified ads must bs in tbe office by 10 a. m on week days, and by noon on Saturday for Sunday's paper Legal notices to per word escb inser tion. Phone number S end ask for tbe Classi fied Department An experienced ad writer will give helpful suggestions It wanted, and tell you what tbs ad will cost Then later In the day a boy will call on you with the bill and you ma> pay him. Check your ad when it first appears as The Herald la not responsible tor mors than one Incorrect Insertion Nota: A1) Classified advertising la on a atrlctly cash basis LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT styled: Bern Feldman et al . ve C. L. Maddox, placed tn my bands tor ser vice. I. J A. Goolsby, a* Sheriff of Cameron County. Texas, did on the 16th dav of April. 1935 Lew on certain Real Estate, situated In Cameron County Texas, described as follows, to-wtt: FIRST TRACT The South 50 feet of 1 ot» 1 and 2 In Block 5 of the Town site of Rio Hondo Cameron County Texas per map recorded In Vol 2. pae 1. plat Records of Cameron County ^SECOND TRACT- One Half undivided Interest tn the North 100 feet of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 5 of the Towns!te of Rio Hondo. Cameron County. Texaa per map of record in Vol. 2. page 1. Fla' Records of Cameron County. Texas., and levied upon as the property of O L Maddox and that on the First Tuesday in May 1935 the same being the 7tf day of said month, at the Court House door of Cameron County. In the City of Brownsville. Texaa. between the hour* of 10 a m and 4 p m, by virtue of said levy and said Order of Sale. I will sell said above described Real Estate at public vendue, for ca*h to the highest bidder, as the property of said C. L Maddox. And In compliance with law, I give this notice by publication, in the Eng lish language once a week for three consecutive weeks immediately preced ing said day of sale, in the Brownsville Herald a newspaper published tn Cam eron County Wttne*s my hand thta 16th day of April 1935. J. A. QOOISBY. Sheriff. Cameron County Texas Bv Gustavo Vera Deputy. 4-16-23-30-3t-4947 NOTICE TO THE CREDITORS OF BROWN WHITE. DECEASED Notice is hereby given that ori ginal letters of administrntion up on the estate of Brown White de ceased. were granted to me. the undersigned, on the 22 day of March. 1935. by the county court of Cameron County. Texas. All per sons having claims against said es tate are hereby required to present the same to mp within the time prescribed by law. My residence and post office address arc Box 447. Brownsville. Cameron County Texas. GROVER C. SINGER Administrator of the Estate of Brown White. Deceased. (4-9-16-23-30—4t—4942* CHIP COLLINS’ ADVENTURES MICKEY MOUSE COMMISSIONER M06G.' I OUGHTA GET AN / EARFUL o'tmeir L POW- wow \yS ANNOUNCEMENTS 8 Travel Opportunities McALLEN, . R EYNOSA BUS DAILY SCHEDULE Leave* Leaves McAllen Reynosa 8 30 *. m. 7:30 a. m 10:00 a m. 9:00 a m. 12:00 p m 11:00 a m :00 pm. 1:00 pi m 6:00 p m. 5:00 p m 4:00 p. m 8:00 p m 8:00 p m. 7:00 p. m 8pecial bus from Reynosa Sat urday and Sunday 10 30 p m UNION BUS LINES Fast bonded Buses. Leaving Har lingen 6:30 a m. and 3 p. m. dally Arrives San Antonio 1:15 p. m and 9:45 p. m. 8an Antonio $3.50— I a« 18.80—Abilene $8.85—Austin’ $510—Chicago $21.15 — St. Louis $17.65 Madison Hotel, phone 405. Harlingen, Miller Hotel, phone 166. Brownsville; Cortez Hotel, phone 70. Weslaco; McAllen, phone 32; 8an Benito, phone 234; Elsa, phone k3 i AUTOMOTIVE 10 Auto* tor Sale CHEVROLET DEALER S USED CAR BARGAINS 1930 Ford Tudor Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Sedan. 1927 Dodge Coupe 1927 Cadillac Coup* 1929 Ford Tudor 1929 Buick Sedan Seaman Chevrolet Co. 5th and Elizabeth PHONE 1111 PHONE 66 PHONE 66 SPECIAL 1934 Chevrolet Sedan. Was $581.00, Now— $490 ' 1932 Chevrolet coupe, good paint and tires. 1933 Chevrolet sedan 1930 Chevrolet coupe 1927 Buick sedan, cheap and good. Wells Motor Co. 10th and Washington SU. Bulck-Pontiac Dealers PHONE 86 PHONE 66 QUALITY | USED CARS TOM STEVENSON CO. Oldsmoblle Sales and Service 1233 Levee Phone 222 BARGAINS of all kinds are listed dally on the Browns villa Herald Classified page. USED CARS With Plenty of UNUSED MILEAGE 1—1933 Ford V-8 LHLux Sedan . — 1-1933 Ford V-8 <£Znf\ Sedan .. 1—1933 V-8 DeLuxe s£ Tudor . yJKAJ 1—1933 V-8 1 rn Coupe . 1—1932 Chevrolet \£2in Coach . 1—1931 Ford Tudor c?Q" Sedan . 1—1931 Ford Station Wagon . Patteson Motor Co. 927 Elizabeth Phone 888 Tec? \'v/e Si/v\PlV got ) to what vou/^ FOUND OUT A0O<jT ) i ! Buck holuS! S y . Cofynffc*. ItSI. Ctnlrtl Prm Aim* didn't yum\ SAY HE'D SlMME THUH PlRST PAYMENT ^ooay ?j Canadian Explorer a ... .—• HORIZON!AI. An*»it to I'rrvioui. Puzzle 16 Narrativ* 1 Explorer of the Mississippi River 11 Part of a church. 12 Three-cor nered cape. 13 Baby carriage 14 Indian 15 Thing 16 Opposite of odd IT Form of -a.** 16 Structural unit 19 Spread of an arch 20 Three 21 To depart by boat 22 Treated in dulgently. 2T One not easily excited 29 The reason. 30 Withered 31 To care for. 32 Opposite 'of won 33 To gaze fixedly. 34 Possesses. 35 Portion MATA MAPI _ , jAlLJOlOIF WBI ogreMoj.,^ a i* c. h nr 36 Skin. VKRTM AI, 37 Either 2 Furnished 3k Formally neat. ftar* . .1 Arrow poison. .%3 To nv. 4 Distinctive 40 To exist theory. 41 Colleee girl. 6 Southeast. 42 Iron pin. 6 Frequently. 45 Lion s home 7 King of the t4 To duck Iteasts. 46 Epilepsy S Frozen water, symptom. 9 Sound of 47 Regrets. inquiry. 4N He was - 10 Edible root. Canadian. 13 He studied 49 He became an for tn# --. Indian -. 14 Egg-shaped poem. 17 Equip* with weapon*. 19 Stated. 20 Tight. 21 Male children 22 Office. 23 Compound ether. 24 Genuine. 25 To *in. 26 Makes deeper. 26 Drop of eye fluid. 2ft Pattern 32 Deposited. 33 Chair 35 To primp 36 Pertaining to pole* 36 To art as a model 3ft To classify. 40 Ale 41 Mongrel. 42 Bushel. 43 Owed 45 Preposition. 46 Exclamation of pleasure 47 Road AUTOMOTIVE 10 Auto* For Sale Check This List Before You Buy 19*9 Chevrolet 2-door... $175 00 1934 Chrysler 2-door sedan, equipped with radio, trunk and six wheels, has run less than 11,000 miles .... $875.00 1934 Plymouth 2-door Sedan . $550.00 1933 Ford Tudor . $450 00 1930 Chevrolet Sedan.. $200 00 1931 Chrysler Coupe ... $295.00 1931 Plymouth Sedan .. $350.00 1929 Packard Sedan .... $250 00 1929 Studebaker Sedan. $350.00 1929 Ford Roadster..,. $140.00 1929 Ford Light Truck. $140 00 1929 Buick Sedan . *170 00 1928 Hudson Sedan .... $ 75 00 1$28 Chevrolet Touring. $ 35 00 Brownsville Motor Co. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH PHONE 427 BUS. SERVICES 25 Buildera-Contractors BEN V. PROCTER Consulting Engineer Preliminary Investigations. Detail Plans and Construction Supervision Examinations and Report* 515 11th St. Phone 151 BROWNSVILLE 28 Moving Truck*—Storage AUSTIN TRANSFER CO.. 941 Levee. Moving and crating Phone 421. U66 f So CH\P vA/OULPN'T ' Tell Sou. eh?.... * But not HERE, you Sw Dumb U-a', BUS SERVICES 28 Moving Truck*-—Storage MASON TRANSFER CO. Contractors for Missouri Pacific Pick up and delivery service Hauling of All Kinds 8th & FRONTON - PHONE 139 Packing of All Kind* 32 Printing—Office Sup. --- . . . . * - PREPARE year rammer advertising now* Call 43* and have Bishop's Print Shop ahow vou their 1935 advertising fans—They're nice 090 34 Insurance White & Sutherland Lift — Pin — Casualty Insurant PH(W 411 State National Bank Bldg. WOOD & DODD INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Phont 100 407 . 11th Street INSURANCE BONDS W. B. CLINT Phone 6 vatu, H*S Father iS ftoSTeft hoiuSi The famous 01G LLA-Gu ER." HE LL BE IN THE BACK A ROW OF THE BRlCK S. theatre at tour O'CLOCK AND Sup it to "I Vt>u IN THE sVM,K ’/ _ ■ IWVJT W— Immfmmm. Qmm fc— mmm*. BUS. SERVICES 34 Insurance J. S. Ford & Sons Insurance of every kind Phone 1129 304 State National Bank Bldg. "employment" 37 Salesmen—Agents SALEMEN WANTED Saxet life Insurance Co. Sherman Building. Corpus Christl. Texas. Send information. • Name ... Address ... 38 Help Wanted—Male WANTED—Young man or woman for Brownsville. Good permanent place with good pay to right party. Write qualifications or phone R J. Thomas. La Peria, Texas. J-46 FINANCIAL i .in—— i —.. ■' ■, i ■—i——— 42 Auto Loans AUTO LOANS Lowest Rate In the Valley Hutson Brothers 709 W. Harrl-on Phone 761 HARLINGEN LOANS Automobile Loans or Refinancing J. E. CARY Madison Hole] Bldg. Boom t - Harlingen - Phone 132 | INSTRUCTION 47 Schoola-Collegea PLACE TOUR Classified ads before 10 a m. week days and noon Saturday for proper classification. LIVESTOCK 50 Poultry - Supplies BABY CHICKS ~ Highest quality, hatched ' from blood-tested flocks. In our commer cial incubator. Price, 17.50 per hundred. Custom hatching set ev ery Saturday. W. E. Jackson Feed and Seed Store *1036 Washington — Phone 887 CHOICE MILK fed broilers; aelect eggs; English Strain Leghorn pul lets and cockerels. Homer Fitch, Phone 17, West 7th and St. Francis. H-100 MERCHANDISE 52 Household Goods WE BUY used furniture and sell or trade new furniture. Refriger ation service. All kinds of music al instruments. Hargis Furniture Co.. 222 Elizabeth 8t.. Phone 180. 1-144 -a CLOSING OUT used furniture at low price. 716 - 12th, Browns ville. J-57 54 For Saie, Miscellaneous We Specialize in REBLOCKING Knitted Woolen and Boucle Dresses dSf, Dry CleaninoGouInc PHONE 1 By JACK KOFOED and JACK WILHELM ...WHO WAS 8LA Foe THROWING r OKAYf cvvrs ONE J MOVIE 1 t j»'» ^ WONT BE yj L MiSSin'/ Ks MERCHANDISE 54 For Sale, Miscellaneous — ■ - _ FOR SALE—Corn; pinto beam. $6 25 for 100 kilioi. Large quan tity, special price. Felipe Vas ques V. Phone 102. General Gonzales 40. Matamoros. 1-102 FOR SALE—Second hand potato* and onion grader. In good condi tion. Shippers Equipment Co.. Phone 444. Harlingen. J-55 FOR SALE—Ttre welder vulcanis ing outfit, complete with boiler or trade for good light car or truck. Brooks Service Station. Mercedes. Texas. J-59 60 Seeds-PlanU-Flowers PLANT Zinnias. Marigolds, Peri winkles etc for late Spring and early summer flowers Groves and Co.. 11th and Adams. 1-96 ROSES, beautiful roses—Many va rieties and colors. Pick your choice right from the garden. Only 25c dozen. Corner Ring gold and 18th St J-29 RENTALS 63 Apartment* 4 - ROOM Furnished apartment, downstairs. 442 8 E. Levee. Phone 578. J-54 THREE ROOM southeast apartment 1550 West St. Charles or Phone 1228 W. J-47 ONE-ROOM Apartment kitchen ette, bills paid. 442 8. E. Levee. Phone 578. J-52 THREE-ROOM apartment for rent furnished or unfurnished. 835 8. E St. Francis. J-58 DAVIS COURTS—Second and St Charles. 8. E. Modem 5-MHfl furnished apartment; 2 rooms; cool and eomforWgMM Phone 1365-J. ^HSI 65 Houses ^ FOR RENT: modem, unfurnished 6-room house in West Browns ville. Reasonable rent. Phone 844. J-51 7-ROOM furnished cottage: i-room furnished apartment; all con veniences. Electric stove in both; fruit for family use; garden if desired For sale—One family cow. giving 14 quarts daily; 17 hens. 3 miles out. 14th Street, turn right, first house. A C. C apron. J-39 REAL ESTATE MONEY TALKS $1,850 00 buys modern 5-room house newW painted outside, textone fin ished Inside, with large front porch, double garage and plenty of stor age space. $850.00 cash, balance $2121 per month Including Inter est. $2.500 00 cash buys modern 5-room house textone finished Inside, hard wood floors, back porch, double gar age. 3 lots and a good corner in West Brownsville. $3,000.00 buys modern 5-room stuc co home newly decorated inside, hardwood floors, front and back porches, double garage and nicely located on comor lot. $300.00 cash; balance $38.17 per month Includ ing interest. S. C. Graham ft Company Arcade Bldg — Phone 179 Brownsville. Texas BEAL BARGAINS tn Brownsville business, residential property, City lots, farms. Two large ranch es Hidalgo and Willacy counties. John Gregg, 752 Washington St., ohone 1197. 1-83 • . 70 House* For Sale FOR SALE or LEASE — 6-room house furnished or unfurnished. All conveniences. 825 S. I. St. Francis. J-58 76 Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY—House and lot In City or small acreage improv ed or unimproved. Must be worth the money. Box J-36, Herald J-36 CvCuSTet? TexfcS *3tO <7AN\CS...0UCV<. >S SO SENJS'TtVE. A0OOT lT \ Thps.t he PuocS when* 'j EVER, THE. STOC.V 06COWE.S KKIOVNSJ. r ^ HE PROTESTED Hl$ IMNJOCE.MCE ...0ot A/oeooy vs/oovc? J&EUENE K4W By Walt Disney OOY OH,0OY7 WHAT a break! meres WHERE W* FIND OUT , WHO'S pavin' < V rare! _ /