Fir»t Anniversary Meeting
And Buffet Supper To
Be Held Wednesday
flam hsvc been completed for
the Brownsville Junior Chamber of
Commerce’s first anniversary gen
eral meeting and buffet supper at
the XI Jar din hotel Wednesday
night at 8 o'clock, it was an
nounced Tuesday by Jack Daugh
erty, manager.
In addition to the program, the
Junior chamber of commerce mem*
Mrs will elect officers for the corn
speakers scheduled for
the meeting are J. M. Stein, pub
lisher of The Brownsville Herald,
who will speak on “The Newspaper
and Its Relation to the Town"; O.
W. Johnson, head of the account
ing department of this division of
Pan-American Airways, will speak
on “Modern Airport Development";
and H, L. Yates will speak on “The
Oreater Brownsville "
It C. Morris, retiring president
will speak on accomplishments of
ths Brownsville Junior Chamber of
Commerce during the past year.
Truck Markets
Carlot shipments of entire Unit
ed States reported Tuesday, April
Beans: Fla 50. Texas 1. total US
tl ears
Beets: Texas 7, total US 7 cars.
Cabbage Arts 1. Calif IS. Fla 31.
Ga 3. So Car 48. total US 96 cars
Carrots Arix 6. Calif 45. New
York 8. Texas 9, total US 68 cars.
Mixed vegetables: Ark 1, Calif 10.
Fla 37, La 4. So Car 8. Texas 18,
others 6. total US 83 cars.
Onions: New York 2. Ore 1. Tex
as 94. total US 97 cars
Potatoes: Fla 34. Ida 89. Maine
171, Mich 92. Minn 21. New York
38. Texas 12. Wash 31. Wise 81.
others 53. total US 590 cars.
Spinach: Maryland i, Ark 7,
Texas 3. Va 10. total US 30 cars
Tomatoes: Fla 133. total US 133
Cuba 35. Mexico 30.
Lower Rio Grande Valley ship
ments forwarded Wednesday morn
ing. April 16.
Onions 77, potatoes 12. mixed
vegetables 8. carrots 9. beets 4.
beets and carrots 4. parsley 1. to
tal 115 cars. Total to date this sea
son—citrus 4585 vegetables 6341.
mixed citrus and vegetables 34. to
tal 30.960: to same date last season
—citrus 1809, vegetables 9853. mix
ed citrus and vegetables 38, total
11.888 cars. .
Representative prices paid by
truckers for Valley vegetables
Wednesday. April 16:
Beans: Bushel hampers round
•trlngless 1.50-2 00. few higher.
Beets: Per dosen bunches 16-20c
Carrots: Per dot bunches 18-20c;
half crates 75-90c.
Greens Per do* bunches turnip
and mustard 20-25c
Onions: 50-lb sacks Yellow Ber
mudas and Crystal Wax Commer
cials 135-1.50
Potatoes Biles Triumphs 80-lb
•acks U8 No. is 1 1-2 in min 2 35
fe.40, few lower.
Squash Bu baskets yellow and
White around 135.
Parsley: Bushel crates TS-90c
Turnips: Per dos bunches 30
Me. La crates 135-1.35.
CHICAGO, April 17. <*»>—(U. 8
Dept. Agr.)—Potatoes. 83. on track
183, total US shipments 590; old
stock. slightly weaker, supplies lib
eral. demand and trading slow:
sacked per ewt. Wisconsin round
whites US No. 1, no sales reported;
Michigan round whites U8 No. l.
JO; Nebraska Bliss Triumphs US
No. 1, 2 30-52%; Idaho russets US
No I, fine quality heavy to large.
1J5; commercial 2.10; US No. 2,
1.55-70; New York, about steady,
aupplies light, demand and trading
limited; Florida bu. crates Bliss
Triumphs US No. 1. washed 315
35; Texas sacked Bllsa Triumphs
US No. 1. mostly 5 50; double head
bbls. Spalding Rose US No. 1,
mostly 8.50; US No. 2. mostly 7.50.
Prices held In s narrow groove at
the opening of the cotton market
here Wednesday and Initial bids
were from 1 point higher to 1 point
As In earlier session this week
dealing* were restricted, with trad
ers hesitant to enter the market ot
either side.
Llverpc. 1 came In about as due
but reported a quiet pre-holldav
market Both May at 11.53 and
July at 11.63 were unchanged at
the first call while October was up
a point at 11 32 and December down
a point at 11.36.
CHICAGO. April 17. uP)—Down
turns of Chicago grain prices early
Wednesday followed an exhibition
of relative weakness in the Liver
pool wheat market Showers were
reported In domestic wheat terri
tory southwest
Opening unchanged to % lower.
May 1.02-02%. Chicago wheat fu
tures then underwent an all around
decline Corn started %-% down.
May 16%-%. and subsequnetly held
naar this range.
Seven Are Injured In
Dynamite Explosion
HELENWOOD Tenn., April 16.—
Explosion of s store ot dyna
mite and blasting powder virtually
wracked a railroad station, shatter
ad hundreds of window glasses and
alightly Injured seven persons here
Fin suiting in the residence of
Mrs. Burdette Keeton spread to s
warehouse in which the 20 cases of
dynamite and 200 cases of powder
wane stored.
F. D. I* Silent On
New Bonus Plans
Harrison «D-Ml*a> sought
to oomplete a compromise bonus bill
which he said would have President
Roosevelt's approval, an Informal
warning was given at the White
House Tuesday against committing
the chief executive to any legislation
of that type
It was said at the White House
that Mr. ltooeevelt would speak when
and If the bonus bill is sent to bus
for ■*§«**"* disapproval
As President Paid Last Tribute to Cousin
In the midst of • pouring rain, the President, who rushed to New York from his Florida fishing trip to
attend funeral, leaves church (encircled) after paying his r**P®c*® to his cousin, ^ H*'an° Robbins,
late Minister to Canada. Among the notables present was CoL h. M. House (right) * famed statesman. __
Seeking Peace Formula in Moscow
.-— 1 ...— —....—
Capt. Anthony Eden scratches his head at question that came up in
discussion of German threat to peace of Europe in conversations in
Moscow with Joseph Stalin (center), Soviet dictator, and V. M. Molotov,
Commissar for the Russian War Department. Illness now is preventing
Eden from communicating personally results of his swing around Europe
to statesmen gathering at Stresa tnpartate con fe rent ?. _
Coast Guard Service
Inspector on Visit
Commander J. P Jensen, who has
charge ol the Coast Guard Service
from Pensacola to Port Isabel, ar
rived here from Galveston Tuesday
for inspection of the Coaat Guard
equipment at Port Isabel.
Commander Jensen visited other
offices here Tuesday morning which
are under the Treasury Depart
ment, the department which con
trols the Coast Guard.
Tuesday afternoon he was to begin
an automobile trip up Padre Island,
skirting the coast line all the way to
Corpus Christi. The commander in
dicated that the cutter Saranac,
which draws 16 feet, will come inside
the pass on its next visit to Port
• 1 . ' ..
Rio Hondo Wharve*
Permit Is Sought
(Snw'.al to The Herald)
HARLINGEN. April 16. — The
Arroyo Navigation company will ap
ply to the War Department imme
diately for permits to construct
wharves at Rio Hondo, it was
learned Tuesday, and it la expected
that bids for the wharves at Rio
Hondo and the turning basin at
Harlingen will be advertised before ;
the end of the month.
Permit to construct the wharves
at Rio Hondo ia another step in
the district’! plan to make the
arroyo navigable to small pleasure
boats from a channel at Green
Island up to Harlingen, where a
tumtog basin for small craft will be
To Hear Guilty Pleas
Federal Judge T. M. Kenrerly will
I come here Friday for a one-day term
| of court, according to present plans
Only pleas of guilty In criminal case
will be heard with no Jury or civil
cases to be considered.
Judge Kenfterly opened a regulai
term of court In Laredo Monday and
a number of indictments for the
Brownsville division were returned
Deputy U. 8. Clerk F. A. Hinojosa
U. 8. Probation Officer H. R. Jef
ferds. Customs Patrolman Fergus
Oroves. Immigration Inspector H
E. Watkins and U. 8. Commissioner
Carlos G. Watson of Brownsville
were in Laredo for opening of the
regular term!
Approximately one-fourth of all
tax revenues collected by the various
state governments in this country
was paid by motorists.
! kSjick Poojsu^SHoeav
: Recipes# One n*G*t h£
i COURSE Oiwwefi H€ u*>5
*• * - -
tw(5, WOPiNJO "MAT Sue scow
u*ll 9e a3ls to aeAuie the
am8inow of ne® LiFe^^—
■to Play Polo#
• 0S9OA.0 FfloM DfeUJlKljrMftV
HE H*S BJENEO -me CCcQe 0y
fcfilDUWfr 1M3EE OTHERS Fft*
What The
_Is Doing_
AUSTIN. April 16 oPj—Liberal
appropriation* for eleemosynary
institutions to provide new build
ings and permits the removal of
insane from jaik were favored in
the senate Tuesday.
Recommendations of the senate
finance commiitee were ignored as
amendments totalling $484,740
for new buildings were added to
an eleemosynary appropriation
bill Of $9,945,924.
The house bill appropriated $10,
403.044 Approximately $480,000 was
recommended by senate commit
tee for other construction.
Amendments would provide two
new ward buildings, to cost $55,
000 each, at Abilene state hospital,
In addition to a third recommended
by the house; transfer from the
second year to the first and in
crease to $110,000 an allotment for
a ward building at Austin state
hospital, provide $118,000 for a
new ward building at Terrell state
hospital and allot $120,000 for a
new building at Oalveston state
psychopathic hospital
Other amendments Increased ap
propriations for the Galveston
hospital from $65,912 to $202,204 the
first year *nd from $66,363 to $78,
454 the second year.
Meanwhile, Acting Qovemor
Walter Woodul urged the legisla
ture to cooperate with the fed
eral government and other states
in stopping wind erosion of soil.
He also requested enactment <rf
a bill authorizing the reconstruc
tion finance corporation or any
other corporation whose stock was
owned exclusively by the federal
government to do business in Tex
as without payment of state filing
fees, franchise or other corpora
lly taxes.
What sponsors feared was a de
termined filibuster greeted house
n of debate on a bill to
cy y.kli a state commisison to
rcgu'ate public utilities. With ap
r.ximatey 60 amendments pend
g a rm tion to end debate was de
feated, 61 to 73.
Representative W E Jones of
J cur dm ton asserted lengthy delib
e atlcn on the utility bill was kill
ing other major legislation. The
hill has been debated since last
Friday, but only three major
amendments have been finally
Another attack by Representa
tive W. F Pope of Corpus Christ!
was defeated. 103 to 32. Pope at
tcmp.ed to eliminate the proposed
appointive state commisison and
vest utility regulation in city coun
cils and county commisisoners’
Officers Selected
By San Benito C. C.
SAN BENITO. April 18— Mark
ham A. Thompson, well known local j
tui.ines.snun, was elected president j
of the cian Benito Chamber of
Commerce for 1935 at a meeting of
the new board of directors held here
Monday afternoon.
Pete Smith was re-elected secre
Thompson succeeds Harry M |
Carroll. w. B. Sublett was named
first vice president; Paul Hombeck.
second vice president; O. C. Hanul
tcn. treasurer.
Comm it ices were also named to
help in the Port Day celebration to
be held at Port Isabel Monday when
the first cargo to and from the
Valley by steamer will be handled
there. Smith and Sublett were nam
ed on the committee for shipment;
Hornbeck on the caravan committee;
and E J. Allen on the committee
to meet the boat.
The Port Isabel Chamber of Com
merce has been invited to meet with
the local chamber to work out more
plans for the celebration.
A bullet discharged from a hori
acmal gun begins to fall as soon as
i*. leaves the muzzle and continues
to fall at the same rate regardless
of speed.
-~— ~ ~ ~ ... —. i
419 12th Street
Business Lunches — Fresh Veg
etables — Luscious Valley
Private Diningroom.
Serving the Valley for over
ten yean.
Local Bar Urges
Texas Pleadings
In Federal Court
The Cameron County Bar Asso
ciation Tuesday In session here
went on record as favoring the use
of Texas pleadings and practice In
cases at law In federal courts If
adopted, this would result in litte
change from the present federal
pleadings and practice In Texas.
The supreme court of the United
States- has announced its intention
of making rules prescribing the
manner in which pleadings shall be
drawn and presented In federal
courts in trying cases at law. and
has announced that these rules will
adhere largely to oommon law.
The supreme court has called on
district judges to make recommend
ations. and the judges have asked
practicing attorneys in their dis
tricts to offer recommendations and
suggestions. Federal Judge T. M.
Kennerly of Houston named P. W.
Sea bury of Brownsville chairman
of a committee in the Brownsville
division, and Seabury In turn named
D. W. Glasscock of Mercedes and
J P. Carl of Edinburg members of
the committee.
This committee has decided to
recommend that Texas pleadings
ana practice, which are based on
ccmmon law, be used In federal
court. The bar association's action
here Tuesday was In keeping with
the recommendation planned by the
Plans for the banquet, to be held
at the Madison hotel In Harlingen
Saturday night, also were discussed.
The Cameron bar is Inviting the
bars of Hidalgo and Willacy coun
ties to the meeting. Judge John W.
Blckett, chief Justloe of the court
of civil appeals at San Antonio, and
Robert W. Stayton of Austin, a
professor In the University of Tex
as. will be the chief speakers. Plans
for the banquet are being made by
a committee made up of Harry
Carroll of $an Benito, chairman;
Lawrence Brady of Brownsville, P.
G. Greenwood of Harlingen, Arthur
Klein of Harlingen and M. J. Mur
ray of Harlingen.
The association also voted 19-12
to institute disbarment proceedings
against a former Harlingen lawyer
who now lives In Dallas.
A committee which was to draft
a bill allowing taxes to be paid in
obligations of the taxing agency
delayed its report until constitu
tional angles of the bill could be
honed out.
Ex-Valley Attorney
Facing Disbarment
A resolution authorizing disbar
ment proceedings against s Dallas
attorney who formerly resided In
Harlingen, was passed by the Cam
eron County Bar association Tues
Weldon J. Bailey. San Benito at
torney who brought the matter be
fore the grievance committee of the
association, was requested to sign
the complaint to be filed In district
court, and County Attorney Chas.
O. Bowie, former president of the
association, and District Attorney R.
B. Rentfro. Jr., were asked to assist
in the proceedings.
The resolution was introduced on
the strength of a law suit tried In
Cameron county court at law In
which the Judge held that the attor
ney In question appropriated a sum
which he was supposed to have used
In setting up a trust fund for a
Laredo Onion Men
Will Boost Wages
LAREDO. April 16. WPV—'The back
bone of the onion worker* strike,
which brought Texas rangers here,
Tuesday apparently had been brok
en when several growers agreed to
higher wages and hurried workers
to onion fields awaiting harvesting.
H. O. Samuels took 150 of the
workers to his field with the promise
of paying $1 25 per day for 10 hours
work, while Will McKendrick took
380 men to his farm south of here
to work on a contract basis which
would amount to approximately tl 25
Other growers said they would ar
range with the workers during the
f. __j
Peti Pel with Clro’s choice per
fumes on sale. The Basket Place.
Ms tarn or os, "of course”. Adv.
Bring your old oil stove In and
trade for a new one. Brownsville
Complete stock of Tioga yarns
Representative from factory now
showing hand knitted dresses. Val
ley Office Supply Co., Inc., Browns
Galvanized and copper screen wire
and screen doors.—Grant Lumber
Pill out those thin places and get
the pretty curves men admire
Take Vlnol (Iron tonic) and you 11
be surprised how your figure Im
proves. Tastes delicious. Cisneros
Drug Store—Adv.
Let Ua Make An Ofler
For Tear
Fob 11 Find We Pay More
We Operate Under
U. 8. Gov. License
No. N. a 14-209
Jewelry Store, Inc.
Vhe Valley a Ftneat
1048 Elisabeth St
CompUU Optical Sarrtoa
Have His Dreams Come True?
When Babe Ruth, j
the King of Swat,
wu ill in New
York in 1926, the
boy in the above
Sicturs, Johnnie
!owe, then aged
10, resolved to be
a L ig leaguer
when he grew up.
And that's what
he is now, a per
former deemed of
such promise by
the Cincinnati
Reds as to be
farmed out this
year for season
Clyde Tandy Heads
Presbyterian Men
Clyde Tandy was elected pres
ident of the Brownsville Presbyte
rian Men of the Church organiza
tion at the regular meeting of the
group Tuesday night. He succeeds
Ham son Clark. Other officers
elected included W. H. Huffman,
vice president, and Harry Marsh,
Rev. Flynn Long, pastor of the
Harlingen Presbyterian church, was
guest speaker of the evening.
Dinner was served by the ladles’
The meeting was the last to be
held until October, the organiza
tion having decided to hold no
meeting! during the summer
Commissions Received
U. S. Naval Reserve commissions
for four Valley men have been re
ceived here by Lieut. Commander
W. H. G. Slaymaker, U. S. N. R.
The new officers are Lieutenant
C. C. Stewart of Brownsville, Lieu
tenant H. D. Horgen of McAllen.
Lieutenant Jr. Grade Alfred M. Weir
of McAllen, and Lieutenant Junior
Grade M. L. Goldsmith of McAllen.
The naval communication reserve
unit at McAllen Is almost complete,
and the lieutenant commander Is
pushing organization of the Browns
ville unit at present. He has office*
on the fourth floor of the federal
Old Harp Placed
On Display Here
A large concert harp which has
been owned by his family since 1803
has been placed on display at the
Hargis Furniture Company. 222
Elizabeth street, by Lieutenant
Commander W. H G. Slaymaker,
U. S. N. R.
The harp which was purchased in
London in 1803. is In good condition
and Its tone qualities are excellent.
The naval officer obtained the
heirloom in London many years ago
while visiting relatives there.
Manuel King Will
Appear at Cabaret
The program of the Lions second
benefit cabaret has now been com
pleted with the addition of Manuel
King, known as the world's young
est wild animal trainer, for an act
Young King’s act will be similar
t«» the one he recently used on a
tour of the United States. Well
known radio celebrities imperson
ated include Rudy Vallee, Ben Ber
nie Walter Winchell, Amos 'n Andy
and their staff. Those who have
heard it presented in the past as
sure everyone that it will be very
Everything Is in readiness for this
cabaret, to be held April 24. it was
announced. In addition to the
several entertaining acts to appear
on the program, a dance, with music
by Buddv Pearsons orchestra, is
C. C. Launches
New Campaign
For Publicity
Personal letters are being sent by
the Brownsville Chamber oi Com
merce to every chamber of com
merce secretary in Texas calling at
tention to the attractions of Afe*
beach section here as a summer i3V
lst resort, especially in view of the
unusually fine fishing.
“The fishing on our coast has be
come so fine that we feel the people
otf your section should hs told
about it. in the event they are con
templating a vacation on tile Texas
coast this year," the letter states,
and ask* the chamber of commerce
secretary to get some mention of it
in his local paper, as well as inform
ing those interested.
The secretaries are also advised
to bring their tackle when they come
here for the state convention in
Copies of the new Brownsville lit
erature are enclosed with the letter*.
With the beginning of the summer
tourist season the chamber of com
merce is making a determined effort
to bring Texas tourists here for their
fishing and surf bathing. Many
newspaper articles are being sent out
and published, while reports on fish
ing conditions are sent regularly to
radio stations which broadcast
(Continued Prom Page One)
Arroyo channel to the bay by 14
On completion of the flood can
the dredge will double back on Its
route and will begin on the second
unit, eliminating three bends in the
arroyo, to straighten the course of
the stream and to permit easy flow
of Valley flood waters.
The dragline which precedes the
dredge throwing up a retaining
wall or levee for spoilage Is about
to complete unit three and will ad
vance to unit four wtthln a few
days, unn four projecting some
what into Willacy county.
On completion o fthe flood con
trol program, the Arroyo Naviga
tion committee will proceed with
their program of extending the
channel of the Arroyo Colorado
across the ba;' te Port Isabel, and
out to the Gulf. Barge line trana
portatlon with docks and ware
houses at Rio Hondo are planned.
(Continued from Page One)
statement would make It possible
for the soldiers to find a ready
market for them."
But as an Incentive for veterans
to redeem their certificates for
bonds, the bill would extend to them
the right to hold the certificate*
until tha old maturity date ef 1943
i and obtain 4 per cent Interest, eom
I pounded annually.
The little gall-fly called Rhodites
rosae grows its own nest. The fe
male pricks the leaf bud of a rose,
and lays her eggs. Soon, instead of
leaves, the bud develops Into a mass
iof hair-like material.
Here is Maureen O’Sul
livan. In The Herald
this Sunday you will
find her arrayed in all
her adorable wardrobe.
In The
In the Second
Of the New
Childrt .
Paper Doll
Of Famous
From The
An Exclusive Feature in The Brownsville Herald Every Sunday