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Shop Economically at the Valley’s Bargain Counter-Herald Want Ads IMPORTS FROM JAPAN STUDIED A — Influx of Cotton Cloth To B« Investigated On F. D.'s Order WASHINGTON. April 17.—OP)— The tariff commission was ordered by President Roosevelt to make an immediate investigation into com plaints against the importations of bleached cotton cloth. Mr. Roosevelt acted upon recom mendation of the National Indus trial Recovery Board which has been studying complaints by the ootton textile industry that imports, particularly from Japan, are dam aging the domestic industry. The board reported that “the facts warrant further investiga tion. ** Secretary Hull concurred in the order tor the tariff commission in vestigation. The source of the importations complained of was not named by the president in informing news papermen of his action. New England governors last week eamplained to the president about importations of Japanese cloth which they said was a factor in the troublesome condition of the textile industry. Funeral Is Held For Los Fresnos Founder (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO. April 17.—Walter Britton Palmer, founder of Los Presnos. was buried in Buena Vista Cemetery in Brownsville Tuesday afternoon following funeral services held from the Baptist church. Rev. Q F Kennard conducted the funeral with Rev. C. 8. McKinney, pastor of the Baptist church, as sisting Local Masons acting as pallbear ers were W D Collins. J. L. Craw ford. K C. Phillips. C. C. Woods, Ralph Thacker, and Frwnk Roberts Dr. C. M. Cash as Master was in charge at the services conducted at the grave and Rev. 8. C. Dunn act ed as chaplain. The decedent moved to ti e Val ley 20 years ago end was a leader In the development of his commun ity. Townsend Committee See* West’s Hslo (Special to The Herald) MERCEDES, April 17.—At a meet ing of the Mercedes Townsend club, at which representatives from 11 Val ley towns were present, a commit tee was appointed to get in per sonal touch with Milton West be fore his return to Washington to impress on the congressman the strength of the Townsendltes and seek his cooperation q The committee includes Judge Rowland and Dr. Randel of Browns ville. and I. B Nosier oi San Ben ito. A committee was selected from the Valley to draw up a resolution to be signed by officers ol all the clubs requesting the Texas legisla ture to use influence 19 congress to mcmoralise the Townsend plan. Thu. committee includes Judge Coursey Harlingen; C W. Duncan, San Ben ito. and E H Ka.sey. Mercedes. ANCIENT ENGLISH BLCE LAW HITS IN TWO DIRECTIONS FARINGDON. England (JP»—Far tngdons butchers and council are deadlocked over the question of Sun day observance. For years it has been the practise of the butchers to kill their animals on Sunday. The council, (f truing an ancient statute placed on the books in the reign of Charles I which imposes a fine of $1.60. wr ned the butchera to stop. A The batchers, however, threaten ed to retaliate under the same act. which imposes penalties on those who do not attend worship. They said they would keep tab on counnlmen and report those who failed to go to church the number of times required by the ancient sta tute. An injured arm robbed Willie Williams. San Francisco youth, of a boyhood ambition to become a fire man; so he spends hla time travel ing about to see how many fire de partments he can visit. His four year> of travel have found him at 700 firehouses in 22 states. SIDE GLANCES - - - George Clark _ «# r,,. nv t pro. u. •. p*t. orf. 17 | | **1 have a terrible time keeping my parent* in shoas. You should see how they kick them out-** | Produce Notes HARLINGEN, April 17.— Oranges end grapefruit to which artificial color ha« been added, irrespective o: w'hether or not they are marked "color added" will be unlawful inj Virginia after April 30. Adding of a foreign substance to color citrus It a recent development. It Is more generally the custom to make the color change by means of gas. A r.umber of stales are now objecting to "color added" fruit. Eight state-owned farm markets are to be established In Georgia and the state commissioner of agricul ture is to have complete charge. He may regulate prices In order to get uniform prices on perishables and may call embargoes to keep out produce from other states when the supply of Georgia products is deem ed sufficient for local needs. ■— ■ ii. ■■ Ben Keith, an offloer In the Tex as Citrus Exchange and head of the Ft. Worth produce firm bear ing his name, has started his 15th year as a director of the M.-K -T railroad. A new Colorado law provides a SiOO fine and a year in Jail for any dealer In farm produce who does not pay with cash or certified check at time of delivery. The old law law provided a penalty for handling farm produce on consignment with out posting a bond but did not cover | the dealer who bought produce and instead of paying cash, merely Is sued sales slips with a promise to ledeem them later. Ft. Worth recently rescinded an ordinance requiring vegetable truck ers to pay a $100 city license an nually as a "health measure." Truckers said they were forced to. go to neighboring towns to buy and sell vegetables and that "bootleg ging” was common. Drenching rains which fell over a major portion of Florida relieved I the drought condition to some ex tent. large acreages having been given up because of continued hot. dry weather accompanied by dust storm*. Frank Hall. Merced** produce rr*an. recently visited in New Or leans. All tomato growing sections of the United States have been in vited by Jacksonville, Texas grow ers to participate in National To mato Week. June 3 to 8. The first solid car of Florida grapefruit of the season arrived in F\. Worth a few days ago. Florida Takes New Steps For Better Citrus Flonda is planning a citrus com mission to stablize and protect the reputation of the citrus industry through a new and drastic maturity ! law. a bill for an excise tax on fruit to pay for advertising and a bill to protect the owners of field boxes, 'crates and other containers. The commission would have the power of providing inspection and grading and to prosecute violations It would have the authority to estab ! liah grades and designations. The new maturity law would make it unlawful to sell, except in case of tree sales, any citrus between August 31 and December 1 unless the fruit is certified to be mature and a certificate of inspection and maturity is provided. For grapefruit the act specifies the . required juice content for all sizes. I for oranges the ratio of total solu ! ble solids to anhydrous citric acid must be not less than 8 to 1 and for (tangerines. 7'a to 1. ) The advertising bill would allow a levy of two cents a box as an ex cise tax on oranges, three cents on grapefruit five cents on tanger ines to be used for advertising In an i effort to increase sales. The state commission would have ' the authority to set up the machin i cry for advertising, publicity and i sales promotion work. Members of the citrus commis sion would serve without pay. Another bill t rovides for bondinc! and licensing of all handlers of fruit with minimum and maximum bonds of *250 and *5.000 to guard against careless, irresponsible or dishonest practice In handling and marketing | of citrus fruits. ANNOUNt EM ENTS THOSE HOLDING my coupons In Brownsville Booster Book must present them before May 1st— Earle Magill. Pee Gee Paint MORRIS LUMBER COMPANY 6 Personal STOMACH ULCER, Gu Pains. In digestion victims, why suffer? For quick relief get a free sample of Udga. a doctor s prescription, at McKay’s Pharmacy. 1-89 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice to Bidder* Docket No. 9078-Y Sealed proposal* for the cor.-traction and equipment of an Elementary school, in accordance with Plan* and Speci fication*. and instruction to bidder*, prepared bv Ben V. Proctor. Architect of Brownsville. Texas, will be received at the office of the Cameron County Common School District No. li. until 10:00 a. m.. April 30. 1935, and then publicly opened and read. The successful bidder will be requir ed to enter into a contract with the Cameron Countv Common School Dis trict No. 11. which will contain pro visions conform'ng with the require ments of the Federal Emergency Ad ministration of Public Works a* set out •n Its Bulletin No 2. revised March 3 1934. and the construction pro’. Islon of the Loan and—or Grant Agreement. A certified or cashier’s check or an acceptable bid bond, payable to Cam eron County Common School District No. li. in an amount equal to five (5 per cent) per cent of the largest pos sible bid must accompany each bid a* * guarantee that. If awarded the con tract. the bidder will promptly enter into a contract with the Cameron Countv Common School District No. 11 as outlined in the specifications snd 'nstructlons to bidder* A performance bond in an amount of one hundred (100 per cent) per cent of the contract price and a seperate and distinct la bor bond, in an amount equal to the estimated largest aggregate payroll In anv one month, will be reoulred. The Contract will he awarded subject to the approval of the State Engineer PWA. and the condition* of the Loan and—or Orant Agreement Attent’on t* r8u»d to the fact that not !e*« then th« minimum wage rates prescribed bv th» Federal Emergency Adminlstraron of Public Works must be paid on this protect. •'Without evcept'on no bid will be considered unless accompan’ed by the bidder's Certificate of Compl'ance TT g Government Form PWA 81 rev'*ed March 1934. to Ole effect tha‘ the bid der Is complying with and will cont'nue to comply with each anp1'r<*ble Code of Fair Comnettt'on or. In the ab*encs of such Code or Codes with the Presi dent’s Reem*'loyment Agreement Foote* of tht* Cert’f'rate ts included with the Proposal* of Bidders* " Plan* and specification* for the General Contract may be procu-ed f-om the Architect unon depo«*tt of $10 00 which deposit w'l! be returned upon *ubm1*«'on of a bona fids proposal on the work accompanied bv the plan* and specification*, or unon the return Intact of the Plans and specifications five davs nrlor to date for receiving orono*als. otherwise the deposit will be retained The Owner reserves the right to ac cept anv or to reject *nv or all b'd*. CAMERON COUNTY COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 11 By L. L. Loyd, President Attest: John E Barron County SuDerlntendent of Public Instruction 4-7-4948 Try The Herald Classified Ads To Get Result* Classified rate#: 20 words or lees, one lnseratlon .. 40c Over 20 words, ona insertion per word . 3c Subsequent insertions run consecutive ly. per word .llfec Minimum. 10 words By month. per word . 30c To Insure publication on the same day Classified ads must be in the office by 10 a m on week days, and by noon on Saturday for Sunday's paper Legal notices le per word each ineer non. Phone number 8 and ask for the Classi fied Department An experienced ad writer will give helprul suggestions if wanted, and tell you what the ad will coat Then later in the day a boy will call on you with the bill and you may pay him. Check your ad when It first appears as The Herald Is not responsible for more than one Incorrect insertion. Note: All Classified advertising Is on s strictly cash basis ANNOUNCEMENTS 8 Travel Opportunities McALLEN, REYNOSA BUS DAILY SCHEDULE Leaves Leaves McAllen Reynosa 8:30 t m. 7:30 ft m 10:00 a. m. 9:00 a m. 12:00 p m 11:00 a. m. :00 pm. 1:00 p. m 6:00 p m. 5:00 p m 4 00 p. m. 8:00 p m 8:00 p m. 7:00 p m Special bus from Reynosa Sat urday and Sunday 10:30 p m UNION BUS LINES Fast bonded Buses. Leaving Har lingen 6:30 a m and 3 p m. dally Arrives San Antonio 1:15 p m and 9:45 p. m San Antonio $3.50— I as $8 80-Abilene $8415— Austin $5 10—Chicago $21 15 - St. Louis $17.65 Madison Hotel, phone 405 Harlingen; Miller Hotel, phone 166 Brownsville; Cortez Hotel, phone 70. Weslaco; McAllen, phone 32: San Benito, phone 234; Elsa, phone 35 AUTOMOTIVE 10 Autoa lor Salo Check This List Before You Buy 1929 Chevrolet 2-door... $175.00 1934 Chrysler 2-door sedan, equipped with radio, trunk and six wheels, has ruri less than 11,000 miles .... $875.00 1934 Plymouth 2-door Sedan . $55000 1933 Ford Tudor . $450 00 1930 Chevrolet Sedan.. $200.00 1931 Chrysler Coupe ... $295 00 1931 Plymouth Sedan .. $350.00 1929 Packard Sedan .... $250 00 1929 Studebaker Sedan. $35000 1929 Ford Roadster.... $140.00 1929 Ford Light Truck. $14000 1929 Buick Sedan . $170 00 1928 Hudson Sedan .... $ 75.00 1928 Chevrolet Touring. $ 35.00 Brownsville Motor Co. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH PHONE 427 PHONE 86 PHONE 66 USED CARS 1932 Chevrolet coupe, good paint and tires. 1933 Chevrolet town sedan. 1927 Buick sedan, . cheap and good. 1930 Ford town sedan. 1933 Chevrolet 4-door sedan. Well* Motor Co. 10th and Washington Sts. Buick-Pontiac Dealers PHONE 64 PHONE 68 USED CARS With Plenty of UNUSED MILEAGE f 1—1931 Ford Station Wagon . 1—1931 Ford Tudor <£OQ” Sedan . vp^O.*) 1—1932 Chevrolet £7Zn Coach . %pODU 1—1933 V-8 Coupe . v+OU 1—1933 V-8 DeLuxe CCflfl Tudor . v>3UU 1—1933 Ford V-8 Sedan . »p*’OU 1—1933 Ford V-8 <£-? DeLuxe Sedan . «PJa-.j Patteson Motor Co. 927 Elizabeth Phone 888 BROWNSVILLE HERALD Classified ads are tire.ess little workers. They do big jobs for little money. ■ ■ . .. » God of Warlike Strength m HORIZONTAL 1 Hero son of the god Zeus. 8 He was cele brated for achieving 12 14 Melodies. 15 Chart. 17 To rent again 18 Male bee. 19 Yellow bugle plant. 20 Tree. 21 Tempest. 23 Myself. 24 To border on. , 28 Like. 30 Loving. 32 Fern seed. 34 Red vegetable 35 Beer. 36 Father. 37 Sound of inquiry. 38 Glided. 41 Epochs. 43 Perched. 45 Latent. 48 Pronoun. 51 Yours and mine. - . Answer to Previous Pussle LCXj,s frits mn 53 Swift. 2 To sin. 54 To guide. 3 stream. 57 Tooth tissue, ‘rood eonulner. 55 Hall. 5 Custom. 59 A famous ® To eject. statue of this ^ Flavor, god is in -, 9 Part of a Ita,y- * circle 6\HK€PrMUred W Honey the go den Ratherer. 7~~ or. 11 Ancient. Hesperides. u To count#r. VERTICAL Blnk. 1 Possessed. 13 He was famous for his -. 16 Nominal value 21 Oceans. 22 Manufactured. 25 Exclamation. 26 Pertaining to a city. 27 To bind. 29 Mineral spring 30 Form of "be.” 31 Born. 33 He was ad mitted to-. 36 Skillet. 38 To dismantle. 39 Structural unit. 40 Drone bee. 41 Finish. 42 To puff up. 43 Early. 44 Epilepsy symptom. 16 Tatter. 17 Intention. 13 Healthy. 50 Poems. 52 Sun. 54 To drink dog fashion. 56 Northeast. 58 Spain. AUTOMOTIVE BUS SERVICES —--—— i 10 Autos For Sale CHEVROLET DEALER'S USED CAR BARGAINS 1930 Ford Tudor Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Sedan. 1927 Cadillac Coupe 1929 Ford Tudor 1929 Buick Sedan Seaman Chevrolet Co. 5th and Elizabeth PHONE 1111 EXTRA SPECIAL * 1933 Ford 4-door sedan A-l condition: family car. $150.00 down (mill accept trade), $29.76 per month including carrying charges and insurance. _ Cash price $450.00. TOM STEVENSON CO. 1233 Levee Phone 222 BUS. SERVICES 25 Buildera-Contractcre BEN V. PROCTER Consulting Engineer Preliminary Investigations, Detail Plana and Construction Supervision Examinations and Report* 515 11th St Phone 151 BROWNSVILLE BARGAINS of all kinds are listed daily on the Brownsville Herald Cl&asilied page. 28 Moving Trucks—Storage AUSTIN TRANSFER CO- 941 Levee. Moving and crating Phone 421. U66 MASON TRANSFER CO. Contractors for Missouri Pacific °lck up and delivery service Hauling of All Kinds 6th <b FRONTON - PHONE 139 Packing of All Kinds 32 Printing—Office Sup. PREPARE your summer advertising now? Call and have Bishop’s Print Shop show vou their 1935 advertising fans—They're nice G90 34 Insurance White & Sutherland Life — Fire — Casualty Insurant PH0.4F 417 State National Bank Bldg. WOOD & DODD INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Phone 100 407 - Utb Street INSURANCE BONDS W B. CLINT Phone 6 EMPLOYMENT 35 Help Wanted—Male WANTED—Boy for route in Edin burg between the age of 12 and 17. Must be attending school at this time. A good proposition. Write Circulation Department, The Brownsville Herald. J-62 37 Salesmen—Agents SALESMEN WANTED Saxet Life Insurance Co. Sherman gilding. Corpus Cb isti, Texas. Send inf on,:-Hon. Name .. Address . FINANCIAL 42 Auto Loans AUTO LOANS Lowest Rate In the Valley Hutson Brothers 709 W. Harri-on Phone 781 HARLINGEN L OANS Automobile Loans or Refinancing J. E. CARY MadKon Hotel B!dg. Room 8 - Harlingen - Phone 132 — INSTRUCTION *47 Schoola-Colleges PLACE YOUR Classified ads before 10 a m. week days and noon) Saturday for proper classification. LIVESTOCK 50 Poultry - Suppliea BABY CHICKS Highest quality, hatched from blood-tested flocks, in our eommer- | cial incubator Price. $7.50 per hundred. Custom hatching set ev- j erv Saturday. W. R. Jackson Feed and Seed Store *1036 Washing** — Phone 887 CHOICE MILK fed broilers; select eggs; English Strain Leghorn pul lets and cockerels. Homer Fitch, Phone 17, West 7th and St. Francis. H-100 MERCHANDISE 52 Household Goods WE BUY used furniture and sell or trade new furniture. Refriger ation sendee. All kinds of music al instruments. Hargis Furniture Co.. 222 Elizabeth St.. Phone 180 1-144 CLOSING OCT used furniture at low price. 716 - 12th Street. J-57 vtlle. J-57 54 For Sale, Miscellaneous FOR SALE—Second hand potatoe and onion grader. In good condi tion. Shippers Equipment Co. Phone 444. Harlingen. J-55 NORGE Rollator Refrigeration. Porcelain Inside and out. As low as $14.50 do^'n and $6 67 per month. TOM STEVENSON CO. 1233 Levee Phone 222 A NUMBER of used ice boxes. $2.50 to $7.50. Tom Stevenson Co. 1233 Levee. J-60 FOR SALE—Tire welder vulcaniz ing outfit, complete with boiler or trade for good light car or truck. Brooks Service Station Mercedes, Texas. J-59 LITTLE CLASSIFIED ADS In the Brownsville Heralc pay oig div idends Read ana us? uiern regu larly and profit. MERCHANDISE 54 For Sate, Miscellaneous LINEN SUITS Cleaned and Reshaped 50c And Dwy Cleaning ColIn* PHONE 1 60 Seeds-Plants-Flowers PLANT Zinnia*, Mangolds. Peri winkles etc for late Spring and early summer flowers Groves and Co.. 11th and Adams. 1-98 ROSES, beautiful rosea—Many va let les and colors. Pick your choice right from the garden. Only 25c dozen Comer Ring gold and 18th 8t. J-29 RENTALS 63 Apartments 4 - ROOM Furnished apartment, downstairs. 442 8 E. Levee, Phone 578. * J-54 THREE ROOM southeast apartment, 1550 West St. Charles or Phone 1228 W. J-47 ONE-ROOM Apartment. kitchen ette. bills paid. 442 8. E. Levee, Phone 578. J-52 THREE-ROOM apartment for rent, furnished or unfurnished. 825 8. E. St. Francis. J-58 DAVIS COURTS—Second and Si. Charles. 6. E. Modem Vroom furnished apartment; 2 bed rooms; cool and comfortable. Phone 1365-J. J-58 FURNISHED 5 - room apartment, Palm Blvd., second floor; $25.00. Frontier Lumber Co. J-63 65 Houses 7-ROOM furnished cottage; 5-room furnished apartment; all con veniences. Electric stove in both; fruit for family use; aarden If desired For sale—One familv cow. giving 14 quart* daily; 17 hens. 3 miles out. 14th Street, turn right, first house. A. C. Capron. J-39 69 Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT—l'nfurnished 5 or 6 room house. Box J-61, Herald. J-fll REAL ESTATE MONEY TALKS $1,500.00 buys 40 acres good land between Harlingen and San Benito. One crop of cotton at present price should pay for this entire tract. $2,500.00 buys 10 acres on pavement in Stuart Place community between Harlingen and La Feria. with 7 acres in good orchard 10 year* old. Formerly sold for $10.000 00. $2.750 00 buys modem 6-room house textone finished inside and with new coat of paint outside-to be selected by purchaser; $750.00 cash, balance easy terms. S. C. Graham & J'ompany Arcade Bldg — Phone 179 Brownsville, Texas 70 Houaea For Sale FOR SALE or LEASE — «-room house lumished or unfurnished. All conveniences. 825 S. E. St. Francis. J-58 76 Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BLY—House and lot in City or small acreage improv ed or unimproved. Must be worth the money. Box J*36. Herald J-3G CHIP COLLINS’ ADVENTURES__By JACK KOFOED and JACK WILHELM y Y_^ VA/ORVOUG IN) * Ga*S WHAT'S VOUR. FPOTHEfe, HOW NMD PlNHiwG A> do?n)G these d*vs,6uo<.^ 5 uttle >--- - - -' V ^EM\-PR0 *S r* -- PNLl- . CH\P,WW\LE W See^S HoPeueSS, \ OAO 0€A.NEAJ&S THAT SOAve oaV J HvS IMWOCEMCE OF TK«0\n»mG $ALL / GANVE-S VM\U- A PROVED \T NAi'LL vveut z Av0Ovjt ) ^JT gufeSEV-VELS MICKEY MOUSE TIME later/ '©OV? DID I THE HECK WITH bSEE a swell. , that! did v' pitcher, ' set the ^ SUV's NAME ? ' UH, NO - see '«m ! I WENT to the ELEGANT theatre • By Walt Disney YEAH, BUT— (SOShTIc^ ^ already seen thet ,-zr-\ etcher/,< L TON._ OUW/J Ss