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MEDIAN I TO ARBITRTEIN AUTOJTRIKE dosing of All General Motor Shops by Last Of Week Hinted As 13.000 Out of Work DETROIT. May 1.—OPv—The fed eral government sent lta ace medi ator, Edward F. McGrady, Into the t'oubLp zone of the giant automo bile Industry Wednesday to cope with strikes and threats of strikes which have already affected more than 13.000 employes of General Motors Corporation subsidiaries. Arriving in Detroit Tuesday night by plane on orders from Secretary Perkins, McGrady set up temporary headquarters in Detroit, denied him self to interviewers and protested that his mission was secret. Facing McGrady, labor leaders and automobile manufacturers was tnis situation: Situation Outlined 1— The Chevrolet Motor Co., plan, in Toledo was idle with 2,300 work ers affected by what labor leaders described as the key strike precipi tated last week by disagreements over wage proposals. 2— The Fisher Body Co., plant in Cleveland was closed down affect ing 9,000 workers. Louis dpisak. la bor leader, said the men would not return to work “until the Toledo strike is settled." 3— Chevrolet and Fisher plants in Cincinnati were idle with 2,300 work irs out on what described as a sym pathy strike w it $ Toledo workers. 4— T. N. Taylor, American Fed eration of Labor organizer in Toledo predicted all General Motors plants will be closed by Friday. 5— Unrest reported in Buick and Fisher plants in Flint, Mich., with jjjutcf-~i and the management C»Wkding a closed conference over two days. Highest Hour Rate Coincident with the labor devel opments and the dispatch of Mc Grady to the automobile labor field, the motor car manufacturers issued two statements, one coming from Alvan MaCauley, president oi Pack ard Motor Car Co., and head of the Automobile Manufacturers’ asso ciation. It was a letter to Donald Rich berg, chairman of the National industrial Recovery board, suggest , j ig the 40 week limit for autqmo F it workers be relaxed to enable weekly earnings to approximate those of 1929. MaCauley pointed out that present hourly rates were the highest in the industry’s history. William E. Knudsen, executive V*e president of the Chevrolet Mo tor Co., issued a statement declar ing the Toledo strike a “regrettable occurrence.’’ Knudsen said It was •simply due to the attempt of the A F of L. local in the plant U> dominate 2.350 employes. Flashes of Life (By The AMOCiated Pnhuj Cow or Ox? OSKALOGSA. la.—‘'Any cow is an ox if it'll stay hitched and pull a load. ' said Mark and Marion Thomas. 14-year-old Ctekaioosa twins. So they copied an oaken yoke that had traveled to Cali fornia and back during the gold rush of 49 fitted it cm the necks oi two yearling calves in the torn** cow lot, and trained them pull a wagon. The calve*. Huckleberry and Bonnie, haul wood from the tim ber. grain to the feed lot and aft er school, a wagon load of boys, with Mark and Marion on the seat. Whither Bound? CHICAGO—You're here, but where are you? That* the problem cab drivers, messenger boys and delivery men face in Chicago, said their bosses who met Tuesday to see what could be done about cutting down the I wear and tear on auto tires, "bike i pedals and shoe soles. They decid ed to ask the city council to re name some 300 streets because the present titles are duplicated or very nearly the same as the names I of other streets. The Right PUce MILWAUKEE.—As he sped i down a street in pursuit ol a motorist, Officer Walter Kohl man was pitched from his motor cycle. Shaking off his daxe. he looked up at a street sign. It read: -f Palling Heath Place.* \ Indian Hunt CHICAGO—The police kept a ' sharp eye Wednesday for cowboys I and Indians. They figured the "redskins and K cattle chasers would be wearing ■some of the "600 pounds" of cow f boy and Indian suits riding boots, F hats, top pistol*, tomahawks and I feathered head pieces stolen from a parked automobile Tuesday night. _ _ * The car had been driven here * by Robert Paterson, a San Fran j cisco salesman, who left it on the t street while visiting friends. Funeral Rites Held For Mrs. Ellen Beard (Special to The Herald) McALLEN. Tex.. May 1—Funeral I services were held from Kretdler (Chapel at four o’clock Tuesday aft . emoon for Mrs. Ellen Beard. 67, * rifucf Thomas W. Beard, who died 1st family home on Ware Ff>ad Isattjt'av night. i> Rev. H. W. Shirley, pastor of the {First Baptist church of McAllen. ! conducted the last services, which I were followed by interment in , Roselawn Cemetery here. Rev. Shirley was assisted by Rev. Le if Grand Pace, pastor of the First Christian church. Surviving are her husband, a lughter, Mrs. Jim Day. and a son, • Beard, all of McAllen; a sis , Mrs. Will Foulk of Potwln, ; and a brother. S. R. Thom of Wellington, Kansas. The mily came to McAllen about sev years ago from Kansas and was known in the sommunity. Keller Teacher Near Blindness Unless operation shortly to be performed is successful, Mrs. Anne Sulli van Macy, world famous teacher of blind Helen Keller, will herself be plunged into total blindness. Miss Keller (left) now is the comfort of the woman who was ner “eyes’* far so many years. They are shown i n j> ho to. VILLANUEVA BIDS OPENED Sam McKenzie Low Bidder On General Contract For New Schoolhouie Bids totaling $25,242.94 for con struction of a modern school for the Villanueva district tentatively were accepted here Tuesday after noon. The bids are subject to ap proval of PWA engineers in Fort Worth. The general contract went to S W. McKenzie of Brownsville on a bid of $21,163. Other bidders in-| eluded Ramsey Brothers of Harlin gen $22,598 and Blythe & Staats of Harlingen $21,240.67. Hayden Hays of Brownsville was awarded the electrical contract on a bid of $625 Star Electric Co. en tered a bid of $685 for this work The McCarthy Plumbing Com pany of Harlingen was awarded the plumbing contract on a bid of $1650. Hays entered a bid of $1,725 for this contract. The equipment contract .went to the Bickley School & Church Fur niture company on a bid of $1,804.94 although it was not low. Members o 1 the district board expressed the opinion that the furniture offered by the Bickley company was the ! best buy even at the higher figures, i Other bidders in this field included the American Desk Manufacturing Co.. $1,775.05 and the Delta Office Supply Co.. $1.77813. It will be 15 or 20 days before the construction job can be begun due to the fact that approval must come from the Fort Worth office of the PWA. The school will be one story and of mission style architecture. The reinforced concrete and tile build ing will include six class rooms, two of which can be converted in to an auditorium, rest room, clinic room, principal’s office superin tendent’s office, and book room. The building was designed by Ben V. Proctor of Brownsville. The gen eral contract also calls for con struction of water and sewage sys tems. The Villanueva district school was destroyed by the hurricanes, and considerable delay has been encountered in building the new school. A technical error was found m the first bond issue voted, and it had to be voted over before the bonds were acceptable to the PWA. The first time bids were called, the totals were too high and bids were called a second time. The district is furnishing $19,000 in bonds and is being given a PWA grant of approximately $7,572. bringing cost of the project to ap proximately $26,572. HAMILTON STILL CLINGS TO HOPE HUNTSVILLE. May 1. Raymond Hamilton, condemned gunman, still has hopes of escap-; lng death in the electric chair, his mother said, after a visit to the death cell Tuesday. Convicted of the slaying of Ma jor Crowson, guard, in a prison break. Hamilton has been sen tenced to die May 10. His mother. Mrs. Steve Davis, came here from Austin where she had pleaded with 1 Governor James V. Allred to com mute the sentence td life imprison ment "He said that he was feeling fine,’’ she said after the 15-min-; ute visit, "and that he still had hopes <>f escaping the chair.'* "I suppose I gave Austin report-1 ers the wrong opinion, leading them to believe I thought Ray mond had never done anything wrong.” Mrs. Davis said. "But he has. I know it. My con tention to Governor Allred in ask ing that his death sentence be commuted was that he never kill ed anybody." She said she planned to see her son again before the execution date. She was accompanied here by the Rev. Eddie Clayton, Dallas minister, who appeared before Governor Allred with her. Mrs. Davis said the governor had promised to give the case' careful consideration. MOTION GRANTED (Special to tu- ritTHini SAN ANTONIO. May 1.—A mo tion for Issuance of a court mandate without payment of costs was grant ed by the oour of civil appeals here Wednesday In the case of George E Aschbacher Jr., vs. Ponton-Brown Clinic hospital Inc. of Edinburg. Motions for rehearing in two Hi- I dalgo county civil cases were over- i ruled. SAMFORDYCE PRODUCER IN — Northwest Well of Shelly Oil Company Flows Tuesday (Special to The Herald) MISSION. May 1.—Another new producer was added to the steadily expanding Sam ford yce field of south western Hidalgo County as three other tests were being com* pie ted and another was coring the sand. Ths field’s northwest outpost, Skelly Oil Company’s No. E-2 Sea bury et al, in the southwest corner of the west 24 acres of the west 48 acres of the north 78 acres of the southeast 166 9 acres of Tract 256, Forcion 38. about 4.200 feet north west of discovery, was completed as ihe field's 59th flowing producer Tuesday after being successively Jetted. lubricated and swabbed be fore finally flowing. The test will be turned into the tanks as soon as a small amount of sand showing in the flow clears up. Production is from sand at 2,802.5-08 feet through 4-inch tubing cnoke under tubing working pressure of 100 pounds and closed-in casing pressure of 310 pounds. The completion extended production in the field about 600 feet northwest. Skelly is expected to start work shortly on its No. A-I Seabury et al. about 400 feet west of the No. E-2 Seabury. Location is 198 feet from the east and 230 feet from the south lines of the east 12 acres of the west 42 acres of the north 120 acres of the south 263.8) acres of Tract 256, Portion 38, about 4.500 feet northwest of discovery. Pat Ruther iord has the contract. On the west edge of production C E. Smith-Prank Dayvaults No. 1 Seabury et al. in the northeast cor ner oi the south 20 acres of the west 42 90 acres of the southeast 131.70 acres of tract 256. portion 38, about 3.750 feet northwest of dis covery. is still cleaning and show ing considerable oil through 4-inch tubing choke under tubing working pressure of 70 pounds from sand at 2.813-15 feet In the southeast section of the field, Ben G. Barnett’s No. I Mis souri Pacific, on the Missouri Pa cific Railway right-of-way and 500 feet east of the west line of porcion 41. about 5.500 feet east of discov ery. is cleaning slowly through 4 lnch tubing choke under tubing working pressure of 80 pounds with no guage on casing. The test has sand at 2,752-56 feet. M’Donald Stays Put on Lambast Of German Acts LONDON. May 1. Prime Minister Ramsay Mac Donald de clared in the house of commons Wednesday that an article he wrote iast week lambasting Germany re flected the opinion of the British government. The article was printed in the of ficial news letter of the labor party and especially denounced Germany for Its rearmament in the air. Mac Donald said he personally consider ed that its publication was in the public s interest. Mac Donald’s statement came shortly after Sir Bolton Eyres Mon sell first lord of the admiralty, had told the house that Germany would have its first submarine since the World War ready for action within six months. In explanation of his article, which was received with unfriendly com ments in Germany, the prime minis ter said: “The government’s views on the effect of Germany's recent action as regards military planes, both as to methods and amounts, has been ex pressed at Stresa and Geneva and in dicated In the commons In speeches both by the foreign secretory and myself. The article Is substantially on the lines of those statements and does represent the views of the governments.” If You’re Past 40 and Can’t Sleep Try This Nervous people should drink wat er at bedtime with a spoonful of delicious Vinol (iron tonic). Nerves relax, sound sleep follows. Vinol gives new pep. strength. Cisneros Drug Store. WHITE KITCHEN 419 12th Street Business Lunches — Fresh Veg. etables — Luscious Valley Grapefruit Private Diningroom. Serving the Valley for over tea years. 20 DEAD FROM SAND. DUST Farmers of Southwest Hope That May Will Break Long Drougth SPRINGFIELD. Cdo., May 1. (AP) —Farmers In the southwest dust area tore another page from the calendar Wednesday and hoped that May would bring rain. For the past two motnhs dust storms have swept over the drought stricken "bowl” resulting in dis comfort. distress and illness. Rain would settle the dust and enable fanners to start planting . spring crops. Albert Evans, in charge of Red Cross relief headquarters at Lib eral. Kas., estimated that “at least 30“ persons have died within the oast two weeks from diseases ag gravated by the blowing silt and sand He said there had been nine deaths in Baca county, Colorado; six in southwestern Kansas and Lve in the Oklahoma panhandle. Twenty one new patients were admitted to the emergency hospi tals here and at Walsh. C/.o„ as a new dust gale, described as the worst of the season" rolled over the sector. Twenty cases of “dust pneumonia” were reported at Tex homa on the Oklahoma-Texas line. Residents of Prairie Center, a small community near here, have set next Sunday as a time to offer prayers for rain and have asked the nation to join them. Although the chances growing any crops are growing smaller every aay, farmers in the section have not abandoned hope. Ben Mo6ser. who has fanned near here for many years, said Wednesday that he and fellow farmers still can grow feed crops ol maize, com and other grains “if we Just get rain in two or three Optimism still lingered in the Oklahoma panhandle. Residents of Guymot went ahead with plans for the big annual celebration to commemorate the settling of the (ountry and insured the festival lor $2,000 against rain amounting to more than two tenths of an inch. Near Dalhart. Tex., farmers pool ed their funds to buy explosives with which ( to bombard promised clouds in an effort to produce rain. ALLRED WANTS MAJOR ACTION (8pedal to The Hmld) AUSTIN, May 1.—Governor All red has hope the legislature will act on several of the major measures on its calendar before it adjourns. These include the public utility regulation bill, in the senate final agreement on submission cf liquor repeal, final agreement on the gas wastage bill which has passed both houses, action on the $60,000,000, federal-financed state-profit natur al gas pipeline, constitutional amendments to carry on relief. •several important tax measures. ’ and the bracket of needed labor statutes given & special setting in the house and already passed the senate. He was confident of final agreement on the state department of safety, or state police, law. Governor Allred did not specify which of several new tax bills he wants. He has backed the efforts of Rep. J Franklin Spears to increase the tax on sulphur from 75 cents !>er ton. Governor Allred believed the law makers would stay on beyond the May 7 adjournment date specified by the house but not made effective for lack of senate action. Several senators have expressed the opinion the senate will hold over from May 7 to at least the end of the week following, or May 18. and possibly longer. Lulac Carnival Ready for Crowd <8oect»l to The H»*rmld) HARLINGEN. May 1.—A seven dav carnival of the League of United Latin American Citizens will open here Wednesday, the carnival being conducted to raise funds for the entertainmc* of 5000 visitors expected at the na I tional Lulac convention here June 1 and second. A feature of the celebration and j carnival here this week and next ; will be crowning of a Lulac queen on May 6. with Misses Stella Mar tinez and Minnie Lozano represent ing Harlingen in the competition. Supt. E C. Dodd of the Browns ville Junior college will speak at the national convention in June on The Latin American Child.” A number of other well known speakers will be on the program. CONTRACT AWARDED WASHINGTON. May 1—<vF—The war department Wednesday award ed a contract for dredging Galves ton channel. Texas, to the Sanders Dredging Co., New York City, for $155,654. __ Constipation Poisons Constipation allows poisons to form in the bowels and makes you i feel sick. At the first feeling of i constipation, take Th e d f o r d’s Black-Draught for prompt, refresh ing relief. It has helped thousands of men and women. Mrs. A. J. Davenport, of Paducah. Ky.. writes that "Black-Draught acts well and seems to carry off Impurities. It always helps me.” Black-Draught is made of purely vegetable Ingredients—leaves and roots of plants highly regarded for their dependable medicinal action. THED FORD’S BLACK-DRAUGHT Threat of War Is Sounded by Soviet In May Day Speech (By Th« Associated Press) The greatest military demonstra tion in the history of soviet Rus sia at Moscow, holiday speeches throughout Germany, a bombing in Vienna, rioting in France, and widespread police precautions against possible disturbances m the United States marked May Day through out the world Wednesday. In Moscow spokesmen delivered somber warnings of Impending war, while nearly 700 military planes droned over Red Square and the massive red army passed In review. Klementy Voroshilofi. soviet com missar for defense, told Russian workers that war “hangs like a heavy cloud over humanity,” and he assured his comrades and told the world that “if war is imposed upon us, the enemy'will get acquaint ed with our red army. “They must not reproach thenv Mercedes New Piggly Wiggly To Hold Opening (Special to The Herald) MERCEDES, May 1.—Everything Is in readiness for the formal open ing of the Mercedes Piggly Wiggly store Friday and Saturday in the new building now occupied by the store which has been a part of the business life of Mercedes for the past 10 years. Joe Lamberton. manager of the store since Its first day of opera tion, stated Wednesday that all Mercedes is invited to the formal opening to help Piggly Wiggly cele brate Its removal into quarters twice as large as those formerly occupied. The store is now In the Evans build ing. formerly occupied by the old Rio Grande Hardware and Machinery company, and has flow space of 50 xl60 feet, twice as large as the ter mer location. H. E Butt, president of the Pig gly Wiggly Butt company, stated Wednesday that the removal of Pig gly Wiggly into larger Mercedes quarters comes at a happy time, just when Mercedes Is rejoicing in the successful completion of the Union Sulphur well. "Piggly Wiggly Is go ing forward with Mercedes.” Mr. Butt said. P A J-A GIRLS WIN • Special to The Herald) PHARR. May 1.—The Pharr-San Juan-Alamo High School Home Economics Department won two first places, one second, and the grand award as third runner-up in the dll round Group A Division of the Homemaking Education rally at Corpus Christi recently. Josephine Walker. Cathrvne Mel ton, and Jacwie Roe nf reserv'd the high school, sponsored by Miss Retha Sanders who is head of the department here. selves if that acquaintance is dis tasteful." he added. Germany Parades Troops Prom the tomb of Lenin, Joseph Staun, the dictator, reviewed the display of squat, rumbling tanks, the heavy bombing and light pur suit planes, fleet armored cars, lumbering field guns, anti-aircraft, and endless waves of Infantry that surged past the reviewers' stand. From all parts of Germany, con spicuously from the newly acquired Saarland, Germans went to Berlin to celebrate the "day of national labor.” Chancellor Adolf Hitler told more than 1,000,000 workers assembled at Templehof airfield that although "foreign nations may offer me whole continents, I would rather be the poorest citizen here." Storm troopers, military bands, legions of soldierly Hitler youth, and other features of the new Ger many contributed to the festival air. In a brief address to youth org anizations, Hitler said in part, "In greeting you I greet the Germany of peace, but also of courage." Austrian Bombing Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels hailed the sun piercing the snow clouds over Berlin as "Hitler weather.” Snow fell soon after he completed his remarks. May Day exercises in Munich, the city of Hitler's first political fail ures and success, were cancelled ostensibly because of bad weather but in reality because so few work ers appeared at rallying points. Dr. Johann Thanhofer, a high official of the Austrian chancellery, lo&t his legs in a bomb explosion Tuesday night in Vienna. The gov ernment isued pardons to 600 minor political offenders. A detective was slain and five others were wounded in rioting at Bagnolet, France. Tuesday night, after communists tried to force their way into a rightist political meeting. London and Tokyo had quiet dem onstrations. U. g. Takes Precautions Police Commissioner Lewis J. Valentine in New York assigned j more than MOO police to May Day cuty and announced that he ex pected no trouble from more than 100,000 persons expected by May Day celebration authorities to march in the city's parade. San Franciscos May Day Interest centered around the mass demon stration of Ray Morency, who was killed in the Stockton warehouse men's strike. Seven thousand union members were expected to march. Other demonstrations planned for the Pacific coast were to be held in Spattle by the Unemployed Citi zens’ league, in Spokane by the All Workers union. International Work ers of the World, and socialists, and another parade, communistic, up San Francisco's Market street. Fifty officers were assigned to patrol demonstration points In Los Angeles. v j I ■ ■ ^ ■ j^n j ■ ^ a v ^ 9L. 1 J J I II k I mJk vttJ, 1 B kt* 1 t m Ik I Bm i I M & &. MESS, & 15, a ft Jgk jg| ?tre$fone Everything yon need for yonr ear — quality products at a saving. Make this store yonr i motoring headquarters — we I wiU save yon money. TgS» 18* l F«nder V 38c j CLEANER AND WAX jB Mmmr *• apply* IS— r 91c| firtstoiw count* me At Low A* 41c J seat COVErT”* ****z~zz?s _ im i aj ^ Rii] SERVICE STORES 13th & Levee Sis. PLAN NEW PACT WITH GERMANY United States In Preliminary Talk With Nazis On Commerce Treaty WASHINGTON. May I. lAV-Gter many and the United States, an au thoritative force said Wednesday, are conducting preliminary negotia tions for a new “treaty of friend ship and commerce'' to replace (me that will end next October U. Germany has announced her in tention of terminating the old treaty on that date. The aim in the pres ent talks, as described here. Is to prevent havoc In every day commer cial relations which the absence of a treaty might cause. The pact will mark a wide de parture from an American policy, for It la said that it will not contain the “most-favored-nation'' clause. Such a clause Is contained in the old treaty. Under It Germany and the United States agreed to give each other's products ss favorable treat ment as they accorded the goods of any other nation. The old treaty was proclaimed on October 14. 1925. and has governed all commercial relationships between the twc nations since. The German ambassador. In de nouncing the treaty last October, said the step was forced on the reich by her economic condition, and was the only alternative to violation of the pact. The new treaty must be ratified 1 by the senate. It has no connection with the reciprocal trade treaties be ing negotiated with a list of coun tries. These do not require senate action. BEAUTIFUL BUT • • * * ■ * DUMB IS SAID OF. * * • * * FAMED LADY SPY (Special to Ths Herald) SAN BENITO. May L — Mat* Hart, the Oennan spy about whoa a legendary cloak of romance has been woven, oould worm the deep est military secrets‘from men but still she was almost worthless to the Oermans because she was too dumb to get the Information to them. Maj. H. E. Puller, of San An tonio In a talk to Valley Reserve officers Monday night on "Military Intelligence" digressed to the ex tent of telling an anexlote about the woman. The Javanese dancer so fascin ated men with her sensuous beau ty that she had little difficulty In getting Information. But It was her clumsiness In cor.tnunlcatinf ihl* information that soon gave her away to the French counter es pionage system. She fled to Spain but was brought back, court mar tialed and sentenced to be shot. So firm was she In her belief that she could charm away even death that she put on her most lovely headdress and ornaments on the morning of her execution. She threw a beautiful cloak around Iter shoulders. As the soldiers rais ed their rifles for the fatal volley, she let the cloak slip to the ground but the loveliness of her body fail ed to stop the steel jacketed French bullets. A Range For Every Purse No longer need PRICE prevent you from having a new up-to-the-minute Gas Range in your kitchen. We offer you efficient, nationally known and ad vertised Gas Ranges at prices ranging from $25.00 up to as much as you wish # to invest. Somewhere in this price schedule you are sure to find a really good range at the figure that fits your purse. 1 Sizes and models vary from the smaller cookers for an apartment or small kitchen to the de luxe models with various kinds of additional equip ment such as clocks, condiment jars and the like. There is a size and model to fit your particular kitchen and range problem. Let us show you the many pleasing ranges we have on our display floors. Your visit will be interesting to you, and of course, it will not obligate you in any way. Rio Grande Valley Gas Co. '—if it* done with Heat, you can do it BJETTl* with Gao*