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I THE WEATHER (»» o. a w«uw Bureau) I circulation — Of BrownsviUe and the Valley- Pair j I . |’ I Md» night: Saturday ^partly Onhr by Th. B« t FORTY-FOURTH YEAR—No. 32 “• »*“*» nr^-nm u n. nw BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1936 FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY • 6c A COPY QnOnk VALLEY (By a Staff Member) CREDIT FOR A LOT OF ORIG taa> thinking goes to the people of Weslaco, that progressive young MJa-Valley whose annual birthday party attracts so much attention. Weslaco's vegetable and fruit style show has attracted note In many far away parts of the nation. The show has originality. It shows thought on the part of the men and women who have built that city in a brief sixteen years. • • • BOW WESLACO COMES FOR wsrd with another idea— And It is a good one. That Spanish Village idea Is mcnething that the Valley might jiie thought of years ago to her Men benefit. If there is any part of the country that should have attractive semi tropical buildings to set apart as a winter resort. It is the Valley. Still we find right along with out Spanish style homes the steep pitched roof of the New England home, built to shed snow—yes. •now. • • • SO HERE'S OUR HOPE THAT Weslaco's effort meets with success. And that other Valley cities, and Valley people individually will keep the idea In mind, use it when pos sible • • • UP AT SAN BENITO FRIDAY Bight Valley Chamber of Commerce Bier will talk over what might be •ailed some pet project*— Pet projects are those that every body wants, but that seem to be a long ways off in the future. Lighting up the Valley highway is one that has engaged the fancy of Valley people for years, and which the chamber of commerce men will tiy to put over, now that the State Is going to get s lot of money for road work— And those much-talked-of indivi dual tourist rates are with us again. Our private hunch is that we will ger the tourist rates soon. The rail road? want the business, and If they •re shown that an Individual tour ist rate will bring It. they can be depended on to favor the rate. I 9 • IF BUILDING IN THE VALLEY oan keep up with Billy Miles, the dvnamic young man who heads the FHA in this section, when business will be travelling mnrt Billy is here, there, and elsewhere, explaining the FHA. encouraging people to remodel, rebuild, and build. He’s getting results. His latest report shows close to forty new homes Forty homes will mean probably glfiA.000 spent, will mean 400 people gt«en work for a month or six • • • WE WONDER WHAT HAS HAP pened to the dime letter craze— Probably all the people who took pan in it are out taking a vacation on the profits. Of maybe thinking up a new way to get rich. • • • A Brownsville businessman just back from Laredo mentions the fact that the brokerage business means millions annually to that otty— He tells about brokerage offices with 1ft to 2ft employes. And Mexican National Lines of ficials here this week looking at the Brownsville port work. It means there win be xmnage moved through the cities of Browns vUe and Matamoros, That- brokerage concerns will open offices here, and. hire large •faffs In fact, some of the largest Laredo •cnoems have made arrangements to open offices here with the open ing of the port • • • JAPAN RAISES A BIO OBJEC ttcm to a humorous cartoon of their back over the newspaper Ml cartoons the past few •moths we gather they don't mind • little jibe now and then at their pppot ruler of Manchukuo. 0 Scouts Washington-Bound Turn Homeward BIG JAMBOREE CANCELLED AT LASTJOMENT F. D. Fears Youths Of Nation May Come In Contact With Dread Paralysis WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. 0P>— Boy Scout officials sought Friday to turn homeward hundreds of Scouts already en route to their international jamboree, cancelled Thursday night by President Roose velt because of infantile paralysis in this area. The jamboree, scheduled to be held on the shores of the Pototnac here August 21-30. was called off after a presidential conference with • public health officers and Scout leaders. The chief executive is honorary national president of the Scouts. Already On Way Temporary encampments with accommodations for 3,500 Scouts bad 1 ■en completed and foreign contingents were already in the country or on the high seas when the cancellation was announced. Prevalence of infantile paralysis • ' is not unduly alarming, ’ a White House statement said, “but the con ferees decided it would be for the best inter:., of the Scouts and all concerned to cancel the Jamboree.” Public health officers said two centers of the epidemic are within 100 miles of Washington. The cities are Charlottville and • Richmond. \a. Since January 1 North Carolina 1 h reported 517 cases. Virginia, : 404- Maryland. 25: and the District | of Columbia 24. Will Make Speech "We waited until the last day,” Dr. Cummlng explained, "because wo had hoped the epidemic would bum Itself out. Instead the disease has increased.” "We thought it much better to prevent any apprehension on the part of parents and state health oilicers who might fear that the epidemic w’ould be brought into their states by returning Scouts. President Roosevelt, himself a ! victim of infantile paralysis 14 years ago, expressed “very deep i regret’ m calling off the Scout , meeting but promised Dr. James E West, chief Scout executive, he would deliver a speech previously Is heduled for the jamboree, over a nation-wide radio hookup August (Continued On Page Tea) QUICK PIPELINE ACTION SOUGHT Official* Ask Hearing On Injunction Be Set For Monday Hearing on the temporary injunc tion gran k d the state highway dep artment here Thursday by Judge A. M. Kent restraining the Valley Pipe line company from laying pipe on state highway right-of-way is ex pected to be held Monday, instead of Sept. 3 as originally set, it was made kn wn Friday. Officials of the pipeline company asked for the hearing Monday. H. H. Hensley, vice president and general manager of the Fredell Construction company, stated that the pipeline company applied to the state highway department for a right-of-way. but that it was re fused. The company proceeded with construction work, and had two trenching machines at work when the injunction was Issued. “It is Just a difference of opinion.'’ Mr. Hensley said “We are proceeding with work now on our own right of way, and expect to be back at work all along the line within a week * .. ...... .-. BRINGING THE SEA TO BROWNSVILLE Position of the dredges cutting the Brownsville ship channel on Friday. August 9. was: Orleans. Station 77 plus 250 |r to tal advance of 64.250 feet Texas. Station 59, or total advance of 46.000 feet. The Orleans is now 2.03 miles, and the Texas 5.5 miles from the Brownsville turning basin site. *Go-Home-itis * Has Strong Hold Over Lawmaking Group WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. (AP)—Congress has a bad case of the “go home fever” which signifies to veteran members that it won’t be long now. t Adjournment, some say, may come by the end of next week, or perhaps the week following. No definite date WILL AND POST DELAYED AGAIN Rogers Buys Breeches Too Large But Plans To Eat Many Fish JUNEAU, Alaska. Aug. 9. —(fl")— Clouds and rain along the Alaskan coast Friday dampened plans of Wiley Post and Will Rogers to take off for Skagway or Nome in Post's red monoplane. Rogers, humorist and film actor, had two sets of rubber garments which he bought Thursday after sampling the .72 of an inch rainfall. "If I was going to stay in Juneau. I would buy at least one more out fit,” Rogers 6aid. He also bought trousers with a greater waistline than he required. “If there’s as much fish in Alaska as I hear there is,” he explained, “I will gain a couple of inches around the midle when Wiley gets to catch ing them.” Rogers told a luncheon group he ; had discovered the territorial senate was composed of eight democrats and the house 16 democrats and one republican. .. “I’ll get Farley to work on that other guy,” he declared. He informed the Juneau business men that there were good times in other parts of the United States but no one would admit it At Seattle, meanwhile. Mrs. Post let it be known a "friend” she de clined to name who "just flew up here” would take her back to Los Angeles by air to await Post's return from his Alaskan-Siberian tour. Mrs. Post earlier had intended to accom pany the one-eyed Oklahoma flier. THOUSANDS ARE LEFT HOMELESS Damage In Worst Ohio Flood In 22 Years Is $3,000,000 ZANESVILLE. O., Auf. • —iJP— The toll of destruction from Ohio's worst flood in 22 years mounted higher Friday as the crest of the swollen waters here moved on toward the Ohio river With two persons known to have drowned, another missing, and three dead as indirect results of the flood and the series of storms that pre ceded it, unofficial estimates of property damage ranged upward Friday from $3,000,000. More than 1.000 persons who re sided in the pat!; of the flood now are homeless and other hundreds are under orders to flee for safety to higher ground. All Thursday night the raging wates of the Muskingum river swirled against levees protecting Zanesville constantly threatening to break through, while national guardsmen stood watch to give an alarm should a break occur, and CCC workers labored to strengthen weak, ened sections. Showdown Near On Holding Companies WASHINGTON. Aug. 9. <tfV-An other peaceful session of the sen ate-house conferees on the public utility holding company bill Friday brought them nearer to a show down on the "death sentence” pro vision but consideration of this controversial point was deferred probably until next week. An afternoon session of the con ferees was called with a view to speeding up agreement on less con troversial features of the bill. Funeral Set For Family of Four SHERMAN. Texas, Aug. 9. {JP— Funeral services were planned late Friday for Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Al len and their two daughters, Miss es Alma and Lovie, who were vic tims of an Automobile collision Just north of Italy. Texas, Thursday. The Rev. H. L. White prepared to preach the funeral sermon at the services at the First Baptist church. Burial was scheduled at the Akers chapel south of here. nas oeen nxea, out many or mose who know their congresses say its not far off. On the other hand, some are still predicting the session will last sev eral weeks. They point to a size able amount of legislation sttU awaiting action. Signs of the nostalgic fever have been in evidence for a week, how- j ever. The mercury has risen per- i ceptibly since the house passed the tax bill Monday. Parliamentary physicians say the | sure symptom of the fever is when the patient stops talking and goes to work. That's what he has been doing all this week. • F. D.’S RE-ELECTION IS PREDICTED WASHINGTON. Aug. 9. (JPt—Re- 1 election of President Roosevelt by "overwhelming" proportions de spite any present day ‘ slump” in the party's fortunes was predicted Friday by Rep. Drewry (D-Va>. Drewrv. who is chairman of the democratic congressional campaign committee, based his prediction on 50 per cent returns frcm a confidential Questionnaire sent the 319 democrats in the house. "Nine tenths of them report the : popularity of the president and ad ministration policies is standing up.” the veteran Virginia politician said. ‘‘And in certain rural areas Roose- | velt is even stronger than in 1932,” t he weht on. “Election of Charles Risk, a repub- ! lican. in Rhode Island is not Indica- j tive of any national trend away from the democratic persuasion.” TWO SHIPS BRING CARGO TO VALLEY, DOCK AT ISABEL (Special to Tbe Herald) PORT ISABEL, Aug. 9. — Two ships arrived here Friday morning, and were discharging cargo during the day They are the SS Fairport, return ing after taking the first cargo out of pert and the SS Jean. Bull *ine sitasner which called with pipe for the Valley pipeline company. The ships were piloted through the pass and channel by Pilot Joe A. Kelly, who is official pilot for the port. The Fairport brought 75 tons of fertilizer and lumber, and will take a cargo of com out. Three Workmen Die In Gravel Cave-In EORGER, Aug 9.—(>P)— Three workmen were killed Thursday ten miles west of here when a high gravel bank caved on them. They were V. P. Harp of Berger. Casper Jones of Sanford and Leo nard Nolan of Borger. The bodies were recovered after an hour and a half of labor by rescue workers. One man escaped from the trap by hanging onto a truck which was moving out of the gravel pit as the bank collapsed. Federal Judge Dies At Jacksonville, Fla. JACKSONVILLE. Fla.. Aug. 9 — Ut)—Funeral services for Judge Nathan P. Brvan. presiding Judge of the court of appeals of the fifth United States Judicial circuit, were arranged for 4 p. m. Friday at the home here. Judge Bryan, whose recent Ten nessee Valley Authority opinion gave the Roosevelt administration a great legal victory, died of a heart ei’ment at a hospital here Thurs day. He was 63 years old. Burglary Charged (8peeial to The Herald) EDINBURG. Aug. 9 —The Hidalgo county sheriff’s department Friday morning announced the arrest of Jose Garcia of San Juan on a charge of burglarizing Nettleton’s Cleaners at San Juan three weeks ago. About 50 suits of clothing and other items have been recovered, it wb* announced. Garcia's bond was set at $1.0 0 after a hearing before Justice of the Peace J. Loy Rams our Wire Flashes WASHINGTON—UPi— Contin uation of the 1 cent a pound loan to cotton growers in their 1935 crop was recommended to Pres ident Roosevelt Friday by Sena tor Bankhead (D-Ala). He pre dicted an early decision. TAMAUUPAS CHIEFS MEET I VICTORIA ] Action Is Expected In Attempt to Remove •Governor Villarreal And Others Interest In the Tamaulipas poli tical situation was heightened Fri day when it was learned that Mayor Raiael Munguia C.. mayor of Mata moros, left Thursday night for Vic toria at the call of Governor Rafael Villarreal. , It was learned in Matamoros that Villarreal has called a conference to be attended by the maority of muni cipal mayors in the state, most of whom are friendly to the Villarreal government. Matamorcs observers were inclin ed to believe that recent reports Villarreal will ask for a leave of ab sence are true. Under the procedure, the leave of absence would be grant ed the governor, and then the legis lature would select his successor. In that event, Villarreal would leave office without formally resigning, and he has declared from time to time that he will not sesign the gov ernorship. In the meantime, the opinion grew that, with Villarreal out of of fice, the recent agitation by agrar ians over the state for the removal of mayors friendly to the Villarreal government would not be renewed. It is the belief that in most Instances the uprisings against municipal gov ernments were directed against Villarreal with the idea of weaken ing his support by depriving him of favorable municipal governments. With Villarreal out. the miin pur pose would be accomplished and agitation against mayors may die down. JAPS COME TO ETHIOPIA AID — Lion of Judah Find* Arms Supply and Two Peoples Grow Friendly ADDIS ABABA. Aug. 9. UP)—Dabfi Birrou. former foreign office offi cial. left for Japan Friday accom-1 panted by an unidentified Japanese on a secret mission. It was reported without confirma tion that the mission had to do with the purchase of arms and ammuni tion from the Japanese. A reliable source said Birrou would establish the first Ethiopian con sulate in Japan, probably at Tokyo In connection with the arms and ammunition report. it was said Ethiopia would attempt to obtain credit for at least 50 per cent of the value of the order. The government Friday embarked on a campaign cf economic self-effi ciency for the empire along with its military preparations for the threat ened conflict with Italy. ■--v Here and There By Ganrin Elrod of Harlingen FISHING GOOD IN VALLEY, a a a It is an ESTABLISHED fact a a a That our VALLEY WATERS a a a Afford a CLASS of fishing a a a NOT EXCELLED in Texas; a a a SURPASSING many places a a a Highly ADVERTISED as being * * * A FISHERMAN'S PARADISE, a a a The different VARIETIES of a a a Our salt Sc fresh water a a a Pish and METHODS of fishing, a a a Are INVITING enough to a a a LURE sport*rr| n for Miles a a a Beyond the Valley BOUNlARY. a a a The annual FISHING RODEO a a a Has. and will CONTINUE a a a To ATTRACT sportsmen who a a a Enjoy the TRILL of success a a a In the ART of KNOWING HOW. —ADIOS Intensify Hunt for Utility Wizard The Senate lobby investigating committee would welcome noth* Jng more than the sudden entrance of the genial figure pictured here—Howard C Hopson president of the vast Associated Gas & Electric Companies which spent nearly S800 000 fighting the holding company bill Hopson Is pictured during the Senate atock market probe in October 1933 when his sudden appear* ance ended several week s bunt TORRID WAVE GRIPS TEXAS High Record* For Year Established At Several Points (By The Associated Press) No relief frctn the heat was In sight over Texas Friday, as the ther mometer continued to climb toward the high marks of Thursday, when ; records for the year were establish ed at Sherman, Pans, Tyler and Longview. No prostrations were repcrVd. Sherman and Paris reported read ings of 105. Longview of 1044 and Tyler of 104. The Tyler reading wrs the second highest on record there, the thermometer having gone to 1C5 ! last year. One hundred degrees were report ed by Dallas. Abilene. Austin. Pales tine. Port Arthur and San Antonio. Fort Worth was two degrees hotter, and Houston two degrees cooler. Del Rio reported 96. and Amarillo, Brownsville and El Paso were in the "comparatively cool" of 94. armyengTneers INSPECT VALLEY PORT PROJECT Brigadier General George B. Pills bury, assistant chief of U S. Army engineers, and Colonel Francis B. 8helby, division engineer from New Orleans, were on an inspection trip of the Valley Friday, looking over the flood control system. General Pillsbury and Colonel Shelby arrived at the Brownsville airport Thursday at noon and will leave at 5 p. m. Friday by plant on the return trip. They inspected the Brownsville and Port Isabel ports Thursday, and also spent some time at Fort Brown. It is expected that the visit of the army engineer official will have some bearing on pending decision of the board on application of the Brownsville and. Port Isabel ports for five foot additional depth on these projects __________• ‘Mutilation Murder’ Indictment Returned CHICAGO. Aug. 9.—(Pft—A true bili charging Mandeville W. Zenge. lanky Missouri carpenter, with mur dering his love rival. Dr. Walter J. Bauer, by a penknife mutilation was reported returned Friday by tlw grand jury. The reported action came after Prosecutor Charles 8. Dougherty presented witnesses to substantiate circumstantial evidence the state claims it has against Zenge. who through five days of questioning maintained he was Innocent of the cime. FUGITIVE SLAIN HOU8TON. Aug. 8. (yP>—A negro ccnvict was killed when three negro convicts made a break for freedom at Derrington Farm in Brazoria county, it was learned Thursday. J. D. Johnson. 25. serving 10 years from Harris county for burglary was killed by a shotgun charge fired by W. B. McKellars. guard WELL SPACING I INVALID Railroad Com m iitio n'» Order U Killed By Attorney General AUSTIN. Aug. 9. (JP>—'The attor ney general Friday ruled that an or der of the Texas Railroad Commis sion suspending exceptions to gen eral oil well spacing rules was In valid. The commission recently an nounced all applications for permits to drill under exceptions to the rules would be held in abeyance pending a supreme court decision. Suspension was ordered by the commission until the supreme court passed on a mctjsp for rehearing in a case involving validity of the rule. Archie D. Gray, assistant attor ney general who wrote the opinion, held a Judgment of a court dispos ing of issues is final although a motion for a new trial is made and is pending. “The judgment rendered by the supreme court in Brown against the Humble Oil and Refining company was a final Judgment from the date of its entry,” Gray stated. “The fact that a motion for a rehearing was filed and Is now pending does not disturb the finality of said judg ment." Gray said the cnly order the com mission could enter was one com plying with the decision of the su preme court, irrespective of any mo tion for rehearing. The opinion was asked by Railroad Commissioner Lon A. Smith who stated if the order was held invalid he would withdraw his name from It. All railroad commissioners were absent frcm the city. Commissioner Smith was reported to be in Dal las. Commisslcnei* C. V. Terrell In Fort Worth and Chairman Ernest O. Thompson on vacation. Strong representations have been made by the state board cf educa (Continued On Page Ten) --—-k THERMOMETERS OVER THE NATION i * Friday noon At Brownsville, 89 degrees Thursday com parison*. Brownsville 9 4, (ties high mark for season); Abilene 100; Amarillo 94; Austin 100; Chi cago 80; Corpus Christ! 90; Dal las 100; Del Rio 96; Denver 88; El Paso 94; Houston 98; Los Angeles 90; Mi ami 88; New Or leans 98; Okla homa City 103; BOY AND GIRL STEP OFF IN DEEPJRESACA Two Other Tot* Found Clinging To Weed* By Group Attracted By Scream* A double tragedy struck the C. C. Schubert family here Thursday aft ernoon when two of Its children, Cecil John, 9, and Marilyn Louise, «, were drowned in a resaca north of ,he golf course and two younger tots barely escaped death. The children drowned in 10 feet, of water when their cries for help fail ed to attract attention of passers by in time to save their lives. Had Girl On Back John, who was wading across the resaca with Louise on his back, ap parently stepped off a ledge into deep water caused by recent dredg ing. None of the children could swim and had been warned repeatedly against wading In deep water, ac cording to members of the family. They were playing along the re saca where John was fishing about two blocks from the Schubert resi dence when the tragedy occurred at 4 p. m. According to the younger children. Verabelle, 4, and Iola May. 2. they were following behind John In the resaca when he suddenly disappear ed from sight about 15 feet from the bank. John and Louise came to the top struggling and crying for help, and the younger tots also began screaming. The tots were in water about two feet deep ellnging to weeds when help arrived and the other two had disappeared. People living nearby finally were attracted by .the youngsters’ cries, and took Verabelle and Tola May from the water. They gathered from their Incoherent stories that the other two children had drowned. Diver frets Bodies Mrs. Schubert was called and at her request a diver went Into the deep water and recovered thq, bodies almost immediately. Firemen under Chief T. P. Sarran used a pullrnotor for almost an hour but were unabte to revive them. The rfesaca where the tragedy oc curred is located about two blocks from the highway a short distance north of the golf course. Funeral services for the children will be held at the Darling Funersl Home at 5 p. m. Friday with Rev. O. C. Crow In charge. Interment will be in the Buena Vista Burial Park.. Pall bearers are Kenneth . errige, Tom Ward. Paul Sellings, Richard Stramma. Louis Needham and Wil liam Earle. The Schubert family Is well known here, having lived in Brownsville for (Continued on Page Ten.) San Benito Accepts CP&L Rate Slashes (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO. Aug. 9— The new schedule of rates for larger cities of the Valley being submitted by the Central Power and Light Co., was accepted by the city commission of San Benito this week. Company offices submitted the schedule which had been previously approved by Harlingen. Raymond ville and a number of other towns. Wreck Is Fatal BASTROP. La., Aug. 9 OF)—E. L. Nelson, 20. of Paris. Texas, was fatally injured early Friday at Ward’s ferry over Bayou Bartholo mew in Morehouse parish when an automobile in which he was riding with Louis Williams, 20. also of which caused his death in a Bastrop Paris, struck a bridge railing. Nelson sustained a fractured skull TONIGHT’S MOVIES OVER THE VALLEY Brownsville: The Capitol—Dick Powell and Joan Blondeil In “Broadway Gon dolier" The Queen—Kermlt Maynard In "Wilderness Mall" The Dittmann— Nell Hamilton In “Fugitive Lady.” San Benito: The Rlvoll—William Powell and Lulse Rainier in “Escapade.* Harlingen: The Arcadia—Spencer Tracy and Virginia Bruce In “Murder Man." The Rialto—George O'Brien In “Hard Rock Harrlgan." La Ferla: The Bijou—Sally Ellers and Ray Mllland In "Allas Mary Dow." Raymondvllle: The Ramon—Alloa Brady and Douglass Montgomery In "Lady Tubbs." Donna: The Plaza—Boris Karloff in "The Raven." San Juan: The San Juan—Patricia Ellis and Buster Crabbe in "Hold ’Em Tale." Mercedes: The Capitol—Shirley Tem ple. John Boles, and Rochelle Hudson m- "Curly Top." Weslaco: The Ritz—Grace Moors to "Love Me Forever." McAllen: The Palace—William Powell and Lulse Ranter In "Escapade " The Queen—Buck Jones to "Silent Valley." Mission The Mission—Boris Karloff to "The Raven "_ Home^Delivered Circulation of The Brownsville Herald Is More Than Double That of Any Other Valley Newspaper