OCR Interpretation

Brownsville herald. [volume] (Brownsville, Tex.) 1910-current, August 11, 1935, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063730/1935-08-11/ed-1/seq-10/

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F. D.’s 'Soak Rich’!
Plan Changed To
'Soak Poor’ Idea
By Senators

Going far beyond President Roose
velt’s tax program, the senate fin
ance committee decided Saturday
to boost taxes on the small Income
tux payer by lowering existing
exemptions and to raise surtaxes In
toe lower brackets.
Hie committee officially an
nounced it also had abandoned the
house inheritance levies in favor of
Increases in existing estates taxes—
a) the changes estimated to boost
the total revenue by more than
$400,000,000 instead of $250,000,000
upward In the house measure.
Hits ‘Little Fellow’
The new surtax schedule, along
with lowering exemptions for small
taxpay< r\ was proposed by Sena
te* ijaFollette (Prog-Wls.)
It would reduce present exemp
tions for married men from $2,500
to $2,000 and for single men from
$1,030 to $800.
It also would start existing sur
taxes at $3,000 net incomes instead
of $4,000 at present and raise the
rates from a range of 4 to 59 per
cent to a scale of 4 to 75 percent,
the last to apply to net incomes
over $5,000,000.
An estimated $220,003,000 in add
ed revenue from the new income
and surtaxes was announced in lieu
of $45,000,000 under the house sur
tax schedule which applies increases
crlv on incomes over $50,000
The new estate levies would begin
at 2 per cent on net estates up to $10
000 and run up .to 70 per cent of es
tates over $50,000,000. There would be
a $40,000 exemption instead of the
present $50,000.
Existing estate taxes are based
upon two schedules—one under the |
1926 law running from 1 to 2 per
cent and another under the 1934 law
running from 1 to 60 per cent, with a
credit allowed of 80 per cent where
a state estate levy is paid.
Chairman Harrison, in lifting a
pubiliety ban placed on committee
changes, said he did not think the
bill “carries out the president’s sug
rtions, but I think it is a gesture
that direction."
Demo to Fight Change
He said administration forces
would fight for changes on the floor
to make the bill more clcsely con
form with the president's mess
Conservatives on the committee,
led by Senators Gerry <D-RI) and
others, were victorious in knocking
out the inheritance taxes which the
house adopted at the president’s
Harrison said the inheritance lev
ies. which bore the brunt of opposi
tion from organized business and
others, presented the “most delicate
question'’ fcr the committee to solve.
Bale Tags Ready
AUSTIN. Aug. 10. I/P)—Frank
Schofield, collector of internal rev
enue. said bale tags, lien cards and
other supplies would be furnished
cotton ginners In the southern dis
trict on receipt of affidavits under
the agreement reached in federal
•curt at Houston Thursday.
The birthrate in the United States
has been declining on an average of
75,000 annually in the past five years.
Cheese consumption in this coun
try is approximately 4 39 pounds per
capita each year.
Special Sunday Dinner
— 50c —
Fried Chicken. Country Style, or
Sirloin Steak with Soup, Mush
rooms. Cauliflower and Cream.
Green Peas. Aaocada Salad, all
Trimming* and Drinks
All Day Long
Phone 983 811 12th
■MM——. —. I
Kay & Ginger
Military and Eccentric Tap*
Acrobatic Dance
“Rabbit” Reed
Master of Ceremonies
Toto Rodriguez and His
Matamoros Cafe
We Cater to Particular
Geo. E. Leonard, Mfr.
Mrs. Emma Leonard, Prop.
New York
Stocks firm, leaders push into
new high ground.
Bends steady, rails again ad
Curb higher, specialties exhibit
Foreign exchanges quiet, gold
currencies narrow.
Cotton quiet, higher cables, trade *
and spot house buying.
Sugar—Coffee closed.
Wheat lower, sympathy with
Com weak, heg cholera outbreak.
Cattle 2S-50c; improved for week.
Hogs nomlnaly steady, top 12.00
Sales In 100s High Low Close
Am Can 9 144 4 143 1434
Am Stl Fdrs 14 174 174 174
Am TT 41 1354 135 135%
Am Tob 8 98 97% 98
Anaconda 117 17% 17 17%
Atch T SF 23 53% 52% 53
Baldwin Loc 60 2% 24 24
Bendix Avia 84 194 194 19%
Chrysler 191 62% 614 62
Con Oil 22 84 8% 84
DuPont 21 11 104 11
Gen Asphalt 13 20 294 20
G«* Elec 134 30% 304 30%
Gen Food 17 37 36% 36%
Gen Mot 225 454 444 45%
Goodyear 116 214 204 214
111 Cent 29 15% 144 15
Insp Cop 1 3% 3% 3%
Int Harvest 15 53% 524 53 *
Int TT 349 12 114 12
John Manv 11 64% 634 64
Kennecott 33 21 20% 204
Penney 16 80 79 % 794
Radio 101 6% 64 6%
Sears 34 59 % 584 584
Socony 68 11% U% 11%
Sou Pac 80 20% 194 204
Std Brand 85 14% 144 14%
SO NJ 8 474 464 47
Studebaker 29 4 34 34
Tex Corp ' 36 204 20 20
Tex Gulf 11 344 344 344
US Indus Al 44 44 424 434
US Stl 192 44 % 434 444
Warner Pic 34 4% 4% 4%
West El M 39 664 66% 66%
Woolworth 18 63 62 4 6*%
Cities Service 93 24 2 24
Elec B & S 436 174 164 174
Ford Mot Ltd 5 94 9 94
Gull Oil 8 64 63 63
Mid West 28 3-16 3-16 3-16
Un Gas 146 34 34 34
NEW YORK. Aug. 10.—<JP)— Nu
merous new highs for the year or
longer were registered in Saturday's
brief stock market session despite
the usual week-end profit taking.
While gains generally ranged from
fractions to a point or so, the trad
ing volume was around the largest
for a Saturday in a number of
months. The close was firm. Trans
fers approximated 1.390.000 shares.
The news, from the market stand
point, was a little mixed, but the
appetite of most traders and in
vestors for leading equities still
sremed unappeased and overnight
buying orders piled up in the com
mission houses.
The “blue chip” favorites contin
ued to attract followings, although
a number of low-priced stocks came
to life. Brokers said public interest
was increasing with the south and
southwest contributing substantial
ly to the demand.
A Jump In wheat prices at Chi
cago.* following the government’s
crop estimate, brightened the pic
ture. Cotton improved moderately.
Kail bonds gave another lift to the
loans department. Foreign exchanges
wtre quiet.
Among the new 1935 top records
were American Telephone. Western
Union, Consolidated Gas, U. S.
Steel. General Motors, Chrysler,
North American and N. Y. Central.
Other active gainers Included Beth
lehem, Youngstown Sheet & Tube,
Auburn, Public Service of New
Jersey. Standard Gas. U S. Indus
trial Alcohol. American Commercial
Alcohol, Delaware & Hudson. New
Haven preferred and Phillips Pet
roleum. Most of the oils were only
sightly better and the metals
merely marked time.
CHICAGO, Aug. 10. M»j—Closing
grain table:
Open High Low Close
Sep 91-92 92 4 894 894-4
Dec 934-94 944 91*» 914-4
May 95-95 4 954 824 924
Sep 784-4 764 75 75-754
Dec 604-4 604 584 584-4
May 614 614 594 594
Sep 304 304 29 29
Dec 324-4 324 31 31
May '344-4 344 334 334
Sep 444 444 424 424-43
Dec « 474 454 454
May 50 504 49 49
Sep • *•• .... 424
Dec .... . 424
Compiled by the Associated Press,
Aug. 10.—
30Ind 15Rr 15Utl 60St
Net chg..A3 A3 A3 A.4
Saturday .. x65 4 25.7 X37 8 X48.6
Prev day .. .. 653 25.5 36 9 48.2
Month ago .... 623 24.3 32.7 45.4
Year ago. 48 0 23.9 273 37.0
1935 high .... 65 4 27.6 37.8 48.6
1935 low. 49 5 185 21.6 34 8
1934 high .... 61.4 43.0 40 6 51 4
1934 low. 453 22.8 243 34.9
x—New 1935 high.
Movement of recent years.
1932 low. 175 8.7 239 163
1929 high .... 1463 153.9 1843 157.7
1927 low . 51.6 95 3 61.8 61.8
Compiled by the Associated Press
Aug. 10.— •
20Rr lOInd LOUtl lOPr
Net chg. A.l A3 D lUnch
Saturday .... 823 983 97.7 68 7
Prev. day .... 82.1 98 7 973 68.7
Month ago .... 81.1 98.1 963 693
Year ago .... 80.8 875 83.7 645
1935 high .... 87.8 99.1 97 8 70.4
1935 low . 76.4 923 845 655
1934 high .... 89.4 929 889 70.0
1934 low . 745 73.7 683 603
1932 low. 45.8 40.0 649 423
10 low-yield bonds.
Saturday 109.8; previous day 1095;
month ago 1105; year ago 105.4;
1935 high 110.7; 1935 low 1079; 1934
high 1085; 1934 low 99.1; 1928 high
104.4; 1932 low 86.8.
NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 10. UP)—'The
cotton market was back in the dull,
uninspiring trading rut that char
acterized pre-bureau sessions Sat
urday and at the finish price
changes were but nominal.
The advance was short-lived and
active months began to slip off from
early highs to finish 2 to 4 points
higher. October at 11.19, Decem
ber at 11.05, January at 11.02 and
March at 11.97. all showed little
change from Friday’s final prices.
The trade was heartened Satur
day by the overnight announcement
from Washington that a more def
inite statement on the government’s
loan policy might be imminent.
Trade statistics offered little to
work on Saturday. The weather was
about the same as earlief in the week,
hot rfnd dry in most localities.
Port receipts 8.297; week 8,297; sea
son 82.166; last season 77,719. Ex
ports 100; week 100; season 54.209;
last season 103.657. Stocks at ports
1.085.471. Stocks on shipboard at
New Orleans. Galveston and Hous
ton were 23.425: last year 44,383. Spot
sales at southern markets were 3,666;
last year 6,460.
NEW YORK. Aug. 10. </P)— An
opening advance in cotton in re
sponse to relatively steady Liverpool
cables was checked by scattered
selling Saturday but the market
closed steady at net gains of 1 to
7 points.
Offerings were very light at the
start while there was some trade
buying in near months and a little
scattering demand encouraged by
the showing of Liverpool. This was
.supplied on advances of 3 to 8 points
and after selling at 1L26 October
reacted to 11.21.
The amount of cotton on ship
board awaiting clearance at the
end of the week was estimated at
24,000 bales against 49.000 last year.
FORT WORTH. Aug. 10.—(JPh
Derrand was excellent for wheat at
Fort Worth Saturday but rather
slow for other light offerings. Esti
mated receipts Saturday were:
wheat 70 cars, own 2. oats 15. bar
ley 1 and sorghums 2. Cars inspect
ed Friday were: wheat 51 cars, com
2. oats 14. barley 1 and sorghums 2.
Delivered Texas gulf ports, do
mestic rate: wheat. No. 2 xxx, wheat
No. 1 red winter 1.12H-13H.
Delivered Texas gulf ports, ex
port rate, or Texas commop points:
wheat No. 1 hard, according to pro
tein and billing, 1.14%-24H. Bar
ley No. 2 Nom. 52-54; sorghums No.
2 milo per 100 lbs Nom. 1.05-15; No.
2 white kaffir Nom. 1.00-10.
Delivered Texas oommon points
or group three: com (shelled) No.
2 white, Texas billing 92-94; No. 2
yellow. Texas billing. Nom. 96-98.
Oats No. 2 red 37H-39V>.
CHICAGO, Aug. 10.—i/P<—Tum
b’es of around 2 cents a bushel In
com prices Saturday led to late all
around weakening of grain markets.
Reports of an outbreak of hog
cholera gave rise to fears of acute
l#isening of feeding demand for
com. The cholera was said to
threaten especially the radically
depleted new pig crop.
Com and wheat both closed un
steady at virtually the day’s lowest
level, each 1 cent to 17» under
Friday’s finish, com Sept. 75-7514,
wheat Sept. 89*»-12, oats T*-H4 off.
and provisions unchanged to 15 cents
Ootton futures closed steady at net
eovances of 2 to 4 points.
Open High Low Close
Oct . 1152 11.22 11.17 11.19
Dec . 1108 11.08 11.02 11.06
Jan . 11.04 11.04 11.02 11.02
Mch . 1088 10.99 1094 1087
May 10.97 10.98 1096 1086
Jly . . 1080 10.93 10 89 1083
PORT WORTH. Aug. 10. —<JP>—
(U. S. D. of A.)—Hogs 450. Including
280 direct; truck hogs steady to
strong 590. 11.40 paid by packers;
no rail hogs offered: bulk better
grades 175-280 lb averages 11.30-40
Cattle 600; calves 300; market
nominally steady Saturday. Por
week: slaughter steers and year
lings strong to 25 higher, she stock
mostly steady, bulls 10-15 higher;
calves strong to £5 higher; best fat
steers 8.00; yearlings 8 25; bulk
short fed kings 7.00-8.00 grassers
450-6.50; good cows 450-85; butch
er cows 350-455.
Sheep 400. including 250 on
through billing; Saturday's trade
nominal; for week; all classes
steady; fat lambs mostly 655-755;
few good lambs up to 750; fat year
lings 450-5.00 feeder yearlings 4.00
NEW YORK. Aug. 10— Cot
ton futures closed steady, 1-7 high
Open High Low Last
Oct 11.25 1126 1151 11.22
Dec 11.11 11.11 11.06 11.09
Jan 1106 11.06 11.01 11.Q5N
Mch 11.02 11.02 1055 10.99
May 11.00 11.01 10.96 1059
Jly 10.93 1087 1082 1087
Spot steady; middling 11.60.
2,260 Cotton Bales
Ginned At San Benito
SAN BENITO. Aug. 10 —San Ben
ito ginnings were reported at 2560
bales Saturday evening. This total
was made up as follows: Landrum
560. Woe lam 380, Farmer’s 400.
Craig 470. San Benito 360.
The Landrum gin at the river re
ported 260 bales not included in the
city totals.
Robert Allen. Grace Moore and Michel Bartlett in "Love Me Forever*
showing Friday and Saturday at the Capitol Theatre, Brownsville.
Army'* Equipment Declared
Too Antiquated To
Ride Men
BUFFALO. N. Y.. Aug. 10. UP)—
For the first time in the history of
the American army, a regiment of
soldiers will go to field maneuvers
jn taxicabs when the 106th Field
Artillery leaves Buffalo for Pine
Camp, near Watertown, next Sat
To transport the 700 men of the
regiment, 133 taxes will line up at
the armory at 6 a. m., each with a
civilian driver ready for the 225
mile ride.
Colonel Douglas P. Walker, com
mander, explained Uncle Sam
wasn't pampering his outfit but the
106th’s own motor equipment was
so antiquated it was doubtful if
the trucks would hold together
lorn* enough to complete the jour
The procession will occupy four
miles of highway space so the
caravan will be split into sections
and hold to a 35-mile-an-hour pace.
After measuring a standard taxi
cab, Colonel Walker said he had
concluded five men and their
equipment could be put in each cab
although they may be crowded a
bit. But mast of the men have
indicated a willingness to suffer in
exchange for a little style.
Negro Attempts To
Attack Texas Girl
LOCKHART, Aug, 10. (/Ph-Miss
Edna Key, local manager for the
Western Union Telegraph company,
was attacked Friday night by a
She had returned home after tak
ing a friend home wiien she met a
negro man in the hall. He struck at
her with a knife, cutting a finger
badly and Inflicting a scalp wound.
She ran from the house, and gave
the alarm.
A posse was formed, and a negn ’
youth brought down with a birdshot
when he refused to halt, but he es
tablished an alibi.
Oysters are rich in iron and cop
per and provide a valuable aid in
preventing anemia.
At The
Just South of
Under New Management
and His Band
“The South’s Hottest
Playing Each Night
Thoroughly Renovated
Moderate Prices in
Cover Charge . 25c
On Saturday . 40c
New Dance Floor
In The Patio
Chicken and Steak
F. Douglass, Mgr.
Showing Sunday at the Valley’s Leading Independent Theatres
Robert Taylor
Jean "Parker
A brilliant cast, sparkling dialogue
and a remarkable story go to make
up Fox Film’s latest production,
“Orchids to You,” a powerful and
unusual drama with a theme com
pletely out of the beaten track, which
plays today at the Plaza. Donna.
“Orchids to You” is absorbing in
its universal appeal—nothing high
brow, nothing psychological—Just an
honest, human document that grip
ped every spectator in last night's
audience; yet it is lightened with
plenty of natural comedy.
The first film to glorify the Am
erican florist, “Orchids to You,1*
deals with the financial and ro
mantic troubles of a pretty florist,
who, after building up a highly suc
cessful business of her own. finds
herself in difficulties when her pro
fessional ethics prevents her from
revealing the identity of a customer
The working out of the plot leads
to a romance of a distinctive kind,
as charming as it is unique, and
certain to add vastly to the follow
ing of the principal players.
John Boles, who has the leading
role, proves himself the most pop
ular singing star of the screen to
day, by his grand performance. Jean
Muir, distinctively fresh and charm
ing. turns in the finest performance
of her career; while Charles But
terworth’s inimitable comedy por
trayal furnishes most of the laughs
in the picture and is perfectly suited
to the part he plays.
William Powell is co-starred with
a new leading lady, Louise Rainer.
In the screen's romantic drama.
“Escapade,1* showing Sunday and,
Terror rules the campus! Paramount’s newest mystery film. “Col
lege Scandal,” which comes Wednesday and Thursday to the Capitol
Theatre, Injects a thrilling murder mystery into the gayety of college
activities. In the cast are Edward Nugent, Arline Judge, Kent Taylor
and Wendy Barrie.
William Powell and Virginia Bruce co-starred in “Escapade.” featured
screen attraction at the Arcadia Theatre in Harlingen, Sunday and
Monday at the Arcadia Theatre in
Laid In pre-war Vienna, "Esca
pade” is a richly produced picture
that tells about love among the ar
tists and socialites. Powell is cast
as a Viennese artist who makes all
women fall in love with him until he
is stricken with the undeniable
charms of a simple lass. Miss Rainer,
whom he has duped into posing for
him so that his real model, a mar
ried woman, may remain unknown.
Complications, such as Powell’s
getting shot by a Jealous woman and
then being saved by a medical ac
quaintance. sustain the interest in
this romantic hit until live unites
the artist and his model.
The featured supporting cast to
the co-stars in "Escapade,” include
Virginia Bruce. Mady Christians.
Reginald Owen. Prank Morgan,
Laura Hope Crews, and Henry Trav
Added short features on the Ar
llim Elizabeth Phone 391 I
Equipment... for
Heavy Machinery
A Valley Institution
Mala Of non
Phone S Phone 787
714 Fronton
Mil W. Jack i
cadla current program Include a
Betty Boop cartoon. “A Language all
My Own." Isham Jones and his or
chestra in "Follow the Leader." and
a Paramount News Reel.
Half of the 32 presidents of this
country were soldiers during their
careers; Washington, Monroe, Jack
son, W. H. Harrison, Tyler, Taylor.
Buchanan, Lincoln. Pierce. Grant,
Hayes. Garfield. Arthur, B. Harri
son. McKinley, and T. Roosevelt.
Crime Detection Piet
Star* Spencer Tracy,
Virginia Bruce
Spencer Tracy presents a dramatta
screen revelation in "The Murder
Man,” showing Sunday and Monday
at the Rivoll Theatre in San Benito.
With him appears Virginia Bruce,
whose loveliness Is almost overlook
ed in the emotional depth of her per
The stars share honors in a swift,
dramatic story of the “behind the
scenes" adventures of newspapermen
in New York. In many ways the tale
Is unique, for it rips aside the veil
of secrecy which surrounds metro
politan newsrooms when a “big |
story" is breaking, and bares the
methods by which reporters not only
keep up with the police, but fre
quently oetsrlp them In the race for
new developments.
Woven into the unusual drama la a
romance as tender as It is unusual.
Tracy is the star reporter, called
“The Murder Man" because of hla \
success in solving crimes of violence. <
Miss Bruce is the newspaper’s “sob- J
sister" who can give advice to tha \
lovelorn in her columns, but can ,
not control her own heart.
Between them them grows a
strong affection that culminates ,
when Tracy places himself In jeo
pardy to assist the police in solving
a sensational murder case.
WTlh the stars is a strong cast.
Lionel Atwtil. Harvey Stephens and
Robert Barrat in particular distin
guish themselves.
Navy Mothers To Be >. I
Hosts to Naval Club |
HARLINGEN. Aug. 10—The Navy
Mothers of America. Valley chapter,
will entertain members of the Rio
Grande Valley Navy Club with a
dinner at the Reese-Wil-Mond hotel
Wednesday night. Aug. 21.
Manager A. L. Brooks of the cham
ber of commerce will extend the wel
come and W. H. O. Slaymaker of
Brownsville will make the response
on behalf of navy club members to
whom invitations went out this
The navy mothers organization ia
made up of mothers and sifters**'
enlisted men and the navy cluflB>
composed of naval reserve offlePb
and others interested in the navy.
Independent Home Owned VbMtr* j
Every Night is a Big Night
Cool Gulf freezes
Are Invigorating at
Cottages can be rented by the day, week,
month or week-end. Special low rates
for mid-week sojourns at Del Mar.
Spend a Day; Week or Week-End
For Your Health’s Sake Come to Del Mar |
T-T f y I1 I ■ .1 . . I" i ... 1 I ■■■ , "llll"T
National Bank |
| Brownsville, Texas If
i in ii 11 in n 11 ii i

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