——————■———iiw ■■■■«
Mrs. Safer /s
C/ui Hostess
In Rio Grande
(Special to The Herald)
Las Palmas Bridge club met Tues
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
A. R. Baker. Mrs. A. Y. Baker of
Ban Antonio was an out of club
• • •
Mrs. Bernard Martin was hostess
to the Sewing club Friday afternoon.
Ouests of the club for the afternoon
were Mrs. Don McAda and Mrs.
A. Y. Baker.
• • •
The W. M. U. of the Baptist
church met Monday aJ/?moon at
the home of Mrs. Ernest Kelley
where Mrs. Lee Cartwright led the
Royal Service program assisted by
Reverend Ernest Kelley. Mrs. Mays.
Mrs. I. L. Patton. Mrs. Howard Bass
and Mrs J. H. May.
• • •
Mrs. Bernard Martin honored her
daughter, TilUe, on her birthday.
Monday, with a swimming party at
Cascade Pool In McAllen, after
which a picnic supper was served
to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Shuford,
Doris. John and Happy Shuford.
Bernice Martin. Shirley and Barbara
nuntre&s, Austin Roberts, and Lu
ther Hlse of Falfurrlas.
• • •
Miss Delia Hinojosa was hostess
to the L. H. F. club at its regular
meeting Monday night at her home.
Miss Isabelle Vaello of Benavides
was a guest.
• • •
Mtiw Elsie Margo entertained with
a weiner roast Tuesday afternoon
at "El Arroyo” honoring her house
guest, Miss Isabelle Vaello of Bena
vides. Quests Included Mrs. 8ofia
Lacaxe and Misses Dora Salihas.
*>eah Solis. Tana Madrigal. Estela
Hinojosa, Lydia 8anchez. Isabel
Ouerra, Talde Robert. Marie Elena
Lecase, and Lydia Hinojosa.
• • •
Reverend and Mrs. Ernest Kelley
announce the marriage of their
daughter, Miss Ernestine Kelley, to
Mr Dan Shuford which took place
Sunday afternoon at the home of the
bride s parents with Reverend Kel
ley performing' the ceremony. Only
members of the Immediate family
were present. The bride was attired
In an orchid ensemble with white
accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Shu
ford will reside in this city.
• • •
The Book Review Club entertain
ed Thursday morning with a de
lightful breakfast- luncheon at the
home of Mrs. Florence J. Scott after
which Impromptu reviews were given
by each of the members. Hostesses
for the occasion were Mrs. Scott,
Mrs. Terry Homaday. Mrs. Howard
Staggs. Mrs. C. J. Martin, and Misses
Shirley and Robin Brooks. Quests
were Mrs. Mudge and Mrs. William
Jennings of Fort Ringgold, Mrs J.
T. Hightower. Mrs. J. W. Rutledge.
Mrs. Alfred Leal, and Mrs. Joe
• • •
Mrs. Y. Sanchez. Jr„ her house
guests. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gallo
way of Pleasanton. Mrs. Arnold Vale,
Mrs. J. J. Guerra, and Richard 8mtth
motored to Mier. Mexico, Thursday
Luther Hite of Falfurrias is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Shu
ford and Mr. end Mrs. W. W. 8hu
Mrs. Don McAda has left for Gld
dings where she will be the guest of
nrr parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
and attend the wedding of
her sister, Miss Frances Black to
Jack Haselwood. which will take
place Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. B C King and Mr
and Mrs. F. O. Chatfield spent the
weekend In Kingsville where they
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Deason and Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins.
Mrs D. T. Whltton has returned
from a two weeks’ ’isit with her pe
rmits. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Hoff of
St. Paul, Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hornaday
•pent the past weekend in ban An
tonio the guests of Mrs. Homaday’s
mother. Mrs. W. T. Mitchell, and
were accompanied on their return
by Terry, Jr., who had been the guest
of Mrs. Mltchel for an extended vis
Lavaughn Brouch of McAllen has
arrived to be the guest of Miss Dor
othy Stone for the next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stone and chUd
rrn, and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stone
and Imogene 8tone motored to San
Antonio Saturday where Mr. and
Mrs A. E. Stone and Imogene took
the train for their home In Oluf
tae Oklahoma, after an extended
visit here with Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Stone _ .
Mrs. J. S. Staggs of Miranda arriv
ed Tuesday to be the guest for a few
days of her son, Howard Staggs, and
Mrs. Staggs. . _
Mr. and Mrs. Blsmark Pope of
Laredo spent the past week-end here
visiting friends.
Miss Isabel Vaello of Benavides
has arrived to be the guest of Miss
Elsie Margo for a week.
Mrs. Bernard Martin. Mrs. B. C.
King, and Misses Bernice and Til
Ba Martin, left Wednesday to visit
relatives in Crystal City and C»r
riio Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Leal returned
Mondav after visiting Dr. and Mrs.
Alfred Low no in Harlingen, and Dr.
and Mrs Charles Galderonl in
Mrs. J. W. Rutledge and Mrs. J. J.
Guerra motored to Laredo Tuesday.
Mrs. Ernest Keller, Mrs J. W
Wolters, and Mrs. J. H. May motor -
Ied to Harlingen Wednesday to at
•md a oonferenee of W. M. D.
A party Including Mrs J. Lacase.
Mrs. Sofia R» d» Laeeze. Misses
tffcyde Rbbcrt, Merle P ena Lacaze
1 pcama and Leah Solis motored to
fw»i Mar Wednesday.
Mrs. A. T. Baker of San Antonio
arrived Sunday to be the guest for
£ few deys Of Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
lake and Mr. and Mrs. A. R Ba
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Baker were in
Edinburg Monday on business
Mrs. H. C. Baker returned Satur
day from a trip to Kerrville and
Mrs. J. T. Hightower. Mrs. Alton
Beadle, Mrs. D. T. Whltton. and
Mrs Don Clancy motored to McAl
len Wednesday where they were
■ridge guests of Mrs. R L. Marston
Joe Koegler. district deputy of the
K. C, accompanied by V alien tine
psart were in town for K. C. work
. VaiMBy*
Hk. and Mrs. J. L. GsUogay of
fie—an ton arrived Tuesday to be
tfee guests for several days of their
gMghter, Mrs. Y Sanches, Jr., and
Kathleen Burke, one of Poromount's most
populor pioyers, wos literally thrown into motion
picture stordom by being selected, ofter o nation
wide search, for the part of the 'Tiger Wotnon" in
'The Isle of Lost Souls," starring Chorles Lough
ton in the principal role. Her strange, distinctive
ond stortling type of beauty is something new,
even in motion pictures, ond this, with her ability,
has mode Miss Burke a star of the first magni
tude. She will next be seen in "The Lost Outpost"
ond is shown here with a selection of frocks from
the picture ond her own personol wardrobe
1. This tailored outfit of striped sports silk is
ideol for worm summer doys. Note the four patch
pockets and lapel collar.
2. Suede leather sports costumes ore pre
scribed by Hollywood and here \$ shown o jocket
of hunter's green suede which con be worn with
almost ony sports ensemble.
3 Bold stripes of white on a background of
delphinium blue—that is the color scheme of this
cotton piaue evening gown. The high waistline is
smort ond the lock of detail is quite correct in the
presence of such a daring plaid.
4. For midsummer, this pink dotted Swiss gar
den frock ranks high in popularity The simplest
line, with subtle detail supplied by double ruffing,
is the chief charm of the frock.
5. A dotted Swiss muslin for evening ond dinner
hours The ruffles and sash ore hemmed in blue
6 This lovely dressing robe of soft, white
French flannel is of irresistible style appeal. Its
strictly toilored lines give it genuine individuality.
7. Voris of Hollywood, is the designer of this
exclusive sportr creotion for the personol word
robe of Miss Burke. It is of green suede leather
ond is sewed with leather thongs The chic little
vest is of the some material and. with the beret
ond.jocket the outfit presents on ensemble of un
usual fashion importance.
•npfrrkfM. »#3$. El Pa*o Time* Featar* Syndicate
News, Notes
Of Mission
<8pacial to The Herald)
MISSION, Aug 10— Mr. and Mrs
Andrew McCurdy returned the first
of the week from a vacation spent
In the west, him Mary Sue re
mained to spend a few weeks with I
her aunt, Mrs. Jessie Shinn in
Mrs Neil O’Sullivan Is here from
Oklahoma for a visit with her sis
ter. Mrs. Ivan Mayberry and family.
Miss Dorothy Ferrell has gone to
her home In San Antonio, after a
visit here with Mr. and Mrs. J
D. Ferrell.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Marcus and
daughter, Dorothy, are here for a
visit Mr. Marcus was mayor of
Mission for several years.
Herndon Scott of Bio Grande
City has been spending several days
In Mission.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ray have
returned from a visit of several
days in Mexico City.
A son, John Quincy Young, was
born to Dr. and Mrs. Olin Young
this week.
Miss Mary Bea Tiller has been
chosen as the new secretary at the
Gas Company office.
Dr. W. T. Gibbs returned the,
first of the week from Fort Sami
Houston at San Antonio, where be I
has been training with the reserves.
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of
Lexington, Ky., returned to their
home Monday after an extended
visit with Mrs. Smith’s mother,
Mrs. H. C. Dawson, and a trip to
Mexico City.
Mrs. A. C. McHenry and Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Burgoon returned
Monday from San Antonio after a
week’s visit there.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Sheeler re
turned Sunday from a vacation trip
to Corpus Christl, Houston and
Madisonville. They were accompan
ied home by their son, Edward, who
had been on an extended visit in
Mrs. Henry McShane returned
from the Edinburg hospital Mon
day and is reported much improv
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Herbert
spent Sunday visiting friends in
J. W. Edwards of Meade, Kans.,
left for his home Wednesday after
a vacation which ha spent hero
looking after property and visit
ing the oil fields.
Judge J. Q Henry returned Satur- ,
day from San Antonio where he:
spent his vacation.
Miss Zeda Dorsett returned Sat
urday from a short visit with
friends In Kingsville.
George Brooks left Monday for
an extended trip through the north- j
east. He will visit relatives in Illi-;
nois while away.
Mr. and Mrs. BUI Jett of Victoria i
were bulsness visitors here Tuesday, j
Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Howard azd
daughters, and son- Helen, MeibJ
and Jimmie, arrived Thursday f
be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. HsQB
C. Groom. The visitors are froV
Wichita, Kansas, where Rev. H/l
Howard Is pastor of the lira
Christian church. He waa formcrq
pastor of the«Central Chrtstlai
church here.
.—o .
A sparrow flaps tt wlafi aearii
800 times a minute.