ICATS DEFEAT [ BUFFS TWICE Horsecollars Hard Wy Sluggers; Indians Missions Split (By The ^MOCiAted Prats) Given more pitching performance# like that furnished by Lee Grissom Monday night, the Port Worth Pan hers would soon leave their seventh >]Ace position in the Texas League icramble. Grissom shut out Houston twice, -0 and 3-0, going the full route In »th games. Besides his Iron-man stunt, the hurler whiffed 17 men,' ieven In the first game and ten In he nightcap. Nelson Potter, Buff pitcher, lost a leart-breaker to Grissom in the ►pener. He held the Cats to two lits, but an error let the sole run it the game slip in. Grissom was ouched for eight hits but kept them veil scattered. In the final game Grissom’s hurl ng grew better as the night went in, and the Houston nine could not only get to him for four bingles. Sims Ditched excellent ball for the Puffs but cold net match Grissom's erfermance. In the other games. Oklahoma City's league-leading Indians split a pair with San Antonio, losing the first game, an 11-inning affair. 4-3. and taking a six-inning nightcap 3*2; A1 Baker gave the Galveston Pirates three hits to lead the Dallas Steers to victory, 6-1. anr Tulsa beat the Beaumont Exporters In a free-hit ting bee. 12-3. In the opening game a San An tonio. Harshany of the Missions and Bancroft of the Indians picked up three hits apiece, with Harshany getting a homer to top off his collec tion. The second game, called at the end of the sixth to permit the Braves tc catch a train, was featured by the pitching of Mills of San Antonio and Murray and Nigeling of Ok ^homa Ctly. Each team garnered only six hits. Baker's excellently-hurled game for Dallas was approached only by the vicious hitting of the Steers Stroner led the attack with three hits and Mcsolf and Harvel got two each. In only three Innings did Baker fac- more than three men. VJ|cent homered as he got five hit^r. five times up during the slut - gins Tulsa-Beaumont game, and Shoap of Tulsa cracked out three for three. The Exporters picked up 12 hits and the Oilers 16 Mercedes Victor (Special to The Herald) MERCEDES. Aug. 13 —The Mer cedes Lions defeated the Santa Rosa nine in a fast game cf baseball on the Mercedes diamond Sunday afternoon in a score of 5 to 4. Mer cedes had six strikeouts, one eror, with Truasell as pitcher and Etnire. catcher. Santa Rosa. 7 strikeouts. 3 errcrs Weaver wis pitcher and Dilg. catcher The score: MERCEDES AB R H O A AB R H O A Cele . 4 2 0 2 0 Galvan . 4 12 0 0 Conde . 3 110 2 Trussel . 4 0 0 2 6 Green. 4 0 2 1 1 Mitchell . 3 12 2 3 Ctmillo. 4 0 0 4 4 Etnire . 4 0 0 6 1 Smith . 3 0 1 10 2 Total .. 33 5 8 27 19 AB R H O A SANTA ROSA AB R H O A Ros® . 4 0 12 3 Urbauer . 4 1 2 1 4 Reuter . 4 117 0 Sutherland . 4 1 1 1 1 Weaver . 4 0 0 0 1 ■tteh .>. 4 12 2 2 Dillt.4 0 1 8 2 Sonpin . 4 0 0 J 0 ting . 2 0 0 1 0 5ox . 1 0 1 1 0 Totals . 35 4 9 24 13 Band Concert The 12th Cavalrv band will pre kenr a concert Tuesday at Port F.inwn at 7 p m under the direc Ition of W. O. Archambault, con ductor. T3i» procram will be as follows: |t<9fn "Skip Along": Overture. "Odeon": Jazz Pox Trot, “Tiger Rap”; Slavonic Dances. "Number 7 * 8”: Festival March. “The Gov •inor”: Pox Trot. "I’m Going Slum ping With You”: Selection. "The Sr ring Maid’’: March Finale, "Our Glorious Emblem ” Blffmann — TONIGHT — “The Most Precious Thing In Life” with JFAN ARTHUR DONALD COOK From the McCall magazine story by Travis Ingram NEWS — CARTOON Admission 10c ^—... Mercedes Beats McAllen In Tourney Semi-Finals VALLEYWIDE TOURNEY Resalt Monday Mercedes 8, McAllen 6. Coming Games Semi-Final—San Benito vs. Ed inburg. Final Thursday—Meroedes vs. San Benlto-Edlnburg winner. SAN BENITO. Aug. IS.— With the Borchelt Brother leading the way. the Mercedes entry scrapped its way into the finals of the Valley-Wide Playground Ball tournament "ten” 8-6 in a contest which kept the fans or. an edge. The Queen City boys jumped Into the lead in the second frame by scoring one tally, and McAllen came back to knot the count In the fourth. In the fifth Mercedes apparently ran off with the game by scoring five tallies, but McAllen came right back to knot the oount In the fourth. In the fifth Meroedes apparently ran off with the game by scoring five tallies, but McAllen came right back with five more in the sixth to knot the count once more. The Mercedes pastlmers ended the scor ing In the last half of the sixth by pushing over the two winning count ers. The remainder of the game was scoreless. The tournament will be resumed Tuesday night with San Benito and Eg inburg tangling in the semi finals. The Mercedes aggregation will meet the San Beni to-Edinburg win ner Thursday night in the finals. Efforts are being made to have the final a three-game affair, but ne grtiatioos have not been completed The Monday box: MCALLEN— ABRHO AE B Yoder, ss. 4 1 1 J 5 1 Hambrick, If. 4 0 0 1 0 0 Brown. 2b . 4 114 4 0 O. Sellers, lb.3 1 2 6 1 0 Jackson, cf-3b ... 4 0 1 1 1 2 M. Sellers, sc .... 3 1 1 1 0 Scoggins, sc-rf ..411200 N. Yoder, 3b.2 1 1 0 0 0 J. Hambrick, sc .. 2 0 0 0 0 0 D. Yoder, c . 4 0 1 6 0 0 Fox p . 2 1 1 0 1 0 Rucker, p . 2 0 0 0 0 0 Totals . 38 6 10 24 12 4 MERCEDES AB R H O A E C. Borchelt. cf ... 4 1 3 2 0 1 T. J. Mitchell, ss .. 4 1 0 2 7 2 E Mltchefl, sc ... 4 0 1 0 1 0 Green, 2b . 4 0 0 6 4 0 Smith, lb . 3 1 2 15 0 1 Kveton, c . 4 0 2 0 0 0 Etnire, rf . 4 0 1 1 0 0 Garner, If....4 2 2 0 0 0 Harrell. 3b . 4 1115 0 E Borchelt, p .... 3 2 2 0 0 0 Totals .... 38 8 14 27 17 4 Bv innings: McAllen VT.. 000 105 000-« Mercedes ... 010 052 00*—8. 3B Hit—Smith 2B Hits—Brown and G. Borchelt. Earned Runs—Mc Allen 3. Mercedes 4. Double Plays— Harrel to Green to Smith (2>. Left cn Bases—McAllen 8. Mercedes 7. pitching Records—Borchelt allowed 10 hits, and walked three in nine innings; Fox allowed ten hits, struck out one and walked one; Rucker allowed four hits, struck out one. Umpires—Lee. Wallace and Yeoman. Scorer—Pickens. Yankees Hold to League Lead by Beating Kiwis PLAYGROUND BALL Monday—Ft. Brown 13, Kiwanla 3 Standing* Team— W. L. Pet. Fort Brown . 3 0 1.000 Eagles . 2 0 100(3 Pan-American . 1 1 MO Elkt . 1 1 -500 Fc'.elstein . 0 1 .000 K.wanis . 0 2 MO Goodyear . 0 2 .000 Coming Games Wednesday—Elks at Eagles. Friday—Edelstein at Goodyear. The Fort Brown Yanks fattened their position at the head of the Brownsville Playground Ball League Monday night by measuring the Kiwanla 13-3 in a ragged contest San Benito And McAllen Netters To Play Sunday (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO. Aug. 13 —The com bined talent cf the Harlingen and San Benito tennis courts will be pit ted against McAllen netters on the local courts Sunday. Local netters lost at McAllen re cently and Harlingen players with the aid of Frit* Ball of Brownsville, made almost a clean sweep of matches played here Sunday. Har lingen players also were victorious in most of the matches played here two weeks ago. Sunday's matches were so close that there was not time left play the doubles. Results were as follows: O. L. Lee. Harlingen defeated L. H. Warburton. 4-6, 6-4, 8-6; Harry Eag lestcn. Harlingen, defeated Robert Blckle. 7-5. 6-2; Gillespie, Harlingen, defeated Grantham. Rio Hondo. 6-4. 4-6, 6-2; Frit* Ball, Brownsville, defeated Garza. 4-6. 6-3. 6-4; Harlan Baker. San Benito, defeated Warren Datz. 6-3. 6-4. Darkness haltad the Junior sin gles match between Dwight Day. San Benito snd Eddie Eagleston. Harlingen, with Day taking the first set 7-5, and Eagleston the second Cups On Display (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO. Aug. 13—The cups to be awarded winners in the Ki wanis invitation softball tournament new under way here are on display in window* of McFaddens Jewelry Store. The cup to be awarded the cham pions was purchased by the Klwanls i Club and the cup to be given the runners-up was donated by McFad den's. The tournament will continue Tuesday night with San Benito play ing Edinburg. The championship game will be played Thursday night Blue Star Kills The Itch Germs To gat rid of iteh. rash, Uttar, fool Itch, ringworm or ecaeina, cover with soothing Bine Star Ointment which contains tested medicine that melts, •oaks in quickly and kills the itch. Money back if first Jar fails. Cool Gulf Breezes Are Invigorating at DEL MAR BEACH BATHING AND FISHING AT ITS BEST Cottages can be rented by the day, week, month or week-end. Special low rates for mid-week sojourns at Del Mar. Spend a Day, Week or Week-End « DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT For Your Health’* Sake Come to Del Mar t marred by 12 mlscues. The civic [clubbers were guilty of ten errors, 'and the Soldiers let two fielding opportunities get away from them. The Yankees did not have to hustle to make 13 runs on 14 hits and ten Kiwis errors. Szpelnski scat tered ten hits well and had good support afield. Sgt. Szpelnski took honors with the willow, getting three safe smacks in five trips, including a home run in the seventh. The box: PORT BROWN— AB R H O A E Gray, 3b. 5 1 1 0 2 1 j*llen. ss . 5 2 0 5 0 0 Szpelnski. p . 5 2 3 0 5 0 [Norwood, lb . 6 1 1 5 0 1 Langley, cf . 5 2 2 2 2 0 Rivera, c.4 2 2 8 0 0 OPry, rf . 5 0 1 1 0 0 Harmon. If . 5 1 12 0 0 Knapp. 2b . 3 2 1 2 1 0 Satchell. sc . 5 0 2 3 2 0 Totals. 48 13 14 26 10 2 K1WANIS— AB R H O A E Santiago, If . 3 0 1 0 0 1 Jennings, 2b . 4 0 0 0 3 4 3. King, p-lb .... 4 116 5 2 Pate, cf . 4 0 2 1 0 0 Pipkin 3b . 4 0 0 4 2 1 Hlnkley, rf . 4 1 2 0 0 1 Puckett, lb-p .... 3 0 1 7 0 0 Cadena. ss . 4 1 2 5 2 1 Galloway, c . 3 0 0 1 0 0 Calderoni. sc .... 4 0 1 3 0 0 Totals .... 37 3 10 27 12 10 By innings: Ft. Brown . 012 121 600—13. KiwanLs . 000 ICO 200—3. Runs Batted In—O’Pry. Langley 2. Allen. Pate. Harmon. Gray. Szpeinskl 3. Rivera, Cadena and Santiago. 2B Hit—Knapp. Pate and Rivera. Home Run—Szpeinski.. Stol en Bases—Satchell. Left on Bases— Fort Brown 15. Kiwanls 10. Double Piav—Satchell to Rivera. Pitching Records—Szpeinskl allowed 10 hits, struck out five and walked three in nine Innings: King allowed eight hits, struck out none and walked six in six lnnigs; Puckett allowed six hits, struck out one and walked one in three innings. Umpires—Mc Intosh, J. C. Jeanes and Loya Scor er—Gumpher. Hard Battle Is Expected From British Stars NEW YORK, Aug. 13. UP*—'The feeling at Forest Hills where the British and American Wightman cup teams are practicing for their matches on Friday and Saturday is that the British are going to make a real light this year. Helen Jacobs. America’s No. 1 player and three times national champion, was of the opinion that the chances were 50-50 that the United States would turn back the invaders. •’They are really good this time,” she said. On the other hand, Dorothy Round, the English star, refused to admit that England had no hopes. She parried questions with: *Tt doesn't do to discuss chances be fore a match. It might bring bad luck. The British team will present a lineup taken entirely from its first ten—Miss Round, No. 1; Katherine Stammers, No. 3, Mrs. Phyllis Mud ford King. No. 4; Freda James, No. 5; Nancy Lyle, No. 6, and Evelyn Dearman, No. 10. Nominations for the American’s singles and doubles play will be made Wednesday. WALLY BERGER IS TOP R Playing With tha Braves, Hit Hits Meaning Little (By Ths Associated Frees) Playing with s hopelessly out classed ball club—the Boston Braves —has not dimmed the batting eye of Wally Berger cm- killed his spirit. Many a manager has watched his team take the Boston tail-enders over the hurdles, seen Wally follow the dribblers to the plate and mace one out of the park, and sighed, “if I only had him.” Berger has collected 25 home runs, 22 doubles and four triples. I'e leads the league In the number of runs driven In with 95. Berger had a field day against .he Brooklyn Dodgers Sunday, to tal ng 13 bases in nine times at bat. E'even bases came in the first game of the doubleheader when he hit a homer with the bases crowded, a triple and two doubles. The Braves lost both games. Casey Stengel, tha Dodgers pilot, sat In the dugout and mused aloud, lie was thinking of the fellow who ha£ hit more homers than all the Brooklyn outfielders put together. “A guy like that cm this ball team," sa'd Casey, “would make Mrs. Sten etl’s son very happy and the op ponent's v«7 sad. That’s our big trouble. We haven’t a fellow who can get up there in the pinches and hit one out of the lot.” Only one game was played in the major leagues Monday. The Pitts burgh Pirates cut the Braves’ run for bogey honors a bit when they defeated the seventh place Cincin nati Reds 7-4. The Pirates collected 14 hits from four Cincinnati hurl ere as they won the series, three games to two. The Weather East Texas (east of 100th meri dian): Partly cloudy Tuesday night and Wednesday. Moderate southerly winds on the coast. RIVER BULLETIN The river will change little or rise very slightly practically all along during the next 24 to 36 hours. Flood Present 24-Hr. 24-Hr. Stage Stage Chang. Rain Laredo 27 3.7 0.0 .00 Rio Grande 21 4.6 +0.3 .00 Hidalgo 21 5.2 +0.3 00 Mercedes 21 6.9 +0 2 .00 Brownsville 18 6.2 -rO.3 .00 TIDE TABLE High and low tide at Port Isabel Wednesday, under normal meteor ological conditions: High . 4:39 a. m. 2:10 p. m Low.9:23 a. m. 9.29 p. m. _ MISCELLANEOUS DATA Sufiset Tuesday . 7:08 Sunrise Wednesday . 8:02 - WEATHER SUMMARY Barometric pressure was relative ly high over practically the entire United States Tuesday morning, and relatively low over southern Can ada. Over the Gulf of Mexico and the West Indies there was apparent ly no change In the pressure since Monday morning. Numerous show ers and thunderstorms occurred in th central and south-central states during the last 24 hours. Amounts were heavy to excessive in several places, and Carlo, HI., reported 3.76 inches. Brownsville 7 a. m. (CUT) sea level pressure 29.92 inches. BULLETIN (First figure*, loweet temperature last night: second, highest yesterday; third wind velocity at 8 a. m.; fourth, prec ipitation in last 24 hours). Abilene . 74 98 .. .01 Amarillo . 64 86 ,.%00 Atlanta . 70 96 .. .00 Austin . 76 96 .. .00 Bcston . 66 84 18 .00 BROWNSVILLE ... 79 91 .. .00 Br’ville Airport. 77 93 .. .00 Chicago . 66 86 .. .00 Cleveland . 70 92 10 .01 Corpus Christ!. 80 90 .. .00 Dallas . 74 96 12 .00 Del Rio. 76 96 10 .00 Denver . 60 82 .. .00 Dodge City . 5« 83 .. .00 El Paso .72 96 12 .01 Port Smith . 72 100 .. .26 Houston . 78 92 .. .20 Jacksonville. 74 90 .. .00 Kansas City. 60 86 .. .02 Los Angeles. 68 92 .. .00 Louisville . 70 94 .. .48 Memphis . 72 92 .. .06 Miami . 74 86 10 1.86 Minneapolis . 62 78 .. .00 New Orleans. 78 86 .. 26 North Platte. 56 78 .. .00 Oklahoma City .... 70 102 .. .06 Palestine . 74 96 .. .00 Pensacola. 74 86 .. 1.66 Phoenix . 80 104 .. .00 St. Louis . 66 96 .. .60 Salt Lake City. 56 88 .. .00 San Antonio. 76 96 .. .00' Santa Pe . 54 78 .. .01 Sheridan . 46 84 .. .00 Shreveport.. 74 96 .. .06 Tampa . 74 88 .. "6 Vicksburg . 72 90 .. .28 Washington . 72 90 .. .00 Wllliston . 56 78 .. .00 Wilmington. 74 90 .. .00 Wlnnemucca . 44 94 .. .00 The earth travels 1,598.000 miles a day. or 583.670,000 miles a year., In its journey around the sun. MARKED BY THE KILLER In this scene from Paramount's “College Scandal” which comes Wed nesday and Thursday at the Capitol, Brownsville, Eddie Nugent who is reclining on the couch has just been saved from the campus killer. Kent Ta>*r is at the left. William Frawley wears the puzzled expres sion and Arline Judge is attempting to comlort Nugent. ‘RECKLESS’ AT THE QUEEN Jean Harlow and William Powell In “Reckless", with Franchot Tone, showing Wednesday and Thursday at the Queen Theatre, Brownsville. Famous Dance Team Appearing At Club Roy Je (Special to The Herald) McALLEN. Aug. 13—The famous Allen Sisters dance team just ar rived at Club Royale, after having closed a successful five week en gagement at the Aim os club, San Antonio. The Allen Sisters have danced at night clubs and on vau deville stage from coast to cor|t. and Club Royale feels fortunate in being able to present them. They will dance at two floor shows each night this week This attraction in addition to Gloria and Alevia—the dancing team from Houston who drew large crowds last week and by popular demand were held over to appear before the Club Royale crowds this week. Tommy Ware and his darrin® partner will present dance nu? I I at the floor show so that Club Ro yale’s floor show this week will be one of the finest and most specta cular ever staged in the Valley. Hy Manning and his band proved themselves very popular with the dancing public last week and will continue this week. Club Royale has presented a new feature in that they are now serv ing both steak and chicken dinners every morning after 7 o’clock and are now giving nightly dances every day except Sunday and Monday nights. Building Remodeled SAN BENITO. Aug. 13— Entire front of the building occupied by the Michel Pharmacy and lobby of the San Benito hotel is being stuc coed and will be made to conform with remainder of the Hinkly-Sub lett Building occupied by the Val ley Waffle Shop and Penney’s. Cltt* *5*58? and (Fxtraordin»r>' two n°°r \ (E . «neSt 1*** Sh°tt V00 ^ *• . iht soutd * WJ** and one at '_ «tgW*- \ ^iunction * U;10 P. *• ^ Saturday »* 111 conWn u^t. ^^sday. *‘nday CUaW shows eacn dnesdayt Tnxu -,1 - ShOV* Tuesday.w • T\\C r‘°°r 4 Fea^otA. and \ OI^OKIA aa»w dWJCI3 ^ *: , EN SISTERS THt dm»c«rs \ “^^HELEN E<* TOMMV Efjt- «"* \ ChicVen 7 >00 P- M _ \ POP^^Re9erv»tton **». *W; • ' BROWNS AID TO DETROIT “-. Hornsby** Directing League Race From Position In Cellar CHICAGO, Aug. 13.—MP)— They i didn’t call Rogers Hornsby the “Rpjah" for nothing. All washed up as the Rajah of batsmen, he's the dictator supreme, so It seems, of the 1935 American league pennant race with his base of operations in the Cellar, a cellar loaded with dynamite. It Is doubtful whether any man ager of a last place club, excepting George Stallings of the Boston Braves of 1914. ever wielded as much Influence on s pennant race as has the Rajah, As pilot of the lowly Browns, he has: Paved the road to the i>p for Detroit, losing 13 out of 16 games to the pennant bound Tigers. Opened the door to first place for the same Tigers by whipping the Yankees (and his old enemy of Chi cago Cub days, Joe McCarthy) three out of four and softening them up for the on rushing Tigers. Traded plenty of players, but none of them to the Yankees or Tigers. Blasted the pennant dream of the1 Chicago White Sox by winning three and tying one In their last four game series when the White Sox were within striking distance of the lead. The defeats sent the men of Dykes on a losing streak that total ed 10 Tuesday. Halted the winning streak of John Whitehead. White Sox rookie pitch ing star, at eight and sent him off on a long Iodine: streak. And yet. the Browns. 294 games away from the top Tuesday and 74 games away from seventh place, held a winning edge over only one team—the Red Sox. whom they have defeated six times In 11 games. Thev have won only 35 games out of 100 played, yet they have done more damage to flag hopes than an army of chinch bugs on a good Iowa farm er's crops. Dr. Pepper Company Buys Fair Contract (Special to The Herald) DALLAS. Aug. 13 —For $10,000 In cash and an agreement to return 15 per cent of Its gross receipts to the. exposition management. Dr. Pepper Company Thursday was granted a contract to operate twen ty soft drink stands at the Centen u'a1 Exposition. “We will build twenty stands at various points on the grounds” said S. L. Brown, vice president of tne Dr. Pepper Company. "Each stand will be ornamental and will cost around $1,000.” Nat D. Rogers represented the exposition in the deal, and the Dr. Pepper Company was represented by Mr. Brown. W. S. Kilboum and J. C. Massenburg. TEXAS LEAGUE Team- W L Pot Oklahoma CUy . 74 M Ml Beaumont . 71 M JM Lralveston.. 70 It Ml Tulsa . 01 13 J37 Houston. 04 07 .4tt Ban Antonio ........ 01 00 .4tt Fort Worth .M 73 .430 Dallas . M 74 .411 Tulsa 12; Beaumont 2. Oklahoma City 2-2; Baa Antonia 4-2. Port Worth 1-2; Houston B-B. Dallas 8; Oalvastoa 1. Games Tuesday Oklahoma City at Oalvastoa (2 night*. Port Worth at Beaumont (2 day) Tulsa at Houston (night). Dallas at San Antonio (night). AMERICAN LEAGUE Team— W L Pet. Detroit . 86 27 J41 New York . 59 42 JB4 Chicago .. 62 47 128 Boston . 64 40 J24 Cleveland .......... 61 81 JBB Philadelphia . 43 64 .442 Washington . 44 69 .427 St. Louis . 36 6s 360 Monday’s Recalls No games scheduled Boston at Chicago. New York at Cleveland. Washington at Detroit. . Philadelphia at at. Louis. NATIONAL LEAGUE Team— W L Pet. New York . 67 36 .636 St. Louis . 64 40 J12 Chicago . 67 42 JQ6 Pittsburgh . 56 51 £26 Philadelphia . 46 56 .462 Brooklyn . 46 57 .457 Cincinnati . 47 61 .426 Boston . 26 76 iSf Monday’s Results Pittsburgh 7: Ctndnnll 4. Only game scheduled Games Tuesday No games scheduled_ — TUESDAY LAST DAY — “Orchids To You" Jean Muir — John Mas Every Night Is a Big Night (fW*®*/